What do you do when a significant fraction of the population is certifiable?

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Back away. Slowly....

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Load your guns…

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buy more ammunition....

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every chance I get

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And don't make eye contact.

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It's hard when they have crazy eyes staring in different directions.

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That number keeps turning out to be between 25%-30% in the US. That's the % of people who vaccinated their 5 to 11 year olds, and the same % are interested in starting a war with Russia. Mental.

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Many of them are the same people who thought we could defund the police without getting more crime, print money at a rapid rate without high inflation, shut down schools and mask kids without harming them. They also believe that biological sex is merely a social construct, that masking children outdoors is a good way to address a virus that spreads indoors and mainly afflicts the elderly… I could go on…

My Expert Diagnosis: They’re nuts.

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What I don't understand is how people who (to stereotype) are all for mandates, safe spaces, pronouns, canceling, and various other woke virtues can support the idea of actual war with guns and tanks and other decidedly non-safe items. Shouldn't they be urging isolationism, defunding the military, and sending surplus Pfizer doses to Ukraine instead?

Your expert diagnosis is spot on.

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Yes if they had even a shred of logic or awareness in their thinking, they’d be urging all those things you mentioned. It really is impossible to make sense of “crazy” isn’t it?

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Because the fighting won’t happen in their city and it certainly won’t be them actually fighting……. They are all for destroying other people’s kids to feel better about themselves. They’re also idiots

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They aren’t the ones doing the fighting. They are all for exposing others to risk, if it keeps them safe, or gives them the illusion of safety.

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Yesterday their 'brilliant' idea was "Let's send the unvaccinated to fight for Ukraine. " One problem, fools.

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yup, that triggered fond youth memories: :D


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Your on a role, why stop now?

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They should not be voting. Ever.

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And evil. And stupid... very

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LOL. Truth.

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Really! I think one factor in that peculiar equation is the fact that this is the crowd that unquestionably believes everything people in authority tell them to believe or do because they are convinced that people in authority know what they’re doing and have their best interest at heart. SAD!

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It must also have something to do with a lack of confidence in their own intellect and beliefs. There is a theory that this is partly caused by studying post modernism in college, which projects utter incomprehensible bullshit as intellectual products, that like the story of the naked emperor, everyone is afraid to say is incomprehensible. This produces students with intellectual inferiority complexes and grifting professors who make their living inventing layers of garbage to publish, the less comprehensible the better. Academia kind of needs to be nuked from orbit.

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"Academia kind of needs to be nuked from orbit."

This is an idea I could totally get behind.

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It's the only way to be sure

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The sooner, the better.

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As one of those students who studied postmodern "texts", along with an entire class and a professor, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I thought at the time it was utter incomprehensible bullshit. Probably why I ended up a gardener rather than an academic!

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Fortunately I was in an engineering school and wasnt subjected to it much but what little I read of it never made any sense. The idea I expressed here about how this came to be, I took from this very interesting podcast of Jordan Peterson and gad saad


Which is well worth the 2 hours. The part I am thinking of starts around 40:00

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Only when the people in authority are of their own political party, i.e. Democrats. "Trump vaccine bad. Biden vaccine good". Just ask Que Malo.

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Unless that person is white, supported Trump, votes Republican, supports 2A and doesn't support blm, pantyfascists, diversity, crt etc.

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That’s 60% in my Bay Area county who vaxxed their sub 11 year olds. 😭

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This awful situation is on track to become the most painful "I told you so" in all of history. But it's likely many if not most people simply won't be able to bring themselves to accept responsibility for what will happen to their kids. It would be too much. Denial is a survival strategy for sanity that is imperiled.

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Certain things are difficult to deny. Death and disease come to mind.

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"They would have died sooner/more painfully/deader if they hadn't been vaxxed!" Easy-peasy.

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Especially if you murdered/ maimed your own child

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There are people dying left and right from the vaccines, but it's mostly those families who are insisting on autopsies who are learning the truth. I can imagine a mother who has vaxxed all of her children being incapable of accepting that the vaccines themselves had hurt them. The narrative will come to her aid, reassuring her that the illness, injury or death, whatever, was actually due to covid. Some just have to keep taking that blue pill.

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Are you kidding me????? Even in my woke city in NC only 25% are THAT screwed up

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Kalifornia is everything you've read, and worse. And it's so baffling - after all, hippies were supposed to be the ones that "questioned authority". They've all become bureaucrats and academics. Never missed a paycheck during lockdown. The state truly needs to be broken up, the working and middle classes are suffering. Enough said.

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Clearly the hippie “questioned authority” thing was a smokescreen - hippies only “questioned authority” with which they *disagreed*. Authority with which they agreed was fine and dandy. Neo-hippies here in SoCal use State authority all the time, long before this medical tyranny, to stop all sorts of commercial and infrastructure projects.

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As harsh as this seems, I welcome the effect on the gene pool. Thanks, Darwin!

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I admit that I've had my share of dark thoughts around this issue. Survival of the fittest, etc.. That said, I am concerned as hell about the blood supply, and transfusions. We saw what happened with HIV/AIDS. Fortunately for me, the sig oth and I share the same blood type, the universal giver O positive, and being pure bloods we can hopefully handle each other's needs in emergencies. But what about the many who need transfusions. They are being told that the vaccine doesn't enter the blood stream. Does anyone believe that bs??

