"Would you rather just light New York on fire instead?..." 😂😂 Thank you for a much-needed laugh, good little kitten.

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rx = good belly laugh

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Geez seriously. What time-rift have we fallen into that the Babylon Bee is now the paper of record?

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I know. I'm wondering if maybe they changed their screen name to Daily Mail in order to avoid the Twitter assassins. I really, really want this to be satire. New York has become hellish enough without taking clues from Chicago.

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I'm NY born and raised and growing up there; experiencing young adulthood there (I saw Frank Langella and Zero Mostell on B'way for like 25 bucks each; habitable apts. for no more than $300/mth; dinner out for 10 bucks) was a good start in life. But it sure started going downhill by the late '70s.

And you can't imagine how I thank all the forces of the cosmos for getting me out a few years before The Plague hit, and setting me down in a libertarian mostly red state. If my young self heard me saying this now, she'd plotz.

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One commenter earlier, maybe on another Substack, noted the difference in NYC before and after Rudy Giuliani took responsibility. On one of my few visits, the taxi-driver confirmed this observation.

After association with Mr. Trump, Rudy is now PNG and likely banned for life, or eternity.

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He'd always been a distasteful human being with no moral center but he did recognize, in those days, that crime is bad and ordinary people cannot survive when the streets aren't safe.

I was mugged three times in the '70s--once with a gun shoved into my side (ends up being a funny story, but never mind). On the other hand, in 1972 I lived on a lovely brownstone block with guys walking large purposeful dogs late at night, and always felt safe going home from the nearby subway stop, and it took me a long time to realize they were our friendly neighborhood drug dealers. Kept their territory safe, at any rate...

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1) Well he is a lawyer!

2) I am sorry for your trauma, you appear to have surmounted the experience- "What doesn't kill us makes us stronger." (US Army or Marines I think.) I wanted the story, but keep it private.

3) Some years ago I read Gwen Dyer "On War." The first two chapters recalled the rise of government with agriculture in the transition from hunter-gathering and accurately described it as a "protection scheme." I always recall Aesop's fable, "The Man and the Horse." You must look at Dr. Malone's comics this past weekend (towards the bottom) for the current situation.

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By that time I was back living in Queens in an entirely residential neighborhood of mostly private houses and lovely tree-lined streets. I was walking to my friend's place about 6 blocks away and 2 guys accosted me in the middle of a wide street. It was evening-time and the streets were otherwise empty. They came up to me and one shoved the gun in my side.

Now, I tend to get mad before I get scared, and it flashed through my mind that if I screamed while the gun was still in contact with my body it might not end well for me, so I pushed the guy's hand away and then screamed.

They weren't expecting this, and after a second or so the guy with the gun hit me in the head with it, but they were still off-kilter, and backed away a couple of steps, and I was screaming "help help" but zero people responded from those nice houses, and I figured I hadn't a hope in hell of getting away until THEY got away.

So I started running after them, still screaming, and they ran away, and as soon as they were out of sight I continued to my friend's house and she called the cops and then I started shaking. The cop, I think, was a little bit impressed when he heard the story.

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Well, one mob or another runs both....

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I was thinking of consulting North Korea on how best to protect human rights.

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Just consult with Canada now. You don't have to go as far.

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And WHO seemed to have trouble getting country vaxxdd... dictator not all bad?

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Ouch. 🙄😞

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Sorry NYC...you are so F'd! The ex-cop can't figure out how to manage crime? Doesn't really bode well for the remaining citizens.

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I'm sure the guppy has his back!

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Truth he known, he was likely an Affirmative Action hire who was socially promoted far beyond his Use By date of incompetence.

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He doesn't act like a cop to me. Uncanny racist bitch serving his masters

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I have one word for it: Politician!

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Maybe just fauci of crime instead of "I am the Science"?

- No, can't be, fauci of crime would not ask Ms Lightloot, he would lock everybody up and inject with the unknown.

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Holy shit in what world do we look to CHICAGO for answers about solving crime?

