“Criminal justice” means protection *for* the criminals, not from them.

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Not all the criminals, but the ones with MONEY, for sure. Unless, of course, there's a need for a scapegoat, and then it's under the bus they go.

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In Massachusetts, the sexual ones, including the poor. They release offenders into the unsuspecting, general community & hide their convictions.

I lived in a working class family condominium, filled with children. The newly released from prison targeted me. He & his gang of thugs harassed me 24x7x365 for 3 years. When police finally got involved, they told me they couldn't protect me & that I needed to get out of town.

I lost my career, my friends & network, a sizeable chunk of my life savings, plus the stress of not being allowed to sleep for 3 years damaged my health.

I live in Maine now. The list of offenders is public, & the immediate neighborhood is notified when one is released into it.

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Geeezuz. I'm so sorry. I can't imagine such hell, and I'm going through some evil right now, too... from my own siblings. But nothing like that. I want to re-build community, if I just knew where and had some like-minded to join up with...

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Maine is better than MA anyway. Hope. You have healed from that horror.

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MAA ….astute as usual, nailed it !

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Thank you Madame. I had been laboring under an apprehension inversion. You have provided equilibrium.

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We are living in Clown World, after all 🤡

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Honk Honk! 🤡

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Oh yes !!

A honk honk here and there

Perfectly appropriate!

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canada is a shithole.

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The entire West has become a shit hole.

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According to the plan.

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Yes, indeed. The Kalergi Plan.

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Yes, but Canada is kind of leading the charge into the septic system.

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True, but the rest are swirling just right above it.

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Hey, get ouf of our toilet bowl. Find your own!

We're finally first at something besides hockey and spruce tree counts.

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Sorry, you can’t count us out of this competition. I will see your Justin Trudeau and raise you 2 of a kind; Joe and Hunter Biden.

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but neither one is in the government (ba-doom-boom).

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LOL Yes, please, we need some humor!

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Led by Justin castro

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Jul 17, 2022
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It's not us immigrants doing this. Check Pelosi, Schumer, Biden, Miley, Austin, Newsom, Pritzker, et al. Not an immigrant amongst them. I lived in the SF Bay Area until recently, and the woke charge is being led by natural-born Americans, though certainly I am embarrassed by many of my fellow immigrants from Asia who have joined the woke bandwagon. HOWEVER Asians are waking up. They were a big part of stopping the reimposition of racist affirmative action in CA by defeating the ballot proposition, and were a big part of the Chesa Boudin recall. And of Youngkin's win.

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It's white people, almost entirely, behind it. RICH white people.

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Um... Lizard people, please. Don't be speciesist.

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Lizard people = rich white people... right? ;)

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Rich leftist commie and rino neo con white people. But be honest...blm is fronted by not-so-white people...

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When I saw Nancy Pelosi and her govt. pals all wearing African stoles and going on one knee for the cameras, I wanted to puke... forever. I mean, AS IF. 600 years of racist evil, and suddenly, all this reverence? The vapid hypocrites! Yuck to the 10th power...

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Now watch as those front people (who are corrupt and deserve their fate) find themselves under the bus.

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BLM used to be cool, at least they seemed cool to me. They've been infiltrated and subsumed, now, like a lot of groups that used to be cool... smdh

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I hear you. As a native Californian, born at Children’s Hospital in Oakland,CA as well as my 5 younger sibs, I will never live there again. Sadly

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the irony is that they (the left, the democrats) assume that the people they let in will vote for them. but the people coming here mostly want to work hard and earn their keep. they don't want to live in shit holes which is why they came here in the first place and aren't interested in letting anyone turn their new home into one. i think most of them will vote against their "benefactors"

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I bloody well hope so. But I'm a bit skeptical about all this so-called "voting" these days.

Show me the ballots.

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well yes, there is that

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Yes please to waking up the Asian community. They’re the most compliant of the CA lot. (I meant California but you could possibly extend that to Canada as well.)

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Honestly, on my last visit to CA in the Fall 2021, I had the most trouble with women my own age; I was called “asshole” by a number if these righteous, proper beings.

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Then it's a good thing that conservative immigrants from Latin America, Africa and the Muslim world are coming, as we are the only ones left to stand up to the Woke and preserve family values. Europeans and their descendants gave up on God, and now it is us brown people that are going to have to fix this mess.

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White people are guilting themselves out of existence. Looking back I remember a lot of people voted for Obama to feel good about voting for a black (looking) man and being able to feel they weren’t racist. Our stupidity astounds me.

