Waiting for article linking climate change to white supremacy.

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Well, duh... snow is white!!! Hello????

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And "pure as the driven snow" is another racist dog whistle.

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so much for “ Mary Had a Little Lamb”....

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why? nah, don't worry, we'll just adjust the text a bit (into a cringeworthy woke version):

Mary had a little lamb,

Its fleece was black as coal.....


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that is racist ! we need black snow! oh wait, I guess in some places it is black, it is that dirty

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"Snow Of Color"

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Snowman? Wait, Snowperson? No, supremacist snowperson!

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Well, remember the 1970s?

Snow in the city was pretty black from all the exhaust fumes in those days.

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Where’s all the support for the yellow snow?

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My kids and I were out playing in the snow yesterday when our fed ex driver showed up. He started talking about how his brother used to feed him lemonade snow cones when they were little and then he realized it was just his brother peeing in the snow.

Is this normal? My brothers didn’t do this to me.

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LOL. I have a younger brother, I don't recall ever doing this to him but I was probably certainly capable of it!

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As my name mentions, I am a woman. When I think about this, my brothers were completely capable of doing this to one another.

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Far be it from me that I might potentially mis gender anyone!

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I was thinking the same

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You missed the ones about an absence of trees in some neighborhoods is proof positive of white supremacy?

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Colonizers, don'tcha know? 🤣

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I think BLM already did that.

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Racist, homophobic, colonialist!

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Homophobia has transitioned to Transphobia.

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Showphobic climate denier!

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*#!@?! phobias are mutating faster than a Wuhan lab virus!

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with a fully developed Big Pharma medication, no doubt.

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Not too long ago there were claims that inner cities (you know, where all the black & brown people are “confined”) were discriminatory because there was more pollution in such areas 🙄

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Those claims continue.

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Since we had slavery in the three hundred years ago and that was pre-global warming, perhaps there is an inverse relationship.

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We whites live on the magic dirt.

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That claim has already been made!

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Snow is white. Therefore, snow is racist.

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Cocaine is white, too, but that hasn't slowed 'em down a bit.

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And opium is black, so. . . ? ;)

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😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 Thank-you for that laugh!

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They've come pretty close

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Here’s a laugh: my visiting English friends nicked my plastic straws because they are illegal in the UK.

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Paper straws work so well. Just use those. Hahaha

On a serious note, Schellenberger wrote a book “apocalypse never” that opened my eyes to much of the environment bs. Plastic saved the turtles:)

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You can buy silicone straws which feel the same--plus they are reusable. (Although I do reuse my own plastic straw) I am now using a steel straw with a silicone removable tip. Although I don't believe in climate change. I do believe, however, in avoiding lots of landfill waste.

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Makes sense. Snow is white--and so is white supremacy.

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"sympathetic magic" - been around for tens of thousands of years.

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Good point! We can throw ice cubes as we dance--preventing global warming in this way.

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Waiting for the “climate vaccine.” It’s coming. The ultimate IQ test.

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YES! Look at similarities between vaccine propaganda, climate change propaganda, war propaganda and gender id propaganda. 1)THREAT WHICH CAUSES TERRIBLE SUFFERING OR LOSS 2)Solution which requires government subsidies to private corporations like drug companies, wind farms, solar panels, electric car manufacturers, surgeons/hospitals, weapons/munitions manufacturers 3)Framing the desired outcome as "a civic duty," necessary to save grandma (vaccines), save the earth and polar bears (climate change), save the suffering child who needs surgery to change their sex because they were born in the wrong body (we also have "sanctuary cities" to rescue such children from their parents), save Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan from evil Russia, Hamas, China,

So you MUST follow the government mandated action--or you are endangering the life/safety/happiness of everybody around you. In that case it will be perfectly fine to coerce you in every way possible--even, if necessary, with force. After all, it's for your own good--as well as the well-being of your community!