"It's just kids being kids! Gang warfare is just part of the culture!"

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It’s Putin’s fault.

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"There Are No Children Here" was published in 1992. And it was an old story then.

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Yep. Powerful book.

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Mayor Lightfoot saved Chicago by closing the recreational park along the shore of Lake Michigan, protecting us from direct exposure to viral particles wafting down from Sheboygan. Cops were stationed in their vehicles at least every 1/2 mile for 18miles, 24/7, yelling at joggers and moms with strollers and dog-walkers. the CPD was rewarded for this boring, futile duty with $281.5 million from Washington D.C.! (the DJT Admin)


Seems objectively pro-cop to me.

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I will never forget driving down Lakeshore Drive during the pandemic seeing cops at every exit to the beach. Absolutely astounding! What people may not know is that the lakeshore bike path is huge for exercise here- hundreds if not thousands of people use it to jog, walk, bike each day. That, for me, was a critical pandemic moment where I knew we had jumped the shark.

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I got "scolded" today about mentioning that it was unnecessary to close pools (and some in New York are still closed)-that "mine" was open in May of 2020 (outdoor) because we PAY for it and the owner of the site said I was "talking politics"- guess I won't frequent the site anymore...(sigh) He is from California. Figures.

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Our pool was open the entire summer of 2020. But I live in Oklahoma, where we didn’t lose our minds over Covid.

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What boggles my mind is that people in places like NYC/LA/SF NEVER bothered to look into or acknowledge what was (wasn't) going on elsewhere and most of it's citizens are FINE! People actually got angry with me when I said "you will be fine" and "most of us will come out of this just fine". They WANTED chaos and drama...(and still do I guess). I want to just get up in the a.m. and do my "thing"- check the weather report, think about what we are going to have for dinner, what route we are taking today on our bikes...etc. etc. Normal retirement stuff. I earned it. I had enough drama the first 60 years of my life.

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A believe most American Marxists are addicted to drama.

The pool company that manages our neighborhood pool, added more chlorine tablets, even though it’s a saltwater pool and they vacuumed it everyday, that was 2020. In 2021, they resumed their normal chemicals and schedule.

No one has ever caught Covid from a swimming pool, not one soul. We went to an indoor water park last Thursday and there wasn’t a sign about social distancing or masking, because it’s ridiculous to push such measures when they’re false. When you decide to enter a place, you know the dangers. If you don’t, stay home. Don’t make life hell for others.

I got Covid in Jan, when everyone was sick with omicron, I had delta. It was definitely an experience especially being out of town with my 3yo granddaughter. We shared a bedroom and she never sneezed, coughed or ran a temp. I wasn’t as lucky, spent a week in the hospital, but I lived. Granddaughter spent the week with my sister, who also had delta but she wished it away. She didn’t have time to get sick. 😁 BIL, had Covid pneumonia too, he recovered at home on doxycycline and steroids. My nephew (in his 30’s) had a headache, his 10yo daughter, never got sick either. Just makes me sick to my stomach giving these children shots for something that doesn’t affect them.

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Hubby had it soon after the shot. We got the j&j so we could visit our new Grandson (California kids, so there you go). I never did anything differently in the house with him. And I never "self-isolated" because he had it. I wasn't sick. Still can't seem to get it. Glad all your relatives and you came out of this ok. Question that you don't have to answer: vaccine status of those who got sick. Thanks!

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She's sö nice, without her you'd all be dead of the viral sun rays that give you vit. D – I hear it's real bad for you during the GoF-batvirus season.

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woah...never heard about this..of course! insanity.

And what a waste of $$$

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lightfoot is evidence that, eventually, everyone gets the face they deserve.

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That was a spit take! 😆

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Uh, isn't Adams a former cop? 20 years, retired as Captain? No ideas Eric?

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They are just messing with us at this point. This can’t be real.

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I do not know how they can discuss this with a straight face! They are actually racing to disaster....It's part of the New World Order....make life so completely untenable that we all BEG to be rescued by the Globalists.

