one of the first things you learn as a kitten is that human identity is terribly complicated.
honestly, the rules are very hard to figure out!
men can be women and women men or all kinds of other genders i’m probably too young to understand, but if a white woman says she’s a black woman, everyone says that’s dishonest and she gets fired and if a black man acts like a white man, then apparently he’s an uncle? (and why is it always tom even if it wasn’t his name before?)
so, sorry if this is a silly question, but is this a real thing?
Made my day. I am forever transvaxxite.
Immunity is an idea, so identifying as vaxxed is perfectly acceptable
immunity is a spectrum even
I do hope this takes off. I'll be using the term, obviously.
That makes two of us. Undecided on if I will give credit to the Good Cat, or act like I thought of the term myself. Could go either way.
Oh I'll give the feline master credit!
Maybe we also need separate toilets.
i agree miss jolanta.
it would make me very uncomfortable if a human tried to use my litter box.
I read that as 'bigfoot.' For a cat, I think that would be an appropriate insult.
this works on so many levels, e.g. nobody cares if a transunvaxx wants to play sports against the unvaxxed
Quite annoyed.......... with all the offended beings!