remember when people actually understood that "brave new world" was intended to be horrifying dystopian fiction?

when did it become a social aspiration?

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About the same time that 1984 and Animal Farm became a how-to guide.

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I'm kind of impressed at how reality has taken all the dystopian novels and combined them.

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These people are psychotic, plain and simple.

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Neurotic, for certain.

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Would want no part of the Brave New World.


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the moment we got there. now shut up, take your soma, and enjoy the new world.... ;)

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I am not a big partygoer myself, but I think that Jessica might consider bringing something much stronger than wine as a gift if she expects the host to be able to put up with her.

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These are probably the host's rules. Everybody wants to be in the Kewl Kids Safety is Rad club.

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I recently attended a wedding where the invitation requested everyone be "fully vaccinated at least two weeks prior to the reception".

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“Dead or injured vaccinees not welcome”.

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I won't go to anything that requires vaccine.

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I went partially due to a curiosity to see who was there. Many of my coworkers are professionals, and as such took the jab very early on, and so protection has waned long since then.

Anyone out for C19 in our workplace is announced in confidential emails. The emails also cite vaccination status. All but one or possibly two of them in the last 6 months have been "fully vaccinated".

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another anecdote: Just attended a wedding in central VA. Nothing about vax or pcr in the invite. Masks were provided at check in (monogrammed with initials of bride and groom) with a printed request 'please use masks'. ~10 of the 100 in attendance donned masks. I used mine in lieu of a handkerchief in my jacket pocket.

Most of the wedding party and guests were at the edge of, or past a healthy BMI.

I'm ~recently J&J vax'd, but it's not changed my risk calculation

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We've been invited to a memorial gathering for a friend. His wife sent out invitations to come and wear a mask whether vaxxed or not. I can respect that.

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It's at least some comfort that the post is getting ratioed into outer space.


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More like “Cowardly New World Order” and, my dear, it’s in terrible taste to request a gift.

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On the same vein, this was the pre Christmas invite at my soon-to-be-former place of work.


Notice the “vaccinated only” as the first thing anyone sees. Any pretense at class or discretion or caring about certain people’s feelings went down the toilet. (Keep in mind we have a marketing department that should know better, but the VP used to work in Walmart so that tells you something) No one thought to bring up there’s such a thing as fine print.

Never mind the many years that quite a few of the suddenly inconvenient riff-raff second-class citizens have invested in making the business what it is.

I blocked out the logo because it’s not even worth identifying them. All businesses are behaving like this in PR, as far as I know. If I’m wrong, and I’d like to be, please tell me. Also, if my information is correct, no one anywhere is getting the choice of bringing in a test every week instead of getting the useless shot. Again, I want to be wrong. About everything.

Sorry to rant. It’s just beyond any semblance of what I consider a recognizable world.

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Carajo!! Eso parece una invitacion boricua. DAMN!! NO shame. I've lost all desire to go back to visit my sisters. I've heard horrible stories of doctors denying care to long-time patients unless they're jabbed, etc.

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¡Lo es! 😂

In my experience, no one has refused to see me. They do request the pcr test (which we all know doesn’t distinguish Covid from flu and has detected Covid in kiwis, oranges, papayas, a goat, etc). My doctor requested a covid test but didn’t even remember to bring it up. .

But you actually only have to do it once. There are sooooooo many options to edit PDFs these days (labs are sent to your email, you get them in pdf format), just change the date, save it, print it or email it wherever, and you’re good to go.

Seriously, I’ve only done a single test and just edited the date. I have no plans to take another.

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You're my hero

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Ugh. I know they only asked whether people wanted a hotel room near the party but I think you should volunteer a more rounded opinion anyway.

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If I thought just a single person was half listening, I would. These people have fallen in line with “the vaccinated need to be protected from the unvaccinated”.

It’s pointless. They’re dead inside. And morons to boot.

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I actually had to explain to a medic friend of mine that because vaxxed people spread covid, "vaxxed only" rules are stupid. "Let's see, if I'm vaxxed and can infect an unvaxxed person then that means I can also infect... Another vaxxed person?" 🤔

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Oct 10, 2021
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Good point and part of the reason my mom was aghast when I sent it to her. So many have lost their goddamn minds. We keep looking at Australia but apparently Lithuania has pretty much gone full loco too, openly calling the unvaccinated “the enemy”.

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Dear Jessica please research the meaning of the word “brave”

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Sounds like a dreadful “party”.

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Indeed, might as well stay home.

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What a pathetic way to live.

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CREFS is real (Covid ReEntry Fear Syndrome).

