If I were told I had a 99% chance of NOT dying of cancer but the doc said I should just go ahead and do chemo just in case...🔥

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The CDC cites as it’s “best estimate” that kids and teens have a 99.998% survival rate from Covid infection. So why again are we pushing, even compelling, them to be vaccinated? For a virus that poses essentially no risk to them?

That strikes me as child abuse.

Note that adults under 50 have a 99.95% survival rate from Covid infection. So why are they too being forced to get vaccinated?

Shouldn’t they be free to choose for themselves what they put into their own bodies? “My body my choice” and all that….


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Reminder: vaccines developed & authorized at warp speed and coercion do not mix well.

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Well, I already said that the VAERS data shows that the COVID vaccines are 25X more deadly than all previous vaccines combined. The death rates are still low--5,000 people out of 160M people. However, 25 times higher is still, well, higher, and by a lot. #DoWithThatWhatYouWill

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My Oh My Carditis; you are my vaccine heart-throb.

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got to sell vaccine dosages.....

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And The Hill...that worthless piece of garbage site...accidentally committed real journalism.

Peter McCullough was on Ingraham last week. He says there are far more cases of myocarditis than have been reported...and he's concerned that CDC won't act.


How many of these kids and young adults will require a heart transplant in the next ten years? And will a transplant even work or will the antibodies just attack the new heart?

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Funny how a few "preserve document orders" from a duly authorized investigatory body can bend that ol' Cult Covidian narrative right back on itself.

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huh...who is listening to these idiots anymore anywho. Their funding should stop. Like someone said awhile back!

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