The cognitive dissonance is strong with this one.

Seriously, Walensky admitted to Wolf Blitzer on national television...in early August...that the jabs don't stop infection or transmission of the Delta variant and that the fully vaxxed and unvaxxed have similar viral loads. They are rolling out "boosters" for high-risk patients. Walensky ignored the advice of the FDA advisory committee and the ACIP and encouraged people to evaluate their own risk. Boosters for everyone!

What more do the "experts" have to do before the "vaxxed" understand they can still get the 'ro, transmit the 'ro, become ill from the 'ro, become very ill from the 'ro, be hospitalized with the 'ro, and even die from the 'ro?

Also, shaming and trashing these people as pariahs is required.

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Wonder how covid got through the mask and face shield

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Introspection is not an available tool of the left

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Ummmmm, I'm confused. Since when do we all have a right to not get sick?

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I assume the rage she feels is towards big pharma and the "experts" who convinced her to join an "injection cult".

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I saw this tweet last night. She said she was raged because she had done everything 'right.' For example, wearing a paper mask underneath a plastic welding shield.

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Cognitive Dissonance: I think CD exists to protect the psyche. Of course like anything it is a double-edged sword. While not exactly the same, young children who undergo terrible experiences repress the memories. In the case of the response to Corona people can't possibly come to terms with the idea that this narrative (people love group experiences--they bond people together--see churches, sporting events, concerts, wars, etc.) involving lockdowns and masks and all the mandates and just about everything has been for naught. It would require someone actually thinking, "wow, for 18 months I've been living in excessive fear and me being trapped in my house, me masking my young kids and myself, me wiping down the groceries, me watching the new 24/7...all this was for nothing?" To invest so much energy and then realize it was worthless is not something most people can handle emotionally. So, they keep telling themselves a story to justify one's behavior. I don't think people necessarily doing this consciously. It's to avoid pain.

This cognitive dissonance will turn into anger/rage (see above) and it will be taken out on the "unvaccinated, unmasked, and anyone who didn't immediately join the 'in-group' of believers."

The various health and government "leaders" and their ilk will continue to point the finger at whomever they can't to avoid people realizing that lockdowns, masks, and now (although I am not qualified to perfectly predict this but it seems like it is going that way) vaccines will not stop this. Constant re-direction. I mean, remember 3-4 or 5-6 months ago when Biden said he asked all the intelligent agencies to "double their efforts" (or something like that) to find the cause of the virus? Did we see a big report on that? You'd think it would be on every news station--the conclusion. But I don't recall seeing anything.

Anyway, got to go. American Idol is on.

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What’s she so angry about? Hope that anger doesn’t make her even more sick. She’s an outrage addict that’s for sure.

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Always interesting to me how these folks assume that their breakthrough case is reacting significantly different due to the injection. Since still no one can predict who get hit hard and who doesn't, it seems a bid ludicrous. There are millions of folks out there who are not injected yet had a similar or even lesser symptomatic experience.

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They really don’t see any issues with an editor of a news medium restricting who can see what she publishes? How does this not click for people?

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This is everybody’s fault but mine!!!

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how come she’s not following you?

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But but but..she did "everything right"- I mean look at that get up! WHY oh WHY did it not work for her??? (tee hee-!)

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Face shield and pronouns gave it away. The rest is icing on the cake.

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This pandemic of fear is real and growing. Yet, there is another pandemic which is rapidly eclipsing it - truth. The outcome depends on cooler heads, which do not tend to rely on histrionics and shouting. Pay no mind to the noise. The real signal is on the way.

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Rage at Fauci and the lying pharma manufacturers? I hope so. I just can't with the virtual signaling of these idiots.

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I feel sorry for the ones that love her and her neighbors. "Mingy little slag" seems to be the word of the day.

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Some people have a strong sense of wonder because they are intelligent and imaginative. Others, like Kate here, develop one because they are constantly clueless and don’t understand what is going on. Thus, the rage.

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I'm genuinely confused by this post because I spend no time on social media and don't read this journalist.

She looks like an absolute COVID psycho. Is the story here that she did all the things the Church of COVID demanded she do, and still got COVID, and that's why she's enraged?

Who is she enraged at, exactly?

Can someone who suffered to read about this bullshit give me the Cliff's Notes?

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*looks at her profile pic

You just know she posts wearing examination gloves. And wears a mask while driving.

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I'm not on Twitter. I missed this. What happened?

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Clearly, she's enraged at those damn unvaccinated people ! As THEY must be the cause of her illness. But if she really had even half a brain, she'd just have to admit that if you're vaccinated, you're supposed to be protected from infection. But to recognize that, she'd have to admit to herself that the mRNA 'vaccines' do not work and are dangerous ! It's easier to find scapegoats than to admit that. And look at her damn photo. Hell... she's masked and has a face shield. What a DUNCE ! the SCIENCE makes it clear that viral particles pass through any mask (and around any face shield.)

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