This is how they are getting my 19 y.o. who - understandably - wants to live her life fully: concerts, international travel, college, etc. I'm trying as hard as I can to warn her of all the potential risks, the vax-injured young people, etc. But science does NOT matter. Remember how we all felt invincible at that age? All her friends are jabbed and "doing well, momma". I'm heartbroken and hopeless at this point. And fear that my junior olympian (17 y.o.) will be next if they take away his ability to run track at varsity level. To say that I'm angry and devastated is an understatement.

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My daughter and my son (23 and 19, respectively) ran out and took the jab as soon as it was available. They didn't care what I had to say about the risk, "we'll be fine, dad!" Well, my mom did the same thing and dismisses anything I say about the vaccine as a "rant."

Fortunately, they are fine, and it seems they are long out of the "worry window." But wow, this is scary stuff.

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I was at a physical therapy appointment today and the 3 students doing their rotation there were giddy talking about being able to go and get their "boosters" next week. They were so excited. I was gobsmacked. I could not believe it. My daughter 26 had covid in Feb and she says not just no but hell no to the vaccine.

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You are both blessed. Glad that you're daughter is wise enough to know that she doesn't need it. I mean, none of the kids need those toxic jabs. Period. But they are being lied to. Although COERCION is the strongest stick being used on our kids. :-(

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As Winston Churchhill said"...never give in, never give in, never, never, never - in nothing, great or small, large or petty - never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense." Oct. 29, 1941 I have talked to my daughter a lot especially being a biology major from years ago. the Vaccine doesn't keep you from getting the virus. The vaccine does NOT sterilize the virus. you can give it to others. the vaccine was created for the original wild alpha virus not the delta. They are in effect putting a crazy mRNA vaccine in their body for a virus that doesn't exist any more. and the more we vaccinate the higher the likely hood will be that the DELTA mutates to another stronger more voracious virus and that will be dooms day for all of us b/c it will not respond to the vaccine in any way shape or form. It will be catastrophic. Isn't it insane that nobody in our CDC or NIH or FDA are communicating that to any of us in the country or around the world. It's more dangerous to be vaccinating right now and boostering right now than ever before.

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Bravo Churchill. And his following sentence is "Never yield to force. Never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy." We are all facing this now.

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like I told my husband yesterday (when I managed to convince my daughter to cancel her appt at Walgreens): I won the battle but not the war. Each day comes with new challenges, for sure. I'm in this war for the long haul because they (big pharma, CDC, FDA, Biden et al., WEF, WHO) are coming after MY healthy CHILDREN. All I have left is to fight for my kids and all children. May the truth come out in the next 6 months!! The clock is ticking and THOUSANDS have died unnecessarily from these shots. Thanks for Churchill's quote!!

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A Western youth is no match for an elite team of game theorists and behavioral psychologists.

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It's unnerving. Especially because there are zero data on long-term effects. We may end up with a young population suffering from debilitating allergies, autoimmune disorders, or worse. And there's no way to remove the mRNA 'factory', either.

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I understand that by NOT taking more shots the body will eventually remove "the factory."

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wait, please clarify. From what I've read, the mRNA instructions are there permanently, and the body becomes a factory of whatever it's meant to produce (I'm tired today). Have you found research to the contrary?

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I saw a video a while ago with someone with expertise saying that if you stop taking the poison it will eventually be purged from the body.

Sadly, I can't remember where I saw it.

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Till they have health problems in 5 years, or find they're infertile o.t have random cancer, no one can explain.

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That...is a terrible thought. I want to have grandkids, but imagine if my kids discovered they couldn't have children?!

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Yes. It. Is. Might not happen, but given they way they are forcing jabs with almost NO history of medical evidence to prove its safe, is really horrible of them, since kids have almost zero danger of dying from actual covid. Praying it won't damage them, but the potential is there and being ignored.

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As I explained to my daughter in one of our heated arguments (all I'm asking her is to WAIT a year to have more data on her age group), as painful and devastating her death would be to me, the prospect of her suffering a debilitating and painful condition for the rest of her life (she's only 19) would be even worse.

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I't is scary, since NO ONE knows what will happen... hoping it's not a prob, but it's our job to at least try and warn them...😏

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It's not just the kids that are succumbing. The social pressure to vaccinate is HUGE, never mind the mandates...

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Sep 24, 2021
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Scary as hell to have no control nor influence on their decisions. Smart kids with no critical thinking skills, I'm afraid. Or os it the urge to live in the moment and not miss a concert? I just can't deal with that thought process. Immediate satisfaction at all cost.

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It's no longer about "trust the science" it's "trust the goverment". Because the government *is* science.

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excuse me mr brad, but i think maybe you misspelled "obey the government."

because i think maybe trusting them has nothing to do with it.

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One of the disturbing things is knowing that at least several people read this before it was released and thought it was a great message 🤦‍♀️. I am ever more convinced that Covid has permanently damaged brain cells in the weak-natured.

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Emotional marketing always works better than fact based marketing sad to say!

Also, does anyone else get a bit of a chill of anger when they read "Continue to enjoy RECENTLY RESTORED freedoms...". I'm no genius but I'm pretty sure that's NOT how freedom is supposed to work

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The most telling line is "continue to enjoy recently restored freedoms". That message implies that government decides what your freedoms are and whether you can enjoy them or not. Completely disregards our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Worse, kids this age will not question that and begin to believe that government is the arbiter of freedoms.

