The unholy marriage between what used to be called the Left and the global corporate state is truly one of the most fascinating phenomena of our time.

My guess is that intense social pressure plus the desire to be the opposite of your blood enemies (in this case the Orange Man and his merry band of Deplorables) plus living inside our digital panopticon of instant conformity (OR ELSE!) is enough to melt and warp any professed ideals or beliefs, even if they've been your public face for decades.

Rage against thinking for yourself!

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Just look at the near complete absence of campus protests against forced vaccination and mask mandates. Students only want their freedom from conservative ideas. They're happy to have their freedoms suppressed by Progressives. I think it's weird, but humans are weird.

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i live near UCLA and I drive past the lovely leafy campus pretty often and see healthy young people all obediently wearing their masks while gazing lovingly into their phones. they just want the digital dopamine to keep flowing, to live inside a Brave New World where upsetting thoughts are banished and Love Wins!

they will do whatever u tell them—just don't make them think for themselves and for the love of god keep the wifi coming!

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So boring. Remember when college life was streaking and beer filled frat parties...and also the garbage can filled with grain alcohol punch...and hooking up.

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Oh Lord, I was in Drama and Theatre, even my MA. It doesn't get more wild than that, I assure you. Much of it is a blur, but what I do remember gives me great joy and delight, even as I turn scarlet at certain memories.

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We had strip and go naked punch! College was glorious!

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I agree! I could go back right now and fit right in, how about you? We’d run all over these ho hummers 

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they'd be shocked by us

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yess! was so good for our immune systems. I'm probably immune to everything

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Spody Ody FTW 😂

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I remember in the 90s when I was at multiple demonstrations at the federal building near UCLA…..what a time that was! They don’t even know how to protest correctly…….

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Same here near UC Santa Cruz. Students are walking outside, by themselves, with masks on.

Its the Compliance generation.

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The compliance generation is how I will coin them from now on…..thank you!!

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I'm not too worried about living to be very old, at this point.

At least, not here. Maybe in the Seychelles.

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A gram is better than a damn!

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In some places they actually protested to have the mask mandate REINSTATED. Talk about kissing the rod. Sickening.

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Double like- good point about no campus protests!

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With your permission, I am going to make me a t-shirt with this in the front:

"The unholy marriage between what used to be called the Left and the global corporate state is..."

And this in the back:

"truly one of the most fascinating phenomena of our time."

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I'll buy one

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Make one for me, too, please. I don't often wear t-shirts with written messages (cue Goldsmith) but when I do, it has to say something that's pretty f*cking meaningful. While we're at it, how about bumper stickers? Stay thirsty, friends!

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hey thanks! i be your first customer

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Jimi Hendrix would not have fallen for this bs

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My job is kind of related to the concert industry. ALL of the mainstream artists are vaxxed, and require their crews to be vaxxed. The older the artist is, the more likely they are to be militant about it.

The only exception is... many of the country acts. They don't require it and have no problem with natural immunity.

All of that being said... if things plays out unpleasantly in the next few years, there are going to be a lot of openings for new music from unvaxxed artists. There will also be a lot of job openings in the touring industry, as well as in television.

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I agree but I think we both know that many say they are jabbed.

The ones who actually are will stroke out ("due to rough past") or fall down stairs in their own homes.

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Or pass out due to being dehydrated. How’s Santana BTW?

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yeah. How is he doing?

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his guitar was all the vaxx he ever needed!

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Speaking of sheep, in case you missed it ( "Vaxx in the Cradle" ):


... Bahhhhhhhhhhh!

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I see your Vaxx and in Cradle and raise with:


"Vaxxine Pitch Meeting"

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Excellent. They nailed it.

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I'm just hoping we are creating the biggest libertarian generation the world has ever seen.....

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Going to be the buzzkill at this party and just say that this phenom is a lot older than just Rage hearting globocap. So-called 'anti-establishemt'-arians have been cuddling up to corporations since ye olde boomers hung up their tie-dyes and donned the peace-symbol ties corporate was marketing specifically to them.

Thomas Franks's The Conquest of Cool nailed this love-fest in 1997, looking at the sixties. Good read from a left populist type perspective:


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"Orange Man and his merry band of Deplorables" is a good name for a garage punk band.