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That's a nope. Especially when (According to Igors substack) they have now shown that the Mrna poison really does rewrite the DNA. https://igorchudov.substack.com/p/worst-fears-realized-pfizer-mrna

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The images of the nanoparticles in photos and videos are absolutely the most terrifying things I have ever seen.

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A ridiculous lie. Any time you give an injection, you risk injecting the substance directly into a small vessel. The person giving the injection is supposed to try to confirm that this is not going to happen, but they pretty much never do. So on the most basic level that bs is something that anyone with medical experience would know is absurd, notwithstanding whether or not capillaries uptake and transport the drug.

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There is a story online stating that Russia is blasting Us biomass on the boarder.. Unconfirmed but uninteresting

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This link gives the story. As with Wuhan, we've collaborated on "defensive" bio research there. We've put a couple BSL2 labs there -- in the cities with explosions last night. Putin asked us to remove them months ago. This could be tge "special operations Putin referred.

Also, I checked out the official US link re: the research collaboration -- 1 of the diseases they are experimenting with is hemorrhagic. Dr Yeadon thought the next bioweapon would be hemorrhagic. Maybe Putin knows something we don't know


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Dr Li Men Yang has been warning that the CCP has a hemorraghic virus they sent home with Olympic athletes- keep watching for the next 2 to 3 weeks...

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That would be known as the long awaited Midterm Virus.

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Yikes. Any links?

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Thanks for the link - my only question is why wouldn’t we step in militarily to defend our labs/research if this is true? It makes sense as motivation for Putin though or at least part of his motivation

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Have you seen our "military "?

Toss up if we could beat Portugal

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Why aren't we stepping in militarily to defend our puppet government & puppet state?

With our new woke military?

Nuclear war?

Biden sundowning while attack started?

Maybe if he bombed them, & esp if we didn't know he was targeting them, because they are now a smoking pile of rubble?

Also, didn't the admin just declare victory in Ukraine over Putin in Ukraine last week?

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I don’t want to see us engage, and you’re right, it’s too late after they’ve been destroyed anyhow…I was just considering what I would consider a semi-logical response would be if we really had large investments there as it’s hard to believe anything I read

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Another minor detail. Shortly after China tested it's mach 5 hypersonic glide missile last august, Russia tested their mach 6 hypersonic glide missile.

They've been testing mach 6-10 hypersonic glide & cruise missiles ever since. Launched a few lady weekend.

We can't intercept them shoot them down or *even see them on radar.*

We will not dare to shoot at them.

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And yet they 'can't fight at night?'

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We’re these the things attributed to life outside our planet?

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Those fevers may be useful on a battlefield, but they're poor strategic weapons because they kill their hosts too quickly.

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There are diseases that are hemorrhagic but not one of tbe hemorrhagic fevers. DIC

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Hmmm. someone posted some msm links on Mark Wauk blog. We or someone put bsl4 labs in Ukraine. God only knows what they've been cooking on Russia's border. Think I'll return & check then out.

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Always at the beginning of these things there are wild rumors.

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If so, good riddance.

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It's bad enough now only after 2 years of sharp fear conditioning. Imagine after 8 more years of this, how then would one approach someone knowing 9/10 or more are zombies?

They have and are doing a brilliant job on the demoralization front. I.e. take a culture (Western) devoid of moral grounding (religion/spiritual), swimming in debt-consumerism for 40 years, then around 10 or 15 years ago, swoop in with a new religion that saves them from thinking, allows instant, visible point-scoring, and promotes enforcement via witch hunts: wokeism.

Not much more room in the soul beyond that for reasoning, lest the adherent forego modern conveniences and take control of their own self.

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I really hate to say this, but I think we must all know in our hearts that the Union - the U.S.A. in its present form - cannot and will not continue to exist for very much longer. Civil war is inevitable, I believe. The best we can hope for is Balkanization. Let those whose overwhelming fear and need to feel protected and secure remain in those states that are embracing dictatorship and tyranny. The rest of us will claim our freedom and uphold our Constitution in the free lands that we will fight for and die for. We cannot reform these deranged people, nor can we simply kill them all (I hear some of you saying, why not). The problems will persist and worsen until we "divorce". Let us hope it will be more like Czechoslovakia and less like Yugoslavia. But it's coming, barring some act of God that pulls us back together. So, are you ready? These events have a way of starting like a few tiny rumblings then turning into a massive avalanche. Who could have foreseen three years ago where we would be now.

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Yes, it seems the divide-and-conquer process will take longer in the US, mainly the 'red' States properly invoking nullification and doing their own path rather than following the Federal mandates. It seemed a bit predictable that those who recognized this early and truly value the same individual liberties (that the US system is founded on), fled to those 'red' States. I worry this is the classic 'let them blow off steam for a bit' while they regroup. Leaves the crazy woke bleu States looking even crazier. I recall years ago laughing along with the Daily Show (Stewart etc.) always making fun of the 'red' States as backwards hicks (some are I'm sure), as if the only enlightened way was through the 'blue' States. Now everyone who is against this is a racist, far-right, etc., even First Nations truck convoy supporters.

