Nobel Prize. Brought to you by Pfizer.

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excuse me, but i think maybe you misspelled "nobel pfrize."

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Please forgive me , gatito. Nobel prize. Brought to you by Pfixer.

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Well played to you as well

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There was a popular TV show called "Mad Men." About Madison Avenue ad and marketing agencies. Trust The Science (TM) is in the capable hands of madmen.

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If the criteria is marketing based then Don Draper deserves one. “I’d like to give the world a coke” was an all timer.

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Well played

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Nobel Peace Prize. Sponsored by Raytheon. Would you bet against Zelensky winning it?

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Obama got it 🤷‍♂️

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I have personally met some Pakistani villagers who would endorse this. /s

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for absolutely nothing but being a shiny well spoken negro.

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Now, now, white cow...

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My Raytheon stock just gave tendies last week.

Always bet on the bad guys.

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Crime pays?

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Oct 6, 2023
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Nah, I was sitting on that crap from mid-2020. It's still up from then even if it's in the toilet now. I'm holding long (I basically always do unless something clears 200%), I was just happy to get some reinvested dividends.

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Oct 6, 2023
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Standing on the shoulders of giants such as Yasir Arafat and Barak Hussein Obama.

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"Nobel Drones of Peace Missiles"

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Sounds about right. The woman who won, Katalin Kariko, is the senior vice president at BioNTech.

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Disgusting isn't it...

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"Bought" to you by Pfister :)

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Pardon me, but I think maybe you misspelled "Bought" to you by Pfizer. (That's actually how my mind first read your comment!!)

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you, bought by pfizer.

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and ModeRNA

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"Bought to you by Pfizer".

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It has become that cynical now? They award a Nobel Prize, not because of great achievement, but to incentivize the great unwashed masses of sheeple to continue to take the jabs even though so many have watched friends and family and, probably, themselves suffer adverse events including deaths that are most likely a result of taking the shots. Well, those masses may not have the scientific education to understand longstanding principles of virology, but they have street smarts and know when they are being gas lighted. Now since Obama got the peace prize for just being elected, I think it is time that Biden should receive the prize for economics.. (Or did that already go to Sam Bankman Fried).

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Stolen valor, just like Watson, Crick and DNA labs in CSH Labs, home of Bill Gates Senior and the American euthanasia / master race / eugenics / planned parenthood / democide project.

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Today's job numbers, touted as successful by your vote for economics prize, were sketchy at best. Forty percent of the new jobs counted are people having to take second jobs in order to afford the basics. Don't believe your lying eyes...or growling stomach.

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Taxpayer-paid statisticians quietly admit the Biden economy sucks.

The Bureau of Economic Analysis revised down the past 3 years of data. Now they say inflation was higher, growth was worse, and consumer spending is at a crawl while government spending gallops. Now that media's not paying attention, they quietly bumped up Trump's numbers, and bumped down Biden's.

At some point we're China. Where everybody knows the numbers are fake. As always, believe what you see, not what they say.

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BEA recently revised a number of measures, some going back to 2013, others to either 1997 or 2005, and current dollar annual GDP back to 1979.

Close, though - not

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"Forty percent of the new jobs counted are people having to take second jobs ... "

Please cite your credible source.

Thank you

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Trying to remember the analyst's name on Fox Business who cited this based on labor participation rate. Will do so asap.

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That's funny because ivermectin's Nobel Prize didn't stop the marketers from waging a smear campaign against it, including the FDA's infamous "y'all" tweet:

• “Letter to a Scientifically-Minded Friend” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-scientifically-minded)

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Well, see, my dear Margaret Anna Alice, Ivermectin's cheap.

Why would BigGovPublicPanic suggest an inexpensive, effective, readily available treatment? Where's the graft in that? How's a useless legislator supposed to get to be a kabillionaire on $175k/year?


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Curious how some people still haven't figured that out yet (ahem, https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-alex-berenson-on-world).

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Curious how some people still haven't figured that out yet (ahem, https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-alex-berenson-on-world).

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Part of me thinks this is yet another attack on Ivermectin.

"Well the covid vaccines also won a Nobel Prize and it was designed purely to fight covid!"

Yeah I know it was the mRNA delivery platform that earned them the prize, but that's splitting hairs to the sheep who fall for this crap.

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I hadn’t thought about this either

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Interesting angle. That rings true as a least "one" of the purposes of this fiasco.

