Harris/Hillary 2024

Cackles and Cankles

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"Cackles and a Kill List".

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@J- LOL!!

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Now there is a ticket with a slogan we can all support. Just not the people behind the slogan.

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Dimmer and dimmest.

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Canks & Cacks.

Lord, have mercy!

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And bodies...

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Obama no longer holds the reins. Neither do the Clinton's.

That whooshing sound you hear is the air rushing to fill the Democrat Party Power Vacuum.

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With apologies to Ross Perot, that "giant sucking sound" that you hear is just Kamala Harris.

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Ah, Hoover Harris! Just ask Willie b.

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Oh, you're so bad

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Oh, good one.

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I think the Deep State now has veto power over Democrat and RINO candidates.

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Deep State delenda est!

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Yes they do. Why do you think the obamas live 8 houses from the WH and Susan Rice lives with them? The entire Biden foreign policy is obama’s.

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They live there hoping to be close enough to the White House to keep managing their puppets.

But Joe and Kamala aren't on the same page. Obama and the Clinton's aren't on the same page. Wes Moore (MD Gov, potential WH contender) is all in on Kamala, Adam Schiff looks like he's looking past her at ... something.

The Dem Party is fracturing and everyone who was close to the power is scrambling for their slice.

We are in the stage where we're waiting to see who grabs the reins - and, at this stage, it might be someone we never saw coming.

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The US has that early 1980s USSR feel to it. The leadership was geriatric and dying - Brezhnev, Andropov, Chernenko - and no one believed in the system anymore. Within a decade the USSR dissolved.

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I'm not sure if I'm fearing this or rooting for it.

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About time for the Antichrist to make his appearance.

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be they more demons?

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The Demons are Hiding in The Dark Inside

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I hope you are correct. On second thought, do I?

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I'm not sure either

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this letter is syrupy bullshite

Obama had a dream of building Obama's Army of progressive criminals.

He is nearly there

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The scariest thing about what you've done here is make her look like a nice lady.

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Yes, a nice, sweet well intentioned old lady who simply -and completely innocently, by the way - has forgotten where thousands of top secret documents are stored- under the kitty litter. Probably next to the “nuclear button”.

Now that Hur has been completely discredited, will Congress have gonads enough to “grill” his charlatan ass?

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both of them. Yikes!

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First of all, Obamala is genius.

Second, Dem lobbyist rumor is that it’s going to be Kamala BUT they want to make it look like there are other candidates. So, they’ll go through a “fair” process of weighing other candidates but ultimately it will be Kamala because they have no time to educate voters on anyone else. They don’t want to make it look like Kamala was “anointed.”

Democracy! Voters not required.

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Michelle Obama? Voter would not need educating. Here in New Zealand we had a DEI candidate helicoptered into opposition leadership just prior to an election. Jacinda Ardern was ultimately a catastrophe but voters weren’t given time to critique and just voted based on feelings (‘feelz’). Could the same thing happen in the US?

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Yes, definitely.

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Absolutely yes.

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They can't take the campaign money without her.

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If they had a fair process of weighing the other candidates Whoopie would win.

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The bigger problem if it's not Kamala is that they have to jump through some hoops to access Biden's campaign funds, and they won't be able to use it as freely as they would like.

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I read $81 M was raised since LGB dropped out? Can that even be possible??

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That's totally possible. One of the reasons why Biden dropped out was because major donors were refusing to fund his campaign after his disastrous debate performance. His departure meant the money started flowing again.

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True, apparently. Alex Soros made a giant contribution. As for Biden's funds, I just saw a segment with the head of the Elections Commission and he said Kamala's group is figuring out how to siphon away Biden's funds illegally. There would be a process to get his funds but it would take too long. So they're going to get their hands on the money now and deal with consequences later. Of course, we all know there would never be consequences for breaking this law.

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Reid Hoffman, Alex Soros, Big Donors hold the reins in Democrat Party. Far more so than in Republican. At least at the present.

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When the German parliamentary building, the Reichstag, went up in flames, Hitler harnessed the incident to seize power. Germans were desperate for strong leadership, any leadership.

Who would have seized power here during our own Reichstag Fire? Our Reichstag Fire being:

1. The assassination of the leading candidate for President

2. Followed by the chaos of the devastating global outage of IT systems

3. Followed by the admission of incompetency by the current President.

Who, I wonder, would present himself as a strong leader ready to take charge?

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I shudder to think

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Ulp!! Hak-hak! Hoard!! Gag!! Sorry, I just threw up in my mouth. 🤢 🤮

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Pfizer has a medication for that.

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No doubt.😀

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Thanks to you and Swabbie for bringing me an out loud chuckle. COL.

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I think the words you're looking for are 'Hawk Tuah'

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Kamala is the weakest of the potential candidates. She'll get a 1-2 week honeymoon as they test the waters. About 2 weeks from now, the 'leaks' will begin along with the doubts. The 2 weeks leading up to the Democratic convention will be a full on blitz of questions & invalidation. She'll be swapped for Michele at the Convention which negates the DEI fence and actually puts forward a candidate they have a shot at winning with. Expect it.

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VP pick with his ties to Thiel is not a good look. Makes me think that TPTB have their bases covered.

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Cannot 'like' but do agree

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I agree with this assessment

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I agree as well Mike. I’ve been saying Michelle all along. God help us.

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I agree - I think it will be Michele

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I’m agree. And don’t rule out the possibility of RFK being the VP pick for Michelle Obama.

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Well, Laura. Hmmmmm. I never thought of that….. I’ll ponder.

