First it was you'll own nothing and be happy. Now we don't even get to be happy?

How soon until "you don't have to be alive to ......... "

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well, in fairness mr messiah, the first two were always pretty easy to keep.

it was always going to be the "happy" one that was tricky...

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Jun 13, 2022Edited
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Wow, that's terrific. Now eat your fucking bugs!

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Seems like a mere ad. I hear you might make 110/hr eating bugs 🐛 and writing glowing testimonials about the experience! That should then qualify you to be on the FDA panel.

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Haha. And nice handle!

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I guess they decided that drugs and video games would cost them too much.

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You might be happier if you suddenly get Sudden arrhythmic death syndrome. No more suffering from all the fearmongering and the other BS.

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Martin - they've got SADS ready....sadly


It really is a huge mystery... we'll need a few years and billions of research dollars to conclude it was a random fluke.

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Nonsense, it will shortly be revealed that the cause is Climate Change. And they'll whisk out a vaccine for it. Care to lay money on it?

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Climate change was cooked in a lab.

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Yeah, and so was "covid", with approximately the same degree of reality.

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I'll lay my bet down on 500 million years of evidence since the Cambrian Explosion. These climate charlatans are smoking on the Biological Big BONG

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This song came out 10 years after I was in college. It would've been a "hit" with the rebels I ran around with.

Got a belly laugh bout the good ole days!

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And, at the comments:

"The comments below have been moderated in advance."

Just in case anybody posts an anti-narrative observation.

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Pretty damn soon. At 9:43, a 2019 BBC futuristic show, where the daughter comes out as trans, and her parents, lovingly prepared to accept their transgender "son", are surprised she means transHuman ... going to a clinic to upload consciousness and have her body recycled ... https://www.corbettreport.com/what-is-the-trans-agenda-questions-for-corbett-video/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Postgenderism

"Many argue that posthuman space will be more virtual than real. Individuals may consist of uploaded minds living as data patterns on supercomputers or users engaged in completely immersive virtual realities. Postgenderists contend that these types of existences are not gender-specific thus allowing individuals to morph their virtual appearances and sexuality at will.[1]"

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It occurred to me that is why the focus on pronouns. In a virtual individuals can identify as anything, no longer human or gendered.

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CA Fitts - (I suspect many here are aware of her) said last year "they [the Rulers] need transgenderism to get to transhumanism"

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I know this isn’t on topic but your boar pic with pearls and the caption about rooting for truth is great!

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Hey, you always could be a dog on the internets, now you don't have to be anything at all.

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Am I supposed to trust psychologists who say being happy isn't necessary? Seems like they should just quit their damn jobs.

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psychologists become psychologists usually because they have had experiences of mental health problems and have a very high suicide rate. seems like a group to follow!

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So true…I had a psychologist/therapist friend a few years back…she had Bi-Polar Disorder!

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I was going to say, they're probably the ones that aren't happy and they need company.

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Misery was a good movie. kinda how i feel about our Gov treatment

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The movie was very good. I loved the book!

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yah, you are to trust ze scienze!! ze experts say you need no happinesss, happy people are 87.3% less happy as shown in ze chart, so zhut up and eat ze bugs, for yor own health!

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Oh man, that whole bug thing is freaking me out! I like my real food.

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It was the 60s or the 70s when eating bugs dipped in chocolate was a thing. I was a kid and my dad came home from work with a free package of some kind of cricket covered in chocolate. Anything covered in chocolate is good. All us kids liked them. My mom said if they showed up on the county counter, she wold buy us some for Christmas. They never showed up.

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lol. My Dad told me once that chocolate covered raisins weren't really raisins. Ants, he said. I still don't eat them!

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Psychologists,psychiatrists and therapists can be the most crazy, sad and anxious persons you will meet.

I speak from my direct experience only.

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Sorry you had the "direct" experience of the Sickiologist Psychos. Best therapy is hiking or long walks in nature looking at everything until extroverted. We may all need some natural "therapy" with these trying democRat Bolsheviks ruling the Feral Gov.

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Pavlov was a "great" psychologist. He discovered How to make dogs drool for food or something . democRats aer Bolsheviks so expect the lesson to continue, Comrades.

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No, seriously though, I certainly understand and agree that happiness is not the keystone of a good life. But, I do struggle with the idea that meaningfulness is not. That seems oxymoronic. Good but not meaningful? Something is amiss.

There's deep meaning in our lives, and that's the whole thing. It's not just our self worth, it's our value to each other. Forget who we are as individuals, although that is significant, but you and me, that's us, that's meaningful.

Also, I'm hugely concerned about your AI development. Name one cat you would trust with an AI capability. Yeah, I think not!

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"Meaningfulness" is what got us the hell wrought by philosophers with not enough real work to keep them busy.