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Climate change is caused by the ever changing climate. 🤣

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One of my email signatures is: News flash: Sun, 4 billion years old, suspected in recent spate of heat.

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May I quote you?

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I did not make it up, but I could not tell you where I found it....

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Really? I thought the sun was so old that he couldn't do much any more.

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I suggest we rename it "Climate Evolution". That will explode their tiny, captured minds.

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Trans-climate? It identifies as temperature-fluid. Pronouns are "heat/Brrr".

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😂🤣😂🤣 Love it!

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Temperature fluid because the ice bergs are melting?

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The ONLY thing that NEVER changes is that EVERYTHING changes.

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When all you have is a hammer everything is a nail.

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When all you have is a climate-related grant proposal, everything is a catastrophe.

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And from what I've seen every cockamamie idea for "conservation" is what you have to support. No matter what the cost or how inefficient the so called solution.

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except for conserving the Amazon and other natural environments.

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Of course. But what are their methods of conservation? Just blindly supporting things like hot dry rock geothermal energy production is so wrong headed in places like NM; even as it is right and effective in places like Iceland and New Zealand. Also in Geysers in CA. Those who would profit from great financial investments in such schemes have little interest in conservation. I'm all for NOT drilling in places in Alaska. But are electric cars really the answer? How is the electricity generated for the charging stations. How many third world children are exploited and even killed working to extract lithium for the batteries?

If someone feels they are supporting the environment by getting an electric car, then get an electric car. But mandating electric cars is an abridgment of freedom, for example.

Other examples abound.

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exactly. at this point they don't even know what to do with the ginormous blades and other parts of all those windturbines that need to be replaced because they've reached the end of their productivity (aka too old). two very informative substack authors - https://tangowithrenewables.substack.com/


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And they are a plastic combination

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I really appreciate a person who can look beyond the mostly empty rhetoric and see what's truly happening.

I guess I'm going to get involved in the local legislative session. I will have to try to keep from getting sick listening to the bull that's tossed around there. But I have a mission.

I have subscribed to both your authors. More time spent SITTING instead of moving, but I love to get more information. Thanks so much.

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No No It's only if you ignore the threats of climate. Otherwise you're fine. Just don't travel by car (except electric car) or airplane. Don't use plastic bags to carry your groceries. Recycle your trash. Transition to green electric power. Take steps to reduce the population. Make farming illegal because cows give off too much methane. Legalize abortion or start preventing pregnancies with the vaccination of pregnant women.

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you cannot use 3 brain cells if you only have 2

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You mean there's more than 2 ?

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No there's only one. Just like the 3 graeae shared one eye and one tooth. Soon there will be only one brain cell to go around for all those damaged by government policies.

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Unless you can hammer out freedom and justice. (Nice song from the 60's "If I had a hammer--"

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The Canadian Government has taken out TV propaganda ads that state, "The Climate Crisis is here". It's all I can do to not throw my remote through the screen... Boy, I need to work on my anger issues...

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throw out the TV while you're at it ;-)

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And throw Pretty Boy out of office!

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Stop miss-gendering him! It's Ms. Pretty Boy!

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Sound like a Ms Take to me.

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getting pretty boiled by now

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Now, why didn't I think of that?? LOL! I love sports too much to do that, tbh. And that's all I watch on TV, but there is no escaping the overreaching Liberals in Canaduh. I had a friend confess to me recently that he stopped buying his morning coffee because his 17 year old son shamed him for sending all of those cups to the landfill. The propaganda is real!

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indeed. however, isn't making one's own coffee cheaper, more satisfying (despite the time & effort), and probably even healthier than commercial (corporate) coffee?

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Plus you get to brag and virtue signal!

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Especially if you grow your own beans. Maybe you can sell your organic, home grown coffee and become a millionaire?

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Tell him that the cups are biodegradable.

