If the news is this fake, imagine how fake history is...

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"We are against the vax, lockdowns, and masks. We have always been against the vax, lockdowns, and masks."

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That article made me want to rip my hair out. Just a couple months ago they were calling free states idiotic for 'pretending covid is over'. Jay Inslee called them 'second-class states', about a week before announcing Washington would also remove the masks. (In 10 days of course)

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They are scrambling to retain voters for November. That's all.

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Anyone who actively pushed these agendas needs to be held to account. They can't be allowed to gaslight everyone and then push a new dangerous idea.

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Meanwhile Ca Senator Dr Richard Pan (demic) (D-Sacramento) introduces bill to require covid vax for all school kids, all employees and all contractors NO medical exemptions, No religious exemptions. His main contributor is big pharma.

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"Congress drops mask mandate just ahead of Biden's State of the Union address"


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For future generations they prefer to call it masklighting. It’s a more comprehensive approach to government sponsored psychological control.

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As a life long Kalifornistanian, it's always amazed me how many times this Kabuki dance repeats. I've noticed that fellow inhabitants of this utopian gulag, know the lies, just put their head down for a time, knowing it will go away to some degree in time, and go about their drudgery in paradise. It's some ludicrous penultimate form of forgive and forget.

And there in lies the problem. The forget part. It's one thing to do your time, it's another to be enslaved, because "the food and the weather are really great!"

The "prison" uprising can't start soon enough, but let's be smart and wait until the weeks before Nov 8, unless we want more short attention span theater to twist us in the wind.

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I said for months that the Covid madness would never dissapear by an act of common return to the good old, collective mental sanity. Rather, it´d be killed by another crazy event that´d displace Covid, to which all the media madness we suffered due to Covid would focus. My guess was an astronomical/warlike incident....and there you go...The same media that ignored Ucraine´s massacre on Russian civilians for almost a decade is now full force using their guns to totally distort the complex reality of what is going on today.

That said, we´ll go back to Covid in October. The WHO has chosen Deutsche Telekom to create the technology to implement a vaccination passport, worldwide scale...

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Most people here in CA are just obedient. Not much of that frontier spirit left here.

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I'm old enough to remember when The Atlantic printed that Gov. Kemp of Georgia opening his State was an "Experiment in Human Sacrifice." This was several months after DeSantis figured out the ruse and opened... but California was the first? Huh.

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"the parties were switched back then" Love it Gatito Bueno, because it will be so true

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I loved MSN today. Not. Due to my work computer defaulting, I get a lot of Microsoft messaging. Lots of veiled messaging, lots of Covid19 “long covid” stories. Implying the disease is soooo much worse, of course you should get the vax. Ha! And yet one story about vac being only 12% efficacy against Omicron or something like that (don’t quote me because I don’t trust MSN on anything, I know they are cherry picking articles to throw up whatever messaging they want. They are hedging their bets also. I was rolling my eyes. One of their “experts” said something in the 12% article that OUR experts have known since the vaxes came out. Give me a break. Over and over proof of MSM (not just MSN) being pure and unadulterated misdirection artists, not news.

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From day one I have never and still don’t believe in any of the mandates. Be mindful that the midterm elections are coming up. These corrupt politicians and their cohorts will stop at nothing to drive the final nail into the coffin of democracy. Be aware that there are going to be constant distractions coming

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I'd keep the vaxxed data on backup, as I suspect it'll become handy just to check how many of them will claim never to have yielded to tyranny, just as from May 8th 1945 so many "pure Aryan specimen" scraped their own skin to get rid of the SS tattoo mark or burned their NSDAP member card, while blending in with the "impure breed" and turning more democratic than Churchill.

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Mar 1, 2022·edited Mar 1, 2022

Senator Pan-demic wants to keep us safe by closing the exemption loopholes on his previous forced vax bill, vax school kids without parent knowledge or consent, also keep us safe from wayward doctors who advise against the vax (mine is adamantly opposed): "AB 2098, establishing accountability for licensed medical professionals spreading disinformation."


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Meanwhile in Florida…

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I don’t watch SNL but in pretty sure the pandemic crisis narrative is over when SNL does this.


