Secondly, I have spent over a decade researching diets across every shade of the spectrum, including veganism. I was a vegetarian for years and wound up with autoimmune diseases and crazy-high levels of inflammation. It wasn’t until I switched to a low-carb/high-fat (Paleo, then Primal/keto) approach that I was able to bring my inflammation levels down to very low risk and get my autoimmune issues under control.
After successfully reversing his diabetes through a low-carb/high-fat diet, my husband (also body-building at the time) was enticed by vegan evangelists like Dr. Neal Barnard (super-nice Mr. Rogers-like guy, just mistaken about the science) and John McDougall. He watched hundreds of interviews and lectures by vegan spokespersons, and I heard all of their arguments and cherry-picked research. He decided to give Dr. Barnard’s plan a try, and his diabetes returned with a vengeance, bringing his blood sugar levels to astronomical levels, and he got very ill as a result. Thankfully, it only took a few weeks of returning to a low-carb/high-fat diet to reverse his diabetes again, but we certainly won’t be harboring any illusions about the proposed health benefits of veganism again.
I used to consider leftism a sort of cognitive disorder, the symptoms of which include the inability to see reality, engage in rational thought or discussion, and an astonishing credulity, coupled with the irresistible compulsion to not only advertise one's gullibility, but to also compel everyone else to believe, or at least pretend they believe, the same nonsense.
After the last two years, however, I'm really starting to seriously entertain the possibility that at some point in the past, there was a genetic mutation that carved the leftists off into a hominid subspecies, resulting in a different brain structure.
I'm open to nomenclature, but my preference is to add to that coined by M.L. Mencken:
i live with a karen, pure dimmarxist, love that wait staff mask to make her feel safe, while we sit unmasked..... she don't mind people starve if the refuse to be a mengele subject.....
in general, she can become a venous, hate spewing, shrew who stomps off to bed if i say "well biden has been responsible for 8 months, stop blaming trump"......
TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) is not a joke. It is a real phenomenon. My ex's photo is in dictionary next to the acronym. And no, nothing to do with being ex. That was years ago. We actually are on good terms. We can be discussing something totally unrelated to US politics. and he will suddenly start one of his barrages, "Trump lies all of the time, Trump lies all of the time......." until infinity. Totally *OT*. But he is a good soul, despite that.
At least my late wife & I could agree not to discuss some things. OTOH, she made a point to always vote for the third party so she could always assert she didn't vote for whoever won.
I think the puritans and some other early American "settlers" were psychotic religious fanatics and they have passed their genetic and cultural capital down through generations, most prominently in New England, which never seems to grow tired of variations on witch burning. (Others like the quakers and German pacifists were mad chill.)
Maybe they were driven off from Europe for that reason :) I'd bet the same phenomena would continue with Mars colonists, the pure ones unlike the dirty disgusting Earth dwellers with unclean bodily fluids and fruit flies!
I see your point but, assuming there is a possibility that the left is really comprised of one species of homo sapiens, you might be interested in Thomas Sowell's "A Conflict of Visions" for a thoughtful and very illuminating take on how the left and the right have formed opposing views throughout history.
I've read several of Sowell's books, and that is in my library and in the queue.
At the moment I'm getting through *A Conservative History of the American Left* by Daniel J. Flynn, 2008.
He starts in the early 19th century and details how leftist nutjobs have been a permanent feature of the American political landscape.
Flynn does not go back further, but socialism has been with us since the very beginning, as per this article about the Plymouth colony and the first Thanksgiving myth:
“[A] . . . trait . . . which, in my eyes best describes socialists of all schools and shades, is a profound opposition to personal liberty and scorn for individual reason, a complete contempt for the individual. They unceasingly attempt to mutilate, curtail, to obstruct personal freedom in any and all ways. They hold that the State must not only act as the director of society, but must further be master of each man, and not only master, but keeper and trainer. For fear of allowing him to err, the State must place itself forever by his side, above him, around him better to guide him to maintain him, in a word, to confine him . . . to sum up what socialism is, I would say that it was simply a new system of serfdom.”