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That’s what I thought, but he seemed so pleased with himself for making coffee at home now. 😆

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All I watch on TV is American Ninja Warrior (80%) and The Good Doctor (20%). Otherwise I would be on substack 24/7.

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Or he could ignore the stupid 17 yr old... wtf is a father taking orders from ANYONE whose 17🤣

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That’s the problem, he let a 17 year old that knows less than nothing shame him. If this is a true story this guy is no father and he’s barely a man, just another cuck.

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It's not anger you have an issue with, it's TV...get rid of it.

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I don't have a TV and I'm fking furious all of the time after being violently assaulted by Vancouver Police, permanently injured, wrongfully fired after 27 years, losing 10 years of future income, fully half of my Maximum Pension and a 25% penalty (for "retiring" early) for my refusal to wear a mask at work (Canada Post) when no provincial or federal government mask mandates were in effect. Adding insult to injury, gangstalking CSIS psychopaths have infiltrated my condominium, harrassing me with noise and my beloved cat was tortured by a Directed Energy Weapon causing her death on November 18, 2022. The injustice is gutting.

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You should be furious!

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😞 I'm so sorry.

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The climate alarmists would be more convincing if even ONE of their predictions ever came true.

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Credibility has never been their calling card.

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They don’t have to, because they talk in generalities. Anytime something happens that goes against the narrative they just deflect or move the goalposts. These people are only interested in power and control, and will use any form of fear monger if to achieve it.

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Oh yes. If the weather supports their narrative, they say: "that's because of climate change." If the weather doesn't support their narrative, they say: "that's weather, not climate."

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go ahead ! you will feel much better 1. by throwing it and 2. by not having a TV anymore to watch the crap

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Well, maybe you can become like the Hulk a mighty warrior ready to rescue us all.

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Issued By

Environment and Climate Change Canada !!!!

(Every time I check the weather on my iPhone ugh)

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I couldn’t believe my eyes when I first saw that. I sincerely hope the Conservatives reverse all of the ridiculous climate hoax policy forced upon Canadians by the petulant, virtue signalling Liberals.

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I still maintain that, if everyone who believes in man-made climate change would simply stop exhaling, they would severely cut the amount of harmful carbon dioxide being released into the atmosphere and climate change would disappear.

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Carbon dioxide isn't harmful. It is necessary for all life on this planet.

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"Gas of life"

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So is sarcasm. Perhaps I should have put "harmful" in quotes, though from those people, the hot air coming out of their mouths *is* harmful.

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Yes, quotes would have made your point obvious. I'm sure the look on your face as you wrote would have also, but that is the limitation of print. However, we can live without sarcasm, even though it would be less fun, but nothing can live without CO2. But the ecofascists are luddites and you will never convince them of that fact.

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Totally agree. As I often tell people, CO2 is plant food - that's approximately sixth grade (maybe earlier) science. And no, you can't argue someone out of something they weren't first argued into. Climate catastrophism is not science - it's religion.

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Yes, I've begun calling it a death cult. I think it is accurate.

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we know that, but they deny it.

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The people pushing the narrative, the rich and powerful cabal, don't believe in man-made climate change. If they did, they wouldn't be buying up ocean front property. There's an island off the coast of Miami where only the billionaires can afford to buy property:


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Ah, but they want the rest of us to stop breathing.

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Bingo, but I've been saying it longer. 😉

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I think they should stop inhaling, too. They're sucking up all OUR oxygen!

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I think that was implied. ;-)

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I want things to be clear. 😉

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Let’s have John Kerry and Greta Thunberg start the trend

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Oh yeah, let’s not forget Al “hanging chads” Gore

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No intelligent person should pay any attention to the garbage published by the NYT. It is fake news central and all the other propaganda outlets look to it for direction. Elena Shao obviously has shit for brains just like her audience.

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Before they had psychologist children were made to respect their parent to do their chores their school work spanked if they were badly behaved and brought up to be responsible for their actions and the climate was the same and changed with the seasons that still happens where I live

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The climate is changing. We live on a dynamic planet where ice ages come and go and glaciers are not a permanent fixture on the planet...they come and go.