First the Nobel Committee let their silence show their submission to corruption. Now, it is obvious, active participation. 100%

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You said it!

That ivermectin incident helped us see how thoroughly corrupt media is, including alternative media.

This Prize is helping us see how corrupt every last respected institution is. Bar none.

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I hadn’t thought about that.

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I’m not a kitten, but can someone please explain how increasing the uptake of the vaccine can improve its safety???

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Oh, it can if you follow the example and wear mask. Vaxxines are highly effective, don't you know that?! Yeah, what a circus and yet many are still entertained.

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Spellbound, more like. The fearmongerers are the sorcerers who cast the spell.

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To reduce the control group to zero would be their ultimate goal, then we can’t compare the health of the two groups and thus it is safe and effective

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Because more people are dumb enough to take? I don’t know, just spitballing

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There you go, critical thinking.

They are clearly relying on mind-poisoned group-thing and some mystery mental weakness we all have, like unprocessed childhood shame or animalistic herd survival instincts.

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This ranks right up there with the Nobel for lobotomies, and Obama’s and Kissinger’s. What a total crock.

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Yasser Arafat too for his services to international terrorism and murderer.

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(Rabin and Peres too, of course, right?)

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Giving the Nobel prize for the most horrific iatrogenic atrocity is proof we live in Evil Clown World.

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We will only get confirmation when Pennywise wins the Nobel peace prize.

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So as I understand the reasoning the awarding of a Nobel prize makes things effective and safe. Following that logic couldn’t we just speed up the drug approval process by awarding the Nobel prize to every company that submits an NDA and then approving the drug immediately? Think of the progress that could be made!

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Pay attention: they used the phrase 'efficient and safe'. It's no longer 'effective'.

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Which I imagine then evolves to efficient and benign followed by efficient and efficient when they run out of positive adjectives, but can no longer credibly use safe. At that point it becomes efficient and redundant which is kind of how I see the covid vaccines so it all works for me.

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Good catch.

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Yeah I thought that was weird. Efficient?!

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Further evidence there is a difference between “believing the science” and understanding the science.

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They don't do "science."

They do The Science™

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"Duh" Science.

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Teh Science™

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The Nobel Prize has been a branding exercise for at least 50 years. No remotely wise person takes it as a measure of anything at all. It's an endorsement by a community, like the Oscars or every other useless statue award.

It's the academic equivalent of being elected Homecoming Queen- which, I was very disappointed to learn, did not come with command of a standing army, control over school lunch menus, or the use of a dungeon.

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If I lie often enough, with fake sincerity, you will finally believe the lies, not what you see everyday. Right!

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Unfortunately, that is how much of the corporate media works. Witness the number of people that still believe proven disinformation like Russian collusion, lab leak is a conspiracy theory, masking, etc.

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These Nobel prize winners and the foundation who gave the prize to them should be bombarded with emails from people who took the jab and became vaccine-injured!

They will delete the first 1,000 emails, dismiss the second 1,000, pooh-pooh the third 1,000, but by the time they receive 100,000 emails - from injured and from survivors who had lost loved ones to the evil Covid jab - they will start trembling at the realization of the profound harm they have caused!

Seriously, if you were vaccine-injured, contact these clueless scientists and open their eyes!

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Better still - take a page from their playbook. Employ a swarm of bots to speak for the injured, maimed and killed interspersed with the hundreds of thousands irl emails.

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The Nobel wieners will never wake up and repent. Never admit they made any mistakes with the information they had "at the time." At best they'll point fingers at lower level scapegoats like spoiled rotten children caught with their fingers in a cookie jar.

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Giving a Nobel prize to Obama didn't make me any less "hesitant" regarding oily-slick democrats nor did it make me think they were efficient or safe...

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The nobel prize for peace, no less...

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Most corruption-free administration in history

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TNK, with best answer! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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It's cute that they think there's a single human being left on the planet who is on the fence about mRNA vaccines. The set "vaccine-hesitant" is null.

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This won’t make the vaccine hesitant take the vaccine. All this will do is give the sheeple who took the vaccine another thing to point at and say, “it won the Nobel prize” as they wonder where their turbo cancer or auto immune disease came from…or why their grandma or son died soon after taking it.

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Ivermectin received the Nobel prize for medicine in 2015 - did our esteemed leaders at the FDA/NIH forget about that?


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You aren't a horse! That's just horse paste!

I remember when the FDA put out ads that said something to that effect. Disgraceful.

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Did you mean: "Noble Lies"

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