She’s relatively on point, but still about a year and a half too late with her revelations. Anyone paying attention to the actual science—not “THE SCIENTISM TM”—Goddamn well knew cloth masks were useless, co-morbidities played a huge role in negative outcomes and that the vaccines were leaky as a Golden Girls convention. I’m “so over” Pharma-nazis suddenly indulging in revisionist history. If you weren’t speaking out about this stuff over a year ago, you’re useless and just riding on the coattails of the rest of us who stuck our necks, jobs and lives on the line.

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i also find her framing problematic.

it's about "this is doing harm to people" which implies that were it not, it might be OK.

she's worryingly silent on the issue of rights, self determination, etc.

this leads me to believe she'll get fooled again next time by whatever the new manufactured crisis used to justify taking away liberty and self determination is.

that's the problem with framing this as a weighing of societal benefit and harm and never asking the more basic question about "what gives you the right to coerce anyone and force choices upon them?'

you can justify any outrage as long as you find a scary enough sounding hobgoblin.

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"this leads me to believe she'll get fooled again"

That's EXACTLY what I explained to her back about a month or two ago on one of her Substack columns where she "came clean" on her wrong positions and opinions while she was at the NY Times. (That's a poor paraphrase of her column.)

I observed, "Don't just tell us WHAT you did wrong, tell us WHY you did it wrong in the first place. Because unless you recognize WHY, and take steps to fix THAT, you're no less likely to make the same mistakes again in the future." Or words to that effect.

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IINM, it was her column on the Rittenhouse trial and/or verdict, and how she was wrong about so many readily-available facts for fourteen MONTHS. (https://bariweiss.substack.com/p/the-medias-verdict-on-kyle-rittenhouse)

"...but I'm not sure she bothered to take the next logical step, and investigate and evaluate just exactly WHY it took her so long to see and understand that which most of us saw and understood fourteen MONTHS ago."

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She’s still doing the same thing. She alluded to the fact that we NOW have facts we didn’t have “then” but we did. There was plenty of info, they just didn’t know who was lying.

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I hate getting sick, and so out of curiosity had researched whether masks were effective in preventing disease spread, since they're everywhere in Asia. I found the research overwhelmingly shows how worthless masks of any stripe are. It's one of the most settled findings in medicine, RCTs, large sample sizes, you name it. That was 2014.

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Yeah, those facts that we didn't have back then, we USED those facts back THEN to make the arguments that won the day TODAY.

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She is only brave enough to open her mind to any certain idea once about 50% of the people around her have gone so far as to BELIEVE that idea. This is how a person makes a good reputation (and a very good living) for themselves. This is what is heralded as "bravery". Truly brave people, in contrast, lose face permanently for having the nerve to think independently and speak up. Once you are called a "conspiracy theorist", you are crazy forever, even after your theories become widely accepted facts.

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Simply because she doesn’t investigate and evaluate upfront. She comes late to the party, isolates one narrow aspect to focus upon and then swoops in like she’s a savior. She avoids working on the frontlines and keeps her head down and in hiding. I’m going to guess she is Yale Ivy League. Who knows. But her modus operandi reminds me of the A student who first lurks around to find out exactly what the teacher wants and then gives it to them. She finds a niche and exploits it and only walks on to the battlefield after her predecessors have fought the fight in the trenches.

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So she has a BA from Columbia. I suppose the short answer is

she strikes me as an opportunist who won’t go out on a limb.

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Does Columbia graduate people who are not communists?

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Very well put…it’s for all the comments you said that I found her to be rather lame and not a “Deep diver”…she plays it safe, so as to not offend her progressive liberal NY Times reading friends that she still seems to associate with! Now check out Dr. Naomi Wolf…she’s the real deal! And most likely Bill Maher would not invite her onto his show!

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Exactly. It is important not to dwell on the easy point that this was a monumental cock-up. The interesting question is why it happened, because the answer is necessary to avoiding a repetition.

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Incompetence, cowardice and corruption.

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I believe this is part of a controlled shift away from the covid narrative into the next phase of the destructive planning.

If the evil of the situation is not grasped on a fundamental level, that we are not guinea pigs to be experimented on and if justice is not demanded for these atrocities, then people will capitulate for the Next Big Fear that comes down the pike.

There is a moral and ethical battle here and people that scratch the surface cannot be trusted to be healers. We must expose the entire wound and not plaster over it.

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The wound needs cauterization; until it is performed, the body will not heal.

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Except we are guinea pigs. Largely. There are so few of us that have gone without jabs. Even if the guinea pigs wake up and demand answers as to what has been done to them, the evil will most assuredly have its way. Step by step it grows stronger and the pigs will be led.

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I'm one of the few with clean skins: I laugh in the face of certain death, haha!

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Oh death is certain. Unless we are scooped up before we croak. Hooray for the clean skin!

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Evil may have its way, for a time, but we do what we can to hinder its progress. We continue to seek justice and speak truth and do good.

"Maybe judgment day is overdue..."

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She'll get fooled every time and conform to whatever's popular, then take credit for rebelling against it but only when it's safe to do so.

