Every single trucker in Canada and the US doing this is a hero. Personally, I will cope with empty shelves if it will put an end to these insane mandates on ALL workers, even those in health care.

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Exactly this! I'm from the US but this brings tears to my eyes. Heroes thank you!!

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I read today that approximately 20000 US truckers are on their way to join them. As a Canadian, thank you, US friends, from the bottom of my heart. United we stand!

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I'd love to believe you, there is no precise reporting on any of this, so it's difficult to see whether it will actually pan out.

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The truckers are on CB radio and several people are reporting on their conversations with their US counterparts. Truckers and associates are avoiding speaking to msm; they are determined to work only with alternative media in order to ensure accurate reporting.

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Solid idea . These ordinary Canadians are heroes and need our support , both financial and in spirit . Good bless them .

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From msm?

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yes, but I am willing to look at other sources; I do like the idea of independent sources of news (witnesses) that solidify it. At the same time, we can just a few days and we'll know for sure. It's more of an intellectual curiosity now than anything for me.

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Are you saying if it’s not on legacy media, you cannot believe it to be true?

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Please avoid enriching the fascists.

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Downloaded my old photos and left Facebook 18 months ago.

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the irony ... but I get Jewel's point, "search it out".

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well, we're going to get empty shelves anyway, right? The mandates have just begun, the shortages have just begun! I agree that they are heroes!

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Exactly - these were going to happen so mind as well turn the dial to 11, I’ll live off rice and beans for as long as it takes

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Same - nothing else has gotten this traction so I’m in

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There have been many Canadians who have been trying to bring the truth to light over the last 18 months or so, but it has been exceedingly difficult to achieve without a critical mass of awareness. Thankyou to the truckers who are finally achieving this!

(and SHAME on the cowardly corrupt unions who allowed for workers rights to be trampled)

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The Canadian Truckers Association has come out against the convoy and instead encourages it's members to get vaccinated. Talk about oblivious. There's your example of mass formation psychosis.

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You tell me of any union anywhere that didn't become a tool of the overlords eventually.

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CTA is a liberal party donor

They're puppets of the state

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Perhaps it is merely a perfect example of corruption. There have been payoffs and kickbacks in other parts of the world - what makes people think there is any less corruption in Canada? Chances are it is even worse here!

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Correction - It's called the Canadian Trucking Alliance.

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The union bosses demand the members go on strike while keeping their bloated pay . Then they abandon the members at a time of great need .

We have a phrase - Pond Scum

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What a wonderful day for Canada, and therefore of course, the world. As is tradition.

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Amen, buddy!

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God I hope it works

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I'm not your buddy, guy!

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He's not your guy, pal.

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You're not my pal, friend.

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I'm your huckleberry. That's just my game.

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I like Buddy Guy. Helluva guitarist!

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Robbie Burns night?

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Maybe my favorite Southpark episode - before they became even more unbearable.

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I’m a Canadian and through my tears of absolute joy I can’t express how truly grateful and proud of these truckers, 500,000 Canadians, American truckers support and everybody else coming together as one voice for freedom from mandates! Whatever it takes to make these single-minded idiots in office wake up - go guys!

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The people who are doing this are unfortunately fully awake. They are 100% in on it. They are involved, they are complicit, and that's why they cannot stop, regardless of protests.

Nothing can stop this until the people who are doing this are physically removed.

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Mass formation, but I don't think it's a psychosis. In fact, it's the answer to the psychosis, a good dose of reality.

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So happy to see the Canadian truckers telling Trudeau where to put it. Even happier their American colleagues are stepping into help. This is a fight for our lives our Children’s lives and grandchildren’s lives.💕

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The US truckers are going to block the border! There are literally only a handful of border checkpoints for trucks.

It's going to be a lot of rice and beans for dinner but I'll take it.

Canadians are a mostly rule following liberal voter tell me how woke you need me today... I've had enough. Yet I AM STILL the only one I see not wearing a mask to the grocery store, bank, beer store, liquor store etc etc. COME ON PEOPLE WAKE UP.

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dude I had to take subway yesterday in Vancouver and I swear I was the only one not in a mask - one girl-woman was like at least 12 to 20 feet away from me with seats and people between us yet she still stared at me as she moved as further away in the same car. Crazy!!!

