I solved the high gas prices and high food prices issue completely. I quit driving my car and I don't eat anymore. The CDC and FDA will be monitoring my health status. Both agencies stated that I will be fine as long as I get a vaccine and a booster.

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why are there still people who are so happy with Biden. Are they sick?

I am 100% sick of the leftist administration and all of the destruction to our country and it;s citizens

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This is only my first one, but I’m already hating totalitarian power-grabs.

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As has been said before,

"If he *were* trying to destroy America...what would he do differently?"

Nothing. Occam's Razor.

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Oh it most certainly is intentional - gotta break it so you are the one to rebuild it … pol pot, mao, Trudeau I and II…etc

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You could have a group of chimpanzees in the Oval Office making random decisions with a dart board and they could do a better job than President Applesauce Brains. At some point it becomes clear it isn't incompetence - it's deliberate. Had the same feeling during the Obongo years - of course we know who's really running the show, don't we?

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So far, 30 Dem members of the US House decline to run for re-election in the mid-terms.This is a recent record.

Biden is poison to them now.

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They are trying to remove carbon aka humans

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My head spins @ how quickly we went from energy independent & America & Americans FIRST in ALL things to the abuse in ALL things we are subjected to now. The “crisis” in Ukraine is a ruse to distract from Bite-Me’s poll numbers & every disaster here @ home. How in the world do we withstand THREE MORE F’ING YEARS OF THIS S#¡+?!?!

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The logic is straightforward. Force supply issues and high prices on oil&gas and it will force investment, innovation and action towards renewables. In their insane minds, all they need to do is turn the screws hard enough and it will usher in an energy utopia.

And the possibility that they are wrong or it doesnt work is casually swept aside because "climate catastrophe, its worth the risk, plus who says the vaccine isn't safe and effective"


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the SOTU address is going to be short

its in a shit state

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To friends suggesting that this fighting on Europe's border is important for America, I say this:

"Great, when will your children enlist? Put them on the front lines?"

Literally takes the wind out of them.

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And in less covered news, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has made getting an interstate pipeline project approved subject to much wider interventions by tangentially interested parties claiming "environmental justice" concerns. People are going to be freezing in the dark before they listen.

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I think I need to see some of the napping curriculum from kittengarten because I'm just so tired these days.

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As a kitten, I believed in coincidences. Now, as a full grown, smart cat who has watched how things play out when orchestrated by evil people with not-so-hidden agendas, I know there’s no such thing😡

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Yes, the political Left in North America seems to be hell bent on destroying the continent with their lockdowns and restrictions

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And of course all government vehicles will soon be electric. I wonder if these dumb f?cks know where electricity comes from…

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If you are not familiar with James Howard Kunstler's "The Long Emergency" which came out in 2005, read it. Then you will understand what is going on.

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Joe “Wrecking Ball” Biden.

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We really need to be able to fire politicians when they’re doing a bad job… They should have to be held to the statements they made in their campaign or they’re out.

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Apropos this post, I saw a fantastic Tweet the other day, it contained a picture of two people and it read, "One of the people in this photo understands economics. The other person is Paul Krugman." #AndHereWeAre

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Ah, but it's all part of the grand plan laid out in poetic prose in Agenda 2030" I read it so you don't have to, but in a nutshell the elites want to destroy the west, so jack up the price of oil, and everything really, make it so prohibitive and expensive to live in urban areas so folk have to move into the cities (easier control), return the countryside to 'nature' (no O&G drilling, lumber, mining) and farming by those they choose. Inflate everything and destroy the value of money, watch while the unrest starts and then send in the goons to beat the one world model into their heads (Ottawa anyone). Now that covid is being exposed as the scam it always was, the only option now is for the elites to show their true selves through violence, censorship and monetary control via the social credit score system. The dopey old guy in the basement and his disciple, Countess Blackface, up here are just doin' what the boss says (CCP, WEF, City of London, Soros, Gates, Blackrock, Vanguard etc) - they'll probably get a decent bonus this year for their excellent work so far.

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In order to get elected Democrats use narratives. One of the narratives is climate change. This narrative postulates that fossil fuels--by emitting CO2---will destroy the earth. Fanatical Voters who believe this then vote for Democrats. Climate change is a complete lie. But the fanatical voters are about half the country, and include doctors, engineers, and many smart people. The atmosphere is 78% Nitrogen 21% Oxygen, 0.93% Argon---CO2 is 0.04%. No gas, not even Plutonium, could harm the earth if its concentration is so small, many posers and many govt organizations push this narrative. Govt Agencies receive over $22 billion per year for climate change. This is about the same amount the Pharma companies are making annually on the vaccine. Same effect. Lots of false narratives to push the vaccines.

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Stick "m1 money supply" into your favorite search engine (hopefully not Goggle).

Look at official Fed chart, adjust for max time.

Try not to cry.

You ain't seen nothin' yet...

Let's go, Brandon.

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Feb 23, 2022·edited Feb 23, 2022

So sick of the stupid policy decisions driven by all the anthropogenic climate change BS - if these folks were serious, we’d be all in on nuclear gen III/IV, hydro and nat gas.

