Leftist ideology:

It's bad if you do it.

It's good if we do it.

Lather, rinse and repeat.

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"Bolshevik morality holds that whatever contributes to Bolshevik success is moral, whatever hinders it is immoral."


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May 5, 2022·edited May 5, 2022

Fla Mom, that is a very interesting and insightful way of looking at it.

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The challenge is to find the duplicity in your own tribe. Consider Ron DiSantis (spelling?). It’s everywhere

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What duplicity are you thinking of with Ron DeSantis?

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His “anti-antifa/blm protest” bill which appears to give authorities the ability to arrest an entire group of protesters for the crimes of a few agitators. This will be used against peaceful protesters in due time. It’s the nature of such authority. He also did the thing known as the “don’t say gay” bill. Which in principle, I’m in agreement with the parts about not discussing sexuality with young children. But it’s antithetical to free speech absolutism, and people should realize that. He also governs a state with a serious pedo problem. There’s no way he doesn’t know that. And lastly, he passed some pandemic measures that allow the state to compel vaccines under certain circumstances. In short, he has positioned FL authorities to abuse powers they shouldn’t have, while he has not (yet) abused those powers himself. You know, frogs in boiling water and all that.

And the people hail him as a hero safeguarding liberty. But he’s a long-time politician. That’s all you need to know to keep your guard up.

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Free speech absolutism isn’t really compatible with a profession. Sure, you have the freedom to say anything you want but if that harms your employer then you’ll lose your job. Imagine a salesman being harshly critical of the product he’s selling in front of customers. Teachers are bound similarly. Nobody would object to firing a teacher who openly promoted racist ideology. Parents’ preferences will dictate what is taught to their children.

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I agree that the riot bill should be seen from the POV of having an opposition-party Governor, and I don't refute your point that we can be blind to our own hypocrisy. I don't quite follow your argument about the Parental Rights bill; of course there's no absolute free speech with someone else's young children, especially in a state "with a serious pedo problem." And if anyone watered down the bill, my guess is that it was probably Senate President Wilton Simpson, also a politician, but apparently not seeking the conservative-parent vote. I'm against all vaccine mandates, as DeSantis should be, but I think that bill was done early in COVID, before he found out that the "public health" advice he was receiving was really statist-leftist advice (but, for the most part, I repeat myself). DeSantis is indeed a long-time politician, as we saw in the behind-the-scenes wheeling and dealing that must have taken place in order for him to endorse Wilton Simpson for Commissioner of Ag, especially after Chuck Nadd had been encouraged to enter the race as the pro-DeSantis candidate. DeSantis and Simpson are on opposite sides of several issues (environment/Big Sugar and 2A, e.g.) Perhaps the agreement was for whatever unspecified legislative moves DeSantis said have been prepared to deal with Disney's outstanding debt payments, necessary to make the withdrawal of special district status more painful to Disney than to local citizens. It remains unclear if DeSantis is sincere about constitutional carry or not. It may be that there's also agreement that con. carry won't be addressed in the upcoming or any additional special session, but will be in the 2023 session. No con. carry bill has ever been introduced in the Senate, including under Senate President Wilton Simpson's period of control (and the one that was introduced in the House was sponsored by RINO hunter Anthony Sabatini, so it was dead on arrival).

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A lot depends on how you define 'tribe.' 'Bolshevik' is pretty specific, and they were self-described, but there are plenty of their 'offspring' running around today. If you read the piece at the link, you'll get why that sentence is a summary based on an analysis, not just a bumper sticker. One reason that it's important to study what is true, good, and beautiful is so one doesn't define 'moral' in a very bad way. Regarding medications used in more than one species, my tribe is "yes, there are many medications used in more than one species, and that fact doesn't mean a medication is 'good' or 'bad,' and I don't tell doctors that they can't prescribe off-label (as every one of us does, every damn day of our professional lives, pretty much) for only one disease, ever in the history of medicine, because that's clearly irrational and also immoral, because it prevents doctors from practicing their best clinical judgment."

