It doesn’t work when you have no heart.

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My work here is done

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Myocarditis is a mild and expected side effect of vaccine. It actually means that the vaccine is doing its job. You will have a "bigger heart" and will be just fine, unless you want to become an athlete. We are developing medications in our pipeline to help you manage your myocarditis for the rest of your life. Experts say that most people get myocarditis eventually by their 9th or 10th shot, so do not panic.

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Sounds like a text Big Pharma explanation……no problem not true… no problem not true… no problem not true… no problem not true…..OK you caught us….it is true, but we will have another expensive medication that you will need to take the rest of your life on the market to fix the first poison we gave you earlier.

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Yes and myocarditis is the fault of "misinformation-induced post-vaccine stress"

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And global warming!

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And Brexit. Probably Thatcher as well.

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And racism

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and now it's attributed to cold weather...sheesh

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No, myocarditis is due to "Post Pandemic Stress Disorder":


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yea well i can always go to NYC and get some free, clean needles to inject something that will make me feel better and maybe die WTF?

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It has been a while, but I think Spinal Tap sang about this in their giant hit "Big Ventricles". Maybe I'm wrong. But anyway, the bigger the heart, the better the pushin', or something. I haven't gotten a vax, so my mind is filled with Omnicron.

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Heart tissue does not regenerate.

The 5 year mortality rate for myocarditis is 50-66%

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Igor! Hilarious! 🤣😂

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Oh, whew—no worries, then. I feel better now.

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...horrific... i slept (at least tried to) in the packed icu waiting room when my mom had pericarditis... any inflammatory reaction in vital organs is a huge issue... literally no one knows what they are signing up for... will be interesting to see the FOIA federal court ruling re: FDA request to delay for 55 years for disclosures

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Did your mom get reported to VAERS?

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No, this happened years ago, but doctor attributed it to a virus at that time... she also had fluid compressing her heart as a result... just reminds me every time i hear about inflammation...

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Love the satire^^^

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My heart is supposed to be full of love. Instead it is full of spikes.

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“Ah, make the most of what we yet may spend,

Before we too into the Dust descend;

Dust into Dust, and under Dust to lie

Sans Wine, sans Song, sans Singer, and--sans End!”

Tony Fauci is truly a villain. A monster who exploited a pandemic and the fear it created to aggrandize himself at the expense of the public he professes to serve.

Everyone who sees him ought to give him the middle finger. And a good general rule of life is that whatever he advises, we should do the opposite.

“What do Ebenezer Scrooge, Oogie Boogie, and the Grinch have in common with Dr. Anthony Fauci? They have all tried to stop Christmas.

“In a CBS interview last Monday, Fauci noted that it is ‘too soon to tell’ if families can gather for Christmas this coming December.”


Psychological and spiritual well-being matter too. Avoiding contracting Covid is not the sole aim of life. For most of us, contracting Covid isn’t a big deal.

What is a big deal? Making sure to enjoy life. And to celebrate it with family and friends. And to ignore the sanctimonious and sadistic scolds who derive a strange satisfaction from ruining the holidays (and life more generally) for the rest of us.

Enjoy life! Enjoy friends and family! Forget the masks! Ignore Fauci!

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While he forbids others to see family and friends, he is probably drinking some expensive wine with his.

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Who the H is he to tell us how to celebrate Christmas! Good grief.

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one caviat...keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer...(to keep an eye on the effer)

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I like that "opposite" or I call it, the inversion rule. It probably dates to the Solzhenitsyn books, certainly to his defective nation, early Soviet Union. I'm sure entire samizdat documents have been written about how to decipher the official propaganda of the day. The key rule, as you allude, was to consider an official statement and assume that the exact opposite was more likely true. A corollary is that if the government tells you to do something, do the exact opposite. If they accuse their opponents of something, very likely they are guilty of the same sin (psychology: "projection").

It's sad to say, but our media, government, etc. have been largely "captured" and lies, distortions, propaganda (beyond the obvious -- adverts) is the rule of the day. Occasionally the facts slip out. About the only difference in the West at least for now is that freedom is still technically legal; it's just that a few oligarchs own the vast majority of the media, and seem to have remarkably similar propaganda.

Sadly, it's quite easy to find examples of such "misinformation" in nearly all MSM.

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You mean like Pfizer, who has been running ads on the radio telling us what symptoms to look out for? 🤔 What a world we live in. It’s almost like planned obsolescence for humans.

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More like planned genocide…

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Just making more room in the Metaverse!

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feelin like a bic lighter myself..

