Maybe Medical School should now be called Advanced Pharmaceutical School

This should make everyone feel better..

For every $1 spent on “basic research,” Big Pharma spends $19 on promotions and advertising. Source: BMJ

Or this…. https://www.propublica.org/series/dollars-for-docs

A THOUGHT……..Maybe States should pass a Medical Transparency Law.

It would require all Hospitals and Doctors to place in clear view in their reception area a listing of any and all payments that they have received from Big Pharma. Included are grants, reimbursements, product bonuses, speaker fees, endowments, etc, etc,etc. Showing who received it, how much, and when from which Big Pharma.

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I said the same thing to my husband. It’s not med school, it’s how to prescribe pills school.

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Exactly. The last time I reluctantly went to the doctor the first thing they did was pull out the prescription pad after doing a search online for the "best drug" for my ailment. I couldn't believe it. Almost 400$ for the visit and a prescription and later I found a home remedy that cost me literally 10 cents. NEVER AGAIN.

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I had a similar experience a few years ago. I’m 68 and I hurt my back breaking up ice on the driveway. Went to see a doc and he opens his laptop and googles my symptoms and says I have DDD. Degenerative disc disease and there is nothing hew can do about it. Went home and did some research and I lost 50 lbs. started exercising and complicatedly changed my diet. And in 2 months the pain is gone and never came back. And I paid this Dr. 375.00 to tell me he couldn’t do anything. Never again. Stay away from Dr.s

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Also make sure you forgo cancer screening. I’m sure you have a home remedy for that.

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There's no home remedy for cancer. There are also few good RX remedies for most cancers (testicular cancer, leukemia are notable exceptions) Best to do everything possible to keep your body in tip top shape to keep any rogue cancer cells in check. As for cancer screening scans/xrays in the absence of symptoms, I wonder if they might increase cancer risk over time.

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Sometimes I can't help but see the correlation between $$ and stupidity; the more of one the more of the other. It blinds people to reality and removes them from it.

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That’s appalling.

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To be fair, they do like to cut on people too. Oh, and run tests, lots and lots of tests and screenings.

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Why don’t you stay home and make more room for those of us who might like to take care of ourselves without relying a crystal ball or snake medicine

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The word you want is "snake oil" from the old snake oil salesmen at carnivals and fairs.

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This article is from 2006, when The Atlantic actually did excellent long-form journalism you couldn't find anywhere else. I'm surprised they haven't memory-holed it yet. I suggest you launch it, and print to PDF.

"As America turns its health-care system over to the market, pharmaceutical reps are wielding more and more influence—and the line between them and doctors is beginning to blur."


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Thanks for that link. And yes, The Atlantic was a sad loss.

I'm remembering a vast article in Time, possibly from the same era, on the healthcare industry. I think it was called "Bitter Pill". It was a gruesome account.

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Another “always been”crap rag

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Can Medicine Be Cured by Seamus O’Mahony (a doctor) is available on Amazon and gives an insider’s prospective on what he calls the Medical Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex.

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The Atlantic is, has been and will continue to be the most worthless fish wrapper and bird cage liner of all times.

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Well medicine certainly has been bought by the pharmaceutical industry in whose interest it operates.

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There's a blog called The Last Psychiatrist which covered the incestuous intersection of the sets of FDA regulators, academic drug research teams, Pharmacy companies and the medical Pshrinks. Interesting writing style as well.

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Good idea. Getting rid of all such affirmative action for MDs, and bringing chiropractors, naturopaths, and acupuncturists - 3 words you'll never hear on MSM - into the public discussions of human health would have vastly better results, as people would then make better choices in a more free, fair marketplace. We're living proof.

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Also please include snake handlers and gypsy fortune tellers with your group

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https://projects.propublica.org/docdollars/ might show the $'s the #HarmaceuticalIndustry has kindly assisted your local #Quack with, but it doesn't show the costs & suffering associated with medicine as a pill box.

Our acute care system is great for trauma, since it's evolved as part of the 1st ½ of our warfare/welfare state. However, the 2nd ½, the chronic or welfare part, is abysmal. Last year the US had >100,000 preventable diabetes deaths!

Making #lifespan = #healthspan should be the core principle of medicine. But, that prescription requires lifestyle changes, not pills.

Dr Bret Scher, 1.2.2022, The pharmacist who gave up drugs – Diet Doctor Podcast with Graham Phillips, Diet Doctor, accessed 2.2.2022, https://youtu.be/UkTZ_gzW9xI

Getting past the " pill for every ill" mentality: #deprescription

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Your “medical” degree is actually now in Pharmaceutical Marketing and Advocacy. 🙄

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And brainwashing.

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"This medical diploma brought to you by Pfizer.

It's what doctors crave!"

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And don’t forget the grants and funding to the “universities.”

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Pharmaceutical companies write the textbooks and course material for medical schools.

Ever since big Pharma changed the philosophy from Osteopath to Allopath, the industry has been sick care. The only answer to health in Allopathy is "take this pill" - Qui bono?

An example of this is antibiotics. Antibiotics are the wrong approach if you want to cure someone but delaying the cure sure is profitable! Instead, bacteriophage technology (viruses that only attack bacteria that cause infection) is probably the most effective way to cure huge populations cheaply and easily. Big Pharma set us on a course long ago to chase profit at the expense of health.

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Feb 2, 2022
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Thank you for this comment. I majored in French (Hey, you in the back -- no laughing!) and yet I felt compelled to write a stern reprimand to the chief medical officer of Mass General Brigham last night after reading the drivel he shotgunned out to everyone on the hospital's e-mail list, two years after a mismanaged respiratory virus outbreak.

I should not be having to think about things like this. Most of us should not even know a name for SARS2, let alone a marketing name assigned to the symptoms it can provoke in a small percentage of people. Medicine is in trouble if Gabriella represents its next generation of providers.

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She not only represents this generation , there is more.

This type of student is being nurtured and groomed in hopes that the eradication of critical thinking ,risk assessment and personal

medical choice / responsibility will be a thing of the past.

Just another pill, just another shot.

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Please. They are learning "Evidence Based Medicine." We choose the "evidence" from the drug companies' trials.

There have been no "acceptable" trials on Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, or early treatment in North America, and of course studies from LDC's are not acceptable in the first world.

If there were any indications of integrity in our political or medical overlords, advice on Vitamin D supplementation would have been prominent over the past two years.

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This one intentional "oversight" on the part of the medical providers is enough to condemn them in my book. If we had even had one PSA about checking vit. D levels and addressing deficiencies, then I'd be willing to consider them merely incompetent instead of the malicious, compliant, authoritarians they have revealed themselves to be.

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It's the same BS in education - "evidence based instruction".

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You’re right most education IS BS

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That's been the case since at least John Dewey. It's just reaching critical mass now.

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it has been in trouble for 100 years, since big names like Rockefeller started to mix into med. They wanted all med to be chemical (read profitable). It is forbidden in the US to treat cancer only with natural methods. You must include chemo and radiation or you can not do a therapy as a doctor. You go to the doc, or even a vet, with an indigestion they don't even ask what you or your animal ate, they just prescribe something, mostly antibiotics and cortisone. For an upset stomach. I found a vet who does not (yet) but no doc so far

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The vet schools are also heavily funded by the pet food companies, so many vets prescribe Rx pet foods which are crap. I, too, found a vet who is more naturopathic. She was the only vet who knew what to correctly feed a diabetic cat.

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Yep, see my comment above. Didn't see yours til after writing it.

It's a total mystery why our pets have such awful health, with cancers and auto-immune disease, diabetes run rampant, etc. ad nauseum. Total mystery. Vets are horrible, in general. I'm glad you found a good one, I wish we had one nearby.

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Pets get shot up with more frequent and nastier vaccines than even we people do now. When I was a kid, pets were all just normal looking and healthy until they got eaten by something wild or run over. Now pretty much every adult cat or dog I know of is obese, lazy, arthritic, with kidney disease and tumors and all manner of other ailments. I know part of it is that people are so lonely now that they spend gazillions of dollars on their "fur babies" medical bills to keep them alive when they aren't well, but it doesn't explain why all pets are fat af nowadays

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I thought naturopathy was being afraid of nature…

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ha ha! good one

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what is the best diet for diabetic cats?

my cat, ivan, is diabetic (diagnosed three years ago). it was the crap modern catfood that did it, though i never fed them on dry food and i thought i was buying good brands of canned. since then, he and little mica get top end grain free food with lots of broth, and of course no dry food except for cat treats. but i do give ivan insulin shots. all of this, including diet recommendations, were from the vet.

is there anything else i ought to know? you sound very well informed.

