If these "vaccines" were sterilizing--if they actually stopped spread--then maybe we could have a legitimate debate about personal freedom versus societal responsibility. (I would still come down on the side of freedom.) But they aren't, and they don't, so the point is moot.

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Exactly. There's no community benefit to me getting jabbed so I don't have to think about anybody but myself when it comes to the jab.

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98.9 % survival rate...

That's our answer...

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under 65 and not obese/metabolic cripple .9996 survival.

that is why they scare you with hospital census.

last night the 'child abuse by vaccine propganda' ad during ncis said 'kids in hospital tripled', not saying over a tiny amount from the depth of a seasonal soft spot.....

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You reversed digits. 99.8. And for most of us, 99.9++

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Higher than that, boss.

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Way higher for younger and healthy

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Weird how Obama and the other leaders never seem to have to give up THEIR rights for the greater good. Wonder why that is.

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Or get sick …

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The only person that I know who has died during this "pandemic" died from getting the J+J shot. I must not know enough people. My mother is 85 and got COVID. She was sick for 2 days and got better.

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Local small town mayor, quite obese, survived over a year fine, got the vax and died 4 days later.

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I don't know anyone who died from covid, but my SIL had a stroke and brain hemorrhage after the 2nd shot. #SCIENCE

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Ran into an acquaintance today. Works at BIW & elderly mother moved in with her, so got the shots. She just finished concurrent chemo & radiation following removal of large brain tumor. The other 2 tumors are sitting on her spine so inoperable. Glioblastoma. Drs reporting massive increase in cancers & other opportunistic diseases following jab 1. CD8 levels plummet.

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I know a few on both sides of the ledger but I wonder why one side is accepted as tragic fact and the other is accepted as coincidence alone.

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I'm starting to get excited about how much further and faster they're going to push this. Maybe we get to the fun part before I'm too old and my reaction time is too slow.

C'mon, Fauci. Let's just skip to the end already. You're an old man- don't you want to enjoy seeing how it all turns out before you go? The burn pits, the camps, the labs, the black sites? Give yourself one last nice big erection before you die- just turn to the last page in the binder and let 'er rip already. Maybe you can enjoy a year or two as Acting Commander of the North America Health Region before you age out. Let's move it along.

I'm getting bored.

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Surely there’s faster better ways?

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Not unless the killers don’t mind us working it out! We might object...

This way, the majority will keep doing what they’re told, even if deaths soar, provided the media kept telling them why it’s happening.

It’ll be lies of course.

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Those filthy unvaccinated, impersonating military police and shooting people in their homes.

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They definitely are looking for obedience. I would think this has also been beneficial for the social security/Medicare outlook.Look at all of the folks they no longer have to fund. Obese, diabetic, aged, gone. If Dr. Zelenko is right, and the vaxed will all be gone in 1-2 years, it will further their agenda even more.

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Dr Yeadon,

I’m not vaccinated because of you. So thank you. With the depopulation stuff my issue with it is that even x needs his proctologist, plumber, dentist or whoever. I say this only half believing it myself.

Can you think of a benign’ reason as to why this might be happening? Fear? Group think etc etc.

Best of luck to you and thank you once again

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Glad if I’ve helped anyone. Such heartening no k mmi

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Not if you want to keep your hands at least partially on the wheel for what power structure you have afterwards. A big "blow everyone up" solution just gets you Mad Max anarchy, which would only be fun for people like me, and only for a little while.

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Depopulate just “the west?” Who is taking the most shots? Israel, Europe, US and the British “Commonwealth.” Not Russia. Not China. Not India. Not Africa. Sounds a lot like we’re in war.

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I’m afraid you are misinformed. They’re perhaps on a slower track, but they are getting their economies destroyed “because of the virus” & slowly getting vaccinated.

Obviously it’s viral to take down the liberal democracies first.

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it is communism, if branch covidian don't get 'er done there is branch carbon zealotry.....

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I would classify it as fascism, because they’re not trying to take over the big corporations—they’re colluding with them in an unholy alliance. They’re even attempting to co-opt smaller companies through their vaccine mandates.

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I’d describe it as totalitarianism. Not a single part of our lives is to be untouched.