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Accidentally hit post…to continue. They did the full game..EKG,X-ray,and Intervenous feed. I noticed what they were feeding was a magnesium solution. They said it was AFIB and prescribed blood $500 a month blood thinners and other meds. Needless to say I walked out concerned. They recommended a cardiologist who called for ten days and never go a call back. I have a feeling it may have been that my records did not show I was injected with the spike protein..that is another topic. My Doctor was out sick so it took two weeks to have a follow up. I decided against not getting what the hospital prescribed because once on it you can’t get off. I take no prescription medication now.

I have greatly lost my faith in the medical profession after this WuFlu fiasco and simply took a whole aspirin while waiting to see my own Doctor. I will add..I stated taking magnesium and potassium based on what I have science studied and the magnesium solution I was fed in emergency. I saw my Doctor and it explained what I was doing and he didn’t argue against it.

My Doctor seems almost afraid to even discuss the WuFlu. He was slapped down hard by the hospital and pharmacy when he prescribed HCQ.


After two weeks on magnesium and aspirin on have not had any retuning signs of AFIB on my Watch. I am not a Doctor and I am not recommending what I did that has seemed to work. And for transparency…..I own Apple stock…😊

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An early chinese study with 140 patients showed that aspirin indeed works. It dates back to somewhere Feb or March 2020. Aspirin is old and cheap and helps. Why should you use that if you can get a 700 $ med that doesn't help?

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Because hospitals and doctors don’t get kick backs when the prescribe 10 cent aspirin. Now you prescribe $500 a month Eliquis and Warfarin and the patient takes for life….now you got money. Exactly like HCQ and IVM compared to Remdesivir…..FOLLOW THE MONEY!

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yep that is where the trail leads. Same old. And I also read that docs and hospitals were paid extra government money to declare people were in there for covid. How sad is that.

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Yes, a long-running problem. Of course, it may be true that a newer, expensive drug is highly effective for a treatment. I don't fault Big Pharma when they produce (relatively) safe and effective drugs, nor do I say they shouldn't profit from the exceedingly high costs of bringing one to market. But it's a fact that a conflict of interest may exist: of the thousands of known (often generic) drugs, just by the law of averages some of these will be as effective, perhaps even better, than the on-patent and expensive newbies. Clearly, rent-seeking parts of the medical fraternity will seek to minimize their use, to maximize their profits.

Even worse, with the current "emergency," as Viking notes, there is the clear motive to discourage and in some cases even prohibit alternative treatments, since the de-facto monopoly granted by EUA designation requires that no approved treatments exist prior to approval. For big pharma, that's a quadruple play: monopoly granted for an expensive high-profit product, often mandated use, lower standards for approval (= lower development cost) and absolutely zero liability when things go wrong.

There is the perennial urban legend that treatment X is suppressed precisely because it would jeopardize Big Pharma's sales of Y. While these often prove to be untrue*, the profit motive and risks of unethical conduct by agents cannot be dismissed.

At least twice in my adult life I have been prescribed expensive meds for which a cheap generic existed, and in a few cases, the doctor admitted it when pressed.

There is also a safety angle. I seem to recall advice to request that only older, generic drugs be prescribed. They will tend to be cheaper, which is a plus for those who pay out of pocket. But also they will have been on the market for years, and thus their side effects better known.

*In the 1970s one fad was that Laetrile, a derivative of apricot pits, was a miracle cure for cancer, that was of course suppressed. The claim is probably untrue, but it remains a good example of "forbidden" treatments. In a better world, it should be up to the patient and his quack to decide what treatments to try. But in the name of "protecting" people, regulators forbid many options. In some cases this will protect the consumer, but I think the real motive is to "protect" the profits of the Healer's Guild.

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1899 Bayer

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Thanks ! that was of course the original. Now there are store brands at 1 buck for 100 tablets. And they work too.

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Actually original was 3000 to 1500 BC…extracted from willow bark by the Sumerians….IT IS FUN TO SAY. acetylsalicylic acid.

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Yes I still got the natural one too, but have not find the right dose that helps yet.

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It was fun to make it, too, in my chemistry class!

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A little known, and are most of my comments, utterly irrelevant 😅 footnote of history is that in the USA, the real Bayer company lost the rights to their trademark for most of a century, due to that small historical incident called World War I.

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putting birch or willow twigs (new growth best but any will have some effect) in vodka is essentially aspirin. Quality of vodka is entirely up to you but I only do a potato vodka, corn vodka makes me...regret.

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I'm really glad to hear that your AFIB has gotten better. And I'm glad to know how you did it. thank you!

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LMBO. Maybe I don't see it in the picture, but where is Fauci's hypodermic full of Christmas cheer? After all, didn't he and Former President Obama just visit elementary schools like joyful Elves with their big bag of scary goodies for the children? One can always hope that these monster's hearts swell even a fraction of what The Grinch's did but I think they are loving all of this. Sociopaths and psychopaths feed on this stuff.

