i am just a kitten, but even i am old enough to remember when this sort of talk could get you kicked off twitter.
times sure do change…
i mean, take out the capital letters and add a bit more alliteration and this could have been written by a certain bad kitty i know…
Just posted this comment on the NYT op-Ed. We’ll see if it sneaks past the “moderators.” Based on past experience, I’m skeptical. Here it is:
“I’ve repeatedly had my comments censored on this website for years now for saying exactly this. Meanwhile, I’ve watched as the top “recommended” comments on article after article display unwavering confidence in the efficacy of masks and the immorality, evilness even, of those, like me, who do not share their faith.
This newspaper has constantly fed fanaticism over the masking issue, misinforming it’s readership and exacerbating partisan hatred. In what other areas is this paper providing a similar disservice to its readers and to society at large? I used to read the NYT to learn what’s happening in the world. Now I read it only to learn what’s happening in the Twitter-addled minds of the cloistered elites seeking constantly to assert more and more control over our lives using pseudoscience and emotional blackmail.
Good on the Times for finally publishing something reasonable on the masking issue. Shame on the Times for putting ideological interests over the pursuit of truth time and time again over these tumultuous few years.”
They got caught with their hand in the cookie jar and are now pretending they’re just putting a stolen cookie back.
I notice they’re still perpetuating the use of name-calling (“conspiracy theorists” and “quack-cure peddlers”) and will pull those tricks out of their bag to lob at anyone who questions the next narrative.
The only way to defend against this tactic is to let the bullets pass through you. That’s when you realize they were just imaginary, and they’ll never work to silence you again:
• “Letter to a Mainstream Straddler: Live Not by Half-Lies” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-mainstream-straddler)