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This site has good information https://catinfo.org/feline-diabetes/

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“Ivan” 😄😎🥰

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Yes. You should know that millions of starving kids in 95% of the world would like to have your cats meal. Just saying..

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Hi Sky- it’s been awhile, but I used to follow a website called Felinediabetes.com

On there, they had a list of all the cat foods and how many carbs etc each one contains.

It’s important to test the cats blood sugar before you shoot, as their blood sugar can go really low unexpectedly. It’s easy to learn and they don’t mind a little prick on ear edge. Uses a human glucometer.

Sounds like you are on the right path- NO dry food. The pate style canned tend to have the lowest carbs. The saucy ones are higher.

While changing kitty’s diet, back off on insulin dose to be safe, and ideally start home blood sugar testing.

Hope this helps! I agree the bad foods are causing it!

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Yep. It must be emphasized that the exact same thing has been done to veterinary medicine as to human medicine. Pill and vaccine pushers, and woeful nutrition ignorance. They get their supposed nutrition education from the bloody pet food companies. They're horrified at the thought of feeding your cat/dog a species-appropriate diet (raw meat/bones/offal), and as a result have totally brainwashed the public.

But they make some good money cleaning the teeth of animals who eat the crap from bags, and pumping them with yearly vaxxes. Hmmm, almost like there's a conflict of interest or two there.

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My local petco has a delicious assortment of cookies (sandwich-oreo-like) and ice cream treats for pets. My daughter begs me for them when we go there.

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RFK's book The Real Anthony Fauci talks about this.

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‘… marketing name assigned to the symptoms it can provoke…’ Wouldn’t you say it was a ‘rebrand’ - formerly the Common Cold? Of course no vaccine ($$$$$) for Common Cold. Who would not howl with laughter if Pfizer said it had a vaccine against the Common Cold, which after some dupes tried it, it turned out not to stop you getting or spreading it. Nobody in their right minds would make fools of themselves telling others, insisting even, they should have it. Oh wait!

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Very perceptive,bad luck all the dickheads promulgating all this steaming pile of dog shit around covid were not as perceptive,instead of them being so perfidious.

Davo 😊.

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Yes, well said!

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Was that the email, sadly not spam, containing the rubbish about masking harder based on the CDC's latest N95/KN95 pseudoscience? I got it via Mass General Brigham's "Patient Gateway" emails. Thank god that I'm no longer a patient of those lunatics.

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No, the subject line was "Masking and COVID-19 Updates", sent out last evening (Feb 1).

Its mask psalm began with "Masks are a critical tool for preventing the spread of COVID-19".

And the traditional reading from the Book of Mengele started with "Getting vaccinated and boosted is the best way to protect against COVID-19".

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Indeed, I was honored to receive the very same recital of catechisms!

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The book of Mengele! That sums it all up

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Medicine is in even more trouble if Gabriella decides to practice woke medicine. https://americanmind.org/salvo/woke-medicines-critical-harm/

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Government meddling is driving out all but the Gabriellas.

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My dad was a surgeon who practiced from around 1950 to the early 90s. I remember how furious he was when the pharmaceutical companies were allowed to start advertising their products on TV and in print.

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Forgotten or enjoying being on Big Pharma’s payroll?

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They do make it nice.

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Feb 2, 2022
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How? Getting research grants, sponsoring meetings, being invited out to lunch/dinner, having travel expense and enrolment fees paid to attend conventions, invites to a new drug launch in an exotic location - do bring wife/husband, offering the opportunity to be part of a clinical trial enrolling patients into it and administering the drug/placebo for a per capita fee, paid to do lectures organised by the company, being paid to speak favourably about a product, jobs in research, donation to buy a nice new piece of equipment for your department/practice. Is that enough for you? I used to be in the business - 25 years. Doctors are a venal lot.

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But that's just their due as demi-gods!!

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Oh, so you were the one giving the docs the freebies? And now you have religion?

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It's baked into the cake in a hundred different ways. Here's a covid example: https://www.healthcarefinancenews.com/news/providers-get-greater-reimbursement-covid-19-vaccine

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And people tell you they got the jab because they checked with their doctor who recommended it, said you’d be a fool not to. Why wouldn’t he/she?

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Because they are out of sync with their inner wisdom.. it doesn't take a thousand hours of research to 'know' that injecting exotic gene modifiers and heavy metals directly into your body is beyond ludicrous.

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My sister in law got the two Moderna shots but had become a little reluctant to get the booster. Later she said she got the booster after all simply because she went to her new doctor and was told she should get the booster. So she did, no further questions asked because the doctor had spoken.

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Doc, I’m with you. People forget how essential pharmaceuticals are. I for one would be dead by now if it were not for advances made in pharmaceuticals, being Diabetic

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I am not a fan of MDs but I would have a higher opinion of them if there were more like you. Thanks Dr. Matt.

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I have been a physician for 40+ years. I have felt totally ashamed of the medical profession over these past 2.5 years. The lies that have been propagated over this time have been astonishing. Nothing, I repeat nothing, is 100% safe and effective. Natural immunity is not recognized. It’s ok to vaccinate pregnant women despite not being included in the trials. I could go on and on.

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I am right with you. 50 years in medicine and shocked and ashamed of my colleagues. I did drug development. I read the Pfizer trial and limited data available - this "vaccine" should NEVER and I mean NEVER have been approved. What scares me so much Judy is that the adverse events are mechanistic - inherent in the spike protein and its wide distribution in the body. I believe everyone is getting some mico-clotting and inflammation but most are able to clear it. Others not so lucky.

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Thank you. It gives us hope knowing that you and Judy are out there, when the profession seems to be just a monolithic machine feeding the serial felons in the pharmaceutical lobby.

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Eric, there are thousands of doctors with us and even more nurses. When the tribunals reveal what has been done, people will be very angry. I hope we will form a Committee of those who did not Consent. I want every public health official and academic physician who visited this on our people to resign. I believe Pfizer like Enron will collapse as a company. Fraud vitiates any liability protection. Lincoln: "so still it must be said 'the judgments of the Lord, are true and righteous altogether'"

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As an attorney who has been practicing more than 25 years, I am equally ashamed of the number of attorneys who have apparently forgotten the rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights. Vaccine mandates. mask mandates, censorship, etc. The limited number of lawsuits and numerous bad decisions is very disappointing, although thankfully the Supreme Court got the OSHA rule right.

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Boy, I sure hope you are right. I fear the perpetrators might escape justice, and enjoy lucrative speaking engagements and kickbacks à la Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld in the wake of Dick 'n' Don's Excellent Adventure in Iraq. By now the psychopaths currently at work have surpassed even their count of harm done to individual lives.

If you haven't caught it yet and would like something to show those on the fence, I find one of the top five presentations that could wake up reasonable people who are trying to comply their way out (the largest demographic?) is the recent five-hour panel of medical professionals convened by Sen Ron Johnson. You'll be familiar with most or all of the material, but I'll wager it would be news to most viewers, and quite alarming:


Or, for if/when YouTube cleanses it:


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Thanks, Eric

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Excellent. So true

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Recently watched The Big Short. I think big corps know that they can get away with murder. At least the execs can. I am skeptical that there will be a proper reckoning for this.

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Since several doctors DO see this, how come all the rest just blindly follows the piper? Can they all be in bigharma's pocket? How can we ever trust a doc who went along?

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They don’t question it when most of their colleagues accept it. Also, if somehow they do question it, they are derided.

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I also see the expansion of "Big Hospital" gobbling up private practices and smaller hospitals contributing to this problem. License loss is a real threat as is professional/career reputation smearing, but so is losing their jobs. When you consider that the average medical school debt is $250,000, it puts them in quite a bind. Not excusing it or defending it, but I understand why people might take the easy road and keep their heads down:(

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If you buy into the cult from the get go, there's no need to keep one's head down because you are golden.

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That is yet another problem to be dealt with. Schools. No school should cost more than a medium house. That would solve a lot of problems to begin with !

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You hit the nail on the head.

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They're afraid of being cancelled

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More than that, their licenses to practice medicine at all are at risk of being revoked!!! This is what happens when politics intervenes in medicine. Dr. Aaron Kheriaty and I think maybe Dr. Pierre Kory spoke about this at Senator Ron Johnson's Covid-19: A Second Opinion panel.

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Spot on. Docs have been de-licensed for speaking truth to power. Jeopardizing one’s career and livelihood is scary.

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“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” Upton Sinclair

Gotta keep patients struggling so they are dependent on the goods behind the curtain (prescriptions, surgeries, other "therapies").