I am not sure but I believe some studies clearly show it to be highly correlated to TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome).

CREFS may even be a variant of TDS.....

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Actually - this is funny. I think we’re waaay past politics. It has all crumbled into a mix and match where individual character (I believe) has more say.

I never would have considered myself a republican (I’m nothing, actually, but if pressed, I would have had to say I aligned better with Democrats...they’re just words for me since I don’t get to vote... but by now I finally am truly, really, unequivocally convinced it is all one and the same bullshit coin AROUND THE WORLD). And yet, lately I seem to have more in common with them. But is that real? Is it true that the left approves this craziness?

So anyway in direct response to your comment, it seems “trumpers” are the ones unafraid of covid and getting back to living normally and them trumpers are totally convinced that “libs” are the ones approving of everything going on and loving the mandates.

We need a town meeting to declare a truce. Fuck politics. It is down to those who still have any common sense vs the criminally insane... in my humble opinion.

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I agree with a truce would be wonderful... I fear it can never happen, however.

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I think so! Will these two ‘syndromes’ be included in the next version of the DSM V of Mental Disorders? 😉

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DSM is written by people like Jessica so it will define as mental disorders the beliefs that formerly characterized a normal sane person.

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Is this texting of the vax card to the host because the host demands it (!) or a pure virtue signal? "Let me send you an unsolicited proof that I'm 'clean' for attendance to your party."

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Maybe it works the other way: the host may want to turn you away because you can still get infected, and in that case your nasopharyngeal load is going to be pretty big. At least that's how I'd look at it.

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I’m leery of the vaccinated 😱

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Me too! Especially fat vaccinated people. They shed more virus than anyone else.

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You know, comorbidities seem to have less affect than thot in catching virus per Israeli studies.

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My temptation with all the newly minted germophobes, who put singular focus on COVID, is to ask if they keep their toothbrush in the bathroom. Most folks do and it is bombarded with what scientists call a toilet plume. Germs and fecal matter shoot up to 15 feet in the air with every flush. Less with the cover down but all toilets spread germs, microbes, and fecal matter across the bathroom and onto every toothbrush left there. How worried are they about eating sh*t?

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And don’t get me started on the air hand dryers in public restrooms at many retail establishments. Sure let’s send aerosolized virus particles _EVERYWHERE_! What could go wrong?

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Right? You just put some soap and a little water on your dirty hands and I get to wait while you blow it all over!

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And how bout the dynaflush public toilets? Boy what a thought.

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Your comment made my day. Oh I'm going to use the hell out of this;

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Ugh.... why, Qué, Como , Donde

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Oh and BTW those rapid tests can be flat wrong. I was infected with covid and it took 2 negative tests followed by a 3rd, positive, to flush it out. Meanwhile, I've been breathing all over your hors d'oeuvres...

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Well, any of the tests can be wrong. The 2-day PCR tests are so wrong that they just lost their emergency use authorization. I have read that some people thought they gave too many false positives, but I have had patients who I know had Covid, who were very ill with Covid, positive on the rapid test, but negative on the 2-day test. This has happened more than once. Anyway, I just read today, the PCR test has had its emergency use authorization cancelled because it's not reliable.

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Actually now that I think about it, the first negative test WAS a PCR/2-5 day test. The second was an at home rapid antigen test taken 4 days after the PCR. The next day I followed up with another rapid antigen test at a local pharmacy. That was positive, but I'd been having symptoms for a good two days before. At this point if I hadn't had the covid symptoms of fever, aches, sore throat, gi trouble etc, I wouldn't know what to believe. But the positive test would have come too late to save that bird brain's party.

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This sounds about right for Bay Area. I leave here. People at parks with ample distance wear N95s. Even have them for toddlers. Questioning the vaccine means you’re an evil monster and they do wish death on you. Not kidding. This place is completely insane.

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A young friend solved the puzzle for me: he said he was wondering about the people at whole foods who'd eye him with fear for not wearing a face diaper. Then he realized it's simple. They're stupid, and there's no cure

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Live. Darn autocorrect. I guess my phone wants me to leave 😂

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Yes I agree…I was just up there three weeks ago…the energy of The Bay Area felt super oppressive EVERYWHERE…SF, Marin, Sonoma County, East Bay…couldn’t wait to get back to La Frontera!

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Remember an episode from South Park about people in San Francisco and their priuses creating a cloud of SMUG? Happening now

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Last time I was in San Francisco I was so creeped out that after I left and landed in Tucson I wanted to kiss the ground. And that was 30 years ago!

