This is how they are getting my 19 y.o. who - understandably - wants to live her life fully: concerts, international travel, college, etc. I'm trying as hard as I can to warn her of all the potential risks, the vax-injured young people, etc. But science does NOT matter. Remember how we all felt invincible at that age? All her friends are jabbed and "doing well, momma". I'm heartbroken and hopeless at this point. And fear that my junior olympian (17 y.o.) will be next if they take away his ability to run track at varsity level. To say that I'm angry and devastated is an understatement.

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It's no longer about "trust the science" it's "trust the goverment". Because the government *is* science.

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One of the disturbing things is knowing that at least several people read this before it was released and thought it was a great message 🤦‍♀️. I am ever more convinced that Covid has permanently damaged brain cells in the weak-natured.

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Emotional marketing always works better than fact based marketing sad to say!

Also, does anyone else get a bit of a chill of anger when they read "Continue to enjoy RECENTLY RESTORED freedoms...". I'm no genius but I'm pretty sure that's NOT how freedom is supposed to work

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The most telling line is "continue to enjoy recently restored freedoms". That message implies that government decides what your freedoms are and whether you can enjoy them or not. Completely disregards our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Worse, kids this age will not question that and begin to believe that government is the arbiter of freedoms.

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"continue to enjoy recently restored freedoms" ...

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Any kitty I know instantly smells the tuna out of the can and knows it is good to eat, no further persuasion required.

Whereas if the main selling point of a thing is that your basic rights become contingent on it, it only smells fishy in a figurative sense.

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"Continue to enjoy recently restored freedoms."

I don't recognize America anymore.

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"Recently restored freedoms." The nerve.

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NOR do they mention parental permission. Or even knowlege!

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Looking at risk of getting severe illness compared to adverse reaction , there doesn't seem to be a health reason for them to get it.

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I am aware of a global company with a US presence of around 15K people that is introducing crazy incentives for vaccination. VAXXed will be in drawing for several prizes of over $75K each and many other smaller, but still situation changing amounts. Such large amounts make it difficult to hold out, especially with the threat of mandatory vax in the workplace being held over one's head in the future.

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This is unbelievable! They are using a vaccine to lure children into thinking that having a normal free life is only attainable by putting a substance in your body. They are also teaching children and teens that they don't have a right to lead a normal free life. That there are requirements put into place by authorities that have to be met in order to be "Free" to live life. What a horrible message and it is completely opposite from what our declaration of independence and bill of rights bestows on man. I just want to throw up reading this.

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Remember being that age? You're invincible, and you don't particularly thing long term. That's part of the criminality of what the govt is doing by targeting those vulnerabilities of that age group.

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Also, check this out:

"It turns out that, even using this age adjusted mortality rate, the death rate is currently higher among the vaccinated than the unvaccinated. "


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Oh for focks sake!!! Taking away their fun, just to use the children as lab rats... despicable.

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NYC vaccine campaign has been relentless since lockdown day one with radio, TV and subway-street billboard campaigns targeting by demographics w six languages. Especially offensive new are teen targeted w EUA jab for over twelve & rolled out w Mayor's mandate for vaccine passports for anywhere fun, bar, gym, movie etc.. tag line roughly.. "enjoy the privileges of Freedom pass just show proof of vaccination w CDC card, NY Excelsior QR code.. etc "

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@gato - related to your other posts recently.. have you looked into Singapore? Rapid mass vaccination (over 80% fully vaxxed) and cases soaring / new daily high death count. Also happens to be one of the most mask compliant places on earth.

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Since most commenters have mentioned the Orwellian "recently restored freedoms" line, I'm not even going to mention it. But did anyone other than me read that web address as https://CULT.ly-vaccination?

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Large local company doing raffles for $15k to vaxxed employees. We're one of the lowest vaxxed populations in the country.

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Wanting your kitten to grow up big and strong would be considered "able-ist" nowadays.

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My son has had Covid. He had a sore throat and fever. Cleared it in about 48 hours. Now he wants to get vaxed so he can do all the social events etc. Its tough. So far we have been able to hold the line here.

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I love free I do not ask

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Reason 4 sounds more like a threat than anything positive., but then I guess it is.

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