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I hope that whoever remains in the large cities will be happy with men with automatic weapons on every street corner, rationing of food and other goods, and generally dismal life. I'm not sure what life in the smaller towns and countryside will be like, but I'd rather be there.

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I think it's genius! Ask Lori what she's doing about crime, then do the opposite! :)

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But what is the opposite of zero?

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Just like we've done with Dr. Fraudci! That has worked on all the cornerstones, 100% track record.

Now I just need him to be gone, maybe go find those sexy eyeclasses from the 80's and go say hi to those young orphans, many perfecly healthy, he "treated".

I bet they'd love to have a word with him...

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Hindenburg design set as standard for all Macy's Parade balloons.

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That's brilliant and wonderful new description!

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Oh this is awesome! Like soliciting Health & Fitness advice from Chris Farley.

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Or like health & nurtrition from Bill Gates. Something tells me by looking at him he's been not eating those insect burgers that he wants us to eat.

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Exactly! "Do what I say, and, you know, ignore what I do."

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Things are going exactly according to plan. The Kalergi Plan, that is. Behold Exhibit A and Exhibit B. For Exhibit C see the Chief of Police of SF, who just announced no more publishing pictures of mug shots of criminals—because somebody might get the wrong idea about “black and brown people.”

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Stupidity seems to respect no limits. Especially in liberal run cities, states, countries…

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Well that's it for SF for me! WTF?

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Moved out of Manhattan March 2020…New Yorkers are mostly nuts….but I miss our Giuliani era NYC!

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Remember folks...the NYC PD is a horribly politicized police department. Once you get above a certain rank (Sgt IIRC), your position essentially becomes a political appointment. Because of the fact that Adams was a Captain (not in spite of it) shows that he was all in on the NYC politics that got them into this mess.

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Only fitting as NYPD would be the world's 7th largest military based on spending.

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The Karenland city public health commissars are NPC clones - will be skewering them in my next post on Monday.

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So, is it just me? Or does Lori Lightfoot bear a striking resemblance to Marty Feldman?

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Cross Marty with Beetlejuice and you have a winner.

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Except she's missing a few inches and better hair.

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Reporting as your on-the-ground Chicago spokesfeline, I can assure you that if you love never being able to safely leave your house, never being able to safely walk down your sidewalk or safely go downtown, New Yorkers gonna love what they got comin! I would rather hang out in a litter box!

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The Babylon Bee has competition!

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I'm not a reader, but that'd be a good (humorous, I hope!) gag headline for them: "Babylon Bee announces it's ceasing publication. 'Legacy media's reporting of actual events leaves us nothing to satirize,' complains editor."

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How much you wanna bet? - that Daily Mail story will include something close to this: "... experts do not fully understand how the pandemic led to the jump in crime ..."

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Little kitty, if humans are left in charge of cutting off the crusts on the ham sandwich, then they'll have to handle knives. That's not good for any of us!

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Plus they'd have to slice the ham, which means they'd have to handle SHARP knives.

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The look she's giving him... like even SHE can't believe he's asking her. When an idiot thinks you're an idiot, you're in deep trouble.

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Lori always make me think of "Mars Attacks!" https://tenor.com/view/mars-attack-gif-13197226

Back to the point; these people are dangerously hysterically funny as they grope in the liberal toy chest of failed ideas for solutions to problems they've created all on their own.

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Mars AttackED and it's the mayor of Chicago wearing ill-fitting pantsuits.

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Given that I reside in neither NYC or Chicago, and have no intent to visit either one, I can appreciate the humour in this post. And I can feel heartfelt sympathy for those who have not yet fled to saner climes.

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Cities were a mistake.

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I saw that picture of Ms Lightfoot and had an instant flashback of the zombies in the Michael Jackson Thriller video.

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That's a little bit harsh on the zombies, don't you think?

