Russia Coverage=Covid Coverage.

Same Bullshit. Different Piles.

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I know, right? If they did that, we could end up with a deliberatly hyped pandemic that shuts down the world for no good reason and a vaccine forced on everyone that doesn't help and likely makes things much worse. Can you imagine? I shudder to think.

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to clean house they need to call all officials to the house then put a tarp over the building and throw in the bug bombs, its the only way to be sure

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No one got fired over Afghanistan, the swamp protects itself

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Before each major decision there is one major question politicians ask themselves:

Is the action going to benefit me financially and politically?

If the answer is yes, they go ahead. It's really made things so much easier now that they don't have to bother with ethics or feeling guilty or any of that stuff... and if their actions create a crisis, even better... the above questioning technique can also be used to benefit from self-made messes too. We'll call it house cleaning. Mea culpa. God I'm so sick of these narcissistic morons.

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Gov: We are lying to you constantly and we are going to KILL you all

Public: Will the football still be on?

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Same as it ever was. From Judith Miller at the NYT20 years ago to the 51 intelligence experts calling Hunter's laptop Russian disinformation, to the FBI trying to frame potheads in Michigan. They lie because there are no consequences.

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"if you get caught making stuff up just to tell crazy stories to the public and get them to do stuff, there should be consequences!"

Tell that to Tony Science!

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In the fall of 2019 I was watching "Boom-Bust" and "The Keiser Report" on RT America... They were talking about the "repo market crisis" and were explaining that that the repo market is a shared cash fund between banks, with low interest rates. They were saying that something spooked the market, because the interest rates on the repo market jumped to "two digits". There were rumors that one or more banks were having difficulties. The FED was pumping billions daily to deal with that "temporary" situation (go to the FED's site and you will see a slow increase in the balance sheet).

January 2020 came and specialists on those shows were saying that the probability of a crash similar to 2008 - just much bigger - to happen over the following two months was "60 to 70%".

.... and then the "covid" came (just like Event 201 "predicted") and over 3 Trillion was pumped into the banks (because we all know that they are our health-care institutions - right?). You can see the step of the "CARES" act, mimicking (at a larger scale) the 2008 bailout (go look for yourself on the FED's site -this is public data).


Now that we know that the virus came from a lab, if that was a coincidence, it was an extremely convenient one; I personally am 100% sure that it was staged. The "pandemic" was just as authentic as Bill Gates's "philanthropy" (ridiculous term to describe the actions of a person who has eugenicist views; the term "philanthropy" comes from Greek and means "love for humans" - nothing further from the truth).

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Yellowcake, anyone? Don’t these lying dog-faced poney soldiers have any other tricks?

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Kennedy assassination. 9/11. Iraq. Afghanistan, Vietnam —a very long list. Ruby Ridge, Waco. “I didn’t start the fire” should be the theme song of the alphabets.

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cia been arming and training ukraine "nationalists" using secret budget since 2014. ukraine "nationalists" have been shelling donetz and luhansk (collectively donbas) since they broke away in 2014 after the cia conspired coup called maidan.

the us' inspiration is doing russia like us did them in afghanistan in the 1980's

oddly ukraine border is 300 miles from moscow!

if biden don't get us nuked, it will be an aberration from his usual skills at getting things done!

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Frankly, I'm still confused & shocked that someone with such profound health issues could be thought worthy of president. A bit like expecting a lame horse to win a race really....

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"Clean house"? No, throw the entire house and its inhabitants out into the street, parade them in front of the public and throw them in a prison cell for life. And that's being kind.

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"can you imagine if they made public health policy this way…?"

*laughs to keep from crying*

Yes. Yes I can.

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Excited to have you back, Gato!

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All of 'em as bad as Wild Bill Donovan but not as smart.

We get the privileged elite running things, and they get people who've got family with living memories of the Siege of Leningrad and the Battle of Stalingrad, and they don't come up through think tanks.

I don't like bad people but I can admire ruthlessness as a survival skill rather than just a personality defect. We're overloaded here with the latter.

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I consume little mainstream news, even less about the Ukraine conflict. Perhaps more so than even most readers here, I am beyond skeptic, I am a cynic. Even with a topic that is relatively as narrow as the Russia-Ukraine conflict, doubters like me make assumptions like: Both sides are lying. Neither side has any incentive to tell the truth. I'm willing to believe that there is a war on in that part of the world, but beyond that, why should I bother reading about supposed events of the war? They may well affect me, even if I live halfway around the globe. But there is basically nothing I can do to affect the outcome one way or the other. Nor do I especially want to get caught up in the "Two minutes hate" (Orwellian term) as seen on social media (which I also avoid) with the likely encouragement of government and other hidden actors.If I am going to spend any time at all on the topic, far better that I should try to study up on some of the historical background. It's not like the USA/NATO/etc. did not have prior involvement on one side or the other.

The daily media is a business. At best, it provides entertainment to its consumers. But the information value is very low and there are psychic costs (e.g. stress and anxiety) as well as tending to produce a very distorted view of actual real-world events.

The same analysis will apply to virtually any other burning issue, whether it's a virus causing a pandemic, or a man wearing a women's swim suit.

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Is this the beginning of how they get Kamala in and Biden out?

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DC, and corporate media, are toxic trash.

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Whoopsie! Watch, nothing will happen. The rule of law has died.

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'in order to stop the invasion'? right.

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If ever there were a single word to describe this entire administration.


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can you imagine if they made public health policy this way…? too funny!!!!!!!!!

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Try to convince me they did it any other way? They looked at their (the party's) political goals, and went for it - behind Trump's back while they had to, then went full bore for the political goal.

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Wait. This is about Russia? This definitely describes COVID.

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my gato.i love her...

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I thought that 'unverified intel' was Joe's mental status nowadays.

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Getting tired of these "noble lies"

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Wow, never thought of that, what a nightmarish possibility, such irresponsible behaviour from our health gurus would result in millions dead and crippled.

I got itchy nose and a tingling in my ears just thinking about it, but then I realise that such despicable behaviour is to be found only in sci-fi books and horror movies, or perhaps in some isolated evil parallel dimension. I am so happy to live here, protected by our wise scientists.

Cheerio, need to go get in the queue for my 7th booster ツ

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"Breaking News From January 2021 Onward"

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