As the dearly departed Anthony Bourdain said in Kitchen Confidential, “Vegetarians, and their Hezbollah-like splinter faction, the vegans, are a persistent irritant to any chef worth a damn. To me, life without veal stock, pork fat, sausage, organ meat, demi-glace, or even stinky cheese is a life not worth living. Vegetarians are the enemy of everything good and decent in the human spirit, and an affront to all I stand for, the pure enjoyment of food.”
I couldn’t agree more. I think we can now add the “vocally vaccinated” as a Taliban-like splinter faction as well.
I have a next door neighbor who three years ago told me one night at cocktail hour at her house, that if she goes to a party and someone there is a “right-winger” or someone “admits they either don’t vote or vote Republican,” that she will “MAKE THEIR LIFE AS MISERABLE AS I POSSIBLY CAN” at said party. Wow. I guess I should have expected the wagging finger about my vaccination status a couple years later. Sure enough, right on cue…. The shaming began in January of 2021. Egads… I need new neighbors.
i went to grandkids' other gramma's b'day last saturday. her daughter not grandkids' mom did not invite any unvaxxed relatives/friends. i was astonished. my totalitarian progressive dem karen was right there encouraged the apartheid!
being a progressive is an illness of the mind and soul.
I also have family that does this, one whole side of the family, no invites for the unclean. I had to explain to my son recently that we are going to start seeing people die, people we know and love, family members, people at church, co-workers, people in our community, and maybe even some of his friends who got it. How terrible this is.
It’s very silly to segregate people based on vax status. It’s a fictive reality for these folks. They truly believe they are safe as long as the unvaccinated are not in their airspace, not realizing that they could easily catch it from their vaccinated bestie. They’ll wake up some day from their trance. It’s coming. Cheers, Ed.
I did finally have to write her a little note after her last, “You should get vaccinated to show you care about your community and because it’s the patriotic thing to do” scolding. She’s been smiley and sweet since. However, I’m not sure I’d trust her not to turn me in to the internment camp gestapo-if you know what I mean.
Can I hand those out to the folks here in the Bay Area who walk their dogs with a N95 and face shield? Just so we know whom to avoid!??? Asking for a friend.
Wow, this will help me a lot. I am getting tired of having to don my top knot and double mask with plastic face shield and announce to all new comers, “before you go any further, just know that I am an asshole.”
That’s up there with a couple I met at a (pre plandemic) party, who wore “I stand with Greta” pins and insisted the world was ending. They were proud they had advised their adult children not to have kids, since the grandkids would die. No joke. I’m in CA.
Always virtue signaling, always telling me of her good deeds
She wears shirts that instruct people to "be kind" and other such "triggers" for people like me to go out and mow some people down in my car, or set some little shops on fire.
I know someone who proudly wears three wristbands showing his thrice-vaccinated status. Oh, and he likes to talk about being a vegan although he has fallen off the wagon several times. I've seen him eat several burgers.
Hahahahahah oh man! I bet those are flying off the shelves.
On a more serious note - the also give us really useful information even when they are trying not to give us really useful information. Like the UK HSA showing that the presence of N Antibodies improves the quantity and duration of S Antibody titers.
Undernourished and overspiked—it’s a wonder they’re still standing!
Guess they wouldn't appreciate this cooking channel
You are extremely ill informed have you not seen the amount of body builders who are vegan. Do some research please.
Kathryn, first off, what Andreas said :-)
Secondly, I have spent over a decade researching diets across every shade of the spectrum, including veganism. I was a vegetarian for years and wound up with autoimmune diseases and crazy-high levels of inflammation. It wasn’t until I switched to a low-carb/high-fat (Paleo, then Primal/keto) approach that I was able to bring my inflammation levels down to very low risk and get my autoimmune issues under control.