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Everyone wants to be a patriot once the see the shooting stop...

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Totally agree, which is why I unsubscribed from her Substack. She's overly simplistic in her thinking and doesn't seem to comprehend the bigger picture regarding why giving up rights for supposed health of others is problematic and opens the door to totalitarianism. (For example, look how she brings up showing your phone vac passport in her point but doesn't seem to have an issue that there's even a need to have/show this passport.)

Additionally, on her Substack, she's obviously stuck in the 1990s in her depiction of Republicans and conservatives, when there was concern about lyrics in songs (even though Tipper Gore was just as concerned) and more minor things. She has the need to always try to find and bring up some minor nit that the "right" does to equate it with the disgustingly totalitarian measures being done by the leftists, when there is just no equal thing.

I commented each time she did these things but she doesn't seem to learn and adjust her thinking based on reality. So I moved on...

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Quite so and she also unwittingly admits to having applied no critical thinking of the situation until after the mountain of falsehoods had been piled so high that a village idiot would be able to spot it.

This makes her no different to the soon to be many politicians, that will vociferously and publicly condemn certain covid measures in the hope that their silence or outbursts throughout will be overlooked by a public relieved to see daylight & breathe freedom once more. I can forgive ignorance but not a new attempt at deceit to obscure fascist attitudes which were proclaimed so fervently until recently.

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She is a leftist and these people usually blindly follow the Left Collective groupthink.

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She probably saw Naomi Wolf getting attention and decided to drop transtrenders and do the I’m a leftist who is figuring it out something is smelling (but won’t acknowledge the skeptics who came before her.

Plagiarism of a sort.

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Just so.

It is this idea that fundamental rights (including personal medical autonomy) are "not absolute" and must be "balanced" that is the insidious slippery slope that has cost us much of what the Bill of Rights codified, and more besides.

The ubiquity of this poisonous, inherently totalitarian mindset is the root cause of the outrages we have endured.

It must be overcome, or the outrages will continue until morale improves.

"Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves."

~William Pitt the Younger in a speech to parliament in 1783

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Right. It should be framed something like, “we were sold a bill of goods and the upshot of it has been catastrophic beyond comprehension. Now to get to the bottom of the policy crimes, deal with perpetrators, institute corrective laws, and get the psychological and sociological help we need in order not to ever walk in lockstep with bloody damned tyrants again”.

Admitting you have a problem is the first step to recovery.

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So well said. What we will also never comprehend, not because it is beyond or ability as humans, but because truth (in this case) will never be demanded and received in its entirety, is what the vaccination has done, is doing and will continue to do (physically) to those who took it. It is the one thing I am sure of. These days that is something.

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True. I’m also concerned about the impact the jabs may have on the mental state of the recipients as well as the physical.

This thing has been so well coordinated and executed on such a scale that I can’t accept with any confidence or comfort that the budding rebellion against the tyrants is not part of their calculation. If the mandates stop, it’s because they have dosed as many as they wanted to. I think they have reached a goal. Now we will see if there’s anything benign at all in that stuff.

Me, I take silver against respiratory viruses. I never ever get sick with one. To hell with the agencies that say it’s dangerous. I mean, they’ve been saying the jabs are safe! And effective!

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We here at House Raptor wonder about their calculating rebellion as well. Even non rebellions are successfully named as such in every corner of the media and most quarters of government.

I saw Zelenko or McCullough had colloidal silver on their prevention list. If I am going to trust someone...

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Silver is extremely effective.

Get a nebulizer too. So you can put it straight into your airways. Takes less that way. But for a virus like EBV, which I had to deal with, orally is the way.

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"A vaccinated person is a dead end for this virus"

Vice Pretendancy Camel-toe Harris

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Propaganda driven vax campaign. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

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She 100% called the vaccine “life-saving” vaccine on her Podcast from Jan. 14th., so she believes in the vaccine, and I’m fairly confident in saying the mandate, but she doesn’t explicitly state that.

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And she as a true leftist ignores that many places, like Florida, have been open for months with legal protections against draconian regulations.

But for leftists "the world" is their narrow political bubbles and Dems strongholds.

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Your point lines up, in my mind, with a concept Bret Weinstein made on The Dark Horse Podcast #112.

Is she one of those "middle people" that the powerful will use to minimize how much those orchestrating/profiting from this mess, will be forced to pay. The thing to watch is if her words are mysteriously echoed by other "fence sitters."

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Some lines should not be crossed. When will we learn this? Look back at the atrocities in the past 100 years and see where principles were ignored, things escalated, chaos ensued. …don’t harm people no matter the justification is a great place to start.

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I really don’t care for Ms. Weiss…I have tried to like her…subscribed to her Stack page…Common Sense with Bari Weiss…have read them all since I subscribed over a year ago…she still seems to have a strong toe hold in Wokeville and is still connected to her Liberal Progressive Friends that write on her Stack page…I do not care for their opinions either. What she said on Bill Maher, was in my opinion LAME!

