I couldn't help it. I had to send them a message on their contact page!

"Can you not see the utter irony and hypocrisy of your covid safety protocols ( https://www.ilholocaustmuseum.org/safety-protocols/ )?

For your Museum to mandate that ALL people over 5 MUST be injected at least twice with an experimental injection (which for the record neither stops transmission nor infection!), and where everyone over 2 years of age MUST wear a mask to to visit a Holocaust Museum where all the 'mandates' back then got A LOT of people killed, can you not see that you are as bad as the Nazis etc when you require everyone to mask up and be jabbed?

If you can't figure this out, then I really don't understand why you think you should be running a Holocaust museum, or even dealing with the public in any way at all, in fact.

Perhaps you might want to bring this above concern to the attention of your Board and re-consider your patrons literally re-living the Holocaust due to your 'mandates'."

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I sent this:

"What if you suspect that someone might have typhus? Can they visit the museum if they wear a yellow star, or will you put them in a boxcar?

Asking for six million friends."

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I sent this:

“Come on kids, we’re going to the Holocaust Museum and eDuCaTiON Center to learn about a time when a terrible tyrant brainwashed a bunch of dumb people with propaganda and convinced them that their political adversaries were spreading disease. They segregated their people into groups, made them show papers, had them literally wear symbols to identify themselves, and encouraged the private sector to terminate the people that they didn’t like. It’s an amazing story and we must learn from it so we never repeat it. Now go get your papers and your masks so we can get into the museum and LeArN. Don’t worry though, we’ll be protected from those dirty Jews, oops I mean dirty unvaccinated.”

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Excellent! Just one thing: the "terrible tyrant:" did not "encourage the private sector" -rather, firing Jewish employees in just about all private and public sectors was required by law - starting with the " Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service " April 1933. Note, by law - the old fashioned way - not by administrative fiat.

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Perhaps the only reason this kind of “law” has not passed congress is because we have the Constitution.

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And we have guns that the Second Amendment allows the use thereof in certain situations. Never ever give these up!

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We may learn more about that starting Jan 7.

I was going to add, for the "terrible tyrant" the distinction (between admin fiat and law) was largely meaningless even by Apr 1933 - the Socialist and Communist opposition had been snuffed out - many members brutally imprisoned by the SA (a little bit like Antifa) - the terrible tyrant owned the Reichstag. We are not quite there - Biden knows he could not get the employer mandate through the Congress. Starting Jan 7 we learn whether that makes any difference.

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I don't think they know about the Constitution. I think it's been pure dumb luck, so far.

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Great point!

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Very good

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Thanks for the link and the idea Ms Robyn. I just wrote and told them that I will NEVER visit their "museum". That showing my papers to learn about a time where people were mandated to show their papers and wear articles on their bodies is the pinnacle of hypocrisy and is disgusting.

I've so had enough of this madness.

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You may label that "the pinnacle of hypocrisy" but... seemingly more appropo would be "the depth of ignorance". I suspect you have raised a perspective that will result in self-inflicted slaps on their forehead and the utterance of "Huhhh". The 'dumbing down of education' has produced a 'dumbing down of educators' which has resulted in the 'dumbing down of the educated'.

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I'm unsure museums are necessarily a good idea in terms of representing or documenting reality. Or something.

Governments that, historically, killed and abused aboriginal populations, run aboriginal history museums. Like a kind of token whitewashed virtue signal on steroids, they're built and run using the tax-coerced populations' money and with little change to their detrimental system and its rules (AKA 'laws' as if they're immutable laws of physics or something) that created the disasters for the aboriginals in the first place.

Same problem/system, different package/wash.

Treaties? Fuggedaboutit.

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good job. My husband's grandfather was 16 when Nazis took over Austria. He distinctly remembered when Nazis interrupted a show at a theatre to check everyones papers (he was later incarcerated in Buchenwald, his sister Auschwitz, and the rest of his family murdered). That just happened in NY, only cops were checking proof of vaccination. How some people don't see the parallels is amazing to me.

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Amazing and disgusting. I pitched a fit months ago when Trader Joe’s, as an accommodation to/retribution for my unmasked store entry, tried to make me push a cart with a bright yellow sign on the front. I refused, promptly took photos, and spread it all over the place. No one is educating anyone to resist.