After successfully reversing his diabetes through a low-carb/high-fat diet, my husband (also body-building at the time) was enticed by vegan evangelists like Dr. Neal Barnard (super-nice Mr. Rogers-like guy, just mistaken about the science) and John McDougall. He watched hundreds of interviews and lectures by vegan spokespersons, and I heard all of their arguments and cherry-picked research. He decided to give Dr. Barnard’s plan a try, and his diabetes returned with a vengeance, bringing his blood sugar levels to astronomical levels, and he got very ill as a result. Thankfully, it only took a few weeks of returning to a low-carb/high-fat diet to reverse his diabetes again, but we certainly won’t be harboring any illusions about the proposed health benefits of veganism again.
It’s horsing around, chill!
Fair number of NFL players, too.
I took that as a convenient opportunity for a snary joke. ;-)
I used to consider leftism a sort of cognitive disorder, the symptoms of which include the inability to see reality, engage in rational thought or discussion, and an astonishing credulity, coupled with the irresistible compulsion to not only advertise one's gullibility, but to also compel everyone else to believe, or at least pretend they believe, the same nonsense.
After the last two years, however, I'm really starting to seriously entertain the possibility that at some point in the past, there was a genetic mutation that carved the leftists off into a hominid subspecies, resulting in a different brain structure.
I'm open to nomenclature, but my preference is to add to that coined by M.L. Mencken:
*Boobus americanus credulus.
i live with a karen, pure dimmarxist, love that wait staff mask to make her feel safe, while we sit unmasked..... she don't mind people starve if the refuse to be a mengele subject.....
in general, she can become a venous, hate spewing, shrew who stomps off to bed if i say "well biden has been responsible for 8 months, stop blaming trump"......
Blink twice if you're in danger and need us to extract you from behind enemy lines...
when she stomps off i turn on hannity!
With all due respect, hoe do you...manage daily life? Wow.
It’s tough. It’s because my Karen can be a nice person too and I think is just utterly misinformed and misguided. Sigh.
TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) is not a joke. It is a real phenomenon. My ex's photo is in dictionary next to the acronym. And no, nothing to do with being ex. That was years ago. We actually are on good terms. We can be discussing something totally unrelated to US politics. and he will suddenly start one of his barrages, "Trump lies all of the time, Trump lies all of the time......." until infinity. Totally *OT*. But he is a good soul, despite that.
This is a serious question. Many of us would like a response.
Sorry about your situation, but also secretly happy that I'm not the only one.
i sometimes enjoy the "living dangerously" part. otherwise, it would be a most unChristian thing to radically change the situation.
i usually get in trouble right before monday or thursday night football.....
Good strategy
I’m sorry for your living arrangements. I’d move.
Less than 600 days until child graduates high school, then my best Delta Airlines impression and jetting out.
I hope you enjoy it as comedy.
I am sure she has a good heart. My oldest daughter has turned a bit "Karen-ish"
so we just do not go there.
Love the girl
At least my late wife & I could agree not to discuss some things. OTOH, she made a point to always vote for the third party so she could always assert she didn't vote for whoever won.
So So Sad. My condolences.
I’ve always thought this stuff comes from low self esteem.
my experience is ocd!
they put on the blinded and stay on one meme until they implode.
Low self esteem, and OCD for sure. But also years of media brainwashing and living in Cali.
I think the puritans and some other early American "settlers" were psychotic religious fanatics and they have passed their genetic and cultural capital down through generations, most prominently in New England, which never seems to grow tired of variations on witch burning. (Others like the quakers and German pacifists were mad chill.)
Exactly right.
The American left has always been completely insane and has not really changed over time.
I am about 25% into *A Conservative History of the American Left* by Daniel J. Flynn, 2008.
They've always been nuts, they are nuts now, and they will always be nuts.
The difference now is that they have gained power.
God help us.
Maybe they were driven off from Europe for that reason :) I'd bet the same phenomena would continue with Mars colonists, the pure ones unlike the dirty disgusting Earth dwellers with unclean bodily fluids and fruit flies!
There does seem to be something in us hardwired for spirituality.
My ancrstral stock. I'd like to think I'm in that cool kids' group even today.
libertate - I love your "definition" and cannot top it. Thanks for the chuckle.
I see your point but, assuming there is a possibility that the left is really comprised of one species of homo sapiens, you might be interested in Thomas Sowell's "A Conflict of Visions" for a thoughtful and very illuminating take on how the left and the right have formed opposing views throughout history.