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Same here in NYC, even though a state judge has ruled Hochul's unconstitutional and illegal mandates to be unconstitutional and illegal, and the subway had taken down the signs and stopped its constant announcements (not that they ever enforced it). I actually yelled at people to take off their freaking masks and they all just looked at me over their muzzles with the same dazed, hypnotized eyes that have depressed and enraged me for almost two years now.

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"...with the same dazed, hypnotized eyes that have depressed and enraged me for almost two years now."

Sigh. I relate 1000% to this.

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I tell my customers to take off the masks in my place. Some do, some don't. I deal with blue collar mechanics

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I tell restaurant workers, cashiers etc to take off their masks because I need to read their lips because I can’t hear them. Not true, but they don’t know that!

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Awesome! But it must truly hurt those who can't hear. Just another casualty that nobody cares about.

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I actually can't hear them.

Also, this thing where wait persons were wearing masks outside at restaurants really bothers me. It seems very much a way to create a class system--servants with masks and elite without.

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How are we supposed to hear people talking to us, when they’re wearing a mask and standing behind a solid sheet of plexiglass? We all look ridiculous.

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That is brilliant.

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bless em. and you

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As long as we're talking about masks.... Two days in a row of going to medical establishment insane asylums. I need to journal or go out to the range (in the snow) or both. Yesterday, I saw a new physician b/c as some may recall, I was told to find a new one. Wearing my face shield - the rules on the door said "mask or face covering" - but that wasn't good enough for this doctor. I'm guessing since I answered "no" to the jab question, I was being treated like I was unclean. So I put on my "It's not about a virus" Sharpie markered blue surgical mask. Not sure she appreciated the message. Was it Guttermouth who had a collection with different things written on them? I need some more ideas, please.

Anyway, it was obvious this doctor had decided she wasn't going to accept me as a new patient before she walked in the door as she doesn't believe in bio-identical hormone replacement and the only reason I need her is for scripts. So that was a complete waste of time and money. My clinician who formulates my HRT and recommended the practice was beyond disappointed when I related it.

Today, I got into it with the PA at the dermatologist b/c I said the signs in the room about not shaking hands were misinformation about how SARS-CoV-2 spreads, the whole time sitting with my "It's not about a virus" mask on AGAIN. One could say we were having a pleasant conversation "before I ruined it" but if we don't keep pushing back at their mass psychosis, it will never end. And she is deep in it based on what she said.

Dennis Prager had a great column today on why the masked and unmasked have disdain for each other. You can guess which side he comes down on.


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Love the sharpie writing!

How about “This is not a mask” on the blue medical things? Really, they’re splash guards. Not only do they not filter air but it wouldn’t make any difference if they did. Most of the air goes between the face & the thingy.

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Thank you, Dr. Yeadon. I'll write that on the next one I pick up. How about, "Splash guard, not a mask"?! At the compounding pharmacy which is part of the big corporate med industrial complex, they have signs everywhere requiring masks in addition to blue surgical masks hanging everywhere. I wear my face shield and no one says anything. I helped myself to one on the way out and wrote "dehumanizing" on it b/c I think that's what another commenter did and I thought it was a good idea. When I wore the "It's not about a virus" one back to the endodontist's, every staff member who read it said, "you're right." The dentist offices here are probably the least obsessive-compulsive about it. I just wait in the car until they call me in. Well, except for the dentist (who didn't become my new dentist) who refused to see me if I didn't put one on to walk down the hall. I was totally fine with that. I felt like I'd been saved from another psycho!

The PA at the dermatologist today was wearing a cloth face diaper. Irrational.

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Splash guard....perfect!

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The last two sentences of Prager’s (excellent) article—thanks for posting it, birdingmom—are weighty if you give them just a little thought. “That more than half of our country willingly obeys completely irrational orders raises the question: What irrational orders from the state would they not obey?”

The left are in large part willing to see unmasked and anti vaxxers put in compounds. Let that sink in. The psyop is working to pit citizen against citizen while the leftist media mention the threat of “civil war”, saying the Right are going to start one. They are egging on and agitating for what they are saying is coming.

I’m really hating my first experience with asymmetrical warfare. Not my favorite.