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Hey, I objected loudly every time they tried to make me parade that sign! I said I refuse to be humiliated. Sometimes they let me in. One time, I took a basket and turned the sign toward my body. Most of the time, I didn't even bother to drive into their parking lot. I complained to the HQ in an email. No response. Now they're forcing all their employees to get the death shot. I used to be a steady customer, spent between $50 and $100 there each week. Nowadays, I go there about once every two months. Essentially, they lost my business with their idiocy!

You know why they did it? They didn't want us congregating inside the store and supporting each other. They had a limit on the number of signs available, and if there were no signs available, you had to wear a mask or leave.

I also complained about them forcing their employees to wear masks, but they ignored that, too.

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The store manager and I had it out one day over masks. I refused to wear one, I just left. They’ve still got him wearing a mask😂

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He's probably been shot, too. When Sprouts refused to let me shop without a mask, I actually filed a complaint with the Attorney General, and he actually sued them on my behalf. Ultimately, it didn't go anywhere, but it was still worth doing. I shopped there only twice since then, in over a year. Once they stopped requiring masks. It actually turned out well for me because I found a small grocery that also sells raw milk, and one of the owners and I have become good friends. It may not seem like it at the time, but it pays to stand up for your principles.

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Can u write that to them? Just copy and paste here: https://www.ilholocaustmuseum.org/contact/

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Guess what! They took down the page! 404 error. They got the message and they didn't like it.

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Pressure was too much for them.

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Yep. But I found their email address, and I wrote them. So far, it hasn't returned undeliverable. On Facebook, they had published a Happy New Year with a picture of their building. Over 1K of comments, about half of them landing on them with both feet for ignoring the connection between what the Nazis did and what they are doing. I downloaded the whole thing, and am reading it when I have time. Quite a heated discussion! Serves 'em right!

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Great idea! I essentially told them to read their own mission statement and lead the way to non-compliance with this shameful policy, Either that or close their doors.

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lack of self awareness = key trait of narcissism

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Can u write that to them? Just copy and paste here: https://www.ilholocaustmuseum.org/contact/

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I just send them a message! How disgusting!

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My message to them: "Do you not see the horrible irony of requiring "papers" of people for entry? Do you not see that the corrupt elite have been working overtime to label "unvaccinated" people as "dirty" and dangerous? And this despite the easily provable fact that those who have been coerced and deluded into participating in a dangerous medical experiment, without informed consent, are actually MORE likely to infect others. I'm assuming that your museum teaches your visitors about Dr. Mengel and Goebbels? The yellow star patches? The SS? The Nuremberg trials? Is it even possible to maintain this level of ignorance? I no longer believe it is."

It took some digging to even find their contact info, but when I did, I c/p my message to about half of the individual email addresses before my fingers got tired...

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Raising a glass for you tonight, Curtis. Really for everyone here.

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Excellent! Thank you!

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We should tell them, nobody needs a concentration camp to engage in mass murder anymore. The Powers That Be have talked everyone into taking the death shot and committing slow (or not so slow) suicide. I have to ask them why they even think they have a mission under the circumstances, since they have repudiated it with this mandate.

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Excellent idea. I just messaged them as well. Hmm, wonder if they have a Facebook page...

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Oh, look -- they do :-) How handy!


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I see they are deleting and hiding comments now

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41 comments ... and only 3 are visible :-/ Assholes.

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The Hollow Hoax has always required very careful “management” of any true information. Just research Robert Faurisson, for example.

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Ooh, and I'm happy to see that the comments are nearly ALL expressions of horror and outrage :-) Nice.

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Brilliant. Think I"ll do the same. Bit I'll keep it short.. something about maybe just have them wear yellow star on outer clothes. To speed their way into museum teaching lesson of "papers please" nazi otherism!

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Just sent a message.

"Stunning! I wish I hadn't read what your institution is now requiring of its visitors. My heart is broken. Were you not tasked with teaching people to never forget the atrocities that were perpetrated on innocent people in the lead-up to and during WWII? What has happened to you there that you are now participating in the same insanity that brought about the murder of millions? For the love of God....please stop."

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You inspired me. I borrowed and wrote this.

Stop Just Following Orders!

The vaccine mandate is not logical - all people get and pass covid - and is discriminatory.

