Ha! The best response on twitter was the guy who said he doesn't have the right to saw the barrel off of his shotgun...

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Must get a background check before becoming trans.

Must pay a fee and pass an additional background check, plus have additional training in some states, before being trans in public.

Not allowed on school grounds.

Not allowed in government office buildings.

Neutered of their full abilities. (We can't have kids becoming victims of fully automatic transexual violence!)

Must pay a tax stamp and wait almost a year while a more thorough background check is completed if your "barrel" is too short or if you want to speak at lower volumes than usual.

I really don't think that these people think.

By the way, all of the above is complete nonsense.

Gun ownership is a human right; a right which Extends from the natural right of self defense. Our founders intended the Second Amendment to be a check upon our government. We ought to be able to purchase the most advanced armaments in the world; not exclusively for personal self defense, but for the defense of our great nation.

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Anyone who makes such an absurd analogy between transgenders and guns is clearly going around half-cocked.

Oh, wait...

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Time for a firearms fluidity movement to liberate our guns from their restrictive categorizations and discriminatory legislation.

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It's irresponsible and illegal to leave a child alone with a gun.

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The one downside to being a libertarian is that we ignored this shit way too long.

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Can you even address this as a tortured analogy? But perhaps proof of adage: better to be thought a fool than to open mouth and remove all doubt.

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woke is the neolibs' state religion.....

insidious establishment of a state religion starts with demeaning and denying other religions

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Jo is the most insane liberal on Twitter. Seriously - the woman is mentally deranged.

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Lou Reed has a thing or two to say about (triggered) JoJo.

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Guns are allowed to vote??

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Wait until they try to apply for a permit to go out in a “may issue” state like NY. I’m not eve sure they’d be legal driving through Maryland!

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Didn’t Babylon bee spoof this already with women?

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Meanwhile, back at the Utah…

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But it is the comparison I needed this morning. love it!

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