When it comes to dentists, the insistence that root canals are safe, and the complete ignorance of vitamin K2 is a dead giveaway that patient health is thrown under the income bus.

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I realized Big Pharma was corrupt when they came down so hard on the use of vitamins and alternative therapies, herbs and the like.

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YES. I remember that too--it happened shortly after I started my current career and gave me a chill. It was the revival of a thing I now realize that conventional medicine has done many times before. There was the branding of female healers and midwives as "witches" in order to relegate those domains to men who belonged to the pharma guild. Later even male healers who practiced with diet and herbs were castigated in order to further empower those who were all-in for pharma, literally poisoning patients with mercury, lead, arsenic, and petroleum and also bleeding their patients, sometimes to death. My grandfather's doctor liked to pull his patients' teeth. Like...all of their teeth. Isn't it funny WHO is called crazy sometimes? Often, I believe it is narcissistic scapegoating. Where I live, home birth is practically illegal. And the covid situation, with masks and isolation and impoverishment and weird injections...It is getting to the point again now where, if a health strategy or intervention is NOT extremely dangerous, it is called "quackery". Hopefully people get to a breaking point and start calling BS on it at some point.

I mentioned another movie in another comment here but I'll also recommend The Constant Gardener, which is relevant to this topic. I am busy watching movies recommended on Healther Heying's Substack. I think the last one, which I haven't gotten to yet, is Dallas Buyer's Club.

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There has to be a certain critical mass of dissenting doctors and scientists and then the others will dare join in. Safety in numbers.

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I think you are right. Lots of medical people were afraid to loose their livelihood. I wonder how many would have refused abs if not for that. And how many regret knowing what is now unremovable in their bodies

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Talked to an old High School friend last evening. She developed clotting in her left leg soon after the vaccines. She is just now getting back to walking (months of rest and therapy)- she bad mouthed relatives who chose to not get the shot(s). I kept my mouth shut, but she has NO idea of any of the possible correlations of the shot/clotting- and would poo-poo it if I actually brought it up, I believe.

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Which means she will get in line for any booster

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The other day I told a patient I would be reporting the fact that she suddenly developed two very serious autoimmune diseases after her 3 covid vaccines to VAERS. The next visit, she told me she looked into that idea on the internet, and she believes she may have caught covid-19 without knowing it, and that a wild infection rather than the vaccines might more likely be the cause. It's not out of the question, but I found the situation really revealing with regard to both of our biases. My bias tells me that our immune systems are better equipped to handle pathogens and toxins introduced via mucus membranes rather than injection. The mainstream view, it seems, is that if authority figures want you to do it, it's probably not dangerous, but if it is wild, it is more likely to be dangerous.

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She has to rationalize getting the shots somehow I guess! And yikes to that way of thinking. But I think that's how most are "thinking"- thanks for reporting to VAERS. I don't think many are!

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The real ER DOC. I like that 'real' part of your name tag.!

I also like what you said. And you have no idea how high my heart jumped when you said: I believe everyone is getting some mico-clotting and inflammation but most are able to clear it. Others not so lucky. Well at least that gave me a momentary heart jump. My son took the vax to keep his job. Now, in my retirement, when I'm supposed to have no worries, I have many worries.

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Yes we are real not fake. Please don't worry. Fortunately in great majority there is no problem (except it's not effective). My son got t 2 jabs early 21 before we had the 'real' data'. . I got 2 jabs same time. I have had 2 pericarditis/myocarditis cases in my clinic - both were very soon after 2nd dose or booster. And both were mild. I see no evidence of long term damage from the vaccine except more susceptibility to variant infections. Others may disagree but our bodies are miracles of creation (yes, not random products of chemical evolution) and are designed to heal from insults.

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One can only hope.

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Me again. I see the words...Give Gift under your comment. Do you have a substack page? If not what does that mean? And thanks for your additional positive message.

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Gee, I don't see that and don't know what it means. No substack page. I follow Steve Kirsch and bad cattitude. Both are very bright and I find them to be accurate.

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We need to speak out as Docs. I am a Triple boarded DeBakey trained heart surgeon, just retired after 20,000 operations or so. Real ER dic, do a substack page! You are wise. Share it please. Substack is easy. If I can figure it out at 75 without my grandkids helping - it is easy! Blessings sir!

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Yours also has "give gift". Most of us do suddenly. Weird, huh?

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Oh maybe substack is soliciting. I have a paid subscription to Steve Kirsch so I can log in.

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I'm praying they can clear it and the damage is not just cumulative.

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I know a health pro involved in researching and testing respiratory drugs. She said exactly the same thing about the vaccines

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Thanks so much Dr Burke. I often try and use the "nothing is 100% safe and effective" argument. Especially when it comes to mandating. If someone is allergic to peanuts for instance, are we going to mandate they eat peanuts for the "safety" of others? It's absolute looney tunes.

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going to keep your statement in mind. I am not comfortable with PEGs and when I saw that as an ingredient, I immediately decide not to get the jabs. But got ridiculed and called a stupid cow by family and friends. well former friends LOL

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Yes and we're all different.

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Would love to have you for my Primary Care Physician! I feel the same way about the teaching profession. Full of non-thinkers and lazy people!

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Clearly the world is full of good, honest workers and shitty liars. It’s just so upending when the good are vilified and to see how easily people are manipulated…

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that for me is the truly scary part, how people totally without any knowledge judge you because you looked into things. When I told a biologist I know what I had read about the jabs, she said they were her colleagues and we should trust them. For me, that put her on the same shelf as them

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I KNOW! My daughter was studying Neuroscience so all her friends at Uni were in the sciences, trying to get into med school. They ALL jabbed. My kid was like “WTF!? Did you not listen to ANY of the lectures!? It’s all contradicting itself!” Needless to say she didn’t jab and is taking her $ to open an icecream shoppe🤣🤣🤣🤣(don’t worry we didn’t pay SHIT for her education, it was all scholarships..we’re poor😬)

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That is awesome, I love it!

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Smart girl ! I wish you all the best and lots of customers ! An icecream shop is another form of antidepressant and much better than pills !

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And the teacher's unions are despicable. My daughter was an elementary teacher for 10 years before she got disgusted and left to go into nursing. She refused to be a member of the union, but she was constantly being pressured to join.

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Yes I quit the union early on- they did NOTHING for me. I only joined for lawsuit purposes as I was in the Spec. Ed. realm. I had 70 kids on my caseload at one point and they did NOTHING to help out with other speech paths who were in the same boat! Bunch of do-nothings looking for "easy" in a profession that was once considered honorable.

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Are you taking new patients? I need a new doctor after all this.

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My husband is a doctor with 35 years of experience. He says the same thing.

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thank you for being one of those with eyes and brains. I think so many docs are paid off by bigharma it is a real shame.

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Judy Burke, I appreciate the fact that you did not put "Dr." or "MD" or anything of the sort into your username.

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I like that also...! Always hated that when signing papers in a special ed IEP meeting and certain people had to put "M.A. Ed." or "ccp" for "cert. of clinical competence" if you were a speech path. I just signed my name. No one cares!!

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Dang Judy...108 likes and counting. You go girl.

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All hail the all knowing medical student

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STUDENT….I repeat, student. That being said a full blown doc coulda said this too

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There is a very small, but statistically significant rise in death rates and medical errors in training hospitals in the summer. Any guess as to why?

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Ummm…their teachers got their degrees out of a Crackerjack Box!

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A lot of medical students do not finish their course, because they are dumb so not the best sources for advice; unfortunately far too many do.

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You sure? - I had long understood that med school completion rates are very high. Selection occurs at the admission stage (large portion of PRE-med students never get in) - but once selected - for a skill set that near-guarantees the desired MD skill set - the completion rates are very high. We are speaking here of the perverse quality of the skill set - e.g. quick on the prescription pad draw, computer monitor tunnel vision, etc.

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And obedience. Med schools screen for obedience.

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Depends whereof you speak. It’s high in the UK (edjucayshun is ‘free’) but then university drop-out is high ever since the clown in charge back in 1997 decreed a target of 50% of school leavers to go to university. There followed a lowering of standards, grade inflation, and affirmative action skewed to females, ethnics, parental financial status - so entrance requirements became anyone with a pulse who had been to school and fulfilled the affirmation criteria - literacy and numeracy not required. The result? As one wag put it, what do you say to a university graduate? Do I get fries with that?

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medical students, trained by pharma from day 1, fed data at such a fast rate that there is no time to assess.

critical skills classes cancelled

nutrition classes- maybe 6 hours

arrogance and superiority classes not needed

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"nutrition classes- maybe 6 hours": And they still think saturated fat is bad, margarine is good, and statins will save the world.