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Neither Bari Weiss or Maher went far enough as they both still touted the importance of getting the clot shot and skewed the hospital statistics. Maher sometimes acts like he knows better but is holding back.

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Yes Bari did an entire podcast with a doctor touting the benefits of the vax and why being against it was misguided conspiracy.

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IINM, it was *three* doctors, and one of whom actually said "When you vaccinate your child, you take the claws and the fangs away from the virus. For most healthy children, they aren’t even there in the first place. But you never know. And we have abundant evidence that the vaccines are extraordinarily safe in five to eleven year olds. So yes, I would vaccinate your child.”

Abundant evidence!!! I asked, in that Substack column, for either Bari or Dr. McBride to share with us said "abundant evidence." 'course none has been forthcoming so far.

But consider the stupidity or the evil required to say "but you never know" with regard to the Chinese virus' risk to health children, but NOT to observe the same skepticism with regard to an experimental gene therapy that's barely one year old and for which there is ZERO long-term safety data.

As the meme says, "You didn't know the vaxxes' long-term efficacy would fail, so how can you say you know there aren't long-term vaxx side effects?"

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I'm sure you're correct--I could not listen to that entire episode. I have to admit my opinion of Bari changed after that. She is ardently outspoken about anti-Semitism--more than a few podcasts dedicated to just that--and yet has stood by quietly as Israel goes down in flames from 3+ mandated jabs.

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bariweiss is the clown in the umbrella hat running towards the mob @ 2:17. If it had gone the other way, she'd be outraged the quarantine camps weren't built soon enough.


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I totally get where you're coming from here, yet we really need to help the people who were in the "go along to get along" camp, find the exit. Constantly haranguing them for having been taken for a ride, isn't likely to aid our cause. I'm completely aware that many who

are just lately saying "stop the madness" are simply switching jerseys now. I realize that in some instances, perhaps in Bari's case, this is merely part of the official shift in narrative. I understand, and also feel profound anger at those that will come out of hiding only after

the fighting is nearly done, wanting to claim they were part of the resistance all along, or that they were just following the science and that it has somehow changed. I'm skeptical of nearly everything and everyone at this point. However, having spent nearly two years trying to wake folks up, it's a relief to finally see a long awaited "awakening". I'm grappling with a duality of anger and relief, struggling to neither get swallowed up by the anger, nor let the relief lull me into a false sense that "we're out of the woods". I definitely don't advocate letting the hardliners who wrote the script for this sh*tshow, nor the main actors, nor the loudest cheerleaders, off the hook. There's got to be a reckoning, to be sure. That being said,

I believe that a lot of the folks who are figuring out just how badly they were fooled and manipulated, will be easier to enlist against future tyranny if we show them some grace now.

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I’m for grace as in “ok, you’re back on the roster but will be water boy.”

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Lol, I can get behind that.

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"as leaky as a Golden Girls convention"

Gadzooks, I spat out my mouthful of tea !

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She also only goes halfway with her transtrenders writing.

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The corporate approved voices are always two years too late to the truth and then take all the credit for speaking it when it becomes popular. Kind of like a bureaucrat.

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The only thing she got wrong was the data was there 2 years ago.

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Definitely. The diamond princess was a great set of data that seemed to have been immediately forgotten. Or purposely forgotten.

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Almost everything we needed to know about Covid was available in the Diamond Princess data.

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Another raised hand for that ship. Every calculation about covid from that population ended up being correct in the wider population.

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Somehow we went from knowing that, to having over half the population think there was greater than 50% chance of being hospitalized if you caught COVID, no matter the age or Health status of the person getting it.

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Weiss has begun dipping her toes into questioning the dominant propagandist narratives but is still too afraid to wade into the frigid waters of truth. Hopefully, she and many others will continue to overcome their programming and embrace the icy waters, Wim Hof style.

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Wow, she’ll never be invited back again ;-) And that was unbelievably mild, considering what could and should have been said.

Still, it’s a step, and it’s great to hear the audience applauding. There is hope for the masses, after all.

Reminds me of Colbert hyperventilating while Jon Stewart (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sSfejgwbDQ8) managed to sneak some truth in, despite all Colbert’s efforts to stifle it.

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Actually I think she and Bill may be on the same page. He’s made many remarks about he’s over covid, that he refused to boost after getting vaxxed - and that after being hesitant but still “taking one for the team” it got us nowhere. And he got covid. He even had Heather Heying and Bret Weinstein on his show which was amazing in and of itself.

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What does "taking one for the team" mean? What team? I thought the clot shot was for the safety and health of everyone?

Whoa, it's for political reasons? Say it ain't so Joe.

Anyone who got the clot shot for political reasons is a moron. Bill I'm looking at you.

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The "team" is America, not the Democrat Party, is what I took Maher to mean why he got jabbed. To rid America of the Chinese virus. Stupid, ignorant reasoning, yes, but I think that's what he meant by "team".

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I think he meant so his staff will be safe. That team. I don't believe he is really pro-vaxx. So if he really got jabbed that would be the reason why.