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We already know the answer to his question, don't we? I knew the article would be good before I read it b/c Dennis is a wise person. My friend Barbara told me tonight that a neighbor was going to have her taxes done for free at the library but they told her she couldn't come if she was unvaxxed. She needs to file a discrimination complaint.

People need to turn off their TVs. That would solve a lot of this problem.

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I wore a mask today because , interestingly, I also had a dermatology appointment. This is Texas, so donning the charmaceutical intervention for one hour out of the past year and many months is not onerous. The pretty ladies in the office seemed to all know it’s goofy but I guess the medical establishment has a grip on their employers.

But in solidarity with my persecuted friends in MI and all other Covid-tyranny states, I will very definitely be doing the sharpie note thing when I am asked to wear it again.

Some messages might be “zero effect” “phony filter” “Petri dish” “got Co2?” The word “science” but inside a crossed out circle. Some ideas.

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I absolutely love these ideas! My favorite is "Petri dish" but Got CO2 is a very close second. My husband's is to write "leaks" with arrows at the different gaps. I'm writing all these down. Maybe I'll have to start collecting masks so I can make all these and rotate them for the psycho medical places. Tonight at the grocery store, the greeter attempted to hand my husband a pack of N95s. He said no thanks and kept walking.

Oooo, I didn't know you were in TX Lawrence! I thought you were in the South - having lived in NC, I didn't think "the South" considers TX to be in the South, but it was a slave state, so maybe. TX is its own country. Did I tell you we've wanted to be Winter Texans in the RGV for a few months during the winter until the Brandon admin evaporated that dream? (*birds*) My husband is already planning out our Spring Break in March in TX. We'll only get as far south as Port Lavaca though.

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The Valley is special. Great Mexican food in the cheap. Nice folks. I used to go there to buy plants. Now, though, it seems a dangerous place. Real shame.

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Sam Houston tried to keep Texas out of the Confederacy, and it cost him.

I thought you were in Michigan. Winter Texans. Yeah. Great idea until the invasion started. But the birds and other wildlife are really worth a naturalist’s time. If y’all roll down this way, I’d be honored to host you in my (very) humble home—my grandfather’s homestead. Woodland birds here, of course. But if you want a birding expedition, the spring migration over in Southwest Louisiana is probably impossible to beat. Cameron Parish. Confluence of two and sometimes three major flyways. Migratory birds stopover there after crossing the Gulf of Mexico (quite the epic passage for such little guys). You will see also shorebirds, wading birds, anis ( if they survived the recent hurrucanes), just a diversity that you are unlikely to beat if you’re going for number of species sighted in a day or two. Non-avian biodiversity in the marshes is amazing as well. But the accommodations are rather pathetic. Dreary place after so many devastating storms. I grew up there. You’ll see more species in a fifteen mile stretch south of the Intracoastal Waterway in the spring than you would in a week of driving anywhere else except maybe the Everglades.

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I recall reading someone say they had written "This is as useless as Joe Biden" on their mask.

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Great! I think I recall seeing that too. I figure if the med establishment is violating my right to breathe freely, I can make them look at my messages.

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I have "Not Science" written on my slave mask. Nobody understands it.

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I wish you luck! you are brave. I'm thinking about Bio-Identical and my gyno is open to help but $$. Hope you find someone who is not a robot doctor.

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Been paying for them out of pocket for more than 20 years. I'm dependent on my pharmacist-menopausal clinician to give me some more names of doctors. The gyn I was seeing and liked for the most part became out of network when our insurance changed and then she was not willing to accommodate me w/out a mask last year so I said goodbye. She's all in w/the jab and narrative anyway. I am not brave; I am beyond angry and done with this crap.

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Yeah. I've been paying out of pocket for hormone scrips since ACA passed (grrr). Who suspected government overreach into med care would be a problem? (raising my hand)

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What state are you in?

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Indiana. But the dermatology clinic is in Elkhart County and the sign on the door had some drivel about Elkhart County's mask garbage. We're in St. Joseph next door.

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Fellow St. Joseph county resident here. Just stopping in to wave hi.

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The Lone Star. Tejas. And for the time being, we’re free.

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I know! Making me so angry. I can't decide between wanting to rip masks off (esp. the children) and just feeling sorry for them.

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I hate when I see the babies with masks on. And the mothers. It's child abuse. Babies need facial cues. Just think how anxiety filled these kids are going to be.