Renewables are nice as a complementary source, but are just not realistic – they’re expensive, use dirty components (solar), kill bats/birds (wind), need battery tech that is super lacking, destroy large swaths of the land to use, don’t generate when it’s dark / not windy, and simply can’t create enough energy for the world’s needs.

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A possible truth... I will let you decide... but before you agree or disagree... go to a quiet place, close your eyes, think about what I am about to say and just listen for two minutes... then decide. In the process of the truth "setting you free," truth will identify itself as such... but you have to listen quietly with your heart to hear.

POSTULATE: Joe Biden is nothing more than Satan's tool... Satan is attacking this world with just about everything he has right now. And the United States' slogan of "In God We Trust" makes it a major, major target for Satan. So indeed, Satan, through Joe Biden, is absolutely doing all he can to intentionally destroy this country. Joe may or may not be evil himself (God will judge that); but clearly, Joe is weak, and hence an easy target for Satan. Thus, it may not be true that Joe Biden is "intentionally destroying America," but it is absolutely true that Satan is.

Let me know if you believe this postulate is the truth.

If you agree... pray... and pray a lot! (I suspect you already are and thank you!!)

If you disagree... I will pray for you... a lot!

I am already praying for our country and world.

One last thing... please... vote against liberalism, wokeism, and far-left politics... vote centrist or conservative, either party will do. But vote for strength in character, rough or not (often rough though, so get over it). In short, be smart and vote against stupidity and weakness!


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If your identity is ever revealed and you turn out to be a dog, I'm going to be seriously pissed.

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Evil is not the best case scenario. Stupidity can be corrected, new approaches taken to solve problems. Intentional destruction is terrifying. We have three more years of this?

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This is nothing yet! Wait until you protest the gas prices and inflation…label you a domestic terrorist…then they will de-personhood you with freezing your bank account. That’s coming soon.

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I'm very dismayed to hear such ignorant takes like "Biden is completely incompetent." "Biden is terrible at his job." "Biden is clueless."

It assumes that Biden wants what is best for America. It is the exact opposite.

And when normies start to understand bidens objective. They will realize he is extremely successful at his goal of destroying the U.S.

And this is only a year in....

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It truly is insane. The Left demands the US be "carbon neutral" by 2050, then panics when the price of oil skyrockets.

You'd think they'd be partying in the streets instead of asking OPEC to pump more black death to keep prices low....

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Last time I looked the USA was self sufficient in shale gas and oil. Am I wrong?

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He is definitely trying to destroy America. That's what the lock downs were intended to do. That's what everything to diminish our liberty and take control of our ability to thrive financially, has been thrust on the US citizen in the name of a virus with a 99.3% survival rate. It's always been our politicians goal, using the WEF playbook.

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So many live in a fantasy world of their own creation, shaped by participation medals, equity, and media brainwashing. They simply have no idea how real things work, or even what actually exists versus what is just hype. Stupid people didn't used to have much power. because the world was a meritocracy and a real place that required you to actually create value and have character to move up. Now social media and connectivity have given useless, clueless folks influence in a virtual world, and exerts no leverage on them to face reality. So no surprise we are fighting to save the real world while they are arguing for equity, solar cars and wind powered aircraft. Oil is dirty - is makes CO2 and that kills the planet. It's so simple you morons! If we all just masked - er vaxed - er locked-down - er wind-powered - yeah that's it - harder, this would all be over. Can't you morons see that?!

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Seriously, and I am not kidding: if the left was actually trying to destroy America, what would they do differently?

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Kitten corner is my favorite place to be these days.

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Right, Left, Democrat, Republican. Almost no politician, those people who increase in power as they do the bidding of some special interest, prioritizes you, me or our families. No matter where on the political spectrum we fall, there are tons of issues on which many of us agree. Regulatory capture, censorship to name just two which brought many of us here. I'm sure there are many more. It wasn't just truckers in Canada who protested against mandates. Thank God for the truckers. But they also showed the way. We can come together and throw these traitors out of office and into jail for some of them. The alternative is they will keep crushing us as they pit us against each other from above.

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The baby boomer generation has completely failed their children and subsequent generations. We have gone from the Greatest Generation to the Most Failed Generation in the span of barely a single generation. From the generation that rescued the world from tyranny to the one that willingly gave it all back. From the generation that sacrificed everything for our freedom to the generation that sacrificed nothing and sold our children’s futures for a few bucks. We are substantively no different from Xi’s China, Putin’s Russia or any of the other totalitarian regimes past or present. If they make any attempt at all to hide it, those in control simply offer feeble excuses to those who refuse to believe even as they watch their freedoms trampled and their neighbors isolated and scorned or jailed.