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Ok I will give him the benefit of the doubt but I still think he meant team Biden.

No matter. The only reason someone should be taking an emergency use shot is for his or her health reasons. That's it. Not for a "team", whatever it should be.

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No he didn't--he meant for his staff and people in general. At that time, that was a lot of people's motivation, albeit completely misguided. But it was his way of saying, "my gut told me no, but I did it anyway and now I think it was nonsense."

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Agree. Unless he's lying about actually getting vaxxed and just spewing that cliche as a cover. I know, I know -- just wishful thinking on my part.

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"Taking one for the team" means allowing yourself to be hit by a pitched ball in order to advance the goals of the team over yourself.

It's literally subjecting yourself to injury to advance the collective.

Sadly for the vaccine fanatics, the jabs don't even advance the collective goal (herd immunity) but instead only protect you.

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But the moral justification for that is that you do voluntarily, based on your participation in the first place being voluntary.

But for anyone progressive, marxist or otherwise totalitarian "taking one for the team" (or "The greater Good" as they call it) in reality means "I make you take the hit for me".

The collective goal is ever only rethorical, it is never a measurable concrete metric or goal. The jabs could be purely symbolical - your surrender before the ritual is the point.

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Yep! I laughed out-loud when I saw "Take one for the team" vaxx ad during an Orioles game last year. If ANYBODY really understands the term, it should be baseball fans!

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I agree, but you know Bill--he subscribes to being a "good liberal." So he justified taking the shot to help others--which we all know, including Bill, did not pan out. It was his way of saying "hey, I did the most righteous thing and it got me nowhere, so fuck it."

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Well, that’s good to know. Having Bret and Heather on is *big*! Let’s hope they were able to wake some people up.

Heather’s on Substack, BTW. I felt really honored when she gave me some love in one of her recent essays (https://naturalselections.substack.com/p/fearandsex).

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A good deal of their podcast yesterday was about how best to respond to the Weiss’s of this world.

For my part, I view them as reformed useful idiots until they not only admit they were wrong but also explicitly acknowledge those who were right as being better people than them.

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Interesting. I don’t have time to keep up with their podcasts, but my understanding is they’ve both been speaking out against the COVID narrative from the outset in addition to providing a platform for many of the brave truth-tellers out there, so I’m grateful to them for that.

I got the sense that they’ve disavowed their past politics and have been working to expose the hazards of wokeness since the Evergreen debacle. Bret is one of the speakers at tomorrow’s Defeat the Mandates event in DC, and both have been vocal in pushing back against tyranny and democide, so I’m willing to let bygones be bygones given their positive actions over the past few years.

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To clarify my clumsy post, the “them” I view as reformed useful idiots are not Bret & Heather but, rather, the Weiss’s of this world. B & H were discussing how they felt about people who had been on the wrong side of this issue now (2 years too late) wanting to join the winning team.

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Oh phew, thank you for clarifying, and I 100% agree!

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Except it sounds like Bari Weiss got boosted, while Maher's more or less hidden skepticism comes through.

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Bill used to be more or less anti-vax but when that position became too politically extreme, he walked it back and said something about being against the flu vaccine only. He is skeptical of the pharmaceutical industry but he’ll never say as much as he should because he wants to keep his show. He’ll probably come back next week with an anti-Trump show to keep a good chunk of his audience happy and keep his reputation as a good liberal intact.

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He does it every time! He treads on edge of conservatism in every show but makes sure he gets his Trump jabs in there every time so he is redeemed. But what little influence he may have on the issues of vax, wokeism, etc., I'll take--its much more powerful coming from a Trump-hating liberal. If it works for us, more power to him.

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True and this is what so many people do, such as Turley, and as my comment about about Bari Weiss, her too. Every time they bring up something wrong/alarming/totalitarian that the left is doing, they will throw in some small nit that the "right" side does to attempt to show they are "balanced" or "unbiased" or to make themselves feel better and keep relevancy and clout with the left. But many times it's such a SSSSSSTTTTTTRRRRRREEEEEEEETTTTTTTCCCCCCCHHHHH to do such a comparison that this writer's tic takes away from their main point or argument.

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True. I saw him tell a guest that there's nothing wrong with questioning the vaccine, but that's about as far as he went. I had hope for him as he's one of the few who talks about declining health and Covid that's related to the garbage people eat, obesity and the failure of the masses to take care of their health through diet. And how people need to realize "they have some skin in the game" in terms of protecting themselves from the virus. I'm still a bit skeptical that he's telling the truth about getting vaxxed, but most likely wishful thinking on my part.

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I think the main problem is not that people are refusing to take care of their health through diet - fundamental human nature hasn't changed, and humanity didn't naturally stay a mostly normal weight for millennia through precise calorie counting. Instead, the main problem is that big agro and big pharma have changed the hormonal landscape and the food landscape and have pushed wildly unhealthy recommendations on the populace which changed our impressions about what is "healthy." To top it off there are so many drugs in the water, microplastics etc. and these impact human endocrinology (ha ha, frogs turning gay! but really). So it is no longer easy to "take care of yourself through diet" because normal, healthy diet is no longer promoted/easily available, and we are messing with our endocrine systems and gut flora.

