What’s interesting throughout all of this is that we are barraged with only one set of facts and version of the truth in the US. As public health differs, albeit slightly at times, country to country, suddenly their version no longer counts.

An expert with an alternative viewpoint is suddenly a quack or conspiracy theorist. It’s absurd. The most misguided phrases these days are “the science is settled” and “safe and effective”.

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What will happen when key sectors of the economy do not have enough workers due to covid vax tyranny?

How long before these sectors are unable to perform their function and the consequences have real world/daily living impact?

The workers who do not wish to be vaxxed at this point most likely will not comply and will walk. Has this entered into the managerial classes calculations? I doubt it, as at the moment they are pretty high from the power grab.

But time is not on their side, as the effects of the experimental vaccine become more pronounced and difficult to explain away (as does its impact on the health of the population). Add in the variance of different approaches that work better (Norway)(ivermectin) (no masking) and the narrative becomes very hard to maintain. When they sense that they do not control the levers of power (they do not realize that they currently do not and they/we are running on inertia), it is then they truly become dangerous to personal liberty and freedom. Cue Australia.

I don't think the ruling class in the USA has the will. They have more guns and most of the money, but they have no heart or vision. Think of the true legend tyrants in history and in caparison these fools have no game. That does not mean they will not at least give it a go.

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Sweden and Norway have been cancelled

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World maps are going to become awfully confusing for you school cats. Countries are disappearing faster than a Presidential ice cream cone. Sweden, Iceland, Norway... What is a kitten to make of all the empty new spaces?

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Politics truly ruins everything it touches. And now that it’s in everything, well, you do the math.

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readers beware: aboriquagato/ el gato malo primarily spreads disinformation, cherry picking and misrepresenting in most all their posts. If you search for and read this article from Norway, there is no sign of this person, idea, or group being censored. Camilla Stoltenberge clearly says it's just a theory, "But she conceded that there as yet no research had been done to back up this theory."

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Just noted the date is >year ago. Did Norway open schools and keep them open?

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