look, i am just a kitten and literature is not really my best subject, but jeez you guys, these modern morality plays about how the same people who seek unaccountable power to terrorize little kids are also probably the ones most likely to project this failing onto anyone who tries to stop them seem like they are maybe a little too on the nose, no?
i mean, even the greek tragedies are more subtle than this and they had stuff like parents eating children and choirs of eagle ladies scratching at people!
but this seems way crazier!
and honestly, it’s just one fluffball’s opinion, but i think that probably this name is a little schmaltzy, don’t you?
i mean, i love nominative determinism as much as the next gatito, but naming the persecutor of mancubs “slaven”?
that’s like naming the bad guy in a spanish eco thriller “cabron de oxhide”..
where I live we still have mask mandates in schools. the school board and administrators are being such good little totalitarians. All they ever say when confronted with the facts of the uselessness of masking and the political abusive nature of it is that "we are just following the state and the CDC's guidelines and mandates"
There is never any accountability just "we are following orders" Its disgusting. Several of these people have admitted to me privately that they hate it. But are afraid because they are only 5 years from retirement in the public system and dont want to jeopardize their careers.
A group of us have been anonymously trolling the school board and administrators with emails from these private encrypted email sites. Noone is opening advocating violence, because none of us believes in violence as a way to solve complex social problems. None of us ever wants to see large scale political violence again come ( yes again remember the was to prevent SOuthern independence) to the United States. But we have made it very clear, that we think they ,( the school system leaders) are complicit in a crime against innocent children. A sick sadistic sacrificial dominance ritual. And that none of us will ever forget it. ANd we will do everything in our power to hold them accountable. Including harsh criminal penalties. There is a limit to how far a peace-loving respectful moral person can be pushed when they are being expropriated and victimized by craven parasitic sociopaths who are living at OUR expense. At least we havent surrendered our weapons like the Australians. Masking might be useless and insulting but for many of us its not a hill to die on. However, coerced injection of children with experimental drugs and weapons confiscation , now those are non starters.
Don’t you just love the’I’m just following the rules’ bs. I so want to ask them what my mother used to tell me as a kid when I said ‘everyone else is doing it.’ Her reply was ‘You gonna jump off a bridge cause everyone else is doing it?’ Lemmings one and all. 🤨
My letter to our local scouting program (cc’ing the board members at the private school which hosted them) began, “As parents have pushed back against the mandate to mask our children, there has been no shortage of finger-pointing. The [scouting program] leadership has blamed the school board, which has blamed the city, which has blamed the county, which has blamed the state, which has blamed the CDC -an unelected bureaucratic agency accountable to none of us. No one making these rules is claiming the responsibility for them. Instead, each of you has pointed to some other entity as the reason that this policy must be forced on our children. I find it amazing that with all this finger-pointing, not a single one of you has managed to point to a shred of scientific evidence to back up these mandates.”
There is a clear correlation: The more left leaning/Democrat a person or administration is the more likely that they will favor or impose draconian restrictions.
Freedom has become a foreign notion for Democrats/Leftists and that is really scary since leftists have majority/control in key institutions, companies and government agencies even in Red states.
“[A] . . . trait . . . which, in my eyes best describes socialists of all schools and shades, is a profound opposition to personal liberty and scorn for individual reason, a complete contempt for the individual. They unceasingly attempt to mutilate, curtail, to obstruct personal freedom in any and all ways. They hold that the State must not only act as the director of society, but must further be master of each man, and not only master, but keeper and trainer. For fear of allowing him to err, the State must place itself forever by his side, above him, around him better to guide him to maintain him, in a word, to confine him . . . to sum up what socialism is, I would say that it was simply a new system of serfdom.”
Its not “becoming” it always was that. The first Mass left this movement was the French reign of terror. It’s always been about remaking humanity in human civilization by force. The premises that human beings are flawed degenerates thar couldnt be good to one another unless you force them to and they need wise elite disinterested overlords to guide them towards enlightenment. Progressives and leftists worship power. Emotionally many of these people are immature, infantile and lack empathy
I had a minor confrontation with the School Nurse yesterday about my son's initial MMR vaccine being at 10.8 months (between 9 and 12 months was the guidance at the time). She demanded MMR re-vaccination in order to be allowed to stay in school.