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I think it was Bill that had Dr. David Katz on early in the pandemic with the message that everyone should use the opportunity to eat better, exercise, sleep better, etc. and the poor guy was basically treated like a quack. Maher understands the difference between actual health and Big Pharma’s version of health through pills/vaccines/therapeutics but he’s not brave enough to lay it all out publicly.

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Ugh. That's. disappointing as I've heard Bill say the exact same thing and more on his show. He was pretty brave in a few closing monologues earlier on and he got slammed for it on Twitter (who cares).

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Most people just want The Normal to come back. Maher and Weiss included. The Normal is their god who provides them security and drugs their anxieties. Their ritual worship blinds them to the need for justice. The most effective deception is partial truth, not bald-faced lies. Maher's producers are allowing these partial-truths.


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Good points. I don’t trust anyone/anything on MSM. Could be controlled opposition, either intentional or via the usual route of self-censorship to the brink of permitted speech.

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Neurocracy for the sheeple, by the Karents. Sponsored by Big Pharma, Big Tech, and the world economic forum.

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Should be renamed 'worst economic forum'.

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To be on Team Blue™ is to have a continuous underlying baseline of hysteria that can be dialed up and down by whichever demagogue, mountebank or apparatchik with his own prayer candle is trotted out as the media darling du jour to serve up the latest panic pontifications.

This lot is always on about something, all of it complete nonsense.

They cry "systemic racism" in the only white-majority country in history to elect a black man as president. Twice.

They won't breed (the silver lining) because they are terrified of "existential climate change" when they enjoy the cleanest environmental conditions and lowest mortality risk from natural disasters in history. And despite the fact that every single prediction of doom made by "experts" for some five decades has turned out to be utter bollocks.

Who remembers when snow was to completely disappear by the year 2000? When the seas would swallow Miami? When 50 million "climate refugees" would have to be dealt with?

And, of course the "global pandemic". I trust that no elaboration is necessary on this here.

This is why many of us have come to the rather unescapable conclusion that leftism is a sort of cognitive mental disorder, perhaps the worst symptoms of which are a shocking gullibility combined with an arrogant authoritarianism that must be experienced to be believed.

They would be pathetic and amusing were there not quite so many of them and if only they did not vote.

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"What is worth knowing, he doesn’t know and doesn’t want to know; what he knows is not true. The cardinal articles of his credo are the inventions of mountebanks; his heroes are mainly scoundrels."

~ H.L. Mencken

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And add to that a concatenation of intersecting and interdependent global interests… Bootlegger & Baptists. Look how aligned Vegans are with climate changers. Being vegan helps ‘stop’ climate change, so if you want to stop climate change go vegan. Locavors/anti-free traders join in, eat locally produced food/consume in-country produced goods to save carbon emissions from transportation. Farmers, business and unions climb on-board because preventing supply from abroad protect their interests, so they align with climate loonies and counter-intuitively vegans and organic. The food Gestapo and obesity police join in, because… horror! cheap food from abroad means people can eat more and get fat. Politicians are all over it because it’s cheap politics, they can support all of it and get plaudits across the spectrum.

And the losers? Consumers and taxpayers because we have no union or activist group - our rôle is to be plundered, shut up and do as our betters tell us.

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Wow. Thanks for sharing that excellent essay. It helped explain/illustrate something that’s bothered me (infuriated me at times) since well before covid: the absolute lack of knowledge on the part of so many of those ppl who are shouting the loudest and angrily imposing their will on others who actually DO have extensive knowledge in the pertinent area. Their arrogance and utter lack of desire to listen to facts and reason even when talking to actual experts is absolutely mind-boggling. This post was fascinating to me redqueen did a great job - thank you again!

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‘… leftism is a sort of cognitive mental disorder…’

Psychopath or sociopath - I’m not quite sure of the exact difference because the symptoms are so similar. Maybe both.

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Well said!!

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I like Bari but she can fuck off on this. It is outrageous to see all of these clowns suddenly exasperate on that which was patently obvious 18 months ago.

She is an opportunist and a coward like so many of the so called "heterodox" thinkers. I have no doubt that you can go back to 2020 and find the same hysterical speech of hers except it will be "the gOveRmeNt isNt dOiNg EnOuGh!!!"

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She went from humiliated NYT reporter to hugely respected and popular journalist because of podcast and substack opportunities--not possible even 5 years ago. I am glad that opportunity was available to her and others. But she's enjoying her unanticipated popularity and being very careful not to tread too heavily.

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The worst kind of human being.

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She is the type of people they will use take people from one propaganda narrative to a new and improved propaganda narrative. If you don’t have an effective and complete purge of criminals from all relevant positions of power, you can rest assured the people who had brought this will remain in power, completely unhindered to continue with their evil goals.