Too bad for Canada, we already have shown our majority support of the narrative. I thought and read that riot gear and equipment was readied for Quebec early on in anticipation of resistance. Yet it turned out the working classes (lots from Alberta) were the real resistance, while the laptop class sat in their vacation cabins earning more $$$ than ever, and cheering on the gov + MSM punishing the 'racists and fringe far right' protesters, normalizing the Emergencies (Act or State) for anything the gov't disagrees with as 'violence'. Some see the revoking of the Emergencies act as a victory, yet in true 2 steps forward 1 back fashion, they still have all the digital pass/ID hooks in place, and now they've gauged public support for harsh interventions, including $$$ seizure, which will be perfected via CBDC control.

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I'll take Bubba over Princeton prof any day of the week

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Also they are deploying the digital pass/ID at the national level with many red states signing on. Building the virtual prison all around us, and most are keen to stay up to date. Already narrative is 'we may be over Omicron but we need this to be ready for 'Pi' (or whatever scary name they have or even a new virus)


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Not just a Western cultural problem. We have had much the same here in Japan.

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Btw, about Hiroshima, Nagasaki, I think it was freemasonic attack on Catholics. (I am Catholic Not in union with Francis). Truman was 33 degree freemason.. one or both cities had many Catholics. Also Japan kicked out freemasons

Freemasons hate Catholics. Took over Vatican in October 1958

It was a vicious attack. Un-American, war crime.

Against Just War Theory, Saint ThomasAquinas. . You attack military targets, not civilian ones. Dresden a war crime too.

God bless you all.

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They were military targets. In one of the cities was the factory for torpedoes. I do not recall exactly what or which factories were in the other. Japan did not and still does not zone their cities. Factories are interspersed with houses and apartments and vis a versa. Further more, Japan forced every home into turning out war material effectively turning each and aver home into a munitions factory and this legitimate targets.

Back before the current panic ended my daily commute in to Tokyo, I could see from the train a small apartment building with fenders laid out carefully on its roof. Another has leather hides hanging out to dry. While these cottage industries support the mega civilian industry of today, back during the war they would nave been cranking out material for the Imperial Japanese war machine.

Further, all civilians were trained militarily. Schools in Japan became both munitions plants and boot camps as more than one school aged child wrote in their diaries, “Today we put away our brushes and ink stones and took up …..”. Followed by what ever tools were appropriate for the materials they were making.

Yes, there war crimes committed against the Japanese civilian but these were perpetrated not by the allies in bombing them but by the Imperial Japanese government in turning their entire population into legitimate targets.

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I must research this more. . Well, we're critical thinkers... I'm an American bitching scornfully about truman... You're Japanese taking other side. We both agree in Japanese leaders being evil. God bless...

Btw, I'm 62... never had a Pope yet. And have not liked one President I have lived under.

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I am not Japanese though my wife and son are. I am an American, 51, and have spent most of my adult life here after first being sent here by our navy.

Most in the US and in Japan have little to no idea what Japan did not only to those in came in contact with but also to their own people during WW2. Absolutely horrible was the government and the military of that time and the years leading up to the war.

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I told my wife about our discussion.... she starts groaning after 4 seconds, Embarrassed severely....don't tell me anymore.

She's shy girl from East Texas...I'm NY er.

When we went to county clerk, Vatican II false priest (didn't know about sedevacantism then) to discuss marriage... they asked Are you related... Yes, cousins. She was dying.

Also did this at engaged encounter weekend... Where's the freaken koolaide...it was mind numbing

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Guess there will be lots of cannon foder out there then.

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Stay on your porch, cleaning your weapons for all to see...

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I'm planning to hang my 2nd target at the end of my drive. The one I qualified for CC.

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Clean them in private. No reason to give your opponent any information or advantage.

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And makes the porch pirates reconsider.


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I'm beginning to think that we are peeling away those who aren't completely insane, and coming to see the core of people so profoundly psychotic--probably predating the psyop--that they can only sink more deeply into derangement as the rest of the world wakes up to the irrationality and dishonesty of it all. In a way, unhinged tweets, comments, and articles may be one more way to fully wake up people who are beginning to shake off their slumber.

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And picture the effect on the main target of all of this - the young/youth - who are seeing this all as normal. If we assume we have another 7-8 years of this (to get to their magical 2030 goal), we will have a full generation (the demoralizing accelerated around 2010 or so) who will have known no previous rational world. The non-sensical and contradictory rules will erode their logic (if any was there), and the virtue signaling and adoption of wokeism as religion, will keep them in line with the collective. 'Communitarianism' for the masses. The majority will go along with the central narrative out of comfort, fear, or both.

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It's no coincidence that the young are ever-more encouraged to relinquish their autonomy of being human more to the State at a faster rate. Schools - only study how one feels, not facts or logic. Home life - stay online and ignore parents. Health - it's okay to be obese, it's not your fault. It's okay to be depressed and anxious for no reason, here are some drugs. Robust, engaging dialog or arguing one's point is seen as violence and gets them 'triggered'. Everyone is equal, all are winners, kill the spirit of trying to better oneself by associating that with being selfish or trying to make others look bad. Paint any and all risky or exciting endeavor, which makes us animals grow and learn, as too hard or not worthwhile. I.e. kill the individual so that you have a mass of compliant drones.

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An article was published recently showing Chile has incorporated into their anti-discrimination laws "mutants" and "genetic aberrations."