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I would love to hear your take on this recent op ed piece in the NYTimes by a mathematics statistician. The vaccines are necessary grip on people is amazing to me. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/03/01/opinion/under-5-vaccine.html

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All of this misses the main point. An experimental gene therapy was forced upon individuals in violation of the Nuremberg Code. All of the other stuff (lockdowns, masks, forced isolation) could be justified (I guess because our leaders are corrupt morons) by bad policy decisions in an "attempt to save lives". From the onset there were repeated clear safety signals that showed the vaccines was dangerous, caused major adverse events and were lethal for hundreds of thousands. Doctors and scientists ignored or denied the dead bodies. To my doctor colleagues: if you told your patients the vaccines were "safe and effective" and badgered them to get the vax, you are an accomplice to murder and you need to get out of our profession. And when all of this comes out, we will pursue you to the Gates of Hell. There, I said it.

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What has changed? It's an election year, and these jackwagon tyrants want to get not stomped in the polls, a stomping they can't cheat their way out of. And if they get re-elected, all the crap would come back in a tsunami...

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“California became the first state

to formally announce an

approach to "return to normal"”

Gee, did Florida and South Dakota fall of the map?

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Yeah, pretty sure my new home state of South Dakota was the first to go back to normal...in May 2020.

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The money in this whole thing shits me so I wrote this rap track to vent...


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Police Smash NZ Protest 49:00 mark https://www.facebook.com/ChantelleBakerNZ/videos/517390793056668

This company's Wellington Branch enabled the regime by towing vehicles https://ptsl.co.nz/contact/

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How come the same people who brutalized the citizens of their own countries sending the police after anyone who defied lockdowns, masks, vaccines are now "praying for Ukraine"?

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It's not over yet. They've just scheduled the end. Conveniently it coincides with the scheduled end in Oregon and Washington too.

From Washington's bureau of propaganda yesterday:

"Indoor mask requirements lifted as of 11:59 p.m. on March 11

With declining case rates and hospitalizations across the west, California, Oregon and Washington are moving together to update their masking guidance. After 11:59 p.m. on March 11, California, Oregon and Washington will be adopting new indoor mask policies and move from mask requirements to mask recommendations in schools."

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These jackals out here in the Legislature are bought and paid for minions of our PharmaKings.

Currently being considered for bills.

1. AB-1993, no jab, no job in Calif.

2. AB-2098, doctors who don't spout the State narrative will be sent to their Medical Board for re-education.

But we are the first state to "return to normal"?

We are literally being turned into a Fascist state by our "leaders".

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I was for the war, before I was against it.

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My age is showing.

I was so confused by your title and first paragraph. Gaslights, when used, were fueled by natural gas. Natural gas is very cheap in California.

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Right out of the chute, a lie. California is not "the first state to formally announce a return to normal;" that would be Florida and a couple of other states.

And, yes, these same MSM jackasses derided him, attacked him, as usual.

MSNBC’s Melber: ‘Stupid’ DeSantis Needs to ‘Grow Up’ — Little Children Are Fighting to Breathe in Florida https://www.breitbart.com/clips/2021/08/11/msnbcs-melber-stupid-desantis-needs-to-grow-up-little-children-are-fighting-to-breathe-in-florida/#

CNN Smears Gov. Ron DeSantis With Misleading Story On Florida Teachers Dying From COVID


Sadly, consumers of news from The View, Colbert, will hail their concoquring leaders, slayers of the virus! MORONS

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Already starting to note the shift of the hysterical class to the “yes, we must listen and respect views that differ from our own.” REALLY, REALLY? This is why I was dropped as a friend for 40 years by you? When I questioned authority? The bumper sticker we all had in the 70s?

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Didn't the Democrats/American Socialists do that in misrepresenting the Republican party as being the ones advocating slavery?

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Kaiser Family Foundation bills itself as a non-partisan clearinghouse for health policy journalism and polling, but in fact they are and always have been shills for Big Pharma, the incredibly lucrative managed health care business, and rent seeking medical institutions looking to extract more money from government. This is just KFF stroking the folks in charge of the Covered California money spigot on behalf of the interests that make up their donor class. All of who are rolling on Scrooge McDuck-level money mountains already.

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Blue state data point: Feb 22: voluntary masking ("encouraged" guidance posted) in the grocery store near 95% / Mar 1: no guidance posted - even the hand sanitizer gone! - voluntary masking under 10% - just about all elderly.

At this point, I would have preferred to see much more masking - it's an unexpected paradox - but I think it might have indicated people were making individual judgements of risk and not just being CDC-guided automatons ... that dangerous yesterday/not dangerous today reaction is real - I find it spooky ... now that it's "over".

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