This is the sort of derangement we are now dealing with. It is overflowing into other areas. Any excuse to exert "vaccine mandates", to the extent of counting days on vaccinations taken years ago.
The school has started mandating masks in response to the county recommendation.
I went in to school without one. On entry to her office I inquired as to whether I should mask.
She went off on a long diatribe about how sick she had been with Covid19 blah, blah, blah. Judging by her age, obesity and poor hygiene I'm surprised she's not a Covid19 death statistic. I pointed out my family had just recently had Covid19 (basically as problematic as a common cold) and were thus not possible disease vectors.
This lead to another diatribe which essentially stated the "I'm following orders" model.
Rational discourse with this person is not amongst the available options, as she exerts all her "power" to implement the tyranny she so clearly loves.
The stupidest most detestable person I have met this week!
Terrible. Close your eyes for 5 min and breathe deeply and picture an azure sky , gentle breeze and birds… i am surrounded by people like this here in NNJ
Back when the Patriot Act was passed, the debate over it was mostly limited to “you love Islam and hate America and think George Bush is Hitler” and “you are all racists and bigots and Bush is, in fact, Hitler.”
A vanishingly tiny percentage of participants said something about slippery slopes and rights. But the “Bush is Hitler” and “you hate America” crowd barely noticed them. And when they did, they ignored them completely. On the extremely rare occasions in which they could not be ignored, they tried to cram them into their respective “you hate America”/“Bush is Hitler” buckets and moved on.
"A new type of superstition has got hold of peoples minds, the worship of the state. People demand the exercise of the methods of coercion and compulsion, of violence and threat. Woe to anybody who does not bend his knee to the fashionable idols!"
~ Ludwig von Mises, Omnipotent Government, p. 11
Thought I'd throw this out there as it is both relevant and yesterday was Mises' 140th birthday.
“Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty.”
~ Saul Alinsky
Hypocrisy, projection and double standards have always been foundational pillars of the modern left.
But in the last 18 months they have dialed it up to truly breathtaking levels.
Supine school boards across the nation have terrorized and abused children, infuriated parents push back, and the boards appeal to the Feds to protect them from terrorists who just incinerated seven children in Afghanistan, "fighting terrorism", don't you know.
Just when you think you can't get any deeper into the surreal, the sun rises yet again.
Leftists always gain control/majority by the systematic use of political discrimination in hirings, workplace practices and services to filter out dissenting voices.
They have been doing that for years in the open and any place where leftists have overwhelming majority is a living testimony of that reality; and that always have been the modus operandi of totalitarian forces.
Today there is almost no important institution or government agency that is not controlled by leftists anywhere.
True, every word. All as they complain the right is “totalitarian.” One of the purest examples of splitting off and projecting you can possibly imagine.
I'v always wondered why "school shooters" have not targeted the teachers, rather than their student cohort.
Or did that happen and I didn't notice.
Defunding the police is at best short sighted, at worst suicidal policy for a society being herded along the diversity path, setting sub-groups against each other socially, ideologically and soon physically
Gato, thank you for you work. Sadly, the grim reality is that I see no progress. I see nothing changing. All I see is more dystopian tyrannical bullshit on a daily basis with zero measurable resistance, or at least zero in the sense that it's not changing the outcomes. As I'm sure you're aware, today California mandated vaccines for every student, public and private. And other states are destined to follow this tyranny, because if they don't, the elites won't have a sideways science leg to stand on.
where I live we still have mask mandates in schools. the school board and administrators are being such good little totalitarians. All they ever say when confronted with the facts of the uselessness of masking and the political abusive nature of it is that "we are just following the state and the CDC's guidelines and mandates"
There is never any accountability just "we are following orders" Its disgusting. Several of these people have admitted to me privately that they hate it. But are afraid because they are only 5 years from retirement in the public system and dont want to jeopardize their careers.