For your Museum to mandate that ALL people over 5 MUST be injected at least twice with an experimental injection (which for the record neither stops transmission nor infection!), and where everyone over 2 years of age MUST wear a mask to to visit a Holocaust Museum where all the 'mandates' back then got A LOT of people killed is problematic.

There are internment camps in Australia. The Austrians will mandate the Vaxx soon or fine or imprison. One state in Germany doesn’t allow un VAXXED to grocery shop. In Chicago and other major cities people can’t dine in restaurants or go to in person school.


If you can't see the connections - check out the 10 stages of genocide - you may want to reconsider the objectives of this museum.

There have been zero deaths in healthy Germany and Sweden from covid and very few in US. Yet, we’ve seen tens of thousands of deaths due to covid injections. See openvaers.com.

We are now seeing evidence of the lowest rate of Omicron infection, not in the VAXXED or boosted but the non vaccinated.

Please bring this above concern to the attention of your Board and re-consider the impact of Just Following Orders!

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Very nice, Amy.

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The Israelis get really upset when I go on their news web sites and point out that they are completing the job the Nazis started but never finished, by forcing their entire population to get the death shots. I tell them it is a Holocaust. People always post with their outrage I would dare say such a thing!

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They won't 'get it' until they keel over from the jab. Good on you for doing that.

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Thank you for sharing the link. Message sent.

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They'll probably "Do a Dershowitz" and accuse you of Holocaust denial and call you a bigot.

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...but that requires them to reply to me in the first place! I'm working on the one-step-at-a-time-scenario here! ;-)

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Plus as I posted above, they have a pic which looks a lot like people doing the "Heil Hitler" arm gesture - lol: https://twitter.com/ihmec/status/1476708178142269468

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My 13 yr old visited here a few weeks ago. The tour guide asked for a show of hands of who was vaxxed. I wrote to them expressing the irony of this type of questioning. To my surprise, they wrote back and apologized. The response was that discrimination like that was not their policy and they wanted to know which tour guide was responsible. How fast things change...

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This is positive news! Cracks in the dam.

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It appears not to have stuck, though....

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Should make a yellow syringe patch and pin them to their coats - then say nothing and wait for the reaction

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Can u write that to them? Just copy and paste here: https://www.ilholocaustmuseum.org/contact/

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Can u write that to them? Just copy and paste here: https://www.ilholocaustmuseum.org/contact/

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Simply amazing, then, to see this announcement.

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They made this announcement quite awhile ago.. those dimwits are so busy behaving just like nazis, "labeling the diseased", it's lost on them that they are repeating history. I wrote them, and will never visit them. I also suggested then reading the book "The redhead of Auschwitz." A little memory refresher from a still living survivor.

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snickering every time i see your ‘Well now, isnt THAT special’... thanks🐱💕

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And the fallacy: "Requiring proof of 'vaccination' will keep the place safe". Who invented this preposterous idea, an how did people end up believing it? They really believe that being around people who are "vaccinated" is safer? Even if the "vaccines" worked, unvaccinated people are not "unsafe". How can we make them understand that simple fact?

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So many people who have gotten the shots believe they can still get (and are getting/got) covid ONLY from the unvaccinated....how do these minds actually "work" this way? (or not work!)

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Govt and msm spewing the lies from the tv 24/7, that's how.

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And when I try to explain the truth of the matter...I am the nutso one! (with misinformation!)

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Can u write that to them? Just copy and paste here: https://www.ilholocaustmuseum.org/contact/

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Suggestion: NO ONE but them sees what you send in that link.

Reply HERE:


scroll down a bit and everyone who follows them will see your comments.

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The yellow star was needed in part, because Jews were viewed as filthy vermin, much like rats. Dystopia is always introduced as a matter of protecting the “public good”

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Can u write that to them? Just copy and paste here: https://www.ilholocaustmuseum.org/contact/

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...sigh... 💕🐱💕

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You can't cure stupid. Knowledge never overcomes virtue signalling.

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Great point. It can be discrimination because the statement is false "keep the place safe". A lawsuit might follow up soon. It should.

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Hey, I don't want to breathe other people's spike protein! They should EXCLUDE the "vaccinated"!

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Can u write that to them? Just copy and paste here: https://www.ilholocaustmuseum.org/contact/

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I did write to them. They need to hear from EVERYONE!

