do you think maybe we should have been saying it louder before?
because old people probably don’t always hear so well.
(they also sometimes need help climbing down from things…)
The president during the call Monday projected confidence in the United States' ability to handle the omicron variant, saying that it "is a source of concern, but it should not be a source of panic."
"This is not like March of 2020, the beginning of the pandemic. We're prepared and we know what it takes to save lives, protect people and keep schools and businesses open," Biden added. "My message to the governors is simple. If you need something, say something."
the bad kitty just snickered something about “you’ll know it’s truly over when they start trying to claim this has been their stance all along.”
but i don’t think it’s very nice to make fun of elderly people for not remembering stuff!
I'm actually wondering if the newly approved Pfizer and Merck miracle pills will suddenly replace the injurious jabs. Still a money stream for Big Pharma and its investors, and Biden & Co. can claim victory from the pills.
Likely they’ll end up filling hospitals with new injuries from negative side effects. But they’ll likely come up with more treatments to treat those negative side effects. Revolving door medicine. Ain’t it great???
I don't know enough about it, can only contribute the little I know. I have a family member that is an RN that provides a highly specialized treatment to ICU patients. He is sent to all area hospitals. Apheresis sort of cleans the blood, in a similar way to how dialysis cleans the blood when kidneys fail. They use apheresis to clean the blood of antibodies when there's an extreme excessive autoimmune situation that is life threatening. This is a highly specialized treatment, very few nurses are trained to do it. Business has gone up. They did attempt this treatment in some covid patients for various reasons but primarily the increase in work is due to vaccine injured with sudden unusual autoimmune reactions. Just as in the athletes collapsing, these patients seem fit and healthy prior. Doctors discussing the treatment with him have not avoided saying the cause is the vaccine. He is careful to say the situation is rare considering how many have had the vaccines but there's a difinite pattern and there's no way he'll get vaccinated.
I suspect even if doctors are discussing this with the patients the hospitals are not acknowledging it.
Presently, in our area in all the hospitals he works in, they have closed the covid wards, they are empty. The ICU's are mostly empty and have more vaccine injured, more patients of other causes, than covid patients.
Rather than pay them again to do their job, fine the doctors thousands for each patient that does not make it, if they have not tried every possible treatment.
And then arrest, jail, try and hang the doctors who abandoned their duty prior to the rule change.
Good thought but problem is they are paid a bonus for every covid admission, not necessarily death. The perverse financial incentive is to code as many patients as covid as possible. That incentive needs to be removed completely.
I’ll believe it when I see it because Biden’s actions condradict his words. When OSHA acquiesces, when the censorship stops, when I see honest reporting on all things Covid, then I’ll believe Biden.
Yes, brain-dead Biden's rambling shouldn't be taken seriously. The actions of the puppet-masters are far more important than any coherent sentence he happens to make by accident.
That’s not going to happen. Bad for business. And besides, can’t enter a gym without jab/jab/jab proof. And if you did get in, no hard breathing allowed, and masks required......and myocardial infarction “training” required. Best to just slam down some more donuts with friends while social distancing.
Fluvoxamine is an anti depressant and also a treatment for OCD. There's a good chance you can get a psychiatrist to prescribe it for you if you have either condition, even in California.
Just don't tell the pharmacist (they will ask you why you are taking it) that you also are taking it because of covid. They will report the doctor to the licensing board and not let you have it. Trust me, I know as I live in Commiefornia.
The pharmacists here will go after doctors who they think might be doing anything to save lives. This is a truly evil place. CVS is the worse.
It was said on another blog but there can be no federal solution, no state solution.. no group solution to INDIVIDUAL health. Individual health can and should Only be addressed by the individual (with whatever trusted support team they choose to employ)
Went into a local pizza shop tonight. Due to a shortage of workers my pizza was 30 minutes late, so I stood in the vestibule to wait with 15 other customers. I was maskless. So was a 75 y/o man. Young adults proudly showed their woke face attire. Not a negative word to me, but I was ready….
I live in Southern Commifornia and even though we have a ‘guidance’ (that all the businesses are referring to as a ‘mandate’) in a form of a ‘memo’ from the CA Dept of Public Health to wear a mask it is NOT a law or even a mandate (which btw is NOT a law) and is a ‘suggestion’. I am not wearing one anywhere! And this ‘guidance’ is totally unenforceable!
I went in anyway without a Mask! They cannot legally ask you to prove your vaxx status! At least not yet! I haven’t complied in over a year and I live in Commiefornia!
I did not know when I went there. I went inside without and no one said a thing. If they had I would have said none of their business, and if they don't want me as a customer just tell me !
Same here, I won't shop where they want a mask. Just don't want to deal with the hassle tho I have participated in maskfree shopping that one of our patriot groups had. Great fun..storming the store all 50 of us .
Living in a rural area of SoCal. Went to Walmart day before Christmas Eve, big sign that mask is required. I complied, but as soon as I got in the store, noticed half the shoppers without masks, so quickly I uncomplied. It makes a difference when multiple people take a stand, in fact just a single person can cause a chain reaction.