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last I read, med students don't get any food education at all anymore. Only drugs. One should put it like that, drugs, instead of meds !

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Oh so true - pure pharma BS

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Diversity, equity, inclusion classes= mandatory

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I am posting tomorrow about the state of the noble profession. Based on the ~20 doctors I know it’s not pretty.

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3 generations of doctors in my family. My generation is dumb as a rock. The previous generations had to think on their feet and be creative (not in this country either. In the USSR and other third world countries). They were curious and hungry for any information. they long ago discovered that some of the best learning was not from books or the medical establishment. My generation in the USA wants info spoon-fed from authority. They also can't be creative because they risk being sued for malpractice if they don't follow established protocols.

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Our families are similar, comrade.

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Financialization of medicine and the rest of the west leads ineluctably to degradation.

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I think we might find upon closer scrutiny that the financialization of medicine followed the increased involvement of and regulation by government which effectively centralized it and necessitated economies of scale. It is virtually impossible to maintain a small private practice because of costs. Virtually the only doctors who can still do it are either stubborn or very expensive concierge services. Hospitals don't have enough resources either.

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Such a sad state of medical care for the USA

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I just joined your mailing list to see that!

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I'm sorry to say I've had the same experience.

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just read your how to follow the science. Immediately subscribed but unfortunately not able to pay right now. Maybe later ! I just like this line - Day 600+ of 15 days to slow the spread,

hahaha ! thank you for that article. will read more !

And as of Greta, we all found out she belongs to the WEF as well, so we know she is dancing to the pipes of the Greater Good as well. The ones that want us to owe nothing. Not a sailboat. (I remember Trump saying, should that girl not be in school - and though I did not like him, he was right, there too)

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I don't necessarily like him either, but damn..he knew how to do the job!

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well, she is vaccinated FOR COVID, not against COVID, so there you go. I expect her to get covid and be surprised.

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She won't be surprised; she'll be thankful, because without the shot it would've been much, much worse.

The insufferable ESPN talking head Stephen A Smith was jabbed twice, boosted, and almost died of covid over New Year's, but parroted what his doctors told him: he would've died without the shot! Incredible.

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Maybe he could have tried Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, Vitamin D, Zinc and had a much better result.

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I've heard that comment concerning other people, including a dr. that said that when someone actually died. How much worse could death be? It's kind of interesting to watch supposedly well educated people say such stupid things. Some economist in the 70s created something like 5 rules of stupid people, and one of the rules were education level or titles did not mean someone wasn't stupid.

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Indeed, this pseudo-crisis has exposed our credentialed "elites" as imbecilic followers. Oh, arrogant too.

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It is so absurd, if it’s covid the shot saved them. If it’s blood clots, rare blood disorder, heart attack, seizure, or heart embolism (death) it’s just weird and told nothing to do with the shot. So unless the jabbed start bleeding out of their eyes and ears or spontaneously self combust it might not be taken seriously even if it’s your friend, father, niece or cousin.

A rabid tennis fan I know was annoyed Djokovic wouldn’t take the shot called him selfish and stupid. (Sorry Dj). So So freaking absurd.

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something I noticed also. If the person died within a week or two of the shot - merely coincidence. No matter the age, health, etc. I know someone that died 10 days after getting the first shot (went to the hospital the next day with extreme headache and never came home) and it was recorded as a covid death, not vaccine death. And also a 52 year old that died of myocarditis a week later - family is hounding everyone to get vaccinated. It's like people have no ability to logically think.

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Kind of similar to what I’ve heard. Sad. My nursing student relative tried to sell me on how safe the shot was. But now having graduated does not want to work in a hospital because of the politics?.

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Of vaccination?

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Not trying to suggest every condition is suddenly related to jabs, but there are some outliers.

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Perhaps a new activist movement, The Vaccinated For CoVid. Mission statement: To promote CoVid to encourage people to get vaccinated. (Funded by Pfizer).

Main benefits of CoVid: you don’t get really sick; you get ten days paid absence from work - this can happen repeatedly; if you know somebody with CoVid make sure they put you on their contacts list so you can have ten days paid absence from work and, bonus, you don’t even have to be sick; get booster shots frequently and get sick and paid leave more often. CoVid - the gift that keeps on giving.

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You are SO right! I hear more and more HR professionals and business managers complaining about this. One person exposed and their entire team is home on paid sick leave. The business operates with VERY limited staff, or closes. Our local lunch counter/deli shut down for weeks because a customer called and said they were exposed to covid. The manager was scared shitless. People out of work for two weeks, and no one at the deli got it….. ridiculous.

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The irony being that more businesses are affected or shut down by Track & Trace self-isolation of healthy people, then by the virus making people actually sick. It sums up this whole fiasco, Government (such as it is) policies have caused far more damage to health, society and economy than the virus. And whereas the effect of the virus will diminish over time, the effect of Government will increase as inflation bites, mental health disorders, untreated cancers and other disease claim their victims, the injury from the pseudo-vaccines becomes evident, children reach adulthood scarred mentally and retarded educationally by the last two years. Someone commented elsewhere that there are millions of 3 year olds who have not seen Human society without faces in masks, or been allowed physical contact or proximity with each other.

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I'm not an MD, but I've heard from some MDs in the past that the extent of vaccine education in medical school is not much more than learning the vaccine schedule and for what disease. There is almost nothing taught about the data and science.

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Absolutely true. Medicine is all about applying approved protocols.

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What you have heard is absolutely true. As I mentioned in another post, I taught in a medical school for more than 34 years. I am ashamed of the way medical education has become. I tried to teach my students to be critical thinkers, but they are spoon-fed to become "guideline followers". They learn the current "guidelines for vaccinations" and follow them as the gospel.

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Over the years, I saw first hand that doctors are not very good diagnosticians. I had to deal with several medical issues with both my kids as well as myself. I had to do the research myself and figure out solutions, which I then took to the doctors in order to get certain prescriptions when needed. To my main doctor's credit, he readily admitted to me that "well, you know more about this than I do." But shamefully, he (and others too) didn't go further and do research about the issue. Since those years, I've come to feel that I'm mostly on my own to deal with medical things. I can't depend on anyone.

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Yes, that’s exactly what I’ve heard.

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The reason why has become obvious to many of us.

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I had an MD acquaintance confront me about why I wouldn't take the Vax. Oddly, she didn't even consider individual Risk Assessment as a starting point. She did not know the data re RR vs AR and couldn't speak to the study design, AE's and study endpoints. Having worked in Pharma (marketing) for 40 years, I knew the study design and that 95% effective was BS. The knowledgeable MD who believes more in Pharma than one's own immune system was the uneducated one.

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That physician clearly does not do any informed consent discussions with their patients.

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She probably thinks that she does :) "Don't worry it's safe and effective"

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Informed consent in my experience in the USA does not exist for vaccines or maternity care….

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And deliberately so. They have to be refusing to think about it. The doctors I worked with for 25 years were constantly reviewing data on all sides to be informed. Medical school seems to be producing chimeras of ostrich-sheep, rather than humanitarian professionals.

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They might still be looking at the data. Unfortunately, it’s only the “approved” data that has been forwarded by group think, a lack of risk/benefit analysis and absolute reliance on medical associations for direction on management. The art of medicine is dying away.

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It's not dead. It's woke.

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No, they are producing "woke" humanitarian professionals. Shudder.

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Yes, or as John Ioannidis might rephrase Henry Ford's "history is bunk!" quip, — "Relative risk is bunk!"


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I went to school for nutrition in 2000. We had a study called "research methods," where we were taught how to read studies and taught how one can manipulate studies. We were also taught the FDA is bought. For 22 years, I have been mind blown how many doctors I know (and I know a ton) don't know how to read a study or don't even try to read studies and how they have no clue that the regulatory agencies are captured. I'm grateful for that class to this day :)

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Most studies are funded by medical/pharmaceutical supply companies. Those studies not favourable, don’t get published. The companies engage specialists to ghost write reports slanted to the advantage of the paying company, and placed in journals who receive big bucks in advertisements. And of course pressure can be brought on those same journals nit to publish reports not to the liking of the pharma industry.

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I’m with ya Bb. I’m an economics major, and we had a class showing the same - how statistics can be manipulated. I explain to my Covidiot friends/family, they don’t get it. ElGato shows us, and Alex as well, glad I found them.

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Had a study...meant had a class :)

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Or they say studies aren’t clinically relevant. Only what the cdc and ama tells them is. 🤦‍♀️

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One of the big things I've learned during the pandemic.. Very few people are good data analysts or curious enough to do their own research. They rely on their credential or somebody else's. I do my own research and also read with interest the work of others who show their work now. Why would we expect a medical professional - to be a good data analyst? They seem to be very rules and memorization oriented people by nature. Not a bad thing, but that doesn't make them curious and analytical.

