
“Propaganda works best when those who are being manipulated are confident they are acting on their own free will.”

—Joseph Goebbels

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From now on if I want the truth about something I'm going to just geobbel it.

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This phrase is going to be used by freaken hundreds of millions within a month

Many bitter people out there.

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Right 🤙🏼

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this "woke" community could start using "let us goebbels that" idiom, "are we goebbling this"...I love the humour; the only point with the suggestion is that dissidents would be characterized unfairly as the Alt-Right by those with no sense of humour.

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Should we ever be fortunate enough to form our own geographic community, I think we should name it Geobbeler's Knob.

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Awesome! I’m adopting that.

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Remember that if you reference Goebbels most people will need to be taught who he was, what he did and, sadly, why that was bad. Just saying.

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Good. Let's teach them.

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One of the Os got a heart attack. They are investigating. Underlying condition or global warming are the most probable causes.

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But didn't you hear more than likely that condition was from the "nocebo" effect? 😉

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LOL. Great one. You win the internet today.

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It was racism 🙄

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Joey Goebbels could only dream of delivery systems like social media and Google.

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Yeah, back then they just had people with their ears tied to the radio; much less effective than the visuals of TV/Social media we have today

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But the radios were free....

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LMGTFY - "Let me goebble that for you". Oh yeah, it actually sounds quite catchy...

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Thank you so much, Gatito. I just couldn't deal with that stupid google logo; it's so insulting. Yours is better.

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The best way to deal with the google logo... Duck Duck Go

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Oh, that'd be an ounce of prevention for sure. Some of us keep coming back for more injury though, because we're little creatures of habit and learned helplessness, and this is like a balm to my wounds.

No one can tell what a balm's going to do. They're unpredictable.

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I like to Google the CDC and Wikipedia and the MSM etal so they think I like them.....

I duck duck go the rest.....

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I agree. I dumped google long ago. It’s Duck Duck Go for me!!!👍.

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I have a T-shirt, with the Google font, that says "Gulag".

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That is awesome. Now I’m looking for a shirt with a censored stamp and “you can’t handle the truth”

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Jan 19, 2022·edited Jan 19, 2022

Your teacher is wrong, little kitten, you are learning just enough.

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I saw that earlier today (The google one) and I was thinking WTAF.......? LOVE your alt-version

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I abandoned all of Goebbels apps and products over a year ago but the other day I made the huge mistake of trying to look up restaurants and hotels in Nashville on Goebbels Maps. Turns out the preferred establishments that stand out on the map are all LGBTQ friendly and "identify as woman-owned" and also typically vegan or vegetarian. Thanks Goebbels! Can't wait to definitely not go to Nashville.

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Duck Duck Go is better.

Nashville is pretty meaty and fun bars. Went for the first time couple of months ago. Had a ball!

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Hey, with millions of free masks coming our way, what else could we expect from the Ministry of Truth???

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I don't remember the last time I actually saw the Google homepage...

Love it.

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Yeah I de-googled a long time ago. I would have missed it!

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Wouldn't it be fun if someone hacked into Google and changed their graphic?

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Kitten, you are my fave 💕

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I would replace the masks with damaged hearts :(

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there have been a whole bunch of such propaganda 'doodles' over the last two years


google's been doing it for a decade

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“Ok class (science) get out your pens, we’re learning how to spell Fauci. “M-E-N-G-E-L-E”

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ROTFLMAO. That is even better than the "GOOLAG" one. Good kitty, nice creative kitty. Here's a treat.

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I was getting strange results with DuckDuckGo this afternoon, so i opened Google for the first time in a couple months and saw that. I just about threw up. Ridiculous.

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If I had a child you know what my kid would have said to me? "Why are all these idiots still using Google as a search engine anyways?"

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Google’s parent company Alphabet / Google Venture is invested in the jab industry. Goebbel it.

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I don't think your teacher understands how she so ultimately failed her führer. What she should have done is requested you watch videos of Doctor Fauci for the next several days until you swear allegiance to the doctor of science. Sending you home was a JV move.

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google sucks.

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With a motto like "Don't Be Evil," what were you expecting?

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#BoriquaGato clawing on #GoOgle's sofa! Is #FaucistBook next!

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"GoOgle." I hadn't thought of it that way, but it describes the way they watch their "customers!"

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Yup, they're pretty upfront about it. As someone said, #Goebbels started out innocent and turned evil, #FaucistBook was never innocent.

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That “e” looks like it’s trying to escape the jab!

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No it’s the L. It’s trying to resist and the E grabbed it held it down. Once the jab went into its system, it was transformed into .... something subhuman.... and it jumped up.