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By the way, Dr. Yeadon, I’ve really enjoyed listening to some of your interviews and greatly appreciate your courage and clarity in speaking out. On behalf of free people the world over, I thank you.

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True. But it’s a specific type of totalitarianism. Call it corporatism, if you like—which was actually Mussolini’s preferred term for fascism, and what fascism became known as post-WW2, when the term “fascism” was no longer acceptable. It is a joint venture between Big Government and Big Business (in this case, Big Tech and Big Pharma) to oppress the people. The government gets power, the corporations get rich. It’s a win-win—for them, not for us. We get screwed.

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I'm from the Europe and am baffled by American preponderance to label the Fascism (a powerful authoritarian capitalist elite with little regard for the welfare of the masses) on display with regard to COVID vaccination as communism / socialism. I mean in actual effect some of the most socialist economies in Europe (Scandinavian) are the least COVID oppressive. Can an American explain why everything they disagree with is 'communism'?

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They are indeed “capitalists” in the Marxist (and therefore negative) sense of that term. That’s why we conservatives should be talking about free markets, not capitalism. Capitalism is for capitalists—people with significant capital beyond their own labor. Free markets are free for everyone.

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There is no such thing as a free market. All buy / sell transactions are regulated to a greater or lesser extent. The debate is really the degree of regulation. Different economic systems / theories posit differing regulations in the interests of various sections of society.

I think a mixed model is best such as the Scandinavian model. Still don't understand how multinational capitalist corporations that have captured the levels of government for their own financial gain is 'communism '. Any takers?

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I noticed that every single covid nazi I’ve blocked on Facebook is an overweight diabetic.

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With pronouns.

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Lol. Naw. I’be never been friends with pronouners. I even have a friend who is a trans-woman and she doesn’t advertise that she goes by she.

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What a liar. This pandemic has not killed 'millions of people' in the USA. I think it's now 700,000, if you can even believe those numbers. And NO... it's never okay to give up our right to make sovereign decisions about our bodies. This man is a tool. Just look at his eyes. He knows he's just lying his ass off. The mRNA vaccines are clearly failing, and he's doing all he can to herd the sheeple to get vaxxed anyway. He plays his role well. But he is a serious Liar.

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Meanwhile nearly 6,000,000 Americans have died since the start of covid......

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Please examine the number you posted. It is way off. You posted 6 million. 700,000 deaths are claimed from Covid-19. Not 6 million.

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I didn't say anything about covid. Roughly 3,000,000 Americans die every year. Almost 6,000,000 since the start of this mess in 2019. So just over 10% of our deaths in the last two years have been covid-positive.

What percentage of the population has had covid, I wonder? Wouldn't you expect that if 10% of your population has a virus, 10% of your deaths would have that virus too -- even if it had nothing at all to do with what killed them?

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He didn't say 6 million died from covid. He means total. In two years.

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Excuse me please. Check you're info. It is claimed that 700,000 have died from Covid-19 PERIOD.. This covers the entire period of time that Covid has been an issue... okay ? Look it up.

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That's three times you've been rude while also being the one who doesn't understand the thread. Heal thyself.

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I thought the thread was about Fauci's comments, where he talks about sacrificing for the common good (in the USA) and then says that millions have died. A seriously misleading comment. But not surprising. Fauci has nothing too say that really supports the mRNA vaccines any longer, except to drive greater vaccinations with fear. I also seems strange to state that 'nearly 6 million Americans have died since the start of covid...' and not expect it to be interpreted as referring to deaths from covid. Especially given the context.

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Please reread my comment. I'm being nice because I'm drunk and in the middle of bowling.

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A pandemic of PCR CT > 30. RIP Kary Mullis.

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Trump can never be forgiven for unleashing this little Bolshevik on our society.

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I still don't fucking get that, myself. How the hell did Trump's ego (I didn't hate the guy, btw) allow a little spotlight-hog Mengele like this in his orbit?

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Because behind his bluster and physical mania was a deep intellectual laziness. It cost him the presidency.

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As someone who voted for him... well said.

