That guy is mentally unwell.

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I preferred this speech in its original German.

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"Most of the greatest evils that man has inflicted upon man have come through people feeling quite certain about something which, in fact, was false." - Bertrand Russell

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He belongs in an asylum. Seriously. His anger and derangement make him a far, far greater threat the public health than a tiny virus

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We have to stop being scared of these people. We SHOULD treat them like a Monty Python sketch and LAUGH in their ghoulish faces. Point and laugh at them wherever they go. Laugh, laugh laugh. And then REFUSE to submit to their bullshit, no matter what. Noncompliance is the only way.

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"It is usually futile to try to talk facts and analysis to people who are enjoying a sense of moral superiority in their ignorance." ---Thomas Sowell

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Wtf is up with this dude's eyes? Psychopath.

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That is not a man. That is a little piece of garbage hiding behind his government.

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Remember. The time will come when they have to face this moment. Just remember it.

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That guy practically had spittle flying. Wow

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I didn't used to really believe in demonic possession. Now I do.

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I will repeat what many have said here, but it certainly warrants repeating: This guy is insane, psychotic, mentally deranged... He belongs in a madhouse.

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I'm anti-vaxxer but pro vaccine mandate. We have to mandate the AIDS vaccine for all Politicians.

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Wow, this man is absolutely unhinged, he literally belongs to a mental asylum!

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For those who don't know, there's only 246k people in the Northern Territory which is not a State but twice the size of Texas. 140k of those people, maybe a little more unofficially, live in Darwin on its northern tip. The next closest town is Katherine probably about 20k people 3 hours away. On its northern tip is Indonesia a country of 250m people.

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Is it just me, but doesn’t that guy have crazy eyes—he looks insane. I just cannot believe what’s happening in Australia. Wow.

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I can't believe the video I just witnessed. It can't be real. Do you think maybe for a second these people can take a step back and hear what they are actually saying and consider it objectively?

The answer is "no", they can't. And if you even suggest that you are an anti-vaxxer and should be reported and taken to one of their reeducation, I mean quarantine camps.

I just can't believe this is happening and I can't believe people are letting it AND many are supporting it. The world has collectively lost its mind.

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"your personal vaccination status is utterly irrelevant" ok so why are you putting me in camps there mate?

p.s. thank gd he mentioned the word "aboriginal" Can you believe it not only will these vaccines save us all they also promotes social justice! weeeeeeeeeeeeee

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So what if you're an anti-vaxxer? You're entitled to be one if you want. At this point even pedophiles aren't this hated.

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I can't wait till they play this clip at the trials.

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Collective psychosis can be excruciating until it breaks (as it usually does). And when it breaks look out below.

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Who is that psychopath? AU health minister, I presume?

The worse the evidence gets, the more they double down.

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At what point do such people look in the mirror and realize what monsters they have become? Does that realization ever come?

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This is the part where I say I am ashamed to be Australian. Our Premiers and Chief Ministers are falling over themselves to introduce the most draconian rules possible. The scary thing for me is that the majority have fallen for the fear campaign hook, line and sinker and many support these unprecedented and unjust actions. I can't remember ever feeling so depressed

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Another added to the list: Nuremburg Trial 2.0

Crimes Against Humanity

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The Aussie guys eyes are wild. He's possessed. Any American who supports the maintenance of the US-Australia Alliance is a fool.

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The fellow in the clip is a good poster child for the authoritarian vax fanatics. Or maybe just tyrannical authoritarians in general. This guy sounds purely evil and unhinged.

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When they are that angry they know they are losing their grip. Fit all the freedom lovers in Australia they need to keep at it and hit the tyrants hard.

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This man is psychotic!

He needs to be removed to a padded cell.

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I actually find Jacinda Ardern's 'cute girl' persona to be scarier, but I agree this guy is very disturbing.

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what can you even say about that guy? all you can do when you look at and hear him is try to keep your own head screwed on straight.