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Pure blood cardiologists are gonna make out like a bandit in the next few years

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When these medical Mengeles get prosecuted - all of them, the politicians, pill peddlars, and purveyors of public "health" - capital punishment will be too kind. Sentence should be boosters, administered publicly, in front of the vaccine victims' families, every three months, for life. As long as that lasts. A sentence of protracted and acute dread, such as that inflicted on all those who gave been forced against their will or had to face losing their livelihoods and peace of mind to satisfy the prejudicial bloodlust of a world descended into tyranny and segregationist savagery. And the doctors and researchers who have stayed silent, despite the evidence, should administer to them. With only currently sanctioned drugs and ventilators at their disposal. While their families are banned from seeing them at the last. For they have overseen the destruction and desecration of humankind, and deserve no kindness in return.

I write this and am horrified at my incapacity for compassion or allowance for redemption. The blindness of revenge. I don't know whether I have anything higher in myself to appeal to. Perhaps I, too, am lost.

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Well done, Ann! My sentiments exactly. I, too, question my unbridled anger & lust for seeing everyone of these ghouls hauled before proper tribunals but I just can’t help myself. Not sure if I am angrier with the gutless & compromised politicians, unelected public health administrators, my fellow citizens or the MSM stenographers/Covid grifters. Today, because I had two nonsensical conversations with fully captured Branch Covidians, it is my fellow plebes. Part of me feels sorry for them because they lack the ability to think critically for themselves and/or have been fully propagandized. But then I switch to anger as it is because of them that we are still in the middle of this nightmare. Every day I wake up and hope for the best but expect the worst.

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Thanks, Art. Yes, let's not forget the vacuous and complicit husks of things that pass for journalists and media as well. And the flaccid arguments and blank, ruminating stares of the "safely" vaxxed, masticating on their MSM propaganda-bytes. All living their anodyne lives without a care in the world while thinking that it will all somehow simultaneously "end" at 100% fully vaxxed, once they've held down and forcibly injected that last recalcitrant. Imbecility abounds.

Drat. And I even went to yoga this morning. What tenuous enlightenment I have is regressing fast. I need an intervention with Sadhguru.

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This is simply an awakening in America, which could be the upside of the Fauci WuFlu. It has been going on for decades in in third world countries, like Africa and India, were Big Pharma, Bill Gates, and Fauci have been using their people like lab rats.

“Lamentably, Dr. Fauci’s failure to achieve public health goals during the COVID pandemic are not anomalous errors, but consistent with a recurrent pattern of sacrificing public health and safety on the altar of pharmaceutical profits and self-interest. He consistently priortized pharmaceutical industry profits over public health. Readers of these pages will learn how in exalting patented medicine Dr. Fauci has, throughout his long career, routinely falsified science, deceived the public and physicians, and lied about safety and efficacy. Dr. Fauci’s malefactions detailed in this volume include his crimes against the hundreds of Black and Hispanic orphan and foster children whom he subjected to cruel and deadly medical experiments and his role, with Bill Gates, in transforming hundreds of thousands of Africans into lab rats for low-cost clinical trials of dangerous experimental drugs that, once approved, remain financially out of reach for most Africans. You will learn how Dr. Fauci and Mr. Gates have turned the African continent into a dumping ground for expired, dangerous, and ineffective drugs, many of them discontinued for safety reasons in the US and Europe.”

— The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health (Children’s Health Defense) by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.


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...everybody’s feeling the toxic energy...

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You are right. These shots truly are a blessing in many ways. In addition to swelling hearts, they are saving lives by leading to early cancer diagnoses in the recently jabbed:


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Dear lord...how did we end up with so many people blinded to reality? Stunning!

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In psychological terms it’s call Mass Formation (Psychosis).

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Oh my gosh. That is for sure among the more disturbing pieces of propaganda I've seen in these last 20 months. I wonder if a doctor would recommend a mammogram for me after post-vax swelling? Maybe a prostate exam?

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...actually they explicitly tell you that you must wait at least two weeks after injection to schedule a mammogram because the injection gives you swollen lymph nodes...

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Your wit, humor and intelligence gives me hope for our world. I really appreciate what you are doing.

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Myocarditis…..on a more serious note. I fought off a bout of WuFlu in March of 2020 before it became trendy. Soon after I started to have periods of shortness of breathe over the next year. I have not had a spike protein injection. I had my Doc to a stress test and EKG. Everything appeared normal, but periods of shortness of breath continued. Not to sound like an Apple Watch commercial…I bought a new Apple Watch about 2 months ago. It has an app on it designated ECG which checks or irregular heart Rhythms. I started seeing period where I was getting 3 beats a second and then periods were the Watch would should very high hearts rates, and finally where the Watch said AFIB talk to your Doctor, ending in get your ass into Hospital Emergency…the get you ass in was an adlib.