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Text copy of your vaccine card? To show you got a shot that won't keep you from getting covid and will mean your nasopharyngeal viral load is even greater than an infected unvaxxed person's? Something every host must want to see.

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Well duh! That's why Jessica ALSO expects a negative test result in previous 24 hours!! She loco

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1. Show up 2 hours late with new beau

2. Text picture of genitals from taxi en route

3. Enjoy private party favors prior to arriving

4. Grab condoms for spontaneous sex

5. Bring extra party favors to share with friends

6. Accept this as how it has been and how it shall remain

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All of the media is like this and maybe 20% of the general public, everyone else has moved on.

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Meanwhile, Puerto Rico's tyrant Pierluisi has decided to use coronavirus aid to throw a New Year's party for "tourism". To all you hard-working tax-payers in the states, this is how the territory is using your money. (https://finance.yahoo.com/news/puerto-rico-plan-rescue-aid-170657708.html)

And chances are, his invite will read a lot like Jessica "Party Pooper" Aguirre's did.

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Jessica is to dumb to be human

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I deleted my Twitter account a couple months ago so all I can do is read the comments and laugh my ass off. Endless scrolling and everyone is bashing that nonsense, it's hilarious.

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Having spent a week in The Bay Area I can attest to the INSANE thinking (and behaviors) that abound there! While there I went to a ‘fundraiser’ in one of the 9 counties of The Bay Area for a well known children’s health advocacy group that had 250-300 people unmasked people, eating and drinking and listening to the well known head of this organization speak and the comedy of a well known on YouTube satirical comedian. No Proof of V or Covid Test was required for entry! Well weeks later no calls or tracing from The Authorities regarding any active Covid cases that originated at this gathering. Ms. Aguirre is sad, pathetic and mis-informated with her ‘Weekend Party Etiquette’ guidelines!

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Sad...get real Jessica. Deprogram yourself from the lies. Jeez... good Luck ! Get a Life...

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Funny, since... forever... I skip right to #5. Right in my house with the only other person I care to know or share 1/4th of my wine with. COVID, no COVID. Happy. As long as ppl like Jessica stay the hail away from me. But they won't. Hence the wine. My 1/4 bottle hubs awaits their arrival. Bless him.

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Nope! I'll pass. No time for any BS.

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Always with the dictatorial jam-down: Accept. Obey. Required. Safety. They think they will come out on top, land on their feet in the new moral order, because after all, they are the good people. Though they won't, they need to check their premises, because they may have another thing coming.

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Another word that has come to irritate me: "allowed". As in "we're allowed to get together for Christmas if we're vaxxed". Well, Fauci, I allow it, you can stick it

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Honestly if you start referring to your party as a soirée, I’m probably not showing.

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these fkn idiots are so g'damn stupid...

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This is supposed to be revered , somehow? And no, there is no "new" anything. Do number 1 and 5. The rest is virtuous nonsense. But have "fun" if you are capable. (Doubt it!)

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EFFFF that! That is not a party I would ever be going to…

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Vaxxed and negative Covid test? I know we all know the vaccines leak but good grief.

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Little did Jessica know they would be administering a rectal temperature test at the door. But she will be OK with that. After all... COVID. Plus she can tweet about it AND virtue signal.

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You made me laugh.

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Too funny!

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Loving the comments on that tweet, but surprised that the tides have changed on the twit.

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What a dumbass.

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no party for me I buried my vaxx card..... and i have not nor will i ever w/o symptoms take a covid test and then only in an er or after admit.....

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What's the over-under that this girl used to share drinks with half the room at pre-Coof parties?

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She giddily accepts a brave new world. Obviously she was one of the fetuses deprived of oxygen. It is the only logical explanation.

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There’s a major shortage of rapid tests so step 3 can’t even happen. Too bad

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I think her social calendar will be clear

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Her real name must be Karen...

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A strategy of subjection and cowardice.

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Sounds like a crap party.

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Pretend control is a popular therapy for anxiety.

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I'm glad these parties aren't mandatory!!!

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"Jessica..." People - You keep using that name. I don't think it means what you think it means!

FYI. It means, "Karen."

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Hello badcat, I was wondering: if your hypothesis about the vaccines is correct, which metrics should we be watching in the coming days to strengthen the case for it, and which metrics would show that you are that you are possibly incorrect? thanks for your great research and writing and please keep at it.

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I don't need to go out to that type of party, so many paranoiacs

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These nut jobs have the audacity to call this ‘brave’ …

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Jessica sucks. Just sayin'

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I think as others have said, is her tweet parody? I mean, surely she can't be serious.

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