Unfortunately, on our dynamic planet the BS propoganda seems to be very permanent, only changing in narrative, but BS none the less.

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Gosh--that describes my children (36-45 years old now). I cannot fathom why they are all 3 responsible beings.

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Yeah. My 51 year old is much tidier than I am.

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untill there are polar bears living in Spain and bamboo growing in Alaska there's no climate change.

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Definitions are important. Using the watermelons' definition: "climate change" = "weather phenomena that we can use as a cudgel for political/economic control," it's all perfictly consistent.

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The answer is always "climate change is a problem." The data, or the observations, must support this ostensible fact, regardless of less snow, more snow, or the sighting of a Sasquatch wearing shorts. #LatherRinseRepeat

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"How can a warming climate increase snowfall?"

Oooh, oooh, oooh, pick me, I know. It can't.

I'm going back to my original plan: we dig a big hole, a really big hole, and we push them all in.

My idiot brother and his idiot wife are virtue signaling about their post covid booster "symptoms" on Fakebook. I'm in a mood. I pray they didn't convince their college-age kids to get another poison shot.

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Actually, a warming climate creates more precipitation, so you would expect more snow just as there would be more rain. Warming is good. All life on earth does better in warm than cold, even polar bears and penguins.

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More precipitation? Yes. More snow? Not likely. You don't have to convince me that warming is better for living things than cooling is. The sun, not human beings, is responsible for the warming, though.

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yet there's industrial pollution. and geoengineering.

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it might be the dynamic between warm and cold that sustains life on earth best.

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Well, sheep exist to be sheered.

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I've tried to reach my brother. He was reluctant in 2021. Frankly, he should have told her to f*ck off. Instead, he folded. My other brothers smelled the rat...eventually...3 shots in.

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Road trip!! Everybody bring balloons to fill with water...and rocks, if you like!

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The NYT is run by rocket surgeons so they don't seem to understand that we don't have nearly enough people to destroy a freaking planet! Regular people have better things to do like eat dinner and hang out with farting cows. The WEFfers don't seem to understand they are not in charge of the whole planet. They think they can tell Earth what to do. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Don't get me started on "climate justice.'

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"climate justice". "climate justice".

Seems to me the climate just is. Period

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At least in olden times when you gave to the blot or dis for them to ask Frej or Njord to send good weather, you got a good show for it.

All we get nowadays is scorn and threats and after they rob us, they still hurt us and demand more of what is ours.

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In 'olden times' what was yours was yours. And law and custom permitted, even required, you defend that property - and your family.

Nowadays there seems to be considerable confusion as to whether you actually have ANY right to any private property - or even to raise your children.

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I didn't know planets needed "justice" (one of their more recent idiotic terms). I think that due to their giant egos, they don't know how much smaller they are than a planet! The WEFfers are the craziest bunch of @$$holes I ever heard of. They all seem to think they are soooo much smarter and better than those of us without private planes. Since our planet is quite capable at throwing hailstones, hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions wherever it wants to, "Climate Justice" is completely unnecessary. A tsunami would be handy for scouring DC a little though...

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"A tsunami would be handy for scouring DC..."

Wishful thinking?

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You can’t make this sort of ideological science up. No snow because climate change on the 10th, straight to so much snow because climate change on the 12th. So sciency.

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N.Y. Times No Snow in Future: http://www.nytimes.com/2014/02/08/opinion/sunday/the-end-of-snow.html?_r=2

John Kerry Climate Change, "Scientists project that the Arctic will be ice-free in the summer of 2013. Not in 2050, but four years from now."


And on and on.

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Noticing these contradictions is a symptom of what we Experts refer to as a “Climate Imbalance”. I’m afraid you’ll need to be placed on more drugs, Gato.

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Justification by faith.

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