The UK situation is amusing. Mask mandate enforceable with fines but there are exceptions, such as it causes the user distress, and it's ILLEGAL to demand proof.
I keep a screen grab of the .gov website on my phone.
I'll be honest though sometimes I just can't be arsed anticipating the inevitable argument and just wear the damn mask. But then I remember how disgusting it is and honestly I'm a little horrified by the comforting embrace of anonymity 'cos we all know what that leads to.
We need more to stand up and say "NO, I won't wear a face diaper." I get dirty looks all the times. At a well known bookstore today, 90% of the shoppers were masked. Sign only stated at the entrance , "please stand apart from each other." Ok fine, I don't want your shedding on me. The worst sight was 2 toddlers with masks on, had to walk away from them quickly before I blurted out to the mother "how awful" or "you poor kid" or "child abuse."
I've noticed a lot of stores have kept up the "mask required" signs but I always ignore them, as do a fair number of other people. I have been waiting for someone to say something to me about not wearing a mask, but thus far no one has said a thing.
Notice how they use the term “all-time high,” counting on most people to scan the headline without noticing “negative view,” paired with the framing of Oregonians as right-wing extremists using hot-button keywords.
Now, now! There’s plenty of guilt and blame for them to share. No need to make a contest out of it! The question is whether we have enough tar and feathers for these miscreants.
How about our totally inept Ige? He's the one who couldn't even remember his own password during a (fake) incoming missile from NK. Not doing much better with the current "crisis".
Seems like a trick. Is this opening the door to governors enacting their own mandates and forcing new lawsuits, given the likelihood of failure on a federal scale? Would any state mandate violate the commerce clause or otherwise unduly restrict travel? So many questions and no reason to trust them.
I'm still in gob-smacking awe of the idiocy that businesses and institutions have shown, putting covid jab mandates into action even before there's any law. So they will lose 1000s of great employees, and millions of dollars in losses, and then have to reverse it all? The stupidity is just astounding.
"is a source of concern, but it should not be a source of panic."
Well now, either I must be misremembering or he has short term memory loss because I recall that just a few days ago his holiday message to the nation included predictions of a painful winter, severe health consequences, overwhelmed hospitals, and oh yes, we're all gonna die.
Or is this another dividing the nation message? Only for the vaccinated, perhaps? He's still going to pursue federal mandates and predictions of severe illness and death for the unvaccinated?
"Old people sometimes have trouble climbing down from things and it's not nice to make fun of them for not remembering stuff." Words to live by, good little kitten! We really need to give President Brandon a hand in climbing down from his high horse and keep reminding him about how this country is supposed to work.
Governors should not be able to establish mandates where there is no scientific evidence to back up them up. Unfortunately our current leadership is not in a position to do that. It is ridiculous that one state can have vaccine passports, when we know the vaccine does not prevent transmission, while another has none. Some people can move but others for a multitude of reasons cannot.
We can't fix it, the deck is stacked. Some how, some way, Newsom beat his recall with a slightly higher win % ratio than he won his last election. After locking out kids from school and closing down 1,000s of business and giving away 40 Billion in fraudulent unemployment claims (yes Billion, with a B, while not paying legitimate claims, hmmmm...), he won by more. Sure he did.
State gov is captured by the Dem party, State agencies as well. We are screwed here in Calif.
And by the way, 27% of "Californians " are foreign-born. Add in another 17% from the rest of the US, and California is only 56% Californians. We were invaded.
California's only hope is that it appears more and more Latinos are becoming anti-Democrat. And we also have a lot of immigrants from Communist countries (lots of Ukrainians and Russians, for example) who have first-hand knowledge and memories of tyranny and control on the part of government. Hopefully they will not vote for more of what they escaped from.
Brandon is simply saying he has no clue what to do, and Fauci's recommendations would only create greater political problems for the Dems. It is Fauci who would prevent the unvaxxed from flying domestically something never before tried in this country that I know of. Imagine the lawsuits and rancor that would cause all reflecting badly on the current administration. No. This is simply an admission that he is does not know what to do.
If he were smart enough, he would have Fauci announce a crash program approving known covid early treatment protocols. Those who want to be jabbed and jabbed and jabbed and jabbed have that option. But if you prefer no jabs or maybe only two jabs early treatments will be encouraged instead of disparaged.
We have this flying ban now in Canuckistan- trains, too. Look north for a testing ground for the New World Order. There is no judicial independence, and constitutional protection is abrogated by decree...errr, mandate.
While I am glad to hear this. I fear shifting responsibility to the states will empower governors like Pritzker to become more authoritarian. I hope not. Illinois, especially Chicagoland, is especially miserable.
If it all moves to the states, these Blue governors can't hide behind the Biden admin any more. They know they have to totally own whatever decisions they make.