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But I’m not talking about the medicine. I’m talking about what’s behind the obvious hypocrisy of “motherboard”. It’s just one example. Here’s a benign example of hypocrisy that’s similar to one I’ve actually exhibited in the past: I don’t drink Coca Cola because it’s unhealthy. (10 seconds later, I sip a Pepsi). The hypocrisy wasn’t about the beverage. There was something else driving it. It’s the primal driver for most of us in most social situations, and it takes tremendous effort to maintain the self-awareness to spot it and curb it.

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Sort of a universal tribal thing. Not left right red blue. Us humans gotta work real hard to overcome this tendency.

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This juxtaposition is laughably two-faced, though. Part of the problem is that censorship shields the tribe on the side of the dominant narrative, so they never meet the pushback they need to maintain a balanced perspective.

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Leftist ideology:

When used to save a human life, "Horse medicine" is bad.

When used to end a human life, "Horse medicine" is very good.

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Instead of painting everybody on the left with the same brush, let me say instead "fascist ideology" or "totalitarian ideology." Fixed it ...

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I'd prefer "totalitarian". "Fascist" is historically specific, and I cringe a little bit even at calling all the various anti-communist nationalist movements of Europe in the post-WWI period "fascist". Calling the current crop of totalitarian, needle-rapist wokies "fascist" is as unfair to Mussolini and his supporters as calling them "leftist" is to the genuine left.

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Nope. It’s not a left or right dichotomous situation, Shibumi. Tribalism is one hurdle humanity must overcome in order to defeat the REAL enemies of humankind.

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Fen's Law: "The left doesn't really believe in the things they lecture the rest of us about."

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Unfortunately the left is no full blown communist at the shoulder down and head (WEF) up are a new brew of Fascism. If you study the WEF, you will never be the same afterwards. They are Satan lovers, just pure evil.

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Do bad things, say you did the opposite of what you really did, blame the opposition for what you did.

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Leftist Ideology:

Do As I Say! Not as I do!

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Apparently it's acceptable to them to use horse medicine to take lives, but not to save them.

What does that tell you about these people?

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They are in league with Satan.

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Diabolic disorientation. "For the heart of this people is grown gross, and with their ears they have been dull of hearing, and their eyes they have shut: lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and be converted, and I should heal them." Matthew 13:15.

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The are Nucking Futs!

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"What does that tell you about these reptiles?"

fixed it for you ;)

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Too many boosters… messing with their brains and souls… 🔥🔥🔥

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I remember back in the day when people would say leftists had 'situational ethics'.

They now appear to have graduated to situational reality.

"Reality is what continues to exist whether you believe in it or not."

~ Philip K. Dick

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That's what happens when they spend years in their own carefully-crafted bubble, never having to consider or even hear alternate viewpoints.

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May 4, 2022·edited May 5, 2022

Ivermectin was sold as a pesticide before it was sold as a vet med. It really is a multi-faceted wonderdrug. Since 1987 it's saved hundreds of thousands from blindness and since 2020 has opened the eyes of millions.

Edit: Avermectin B1 is useful as a pesticide, not Ivermectin. Oops. From Wikipedia "Abamectin (also called Avermectin B1), differs from Ivermectin, the popular member of the Avermectin family, by double bond on C-22-25." I recommend reading the original paper that I misunderstood, "The Discovery of Ivermectin and Other Avermectins" by Campbell et al.

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It's being used to treat cancer, right now, including the dreaded triple-negative breast cancer. I think it will end up being one of the greatest gifts to humanity that science has ever developed.

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Is it? I'll have to research that. My sister died from cancer treatment for triple neg breast cancer.

Oops I meant to say killed by the cancer treatment.

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May 5, 2022·edited May 5, 2022

I'm so sorry you lost your sister. I know your pain, having lost my two closest friends to cancer; one slowly because she did everything right and it killed her anyway, the other quickly because her surgical team got carried away, removed most of her GI system and sent her home to die. She could not eat and so starved to death before our eyes. TN has always been very frightening because there wasn't all that much they knew to do for it. It is rare and the protocols for treatment are still not very well developed. So yes, many died regardless of treatment, or because of treatment. I've had cancer and I know what a long strange trip it truly is. The idea of a new treatment that works and doesn't make you die or else feel like dying is a wonderful thing.