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so. many. reasons. to love what you said

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I think I follow you on twitter... just read that exact statement... been saying it myself for about 10 years.

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I think you summed this up perfectly!!!

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Jonny Rotten: "I never thought I'd live to see the day when the right wing would become the cool ones giving the middle finger to the establishment, and the left wing becoming the sniveling self-righteous twatty ones going around shaming everyone."

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think he speaks for many of us, esp his fans from back in the day

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Dems somehow made it cool to be a sheep.

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Props for the username!

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Freaking weird world isn't it Mr Rotten.

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The leftists have always been sniveling, self-righteous, murderous twats. They've simply found a few new johns to whore around with.

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You are so very, very, explicitly, wonderfully, marvelously correct!

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A few billion by the looks of the last couple of years.

Easily argued more in a centrist manner that true unions were the ones trying to preserve life in the factories and down the pits ( I mean back when kids didn't see daylight even on Sundays) and the establishment/right were the tory landlords sending them down, forcing pay to be spent on-site in tuck-shops they owned, etc.

The pendulum doth swing one way then t'other and far too far currently.

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Which only is proof positive that he had his eyes closed the whole bloody time. Contrast him with the Pythons and the scene at the arena in Life of Brian: "What has the romans ever done for us?" - that's the left being satirised. The entire left, from Marx to then present day, and it is 100% spot on.

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"I want to be called Loretta" yes, they knew it, probably palpable from the corridors around the Cambridge Footlights, and could see the consequences. But it's truly accelerated away with the advent of the Internet, forty years of 'Active Measures', and the rise of the CCP as a global leader.

No need to dis Jonny though! He called out Saville decades ago, and has always been prepared to bore through people with his stare whilst delivering it. (A poetic Mislav Kolakusic!)

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Good to know he's still real.

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That leaves a vacuum for my new band: Rage Against the Vaccine!

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My first single: Epstein didn’t kill himself

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Flip side "Epstein isn't dead" LOL

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Nor did Chris Cornell

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IMO, those partictular bands were chosen to be taken out of context, exploited and 'suicided'. They unleashed it on teen age kids via pop radio and MTV. People were less than interested in that sound until it was fed to them from 'official' sources.

They're pretty much all gone now. The rebel ones at least.

Caveat, I love grunge. But I got to see it before the LA money started moving in.

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This was my fav thread of this post

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Hear hear!!

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Nothing short of repulsive. Can't even listen to them anymore.

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Easy for me...I never did.

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I kinda liked the version with the different band name with Chis Cornell singing, however, they still had the other shillmates from the original RATM band. Also sad that C.Cornell killed himself, such a wonderful voice in the bands he was in.

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Conspiracy theory: he was murdered by the deep state, Chester Bennington too. The story is they were trying to expose child trafficking in the music industry.

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Audioslave was 2 albums of excellent music.

I don't know if CC committed suicide or accidental via auto-erotic asphyxiation.

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Suicided. Another rabbit hole

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he literally told his concert audience that he was going to kill himself, closed the show with a cover of Led Zeppelin's "In My Time of Dying" then went a did it. Chilling to go back and listen to him for decades say what he was planning to do. His wife is saying it wasn't suicide because he didn't leave a note, but coroner says it was.

Crazy how I can't find the video of that concert anymore... internet isn't a free as it used to be.

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In the shower, no note. Not 100% sure but that is common with AEA.

He had mental health issues that went back decades so it could be either. In any case it was the loss of a true talent. Sad day for me when I heard the news.

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we can all agree he was one of the best, if not the best singer in rock.

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In a weird twist, Audioslave introduced me to RATM............. I knowright..................weird. I already knew about CC through Soundgarden; loved it and his voice was the one thing that kept me listening

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Audioslave, sigh, great show. Missing CC

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How I used to believe as a youngster that people like Strummer, Lennon, Marley, and similar music icons had integrity and actually meant what they wrote in their lyrics. Life taught me that: (a) they are nothing more than human, and more importantly (b) in the end they're all products.

One of my favorite bands of all time is Midnight Oil. My wife and I actually drove six hours from our home to catch them in Chicago back in 2017. It was a great show.