I've read several of Sowell's books, and that is in my library and in the queue.
At the moment I'm getting through *A Conservative History of the American Left* by Daniel J. Flynn, 2008.
He starts in the early 19th century and details how leftist nutjobs have been a permanent feature of the American political landscape.
Flynn does not go back further, but socialism has been with us since the very beginning, as per this article about the Plymouth colony and the first Thanksgiving myth:
“[A] . . . trait . . . which, in my eyes best describes socialists of all schools and shades, is a profound opposition to personal liberty and scorn for individual reason, a complete contempt for the individual. They unceasingly attempt to mutilate, curtail, to obstruct personal freedom in any and all ways. They hold that the State must not only act as the director of society, but must further be master of each man, and not only master, but keeper and trainer. For fear of allowing him to err, the State must place itself forever by his side, above him, around him better to guide him to maintain him, in a word, to confine him . . . to sum up what socialism is, I would say that it was simply a new system of serfdom.”
~ Alexis de Tocqueville, September 12, 1848
I met way too many it send that are stuck on… don’t confuse me with the facts my mind is made up!!
I wish Mama Nature had decided to give me the X gene instead. I'd like the ability to teleport or manipulate metal like Magneto.
I would like the Midas Touch, but instead of things turning to gold, I imbue those touched with just plain common sense.
Ummm, actually NOT vegan if any animal product in that vaccine.... Just sayin!
Fetal cell lines are okay because they're human-derived ;-)
Many vaccines contain green monkey kidney cells. That makes them non-vegan and treif for those interested.
Is it wrong that my first reaction was, "monkeys come in green?!"
It's actually a species - African green monkey. Also known as Vero cells. I used to work with that cell line in reagent production.
Ah okay. Yay I learned something today! #smrt
You left out the pus - "green monkey kidney pus cells"...
Yes, however most articles do not include that. Thanks!!
Don’t they test on animals? Mice don’t count I guess.
They skipped the mice this time, so it's all good.
Really? Well that’s good then. We can substitute in the kids!
As the dearly departed Anthony Bourdain said in Kitchen Confidential, “Vegetarians, and their Hezbollah-like splinter faction, the vegans, are a persistent irritant to any chef worth a damn. To me, life without veal stock, pork fat, sausage, organ meat, demi-glace, or even stinky cheese is a life not worth living. Vegetarians are the enemy of everything good and decent in the human spirit, and an affront to all I stand for, the pure enjoyment of food.”
I couldn’t agree more. I think we can now add the “vocally vaccinated” as a Taliban-like splinter faction as well.
Nailed it. Rest his soul.
Kings of the jungle eat meat whereas grass eaters move around in herds of group think totally unaware of their position on the food chain
I can't find a pin to say "Unvaxxed white conservative male" - must be sold out?
An American Flag or a pin that says "The land of the free and the home of the brave!"
Where is this "land of the free and home of the brave"? I can't seem to locate it on Google Earth - I'd like to go there.
Me too
Said pins are lying in a pile at a secret leftist "re-education camp"?
I have a next door neighbor who three years ago told me one night at cocktail hour at her house, that if she goes to a party and someone there is a “right-winger” or someone “admits they either don’t vote or vote Republican,” that she will “MAKE THEIR LIFE AS MISERABLE AS I POSSIBLY CAN” at said party. Wow. I guess I should have expected the wagging finger about my vaccination status a couple years later. Sure enough, right on cue…. The shaming began in January of 2021. Egads… I need new neighbors.
i went to grandkids' other gramma's b'day last saturday. her daughter not grandkids' mom did not invite any unvaxxed relatives/friends. i was astonished. my totalitarian progressive dem karen was right there encouraged the apartheid!
being a progressive is an illness of the mind and soul.
I also have family that does this, one whole side of the family, no invites for the unclean. I had to explain to my son recently that we are going to start seeing people die, people we know and love, family members, people at church, co-workers, people in our community, and maybe even some of his friends who got it. How terrible this is.