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I voted for him twice and went to 2 Stop the Steal rallies on the natl mall. But we must be honest. He wasn't that great and he panicked during his hour of crisis in March 2020. We deal with the legacy of that.

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Preach, brother. I understand that there is a cult of personality around him, and I find that discomforting even as I understand what he meant to people without hope.

I found him, like anyone I've ever voted for, a flawed human whose stated agenda best matched my interests and my hopes for the country.

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Par for the course. The last President who would have fired Fauci was maybe Eisenhower.

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To be fair, hindsight is 20/20. Consider that Fauci seemed reasonably sensible things at first (e.g. his early comments against masking). He didn't fully go off the lunatic authoritarian deep end until after the election. And that's a function of toadying to the new boss, not conviction. You don't get to be an agency director for four decades across six administrations by having convictions.

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Now do Fauci's AIDS handling 35 years ago.

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Fauci's been around for a long time! He's behind all the gain of function research that created this virus. Not Trump's fault.

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the problem is the "temporary suspension of rights" never seem to be given back. AND they then seem to start applying these suspensions to adjacent matters until many more things end up being sucked in.

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Meanwhile, I continue getting felt up by TSA agents every time I fly, which hasn't been for about two years because I refuse to wear a mask.

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yep...all the stuff put in place after 911 was supposed to be temporary and look how that turned out.

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I strongly recommend you watch this presentation by Dr. Peter McCullough, MD, from a few days ago.


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Thanks for posting this. I've kept an eye on Dr. McCullough's public work over the course of this whole clusterf**k, and it is interesting to see the development of his position/opinion. Same goes for the bad cat and others who have taken time to advocate for the Good.

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So my spouse lost his job last month due to not having the vaccine. Now, my employer is requiring it by December or I will lose my job. We can't both be without employment as we have a family and all the usual bills (mortgage). This is so frustrating and appalling!

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He is the WORST public health official ever. If you wanted to convince people not to do something, his messaging would be just the thing. He really is a learned incompetent.

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Saint Faucis of A-Sissy - The patron Saint of the weak, the meek and the mildly incontinent. He will burn in hell for his part in all of this and that's coming from a non religious person!

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Fauci's boss is on the same page. In an interview on Fox news (which was spawned because of his sudden resignation after 12 years head of NIH) he had identical talking point when asked about "vaccine mandates" .... the whole... "for the greater good". This is becoming surreal, this forced vaccine stance is the slipperiest slope that can be imagined. We are in deep deep trouble here, especially when you take look at Moderna's investor news, the mRNA they have planned for us all is endless. How close are we to FEMA camps and some 3 letter agency holding us and children down to force this technology into our bodies? This daily stress is becoming near debilitating, the thoughts of "going postal" on these tyrants are starting to seep in.

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going postal is inevitable, they cannot stop themselves so we have to do it for them, the totalitarian mindset does not allow for this.

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Mr. Fauci doesn't impress you as someone who gives up his right to make his own decisions.

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He looked like he enjoyed that unmasked ball game last year.

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He gets to make our own decisions, too.

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Fun thing about living in a bedroom suburb for gentry liberal DC bureaucrats is their complete lack of self-awareness. They're convinced they've got all the answers. They're completely unaware that many people don't even agree with them about the nature of the problem. And they genuinely don't seem conscious of the fact that their solution is always more money, power, and status to... people like them.

Well, "fun" may not be the right word, but it has a certain grim comedy value.

The vibe is a bit like antebellum plantation masters who genuinely can't fathom why their field-hands keep shirking and trying to run away. Since the obvious answer is unthinkable, they have to come up with hilariously obtuse alternative explanations (cf. drapetomania). And like any aristocrats, they get VERY angry and frustrated when their status and authority is not respected.

The tantrums are what make it so fun to disrespect it.

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This is Dr McCullough, good listening as well : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1cFoHp4buZQ

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Dr Fauci .. Salesman-In-Chief

.. Tony's 2021 big pharma bonus is gonna be lit .. can't wait for him to tell us all how much

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It seems like the only rationale for continuing the mandatory vaccination program is to allow vaccinated people to get a less severe form of illness and then develop natural immunity. This would be a logic that might be understood in an Orwellian world but couldn't possibly be confessed by politicos and bureaucrats in DC and Blue statehouses.