Watching Midnight Oil going all out to support the Australian government's "Vax-the-Nation" program presaged the mass sell-out that we've seen from artists of all stripe. Recognizing that the vast majority are dyed-in-the-wool 'limousine liberals' makes it unsurprising that they've bowed to the agenda. They all want to tour, sell merchandise, and make gobs of money. If getting three shots allows Axl Rose to perform live in Dublin then so be it.

I still listen to the music but I realize that ultimately they are all court jesters for the elite.

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Not Van the man. I don't know if he is shotted but he was the first and almost the only musician against lockdowns.

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One of the very few exceptions, sadly.

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Don't forget the sellout Poo Pfizers and their vaxxed and dead drummer.

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Poo pfizers : ) : ) : )

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I thought I would vomit when McCartney was vaxed on Instagram and told fans to be cool and get the poison jab

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Midnight Oil were always out and proud Leftists for their Australian audience.

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Now they've become corporate statists like all true leftists.

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Every bit of this is how I felt at the start of 2021

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Woah-somehow I missed this. What a disappointment.

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I've "de-heroed" some of my former rock heroes. I wrote about it here: https://thefreethinker.substack.com/p/a-letter-to-my-heroes

I have new heroes. Curiously, some of them feline...

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Eric Clapton has stood up. So has Van Morrison.

The industry and their friends have made the pariahs. Sad.

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Wow! Well done. Really enjoyed reading that. 👍

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That was great. Heres an excerpt from a poem I wrote about this very thing:


I never needed shiny things to feel

So before my master never did kneel

To gain the things you greatly prize

That will only lead to your demise


My employers pressured me into wanting more

I started lying to myself to improve my score

And wondered why I couldn’t find the ambition

To win in the empty war of attrition


It took so long for me to see

Ignoring my integrity was killing me

If i’d have just listened to tinkerbell

I could have saved myself from facing hell


When you’re thinking that you’re worth more in gold

Than you are in the flesh, to those that you hold

When the endless voices in your head

Will try to convince you, you’re better off dead


This is when the truth you'll embrace

No longer distracted by the crap that others chase.

My mind is clear from the things that they crave

That will lead us into a grizzly grave


I've never been materialistic or followed the herd

I’m the outsider whose voice is never heard

Always drowned out by the good time crowd

My words of caution were never allowed


It's people like me that asks the questions

Not blinded by their manipulations

That control the greed to always want more

And succumb to the lure to be desires whore


But I was after something that isn't tangible

The music I loved made the tough times bearable

I was after a leader and from the words there came

A light to follow from the world of fame


For 30 years I remained a blind fool

My eyes were covered over with wool

The symbols so clear once you know what they are

Glowing so brightly from the fallen star


Why were they selling Bidens race

Could they not see the lies all over his face.

Why were they pushing the climate trains

They will ban our coal after controlling our veins


Now they’re all pushing the vaccine horror

Their rage has depleted to mendacious dogma

Every single one of them no longer wise

Following those they proclaimed to despise


It couldn't be that none of you

See the damage the vax will do

Why didn’t you say you’re legitimately concerned

But you clearly don't care that your fans will get burned


Grohl taking the piss with Jagger the dagger

That rubber lipped prick always was a blagger

But Dave was sold to me as the good guy

Time to line them all up and say a long goodbye


The hero's you followed, just hollow it seems

False prophets one and all in the stadium light beams

Its painful to learn but then none of it matters

When the veil drops down the illusion shatters


It turns out your idols are on the wrong side

Their cards on the table not caring to hide

Souls long sold, telling lies unclean

To live out their sick lucifarian dream


Is it the devil or just bad spirit they follow

Is god really real or is he just hollow

Just metaphorical creations to help tell a story

Pure beauty and pure evil turned jackanory

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At least Muse seems consistent. Have you heard their new song “Compliance?”

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I'm a 70 year old grandmother who grew up in Indiana and so missed the Sixties revolution and missed the heavy metal scene...... but I love the Muse's "Uprising"

Paranoia is in bloom,

The PR transmissions will resume

They'll try to push drugs that keep us all dumbed down

And hope that we will never see the truth around

(so come on)

Another promise, another seed

Another packaged lie to keep us trapped in greed

And all the green belts wrapped around our minds

And endless red tape to keep the truth confined

(so come on)

They will not force us

They will stop degrading us

They will not control us

We will be victorious

(so come on)

OK, where is my placard...