We no longer live in a free country. Many may not yet see it, but it has happened. We now live at the whim of the ruling class. They allow us only the freedoms they chose. They impose the rules and force us to comply by any means necessary - taking control of government through elections legitimate and otherwise; turning schools into indoctrination camps; turning media and into propaganda mouthpieces; stifling free speech through social media controls; turning our courts and system of justice into rubber stamps for their tyrannical rules and regulations; conspiring with our enemies to sell out our freedom, weaponize governmental agencies against citizens and implement tyrannical controls; using manipulation, bribery, fear, intimidation and force to achieve submission. Those who dare step out of line are punished. Those who join the conspiracy and use their influence to help implement order or who meekly follow their rules and please them are granted special favors - just as with every totalitarian regime throughout history. They have usurped our democracy through corruption, deceit and manipulation without us even recognizing it, and will now use force and all means necessary to retain control.

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$7/gallon gas is only one problem. I suggest everyone does some research to see the myriad of products that can't be manufactured without petroleum products. Brace for the impact of price increases coming for just about everything synthetic or plastic as well added cost of transportation and asphalt roads to name a few. Good luck building replacement "green" energy sources out of natural materials.

thank you north face is a video worth looking up, watching, and sharing.

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Destruction of every aspect of life and chaos is the goal. It pits people against each other. Food, energy, crime, healthcare- all deliberately destroyed esp at the local levels. Inflation is a great way to suck the savings from the middle class. All of this makes for a society that is easier to control.

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Illinois is supposedly flush with federal covid money so you would think out tubby Governor would suspend the state gas tax….

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Feb 23, 2022·edited Feb 24, 2022

Putin just chopped off the Biden corruptocracy (see cash cow) in Ukraine - thats* why it's a 'crisis'. Just last week, the EU floated 'pausing Nordstream 2' development as part of their Washington induced hallucination/strategy to 'keep Putin from invading* Ukraine'...what a joke. No question that got the attention of Putin's teams, and they took action; what did they actually have to lose?

Has Biden and his monkey's truly deluded themselves to the point they actually believe sanctions against Russia have any teeth? They are basically sanction proof at this point, especially since Biden's idiotic, borderline psychopathic posturing the past year toward Russia drove them straight to a bona-fide partnership with China... the incompetence and hubris of O'Biden and their handlers... is just staggering...

The Germans must be sh***ing themselves about now, considering Nordstream 2 was going to be their main source of fuel in the coming years.

Oil was at $98/barrel yesterday - and very possibly could run up to $150-200, so Putin and Russia are making a fortune while Sleepy Joe, his moronic handlers in the US, EU and Davos have been absolutely stomped into irrelevancy. In the US, we very easily could see $7/gallon fuel.

Obama and Biden CREATED this mess in 2014, and have been openly profiting from it ever since. And since Biden's global anti-Russia/Russia/Russia messaging of 'imminent invasion!', the Ukraine economy has absolutely flat-lined, and it isn't going to get any better. (I'm sure the Ukrainian's just looove/love/love Sleepy Joe and Obama.)

Putin's recognition of the Donbass Republics was a masterstroke; he was then invited! to enter the regions as peacekeeping mission, it exposed Biden and the EU and their unimaginable incompetence in geopolitics, stopped the bloodshed of Donbass region civilians at the hands of the Ukrainian regime shelling them.

So....now that O'Biden has been handed his a$$ on the world's political stage (where he was counting on SOME kind of foreign policy 'win') ...what manufactured crisis will they come up with next?

...hmmm.....hello, American Middle Class Red-State 'Deplorables'?

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The collection of future WEF Serfdoms, oops, I mean completely bankrupt welfare / warfare states masquerading as liberal democracies, need major distractions for the sustained fear and "democratic" support of the Eloi. Now that the Wuhan virus hysteria faces what has become a mild endemic variant, the Morlocks must revert back to the long-continuing CAGW hysteria and the war against the most critical compound to the ecosphere. Within that distraction is the sub-distraction of the myth of the physically possible conversion to wind and solar power which are barely energy positive under life-cycle analyses and little more than grid parasites when employed. The reality is that prosperity for the wealthy fraction of the planet and mere existence for the rest is dependent on fossil fuels until or if there is a serious move to nuclear power or other high density energy technology. Until then, oil and gas prices are proving this thesis correct.

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Worst president ever.

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"I'm intentionally destroying America"

I literally said this after the first month.

I keep saying it.

It isn't really that hard to believe.

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"either they don’t know where oil comes from or they actually think this is a good idea!"

Everybody knows oil comes from decaying dinosaurs! And there ain't anymore T-Rexes left to decay. Carter told us that back in the 70's when we ran out of oil permanently and entered the next Ice Age. Dontcha people remember that?" It's science!

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What a great excuse to declare another state of emergency. Especially if we are hit with a cyber attack.

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gasoline is high for two reasons and they are related: omicron freight did not reduce economic activity in most of the first world (demand up), and biden has green fascists impeding us and international energy supply chains.

not a bit from ukraine which is becoming excuse for everything

now that they are embarrassed to keep blaming trump

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Control demolition of the American economy Jeff Berwick has been writing about this for years.

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US, Canada,... really every western country is being destroyed from within by traitorous foreign agents.

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