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I tried to post my list to them but i can't upload to this website

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The ultimate irony will be when you have to display your tattooed QR code to enter the Holocaust museum.

"Vax Macht Frei"

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Or maybe, “Your card checks out. Please step forward and enter the sterilizer unit to the left before it is safe for you to proceed into the main hall.”

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Thinking of those airport naked scanners….gosh, it’s almost like they’ve been prepping us for a while 🤔

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Can u write that to them? Just copy and paste here: https://www.ilholocaustmuseum.org/contact/

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I wrote them a “tone deaf” message. 👍

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Wonderful! Thank you!

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Chip is coming soon! 666 baybee

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Can u write that to them? Just copy and paste here: https://www.ilholocaustmuseum.org/contact/

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"Gift Macht Frei" Vax ist Gift!

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Why are museums so much more full of covid than Costco?

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or Walmart Or Ace or Home Depot...etc etc...

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Can u write that to them? Just copy and paste here: https://www.ilholocaustmuseum.org/contact/

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Beautiful observation.

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Answer: if you closed down all the food stores people would die much too quickly for the great reset to take hold.

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Somehow this sounds like the set-up to a joke?

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Dec 31, 2021
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Can u write that to them? Just copy and paste here: https://www.ilholocaustmuseum.org/contact/

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They're working on it.

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Us disgusting, filthy unvaccinated have no right to learn about how people were segregated for something like being considered disgusting and filthy.

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Shida I "stole' your idea, added/changed some wording, and posted on their Twitter page. This is utter nonsense.

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Yeah I certainly could've written it a bit better, so I'm happy for someone to have done so. :p

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No, no, no! I didn't change it to make it **BETTER**; I simply didn't think it was right to just steal and use your words. You did a FINE job... and thank you for giving me the inspiration!

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Heh, well, thank you for the compliment.

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Can u write that to them? Just copy and paste here: https://www.ilholocaustmuseum.org/contact/

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It seems like January 5, 2022, might be the perfect day to stage a little protest outside the museum while wearing yellow stars that read "Unvaccinated."

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Written in Fraktur.

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Excellent idea.

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This takes performance art to a whole new level of meta.

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You wrote exactly what I imagined but couldn’t figure out how to say.

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Can u write that to them? Just copy and paste here: https://www.ilholocaustmuseum.org/contact/

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I just sent them this message:

I am writing regarding your new art exhibit (https://twitter.com/ihmec/status/1476583112033382402) titled “Forever Again.”

This takes performance art to a whole new level of meta.

If this is not actually a satirical demonstration of colossal ignorance of and insensitivity toward the victims of the Holocaust and totalitarianism, then I suggest you read “Letter to a Colluder: Stop Enabling Tyranny” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-colluder-stop-enabling) to brush up on the history you are purporting to represent and prevent the reoccurrence of.

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Post it on their Twitter feed!


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I just posted it to their latest tweet, like others appear to be doing:


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Oh yes, why didn’t I think of that?

I just tried at the original tweet, and they set it so only “People @ihmec mentioned can reply” 😏

Any ideas on how to get around that or where to post instead?

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Great idea! I think I’ll send them my “Letter to a Colluder” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-colluder-stop-enabling) to help them brush up on their history, too :-)

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I would like to go and have my picture taken in a mask in their room about the medical experiments and the Nuremberg code. But unfortunately I can't because I haven't been injected with an experimental shot without informed consent.

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Oh, well.

I guess I won't be learning about the Holocaust.

One would think cretinous, evil, selfish human garbage like me would be the first people they'd want to reach with a message of tolerance and decency.

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It wasn't too long ago all we heard about were "holocaust deniers". Wouldn't one think that these kinds of policies only serve to create even more deniers? We are living in a very strange backwards time...

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The best way to create a white supremacist is to call someone a white supremacist constantly and present an unfalsifiable tautology as evidence that they are indeed a white supremacist.

There's only one group of Holocaust deniers in this equation. Just look at how they double down when an actual Holocaust survivor or Jewish person compares the current state to the rise of Nazism.

Mors tyrannis.

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Can u write that to them? Just copy and paste here: https://www.ilholocaustmuseum.org/contact/

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Not a bad idea! I'll come up with something a little more composed and shoot it off this afternoon.