Now he's trying to offload responsibility to the governors since he's figured out the hard way that nobody can control what they think/wish they could with such highly mutable airborne respiratory viruses. Something the true "experts" and not the government and media "experts" have been saying since day one. But he won't cancel his federal vaxx mandates now, will he?
I don’t trust this. Not sure why; I can’t put my finger on it, but something seems off about how a puppet like Biden will advocate and mandate all kinds of ridiculous covid tyranny for months on end, then suddenly make a complete non-sequitur statement like this. It doesn’t add up and seems like another deliberately confusing ruse designed to soften resistance.
Umm... we knew what it takes to "save lives, protect people and keep schools and businesses open" hundreds of years before last year Brandon, (and the rest of you monsters in politics that have done nothing but assist in the destruction of humanity), and *none* of what we knew was right was anything you despots did. We see you now. Never again.
""This is not like March of 2020, the beginning of the pandemic. [WHEN MY PREDECESSOR HAD TO DEAL WITH THIS AND WE CRITICIZED AND CONTRADICTED EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING HE SAID AND DID] We're prepared and we know what it takes to save lives, protect people and keep schools and businesses open,"
They won't lockdown again because now they own lockdowns politically. Before they could claim it was because of Trump's incompetence they were forced to close.
Besides, the election is over. No need to pretend to play nice with the plebes or buy them off with government checks.
Diversionary tactic. Vaxists never speak the truth. The opposite of what they say is more likely the truth. On second thought… since Brandon apparently babbled this, it is more likely that he misread what they put in front of him. It probably said, “… there is always a federal solution”.
Forgot to say that the lipid nano particles are also an accumulating problem. If the elete continue with the vaxx and boosters they will be clearly seen as criminal.
I want to be relieved, but I also can’t help but read this as a veiled offer of payola to states that comply and a threat to withhold funding from those that don’t. The old carrot and stick routine 🥕🏒
Concur! ALL PUBLIC AND PRIVATE MANDATES MIST BE STOPPED. Until then, this doesn’t end. It drags out with a weak pulse waiting for the next bioweapon to be unleashed. Then they revive the mandates and boom!!!… it starts all over again. VAXISTS NEVER STOP! Just like immunity, the death of vax mandates must be complete, durable and long lasting.
Way if CDC today: "U.S. health authorities on Monday shortened the recommended isolation time for Americans with asymptomatic cases of COVID-19 to five days from the previous guidance of 10 days. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also said the asymptomatic people after isolation should follow five days of wearing a mask when around others."
Wow, after 2 years they figured that 5 days of quarantine is enough?! What about the immense damage they caused with their rules up till now? Hang'em!
New Jersey, New York, Michigan, California, Pennsylvania, Connecticut. Vermont, Illinois, Wisconsin, etc etc etc. True there is no federal solution. There is no state solution, either, with wacko leftist states that think "freedom" is a quaint anachronism. The only solution is one that SCOTUS has refused to provide, which is to review and strike down laws and decrees that violate any part of the Bill of Rights of the Constitution.
I think of Fauci as one of Santa’s failed elf’s. He started in Santa’s wood shop because he heard there would be needles. When he learned the needles were just pine needles he requested a transfer. Unwittingly, Santa could only find a use for him in putting together the Health and Safety program for present distribution. He successfully lobbied Santa for needles in every present for all kids… naughty AND nice, no exemptions. Next step will be to vaccinate all reindeer too.
Brownshirts subsidizing the brownshirting to the states that will kowtow, have fun competing and going broke to all the woke states not doing substantially observably better than states not doing the fascist shit y'all is doing.
"Even though the highly infectious Omicron does not seem to be highly virulent, there can be no doubt that continued mass vaccination campaigns that will soon use updated boosters against Omicron are at high risk of provoking ADE and will thereby dramatically enhance the incidence of severe disease in vaccinees"...from Dr. Geert... remember, there is a full press propaganda effort, the likes we have never seen and thus
mass hypnosis has occurred.. it's up to us to break through the blindness with compassion and courage
My wife and I were talking a few months ago on what the govt. could do, or would be likely to do, in order to get out of the corner it’s backed into. We said then that the government would never apologize, that what would be likely to happen is that they start rolling back all the mandates and restrictions with minimal commentary. Given Biden’s comments and the CDC rolling back restrictions, I wonder if that’s the case, but I really doubt it.
What Biden said goes against everything progs believe about the world. Govt is their answer for everything.
I think what’s more likely, is that Biden’s signaling to state government to do things the Federal Government cannot. E.g in case OSHA rule is struck down by SCOTUS. Inslee in WA has said he’s watching what happens there and I’m sure he’s goin to cook something up in case the mandate is overruled.
Possibly Biden’s getting ready to shift blame now that fully injected are testing positive in high numbers.
There are remaining “federal solutions” IF the boosters work. There is a lot that Biden could still do to ram more boosters down our throats.
Given how mild omicron is, they wouldn’t even need to last long before victory could be declared. (Heck, a sane person would have already declared victory).
This, plus both Biden and Psaki falling over themselves to give Trump credit for the vaccines tells me the CDC probably has some really bad data.