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The reason to get vaccinated against anything is to make you immune to it so you don’t get a specific disease. Taking a vaccine which does not make you immune and stop you getting the specific disease, even makes you more likely to get it, is, apart from futile, beyond stupid.

As a public health issue, to promote a vaccination programme on the grounds it helps reduce spread of a specific disease is valid, to promote a vaccination programme that not only does not prevent spread but increases it has a motive other than public health.

Claiming that a vaccine which does not provide immunity but makes the disease less serious if you get it, when thousands of vaccinated do get the disease seriously and some die, is a false claim and merely a smoke screen to hide the uselessness of the vaccine and the stupidity or embarrassment of anyone taking it.

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"Claiming that a vaccine which does not provide immunity but makes the disease less serious if you get it" AFTER first claiming that the vaccine is a dead-end for the virus and that the vaccine will herald in the end of the pandemic to fake people out into getting jabbed, is criminal dishonesty for which the gallows is too humane an end.

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It’s funny- no, it’s sad- that so many of us on free-speech platforms knew from the beginning that the jabs did not prevent infection, but only reduced symptoms. This illustrates the importance of uncensored platforms like Substack, gab and Gettr.

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It is NOT a vaccine. It is experimental injected gene therapy.

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I've said this a lot, but I'm not sure I understand the "gene" part of it. Is there a particular gene involved, or is it "gene" as in "genetics", a more generalized context?

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My son is in medicine and absolutely couldn’t wait until he qualified for the jab!! Was furious that my husband and I refused to take it. The conversations were belittling and rude. We finally had to just agree to never speak about it (or politics) ever again. When we both came down with COVID last spring we didn’t even tell him until weeks later. And hen he actually asked if we would get jabbed after waiting three months! I guess he doesn’t believe in natural immunity. It’s sad to be so disappointed in my son. 😕

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I know the feeling. My daughter's best friends are in medical school so they are the "experts" vs my 40 years in Pharma marketing knowing BS studies when I see them.

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The hubris of youth. I remember arguing about politics with my Dad when I was a teenager.

My political beliefs were pretty typical of teenagers then, deprived of life experience but fueled primarily by emotion, hormones, lyrics from Bob Marley and John Lennon, and my perception of how the world worked and should work. My Dad was a Navy vet who had seen the world and who made his share of life mistakes - including divorcing my Mom - to which he duly admitted.

My dad wouldn't argue back. He would just sort of look at me, his eyes communicating this "you won't get it until you do" look.

Sadly, my Dad died of cancer when I was 19. I didn't have the chance to tell him that I finally "got it" when I engaged in an argument with my eldest son and I tried to explain to him that the world doesn't quite work the way he thinks it does. Yusuf/Cat Stevens and Harry Chapin understood the dynamic.

These young doctors-in-training are highly intelligent and hard-working to begin with but my understanding from friends in the medical field is that medical schools have become Big Pharma indoctrination centers. Once they learn the roadmap of human anatomy, the core of the learning appears to be that BigPharma and BigMed have the cure for any and all human ailments.

Bearing that in mind, it must be impossible for them to accept beliefs that are heretical to their developing belief system. Sadly, the vast majority won't "get it" until they too "get it."

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‘The hubris of youth.’ And aren’t our free, democracies ruled by a bunch of superannuated college kids - emotionally and intellectually teens, with knowledge of history, life and the World hardly enough to cover a postage stamp? And the ‘leader’ of the Free World, Brandon, is just the Frat House mascot.

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Very well put. Those are the primary targets of advertising and jingoism. They are the most susceptible to social engineering and messaging.

I remember arguing with a few of my younger friends back in 2002 how the neocon argument that Saddam was behind 9/11 made no sense. They joined up nonetheless in order to "get some payback." A decade later they all seemed to have that same "we got f*cked expression" on their face.

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Sending him to medical school was your first mistake! A high grade brainwashing factory with a very large carrot to motivate the participants.

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I didn’t “send him to medical school”. He earned a full ride to Georgetown and made his own choice. Back then he was quite Conservative. But going to school in DC, and then living and working in DC the last 15 years has definitely changed him.

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She writes as if she truly believes there’s no medical topic she is not now expertly qualified to speak about, she is after all A MEDICAL STUDENT.

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In eight years this arrogant little snot is going to be reviled by every nurse who has the misfortune to cross paths with her.

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It won’t take that long

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67,000 liked it? Must be lotsa snowflakes out there. With 50 yrs of surgery under my belt, triple boatd certified (general, vascular, cardiac) i can tell you - stay away from medical people like this girl. She is not just clueless- she is dangerous. Would have lasted about a microsecond in the residencies I attended. Obviously se hasn’t studied Jenner and the milk maids. The Jab is not a vaccine- it is an experiment in genetic manipulation. This girl must have skipped the mRNA lectures

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As a Senior Doc still in part time practice, I work with med students and young residency grads. Most have zero interpersonal skills and no knowledge of the history of medicine. They are indoctrinated and boring. Ditto most of my colleagues unfortunately. When I show them the Pfizer trial data, they say, "Is it peer reviewed?" Idiots.

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Is it peer reviewed? In other words....how many other professionals agree with it? In other words...I'm not so good at thinking for myself, I leave that for others. So don't ask my opinion because I'm afraid to have opinions. Brain dead.

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Yes, Peer Review is a scam. Basically it means that your paper does not disagree with the current dogma. Not much different from the social media censorship of "unacceptable ideas". Add to that that about half of all medical papers have fraudulent data (this from editors of top journals) and you see where we are. BTW, most of the real advances in medicine are "disruptive", that is they go against the current paradigm. It takes decades for the true breakthroughs to be accepted.

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Just saw this here somewhere. Bookmarked it to look at later. It may interest you or you may already know what it's talking about. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/posteverything/wp/2018/10/05/feature/doctors-are-surprisingly-bad-at-reading-lab-results-its-putting-us-all-at-risk/

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Yes I know this content. I tell patients a lab test is not a disease. If you do enough testing you find false positives (especially when the disease is rare) or meaningless biologic variation. I found it useless to try to explain that the rapid COVID tests and PCRs are not helpful in most cases. Many false negatives and positives based on duration of illness and symptoms. Yet the cars line up and wait hours to be tested. Part of the Mass Formation Psychosis. Also most young doctors do not know how to take a history and do a competent physical. I am an ER DOC. Most patients need someone to listen to them and simple tests; yet twenty percent of ER visits get expensive imaging.

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Apparently there is a word limit for comments. This is the rest of my ramble from below...They don't project their personal biases due to the color of the patient on the gurney. They are saving machines, that's what they do. I don't know what higher purpose in life there can be. And if saving people's lives is not a radical enough job I can't imagine what it's like to be approached by people on the street who walk up to you and say, You saved my life, or you saved my daughter's life. Or if it weren't for you I'd be a pile of ashes in a jar on a shelf somewhere. Yikes. Sorry but Yikes is all I got at the moment. I don't know, maybe saving lives is something you can get used to. But I don't see how.

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I am enjoying our ships passing in the night chats. You know how it has become a national 'thing' to thank service member for their service. That's a nice gesture. I want with all my heart to thank nurses for their service too but I am having a big problem with doing that. While I know that it's probably a small percentage of nurses who are literally involved with the killing of Covid patients, and they surely do not want to kill patients ( I would hope.) they are still part (even if peripherally) of the killing. That's a problem for me. And there are nurses who truly believe in the Covid fairy tale and believe in what the doctors are doing to the patients and even believe that people who are not vaccinated (it's not a vaccine) should not receive medical care. Yes they exist. And the nurses in that group surely make my skin crawl. So I want to say thank you for your service to the nurses but the words stick in my throat. And then we have the Emergency Room docs and dockettes. Those people (You) are substitute Gods in my mind. I hope this does not sound like I'm disrespecting God but when people have had horrible accidents and are in the moment, asking God to save them, I believe they are misdirecting their pleas. God does what God does, or doesn't do, and frankly I'd rather trust in an emergency room doctor than God when the pressure is at its highest. Maybe God is busy. Maybe God is off for the day. Maybe God has some issues with me and might figure, what the heck, I'm not so sure I like that guy all that much anyway. I'll pass on this one's pleas. Whereas the emergency room doctors have no such issues. They are there all the time. They do not judge who gets attended to. (That's for the triage nurse) They don't project their personal biases due to the color of the patient on the gurney. They are saving machines, that's what they do. I don't know what higher purpose in life there can be. And if saving people's lives is not a radical enough job I can't imagine what its like to be approached by people in the street who walk up to you and say, You saved my life or you saved my daughter's life. If it weren't for you I'd be a pile of ashes in a jar on a shelf somewhere. Yikes. Sorry but Yikes is all I got at the moment. I don't know, maybe saving lives is something you can get used to. Maybe it can become just another day at the office kind of job. But I don't see how.