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I've been in a perpetual state of face palm for nearly 2 years now.

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Oh the irony. Oh the hypocrisy.

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Their utter lack of self-awareness evokes genuine pity.

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nah....I have no pity for these policy makers. Idiots all of them!

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Chicago is the Marxist Mafia center of the USA. A place where our judges and politicians band together to buy distressed properties just in time for big name developers to swoop in and pay top dollar for them. A place where a law abiding citizen who just wants to protect herself must navigate a rat’s maze of regulations to do so, while 14 year olds carjack on the daily. They are doing it up big time in Chicago.

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Chicago under the leadership of Lori Lightfoot, the mayor, is destroying this once great city, one step at a time. She is one of the country’s greatest nightmares and hopefully will have her day in front of a judge and jury to explain exactly what her motive for destroying the city of Chicago.

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Lightfoot is an abomination. Know what’s worse? The people who elected her and keep her in office.

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I'm guessing she is yet another WEF puppet strategically placed there prior to the plandemic, like so many others.

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So the museum is….just following orders?

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LOL. It would appear so.

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Chicago has been a corrupt sewer for over 60 years! And that's a conservative estimate!

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Yes I agree, but this is something else. This is blatant destruction of small businesses and rampant crime terrorising those paying a lot of money to live and work in the city. It will further drive businesses out of the city, maybe the state, and Chicago and Illinois will be just one more bankrupt wasteland. But who knows, maybe that is what Lori Lightfoot and her gang and Gov Pritzker would like, just cannot understand why.

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Can u write that to them? Just copy and paste here: https://www.ilholocaustmuseum.org/contact/

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Little kitten, I think you are dead on the money - and I do not think it is too on the nose or heavy handed. I think you are a bold and insightful little kitten :-)

The twits venturing through the museum and proffering their covid poison passports to do so are probably the last people that should be visiting the museum!! With their mindset and Poison Meter flashing, what could they possibly learn there?!

It would be almost comical watching these people donning mandated masks and 'vaccine passports' to visit a museum dedicated to a swathe of evils that were 'mandated' back then...if only it wasn't so tragically hypocritical.

The utter irony is not lost on me, but these are dark days indeed. Will these people ever wake up??

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Can u write that to them? Just copy and paste here: https://www.ilholocaustmuseum.org/contact/

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Why don't they just tell the "unvaccinated" to wear gold stars on their sleeves? That way, they could easily identify the "dirty" people that try to enter their doors.

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I just suggested that to them!

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My thoughts exactly!

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Can u write that to them? Just copy and paste here: https://www.ilholocaustmuseum.org/contact/

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And forgive me for being insensitive, but it never fails, almost every time one of these policies are implemented there is usually a picture of at least one person who is quite obviously overweight. Sorry, but that's a fact. I'm so sick of being told that I need to do things to keep people safe from themselves.

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Dec 31, 2021Edited
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Pritzker is definitely the fattest governor only because Chris Christie isn't a governor anymore.

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Reminder that Chris Christie survived covid.

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So...you guys are better than fat people, but you're bitching about vaxxed thinking they're better than you. Humm. Is that because people can't just look at you and tell you're unvaxxed? What color stars are fat people supposed to wear, since you obviously think they need to he put in their place?

Self-righteous much?

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Hmmm, maybe there will be a Covid Museum a few decades from now that documents the atrocities of this time.

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How about a Covid wall with the names engraved in marble? One section for those who died of the bioweapon (because they were denied therapeutics) and another section for those who died from the vaccine.

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I'm afraid that soon we will see that all those names will be to many and won't be possible to engrave... The wall would have to be to big.

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Can u write that to them? Just copy and paste here: https://www.ilholocaustmuseum.org/contact/

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same thot ...in...20 years, if we are still.....

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Unless the government decides that it knows better than you and puts forth another batch of experts to explain how certain people are unclean, then please, by all means, do it again.

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Can u write that to them? Just copy and paste here: https://www.ilholocaustmuseum.org/contact/

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Forever again.

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That's really good.

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Thanks, Dr. John!

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Tell 'em Himmler sent you, and get in for free.

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Yellow Stars are optional though.

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But don’t you see? They’re the “good” people. They just want to keep everyone safe from those filthy disease-carrying subhumans.

