Thank god this idiot isn't building bridges or airplanes. So i guess 1+1 does not equal 2 in their warped world anymore, either. THIS IS MASS DELUSION. It is a psychosis by both involved.

The doctor suffers from some sort of deranged form of stockholm syndrome, coupled with a complete detachment from reality. The "victim" suffers from a narcissistic delusion, in that he/she/it believes the rest of the world should be able to read he/she/it's mind to determine what delusional pronoun they choose to be called in the delusional "pretend" world they have invented, and expect everyone else should live in--but that is impossible, because the delusional world they have invented only exists in their own mind.

This mass psychosis is not only limited to pronouns. The psychiatric profession used to describe narcissists as being empty inside, wearing an outer mask to the world of the image they wish to portray. The mask wearing by many (you have seen them...alone in their cars, walking alone down the street etc) is a subconscious reflex on their part, they signal to the world that they are truly narcissists. They just don't realize they are doing. They gleefully wear the mask, because they have ALWAYS worn the mask, just in different ways. NOW that the mask is sanctioned, it just comes natural to them.

The pronoun derangement is just another form of the MASK. The only difference is, those that demand a certain non-obvious pronoun, are so far extreme on the narcissism spectrum, that they actually believe the world should be able to READ THEIR MIND.

God help us all until this ends. If it ever does. What will they think up next?

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2 genders. Man. Woman. That's it. There I said it. Enough woke nonsense. And my 4 children have been taught this as well.

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J.D. Vance said something helpful recently, "First of all, courage is really important. And second of all, courage is impossible without good friends and friendship." It's this total fecklessness, left, right and center that's leading to totalitarian disasters. See: https://www.theamericanconservative.com/articles/a-civilizational-crisis/

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"The worst thing that I can do as a human being is be offensive." So I guess if you rape a woman, molest a child, or kill a man, you're fine as long as you didn't "offend" them. You can be the kind of doctor who has to golfing as his patient is dying in the birthing room because the baby is breach, but as long as you didn't mis-gender the "birthing person," you're just a stellar human being. Am I understanding the pattern here?

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Thank god I am old enough that I rarely go to one of these kinds of "Drs" anymore, and by the time they get out of medical school I may no longer be around.

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I'm moving to Mars.

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>“I said ‘when a woman is pregnant,’ which implies that only women can get pregnant and I most sincerely apologize to all of you.”

That is vomit inducing.

Also, frightening to think what medicine is becoming. Do they understand the damage they are causing?

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Huge overlap between the vax cult and the trans cult. sCieNce iS rEaL mEn cAn gEt pReGnANt

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Woke ideology is going to deliver us back into the dark ages. In a generation or two of this madness, all rational, objective, scientific knowledge (including the scientific method for discovering new knowledge) will be forgotten. Boy, am I glad I’m old. I wouldn’t want to be around in another 20-30 years if we don’t reverse course on this quickly.

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Hey, hermano, who needs facts when ideology has so much juicy narrative and emotion and "lived experience." Oh, and about that strange and mysterious disappearance of influenza in 2020-21...."US CDC confirmed July 21 that the PCR test does not distinguish between SARS & influenza and it is withdrawing emergency use of PCR tests in USA from December 31 2021. Drosten’s meaningless test has caused more economic damage & suffering than any medical device in history. twitter.com/msnorthcott/st…"

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o tempores o mores.....

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