I myself began seeing the local station's (Hearst) corporate EEOC statement which added "genetic information" to the laundry list of conditions. That was in 2020. "Someone" knew all along these MRNA injections were not a "vaccine."

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Jesus that's one of the more depressingly thorough paragraphs I've read recently.

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But if you see it and recognize it, then you can fight it.

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Ah, yes, depressingly you pulled me back to reality, and made me realize that we can only bring people back to rationality if they have ever been there and had some grounding in it and in reality. It is horrific what our education system is doing and has done to our children and youth, now accelerated to psychological torture, and it's frightening to contemplate what a small percentage is likely to come out of it with any level of true mental health and ability to think intact.

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May I ask - what is your % breakdown of people you meet/know? I.e. those who are all-in on narrative, those who know something but go along/get along, and those totally against this and 'awake'?

Where we are, it's something like 90% / 5% / 5%.

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I'm not good at estimates of percentages or numbers. I live in an especially brainwashed neighborhood in Brooklyn, NYC, in a building that is qualified as a NORC (naturally occurring retirement community) so I'm surrounded by people who are really propagandized, still masked up when there is absolutely no requirement to be--on the street, in the park, in stores that don't demand it, and with their children, even toddlers, masked to the gills, so I tend to perhaps over estimate the power of the psyop. Just a few months ago I would have gone with your numbers. Now, I am seeing, even in this area, people who have been awake but keeping a low profile as well as a few who were all in but now are waking up. In my immediate family, my husband is waking up, and my grandson (19) is awake and wants to be active, but my daughter and the rest of her family are totally spellbound. In NYC as a whole, as opposed to my bougie neighborhood, I'm more optimistic, probably by now at least a good 20%-30% fully awake or waking up, maybe more if you count the drowsy. I did subway outreach last week and, as you'd expect most people weren't interested, hard to tell if they were narrative believers or just keeping their heads down, a few hostile, but less openly so than a year ago, and on almost every car, there were people who were honestly curious and open to listening, and two or more who were enthusiastic, very thankful to meet us and not at all hesitant to show it. I think the awake and curious outnumbered the hostile by a lot. In 2020 when I took the subway maskless, I had to steel myself for being yelled at by fellow passengers. Now even a dirty look is rare and gets no reinforcement from other passengers. What all this means for action, I don't know.

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Thanks for the replies. If you haven't already, try to get a copy of 'State of Fear' by Laura Dodsworth. Detailed account of the social engineering was and is used and outsourced by UK to maximize fear. Psychology experts know exactly how damaging and dangerous this is on the public psyche. That is why all our pandemic plans before 2020 contained the major point of keeping the masses calm and as normal as possible. Ask, why they did the exact opposite of this?

Even darker is Bruce Scott's excellent analysis here.


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Northern California. It's so hard to say. Huge numbers are brainwashed, but then, many are not but are AFRAID to stand up and speak out, it's just so Orwellian. I keep my politics private as I could lose my jobs. Oh, they can find a way to do it without being open about it. This person finds fault, that person no longer backs you up, and you're cut from the herd...like so many, we feel like hostages, like Jews in Germany and the hour is getting late. We are desperately trying to flee to Texas and freedom. I have no real friends here anymore, and my family and I are estranged. I never could have foreseen this, it's like a Twilight Zone episode, where you are sane and virtually everyone else is mad.

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Sorry - I still hope we can bring some back, it's just getting harder though. My daughter on the other hand is learning real-time. Old enough to know some rational sanity from before, and, maybe luckily, so bombarded by wokeness at high school that it sticks out blatantly as 'something is wrong here'. Luckily our family is all seeing this, and finding SOME others around who are similar (echo chambers and preaching to the choir, I know). The goal is to stay in the old world enough to keep your wits, but it's a tough slog. Truth, facts, and conversations in person are critical. The last generation (grand parents) who always lived by keeping politics separate from family, are almost all gone.

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Forgot who said it, it may have been Mattias Desmet himself, but the only way to waken from the mass psychosis is from a violent psychic slap-upside-the-head incident. That may wake up a few. Others will never awaken, remain duped as they leap off the cliff.

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And moreso, some if awakened need therapy to almost detox out of it.

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A friend of mine calls it "gaining a bigger and bigger percentage of a smaller and smaller audience."

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It's like a zombie apocalypse!

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This thread. :D

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A much needed laugh! This one just came my way - Titanic with A Cat https://youtu.be/kEPfM3jSoBw

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Hilarious. Passed it to my cat loving family

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Thought you might enjoy this one too - I just saw it today and it has me howling! Much needed joy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXezLv_5RaY

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Rinse and repeat - still laughing!

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Brilliant, thanks, I needed a laugh so badly and shared it with a FB group I'm in - worldwide with 10,000 members. So you brought a lot of laughter to the world.

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Yay! A merry heart doeth good like a medicine - Proverbs 15:13

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Got a great shot of immunity with this one. Thought I'd share the joy!


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Clean and oil your firearms.

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Amp it up with self made NOT VACCINATED (with Yellow Star) Tshirt

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Increase social distancing

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In my Karenland neighborhood, one of the moms was flying a Ukranian flag from her car while dropping off her masked jabbed kids at school. Instantaneous virtue signal software update.

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Hahaha, "instantaneous virtue signal software update." Best wordplay of the day right here folks.