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Can u write that to them? Just copy and paste here: https://www.ilholocaustmuseum.org/contact/

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Here’s the text of my message:

It has recently come to my attention that the Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center is requiring visitors to be vaccinated.

Thank you for taking a strong stand and protecting your staff and patrons from filthy, disease-carrying, unvaccinated subhumans.

You can be assured that I will be standing shoulder-to-shoulder with you cheering as these disgusting vermin are rounded up and transported in trucks and trains to camps where they can be dealt with permanently.

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Wonderful. I can see how they might be offended as we’re not at genocide yet. BUT if you look at the 10 phases of genocide, we’re well past midway!

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I’m surmising that they are passing familiar with the history of the Holocaust and that it didn’t just start one day, but happened by degrees.

I guess I don’t really care if they are offended. Someone is always offended over something. That’s not my problem.

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Soon the vaccinated will be upgraded to the splendid Hugo Boss uniforms so all the checking of papers can be skipped.

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I just sent this:

We had been planning to visit your museum while we were in Chicago next week. Then we discovered your admission policy regarding vaccination, boosting, showing papers, etc. as a condition of admission. What irony! We have decided instead to put on our black wool coats, pin a yellow star of David to the front and go down to the train yards and hop in a boxcar and see where it takes us.

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So perfect!

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Proof that people never learn they have traded fascism based on race for Bio-fascism and are just incapable of seeing the similarities. History doesn't repeat, but it sure does rhyme and when it does people (even those with great education and high IQ) seem not to be able to recognize it.

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Clearly something other than intellect pulls us down these paths, something very difficult, if not impossible, to resist if the psychological forces line up. Anxiety is one of those incessant forces that lead people to ditch their intellect and enter into a sort of madness, embracing anything that provides some relief. There's too much we don't know about this.

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Can u write that to them? Just copy and paste here: https://www.ilholocaustmuseum.org/contact/

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Can u write that to them? Just copy and paste here: https://www.ilholocaustmuseum.org/contact/

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"it's for your safety" was a nazi slogan to get you to kill your neighbors. same for covid!

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Can u write that to them? Just copy and paste here: https://www.ilholocaustmuseum.org/contact/

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Ohhh... gutwrenching satire of such dark naivety I don't know whether to laugh or kill myself.

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JB Pritzker is a large contributor to the Illinois Holocaust Museum. It would not surprise me if he was behind this. Afterall, he is a man with no prospective.

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Israel, its Government and People are re-running 1930s Germany.

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Yeah, that has me very puzzled. Why? WHY would they do that?! Haven't they been tortured enough by others? Why would you sell your own people to pure evil?

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Israelis get really upset when I leave comments on their news sites calling their program, to exterminate their own people and finish the job the Nazis started, a holocaust. There are none so blind as those who will not see.

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From the beginning, when I first heard about them signing the contract with Pfizer, I was..."Say what? They did what? Why did they do THAT?! What were they thinking?!" It leaves me befuddled, to say the least.

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Same here. Apparently Netanyahu has connections to Pfizer, and Israelis love technology. But clearly they did not do their homework before deciding to force everyone to get the clot shot.

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"...they did not do their homework..." That's an understatement.

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see below

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just ‘normalizing’ the abnormal... part of the childhood indoctrination.

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Sad, frightening, and just plain stupid. Never ever learn.

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Can u write that to them? Just copy and paste here: https://www.ilholocaustmuseum.org/contact/

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Ah yes, that's like our Canadian "human rights" museum in Winnipeg: https://www.rebelnews.com/behold_a_human_rights_museum_that_fails_to_uphold_human_rights.

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I'd rather be speaking German at this point, honestly.

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This just in:

"Prime Minister Justin Trudeau told a Quebec television station people who do not get vaccinated against COVID are often racist and misogynistic extremists."


Takes your breath away, a bit, doesn't it ? ... 2022 here we come!

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More proof that THEY literally do not care what we think of anything they say or do. Like Installing a corpse in the American presidency, like having a lying POS like Fauci constantly moving goalposts, THEY DO NOT CARE, even when they know that we know they are peddling arguments that make zero sense. So...if 50% of unjabbed are women, do they, uh, all hate themselves and their kind? Oh, right, it's like that DEI concept--they must have 'internalized' the misogyny, I guess.