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Ain’t that the truth…we had no idea that his fundamental transformation idea was a crock. Well, not for him of course.

Watching from afar, up here in Canada which is fundamentally a hellhole now.

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I wasn’t fooled for one second. Had him pegged as an empty suit intended to draw people from out of the disillusionment of Shrub (Bush II) and suck them back into believing in the system. And boy was I right.

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White boomer here. Jesus is my Lord.

Unvaxxed and unmasked as are my family below my place in the tree.

Locked and loaded.

Been to Ottawa and Montreal many a time. Not impressed. Maybe the country folk can save them.

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It is ALL of us that will fix this mess... Time to get rid of these DIVISIONS. Because one of, if not THE most powerful tool the Nasties have is the tool of Divide and Conquer. What all these distractions have been about over the past two years... ANYTHING to have us arguing with each other, angry with each other... BLM, gay/trans/etc, kids v. parents, racism, religionism, ism, ism, ism... all plays right into their hands.

Because what they MOST FEAR, is a UNIFIED PEOPLE. This means our first task is to UNIFY. This isn't about who's better anymore. The Parasites want to KILL US ALL. They're giving their jabs to EVERYONE, not just people of color. If we want to have a division, then let it be Human Beings and PSYCHOPATHS. We outnumber them by the BILLIONS.

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I certainly won’t argue with that as we all have common ground in this. If we don’t all unite they win.

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Sorry, I call BS on your assessment. Get off your high horse. You're ignoring a huge swath of the American population when you make ignorant statements like that. And I've met and worked with many folks from other countries who want to get on the American gravy train.

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Except there is no gravy train. The US has a long, long, long history of discrimination and eugenics... That is provable. What's important is what is happening NOW. Nobody is getting a pass. The Bad Guys are trying to KILL ALL OF US, without any "Whites Only" or anything remotely like that. Don't believe everything you hear... LOOK at who is dying. It's everybody.

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So many things have turned the West into a shithole and our idiocy is at the top of that list.

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Okay. Acknowledged. Now let's get up and take it back.

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If there are enough of us.

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I live in canaduh and I approve this statement.

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Turdeau has taken a dump on Canada. He is a man-child wannabe dictator.

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I think he’s past the wannabe part.

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Not a wannabe, unfortunately. He is tightening the screws. He has the depth and gravitas of Kim Jong Il.

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And similar pedigree.

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He is a monster

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It’s swirling in the bowl as we speak…..and most here are happy to go along.

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Maybe us freedom-loving types from Canaduh and Murka can move to Montana and North/South Dakotas and start a new, bettah country of our own... With lots of dogs.

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My Henry (Australian Shepherd) would like that !

Looks like our only chance to get through this is with parallel societies. Meantime, I’m stuck in Canadistan without a Passport. My renewal is sitting on some bureaucrats desk. Latest news is that it can take 10- 12 weeks and that will bring us right up to closed borders again which they will no doubt institute in the Fall. I have intelligent and savvy American friends who are doing just that (in the Ozarks).

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Maybe we oughta just storm the bastille, so to speak (woof!) and just sneak across borders and you know, do some Burn Notice-style distractions so we can hoof and woof right on through...

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At least come down to where you can garden more then 4 months out of the year... victory gardens are a necessity.

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Where be you?

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The soft , verdant Appalachians of Georgia! 4 seasons, but with greenhouse( unheated) I can grow 10-11 months of the year. Plenty of herdable critters :)

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Sounds beautiful... ^_^ And I do love herdable critters, lol. xo

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Ps- Collies and herding breeds rock!

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Don't look now, but Biden's brought that here.

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Brandon's entire presidency has been an absolute shit show.

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It isn't Brandon's. Its Barry's 3rd term.

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When somebody dox'ed GoFundMe donors to the truckers, I got an email from a Canadian Broadcasting (CBC) stooge in the US. This international fascism of freezing bank accounts and preventing donations is beyond the pale. And what Turdeau is doing to Tamara is horrible.

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My wife has a senior citizen retired friend. No assets, no power, tiny pension. A complete nobody. She gave the Truckers $20. And her accounts were frozen.

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How pathetic is that !

Well, at least she didn’t get trampled as well ! When I heard the snippy voice of his second in command dictating that bank instruction I gasped. She announced it with glee.

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People be gone insane. wtaf

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Remember she's one of Schwab's special annointed...

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I gave more and got left alone but I took preemptive action just in case.