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That is very good but let's not let "Karenland" slip away!

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I live in one of the Karenest places around (God help me). That teacher's spew would be approved by the vast majority of my neighbors. Hey, Texas, got a place you can rent for two older adults who are getting redder and redder in a blue wasteland?

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which Karenstan is that?

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Evanston/stan, Ill-in-noise

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How did we get so many stupid teachers...mean, prejudiced, stupid teachers

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Because we did not root them out early on. Had teachers who did not know their subjects and who just put out political BS at last as far back as the 70s. A minority then, their craziness is a requirement for employment as a teacher now.

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By ignoring school boards for 60 years.

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seems the school boards may be a problem too

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Hahaha! Yes, brilliant Yuri.

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Bet she's using the woke pronunciation of Kyiv too - the virtuous have turned it into "keev". That way you'll know what side of the aisle they stand on.

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Isn't that horrible???

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Whoa, that's the way Pres. Sippy Cup said it the other day. Thought he was just being his clueless self. Has it become yet another virtue-signally shibboleth of the left?

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Keev? That's really skeevy, if you ask me.

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Wonder if that "Karen"even know where Ukraine is or any Ukrainian Americans.

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Q: "How many "Muricans know that the current President of UKR, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, has these CV qualifications: actor and standup comedian?"

true--look it up.

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That was the big draw for him to get that office. He was originally billed as the Trump or Boris J, the outsider, non-politician. Glenn Beck has a great chalkboard on Ukraine, I think from back in like Sept. maybe, digging in to the Biden connection.

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confirmed, it's a clown world

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... and a crude one at that ...

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He's the Ukrainian version of Hunter - bought and sold by the Buyme Syndicate

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At least they'll be able to choose their gender.

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Finding out more and more how that plays into it.

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And she doesn't even realize that if she truly cares about human rights, etc she should have been flying a Canadian, Australian, Austrian, etc flag. What is wrong with these people???? What do they think they're going to have at the end of all this? Mind boggling

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These people think that human rights come from government. They think that these government crackdowns are required to secure what they believe are their human rights.

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Circular reasoning is about the norm ... no, not circular: spiraling. Downward.

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Right-"We are all Ukraine."

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the flag of a dictatorship.

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Feb 24, 2022
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Amen. People automatically assume Russia=bad, Ukraine = good. It is possible they both suck....

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Russia’s the good guy here.

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The use of aggressive force automatically designates one as the bad guy...

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Unless Putin is taking out BSL2 research labs in cities where the explosions took place and where the US has been collaborating with Ukraine on emerging diseases, such as hemorrhagic type.

In which case, Putin is tbe good guy.

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Ukrainian despots have been waging war on ethnic Russians in Ukraine for years. Russia is a liberator.

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So, a question here. If the targeted area was the Donbass near the border of Russia, why are we hearing of explosions or missal/rocket strikes in Kyiv, Odessa, and other cities not near the Donbass. It does not make sense. Further, Ukraine intel is announcing they have taken down Russian jets and helicoptors. A country which supposedly has massed 150-200K troops at the border, indicating their readiness is not going to be on the losing end on the first day. Optics are really sketchy here. What is real? What is msm/american/ukrainian narrative? Will we ever know?

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Right. Thank God Putin sent peacekeepers Donbas, huh?

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And they both suck. Ukraine is a basket case, absolutely no vital interests there, even really for the Russians. Putin is wagging the dog, trying to look important on the world stage. If Russia didn't have thousands of nukes, nobody would even know who Putin was.

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Well, Ukraine have the name of breadbasket of Europe, supplies wheat to the mideast & European markets so don't totally write the country off as no vital interests.

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They grow wheat in the US and Canada. African farmers would love to supply Europe with foodstuffs too...

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Yeah, and Russia has lots of oil. I didn't say they were worthless, just that in today's world, they 'suck' -- to use another poster's word. No vital interests, except for the nukes.

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During the first days of the trucker "occupation" of Ottawa, I had a conversation with someone whose main concern was that they would become a covid super spreader event 🤦

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The same people who spent 4 years telling everybody to #Resist are now cheering the freezing of bank accounts of people protesting the government. :/

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Oh yes, and police beating up veterans and trampling old disabled native women. Really I cannot read most Twitter threads about this topic, it's deeply depressing that we live among so many absolutely evil human beings.

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Yeah, it's why I stay off that blue bird insane asylum as much as possible. I'd rather spend it here with intelligent people.

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That's very wise. I have always stayed off Twitter for the same reason but it seems more and more news sources are using it and linking to it as a source of information.

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And it's often the only way to find out some info - for instance, what was going on with the Canadian Truckers. My husband does not have a Twitter account but he looks at Jordan Peterson's for news about that b/c Jordan was tweeting prolifically. The problem for him is that the twitter tyrants only let him scroll down so far before he has to reload the page, which is a big pain.

I don't have many followers so it's not a great advocacy outlet for me to re-post stuff which is why I don't waste time there. Before Robert Malone was suspended, his was the only feed I looked at daily b/c he was linking so many articles. McCullough is pretty active too and his comments are quite medically technical which is probably why they haven't banned him yet.

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And interesting it was such a "Fringe" movement that the draconian Emergency Act had to be invoked to allegedly handle the situation: The Battle of Bouncy Castle.