It’s very silly to segregate people based on vax status. It’s a fictive reality for these folks. They truly believe they are safe as long as the unvaccinated are not in their airspace, not realizing that they could easily catch it from their vaccinated bestie. They’ll wake up some day from their trance. It’s coming. Cheers, Ed.
We may be neighbors because I know her as well!
Haha! Too bad there are so many of those types.
It is curious why there are so many of those illogical progressive types. These are the people that hate babies.
And there is the long-term solution right there.
She is aware two can play that game, right?
I did finally have to write her a little note after her last, “You should get vaccinated to show you care about your community and because it’s the patriotic thing to do” scolding. She’s been smiley and sweet since. However, I’m not sure I’d trust her not to turn me in to the internment camp gestapo-if you know what I mean.
I absolutely know what you mean. I'm in a highly political workplace and thus walk that tightrope daily.
Good luck, Aurora. It’s a jungle out there, as they say.
What a horrible person.
They could have saved money by having the pins read "DUMBASS".
But are they also "genderfluid"? These buttonx alone don't advance them far enough up the virtue signaling totem pole.
I meant "buttons" although "buttonx" seems strangely appropriate there
Very appropriate. I didn't even register it as a typo.
Personally, I love vegans. Cows are VERY tasty!
bad cattitude, you are keeping me sane!
Might as well say, “I have a yeast infection”
You beat me to it. OMG.
just. no.
😂 nuts....
I do see these obnoxious masks flattened and embedded in many parking lots and even on roads here in No Va
huh...perfect xmas present for my sister! bwhahaha!
Can I hand those out to the folks here in the Bay Area who walk their dogs with a N95 and face shield? Just so we know whom to avoid!??? Asking for a friend.
I'm sure they already have these buttonx in every shade of the rainbow ;-)
Wow, this will help me a lot. I am getting tired of having to don my top knot and double mask with plastic face shield and announce to all new comers, “before you go any further, just know that I am an asshole.”
i have immense respect for the vegans and vegetarians i know who are hindu and buddhist! threst are suspect. not so much one of their grown kids.
How pathetic!
If I had to wear one, mine would say IVERMECTEAM ;)
That’s up there with a couple I met at a (pre plandemic) party, who wore “I stand with Greta” pins and insisted the world was ending. They were proud they had advised their adult children not to have kids, since the grandkids would die. No joke. I’m in CA.
There was milllennials writing manifestos in Germany as to not have kids as it’s bad. I guess it’s good those folks didn’t procreate 🤪
What must that be doing to the emotional lives of those kids?!
Maybe it's better for them not to procreate, anyway ;-)
I totally support this. I want to know who exactly is around me at all times.
My oldest daughter is a "Karen"
Always virtue signaling, always telling me of her good deeds
She wears shirts that instruct people to "be kind" and other such "triggers" for people like me to go out and mow some people down in my car, or set some little shops on fire.
I saw an old guy in Moab sporting a CCP flag Tshirt in Moab yesterday. I should have thanked him. Hope he got vaxxed.
super considerate indeed
I'm just a little puppy, but my mommy says humans are dogs best friends, but bad cats treat them like servants.
many people in Virginia have a license plate "Don't Tread On Me"
It is a very very nice way to know who your allies are
I do not have that license plate. I am waiting for the FJB one
Vegan and Vaxxed but still Vexed!
My first response to these generic "vaccinated" "vaccination required" statements is always to ask "What for?"
This has to be my favourite thing today!
Anyone who would willingly wear such a badge is effectively neutered.
“I have no personality”
Before informative designer jewelry, the messaging device was a mask on a solo driver
I know someone who proudly wears three wristbands showing his thrice-vaccinated status. Oh, and he likes to talk about being a vegan although he has fallen off the wagon several times. I've seen him eat several burgers.
The vegans need to know their boy is not on their side either.
Please enter a public comment to the FDA before they approve this poison for kids!
That's hilarious
Hahahahahah oh man! I bet those are flying off the shelves.
On a more serious note - the also give us really useful information even when they are trying not to give us really useful information. Like the UK HSA showing that the presence of N Antibodies improves the quantity and duration of S Antibody titers.