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Great song! I’m a huge fan of theirs. And that song is one of their best. Thanks for sharing it!

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I've had that song on repeat since March 2020. Played it to my kids. I told them Psycho is the transcript of a conversation between Bill Gates and Matt Hancock 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 they knew I was joking obvs. I think Muse is the only band I would pay money to see. Love them.

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You should definitely see them in concert. I’ve been three times and I promise myself that if I’m within 200 miles of anywhere they are playing I will make a point to do everything I can to go see them. Their concerts are incredible and like nothing I’ve ever been to. Try to get standing room floor tickets if you can.

I once took my good friend to one of their concerts and he said, “that’s not really my kind of music but that might be one of the best concerts I’ve ever been to!”

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It was the weirdest thing, but during lockdown the BBC, of all broadcasters, screened one of their gigs. My hubs knows I loves them and found it by chance, it was amazing to watch on TV. But hilarious that our narrative focused national broadcaster showed it 🤣 😂

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I'm guessing they've had the jabs though, I've just checked out the gigs, Canada and North America 🙄

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I believe you MUST be jabbed to enter Canada.

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I've been right from day 1, right up to the point where I saw them pose fro photo advertising a one off gig in london wearing masks outside the venue. I thought as first that they may have been worn ironically, but, as you state, they must be vaxxed to get in to the US and Canada. I have come tot he conclusion that all their stuff is just disingenuous. Its shame as they put out some awesome stuff. Much like RATM.

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I'm sold

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I've never even heard of them. Most music today is autotuned pop tarts, faux bad boy poseuers, and excruciating rap. But these guys do have the chops, and a three piece at that. I can't wait to tell people that a 70-year old grandmother turned me on to them. :)

Cute video with a killer teddy bear: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8KQmps-Sog

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Always loved this one. Perfectly describes the times we are in.

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Yes. Because of the work we've done in psychiatric reform, I knew there were bad, errr, evil elements that were very damaging to our society, our children and other vulnerable people...I knew about Big Pharma, but when we started to research COVID and the forces behind the lockdowns, the gain of function research, the masking, the vaccines, the sock-puppet agencies rubber stamping experimentation on the whole human race....and so on and on, we were floored. We are still peeling layers of the onion of evil! Sometimes my eyes water. But I'm tougher now than when we started, and we have such amazing fellow-travelers. It is a privilege to be alive and awake in this time.

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Love you Ginger and Dr. Breggin!❤️❤️ I was looking into Dr. Breggin’s books & started watching his videos when this plandemic started. Dr. Breggin gave me great comfort with every weekly interview he did with all the wonderful experts. I knew the news was spewing propaganda when Dr. Breggin talked very early on about the government doing “fear appeal” studies. I stopped watching the media’s fear porn and started following all the experts that were telling a different story about the Cvd virus. I am so grateful and thankful for all the work you, Ginger, and Dr. Breggin have done to bring truth. I have your book: Covid-19 and the Global Predators and have told many about it. God bless you both!

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Gabriella, thank you so very much. Knowing that we have been able to help all the heroic COVID early treatments doctors share their life-saving early treatment information, and helping to bring comfort and genuine positive solutions to a terrifying time has been very gratifying. In January-February I was so frightened and I had a real resonance with others feeling the fear being generated both by the unknown quality and potential danger of the virus as well as the fear mongering. So glad we have been able to help! And now-- being able to continue to spread the word about the Covid vaccine dangers is a privilege. God bless all our doctors, scientists, professors and advocates who are bravely speaking despite the tremendous efforts to silence any hint of criticism. They are saving lives every day.

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thank you both. I am continuously recommending your books to people who are waking up from the Psych state of affairs. You seemed pretty awake before, Toxic Psychiatry is a pretty bold statement, but I understand how the rabbit hole opened up before us as 2020 progressed.

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I’ve loved this song for years but somehow missed this version. Thanks for sharing.