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Bari Weiss (and the others that are just beginning to spout partial truths about the plandemic) is like an enabler in an abusive situation. They were quite willing to put up with the abuse, and even reveled in it at times *cough, Stockholm syndrome*, but they still don't see the abuse for what it is. "Sure the abuser is taking away my freedom, but he isn't injuring or killing me. The relationship offers me safety and a sense of self."

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I want to know about the abrupt turn around in the UK. People know something.

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Boris was in hot water over a party he threw.

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Is it that simple? If that's the case, the powers that be will never let this stand.

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Interesting that she fears being called a science-denier, but she stops short of concluding most of the science denial is being perpetrated by establishment "science." It's a bit like lamenting the moral crimes of people in high places and stopping short of asking for jail sentences. The crimes will continue as long as the criminals are in charge.

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oh Dear God, I am tired of it. I just want to run away and live somewhere with just a few sane people. Is that allowed?

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I agree with a lot of the comments about Weiss. She has received a LOT of "credit" for her "coming out" as not a leftist.

However, she is still a fool who doesn't understand the game, excuse me, the existential fight, we are in right now with the left. She still thinks Trump is "mean" and "crude" and whatever.

SHE VOTED FOR BIDEN!!! After she had her revelation or whatever it is she had.

She is still a leftist at heart cuz she doesn't A) understand human nature, B) is more afraid of being called a "Trumpist" than she is interested in the Truth and C) as Andrew the Great! (is he really, now? I want to see some kind of proof) says, she doesn't know the why.

Basically, she got angry that the NYT wouldn't let her have autonomy as an editor and she picked up her ball and went home.

But just like Alex Berenson, she still fears the disapproval of the left more than being right. She won't last long not being on a team. She will either take the red pill (quite unlikely) or go back to her tribe (most likely).

I heard her on Prager's show right after she left the Times and it was clear she didn't know what was goin on. She made it clear that she would rather cover herself in honey and then lie down on a fire ant bed than be identified as a conservative.

With that attitude, you will never get the truth. Think of all the R's in elected office who still crave the approval of the media and all the "right" people. That is why they will never win.

Someone who understands what Weise doesn't is Aaron Rodgers. He doesn't give a good god damn what folks think and lives accordingly. Fun to watch.

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I hope the mania goes away soon, otherwise it seems my neighbors here in California want to sent me to a camp for having the audacity to refuse an experimental vaccine. Apartheid, not just for the "unwoke" anymore.

– Forty-five percent (45%) of Democrats would favor governments requiring citizens to temporarily live in designated facilities or locations if they refuse to get a COVID-19 vaccine.


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Including, it seems, a few justices on the Supreme Court.

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The fact that the MSM never mentions that only 47 kids aged 17 and under have died in Calif of Covid in 2 years, out of 9,000,000 that age, tells us that there is willful ignorance on risk. That used to be called propaganda.


Not sure where Sotomayor heard 100,000 kids were in the hospital, but that bs was entered into the record, and I have yet to see her apologize for unintentionally fanning the flames of panic, which means she either meant to lie or she has her head so far up her sanctimonious butt she can't hear or see the facts.

The Supreme Court has been wrong before on Civil rights. They upheld internment of people of Japanese descent in WW2, because marginalized people don't have rights in the US. They domin theory, but generally, not in practice. Look at masked up kids.

Regardless if the courts save us puebloods or not, I am going to continue to live my life. The Supreme Court, Brandon, and all the Karens can live in terror of Covid and their impending DNA disaster. I have things to do.

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I vote for head far up her butt from too much CNN watching.

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Her problem is pretending that only now do we have the information we need to know that none of this was ever going to work.

Anyone with any interest did a little research and saw that prior to the two week shitdown to "flatten the curve" all of the known knowledge that was in no way fringe said, nah bruh, the mRNA therapeutic injections will last at most 4 months because we already tried them on chickens and cattle, masks are useless, and a highly contagious respiratory virus isn't going to be bothered by "social distancing".

We also knew that the damage done to society by the "emergency measures" would be far more destructive than the damage done by the Chinese Bat Soup Flu itself.

So I'm glad she's seen the light, but until folks like her admit that ALL of this knowledge was available from day one, she's still going down the wrong path.

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Same thing over here in the UK. The BBC's Jeremy Vine is now saying that some of the lockdown measures were stupid. Two years too late, Jezza, two years too late.

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I forgive her for not totally grasping the "big picture". At least she moving in the right direction and daring to speak out. Rome was not built in a day!

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I'm with you. We have to be patient with these people. That they're seeing this at all with the huge amount of propaganda thrown at them is a victory.

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I find it funny that both her and Maher, who are neoliberal pro war pro corporate stooges, wake up pretty late to see that the boots they licked are nuts.

Meanwhile, the real working class progressives, not the fake fraud squad hipsters, were always saying that we shouldn't trust pharma or politicians. But sadly, we only had the shitlibs and fake right, both of which ignore the issue that got us into this mess: a paycheck to paycheck meaningless economy.

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The One Ring to rule them all, Fearocracy.

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Data we didn’t know two years ago?