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The Battle of Bouncy Castle is hereby and forever the name. Let it be recorded into the annals of history like that.

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I quickly add it was not my construction. I saw it on a meme.

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wow! The battle of bouncy castle!

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That is SUCH a fascinating topic, Commander. The delusion and mass formation is just an amazing thing to watch, albeit horrifying. The whole #resist thing is absolutely laughable and we need to heap scorn on those hypocrites at ever turn. But then again, they don't care, because they have no shame, because they have no base, no foundation.


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Thanks for the article, Brian. Love the soil/harvest metaphor.

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Absolutely, thanks for the feedback!

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Crazy, ain’t it.

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Substack > girlie IG

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Susanna, you can one up her with worry about the Ukraine super-spreader

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You mean like the Super Bowl??

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Russian or Ukrainian soldier dies of a gaping gunshot wound.

First question: Yeah, but was he vaxxed?

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If yes, then not a covid death.

If no, then a Covid death.

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Perfect comment, lol.

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And was "he" the preferred pronoun?

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Did pronoun die with bullets or from bullets?

Sorry, but that war is happening next door and our supreme bitch in charge today (thursday) decreed ukrainian refugees not welcome.

This is the woman who fights tooth and nail to make sure foreign rapists, moslem terrorists and illegal criminal migrants gets to colonise my country.

It's enough to make me want to ask Poland to invade. After all, we do have the precedence of king Sigismund (Zygmunt III Waza) who was king of Sweden and Poland simultaneously.

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what country?

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I think Rikard is in Sweden. The country with police no-go zones taken over by jihadis.

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Feb 25, 2022
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That had me looking up Sobieski (which I previously only know as a vodka) and I learned some important history. Thank you!

And I agree.

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If your house gets blown up and you are boosted, could it have been worse?

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If you are boosted Fauci says you go to heaven.

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I am split between just chuckling at this or letting my experience at sea speak and say, “It can ALWAYS get worse.” Implying that merely asking the question ensures it will get worse.

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we all know it could always be worse:)

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Oh fUr sure!!

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do we have a color chart for the lives that matter?

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I think it’s more of a spectrum from matters most to matters least

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I’ve kind of been waiting for all the minds to be blown that three+ weeks of Freedom Convoy rallies with unvaxxed vermin didn’t cause a world-ending superspreader plague. Weird how they missed that.

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Don't mean to be a party blooper but didn't the news remind us that 90% of the truckers were jabbed?

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Haha, okay, unmasked vermin then 😆

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I weep for my stupid, stupid country.

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Not sure if its vetter to be inside the tent peeing out the door or outside the tent getting "rained" on. 😵

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I can only hope that Amanda Winn Lee gets her 4th booster soon.

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After she gets the next 5 boosters in 2023 she should get back to us on that. I can wait. Good luck with that Amanda.

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Ir seems highly probable there will no living after all those boosters; highly questionable after 3 or 4

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They've killed the art of political satire. How can one ever top these guys being absolutely serious?

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Brandon and his family are balls-deep in Ukrainian corruption. The old man must be sweating right now, if he's not napping.

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There were photos at the NY POST of Ukrainians burning papers. Biden’s corruption papers were the first to go.

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I sure wish someone in either Russia or Ukraine would rat him out.

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Time for secession. I live in Massachusetts and I would be glad to move to a place with like minded people. Time to end this bad marriage called the United States of America.

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You're close to the free state project. It's time to hitch the wagon.


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Remember, the biggest threat to America is white supremacy.

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Climate Crisis Kerry feels you’ve been distracted from death and destruction.

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But the women getting raped, are they anti-vaxxers?

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That's true! Wait til the woke find out.

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Does anyone have contact information for the Sweet Meteor of Death? I think we could use them right now.

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Can we send these armchair warriors to the frontlines? Let’s bring the draft back!

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I feel like humanity is an experiment I never agreed to take part in.

I don't want to live on the same planet as these people.

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Relax: you're in the control group. :)

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Who is old enough to remember way back in '19 when ole climate czar Kerry flew a private jet to Iceland to... wait for it... accept a "climate leadership" award, and defended it by saying 'If you offset your carbon - it's the only choice for somebody like me who is traveling the world to win this battle'.


As for this Amanda Winn Lee, I wonder if she would "embrace" being in the first echelon of infantry to advance against Russian forces.

Somehow I doubt it.

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shocking, but as we now know- climate change and the pandemic are fabricated psy-ops with entire agencies, globally, nudging the hapless public. Always formulating new ways to scare the public and manipulating us til we are in a surveillance society.

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Time to stock on guns, gold and beans. We are finished as a civilization.

I guess this is what Rome was like in 472AD.

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... and Pb as another most valuable currency

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Beans are the best food to remove bile from our bodies. Bush's sells 3 flavors in 8.3 oz. cans with pull top lids. A perfect survival food storage item.

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Yep, beans are great-- but save your money and buy the house brand without the pull-tops-- and get a can opener. Like we used to do.

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I despair that there are people this incredibly stupid.

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Slav Lives Matter!

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It's bad enough that they live among us. It's worse that they vote. It's disastrous that their opinions contribute to the noise that may result in sending young men and women in uniform to fight and die for the honor of foreign Oligarchs and their bought-off US counterparts. Twenty years of futile expenditure of blood and treasure in the ME should have taught us something.