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They also need oxygen! The abuse is horrendous, the stupidity is abysmal.

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I mostly feel sorry for these scared, pathetic and unthinking excuses for ( fill in the blank )

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I live in Commiefornia and walked into a store with my mask in hand, ready to put it on when I felt like it. A woman with her teenaged daughter looked at me like I had snakes coming out of my eyes. She probably would have slugged me if her kid hadn't been with her.

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I love how you described California! I live in Orange County, California where we mainly loosely follow mask mandates…..shout out to all you Canadians who have endured your strict rules in Covid and for supporting the Canadian truckers!

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Ventura County here- I haven't worn a mask in over a year. I've even been to cardiologist and dentist without one...no one said a word. I get a lot of looks, but I just smile and show them I'm not a miserable sheep tethered to my face diaper.

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I live in a very leftist community compared to Ventura.

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Back in Oct of 2020 when we could still (toronto here) fly we went to AZ and the Grand Canyon. We got looks for not wearing masks


at the Grand Canyon!

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it so easy to hypnotize the weak minded

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I’ve had those looks and I stare right back as if to say “bring it on bitch”

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It’s completely nuts.

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Jan 25, 2022·edited Jan 25, 2022

It was NEVER about public health, and all about SUBJUGATION and COMPLIANCE.

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Pretty sure I just got fired by that person🤣🤣

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Jan 25, 2022·edited Jan 25, 2022

I'm frustrated that invaluable people like you are being forced out. The people with critical thinking skills are being taken out of decision making positions.

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There are better places out there for you.

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I remember when, if I recall correctly, Wisconsin required it's state workers to be masked on Zoom calls. This was in the summer of 2020.

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Remember, government is all about protecting you with The Science™.

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That's the one! Yeah I feel so protected with the government's help.

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You have to wonder, do participants even stop and think how utterly ridiculous this is?

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Nope. Just zombie walking through life.

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Jan 25, 2022·edited Jan 25, 2022

thats a good way to start that naked face-fearing person eventually running everything. Insane.

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Maybe she thought you were cute? I know, I was one of three in a huge grocery store today. No dirty looks though. That I registered, anyway.

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Oh no, that wasn't it at all. If looks could kill, I'd be dead.

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Will happily dig into my stockpile of rice and beans for this cause!

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you were going to have to anyway. The shortages these mandates will cause...

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Yup. The mandates are the cause of the "can't fill all the jay oh bees" crisis, too. The "overwhelmed hospitals" crisis. Never ever ever will we hear that in the lamestream media, but it's a no-brainer. 30% of population not complying? Companies, are you ready to cut your workforce by 30%? 'Bout the same % of empty shelves I see, too.

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Exactly. so obvious to us, thinking people

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5 of us got fired last week for not jabbing. We are ESSENTIAL to the running of the business. I almost feel sorry for my ex-coworkers but I am having a hard time finding sympathy for those that perpetuate the problem.

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Don't feel sorry for them. They didn't protest and now they will have to do your work too and they won't be able to

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Never feel sorry in those situations, They supported you getting fired by refusing to speak up against it

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Not empty anymore - they got a big shipment of potatoes from Ireland.

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I stood on an overpass for hours the other night waiting for them to pass. They were late hitting Calgary in the wee hours of the night, the government opened up every weigh scale on the route to hinder them. There journey will be filled with obstacles the government throws at them, but there is so much support along the way. Home made meals, come to my house for a shower, donated fuel. I will pray every day for them, and never look at a truck the same way again.

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How disgusting of the Canadian government. I live in Michigan a hop and a skip from the border and it will take me a long time, if ever to venture into Canada again. Trudeau etal make me sick for their attempts to destroy such a wonderful country. Trudeau is ALL in for The Great Reset, he said so on video, which means he is diligently trying to ruin Canada’s economy and harm and kill the good people of Canada. No other way to see it.

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Check this post where Schwab himself brags about capturing Trudeau and the like


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I can only assume he was stroking a Persian cat while he was doing his "humble brag".

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Jan 25, 2022·edited Jan 25, 2022

I LOVE what you did there but no cat would have him.