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LOL yeah riiiiiiight. Perfect example of great minds thinking alike. Uh huh sure thing. Problem solved by black genius, again? Okaaaaaaayyyy and awaaaay we go....................... Place your tray tables and seat backs in their upright and locked position. Just wait until a hot summer gets going. What's not to like. I mean really. You can't make this stuff up. Two black knot heads getting together to fight crime in a sanctuary city? Doesn't get any better than this. Cannot feel sorry for these folks that live in the city though. They voted for this even after living through the last devastating administration. Lessons learned, nuffin. They are and will be getting a full measure of what they voted for and a lot more.

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The only way this gets worse is if we see Hizzoner reading a book about the Donner Party while preparing a Thanksgiving meal.

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Who has the bigger dick?

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Just punking us now. In fact that's all most of this has been. Probing their followers to see just how vacuous they are.

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They cannot be so stupid. They want crime and more crime.

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Which is exactly the setup the technocrats wanted for their digital solution.

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So I guess Eric will be blaming New Jersey for all their guns now, that's how Lori does it, but Indiana is a little bit of a stretch for Eric!!!

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This is a joke right ?

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They've stopped trying to even make sense. Suddenly, Pfauci still being on TV, after pretty much everything he said being proven incorrect is par for the course. Has anyone heard from Lord Kelvin lately? Even as one of the most renown scientists of his time, he said, "I have not the smallest molecule of faith in aerial navigation other than ballooning, or of the expectation of good results from any of the trials we heard of." That aged well.

And just in case anyone thinks, "well, maybe Chicago is a good source of such information, here are the 2020 crimes stats comparing the two locales, in rates per 100K people. Pretty sure Chicago has little to teach, well, anyone, about how to fight crime, except maybe larceny?

City and state Chicago, Illinois New York, New York

Murder 28.6 5.6

Rape 50 27.1

Robbery 292.1 158.8

Aggravated assault 616.2 386.2

Burglary 320.9 167.5

Larceny-theft 0 1279.4

Motor vehicle theft 373.2 111.5

Forgot to post the link: https://www.safehome.org/resources/crime-statistics-by-state/

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Somehow, I suspect that Chicago having zero cases of theft or larceny in a calendar year is about as likely as China claiming only 4,638 deaths to Covid-19 in over two years. Source:


Somewhat more serious: it's likely those crimes are counted in a different category.

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Abolish the police. Drop taxes with what the force used to cost. Let every block or neighbour organise a volunteer citizens patrol, trained and evaluated regularly by senior former police officers.

I mean, it's no more insane than what the whole "abolish the police" racket is about anyway.

It might even be better. Criminals will learn where they get shot on the spot, and where the liberals live.

Might even be a point making a year or two of citizen's guard service being mandatory after moving into a neighbourhood. Either you don't get any liberals moving there, or they won't be liberals for long after the first couple of times a dope-head tries to squirt her tainted blood in their eyes.

Win/win - no lose, maybe.

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Well now nyc is going to hold hands with Chicago skipping their way into hell together

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hoomans have choked to death on a ham sammich......

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Am I allowed to laugh here? I don’t know, lately Substack is acting like Twitter

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To be honest it's not quite as funny as a New Yorker!

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This was funny! Last time I was in ny I walked by the same person one too many times. “There goes that fuckin whore again.” So much for ny

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Almost as funny as progressives and neo-bolsheviks (redundant?) teaming up to protect against the "erosion of democracy."


How in the world are we going to be rid of these people?

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Diversity working hard

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Well, Clippy did spell "imitate" wrong, so there's that. ;)

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This aged well.

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Let me get this straight - So what you're saying is, a 56% increase in transit crimes in Chicago is less than the 80% increase in NYC, so Lightfoot must be doing something right, right? Right???

Of course, you can avoid transit crimes by driving your own car, but then you'd be releasing too much carbon dioxide and the polar ice caps will melt and the coasts will disappear and we will all have to move inland to Chicago.

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This is like going to a soup kitchen to ask for financial advice.

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Late-night endorphins always appreciated!

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Wait, that isn’t a Babylon Bee article?

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Ok kitty , I’ll ask you ONE question: do you even think humans can be trusted with a ham sandwich? LOL.

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