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Lotsa Snowflakes with time on their hands because they stretching the stimi check.

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They pumped my dad full of pills and when he’d finally had enough and wanted to stop taking them THEN they got concerned. He died in September of his own choosing, unvaccinated with his loved ones holding him. I don’t do doctors and therefore I don’t do meds. I don’t need to live forever, just the best way I know how.

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Well people go to doctors to be diagnosed, and by hook or by crook they’ll diagnose something sooner or later even if they have to invent a disease.

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Sirka Sie. Loved your comment. Do you have a substack page?

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Nah, I’m a full time commenter…less pressure😂

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I envy those who are in control of their lives. Especially if they are having fun at the same time.

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You know I think she’s in such control because her upbringing was unstable. I was an active alcoholic for a good 2 years during her adolescence, I left my husband for a woman, owned a restaurant, we lived with my parents, their father was absent, in short it wasn’t pampered. BUT, I’ve been sober over 10 yrs now and I guess if there is one thing my kids have learned it’s to: Question Everything, Trust No one, Rely on Yourself…and yeah, have fun because life is short.❤️

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You went from second person to first person and got more confusing as you went along! Anyway living one's life on a roller coaster would make many people crazy. It sounds like you managed to manage it all and be philosophical about it.

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😬ooops…clearly I’m not a writer

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Blank faced silence every time I respond to a doctor's question about why I am pure blooded with 'please tell me what percentage of the people in the placebo group in the Pf*z*r trial never had a "case" of COVID?'

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I fear even going near a clinic or hospital now....zombie land....I actually fear they will take my life, and this is a reasonable fear. Spike proteins lurking in every exam room literally.

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Plus a potential $100,000 payday if they can get a positive pcr test. Soon, the pcr test will not be necessary

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Ah, I am a walking money machine to the hospital. We are walking money machines..and it STOPS NOW.

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This is just another example of why rebellion against COVID mania has largely not come from students. They have grown up in a system that rewards conformity and compliance wrapped in a veneer of #resistance to make them feel righteous in the permeating grievance culture. They cannot tell nonfiction from fiction, hedonism from moral righteousness, wisdom from knowledge, propaganda from information, friend from enemy, and even their own identity from a passing fad.

I'm not very old and grew up the same way. I believed the vaccine propaganda right up until about May of 2020, when everyone was praying for the blessed vaccine, which we couldn't possibly have enough safety data on in a few short months. Then, I woke up and finally saw what my mom had been complaining about for so long.

How do we get people to begin to question everything they thought they knew? For me, it was when things were getting rushed. When the normal rules and regulations that were supposed to be keeping us safe we're ok to cut through. Perhaps pointing out these inconsistencies will wake up others. The Floyd protests did it for some, the change from mask to no mask to mask did it for another group. What new inconsistency will arise? When it does, we better be hammering on it until that knell is the only thing that can be heard.

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Well stated. I'm old and have been watching this madness for a lot of years now. It floors me that young people are okay with someone *mandating* that something be put into their bodies or someone else's body. That should be a huge red flag for anyone. If something has to be mandated, it's almost *never* anything good.

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Going into massive student debt to learn Rockefeller medicine... Stay away from government health professionals, your life depends on it.

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I raised my kids to live by those words

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If I had the talent I'd write an essay about how medical school is an unholy cross between a trade school (nothing wrong with that) and a cult (is something wrong with that).

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I was just telling that to my MD partner when we were talking about how they can do nothing but the "protocol" in hospitals. I said, might as well just go to a vocational school to learn how to follow protocol. I imagine many MDs are feeling duped right now...all that money and time in school to essentially be a "Jiffy Lube" for humans.

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how did all the unvaccinated people not die in 2020?

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If all those doomsday predictions had been true, we would no longer have a "homeless" population. I knew early on that if the streets had started clearing of all those tents and ramshackle shelters this pandemic was both real and deadly.

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And closed the southern border and not encouraged blm riots

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Again, had the doomsday predictions been valid, we would have been rid of most of the BLM, antifa and violent leftards, as well as hordes of illegals

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Remember those early short vids fake news put out of people supposedly dropping dead of Covid right in the middle of the streets?

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Pure unadulterated ChiCom fear porn propaganda.

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Pure unadulterated ChiCom fear porn propaganda.

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And randomly midnight dropping off thousands of unvaxxed illegals in small towns all over the country. (Can't vax illegals because they can still sue for vax injuries.)

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UW Medicine Seattle didn't think it was too deadly to protest in May/June of 2020 ...who was early identifying a problem in the USA? Where? ...very odd risk mitigation (thankfully it allowed a window to see some truth, that nobody is seizing out dead in the streets like the propaganda suggested we were in for)

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I realized then this wasn’t deadly as advertised.

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To quote my long-gone mom who once said to my 21 year-old self, "I never knew how stupid I was until you went to college."

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Probably the best thing I will read today.

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Karma's a bitch: I have a 23 year old daughter (grad school in Biology) who, when she gets up, reads the New York Times before she does anything else. I get lots of eyerolls, and somewhere, out there in the ether, I hear my mom cackling like she has every right to. :)

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Yeah. Tellmeabouddit. Our son graduates from med school this spring. Has had three jabs. His father and I and sister have not had one. My impression is, he has told himself a fairytale in order to remain in the doctor club. He wants a residency job in the end. Its tragic.

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It truly is tragic

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:( Heartbreaking.

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This girl IS medicine tho, you can tell by her underscore-med twitter handle and the thousands upon thousands of Likes that she gets from her fellow cultists.

The grammar is admittedly terrible, but her ability to stay on topic and gather her thoughts into coherent and objectively true statements also requires a great deal of revision.. That last sentence doubtless should have been: "As a medical student who looks to automatons on social media to validate her feeeelings rather than looking to the established physicians who've been doing this shit professionally for decades and happen to practice actual medicine instead of pill-pushing sickcare and carrying out globalist agendas for kickbacks and fame..?"

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Spot on LS. Expressing oneself clearly in English prose is a lost art. In fact it might even be racist.

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😹 Prose, and anything else that doesn't involve taking experimental injections for free krispy kremes and french fries

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Get your preach on, boyo.

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Almost outta words when it comes to situations like these.. It's just plain frightening to see so many kids running straight into the arms of fake support systems every time they're confronted with uncomfortable realities, rather than pausing to consider whether those people who love them and who took responsibility for them for 18+ years could potentially have valid reasons to be so concerned and displeased with the manner in which they carelessly stumble around adulthood outsourcing their own safety to a bunch of snakes.

Hindsight's 20/20 and all that, but without a genuine sense of self-preservation, these young folks may not live to see the day when their missteps would become clear.. And when they're gone, that support system they relied on for pacification and dopamine rushes will be too busy shopping for Walmart NFTs in the metaverse to be bothered to notice or care, it'll just be their family left wondering what the hell happened. They gotta wake up before it's too late 😔

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Her parents sound AWESOME! lol. I'd like to meet them.

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Medical students are among THE most gullible groups of individuals in the world. They have to be. They have to believe everything their professors tell them in order to incorporate a century's worth of information and make it into a useful algorithm. They are firm believers in appeals to authority-that of their professors, and really anyone above them on the pecking order of acquired medical knowledge including interns (shudder), residents and attending physicians. You know the aphorism: Fake it until you make it? That is the motto of every single person involved in learning medicine. This is why you never want to be in a teaching hospital in July of any given year.

This naïf dismisses her parents' collective life experience, deliberative thought processes, belief systems, and sense of personal responsibility for their own decisions. Do you think for a moment that this young fool will respect her patients when the time comes for her to actually practice medicine? This top down authoritarianism has been ingrained in these students from Day #1. They can't help but continue the cycle of abuse. With time most of us learn to break free of this.

I hung up my spurs at the end of 2020 for a variety of reasons. I might have kept going for a little while longer but I could see he writing on the wall. I knew that mandatory jabs were on the way (just like they have been for yearly flu shot). Had I stayed long enough to decline these I would have left under a cloud of disapproval. I might have been reported to the increasingly totalitarian medical boards and had my license suspended. I got out just in time.

What's happened to the medical profession over the past 2 years is as if the majority have reverted to gullible, silly medical school days. Think about that for a moment.