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Yikes, sounds like Jim Jones. Fauci kool-aid

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the good of the many only counts in star trek, with vulcans......

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Have you looked at this study? https://newsinhealth.nih.gov/2021/10/covid-19-vaccines-prevented-nearly-140000-us-deaths ? I'm curious how they came up with the #.

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I may be forced to get the jab—since I still need a job. Im running out of chances to take the J&J one and done shot—I figure it is the weakest and at least it’s not mRNA. Plus it’s probably expired. If I hold out as long as possible it will be Pfizer, no other choices. I’m 50, had covid last year. Healthy. Not obese. Don’t need the damn thing. But…should I get JJ while I have the chance? Or wait it out?

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Stay strong. Freedom simply does not happen without accepting hardship, sacrifice, and risk. There are a million good excuses why anyone is "forced" to do something.

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My spouse is strong. But I’m the sort of person who always puts extra money in the parking meter, just in case. I worry the shots will kill us and I worry I’ll be homeless and jobless. And then sent to a gulag. It’s a lot of worry.

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I definitely understand your feelings- damned if you do, damned if you don't. But that very dark position can also be very liberating- if you can't "win," you can do what you think is right.

I wish you good luck making a difficult choice. Be prepared to live with it, whatever it is- this is the responsibility of being a free and sovereign being.

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I'm waiting. My company is in full on schizophrenic mode right now - vaccines are required, but they can't ask your vaccination status, they will have a policy but nothing is written down and they don't know when that will be. We're all WFH until January, so they're spinning their wheels trying to figure out what to do.

I'm going to wait and hope this blows over (or blows up) before then.

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Be forearmed with all possible options such as threat of personal law suit, religious exemption, etc.

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Another strategy is to get your employer to engage in an open dialog with all employees, or at least have them make available a forum where the safety and efficacy of the vaccines based on available data out of various countries can be discussed.

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Yeah. Same here. “Guidance is coming!” They say. We’re all permanently work from gone as home as of last year. 13,000 of us. And 3000 aren’t vaxxed. Are they going to fire 20% of the workforce? Grant 3,000 waivers? Or what? They don’t know.

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I honestly don’t see how—in light their pitiful performance, likelihood they’re already causing ADE, and well-documented adverse effects—they can continue to demand the administration of these shots. They should be sued into oblivion.

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I’d wait and see if this house of cards won’t fall before long. Then I’d present my best case for natural immunity. I know I sound like a dinosaur for suggesting there’s such a thing as real biology, but it beats the jab. Here’s a good paper on why they should not require it: https://medium.com/gigaohm-biological/5-concerns-about-sars-cov2-biology-a-call-to-pause-deliberate-and-revise-policy-493d18bdd826

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Given that there are still docs out there who know what a crock the shots are, you'd think at least a few would be willing to jab you with some saline instead, and call it a day.

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Yep. Theyre probably all in NY and LA. But I think the gov relies on clerks at the CVS anyway. We need a GD Underground Railroad to a friendly Walgreens somewhere.

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What about a fake card? Has anyone entered one into a company's system yet? United Airlines employees, etc. How are they being verified? How "good" is optical-character recognition technology? Any companies using that?

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We need real cards and real shots, but the needle just didn’t go in, for some reason. Lol!

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"Hey, this says "lemonade"... where did he go?"

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I suspect most employers would be satisfied with a show of plausible deniability and not dig unless it was the kind of place with a strong political interest.

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Agreed. It would be helpful to VeryVer and others if someone could "attest" to the system to check is as much of a joke as the rest of the bureaucratic state, both corporate and government.

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I can neither confirm nor deny that official pdf images of the vax card can be found in various places online, theoretically printed onto cardstock, and competed using batch numbers depicted in virtue signaling selfies nationwide.

I am not endorsing or advising this activity. But that's how it would work.

It is also, in principle, a felony to falsify documents depicting a federal agency's logo.

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&j used a virus to present dna that causes the immune response, slightly less bad data than the mrna, bc it is less studied than mrna therapies.

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Yeah. I figure it’s just less used and studied, but not necessarily safer.

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