A group of us have been anonymously trolling the school board and administrators with emails from these private encrypted email sites. Noone is opening advocating violence, because none of us believes in violence as a way to solve complex social problems. None of us ever wants to see large scale political violence again come ( yes again remember the was to prevent SOuthern independence) to the United States. But we have made it very clear, that we think they ,( the school system leaders) are complicit in a crime against innocent children. A sick sadistic sacrificial dominance ritual. And that none of us will ever forget it. ANd we will do everything in our power to hold them accountable. Including harsh criminal penalties. There is a limit to how far a peace-loving respectful moral person can be pushed when they are being expropriated and victimized by craven parasitic sociopaths who are living at OUR expense. At least we havent surrendered our weapons like the Australians. Masking might be useless and insulting but for many of us its not a hill to die on. However, coerced injection of children with experimental drugs and weapons confiscation , now those are non starters.
Don’t you just love the’I’m just following the rules’ bs. I so want to ask them what my mother used to tell me as a kid when I said ‘everyone else is doing it.’ Her reply was ‘You gonna jump off a bridge cause everyone else is doing it?’ Lemmings one and all. 🤨
Aboslutely. We are living through a mass hysteria, a mass delusion , driven by fear ; like a war hysteria
My letter to our local scouting program (cc’ing the board members at the private school which hosted them) began, “As parents have pushed back against the mandate to mask our children, there has been no shortage of finger-pointing. The [scouting program] leadership has blamed the school board, which has blamed the city, which has blamed the county, which has blamed the state, which has blamed the CDC -an unelected bureaucratic agency accountable to none of us. No one making these rules is claiming the responsibility for them. Instead, each of you has pointed to some other entity as the reason that this policy must be forced on our children. I find it amazing that with all this finger-pointing, not a single one of you has managed to point to a shred of scientific evidence to back up these mandates.”
Following orders and getting big bucks to mask kids. This mom exposed them in Illinois, I think. https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1441167029000605701.html
There is a clear correlation: The more left leaning/Democrat a person or administration is the more likely that they will favor or impose draconian restrictions.
Freedom has become a foreign notion for Democrats/Leftists and that is really scary since leftists have majority/control in key institutions, companies and government agencies even in Red states.
Leftism is becoming synonym with totalitarianism.
“[A] . . . trait . . . which, in my eyes best describes socialists of all schools and shades, is a profound opposition to personal liberty and scorn for individual reason, a complete contempt for the individual. They unceasingly attempt to mutilate, curtail, to obstruct personal freedom in any and all ways. They hold that the State must not only act as the director of society, but must further be master of each man, and not only master, but keeper and trainer. For fear of allowing him to err, the State must place itself forever by his side, above him, around him better to guide him to maintain him, in a word, to confine him . . . to sum up what socialism is, I would say that it was simply a new system of serfdom.”
~ Alexis de Tocqueville, September 12, 1848
Its not “becoming” it always was that. The first Mass left this movement was the French reign of terror. It’s always been about remaking humanity in human civilization by force. The premises that human beings are flawed degenerates thar couldnt be good to one another unless you force them to and they need wise elite disinterested overlords to guide them towards enlightenment. Progressives and leftists worship power. Emotionally many of these people are immature, infantile and lack empathy
“Just following orders” was brilliantly demonstrated in the Milgram experiment.
I had a minor confrontation with the School Nurse yesterday about my son's initial MMR vaccine being at 10.8 months (between 9 and 12 months was the guidance at the time). She demanded MMR re-vaccination in order to be allowed to stay in school.
This is the sort of derangement we are now dealing with. It is overflowing into other areas. Any excuse to exert "vaccine mandates", to the extent of counting days on vaccinations taken years ago.
The school has started mandating masks in response to the county recommendation.
I went in to school without one. On entry to her office I inquired as to whether I should mask.
She went off on a long diatribe about how sick she had been with Covid19 blah, blah, blah. Judging by her age, obesity and poor hygiene I'm surprised she's not a Covid19 death statistic. I pointed out my family had just recently had Covid19 (basically as problematic as a common cold) and were thus not possible disease vectors.
This lead to another diatribe which essentially stated the "I'm following orders" model.