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Pesticide??? Do you mean antiparasitic with antiviral properties?

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May 5, 2022·edited May 5, 2022

Looks like I misunderstood. Campbell describes the use of Avermectin B1 as a pesticide in his June 1984 paper 'The Discovery of Ivermectin and Other Avermectins.'

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It’s in heart worm preventive meds my dogs take so maybe that’s what this person meant ?

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It really doesn't matter. I think pesticides and I think cockroaches not parasites.

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May 5, 2022·edited May 5, 2022

I have seen IVM termed a pesticide by the pro-vax people, as a sneer. Absurd rubbish. It won its developers a Nobel on the basis of its success in treating millions of people worldwide. BTW I use the topical cream on my rosacea. Works wonders. I didn't dream this up, there have been studies, check it out. Also looks to be helpful with viral hemorrhagic fever-type viruses like Ebola. We have laid in a good supply of tablets.

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Is the hypocrisy a feature, or a bug? I’m thinking it’s a feature, another way of demonstrating that raw power needs neither principles nor reason, and is above all restraint...

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Oh, it is a not only a feature, it is a foundational pillar of the modern left.

I would have a difficult time identifying a single prominent leftist that has not engaged in the most blatant hypocrisy possible, particularly during The Pandemic™.

I've compiled a list of literally hundreds of instances of the very totalitarians imposing mask and other mandates violating their own edicts. Seriously considering publishing it on the stack.

Even today, at the Met Gala, notice that only the help must don the face diaper.

Just ghastly people. One can only hope that a reckoning cometh.

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deletedMay 4, 2022·edited May 4, 2022
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Ok, been wanting to do it for some time, and finally did...



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Love it. Thank you! We won't let them forget. Ever.

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Good work, thank you, libertate! And into the file it goes...

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Awesome idea! A WikiTruthia

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Yes please!

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They really do not care about the hypocrisy and don't even try to hide it anymore. They're so convinced that they are in the right on every issue it doesn't matter to them.

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manufactured outrage all over the place gatito! meanwhile, did you see Elizabeth Warren in her hot pink blazer screaming her fool head off? i'm not sure but i wonder if the color choice was a mistake? hyoomans sure are crazy... pocahontas hasn't been this upset since she got her ancestry.com results back!

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May 5, 2022·edited May 5, 2022

She certainly was a wet hen, wasn't she? Speaking of color choices, I'm still chuckling at Hillary's epic fashion fail for the Met Gala. Trying to decide what was worse - the cut of that atrocious-on-her gown, the dark magenta color (celebrating either abortion or Benghazi, as someone said) or the Black man in a mask arranging her train behind her. The whole effect was bizarre and more than a little scary.

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I have an awesome meme for that. Too bad substack doesn’t allow meme comments yet 😁

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Dang! I'll see if I can find it. It was definitely meme-worthy, huh?

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Given that they do this for money, I'd say it's more whores' sense, than horse sense.

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I've been neighing about that all day.

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Leftists seem to count on no one actually remembering anything they posted yesterday or prior. If we didn't have Internet cats searching the archives and laying them at our feet like dead birds, they'd probably be getting away with it.

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The left seems to be saying, if you use a horse drug to save a life, we cancel you, to kill is awesome. Weirdos

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Gatito beuno, we humans used to rely on horses for our very lives and livelihoods, so we used to know things about them, and thus maybe something about ourselves.

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My neighbor says the same thing, but he's usually feeling his oats.

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I’m finally moved to use the following statement, which I have never used before in my life:

I just. Can’t. Even.

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Is there an emoji for vocal fry?

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Like, there needs to be. Totally.

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The libs live in a duplicitous alternate reality.

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Well thank goodness somebody put it out there. Now we don't have to worry about being overrun with a herd of inconvenient colts! and cure our ulcers at the same time.

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