Ok ok I’m joking.... well maybe not....

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In the original animation, the "e" was administering the jabs. It's either a doctor or a nurse character.

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My goodness. They also have a bandaid. Crazy.

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I just took a peek. revolting

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or is it an apple biometric monitor?

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I thought they were watches. Bandaids make more sense, except that they all seem way too excited.

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they're all excited 'cause the booster, hence the band-aid

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I thought it was an 🍎 watch but more likely bandaid. AND mask. They have no idea how stupid they are.

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I think you are onto something.... 😺

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Them kids just Goebbel it all up... Although some toddlers are reportedly more wary of people outside the family these days than previous cohorts. Go figure, clever critters.

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You should change the left botton from "Google Search" to "Goebbels Search".

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Woo hoo time to chase butterflies and enjoy the sunshine!

I spent my time listening to Grampa Joe :(


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Free will indeed. Disinformation is free but I wouldn’t will it to anyone.

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Omg 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣you have NO idea how much I needed that🙏❤️🤣

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It’s absolutely remarkable how those who fancy themselves as being the smartest lack even the most basic ability to grasp facts and synthesize them to apply to new situations. They need to be taught the same lessons over and over and over again. It’s as though they burned themselves with a lighted match and somehow think that if they just use a different match the result will change. So they light more and more matches, burning themselves and others again and again and again. Those imagining themselves as masters of the universe have no capacity to understand where their insane approach will lead even though its inevitable failure is a lesson that has been taught over and over, each time leading to immense suffering and devastation. They are akin to the most cognitively impaired Lilliputian covering their mirror with a picture of Gulliver so whenever they look at themselves - and they do enjoy looking at themselves - they only see a giant. Maybe if they use a different match no one will get burned…

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I stopped using Google weather on my phone because they always have this cute little frog outside and alone and MASKED. I'll pass on the propaganda. Also, psst Google: cotton masks don't work. I hope that frog has an N95 mask on....outside, alone, in the middle of nowhere.

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Kittens learn very quickly, maybe a lot more quickly than adult hoomans

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Maybe the start of some merch? T-shirt? coffee mug?

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Take mah moneh!!!

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I quit using Goebbels and Chrome quite a while ago and use Duck Duck Go and Firefox. Both are significantly better at not tracking what you do and you have way more options for security and tracking.

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Jan 20, 2022·edited Jan 20, 2022

Oh man. Hate to break it to you, but DDG just buys search indexes in bulk from the big G. They don't track you, and so you don't build up a profile bubble, but they mass-censor results just as bad. Use qwant, metager, mojeek, or yandex to escape the Goolag.

As for Mozilla... their primary source of funding is Google. They're one of the most revoltingly woke Californian corporate cults you could ever imagine. They are controlled opposition.

Sucks, I know. Sorry. Maybe try Brave?

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How is kittengarten even having in-person (in-cat?) learning during Omicron? Google knows virtual school is safe and effective for learners of all ages and species.

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excellent point

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That's so disturbing. The deranged Progressives who run Big Brother Google are cheerleaders for genocide.

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News at 11

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That’s scary good!!

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That's fantastic - I don't suppose you have an html page for that which we can install locally and actually use it, with the search going to google? (or another search engine, I am not picky) It would be a fantastic conversation starter at work, home, or anywhere else.

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Why go to a webpage to search? Every modern browser lets you search from the address bar, and they all have controls to tell it where you want it to search. I have Brave configured to send searches to Qwant. I pretty much never see any search engine's homepage. That means missing out on some of the cooler doodles Google has done over the years (they had one a while back that turned into a game of Pac-Man), but it also means they don't get to shove obvious agitprop at you.

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I just was thinking here about the original one. Is it perhaps the real Dr Mengele we see there at the right, dressed up as the "e" guy? I always thought he was taller.

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Don't be GoeEEEVVVILLbbeles

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Bad Feline, FTW!

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So true! Well done.

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That sort of shit could never happen in America!!! Say all the folks still wearing masks.

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Hey el gato malo, I bought a year's subscription a few days back and ever since all the emails of your new posts stopped.


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i pulled up your account and it says "email disabled."

this is not a control that i have or any setting that i can see.

is it possible that you accidentally toggled it off or the system did it somehow?

check your subscription settings. i think you just need to turn emails back on

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missed a great opportunity to write "Gestapo search" instead of "Google search" in the box to the left of "I'm feelin-e Lucky".

oh well, nobody's perfect....

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🤣🤣🤣 Right on the nail.

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