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Mr. and Mrs. John Kerry better start worrying a bit. One of their "Heinz 57" boys is up to his neck in the crooked Bursima/oil gas follies in UKR a la Hunter Bi-Den. That is--do nothing and get millions banking on your Dad's political connections.

You don't think after being insulted for over 2 years about "Russia did this!" or "Russia did that!" that Vlad and his 140mm compatriots aren't fed up with continued diatribes and false insults?

Believe me when I tell you, I'm no fan of Communism, but when you have a total blackout by US media of true, actual, and reliable news about the UKR shenanigans, someone has to come forward.

Betcha Vlad's Spec Ops teams are quickly gathering and preserving ALL emails, drives, systems, docs and stuff they can lay their hands upon to show who the REAL CROOKS and BOGEYMEN are in UKR. When these grifters and criminals are caught, (and they will be,) they will sing like canaries to save their skins.

Won't it be grand to have Putin announce to the world by evidence and proofs the absolute corruption the current occupants of the Whitehouse and their families are embroiled in. Like: "Hey, Joe Biden! We've got docs here showing X millions going to you through a bunch of phony and convoluted transactions. Didn't see you report THAT on your 1040 to the IRS...."

The UKR war may be "hot," but for Russia, revenge is always served up best ice "cold."

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When you have a media thats utterly corrupt, it’ll be labeled Russian disinformation. Our 17 unintelligent agencies chimed in.

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Amanda needs to be medicated

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Her vitriol knows no bounds. She'd rather see thousands die than Trump re-elected. That's some powerful venom.

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Hmmmm ... but if DJT is the REAL president ... heh, heh, heh, Amanda.

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Yeah she's not really a good advert for her cause, is she?

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For all those woozes in Ottawa, most of them with cushy jobs in the civil service, with big fat inflation adjusted pensions, that were whining incessantly about the Trucker Freedom Convoy. Maybe take a look at Ukraine right now and see what a REAL STATE OF EMERGENCY looks like. These Karens and Whimps were in a rage because they weren't able to pickup their morning Cappuccino from Starbucks due to protestors, and screamed: "Justin, call an emergency, the protestors are screwing up are coffee breaks".

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On my desktop keyboard, but laughing emoji here...

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You can copy/paste your emojis from here :)



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The best way for Ukrainians to protect themselves from a Russian invasion is to GET VACCINATED.

The vaccines are safe. I promise you, they're safe. You're not gonna get covid if you have these vaccinations.



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Hilarious! It is so obvious that you hate puppies and Ukrainians.

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Oh heavens. Do people really believe this would even be happening if we didn’t have a doddering old idiot in the White House, obvious puppet for the Clinton/Bush/Obama war machine?

The Biden White House has taken every opportunity to escalate this crisis, including ensuring our dependence on foreign oil. Get him out quick!

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Liberalism is a mental illness.

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The John Kerry clip is one for the ages and should absolutely be place in a bottle and left in Coney Island at high tide. I'm literally crying at this blowhard's "hope" that Vlad will remember the ice is shrinking the ice is shrinking the ice is shrin--hey is my jet home ready?

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Yeah. The procession of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse be damned. It’s the vax&mask, the climate, BLM, and whatever.

The second horseman may have begun his campaign in Ukraine. War/mayhem on a widening scope.

The third will be the food scarcity that we already know is coming. The fourth, just too dreadful to contemplate.

“It will be a dreadfully depopulated earth over which the Beast will reign and to which Messiah will later return” (GH Lang).

But, yeah. Let’s worry about whether Ukrainians are vaxxed as they shelter from the ravages of war.

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Hey Lawrence, I got two of Richardson's books on Kindle - ME Beast and From Sinai to Zion, which I've already started reading. There are even echoes of John Eldredge's "All Things New" in the intro. I read the description and told my husband, "I need this book right now to beat back the darkness." Do you still want to meet for lunch in Nacogdoches or Lufkin on the 4th? If so, I can nail down the time better and you can suggest a place.

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Hi Birdingmom. Yes I’d very much like to meet with y’all.

I said goodbye to my own birding mom on Tuesday. A neighbor of hers returned her binoculars and birding books to me. She loaned them when she could no longer use them. Dreary, windy, storm wracked cemetery in Cameron.

Gods mercy that she won’t witness the dreadful things coming to her children and grandchildren.

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Oh Lawrence, I am so sorry! I didn't know it was so close. It makes me very sad for you.

We will be in Nacogdoches by 11:30 on the 4th, so just tell us what restaurant to meet you at and what time works for you. We are good with anything Mexican and I know you said there are better places there than Lufkin, although if Lufkin is more convenient for you, we can do that. Looking forward to it!

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I like Nac. A good meeting place would be Java Jack’s. There’s a Mexican place on the loop that I thought highly of when I tried it. I’ll have to dig up the name and address though.

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Okay, sounds good - except for the coffee part b/c the smell makes me nauseous! 🤢

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Oooh, well that wouldn’t work too well then.

How about Lufkin. Morales Mexican Food. Address: 1001 S 1st St, Lufkin, TX 75901-4705

Phone: +1 936 634 6811.

I’d prefer Lindo Mexico but can’t find it on the map. Morales is good though.