Rational discourse with this person is not amongst the available options, as she exerts all her "power" to implement the tyranny she so clearly loves.
The stupidest most detestable person I have met this week!
Terrible. Close your eyes for 5 min and breathe deeply and picture an azure sky , gentle breeze and birds… i am surrounded by people like this here in NNJ
ah ha ha ha ha
“cabron de oxhide”
you win
thanks mister julian.
i'm glad someone noticed that!
The Patriot Act--it's not just for foreign terrorists anymore. And you thought it was passed to protect you.
Back when the Patriot Act was passed, the debate over it was mostly limited to “you love Islam and hate America and think George Bush is Hitler” and “you are all racists and bigots and Bush is, in fact, Hitler.”
A vanishingly tiny percentage of participants said something about slippery slopes and rights. But the “Bush is Hitler” and “you hate America” crowd barely noticed them. And when they did, they ignored them completely. On the extremely rare occasions in which they could not be ignored, they tried to cram them into their respective “you hate America”/“Bush is Hitler” buckets and moved on.
"A new type of superstition has got hold of peoples minds, the worship of the state. People demand the exercise of the methods of coercion and compulsion, of violence and threat. Woe to anybody who does not bend his knee to the fashionable idols!"
~ Ludwig von Mises, Omnipotent Government, p. 11
Thought I'd throw this out there as it is both relevant and yesterday was Mises' 140th birthday.
Nope. No totalitarian takeover here. C'mon, you ignorant fools. Godwin's Law. They're sweet, well-meaning, stupid people! Lovable idiots.
I love our leaders and am not a terrorist. I lost all my guns in a boating accident and now enjoy my healthy gun-free life.
Where was your boating accident? At what lattitude and longitude did the guns go down? Asking for a friend.
36°28'13.15"N, 86°39'4.97"W. Bring lots of shovels and friends.
We're all patriots here!
Exactly! Totalitarianism happened *over there* "way back when"! We're totes too enlightened these days for that to happen here!
Frankly they're lucky none of them are decorating lampposts. Yet.
“Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty.”
~ Saul Alinsky
Hypocrisy, projection and double standards have always been foundational pillars of the modern left.
But in the last 18 months they have dialed it up to truly breathtaking levels.
Supine school boards across the nation have terrorized and abused children, infuriated parents push back, and the boards appeal to the Feds to protect them from terrorists who just incinerated seven children in Afghanistan, "fighting terrorism", don't you know.
Just when you think you can't get any deeper into the surreal, the sun rises yet again.
when disagreement is domestic violence.....
there ain'tt enough fbi spooks!
do not touch the second amendment!
The rot in public school administrations and pay to play Democrat Teacher Union (TM) sinkholes across this country is just staggering. Read this if you don't believe me. It's all about the CHILDREN right? https://www.foxnews.com/us/los-angeles-teachers-union-calls-on-defunding-police-before-reopening
Leftists always gain control/majority by the systematic use of political discrimination in hirings, workplace practices and services to filter out dissenting voices.
They have been doing that for years in the open and any place where leftists have overwhelming majority is a living testimony of that reality; and that always have been the modus operandi of totalitarian forces.
Today there is almost no important institution or government agency that is not controlled by leftists anywhere.
True, every word. All as they complain the right is “totalitarian.” One of the purest examples of splitting off and projecting you can possibly imagine.
I'v always wondered why "school shooters" have not targeted the teachers, rather than their student cohort.
Or did that happen and I didn't notice.
Defunding the police is at best short sighted, at worst suicidal policy for a society being herded along the diversity path, setting sub-groups against each other socially, ideologically and soon physically
Gato, thank you for you work. Sadly, the grim reality is that I see no progress. I see nothing changing. All I see is more dystopian tyrannical bullshit on a daily basis with zero measurable resistance, or at least zero in the sense that it's not changing the outcomes. As I'm sure you're aware, today California mandated vaccines for every student, public and private. And other states are destined to follow this tyranny, because if they don't, the elites won't have a sideways science leg to stand on.
Does anyone have any el gato malo t -shirts???
No t-shirts but I think we might need a Gato Signal.
A secret handshake too :)