Biden may have said the solution for Covid is at the state level (to absolve himself at the federal level), but he's still pushing the OSHA vaccine mandate and you can count on it that if Covid deaths go down, Biden will take credit.
I love to see it but at the same time I'm not expecting the System to take this lying down. They have their agenda and they're sticking to it. I'm expecting something foul will befall America shortly. A new virus? War in Ukraine? Civil war? Terrorist briefcase bomb? Dire times approach.
Lol like the cdc now recommends shorter isolation protocols but only for the BOOSTERED. The doubly vaxxed as the dirty non vax group are now the same. Isolate equal time and run around at home with mask. 🤦♀️
It will be interesting to see how blue stat governors, especially that POS Newsom in CA now that they can’t blame the idiotic restrictions on the feds.
We need to start paying hospitals for every successful covid discharge, not covid deaths.
Watch how fast early treatments gain traction!!
Better still, pay doctors for early OUTPATIENT treatment so no one goes to the hospital
And how about a penalty for everyone who contracts covid inside a hospital? That might change some minds too!
Brilliant :) and watch unnecessary deaths plummet
But they would have to have covid patients in hospital for that to work.
They could continue to say nearly all patients are Covid patients, but that they are being “treated” and released quickly. Still phony as heck.
I'm actually wondering if the newly approved Pfizer and Merck miracle pills will suddenly replace the injurious jabs. Still a money stream for Big Pharma and its investors, and Biden & Co. can claim victory from the pills.
I would NEVER take either of them. Merck's mutagen jab sounds scary. Pfizer's ivermectin with AIDs drug addition sounds miserable.
On a positive note, I think they are SV40 free. Lol
SV40? What'd I miss?
Of course! They are using the polio vaccine and sugar cube playbook.
I watched a video today of world economic forum. Miscreants there claimed basically the pill was a jab.
“We’ll get it in you one way or another.” Was what that malcontent said.
Likely they’ll end up filling hospitals with new injuries from negative side effects. But they’ll likely come up with more treatments to treat those negative side effects. Revolving door medicine. Ain’t it great???
Aren’t hospitals doing just fine treating all the vaccine injured?
I don't know enough about it, can only contribute the little I know. I have a family member that is an RN that provides a highly specialized treatment to ICU patients. He is sent to all area hospitals. Apheresis sort of cleans the blood, in a similar way to how dialysis cleans the blood when kidneys fail. They use apheresis to clean the blood of antibodies when there's an extreme excessive autoimmune situation that is life threatening. This is a highly specialized treatment, very few nurses are trained to do it. Business has gone up. They did attempt this treatment in some covid patients for various reasons but primarily the increase in work is due to vaccine injured with sudden unusual autoimmune reactions. Just as in the athletes collapsing, these patients seem fit and healthy prior. Doctors discussing the treatment with him have not avoided saying the cause is the vaccine. He is careful to say the situation is rare considering how many have had the vaccines but there's a difinite pattern and there's no way he'll get vaccinated.
I suspect even if doctors are discussing this with the patients the hospitals are not acknowledging it.
Presently, in our area in all the hospitals he works in, they have closed the covid wards, they are empty. The ICU's are mostly empty and have more vaccine injured, more patients of other causes, than covid patients.
Rather than pay them again to do their job, fine the doctors thousands for each patient that does not make it, if they have not tried every possible treatment.
And then arrest, jail, try and hang the doctors who abandoned their duty prior to the rule change.
I am personally in favor of the guillotine at this point….
And now you say that ! LOL
Good thought but problem is they are paid a bonus for every covid admission, not necessarily death. The perverse financial incentive is to code as many patients as covid as possible. That incentive needs to be removed completely.
And watch positive tests among those with broken bones, etc. to increase.
Pharma would not approve
Great idea!!! You win todays Brilliant Award!! 👍
I remember when the President was personally responsible for each and every death.
That's so last year.
I’ll believe it when I see it because Biden’s actions condradict his words. When OSHA acquiesces, when the censorship stops, when I see honest reporting on all things Covid, then I’ll believe Biden.
Yes, brain-dead Biden's rambling shouldn't be taken seriously. The actions of the puppet-masters are far more important than any coherent sentence he happens to make by accident.
This. He breaks promises like bean conventions break wind.
He breaks wind like they do also
Don’t hold your breath, especially while wearing a new N95 mask.
We need ivermectin, Hydroxychloriquine and fluvoxamine. And stay out of the way.
We need to close some universities and dismantle some federal agencies!
Close all those snooty elitist Eastern universities.
And two-thirds of the country needs to lose weight.
And where is my discount for being healthy & exercising? Why should I subsidize those who make bad health & food choices?
That’s not going to happen. Bad for business. And besides, can’t enter a gym without jab/jab/jab proof. And if you did get in, no hard breathing allowed, and masks required......and myocardial infarction “training” required. Best to just slam down some more donuts with friends while social distancing.