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ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer.

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It's IED time, people.

I realise that sounds a tad 'extremist' until you look at the psychotic gleam in the guy's eyes in the video: that's a guy who has no idea about known-knowns about transmissibility in the jabbed - worse, he doesn't think he NEEDS to know... he just BELIEVES. Doxa is inferior to episteme, but it's WAY more common: every reeee-ing Karen on the planet BELIEVES things.

I've always like the aphorism wrongly attributed to Diderot: "man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest".

This could be updated to "The road out of this mess starts when the first IED detonates under a vehicle carrying a Pharma CEO".

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i am opposed to a vaccine that is not adequately tested. which is approved by politicians, and the seller has no "skin in the game" that is no liability for the neglect and ill designed tetsting.

and more of the same useless jab is a scam....

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I'm a proud anti-vaxxer. This guy can go stuff it.

Drug Free, Proud to Be

Vax Free, Proud to Be

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It truly amazes me how arrogant many politicians are. They seem to have a very short term memory. They tend to forget that they and their idiotic parties were "hired" by people who gave them access to their tax money to build a better economy, life, make constructive decisions for their nation, build a better future etc., and not to overlord them. Their job is literally to serve people.

They are paid by taxpayers' money, yet they act as if they are doing a huge favour to society by simply burping out irrational, arrogant, ideologically rotten, incoherent "sentences" into a mike once in a while. What they only good at is dividing society denigrating anyone who disagrees with their shallow, morally empty messaging.

Honestly what I can see on this video is nothing more then the whining of a terribly spoiled, rotten, little 5 year old kid who demands candy instead of a nutritious dinner..

Well listen to me you negative genius: There is no candy you little prick, so you better stop whining and eat your meal. In fact if you continue, I might just slap you into oblivion..


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I think it was my eyes tricking me...? But as he kept talking and his eyes got wider, I swear it looked like the tip of his ears were becoming pointy.

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Piss on the state.....how's that. I will be the first in line to volunteer my services.

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And he acted surprised and injured & afraid for the safety of his wife & son when people at a rally broadcast his home address... now you understand why!

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I've said it before and will keep saying it: This is what mental illness looks like. The lockdowns and fear-porn has harmed far more than the virus ever will. At this stage, it is immoral to not confront it compassionately when it presents itself.

People that feel, think, and, in particular, act, this way are a danger to themselves and others. They need help. If you care to engage with friends and loved ones caught in the grips of this mass psychosis, review the information here:


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Being in New South Wuhan, I've not followed that guy's policies. From what I see, he is the most draconian among the policy-makers on rowuhan.

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Proudly antivaxx

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The truly sad thing about us dwellers of Australia, is that March and protest all we want. But the majority of the vaccinated majority have an evangelical zeal towards these madcap state leaders who "saved them" from the corona virus. They have become the propaganda mouthpieces, and bully, and argue, and rant and rave from their position if adoration. Stockholm Syndrome is bad these days. The last state election we had, our current premier (who is actually terrible) won on a landslide, people over looked her poor governance, flirting with scandal, and terrible policy to elect her on how she handled coronavirus and how she navigated us through it. Even conservatives willing gave her their vote.

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not such a big deal - he just wants to tell people what to think.

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We can take some comfort in knowing that things did not end well for Benito...something the globalists and the fascists would do well to remember.

Lined up against a wall or dangling from a rope.

This video is how I think of our fight. We're Ripley, of course.


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It's amazing how well all the froth that was surely around his mouth was edited out so he wouldn't look like a rabid squirrel who can't find his nuts.

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The only thing he is missing is a Swastika and a toothbrush mustache.

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The funny thing is, to most Aussies this is normal, this is our new normal. This rant will be applauded by most over here. He is not an outlier. Sad.

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It's for the greater good, you see. Also your own good. Says every benevolent person. David Stove's idea that benevolence is actually a bad thing may just be true.

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