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Dr. Kranky...First off I have to quote you...

"Find something in life you don't do well. Then don't do that thing." (Quotation marks added) I will henceforth be stealing those words of wisdom every chance I get. So Thank you for that. Secondly...I am adoring this substack platform. So far I have had some mini chats will a few actual 'real' (that word again) famous people. Dr Mike Yeadon comes to mind. Where else in the universe can a regular Joe, or Jane get that experience? And I now have a growing file of Copied and Pasted comments from such interesting people as yourself. Hopefully some couch potato, who has good judgement, is copying and pasting for all he's worth. There are so many interesting and wise and profound and one more...lets see...Amazing people who comment on this platform. Talk about an easy way to make a best seller. I am building that file but not to convert to a book, but because I can not get enough of the wonderful knowledge and perspectives I'm absorbing because of people like you. Did I pour that on too thick?

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Thank you for the kind comments. I think what you're alluding to is the collective wisdom i.e. life experience I referenced in my remark- and which young Gabriella in her youthful arrogance dismisses outright.

BTW that quote is from my virtual sigil, The Most Interesting Man In The World. Look up the bit where he delivers that line in his inimitable manner.

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As a medical doctor, I tend to agree that Gabriella may be undereducated at this point. Perhaps there is hope that a few years of experience outside academia will allow a more seasoned perspective. Also, it a bit unseemly for a mere medical student to assume the pretense of infallibility as is so often seen in the profession.

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Agreed. Medical professionals need to be able to honestly say “I don’t know” and earnestly seek answers.

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I've had 3 docs tell me to get the vaxx. None of them bothered to offer any data to support, except one who showed me the age stratification of those who died and said I was on the cusp of being high risk at age 60. I of course already knew that because I read and think. I really don't think most of them know anything about this stuff other than what they are told. And we know for a fact they have had their licenses threatened if they tow the line. I've lost faith in MDs. Pilots seem to be the last bastion of professional competence. How long before they get compromised?

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I, 69, my sister 79, neither vaccinated. Neither of us have had CoVid. My brother 80, in care post-stroke 5 years ago, progressive dementia got CoVid around Christmas 2020 (no vaccines available at the time) and recovered after three days. He was subsequently vaccinated. Stable door; horse; bolted; etc.

Can I therefore claim not being vaccinated prevents you getting CoVid or if you do get it, it is less serious even in a high risk like my brother? Serious point. Being vaccinated clearly is no different from being unvaccinated.

Nearly all my sister’s grandchildren, under 30 years, have been vaccinated. Most of them have had CoVid, some catching it from their also vaccinated partner.

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Let me guess. The don't connect the dots.

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She should learn to respect her elders: knowledge may come from books, but experience and wisdom comes from age.

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Ah!! "Information" comes from books. 😁 "The fear of the Lord (The Creator, Almighty God) is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction." proverbs 1:7

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Better burden than wisdom

the wanderer cannot carry;

Better than gold it serves

to help those who are harmless

Havamal, from Eddan, the song of the One on High

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The most adamantine, hive-minded people I know when it comes to Covid are those in the medical-healthcare complex. Maybe it's something about that whole memorization> regurgitation> standardization thing that starts in Chem 1A freshman year and continues through residency, and into their jobs at now mostly corporate medical group employers? I know an MD who vaxxed her four girls under the age of 8 because she had a young patient die of Covid. If that isn't the most absurd case of the power of the cult vs. science/statistics I don't know what is. She thought I was nuts for shunning the vax at my 'advanced age' (69) even though she knows that it is how healthy and fit you are--not simply your age--that defines your Covid risk. Well, I got Covid last month and she was surprised that I beat it in 7 days with only C, D3, zinc, Quercetin, and aspirin. Now she still thinks I should get vaxxed. Unbelievable.

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Lawrence. I am glad, and not surprised at all that you beat the corona within a short time. We know that it is what happens to the vast majority of people who do not have other serious problems. But people have been led to believe that getting covid is a death sentence.

You mentioned something in your post that I believe is a key point: standardization... People in the medical science have been indoctrinated to believe that standardization is equal to quality, when it is usually quite the opposite. "Standard" things are usually mediocre. The real great ones in history (Gandhi, Galileo, DaVinci...) were anything except standard.

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"don't believe in medicine" what an absurd statement.

"You don't want to take an experimental injection that's utterly failed in it's primary purpose, might be achieving the opposite and it has the worst side effect profile of anything ever? What are you, anti-medicine?"

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And when did medicine become a religion, a matter of belief?

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I know second hand of a young guy studying epidemiology. He seems to have started off by doing something like above. But more recently he expressed some fairly strong fear about jab # 3 due to his brother having ended up in hospital after his first with what is probably myocarditis. Still got it though. But that resistance is probably going to kick in strongly at #4

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and by then likely too late to salvage any immune system, another damaged human.

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Employers already check inappropriate posts before hiring folks. Maybe this will be a new benchmark for the smart ones, who saw the data, analyzed it and avoided the jabs to the best of their ability. Whereas this young lady has the same credibility as a tiktok dancer.

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Doctors can be some of the dumbest smart people around. I had a check up with my cardiologist and asked him his opinion on the vaccines and myocarditis. He said that the vaccines were very safe and that he had read multiple studies about how low the risk of myocarditis was. He said the risk of myocarditis "is literally 1 in 500,000 - about the same as getting stuck by lightning".

I asked if he had seen any cases in his patients and he said, "Yes, I have only had 8 cases bad enough to require hospitalization."

Now I didn't go to Med school, but I did pass High School Algebra and even stayed a Holiday Inn once. If the risk in 1/500,000, then he would have to treat 4 million patients to have 8 cases, no? (8/4,000,000 = 1/500,000). And that's not even accounting for the fact that he was only talking about the cases that required hospitalization - I asked him "any", which implies that he had other cases that didn't require hospitalization.

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the cognitive dissonance is astonishing. Also the idea that myocarditis is mild. If it's taking someone out of their regular activities and forcing lifestyle adaptation then even if not hospitalized I'd say that's more than mild

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You should have asked him how many of his patients have been struck by lightning

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You are wrong. He is correct. He is just the most unlucky doctor in the world being hit with all the cases of myocarditis in the country. Now, he can even write a study himself based one the hospitalisation incidence in his patients: only 1 in 2 milion or so vaccinated people get hospitalised with myocarditis... I suggest you propose him to write one. The science will kick back against those petty racist fringe minority of antivaxxers.

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You can take my word in relation to this subject. I taught in a medical school for 34 years. I TRIED to teach my students to be critical readers of the literature. But the system teaches them to become "guideline followers". And of course, the "guidelines" are dictated by "experts" who receive $$$ from Pharm. So, poor Gabriella believes that being a medical student qualifies her as "informed". It is terrible.

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I have lost much of my respect for the medical profession in recent years (started pre-Covid). The reason I have a cardiologist in the first place is that I ended up in the ER with chest pains and sky-high blood pressure. I thought I was having a heart attack (I didn't). The docs tried to put me on statins BEFORE they did any blood work. I declined and said I wanted to see the test results first. Turns out my cholesterol #'s were just fine.

I was overweight and out of shape. I went on a keto diet and started exercising. I lost >40 lbs in 4 months and BP came down. When I went in for a follow-up the cardiologist tried to warn me that keto was dangerous and again recommended statins (recall my cholesterol #'s were good). I decided that he is basically a pharma salesman.

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Yes, many years ago the talk became about "evidence based medicine", "best practices", and guideline thereof. Which all sounds wonderful at first, but eventually just turns into centralized control of medicine. Which then gives govt the whip hand to dictate, just as we've seen during this fiasco.

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Agree 100% Alfred. At first, the idea of "evidence based medicine" seemed like a great idea. The message to doctors appeared to be: read the literature, do your own critical appraisal, and practice medicine according to the evidence... but unfortunately, most doctors are too lazy to do that, so it became "follow the guidelines of the evidence dictated by 'expert' panels". It is a disgrace.

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Two major problems with doctors:

1) they are usually not critical thinkers. They become doctors by memorizing and doing what they are told.

2) They are arrogant

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And don't forget that the new generation of doctors adds a third problem: They are stupid.

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Don't be surprised. As a BC doc with decades of experience, "[I ]have never expressed more disappointment or disapproval over a decision" by most doctors to support an experimental gene therapy that was "approved" without proper testing and that is injuring and killing thousands. My colleagues are morons and cowards. They are incapable of independent thought and are afraid to even recognize adverse events let alone report them. Yes Gabriella, you are "uneducated" and worse.

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Tuition paid by Pfizer….sooner or later

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Oh yes, it is a form of slavery.