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I hope they were not frozen for long! The authorities claimed that only the truckers had their accounts frozen but I have heard of other cases -- people far from Ottawa who gave small amounts. Jordan Peterson said that high up military types told him to get his money out of the banks. I am not sure how to do that -- I have taken out some cash.

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I got an email from Globe and Mail, wanting to interview me over my donation. Ya right, that was not happening. I'm Canadian. I used to pay for G and M. Never again. All corrupted by government and pharma money.

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Yep. I told the creep to quote Brian Peckford in my place. As it was Feb 15, I wished him a Happy Flag Day - although I had a different "f" word in mind.

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Same. My $ goes to substacks, Epoch and The Expose.

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What about Druthers?

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If we keep our money ONLINE it will fly away.

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That paper is the WORST!!!

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Freezing bank accts, preventing donations & threatening donors will go global soon

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Yep…Canada is leading the way !

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‘We’re #1! We’re #1!’ I’m so proud.

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I am in Peterborough, Ontario. I got an email from a local newspaper -- reporter wanted to interview me about my donation to the truckers. Of course I said "no comment." I could have been targeted -- lots of people here believe all the negative BS about the truckers. I was ghosted by a handyman -- I assume it was because of my yard sign supporting the Ontario party (pro-trucker, anti- mandate party).

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The Google dox was the worst. I was afraid to leave my daughter here (even though she's 20s) for some time after. I was also fearful I might lose my job. Of course, nobody was charged with the hack or doxxes. Nope, instead they imprisoned Tamara Lich.

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I feel horrible for you and Ms.P. I'm in the US and wasn't too worried for myself. I can't believe how quickly Castreau turned Canada into North Korea. Why does parliament go along?

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Our electoral system is garbage. They vote with the party or get thrown out. Just another serious problem with Canada, among many others. Many of us didn't appreciate how few checks and balances we had, until the last few years.

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Precisely. The US is in better shape than us despite the attempts of Biden et al exactly because of a much better system of checks and balances.

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Checks and balances? Not much and the 3 branches are violating the constitution without a 2nd thought.

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Our system has allowed him to endure and prevail despite having FOUR Ethics scandals. It might be FIVE by now…hard to keep up !

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And this is why we have to resist the TECH. Because when we go along with everything being dependent on tech... ESPECIALLY OUR MONEY... then we're gonna get screwed.

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Well, that is their end game…digital money allowing constant surveillance. I tried to explain this to my neighbours who thought the tracing and tracking apps were just hunky dory. That was quite a while ago. Now they don’t really bring up the conversation.

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Because people are too scared to be SUPER scared, so they just pretend everything is FINE. This is why it's good to be a dog, because when we get scared, we still will bite off the bad guy's bootox.

I tried THREE TIMES to explain to a guy telling me Bitcoin is the Be-all, End-all that it might only be the End-all, and he just could. not. absorb it. If I hear anymore people talking stupid shite, I'm just gonna have to bury their keys in the garden.

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"Never invest in something you don't understand." - Warren Buffett

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The justice department is an institute of power. People in power are not worried about a dude that rapes some random peasant.

People rebelling against the people in power are a much bigger threat. They need to be demonized and punished to make sure others don't follow them.

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Astute. Yep

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Anyone who has ever gone to court for *anything* knows there is no justice system, just a legal system that chews up everything it can.

This is one of life's most painful lessons. Takes any remaining naivete and severs its spine, but not with even the mercy of a coup de grace. Gnaws until you're numb and you lost everything.

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Amen--was coming here to say something similar--you got it right.

I have experienced this first hand over the past 8 months.

Justice is just an illusion.

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Me, too. xo

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Wishing you luck

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I've been through the courts more than a few times (civil and criminal).

While I "won" almost every time... the only real winners were the lawyers.

Yep, they chew and spit.

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And when you can't afford a lawyer, you're lower than dirt.

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Only the lawyers win !

$$$$$& more $$$

Even if they lose !

A hard lesson indeed…

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Well said, and you've just described my life in 2022 so far.

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You have absolutely my deepest commiseration. But I lived through something worthy of the worst B-movie ever and I hope you'll make it through, too.

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It's not ME I'm worried about... I'll see you on the other side of this bullshit!! In fact, I'd love to have you over for stories and scones... xo

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If I ever get that lakeside estate, consider one of the guest cottages yours for as long as you'd like it.

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You'd have the best cottage dog EVER!! Waggie tails big time! ;)

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...And scones until one of us is pushing up daisies...

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Well you see "justice" now retains roughly the same amount of meaning as "democracy," "fascist," and "misinformation."