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My theory, in part, is that the vaccine debacle will get more air time in the lead up to the convention. We will hear more and more about the adverse effects. Did you see Attorney Siri’s substack about the sudden admission by high ranking public health officials that historically not enough testing has been done on vaccines? In my mind, that is laying the groundwork for coming around to the need for reform and throwing money at more research within NIH, etc. The people will get behind it as more and more people are waking up to the botched mRNA vaccines and harm done.

The Tier 2, as Sage Hana calls it, have been busy protecting the “dolts botching shit” or administrative incompetence narrative. So, if they leak enough information in the next month about the vaccine (consider how many Americans have stopped getting the latest booster), then the time will be ripe for inviting RFK and his posse of longstanding liberals that have been directing the medical freedoms movement into the fold with promises for reform.

So yeah, I’m wondering if we will be sold on a “hopium and change” platform. Will be interesting to see.

And honestly, I’m not convinced that TPTB aren’t scripting the November election such that it doesn’t matter whether it is Trump/Vance in the WH or the Democratic ticket. I honestly think we are owned and occupied by the fin/tech sector and the objective of a NWO is the goal.

These guys can look like they are publicly retreating from the agenda, but it usually just means they are shifting gears and often hide from view the second act of the script. I saw that in the education space in spades. Meanwhile, the populace thinks they won some victory and go back to life….

My motto at this point….caveat emptor. Those calling the shots are not done with their agenda by any stretch….in fact, I suspect they are just getting started. The past four years is about setting us up to make us pliable and unsure of whom or what to trust.

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Could not agree more, on all fronts of your conviction. It matches my own.

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I agree. They have until August 19th I believe to announce their candidate. And it won't be Cackling Commie Camala.

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They are currently trying to bamboozle everyone into thinking big donor contributions will equal a victory over Trump. That sure didn't happen with Hillary in 2016, she had far more money than Trump.

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Mike and Gavin. Ugh.

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My biggest fear.

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Whoever is chosen, you can be sure that it will be a death blow to America should they again "win" the election.

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It always boils down to who exactly counts the votes, doesn't it?

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AI counts the votes. Always. Anyway that AI is told to count them.

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Notice that Mr. Obama specifically mentions Jill’s leadership, as if she’s been president along with Joe. Except he forgot to call her DR. Jill.

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That didn't escape my notice.

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Mine either

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The only true statement O'Bummer said in his Ode to Biden is "Joe Biden has been one of America's most consequential presidents" I agree. He has done more to destroy the American Experiment and undermine all our foundations than anyone could imagine in three and a half years. O'Bummer never was a friend, Biden never was a Patriot. It is true he had a remarkable career in public service. He was racist and got away with it, he was corrupt and got away with it, he was for sale and got away with it. I can see why O'Bummer would admire his character because he was able to fake sincerity and said the right things. Fundamental decency? When in his life did he ever show that? "and belief that everyone counts"? 10% for the big guy? Was that for Obama? O'Bummer called Biden the quicker fucker upper. Now that was an honest statement. Too bad he didn't include that in his eulogy. I think O'Bummer's own character flaws and hidden agendas which Biden was helping to carry out is what the real praise amounts to. The rest of the statement is just the same old donkey shit we've been hearing on CNN and MSLSD for years: Blame the opposition for what you yourself is doing.

The Obama Kamala picture mashup is perfect for this ode to the chief.

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By endorsing Kamala, Joe gave a big middle finger to Obama and Pelosi, and all the rest of the vipers. It's sort of brilliant really. How are they going to get rid of Kamala on the top of the ticket without feeling the wrath of the black magic gal's? This is gonna get really spicy hot.

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I imagine Joe was told to endorse Kam, to keep control of the treasure. And now (yesterday?) a deal is cut, by sleaze-moves, Jill gets a very generous cut of those funds as consolation prize. Watch for Joe shortly making his final exit from history's stage, and Jill shortly thereafter finding a new sugar-daddy.

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Check this out....


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Balenciaga is gonna hava relly upa they game now.

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lol, like....alot

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Wow. Brilliant.

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Here's my tinfoil-hat analysis of the day.:

1. The Obamas and the Clintons despise each other. (Fact)

2. The Clintons have endorsed Kamala. (Fact)

3. Kamala will have to name a VP.

4. See #2. Quid pro quo but Bill wouldn't be able to serve a 3d term. Therefore...

5. Kamala names Hillary as VP running mate.

6. Shortly before next presidential debate, Kamala has "accident."

7. Hillary advances to prez candidate.

8. General election; enter the 3am mail trucks....

Stay tuned.

(Alternative to #6 et seq.: Kamala is assassinated by Deep State stooge who's been promised payoff and protection from legal consequences. Stooge is taken out by Secret Service. Trump is accused of inciting assassination as revenge for attempt on his own life, is indicted for same. Continue with #s 7and 8 as above.)

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not even kamala is dumb enough to put her own death between hillary and the oval office.

the clintons want the dems to lose this cycle so they have time to set up the huma/soros (humasaurus?) wing. their primary goal is to prevent another donkey tribe from taking power right now.

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Do they want the dems to lose this cycle so that they can set up for the next? ... Or do they (deep state) want the dems to lose this cycle so that they can finally pull the rug out from under the failing economy and blame the populist president for its inevitable failure?

At this rate, will there even BE a "next cycle?"

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Well, I did say it was "tinfoil-hat" analysis. This whole situation -- assassination attempt and all -- has made me feel as though I'm living in an English Renaissance revenge tragedy, with all the trickery, subterfuge, and double-cross plot devices coming to the fore.

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Sounds plausible. I'm not counting Hillary out of it either.

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OMG 🤦‍♂️‼️KAMALA HARRIS & HAVANA SYNDROME the Lefty loons have no shame at all and they are all just so pathetic that they’re doomed to fail! 🤷#STORM 🌪

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