Let me share with you a story:

Jessica's mom had "ugly hands". Everyone used to laugh at Jessica's mom. They used to say, "oh her hands are all scarred, they're all disgusting, they're all red, they're all patchy". And Jessica, herself, was rather scared of her mom's hands.

At times she wouldn't even want to hold her own mother's hands, and other times the boys and girls at school, they would laugh at Jessica. In fact, one day it was so bad that Jessica just spent the whole evening crying her eyes out in bed, saying, "I hate mommy! I hate mommy because she has ugly hands!"

So her father went into the room and said, "Jessica, do you know why your mom's hands look the way they do? When you were but a little baby there was a fire in our house and the staircase was on fire and you were up in the very top bedroom, but your mother was on the ground floor. So do you know what your mom did? She grabbed a blanket. She wrapped it around her waste. And then she climbed up to the top of the meta gutter pipe that led up to the bedroom."

"Every time she puts her hands on that hot gutter pipe it burns, Tsss! Tsss! Tsss!. But she got you, she saved you, and she brought you to safety in the garden. When it was all over, the firemen looked at mom's hands and saw they were a mess. You couldn't even recognize that they were hands: they were so blotchy, they were so red. That's why your mom has ugly hands."

In that moment Jessica ran out of her bed and she ran into her mother's bedroom, and she started kissing her mom's hands, and saying mom you have the most beautiful hands in the world.

God's message was the same. Jesus suffered and died for you:

Some people of the world look at Jesus's pierced hands and may see them as ugly, but to those who know the truth, we think they are the most beautiful hands in the world. Those hands were pierced, they had nails driven through them for all the times that your hands have hurt people or done cruel and nasty things.

He also had his feet pierced. His feet had nails pierced through them for all the time that your feet have walked to places you know you should not be, but you stayed there, even though your conscience was telling you to get out.

And Jesus Christ, he had his brow pierced. He wore a crown of thorns for all the times your mind has thought evil things, your mind has thought rude things, shameful things.

Here is His promise:

"Jesus said to her, 'I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?" —John 11:25-26

Excerpt from: https://bitchute.com/video/LOEfoyc0VR1a

Happy Easter, everone.

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Believing in the Easter Bunny is significantly safer than believing in the government.

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“Taxation is theft, purely and simply even though it is theft on a grand and colossal scale which no acknowledged criminals could hope to match. It is a compulsory seizure of the property of the State’s inhabitants, or subjects.” - Murray Rothbard

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Happy Easter to you & yours💕

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My kids were the most skeptical little humans I knew. They never believed in the Easter bunny and they believed in Santa until they were about three--the youngest one never did because her older siblings told her it was a lie. I think I only tried once to tell them that the Easter bunny was the one who gave them the baskets with treats and they asked so many questions, I finally gave up. I thought I was doing something wrong because my kids were so suspicious about that stuff, but now I realize maybe I was doing something right. They knew if they asked questions, I would tell them the truth. I tried to teach them that everything good starts with a question The quest to know if God was really there? That's a personal journey between you and God. Those who are truly seeking the answer will eventually find great peace. It's a journey no one else can take for you.

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Senor Kit-Kat - "most adults still believe taxation isn't theft" aka most adults still believe their government gives a fuck about them. Hoppy Easter!

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Hans Urs von Balthasar

Catholic theologian

“Love alone is credible; nothing else can be believed, and nothing else ought to be believed. This is the achievement, the ‘work’ of faith: to recognize this absolute prius, which nothing else can surpass; to believe that there is such a thing as love, absolute love, and that there is nothing higher or greater than it; to believe against all the evidence of experience (‘credere contra fidem‘ like ‘spere contra spem‘), against every ‘rational’ concept of God, which thinks of him in terms of impassibility or, at best, totally pure goodness, but not in terms of this inconceivable and senseless act of love”


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Those thieves want us paw so they can get theIRS

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I love you big Kat!

Haha. You really speak my language.

Thanks for what you do brother.

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For the Pagans, it's happy trannie day.

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Absolutely right gatito bueno, tu esta mui Bien e mui sabio!

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Happy Easter!

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Wishing you a wonderful and Blessed Easter Celebration! God continues to Bless Us in this wonderful country. We will hold strong in Faith and not allow criminals to take way our lives as Christians!

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No you're lying. Liar. I have proof. He drops chocolate, yknow. Obvious really.

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