The unholy marriage between what used to be called the Left and the global corporate state is truly one of the most fascinating phenomena of our time.
My guess is that intense social pressure plus the desire to be the opposite of your blood enemies (in this case the Orange Man and his merry band of Deplorables) plus living inside our digital panopticon of instant conformity (OR ELSE!) is enough to melt and warp any professed ideals or beliefs, even if they've been your public face for decades.
Jonny Rotten: "I never thought I'd live to see the day when the right wing would become the cool ones giving the middle finger to the establishment, and the left wing becoming the sniveling self-righteous twatty ones going around shaming everyone."
The unholy marriage between what used to be called the Left and the global corporate state is truly one of the most fascinating phenomena of our time.
My guess is that intense social pressure plus the desire to be the opposite of your blood enemies (in this case the Orange Man and his merry band of Deplorables) plus living inside our digital panopticon of instant conformity (OR ELSE!) is enough to melt and warp any professed ideals or beliefs, even if they've been your public face for decades.
Rage against thinking for yourself!
Jonny Rotten: "I never thought I'd live to see the day when the right wing would become the cool ones giving the middle finger to the establishment, and the left wing becoming the sniveling self-righteous twatty ones going around shaming everyone."