I get the impression THEY are all in some room somewhere (unmasked, unjabbed of course, livin' it up) saying "okay, 'symptomless variant' was good, but let's see if we can get MORE stupid, let's see if they'll fall for something like...'anti-vax equals racist and misogynist'."

"Great idea! I'll call Merriam Webster and get them to change the definition. Again."

What a joke.

On us because we haven't figured out how to shut THEM down.


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That kind of talk backfires big time because completely normal people are unvaxxed and will take offense.

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Maybe so... but I kinda think he wasn't talking to the unvaxxed! (We don't get a vote.)

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The PM can’t help it - he inherited his politics from his father, Fidel.

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That's downright WEIRD! I have never worn a mask or locked down. I refuse to take the shots. We adopted trans-racially, and that started a trend. Our family now represents all the major "races" and several minor ones. So what would Trudeau say to us? Huh? Oh, and I forgot. I am a pro-life feminist.

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"Ihre Papiere bitte"...

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People need to know that there is a way out of this madness - https://mellob33.substack.com/p/restoring-sanity-and-bringing-people

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thanks! enjoyed the blog.

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Great link, thanks.

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Mello, I think this is where "You are above the target." fits your blog.

You have rattled some cages.

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Mello, I am glad that I found your Substack.

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Great collection of quotes. Terrible writing. I won't return.

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Gruff, are you the Controlled Opposition that you would try and discredit great thinking that is maybe too powerful?

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I wrote:

Per your mandates for entry: if you ever wondered what you would have done in 1930’s Germany, now you know. Shame!

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The museum is implementing this policy in accordance with Mayor Lori Lightfoot's latest attempt to stop the virus from virusing in Chicago (and vaccine passports have really worked well in NYC).

It's such a dire situation that the rules don't take effect until January 3, 2022...? Hmmmm


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Lori Lightfoot makes Bill de Blasio look smart and he is way, way down there in the intelligence department.

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As of December 30, 29% of all US Covid cases were in New York.

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Yep! That's one of the points I bring up here:


The really scary one is that the 'emergency' lasts until the city cancels it.

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Good write-up on the current situation in Chicago. Lightfoot is probably just trying to please the big guy (and I mean that literally) so she can suck some more money out of the state's coffers that are filled with all that newly-printed federal Covid relief funds.

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Those state pensions aren't going to fix themselves!

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Even funnier -- these people don't look like they're raising their hands. Looks like another gesture altogether, to me: https://twitter.com/ihmec/status/1476708178142269468

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Like in Freiere's "Pedagogy of the Oppressed," the oppressed invariably become the oppressors.

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Can u write that to them? Just copy and paste here: https://www.ilholocaustmuseum.org/contact/

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I wrote them a scathing rebuke

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Send it to their Twitter feed, please! That way, other people will see it too!


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Oh I did

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The hypocrisy is strong with this one.

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Paperz Plz! We must see your papers!

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Show your papers. Do you get a gold star or is that if you don't have papers?

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My email: The sheer irony and utter lack of concern of your organization in compliance with mandated vaccinations, photo IDs, and papers is absolutely stunning. That you have not stood up and said "This is Wrong" and refused to comply with these unethical medical experiments completely removes any credibility from you as a museum that documents history and establishes you as a re-education center. When your tour guides get the inevitable question from any person filled with horror at the holocaust, "How could we have let this happen?", your answer should be obvious. "Oh, it's easy; just following orders."

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Hmm, lists of proof doesn't include something like, hmm, I dunno, an official number tattooed on the arm, showing vaxx id?

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I doubt very much that the museum as an organisation is self aware enough to handle this situation, hence the reflexive lurch to protect themselves against the unclean.

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Can u write that to them? Just copy and paste here: https://www.ilholocaustmuseum.org/contact/

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Its a pleasing thought to think that they would be responsive to moral lesson from a complete stranger. Unfortunately, they are more likely to respond to pressure on their pocket book, i.e., donors. Perhaps shaming will work as well. But only close members from their community, pointing out the absurdity of their position, are in a position to do so. In my view strangers' opinion don't count in situations like this.

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This is just delicious, the comments on that thread are fantastic.

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democRat ProgreSSives in action

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yellow and green stars...."you come back one year!"

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