Diamond Princess Cruise ship, information from China and Italy showing serious cases were elderly and in poor health, people under 60 rarely effected, decades of study on the effectiveness of masks during ‘flu epidemics (no discernable benefit), two hundred years experience of epidemics and infection control and far worse ‘flu epidemics than CoVid, decades of research into respiratory viruses and into Cold (coronavirus) and ‘flu vaccines resulting in no effective ones, absence of masses of sick, bed-ridden family, friends, neighbours and work colleagues in early 2020 with the concomitant disruption to the economy that that would have brought - what exactly didn’t we know! What more did we need to know?

But… still there are some from personal experience, no matter how much data from observation I show them, no matter how many prophesies of doom have failed, it’s as if they cannot see, don’t want to - I suppose - and just repeat the latest propaganda. I asked one friend just how many times they had to lie to him before he stopped believing them - no answer.

We now know just over 17 300 people in England & Wales died from, not with, CoVid, yet not a single mainstream media outlet has mentioned it - report published in December last after a freedom of information request.

Here in the UK the mask mandate expires on 26 Jan, but the zombies are still walking around in them - what do they think is going to change in the next few days? I expect large numbers to continue wearing them.

And yes indeed, even if it had been as bad as proclaimed - Human Rights, freedom come first. Life is about trade-off and we do not trade-off freedom for short term safety… because when it comes to giving up freedom to those who would be kings, there is no short term.

I want to resign from the Human Race - anybody got details of the procedure?

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A clever cat once said that you know you are winning when your enemies claim that they were on your side all along.

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It’s pretty easy to be brave went the bullets and bombs stop flying. Where was this neurotic twit when 30% of us were yelling the sky is not falling? They were hunkered down in their basements hoping it would just pass them by.

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Neurotics shouldn’t be at the top of organizations. They make great middle manager doers. But they are lousy and usually toxic leaders. Unfortunately they have a tendency to end up near the top or at the top of bureaucracies due to being highly effective at getting a lot done. Hence these days bureaucracy and neurocracy are often redundant words.

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It's never been about a bureaucracy, it's about control by a small number of individuals who control the real levers of power. Bari Weiss is a very smart lady but she doesn't see past her progressive world view.

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I think Bari actually has a political future. I'd just have her change her line from "wiping down my Pringles" to "wiping down my avocadoes" or "wiping down my coconut oil." Wrong demographic.

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"Catastrophic moral crime". Indeed. And those that led or were cheerleaders for this ought to get the razor. Never forget who they were. They are never to be trusted again. They deserve nothing but your contempt and derision.

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Good grief, she sprayed her Pringles cans!

How can I ever listen to this woman on anything that requires logic, research, curiosity…

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I agree with mostly everything the earlier posters have said: she's 2 years too late and most info has been out there that long or longer.

I have to say however, seeing her interviewed like that gave me a ray of hope. Where I live there are a lot of people who would like to see the unvaxxed being persecuted in various ways that I won't document. These same people will tune in to this show and perhaps a ray of light will find it's way into their dark brains.

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I wonder if she will read Pandemia or The Real Anthony Fauci or listen to the Rogan Interviews? I wonder if she's aware of any of the potential damage from the gene therapy mislabeled a vaccine.

Now that her mind is opening, rather than criticizing her for being late to the party, I think it's a much better idea to be welcoming and educate her and her followers.

That's how I feel about all the people who are suddenly going to get religion. I am much more concerned about educating people and having allies going forward than about saying "I told you so". My ideal situation would be for all these people to just realize all the layers of bullshit they were fed and have them turn their anger on those who fed them that bullshit.

The thing I wonder about is in 6 months how many injuries as a result of the gene therapy mislabeled a vaccine will be showing up and what will happen then. It could get ugly. If it does I want all these people understanding it's the global elites who did it to them.

I have found it very interesting timing that the Plandemic happened right when all the Epstein stuff about the global elites was starting to hit front pages and of course it drove it off the front pages and out of people's minds.




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I don't blame the kids for taking some time to catch up on this: I was there in April 2020, but then, I've been around the block a few times, and they bought it, because they haven't. Which is also ironic, because at the healthy age of 68 my own, very small risk, is a lot higher than theirs.

It isn't all loss: they will gain an education:

just as my generation did with the Vietnam War:

Don't trust the bastards in power!

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I hope you are right.

Our youngest son lost the last half of his junior year of high school and all of his senior year. We were watching him compete at the state wrestling championships when we found out that the first Oregon case of covid had been confirmed and that the state was locking down. He was on track to have placed in the top three at state the next year, but was not allowed to compete. Both his junior and senior proms were cancelled. He was on track to be an honors chemistry student and go on to major in chem in college (which he has done) but did not get to set foot inside a lab until he got to university, despite his school having the most sophisticated secondary school lab in the state. His school made sure to promote social justice but felt no need to promote student justice. The worst part? He now tells us that he "didn't miss out on that much" and "all they asked was that people wear a mask during a public health crisis." He has no idea what was stolen from him, even though we tell him.

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Yes: I can see this too.