Maybe 40%
According to CDC (who is strangely quiet on the subject), 73.6% of American adults aged 20 and over are overweight.
That kicks off in 2024 with Michael Bloomberg as nutrition czar.
You got that right. Carpet bomb the country with it. 3rd world nations show the USA what actually works.
Fluvoxamine is an anti depressant and also a treatment for OCD. There's a good chance you can get a psychiatrist to prescribe it for you if you have either condition, even in California.
Just don't tell the pharmacist (they will ask you why you are taking it) that you also are taking it because of covid. They will report the doctor to the licensing board and not let you have it. Trust me, I know as I live in Commiefornia.
The pharmacists here will go after doctors who they think might be doing anything to save lives. This is a truly evil place. CVS is the worse.
It was said on another blog but there can be no federal solution, no state solution.. no group solution to INDIVIDUAL health. Individual health can and should Only be addressed by the individual (with whatever trusted support team they choose to employ)
So, I shouldn't have to wear a mask when I head into the post office later this afternoon, correct?
it's unenforceable, just stop complying and they will capitulate when they realize they're playing a dominated strategy
Went into a local pizza shop tonight. Due to a shortage of workers my pizza was 30 minutes late, so I stood in the vestibule to wait with 15 other customers. I was maskless. So was a 75 y/o man. Young adults proudly showed their woke face attire. Not a negative word to me, but I was ready….
No You don’t have to wear one.
I live in Southern Commifornia and even though we have a ‘guidance’ (that all the businesses are referring to as a ‘mandate’) in a form of a ‘memo’ from the CA Dept of Public Health to wear a mask it is NOT a law or even a mandate (which btw is NOT a law) and is a ‘suggestion’. I am not wearing one anywhere! And this ‘guidance’ is totally unenforceable!
I half ass it but here in the Bay Area they hunt you down in a store. They leave you alone though if you cover the mouth but let your nose hang out 🤪
this is me, nose out & about 🐱
Is this true in LA?
I never do.
I stopped going to the store where they ask all the unvaxxed to mask up. They are not allowed to do that.
I went in anyway without a Mask! They cannot legally ask you to prove your vaxx status! At least not yet! I haven’t complied in over a year and I live in Commiefornia!
I did not know when I went there. I went inside without and no one said a thing. If they had I would have said none of their business, and if they don't want me as a customer just tell me !
Same here, I won't shop where they want a mask. Just don't want to deal with the hassle tho I have participated in maskfree shopping that one of our patriot groups had. Great fun..storming the store all 50 of us .
Living in a rural area of SoCal. Went to Walmart day before Christmas Eve, big sign that mask is required. I complied, but as soon as I got in the store, noticed half the shoppers without masks, so quickly I uncomplied. It makes a difference when multiple people take a stand, in fact just a single person can cause a chain reaction.
Oh! I want to do that. So often, it's just me in the whole Whole Foods
There's one store that has had a sign like that for months. I go often. I was immunized by nature by having Covid Variant A. Imho I qualify.
How about I identify as being immunized etc...?
The UK situation is amusing. Mask mandate enforceable with fines but there are exceptions, such as it causes the user distress, and it's ILLEGAL to demand proof.
I keep a screen grab of the .gov website on my phone.
I'm allergic to performative bullshit.
I'll be honest though sometimes I just can't be arsed anticipating the inevitable argument and just wear the damn mask. But then I remember how disgusting it is and honestly I'm a little horrified by the comforting embrace of anonymity 'cos we all know what that leads to.
We need more to stand up and say "NO, I won't wear a face diaper." I get dirty looks all the times. At a well known bookstore today, 90% of the shoppers were masked. Sign only stated at the entrance , "please stand apart from each other." Ok fine, I don't want your shedding on me. The worst sight was 2 toddlers with masks on, had to walk away from them quickly before I blurted out to the mother "how awful" or "you poor kid" or "child abuse."
I've noticed a lot of stores have kept up the "mask required" signs but I always ignore them, as do a fair number of other people. I have been waiting for someone to say something to me about not wearing a mask, but thus far no one has said a thing.
Never have. No one said anything
Me thinks he's bowing out before the SCOTUS opinion is delivered. Can't do it Joe, oh no no.
That reminds me…isn’t it almost time for the president’s State of the Union speech?….this ought’ta be good !
Get the popcorn ready for a show, that is if you can stand all the shaming for being unvaxxed, being white, and and and and...
Wouldn't it be amusing if somehow his teleprompter went black during his speech? Now that would be fun to watch!
I want him to read "end of message"
And then fall over!
Like in that video!
😴😴 then 🤣🤣🤣
Yeah. But some of us have really rotten governors... Horrible Hochul, the animatronic tool, will not make beneficial decisions.
Not as bad as California's Gov. Noodles
Hochul is worse
I think she is and Newscum is my governor!
I agree. We are her "disciples" and we better start acting like it.
And we mustn't forget that Gov. Noodles really really really wants to be President some day.
Stocks of Botox makers shall soar 😂
oh the horror!