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You don't have to be able to read a clinical study. You just gotta believe.

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I am medical school faculty. I have commented on this before. Many medical students are smart and see through much of this. As with the regular population there are those that just go along. And, because admission standards have been largely deprecated to make the two most important criteria for medical school admission demographic group and Social Justice Warrior score, the intellectual ability to discern anything from anything is lacking for a substantial number of medical students now -- something that would not have been true 20 years ago.

This is why all medical schools have been ordered (or lose accreditation by the worst organization out there -- the LCME) to go to pass/fail -- then they can just pass at whatever secret score they wish. Of course, to keep this covered up, they have also changed board exams to pass/fail as well.

I would pick my physicians from the over age 45 cohort if I were you. My class has sworn a pact to care for each other until the last of us dies. There is a reason for that.

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Literally just had a conversation with a retired physician. He was ALL in on the Covid crazy train. I’ve noticed age has nothing to do with it. I’m 100% convinced it’s political affiliation. Tell me how you feel about Covid and I can tell you how you voted in the last election. The more Covid insane, the more Biden vibes I’m getting

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I wasn't ruling out politics, of course. Just noting that anything said by a medical student was likely to be of even less value now than it once was (they are students, after all, and like all students are sure they know more than anyone...)

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I think retired physicians are more willing to speak out than an employed one. Nothing to lose…

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Passing a law that prohibits Pharma from advertising on TV, medical journals and paying med schools to 'test' their products and finally from giving the CDC, Fauci and the government - including 'campaign contributions' will stop their influence. Next pass a law where they are liable for their medical malpractice would be nice.

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It's hard to explain how perplexed the past 2.5+ yrs have been to me. Likely, I'm just ignorant. I've been in drug development for 30 yrs; over a decade spent as research scientist at PFE, another decade at ABBV/ABT, plus another decade at two top notch biotechs in cell and gene tx w/ 21 approved NDAs and BLAs in my quiver... I've compared, side by side, the quality, non-clin, and clinical reviews from just 5-10 yrs ago to the "therapies" available now for COVID. How we abandoned well recognized standards, simple biostats, AE/SAE assessment, trending, pharmacology, toxicology, biodistribution and definition of clinical efficacy so quickly and blindly, is just beyond comprehension. Retirement can't come soon enough; can't wait to get out of this circus and fret for what is going to be considered the 'standard' in future...

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What's really depressing is that 58.6k actually liked that woefully uninformed tweet. I left a reply pointing out it was sad that her education was only teaching her how to be beholden to big pharma, not to think critically or do her own research. It won't matter diddly squat that 58.6k people agreed with her when/if she discovers that her immune system has been damaged or she can't have children.

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Immediately what came to mind was the advice I often see posted about Covid to 'ask your Doctor."

What makes them think "your Doctor" does any more research than watching Fauci and Walensky on CNN? If so where does he go, the secret web site the 'truth checkers' use? What are the chances 'your Doctor' has ever even heard of el gato malo,, Dr. Chris Mortensen, or "Covid conspiracy theorist Alex Berenson"?

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My doctor is the biggest, sweetest goofball in town. I avoid him at all costs.

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My doctor and her doctor husband have a GP practice, wonderful people. I mostly self diagnose, however, and just go in to check boxes and get whatever prescription or treatment might be necessary at a given time. They don't object and don't pressure me (not even for the vaxxes), thank goodness, but despite what a lovely pair they are, I don't go there to find a diagnosis from them because I won't get it. They just aren't that informed, and I suspect their learning mostly ended when they finished residency.

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well, I took 6 years of nursing school in the 70's. I learned a lot of pharmacology and immunology, and a lot about vaccines. They were not pushing flu vaccines back then, bc pharma had not seen the windfall of $$$$ potential for government funding.

Anyway, most people do not understand leaky vaccines. I am not a nurse anymore but I do read a lot, and continue to learn. Mainly because friends family strangers and neighbors all ask for free medical advice. I give it freely. This girl should be ashamed for disrespecting her parents on twitter. That is crass

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"This girl should be ashamed for disrespecting her parents on twitter." You're absolutely right.

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"I'm a doctor not a mathematician"

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I was Pre Med and spent 2 years in medical school in Italy. Glad I didn’t finish but it gave me a proper perspective on all this I probably wouldn’t have if I had not gone down that path. It’s not just about intelligence, it’s about the ability to discern. You have to have both but the latter is probably more important than the former.

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More a matter of not being naive than being educated. Any reasonably intelligent person who does a little homework will reject injections employing a radical new technology with no medium or long term testing, not to mention a dreadful short term safety record, which have now proven to be ineffective...no special intelligence or expensive training required.

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Nice job, gato. She took down her twitter account

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First of all she's using a fallacious argument. Basically an appeal to authority. Just the other day I was reading a comment from a nurse that posted on Twitter that seemed like she was absolutely blindsided by the fact that she now has myocarditis after being vaccinated. How does a nurse not understand that myocarditis is a real possibility with these vaccines? But....but.....but...she is a nurse.

My favorite quote about science by Richard Feynman "Scientific knowledge is a body of statements of varying degrees of certainty -- some most unsure, some nearly sure, none absolutely certain."

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By the way I had just seen she posted a long comment on here and now I do not see it and I also see that it doesn't look like her Twitter exist. Did she really feel that stupid after reading the comments and deleted everything or am I just missing something?

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Here is her post, preserved for posterity (can't help you with Twitter):

Gabby33 min ago·edited 30 min ago

Gabriella here and to be completely honest I'm a little sad to read this thread. I'm just a normal 23 year old girl who is learning each and every day. I have never claimed to be an almighty ever knowing power. If you met me in real life you'd realize I'm not full of myself, I'm not an ego-maniac, and I surely do not claim to be an expert at everything. But I do believe that I am aptly educated in the field of science. Over the next 10 years of residency I am sure I will gain even more knowledge and I look forward to it! I treat all of my patients with respect, kindness, and understanding. Because many people will not share my views on many topics but I went into medicine to be a support to the patients I see. If someone disagrees I have no problem sitting back and listening to their concerns and their thought process. I am not a perfect medical student, I am not a perfect person. I have never claimed to be and I continue to be open minded and truly excited and passionate about the learning I am doing. I just want to address a few points that I have read as I perused this thread. There is a lot of misinformation on here. My parents decided not to get vaccinated and I have 100% respected that choice, I have not attempted to force them into anything I haven't even tried to persuade them. We had a first initial conversation on the topic and they relayed to me their discomfort over the vaccine and my response was, "I respect your choice :)". I am not some monster who does not respect my parents' or others right to make medical decisions. The core of the tweet is that my right to choose my own medical decisions was not being respected by my parents. And that, is where my frustration stems from. I've also read comments claiming that I haven't taken basic science, organic chemistry, ethics, or any course that explains how to read a research study. I have! I excelled in those courses but that is besides the point. I am not saying that as a student I have the knowledge set to make decisions for the health of others. Truthfully as a student I think I would have to be mighty full of myself and full of hubris to make decisions for others without having completed my education. But I do think I am capable of making these decisions for myself which is the initial point of my tweet. I have read this entire thread and overall I just see a lot of people, like myself, trying to make sense of a huge historical


Gabby30 min ago

event that we are living through. I hope you can all see me as the 23 year old that I am, just trying my best to LEARN. The passion for learning and growing is there, I am looking forward to the experience that will come in the next decade, two, three etc. Because I am a life long learner. I hope y'all have an excellent day.

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Thank you Lyn.

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Ahhh, medical students....a combination of much needed altruism and all too much ego. A second year medical student does not know about vaccines and vaccinology because it is not taught in medical school. I learned about them during my public health masters education. Was it biased? Yes. It was not until the past 2 years that I learned about the system we have in place that develops, authorizes, regulates and monitors their safety. That system pretty much sucks. A newbee medical student won't know about that. They will only know about the cool mRNA technology and any of the narrative their medical school teaches them. It is unlikely any professor of medicine or pharmacology will discuss vaccines from a nonbiased neutral stance like the pros and cons. Not these days. They risk losing their job. So, we have no balance in the system to teach young doctors in training, like Gabriella, to think critically and look at the trials, data and independent studies. Of course any studies published on vaccines are distinctly biased because our medical journals are heavily funded by pharma ads.

If a medical student, like Gabriella, want to be a surgeon she had better toughen up. Its still an old boys club and there is no room for whining, mistakes or lack of judgement. I know, I trained at one of the harshest surgical residency programs.

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Doctors do not generally get good statistical training. They struggle even with very basic probability and data analysis. That became manifest during the pandemic, but was already well-known before:


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