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Loud reminders that there are many sick sick people out there who vote. ugh

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I always had a feeling when they cobbled together every fringe group to create a patchwork Frankenstein and they would loose control of their monster as the tale goes.

They need the political left to unite behind them, but as it goes with the tower of babel story it is all about hubris against God (Good.) The tower's base is so wide though, so many camps in it's shadow.

The structure appears to be collapsing.

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How does one curate such a diverse collection of psychotic tweets?

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Open twitter, and read almost any random tweet.

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Occasionally—- I am speechless, this is one of those times ….

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Please see my "Sugar For The Feeble-Minded" article I just wrote. Very closely ties in with this monomania.

It's absolutely incredible how, like you say Gato, it's impossible for these people to hold more than one idea in their heads. And their ideas aren't even their own. And when they're challenged, like the person at the end, they just scream and block you. Very intelligent.


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Classic symptom of mass formation. Narrow focus on one idea. Nothing else matters, even if their house burns down around them somehow it will be caused by covid.

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The mentally ill shouldn't own bullhorns

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As Douglas Murray famously told Sam Harris, "This is the conversation we're having when the mullahs will nuke us. Everybody will be discussing whether somebody is transgender despite the fact that they haven't had any operation."


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Do you think Shalila would get triggered if someone made a sign that said “Black Lives Don’t Matter Until All Lives Matter”?

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Try this for a trigger effect:

"Aborted fetuses' lives matter"

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This is depressing.

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The oil and gas from Russia passed through Ukraine to reach the EU.

Syria was about stopping a Syrian pipeline that would have been competitive for supplying the EU.

What " appears" to be is not always what is.

Hunger Games theater has practiced actors on stage , giving convincing performances for those who don't follow international finance.

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Excellent comment. Thank you.

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Biden references supporting American values. I do. He doesn’t.

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This is the best argument I've seen in a while for a national divorce. The left is completely insane.

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So why divorce them and give them half of America?

No, divorce is too good for them. It rewards their insanity. Defeat and destroy the Left and its anti-liberty insanity is the only way, the American way.

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You're not going to find freedom loving people who inhabit the red states and are simply wanting to be left alone, picking up arms and marching on blue states simply for territory...They will defend their land, but they aren't going to liberate NY from other New Yorkers.

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There are red-state types living in blue states, just as there were liberty-loving colonists living in Crown-controlled colonies. You fight for Americans wherever they live. You fight for American territory, despite who may be occupying the land.

That would be like being invaded, and then letting the invaders keep the land.

"You're not going to find freedom loving people who inhabit the red states and are simply wanting to be left alone" ~ 150+ years ago plenty of "red state" Americans marched on slave states; they didn't stay home. Are we not up to that task anymore? Are 80 million blue-state America-loving Americans not worth fighting for?

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Very different circumstances than that former invasion...modern day red states can actually be independent, unlike those "red" states of yore. They didn't invade a separate country in order to free slaves, they did it because those industrial states wanted the natural resources of the south without having to pay fair market prices for them. (if you want to believe it was about slavery, that's up to you, but then you have to wonder why we haven't then invaded any other country to free other slaves, because the practice didn't go away). These days, as a southern boy myself, we are more likely than not to view the travesty of the leftist takeover of modern blue states as a self inflicted wound and those patriots who are stuck "behind the lines" more so as a case of buyer's remorse than those caught up in East Germany. I'm just saying what I see, you think southerners are immune to apathy? Hell, let's assume the worst attitudes and ask why any right minded guy from AL would even WANT to go help one of those "Damn Yankees". That first war was inevitable, not because southern states were evil (I'll remind you that slavery was practiced everywhere at that time), but because authoritarians can't leave people alone...

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Regarding my "150+ years ago plenty of "red state" Americans marched on slave states; they didn't stay home", the point wasn't *why* they did so (and in fact I said *nothing* about the *why*); the point is THAT they did so, as a counterpoint to your comment that we're not going to see red-staters "picking up arms and marching on blue states simply for territory". I disagree, in no small part because it wouldn't be "simply for territory".

There are reasons for fighting the Left over "territory" far better than reasons for allowing the Left to destroy America by keeping their occupied lands. Fighting for blue state territory isn't much different from fighting for "the natural resources of the south". You wanna give up the rich bounty and beauty of California, the key coast and infrastructure of the Northeast, to Leftists who hate America, thus rewarding their hatred? I don't. I won't.

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You will be in the small minority. As much as I would love the chance to kill some commies, I would not be swayed to kill for anything less than an imminent threat to my (and family /country) safety or freedom. The better argument on your part is that if the red states do secede we would inevitably be threatened by those same despotic tendencies that rule the minds of those canker sores. Those blue state patriots should be voting with their feet right now. This will also help ensure victory when the two sides do eventually clash...

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Yes, don't be a bit concerned that Russia has nukes and won't hesitate to consider using them. But climate crisis and the jab are imminently more important to this planet.

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Bring back the death hornets….

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not yet "escaped" from the bioweapons lab

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Anyone hear about the US DoD having bio labs in Ukraine?

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No but I find this interesting.

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Absolutely incredible, you could not make this stuff up…

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Maybe we will be lucky and mainstream media will be so eager to report on the Russian/ Ukraine situation that their constant obsessive coverage of all things covid fades into obscurity. It would be a welcome respite.

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