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We left the Detroit suburbs a couple of months ago for the more rational existence our newly adopted red state provides us. Unlike Michigan, no masks in our kids’ schools, minimal mask virtue signaling everywhere else. Having lived most of my life in Michigan, I have little faith that Michiganders - particularly those in Wayne and Oakland Counties - will recognize the destruction caused by Whitmer and send her packing.

Going over to Windsor for the day was a regular event for our family. I loved Canada and Canadians. It’s disgusting what’s happening now in Canada, and I’ll most likely never return there.

Seeing the vast majority Canadians eagerly embracing statism and Covid servitude, the saddest thing for me, however, is the realization that I never actually understood Canada or Canadians. I recall the last time I looked over at Canada from Hart Plaza in Detroit, I imagined how West Berliners must have felt every time they looked at the Berlin Wall.

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Trudie is life member of The Big Club (and you aint in it ~ George Carlin).

From Dr. Malone the other day. Take one look at the partial alumni:

Exposed: Klaus Schwab's School For Covid Dictators, Plan for 'Great Reset'




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I thought that Justin wasn't smart enough to be admitted.

I describe the Young Leaders as "Schwab Youth."

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Agree re Trudeau. We visited Vancouver and Victoria in BC in summer of 2019 and so happy we saw it when it was still free. Makes me so sad what has happened to Canada.

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bless you

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Perhaps I'm getting to the overwrought stage myself, but when I first read about the truckers I felt my throat thickening. These people who kept North America alive during the first hysteria, who were on the road keeping us fed and able to wipe our asses the new-fashioned way while worried to death about their own families, are now intransigent threats to two nations' wellbeing? Gonna use my newest favorite phrase again: God rot the authorities and may it take a long, painful time.

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Watch the Facebook video posted below. It will bring tears to your eyes!

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No worries, my throat thickens when I see a kid on the street maskless.

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Jan 25, 2022·edited Jan 25, 2022

Am I the only hard, cynical old American lady weeping over this? Canadians, you are inspiring. God bless you, truckers and friends!❤

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Nope, we here in the US are pretty weepy too!!

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I'm a hard, cynical old Canadian lady and this amazing convoy of truckers has me weeping tears of joy. 💖

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Seeing all the people on overpasses in 0 degree weather in the middle of the night cheering them on made me go into flowing tears--happy happy tears. I'm with you LP

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Remember the over used slogan to push pandemic compliance. " we're all in this together ". We'll, now we are. On the right side of history. I need more kleenex.💖

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Excellent point! That "we're all in this together " being misused by people on social media in their mansions being so bored was aggravating.

THIS! This is uniting, I hope!

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Going down memory lane this morning. In 1958 there was a television show called Cannonball. I was just a little kid then and loved that show. I still remember the theme song. And yes, let's hope this unites us.

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was it a trucker thing?

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Yes it was. You can look it up on YouTube. And the theme song as well. It's funny the things you remember.

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Nope: 46yo self confessed cynic here 👋 who has been sobbing uncontrollably since Dr Jessica Rose posted this on her Substack yesterday.

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I burst into tears when I hear a t truck horn…you’re good🤗

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The CBC reported in a tweet that the convoy was protesting bad road conditions, as if people couldn't see the huge anti-mandate and lockdown signs on all the trucks. The Canadian media's Let's Go Brandon moment. 🤡

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The more idiocy they write the more sheep go whaaaaat?

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Not to mention the obviously clear, dry highway!

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Oh no, Mary, that's where you're mistaken. The snow and ice is being transmitted to the road asymptomatically.

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Are they using PCR to detect it?

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Yes but only during the summer months.

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touché. VERY funny that.

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The only thing I think might be truthful on CBC is the 10 O'clock time signal. I don't use TV, but have had to forego the radio after decades of listening.

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Yeah, that made me laugh.

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The TBC, aka the Turdo Broadcasting Corpse, the Torudeau Star and Fordeau Nation, a couple more totally honest brokers during this Cough IT 1984 plandemic!

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Supposedly 10k American trucks heading up to support as well.

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I wish I had a truck rn!! God Bless em!

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I know!!! I’d be there like 🚚💨

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Can they cross into Canada if they are not vaxxed?

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"They state that any of the drivers who can not make it into Canada due to the vaccine mandate will be sitting at the border in support for the protest. This will create a bottle neck at most US-Canada border crossings and should quickly get the attention of both counties leaders."