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"continue to enjoy recently restored freedoms" ...

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...which are ours to extend or revoke at will

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Any kitty I know instantly smells the tuna out of the can and knows it is good to eat, no further persuasion required.

Whereas if the main selling point of a thing is that your basic rights become contingent on it, it only smells fishy in a figurative sense.

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"Continue to enjoy recently restored freedoms."

I don't recognize America anymore.

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The letter was from the NHS, the U.K. health service.

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True, but the same kind of marketing is being done in the USA.

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*facepalms* Yes.

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"Recently restored freedoms." The nerve.

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NOR do they mention parental permission. Or even knowlege!

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In San Francisco, children 12 and up can get the vaccine without parental consent.

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Yeah, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. In fact, there are a lot of things that children can do without parental knowledge that are worse than getting the vaccine, but every little bit hurts.

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I didn't mean to imply that was a good thing. I think it's outrageous especially since children can't give informed consent and will be swayed more than adults would be by peer pressure.

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Yeah, sorry if I came off as thinking you liked it. That wasn't in my thought process, but I can see where you might think it was.

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There are several countries in that case. I wonder how this can hold water legally. I mean, is it not a widespread feature of minors that they are not responsible and that parents are responsible for them? I know that kids can go to the grocer's and buy candies but this is an accepted exception to the rule, not a real right to enter agreements...

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I think this is an artifact of the changes in some locations in the US (not sure about other countries) that make it possible for children to take hormonal medications (for gender dysphoria) and in some states abortions, without parental notification. That is what I was referring to above in "worse than getting the vaccine."

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Looking at risk of getting severe illness compared to adverse reaction , there doesn't seem to be a health reason for them to get it.

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I am aware of a global company with a US presence of around 15K people that is introducing crazy incentives for vaccination. VAXXed will be in drawing for several prizes of over $75K each and many other smaller, but still situation changing amounts. Such large amounts make it difficult to hold out, especially with the threat of mandatory vax in the workplace being held over one's head in the future.

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Right now NYC is offering $100 for every kid 12-18 who takes a jab. From the rollout there were free $35 Metrocards w shots & pop up COVID testing has blanketed the streets since last summer.

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This is unbelievable! They are using a vaccine to lure children into thinking that having a normal free life is only attainable by putting a substance in your body. They are also teaching children and teens that they don't have a right to lead a normal free life. That there are requirements put into place by authorities that have to be met in order to be "Free" to live life. What a horrible message and it is completely opposite from what our declaration of independence and bill of rights bestows on man. I just want to throw up reading this.

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Remember being that age? You're invincible, and you don't particularly thing long term. That's part of the criminality of what the govt is doing by targeting those vulnerabilities of that age group.

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Also, check this out:

"It turns out that, even using this age adjusted mortality rate, the death rate is currently higher among the vaccinated than the unvaccinated. "


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Oh for focks sake!!! Taking away their fun, just to use the children as lab rats... despicable.

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NYC vaccine campaign has been relentless since lockdown day one with radio, TV and subway-street billboard campaigns targeting by demographics w six languages. Especially offensive new are teen targeted w EUA jab for over twelve & rolled out w Mayor's mandate for vaccine passports for anywhere fun, bar, gym, movie etc.. tag line roughly.. "enjoy the privileges of Freedom pass just show proof of vaccination w CDC card, NY Excelsior QR code.. etc "

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"Privileges of freedom." By definition, a privilege can be taken away. I see the powers that be are preparing people to see freedom as something that is revocable. Sounds so distopian.

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@gato - related to your other posts recently.. have you looked into Singapore? Rapid mass vaccination (over 80% fully vaxxed) and cases soaring / new daily high death count. Also happens to be one of the most mask compliant places on earth.

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Since most commenters have mentioned the Orwellian "recently restored freedoms" line, I'm not even going to mention it. But did anyone other than me read that web address as https://CULT.ly-vaccination?

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Large local company doing raffles for $15k to vaxxed employees. We're one of the lowest vaxxed populations in the country.

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Wanting your kitten to grow up big and strong would be considered "able-ist" nowadays.

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My son has had Covid. He had a sore throat and fever. Cleared it in about 48 hours. Now he wants to get vaxed so he can do all the social events etc. Its tough. So far we have been able to hold the line here.

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My grand niece had Covid over the summer, but just started at UCSB where the vaxx is required. Her dad advised her not to do it, but you can imagine how that went. She was vaxxed and was extremely ill for more than a week. Much worse than her COVID infection. Fortunately she is fine now... for now. All my adult kids and grandchildren enthusiastically got vaxxed. How did I raise a little flock of sheep?

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Its so ridiculous that they dont accept prior infection as a waiver form the jab. The people that have had covid have the worst side effects.

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This is what makes me the most suspicious of the entire thing. They insist you take it, NO MATTER WHAT, and "what" can encompass things like having already had the virus! There is no medical logic to that.

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No, I'm sure you didn't. You raised them to think freely and they did: they followed their path, even though It has dangerous and full of sheep 😉

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I blame their father.😁

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I love free I do not ask

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Reason 4 sounds more like a threat than anything positive., but then I guess it is.

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Sep 24, 2021
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Interesting that the brochure says that “COVID-19 is spread through droplets breathed out from the nose or mouth, particularly when speaking or coughing. It can also be picked up by touching your eyes, nose and mouth after contact with contaminated objects and surfaces.”

I thought that was old news. That it’s spread by aerosols, which defy most masks.

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