Hair gel stock will soar as well.
I'll place a really sh*tty mayor, Lori Sasquatch Bigfoot in Chi-town, on the table. Beat that!
She looks like if Beetlejuice and E.T. Had a baby.
she's a star in that. And now asking for Federal policing. Not a good precedent.
Nor King Inslee
Ah, but none of your tyrants can beat Kate Brownshirt, most hated governor in the nation! Take that 😹
You mean it's not like golf where the lowest score wins? Geee if so, Kate is a real star then 💥☀
😆 Check out how deviously MSN spun the headline for this: “Oregonians’ negative view of Gov. Kate Brown hits all-time high, residents favor gun restrictions, landlord relief, police use of tear gas, poll finds” (
Notice how they use the term “all-time high,” counting on most people to scan the headline without noticing “negative view,” paired with the framing of Oregonians as right-wing extremists using hot-button keywords.
Governor Stay-Puft of Illinois
Yeah. Co-morbity seems to be large on him.
I'll see your Hochul and raise you one Steve Sisolak.
Yeah, that one is moving his state red.
So happy to live in an open Midwest state (SD) even if it’s cold right now
Cold in NY and 2/3 of the state counties are officially ignoring Hochul's Christmas mandate. mean there is something outside of NYC...a state? Wow, who knew?
I know, they are now hoping not earn have her notice, like Sauron's eye.
Now, now! There’s plenty of guilt and blame for them to share. No need to make a contest out of it! The question is whether we have enough tar and feathers for these miscreants.
Puerto Rico’s Pierluisi as well.
How about our totally inept Ige? He's the one who couldn't even remember his own password during a (fake) incoming missile from NK. Not doing much better with the current "crisis".
🤨 How do these people end up in charge?
It’s called failing upward. Fauci’s specialty.
Is there a school for that?
😂 Any Ivy League will do ;-)
Aw, shucks. I was hoping it was online so I could sign up.
Seriously wondering that almost every day...
Seems like a trick. Is this opening the door to governors enacting their own mandates and forcing new lawsuits, given the likelihood of failure on a federal scale? Would any state mandate violate the commerce clause or otherwise unduly restrict travel? So many questions and no reason to trust them.
I don't think these clowns are able to do 3-D chess. They're just deserting a sinking ship.
I like your style, LIB
It's the biologist coming out. Thanks.
So the polling is finally kicking in? Too late on all fronts.
I'm still in gob-smacking awe of the idiocy that businesses and institutions have shown, putting covid jab mandates into action even before there's any law. So they will lose 1000s of great employees, and millions of dollars in losses, and then have to reverse it all? The stupidity is just astounding.
and the airlines are having to cancel thousands of flights a day
My family thinks it’s from the weather 🤣😂🤣😂. It was 42 and raining, not a snowstorm!!! Take the hint folks, no mandates!!!
But Fauci is now suggesting mandatory vax to fly which has me worried….😱
yes. I'm worried. another further slide down the slippery slope and I don't get to go anywhere
No Federal solution = No OSHA mandates + No Fauci
"is a source of concern, but it should not be a source of panic."
Well now, either I must be misremembering or he has short term memory loss because I recall that just a few days ago his holiday message to the nation included predictions of a painful winter, severe health consequences, overwhelmed hospitals, and oh yes, we're all gonna die.
Or is this another dividing the nation message? Only for the vaccinated, perhaps? He's still going to pursue federal mandates and predictions of severe illness and death for the unvaccinated?
That reminds me…isn’t it almost time for the president’s State of the Union speech?….this ought’ta be good !
They're throwing everything possible at the wall to see what sticks. Problem is, nothing is sticking.
"Old people sometimes have trouble climbing down from things and it's not nice to make fun of them for not remembering stuff." Words to live by, good little kitten! We really need to give President Brandon a hand in climbing down from his high horse and keep reminding him about how this country is supposed to work.
That reminds me…isn’t it almost time for the president’s State of the Union speech?….this ought’ta be good !
Give him one of these horns like 100 years ago and a doggy ladder so he can step down. It is more than time. And do not let Harris climb up !
Governors should not be able to establish mandates where there is no scientific evidence to back up them up. Unfortunately our current leadership is not in a position to do that. It is ridiculous that one state can have vaccine passports, when we know the vaccine does not prevent transmission, while another has none. Some people can move but others for a multitude of reasons cannot.
I would like to see blue staters stay home and fix their homes. That would have been easier before so many deserted.
We can't fix it, the deck is stacked. Some how, some way, Newsom beat his recall with a slightly higher win % ratio than he won his last election. After locking out kids from school and closing down 1,000s of business and giving away 40 Billion in fraudulent unemployment claims (yes Billion, with a B, while not paying legitimate claims, hmmmm...), he won by more. Sure he did.
State gov is captured by the Dem party, State agencies as well. We are screwed here in Calif.
And by the way, 27% of "Californians " are foreign-born. Add in another 17% from the rest of the US, and California is only 56% Californians. We were invaded.