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Don't need to. BLOCK THE F'ing BORDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Canadians need to be made uncomfortable. Otherwise we just "go along"

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we have mandates coming too! Protest on our side against our own mandates

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Yeah. Gotta get me a truck.

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Maybe that 's why there's *only* 10,000!

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Does anyone have confirmation of this? I saw a video of a convoy from SC, but then a lot of people on the thread debunked it. I sure hope we have American truckers supporting them.

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"a lot of people on the thread" So you assume [they] are actual awake citizens, not auto-bots, paid shills and 'agency' operatives?

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Not at all. However, they were pointing out problems and inconsistencies in the video that made sense, and I am inclined to think that particular video was not what it seemed, as much as I would have liked it to be. So, I was hoping for some other confirmation that there is a convoy of American truckers going to support the Canadians, as that is the only one I have seen. I think not automatically accepting what I see and read on the Internet is a two way process.

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There! Those are the Canadians we all love!

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I was really losing faith in my country and in general I'm not one for patriotism but I am truly so proud of everyone involved in this.

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You're not alone. I can't believe what's happening in my current Canada. The support is huge for these truckers, even if you scroll down on mainstream medias comment section.

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As an American living here in Canada I had truly lost hope. Now I respect Canadians again and feel joy and pride in…BOTH countries! A truly historic moment in time.

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Another dual citizen living in Canada. At last! I am so proud of our truckers!

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This simultaneously brought a tear to my eye and made me yell "FUCK YEAH!"

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Jan 25, 2022·edited Jan 25, 2022

Bullying: always push back. I have never once, in my whole life, seen it NOT work. By not pushing back, we are condoning.

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To be clear to rest of the world watching; this is as much a protest against the completely illegal vexx “mandates” as it is a protest against a treasonous corrupt woke cowardly narcissistic divisive beta intellectually-challenged most-despised crime minister ever. RESIGN!!

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My son has an intellectual challenge/disability and he saw through this ages ago

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Wow--so awesome! About the time you are ready to give up on humanity, a kitten and half a million Canadians renew your faith in mankind (and kittenkind too- LOL)!!

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The gofundme for the the truckers is up to $4.5 million CDN


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I just donated!!

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Me too....

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Incredible, I’m gonna start to cry again

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here's an idea. all truckers refuse deliveries to D.C.

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DC and surrounding areas!

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Yes. I was wondering what could be done in the states to have a similar impact.

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Go Truckers ! Bless each and every one of you ..

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speaking of “mass formation” - its so funny its being “debunked” as a concept, when its simpler synonym “group think” is a well known concept.

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Great point. Or maybe mob spirit?

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true, mob mentality is another old term

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I love your substack name.

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aw thanks for the positive energy. feels good in a way for at least now to see the "narrative changing" - still pretty shaken up by this idiotic pantomime we just lived through, but wow, how the gaslighting is shifting

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me too. I've been incredulous and angry for two years.

We are strong enough! the sense of humor will keep us sane.

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The humour is what separates us from them. The Globalists have no humanity, hence no humour. So laugh at them, they’re laughably pathetic soulless parasites.

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The more accurate term is Mass Delusional Psychosis, which ties back to group delusions examined in Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds from 1840.

Because Drs. McCullough & Malone used the interpreted term fromBelgian clinical psychologist Dr. Deset, it has not been accurately linked with a phrase recognized by the english speaking psychology community. Therefore the 'debunkers' think they can discredit the 'concept'. Call it what it is.

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One of the truckers had 'Truck Trudeau' written on the 42' long box of his truck.

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That's it! Let's Go Brandon...Great White North Edition!

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They all should, along with the sobering message,

Criminals against humanity

You are responsible for this

You will be held accountable

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I never thought seeing a bunch of trucks could make me cry like a baby

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From a Canuck friend yesterday:

on the road to freedom...


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Wow. Super inspiring also to see all the supporters standing out there!

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thank your friend.

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You bet. Sounds like a mass formation indeed!

If anyone's interested, I consider mass formation psychosis from a psychological point of view here. I'm a psych professor.


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They raised 4.6 millions in a couple of days and the gofundme is still active. Incredible.

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More is still coming in I bet! I posted the link on Facebook. Everyone do the same and show our support!

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God bless those truckers, each and every one.