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unsolicited advice, because I like your comments on substack and want to see you posting in good health for years to come 1) take off the watch and don't keep your cell phone on your body, a pulse oximeter is cheap and you can use it whenever you want, without exposing your body to much EMF radiation 2) read Invisible Rainbow by Arthur Firstenberg to understand the whys of #1. This book is very well documented. You will be pleased. Published by Chelsea Green. 3) FLCCC has supplement protocols for long haul symptoms! Ozone treatments are also good for shortness of breath. ((Much Love and concern))

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Thanks for the concern and comments. The shortness of breathe is from your heart not pumping blood to the lungs with the rapid AFIB pulse signal it is getting. The Watch only gives off short EMF signals on the arm when I use the ECG app. It is not a phone. I feed ozone in my home for 30 seconds three times a day….too much ozone is very destructive.

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excellent advice! I'm trying to talk my 19 y.o. daughter from getting the darn Apple watch. UGH! Will look up the book. Thanks!

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I would have never known I had AFIB, which shortens you life dramatically, if it wasn’t for the Watch.

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If only we could inject something into Fauci that would enlarge his brain.

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...he know what he’s doing...

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And now DeBlasio is mandating vaccines in NYC. Going to be lots of "big hearted" people there. Dear God save us from these idiots.

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he is an empty vessel. Body and mind!

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"Oh, the Who-manity." I'll never be able to watch that Christmas classic the same way again!

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Yeah, his heart isn't likely to grow when he's getting the saline shots.

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OMG. This is rich, LOL!

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Cindy Lou is now the lead singer of the Pretty Reckless: a damn good rock band

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Cindy Lou Who?

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yes, Cindy Lou Who. That little girl by the Grinch.

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A missed opportunity in Rock history: Pete Townsend, Roger Daltrey, John Entwhistle, Keith Moon*, could have but almost certainly didn't give that name to one of their no doubt copious spawn, legitimate and otherwise. 🙂

*"My friends call me Keith, you can call me John." The world misses such dry-as-a-silica-gel martini humour that in a bygone era was an emblem of the English.

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Wink-wink 😉 😉

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The Grinch wasn’t real…

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OMG! The pic of Grinchy Fauci made me laugh and laugh. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂. I’m using this on my family. Hilarious!!!!!

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Me too, me too!!!

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That photo deserves some sort of Pulitzer or Nobel prize. I wonder if he let the sand flies eat Max’s face off before or after this scene.

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great meme-manship! LOL!!

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Faucenstein as the grinch. Damn that is FUNNY!

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This is just so great. I needed a good laugh. Well done. Of course it's tragic what's happening, but we all have to laugh a little or we'll go mad in this insane world! Looking at the Fauci picture I can't help but think how poor Cindy Lou Who is in the age 5-11 category and can now get jabbed. So sad!

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how is it possible to have so much actual truth and fact in one page here, when the media goes on eternal 24/7 and never utters a truthful word. I love this space, but the above illustration will give me nightterrors.....

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Someone should change the definition of Myocarditis in Wikipedia. So nobody has any doubts of what are the causes. The text should be something like:

“Myocarditis, also known as inflammatory cardiomyopathy, is inflammation of the heart muscle. it’s known to be caused by Climate Change and PPSD (Post-Pandemic Stress Disease).”

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Hey...where's Max? I don't see Max! Oh that's right, he's in a cage being eaten alive by sandflies with his vocal cords cut out so the Grinch doesn't have to hear the torture, I mean the SCIENCE.

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Dr Frankenstein is high on power. Its more addictive & harder to quit than heroine or nicotine.

He & Pelosi are delusional. Only she is high on power & booze.

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You make me laugh, thank you! Even though it's all way past a laughing matter!

Read Nick Hudson's response (on Twitter) to a local journalist's attack on him and Panda. He takes down most points of this worldwide atrocity.

I really appreciate Nick Hudson to take the time to fight this fight and everybody else who has the voice and reach, including you. Thanks, my Katzis are grateful too (well up to point...!)

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Without any presents...he hadn’t stopped Christmas from coming! It came!

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Abstract 10712: Mrna COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers and ACS Risk as Measured by the PULS Cardiac Test: a Warning


So far, Altmetric has seen 102246 tweets from 62450 users, with an upper bound of 19,024,387 followers.

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LOL thank you for making this post it needed to be done

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Meanwhile in Australia unvaccinated are being refused organ transplants https://www.healthline.com/health-news/why-unvaccinated-people-are-being-denied-organ-transplants

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Yyyyyikes! 😧

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