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"Paranoia is in bloom" - Paranoia. Keeping Critters Alive For Millions Of Years

Uprising is a great song. I also love "If you tolerate this then your children will be next" by the Manic Street Preachers (Repeat is their total cult classic).

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Great Manic Street Preachers reference. "If You Tolerate This ... " is one of their best. I found myself sharing the video on Facebook with my friends as Covid-mania began to roll out.

That said, knowing that Nicky Wire writes the vast majority of their lyrics and reading a Mojo interview of Wire in late-2021 where the author noted that Wire wore a mask for the entire interview, it makes me wonder whether their world view has changed to embrace something more acceptable to the collectivists.

It's like a recent interview of Ray Davies of the Kinks wherein he engaged in a little historical revisionism to paint "Lola" in a pro-LGBTQ+ light. Next, Keith Richards will say "Brown Sugar" wasn't about heroin or the more obvious connotation but rather about his favorite additive to his morning tea.

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Yes, another great track. Love it.

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I’m almost your age and this is the type of music I listen to...Muse is awesome. The old farts can have “Free Bird.” Btw I’m reading your book!

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Woohooo! Thank you!

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Thank you! My covid anthem! Love them - had never explored the lyrics this closely.

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Go @Ginger!!!!

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It's a good track, but just doesn't have the "Fuck You" gut-punch of "Uprising".

Admittedly a high bar: Uprising is my second or third favourite pop/rock song (Tool's "Aenima" is #1, and "Uprising" is roughly tied with Tool's "Stinkfist" - "this may hurt a little, but it's something you'll get used to")

For those playing along at home: here's a sample of the lyrics to "Uprising"...

>>Interchanging mind control

Come, let the revolution take its toll

If you could flick the switch and open your third eye

You'd see that we should never be afraid to die

So come on

Rise up and take the power back

It's time the fat cats had a heart attack

You know that their time's coming to an end

We have to unify and watch our flag ascend <<

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Also... Muse gets the obvious rhymes in (compliance, defiance, reliance), but they couldn't get TheScience into the lyrics?

That's not a blind spot: I think they kinda cucked. Y'know, so that their entire album wouldn't be yanked from antisocial media.

At least they haven't completely beclowned themselves like those pissweak dickheads from Rage Against the Machine. "Fuck you I will do exactly what you tell me!11"

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Fuck Gene Simmons too, I’ll wish him death like he wishes it upon me.

No mercy mother f**kers.

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And "The Offspring" who fired their drummer of 14 years. The dude had natural immunity because he had covid and recovered. He also had an serious GBS reaction decades ago to a vaccine.

Dexter (the singer) has a legit PhD in biology. He can't claim ignorance. He has to know natural immunity wins.


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And now you do what they told ya, now you're under control...

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“We the People” by Kid Rock is AWESOME!

I get sick and tired of Tom Morello forever whoring himself as some sort of rebel on SiriusXM. Please, you ARE part of the system now.

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Gatito, you've been spending a lot of time with the Bad Kitty, haven't you?

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i like to borrow his records, mr james.

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Just another of the countless people who we saw the true face of during the past 2 plus years. I never really believed there could be so many spineless non-thinkers in the world, but I know better now.

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They sell their souls for fame and money

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They can't be expected to let Neil Young hog all the conformist spotlight, can they?

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Who slunk his way back to Spotify 🤮

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I just checked and he's still off. You may be thinking of his former bandmates CS&N who did walk way and soon after slunk back. I guess they really need the money.

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This is what I saw. I only read the headline 😆 as I wouldn’t walk across the street to see them let alone pay money for them. I lean towards the ones who stood up to this insanity like Eric Clapton and Van Morrison. https://www.newsweek.com/crosby-stills-nash-young-joe-rogan-podcast-spotify-return-1721688

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Never sort yourself out. Where have all the rebel rock stars gone? Money is God. Sellouts. Ian Brown and Eric Clapton are still critical thinkers, and Right Said Fred!

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and Van Morrison

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Surely there must be more? Hunt the musicians with a brain.....

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I like The Clash reference though.

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Maybe they're hoping they'll get to entertain at the next WEF meeting and be first in line at the all you can eat bug buffet?

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Human meat, more likely

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