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Jan 25, 2022·edited Jan 25, 2022

I would say the opposite is happening here. Those who were never part of the mass formation, and those who have recovered from it, are uniting in a revolution against the psychotic dictatorial leadership in this country.

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Never to late to reconsider.

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Yes. But only if you sub "Fury" for "psychosis "

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These truckers are an inspiration to us all! This is the very spirit of our fight. I can only hope it spreads far and wide while I pray for their safety.

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Yesterday I told the cashier at the supermarket that I was stocking up for Xiden's supply chain disruptions. She looked scared & mumbled "I know" from under her mask. Then I told her what was happening in Canada. Dumbstruck! She had absolutely no idea, which told me 1. they're fully cognizant that up to date it's been *Xiden* policy and 2. They have no idea what's coming (or not coming) this way!

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I see a lot of wag the dog, typical of tyrants worldwide. Start a waR!

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I know, I am waiting for that to happen too.

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Good to see that some human beings are willing to fight for their rights

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Now if we can get the good people of the US to take more of a stand. There are ALOT of sheep here, unfortunately.

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Very well-flouridated, toxic, and life-long indoctrinated sheep. It's an old agenda, just now visibly manifest in the reality in front of us all.

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There have been a good number of people from the outset vigorously objecting to our loss of liberties due to what was evidently a moral panic over Covid.

The problem is that we have not been in the majority. But that seems to be changing. Many of those who went along with Faucism for many months have started to awaken from their fevered nightmares—to recognize that they’ve been conned, and that much of what terrified them was never real.

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Trudeau: "Fetch me the brown trousers."

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Let's hope they run Castro's Bastard out of Ottowa, if not up a flag pole.

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Ain’t she a beautiful sight :)

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Been reading a lot of pretty evil shit being said about these folks today.

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Jan 25, 2022·edited Jan 25, 2022

If you ever wonder how the Nazi's got into power. it's those people, meaning the people saying evil things about the truckers

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Oh yeah, I started about 18 months ago…the hole is deep and branching…horrifying

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Good advice.

Yes, these are brave fighters and exactly the kind of resistance that is needed.

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good idea

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So you can now see Global Cap in a darkened room, wiping beads of sweat off their brows, wringing their sweaty hands (like Hitler in his bunker in the final days) screaming to their petrified minions to accelerate the development and roll-out of autonomous rigs so they don't have to deal with these peskey humans no more! It feels like the eternal battle of good versus evil.

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I did wonder if we could persuade Putin to invade Canada rather than Ukraine and kidnap the Chief clown Trudeau and his hysterical gang of fools. A few years in the gulags may force some sanity into him.

I say this from the only slightly less nonsensical political theatrics of the UK.

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This is the greatest news in weeks!

“Let them truckers roll, 10-4!”

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Breaker breaker one nine. Looks like we got us a convoy. Good for these folks.

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Ain't she a beautiful sight!

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This would be what you call mass resistance and it's about 20 months late.

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Resistance to tyranny is never too late.

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It's not too late, but it is late.

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Better late than never.

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Heroes all!!

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They've reached critical mass, indeed.

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I already donated. May i suggest that everyone does the same? Every dollar counts. Doing nothing of substance while others sacrifice their jobs for the cause is not an option right now. If we don’t fight with everything we have, our life and basic rights will be doomed.

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Samstail. Can't get it to open. what the group name?

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Convoy to Ottawa 2022! ✌️

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got it. thank you!! actually did make me cry happy tears.

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Requires a login for me. I don't have an account. Is this mirrored anywhere?

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Interesting. It didn't take me to the blank login screen like the original but instead shows the video in the background obscured in opaque with a "Please log in to see this page." interstitial. I can see enough to get the essence of the thing.

I do appreciate the help.

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Not sure maybe do a search. If I knew how to download from fb I would. Sorry.

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No worries. I found some videos on Youtube and the like. Not sure which one matches the original but I like the content in general. Thanks.

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Thanks for the link. So incredibly amazing to see this happening in 🇨🇦 Canada.

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Thank you! This is wonderful!

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This is absolutely brilliant, fantastic, words fail me. People are brilliant. I salute you 💪💪🇬🇧🇬🇧

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Feels so good to see fellow Canadians showing some backbone! Keep it up, guys and gals.

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