I lost a lovely and caring young neighbour to suicide in December 2020: that was a bad blow: his family explicity blamed lockdown for his breakdown and decision to end his life. I don;t know if they were right, but lockdown was pretty catastrophic for young people especially: they lost the best years of their life, I just stayed home, stoked the fire, ate too much, and read books.

The Vietnam War was also a trauma: an entire generation was thrown into this utter catasrophe, and many died or were permanently wounded and hurt: the scars still linger: being British I am glad I was spared.

I don;t use the analogy lightly: I'm hoping some ultimate good will come from this: a deeper ability to question and hold politicians and public officials and the media to account.

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It has been terrible for young people. Our son had a teammate whose 15-yr-old brother committed suicide, and the family also put the blame squarely on the lockdowns and their psychological impact.

For me, as a middle-aged adult, I fared much the same as you - I read, I did puzzles, and I relaxed in the sun. We were fortunate to have a large, bucolic property with a large house, multiple outdoor spaces and a pool. From the beginning, I refused to turn away family and friends who wanted to visit and commune. My heart broke for those in tiny spaces, who lived alone and were truly too frightened to read the medical statistics for themselves and disobey the orders to completely isolate. John Donne was right, no man is an island, and we were never meant to be so.

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she's a lib lunatic. once she resolves her short term cognitive dissonance she will be back in the leftie groove.

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The "measures" had nothing to do with "public health", rather the opposite. If you think about what was done in terms of deliberate policy decisions, instead of incompetence and groupthink, a far different picture emerges. I think the important thing here isn't the biology of viruses or vaccines, it's the effect of the purported vaccines on the human body, namely vasculature and reproductive systems, see https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/pmc/articles/PMC8402971/ (and the vascular effects of the vaccines are well characterized and becoming more obvious day by day). The virus does its damage by means of the spike protein, and the human body appears to deal with the short-term production of spike protein during normal infection and immune response pretty well. But with the "vaccines", the production of spike proteins goes on for much longer - one month as opposed to roughly four days for natural infection, and the quantities of spike protein produced by the spike vaccines are very much larger, and it appears to take up to three months to clear them from the body. And this is true for the second shot, and boosters as well. So there are going to be cumulative effects much more pronounced in this chronic way, as compared with the acute effects produced by natural infection. And it's well known by now that not only do the "vaccines" produce little in the way of immunity, they also compromise the immune system - which will also have an effect on the lifespan. So that this is the very opposite of a public health response

I think that what is going on is something called "degrowth", see "Degrowth: social change beyond the planet’s limits" done in response to overshoot in population, which impacts not only carrying capacity - see https://www.econ.cam.ac.uk/people-files/emeritus/pd10000/publications/18/ADPD-final-OUP-Jan-2019.pdf  (this paper arrives at a figure of 1.8 billion for a sustainable population at a reasonable level of comfort per capita, as against a current population of 7.9 billion) - but also resource depletion, see https://ourfiniteworld.com/2021/11/10/our-fossil-fuel-energy-predicament-including-why-the-correct-story-is-rarely-told/, and "Limits to Growth", summary at https://web.ics.purdue.edu/~wggray/Teaching/His300/Illustrations/Limits-to-Growth.pdf

Fauci has said repeatedly that the percent of people required to be vaccinated to "stop the coronavirus" is 80%. And that's the case for the rest of the world "public health" community -80%. That leaves 20% unvaccinated. The effects of the "vaccines" are beginning to be well known, on life expectancy and fertility. Simple math shows that 20% of 7.9 billion is about 1.6 billion, which comes close to the 1.8 billion figure cited above, with room for a bit of growth - or an overestimation of the number of vaccinated. Tverberg in her estimate, does not figure on a large decline in population - if that were figured in, her estimate might change...

So connect the dots, and that's what I think is really going on here...

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comment got truncated, here's the rest: Fauci has said repeatedly that the percent of people required to be vaccinated to "stop the coronavirus" is 80%. That leaves 20% unvaccinated. Simple math shows that 20% of 7.9 billion is about 1.6 billion, which comes close to the 1.8 billion figure cited above, with room for a bit of growth - or an overestimation of the number of vaccinated. Tverberg in her estimate, does not figure on a large decline in population - if that were figured in, her estimate might change...

So connect the dots, and that's what I think is really going on here...

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Same as it ever was.

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more like neuro-crazy

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Yep....if only the Bureaucrats knew it!

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The basis of the scientific training in COVID response of Fauci and company has finally been revealed…


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Did anyone else watch the longer version of the clip? That Congressman gave me the creeps with his vaccine propaganda speak- it was like invasion of the body snatchers or a COVID version of a Stepford wife. Seriously had me wondering if the machines have already taken over and we just don't know it 😩😩

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I sincerely hope she avoids small planes, canoes, small bodies of water, etc. She put herself at great risk by airing her views, accurate or no, on network TV. I wish her the best of luck.

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This is why The View was considering her. palatable.

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I now know why I don't feel the urge to comment on her substack (even though you need to pay to do so) But nevertheless the crowd cheer at the end even if only half the audience says where this is heading.


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i am done with newrow ticks.....

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