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Yes, Orwell was right... Minitrue is here. Newspeak, anyone?

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Thank God , we have a crusty ,older , razor sharp witted journalist writing for one of the main stream papers here called The National Post : Rex Murphy. I'm not sure why he is even "allowed" to print his views at this stage . His sarcasm and rapier wit regarding young trudeau and his management of what used to be Canada brings me great joy and I look forward to his written opinions about the many debacles of this government - Tamara's situation being one of the many .

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He’s a national treasure. His interviews with Jordan Peterson are epic !

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He doesn't mince any words - something I really appreciate . Epic indeed with Jordan Peterson. I suspect the young ones have heard of Jordan Peterson but probably have no idea about the writing style of Rex Murphy .

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I’m sure you’re right about that !

Their loss is all I can say.

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Guess the young ones have many people they like that I haven't a clue about either . So many things to read ,so little time .

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What’s a Lich? I just looked Rex up?

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Tamara Lich -- one of the organizers of the trucker protest

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oooh! I didn't know her last name.

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Well, that's what we're all here for. There are few questions, that someone on this group cannot answer 😉

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Oh that's easy. We call it the "justice system" because all the good names were taken.

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We are so jaded now, we can only laugh !

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Another sad case of, "You have to laugh - or you'd cry". But its getting harder and harder to find things to laugh about.

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Hello AndyinBC.....I'm Wendy at the other end in QC....living in a Liberal stronghold here which is unbearable and so unhappy JT has alienated us from each other. Our Country is suffering so much under his 'leadership'. Well, it is not his leadership actually, it is him being instructed by the WEF. Not much to laugh about these days, I agree.

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Yeah, and WE call the jabs JABS, not "vaccines," STEVE. :P

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the only justice would be to see guillotines back in use for corrupt leaders, this now seems to include canadian justices

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I think IF we're going to take their lives, they should get a "LETHAL INJECTION."

THAT is the only thing that seems like justice to me... Poetic justice.

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Only one of those two examples spoke truth to power. Canada is arguably totalitarian; the convoy organizer doesn’t present a danger to society at large, but she’s definitely a threat to the state.

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Hence the unconscionable, immoral, and probably illegal incarceration.

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Since we live in Bizarro World now justice = injustice. There is no more justice for the most part. Horrible.

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What about this for justice:


Canada today is the country of death: the motherf***er in Ottawa invites American women to come and kill their babies using our wonderful health care system; forces Canadians to undergo humiliating rituals when reentering the country thanks to the atrocious ArriveCAN app then maintain citizens in house arrest, with official visits to ensure compliance.

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Regarding the article ! He has verily sentenced her to death…

Horrible fiend. How do these people sleep at night ??

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The truly terrifying passage is this, in my view: "...the same program experienced a mortality rate in recipients infected with COVID-19 of nearly 40%". Well, as you point out, the patient now has 100% chance of dying. The moral bankruptcy just boggles the mind.

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Trying to press the heart image.

Not working but want to agree and say your last sentence nails it !

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Dr. Peter McCullough in the USA stated last year that the vaccine recipients have a five-time greater chance of dying than people who don't receive the vaccine. New research is showing that the vaccines do indeed cause immune problems for the immune deficient. I met a woman with lupus this week who has had four COVID-19 injections and she has also had COVID-19 three times. But she told me her doctor's keep recommending the shot. 🙄

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Just too sad.

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EVERY big western country, and Ukraine, of course, is the country of death... that's the whole idea.

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The most dangerous “criminal” in Trudeau’s totalitarian globalist regime is the person who is deemed a threat to authority. Make no mistake. This beautiful Métis grandmother is a political prisoner. The judiciary in Canada is bought: her judge is a major liberal donor.

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Isn't anarchotyranny fun?

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Only if it truly happens.

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For what value of "fun"? (Thanx for "anarchotyranny" - very apt)

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New word? Thank you

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I can't stand this country anymore. It's a complete and utter joke, run by a city of petulant children.

Imagine believing people who honk their horns are "terrorists". It is so farcical it leaves me speechless.

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Chinada or Canuckistan, whatever you call it, it AIN'T the country i was born and raised in. Turdeau is full-blown WEF puppet. He has almost as low a popularity as Biden. The criminals are in the media and government, big tech and big pharma. The WHO wants to be the boss of your body. Schwabb says more than half of the cabinet in power in Canada are in his pocket. I wonder how many who voted for the Turd are doing a little hand wringing now.....

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