It's really OK, I think to be just happy, and good. Happy and good people, at the very least, don't create the conditions to unleash horrors on others by bad parenting or inflicting the myriad little cruelties that build up to someone going on a rampage.

It's absolutely enough to do no harm. If we all just stuck to that...

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Psychologists are failed--well, everything, really...

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The no need for "happy" part is arguable, but no need for meaning? How in the hell do those bozos even define a "good" life, then?

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No doubt by service to the state.

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If all the doctors, lawyers, and gov. employees all quit their damn jobs that would be such an improvement, and we aren't far from that.

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No, gatito bueno. It is not the AI that is busted. It is the psychologists.

Replace all psychologists with cats. Problems solved.

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Best idea I've heard all year. After that, can we replace all the politicians with cats? Advocate for feline governance!

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Not so fast, not so fast! Our politicians ignore us enough until they want something.

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Yes, that is true. However, at least cats can be reasoned with...eventually...with kitty treats.

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True that

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The cats did thrive in Logan’s Run, virtually everything else failed.

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maybe they already did, after all they are playing with us, before the final kill

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Rereading the book of Job always makes me feel better. My life has never been that bad and he ended up with more wealth and a long life. I also like to pet my dog.

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I read part of the linked WEF article and it specifically mentioned how you could have some health problems that seem to be common C19 vax injuries (the vax wasn’t mentioned in the article, of course). This is yet another way they are trying to normalize this carnage.

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This is criminal. Yet, it's normal. I'm certain we can never restore our truths.

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The task is daunting but I’m not giving up. They say that there are no atheists in foxholes.

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I’m not giving up either. The only people I know they got vaccinated work in the medical field and I’ve decided to pretty much stay away from them for the rest of my life, anyway. My Independent pharmacist didn’t get vaccinated. I’ve decided to make him my new GP.

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You will die in the pods.

Uh, die, did we say die? We meant live! Honest mistake, really.

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As a society, how healthy would it be if the media dropped random, mean nothing academic titles from articles like this? Ie. Instead of "Psychologists say" why not "Dwight and Heather say"? No one would give a fuck

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Wait, what?? Dwight and Heather are a pair of idiots, they know nothing! Mallory and Aiden are the ones to listen to.

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What is, "what you tell your slaves?"

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You have a point. I'd also like to offer my humble writing on the topic of the WEF's linguistic juggling.


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Tessa, just buy a gun, get some classes on shooting, and have some fun at the range. You also develop a valuable skill that will make other peasants happy in the future. All the best.

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Doing that myself

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I think I could be quite happy while meaningfully tying all of 'em to a soldier ant nest.

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Hmm, yes, and then I'd sit there for awhile, reading Rumi to them...while we wait...

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The Benny Hill theme song would be a lot more fun...

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Oooh, yes! Excellent! And "Always Look On the Bright Side of Life" from Monty Python.

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But I really like Rumi. I haven’t “spoken” to many people who know about him. But yes to Benny Hill and Monty Python reference. I would suggest Mr Bean but I don’t think there’s a theme song.

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Or tie them to the mangroves at the high tide mark when the tide is coming in with the crocs.

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Can we pretend it's like a summer camp and randomly assign them to different cabins?

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Try as I might, I cannot beat KIT-10’s algorithmic genius. As a token of my homage, allow me to introduce KIT-10 to Petticoat 5 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z0fJNDOHYp4).

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always worked for me

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might have commented in the wrong place, but I remember the petticoat 5 too

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You have lost your ever loving mind, MAA

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The corollary to “you will own nothing and be happy” is always over looked. Namely, someone else will own everything. So the obvious question is, “do you think those who own everything will be more or less happy than those who own nothing?”

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Those who own everything will be eaten alive with anxiety fearing the pitchfork wielding mob. Prob with that is, absent an ACTUAL pitchfork wielding mob, they'll just let their anxiety dictate even worser and worser 'innovations' in the name of benevolently gifting the plebs with more psychological richness.... Because virtue signalling is so self-soothing, for them....

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Absolutely less happy

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Psychologist aren' t medical doctors and cannot prescribe drugs, they just want to talk you to death.

Which after what the "real" doctors have been doing to society, with all of their shots and pills, they actually kill their patients.

Might be a nice change, seeing a professional in an office who isn't passively plotting your death.

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😂🤣 Might be at that!

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"I promise you'll be happy/And even if you're not/There's more to life than that/Don't ask me what!" Yenta the Matchmaker from Fiddler on the Roof.

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Next it will be a good life doesn’t have to be long at this rate…

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I said baked, not fried!! And they damn well better be free-range!!

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A good meme

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Classic Nostradamus! : )

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O/T but, ‘vaccine’ injuries are going to be reclassified as “Long Covid” in the fog of future record keeping of who had what when etc.

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