I love you, who ever you are. Many thanks for the invaluable data/info you provide and the refreshing feline twist on the disastrous state of too many things.

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well said! My sentiments exactly!

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Dogs drool, cats rule! 🐈‍⬛ 😻

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I love your mix of world class data and humor!

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All hail our feline masters 😻

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Now that was funny! Thanks for the laugh :)

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2.5: barfing in one of the humans' shoes that one morning to assert dominance

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the conceit of the cat herder

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I'm going to read this to my cats...but they are napping currently! :-)

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"Achieving control of the internet" - The internet was developed by the military and it's intended use was surveillance from the get go. It should have been named PAW PATROL :)

Highly recommend the book called Surveillance Valley by Yasha Levine on this topic.

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You win the internet daily challenge

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My life just got a little bit better.

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Our feline overlords do not approve of capitalism, only anarchy

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Dogs have owners, cats have SERVANTS!

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Hey Gato, I wrote a much longer comment on https://www.covid-datascience.com/post/do-pfizer-vaccines-kill-2-people-for-every-1-saved-evaluating-viral-social-media-reports .

I'm not going to type it again, but there's a whistleblower report indicating 45k deaths within 3 days of vaccination from the CMS data.



This means that we have 45k dead from vaccination and 250k deaths from covid as reported by government (likely over reported).

Additionally, following Kirsch's math, the lower bound I have is 0.5 people killed for every one saved.

I did very quick estimates in responding to him, but I believe this is worth more some time spent with more accurate estimates and many cats pictures.

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thanks gatomalo, you're the kitees knees

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OT, but I wonder if anyone has been looking at this graph:


There are some new categories, and choosing "Weekly Number of Deaths by Age", then "Update Dashboard" shows that mortality for 25-44 years has been pretty flat but elevated since COVID began. It looks like that age group (unlike older people) has been suffering mostly collateral damage, with a distinct seasonal bump only showing up this summer (why?).

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Thank you! I watch a lot of history documentaries, and I was wondering why my cats usually just roll their eyes and go back to sleep. I've tried to get them interested but no joy, and now I understand why.

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Big smile!

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thank you for the big grins!!!

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Just an FYI. I got a GMail notice this morning asking if I wanted to unsubscribe from your emails. It noted as a reason that I had not opened the emails from you for 30 days. I always open all emails within a day.

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I suspected...

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