California's only hope is that it appears more and more Latinos are becoming anti-Democrat. And we also have a lot of immigrants from Communist countries (lots of Ukrainians and Russians, for example) who have first-hand knowledge and memories of tyranny and control on the part of government. Hopefully they will not vote for more of what they escaped from.
The Ron Klain twitter statement today is the theme. "Not so bad"
Brandon is simply saying he has no clue what to do, and Fauci's recommendations would only create greater political problems for the Dems. It is Fauci who would prevent the unvaxxed from flying domestically something never before tried in this country that I know of. Imagine the lawsuits and rancor that would cause all reflecting badly on the current administration. No. This is simply an admission that he is does not know what to do.
If he were smart enough, he would have Fauci announce a crash program approving known covid early treatment protocols. Those who want to be jabbed and jabbed and jabbed and jabbed have that option. But if you prefer no jabs or maybe only two jabs early treatments will be encouraged instead of disparaged.
Remember that the pharma co. need this covid & govt $$$. Hence the dilemma who to obey..pharma, puppet masters, China..decisions, decisions.
We have this flying ban now in Canuckistan- trains, too. Look north for a testing ground for the New World Order. There is no judicial independence, and constitutional protection is abrogated by decree...errr, mandate.
This has me worried too-Fauci suggesting mandatory vax to fly.
They'd do better if they weren't under the employ of other than the American People.
While I am glad to hear this. I fear shifting responsibility to the states will empower governors like Pritzker to become more authoritarian. I hope not. Illinois, especially Chicagoland, is especially miserable.
If it all moves to the states, these Blue governors can't hide behind the Biden admin any more. They know they have to totally own whatever decisions they make.
Now he's trying to offload responsibility to the governors since he's figured out the hard way that nobody can control what they think/wish they could with such highly mutable airborne respiratory viruses. Something the true "experts" and not the government and media "experts" have been saying since day one. But he won't cancel his federal vaxx mandates now, will he?
Politics is such an evil pursuit.
To be a politician, especially a career politician, you have to be purely evil to the bottom of your non-soul.
It won't be over until they remove the ban on Ivermectin and other effective drugs being used by frontline doctors. Oh yeah, and Fraud-ci needs to go.
I don’t trust this. Not sure why; I can’t put my finger on it, but something seems off about how a puppet like Biden will advocate and mandate all kinds of ridiculous covid tyranny for months on end, then suddenly make a complete non-sequitur statement like this. It doesn’t add up and seems like another deliberately confusing ruse designed to soften resistance.
Umm... we knew what it takes to "save lives, protect people and keep schools and businesses open" hundreds of years before last year Brandon, (and the rest of you monsters in politics that have done nothing but assist in the destruction of humanity), and *none* of what we knew was right was anything you despots did. We see you now. Never again.
""This is not like March of 2020, the beginning of the pandemic. [WHEN MY PREDECESSOR HAD TO DEAL WITH THIS AND WE CRITICIZED AND CONTRADICTED EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING HE SAID AND DID] We're prepared and we know what it takes to save lives, protect people and keep schools and businesses open,"
They won't lockdown again because now they own lockdowns politically. Before they could claim it was because of Trump's incompetence they were forced to close.
Besides, the election is over. No need to pretend to play nice with the plebes or buy them off with government checks.
Diversionary tactic. Vaxists never speak the truth. The opposite of what they say is more likely the truth. On second thought… since Brandon apparently babbled this, it is more likely that he misread what they put in front of him. It probably said, “… there is always a federal solution”.
Well, I think this is the complete breakdown of the elete narrative and here's why:
- the more boosters the less effective and the more damage to the immune system.
- studies have shown the spike is TOXIC.
- if more boosters are given more frequently as is being discussed then...
That means MORE circulating spikes in the vaxheads and much more obvious death!
This is over... I hope.
still trying to get rid of the control group (the unjabbed) including the children part.
Yeah, get rid of the controls. After all, they aren't really people.
I think we can all agree life begins when one turns 18 and is eligible to vote. Trust the science.
Forgot to say that the lipid nano particles are also an accumulating problem. If the elete continue with the vaxx and boosters they will be clearly seen as criminal.
That reminds me…isn’t it almost time for the president’s State of the Union speech?….this ought’ta be good !
“…a *final* solution” but he read “federal”.
Old Joe: "I lied to you stupid MFers and you believed it,"
They've now gotten over a year to rape and plunder the U.S. Treasury.
I want to be relieved, but I also can’t help but read this as a veiled offer of payola to states that comply and a threat to withhold funding from those that don’t. The old carrot and stick routine 🥕🏒
And what about the Federal mandates? Cancel them then, you old baboon! (no offense to baboons).
Concur! ALL PUBLIC AND PRIVATE MANDATES MIST BE STOPPED. Until then, this doesn’t end. It drags out with a weak pulse waiting for the next bioweapon to be unleashed. Then they revive the mandates and boom!!!… it starts all over again. VAXISTS NEVER STOP! Just like immunity, the death of vax mandates must be complete, durable and long lasting.
