where I live we still have mask mandates in schools. the school board and administrators are being such good little totalitarians. All they ever say when confronted with the facts of the uselessness of masking and the political abusive nature of it is that "we are just following the state and the CDC's guidelines and mandates"

There is never any accountability just "we are following orders" Its disgusting. Several of these people have admitted to me privately that they hate it. But are afraid because they are only 5 years from retirement in the public system and dont want to jeopardize their careers.

A group of us have been anonymously trolling the school board and administrators with emails from these private encrypted email sites. Noone is opening advocating violence, because none of us believes in violence as a way to solve complex social problems. None of us ever wants to see large scale political violence again come ( yes again remember the was to prevent SOuthern independence) to the United States. But we have made it very clear, that we think they ,( the school system leaders) are complicit in a crime against innocent children. A sick sadistic sacrificial dominance ritual. And that none of us will ever forget it. ANd we will do everything in our power to hold them accountable. Including harsh criminal penalties. There is a limit to how far a peace-loving respectful moral person can be pushed when they are being expropriated and victimized by craven parasitic sociopaths who are living at OUR expense. At least we havent surrendered our weapons like the Australians. Masking might be useless and insulting but for many of us its not a hill to die on. However, coerced injection of children with experimental drugs and weapons confiscation , now those are non starters.

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ah ha ha ha ha

“cabron de oxhide”

you win

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The Patriot Act--it's not just for foreign terrorists anymore. And you thought it was passed to protect you.

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"A new type of superstition has got hold of peoples minds, the worship of the state. People demand the exercise of the methods of coercion and compulsion, of violence and threat. Woe to anybody who does not bend his knee to the fashionable idols!"

~ Ludwig von Mises, Omnipotent Government, p. 11

Thought I'd throw this out there as it is both relevant and yesterday was Mises' 140th birthday.

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Nope. No totalitarian takeover here. C'mon, you ignorant fools. Godwin's Law. They're sweet, well-meaning, stupid people! Lovable idiots.

I love our leaders and am not a terrorist. I lost all my guns in a boating accident and now enjoy my healthy gun-free life.

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Frankly they're lucky none of them are decorating lampposts. Yet.

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“Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty.”

~ Saul Alinsky

Hypocrisy, projection and double standards have always been foundational pillars of the modern left.

But in the last 18 months they have dialed it up to truly breathtaking levels.

Supine school boards across the nation have terrorized and abused children, infuriated parents push back, and the boards appeal to the Feds to protect them from terrorists who just incinerated seven children in Afghanistan, "fighting terrorism", don't you know.

Just when you think you can't get any deeper into the surreal, the sun rises yet again.

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when disagreement is domestic violence.....

there ain'tt enough fbi spooks!

do not touch the second amendment!

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The rot in public school administrations and pay to play Democrat Teacher Union (TM) sinkholes across this country is just staggering. Read this if you don't believe me. It's all about the CHILDREN right? https://www.foxnews.com/us/los-angeles-teachers-union-calls-on-defunding-police-before-reopening

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Gato, thank you for you work. Sadly, the grim reality is that I see no progress. I see nothing changing. All I see is more dystopian tyrannical bullshit on a daily basis with zero measurable resistance, or at least zero in the sense that it's not changing the outcomes. As I'm sure you're aware, today California mandated vaccines for every student, public and private. And other states are destined to follow this tyranny, because if they don't, the elites won't have a sideways science leg to stand on.

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Does anyone have any el gato malo t -shirts???

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