Way if CDC today: "U.S. health authorities on Monday shortened the recommended isolation time for Americans with asymptomatic cases of COVID-19 to five days from the previous guidance of 10 days. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also said the asymptomatic people after isolation should follow five days of wearing a mask when around others."
Wow, after 2 years they figured that 5 days of quarantine is enough?! What about the immense damage they caused with their rules up till now? Hang'em!
New Jersey, New York, Michigan, California, Pennsylvania, Connecticut. Vermont, Illinois, Wisconsin, etc etc etc. True there is no federal solution. There is no state solution, either, with wacko leftist states that think "freedom" is a quaint anachronism. The only solution is one that SCOTUS has refused to provide, which is to review and strike down laws and decrees that violate any part of the Bill of Rights of the Constitution.
Stop picking on Old People… only hope you slowly slide into that category before the deadly mRNA injection gets you.
good point - Biden has SO many faults we should be critical of. Being older shouldn't be the focus
it's not like he's any worse than he ever was.
I think of Fauci as one of Santa’s failed elf’s. He started in Santa’s wood shop because he heard there would be needles. When he learned the needles were just pine needles he requested a transfer. Unwittingly, Santa could only find a use for him in putting together the Health and Safety program for present distribution. He successfully lobbied Santa for needles in every present for all kids… naughty AND nice, no exemptions. Next step will be to vaccinate all reindeer too.
Perhaps this is truly the beginning of the end of this shit show. A step in the right direction for sure.
Hopefully the Supreme Court heard that.
He knows SCROTUS will soon tell him he can't make laws. Again.
And he will ignore them and continue to make his own laws. Again.
I'm not hopeful of that
Brownshirts subsidizing the brownshirting to the states that will kowtow, have fun competing and going broke to all the woke states not doing substantially observably better than states not doing the fascist shit y'all is doing.
Yep. In real life, covid rules look like big blue cities strangling themselves to death while everybody else ignores it all.
4th and long. Time to punt.
"Even though the highly infectious Omicron does not seem to be highly virulent, there can be no doubt that continued mass vaccination campaigns that will soon use updated boosters against Omicron are at high risk of provoking ADE and will thereby dramatically enhance the incidence of severe disease in vaccinees"...from Dr. Geert... remember, there is a full press propaganda effort, the likes we have never seen and thus
mass hypnosis has occurred.. it's up to us to break through the blindness with compassion and courage
Most of us are too old to have experienced the prototype propaganda campaign in 1930's Germany. Sadly, the world has seen this before.
Genius....he probably had a clear moment for once....don't won't last LOL!
My wife and I were talking a few months ago on what the govt. could do, or would be likely to do, in order to get out of the corner it’s backed into. We said then that the government would never apologize, that what would be likely to happen is that they start rolling back all the mandates and restrictions with minimal commentary. Given Biden’s comments and the CDC rolling back restrictions, I wonder if that’s the case, but I really doubt it.
What Biden said goes against everything progs believe about the world. Govt is their answer for everything.
I think what’s more likely, is that Biden’s signaling to state government to do things the Federal Government cannot. E.g in case OSHA rule is struck down by SCOTUS. Inslee in WA has said he’s watching what happens there and I’m sure he’s goin to cook something up in case the mandate is overruled.
Possibly Biden’s getting ready to shift blame now that fully injected are testing positive in high numbers.
You made it, USA! damn I hope Europe will follow ... we keep pushing
Can the Governors not ask for his head?
There are remaining “federal solutions” IF the boosters work. There is a lot that Biden could still do to ram more boosters down our throats.
Given how mild omicron is, they wouldn’t even need to last long before victory could be declared. (Heck, a sane person would have already declared victory).
This, plus both Biden and Psaki falling over themselves to give Trump credit for the vaccines tells me the CDC probably has some really bad data.
Somebody handed his own soiled Depends to him.
Now the states can look like assholes if they reduce your rights.
Biden may have said the solution for Covid is at the state level (to absolve himself at the federal level), but he's still pushing the OSHA vaccine mandate and you can count on it that if Covid deaths go down, Biden will take credit.
The minute Brandon agrees with the GOP we know we’re in trouble. There’s more to this.
I love to see it but at the same time I'm not expecting the System to take this lying down. They have their agenda and they're sticking to it. I'm expecting something foul will befall America shortly. A new virus? War in Ukraine? Civil war? Terrorist briefcase bomb? Dire times approach.
Lol like the cdc now recommends shorter isolation protocols but only for the BOOSTERED. The doubly vaxxed as the dirty non vax group are now the same. Isolate equal time and run around at home with mask. 🤦♀️
Then stop with the federal mandates, Dickhead (I’m talking to Biden here)
honestly tho very happy he's taking this approach and not going for some sort of crazy federal vax mandate!
It will be interesting to see how blue stat governors, especially that POS Newsom in CA now that they can’t blame the idiotic restrictions on the feds.
Translation: Bend over