Seems to me...we never had an issue with bat viruses jumping to humans until people started experimenting with how to get bat viruses to jump to humans.
Just read an article how Ebola also did not jump from a bat to a little boy ! He was 18 months old when he died and could never have been climbing trees to play with bats ! so where did Ebola come from ? And why did Lyme all of a sudden become a deadly disease after humans messed with the virus and the carrier ?
It would seem so. Honestly, killing soldiers on the field of battle is one thing. Contriving ways to make entire populations suffer is in another echelon of evil. The little elf in charge of this mess has GOT to go.
I have a great soliton that will make everyone happy. We build these scientists the greatest lab ever made, with e wry germ, tool microscope they could ever ask for. Then in the middle of the night we round them all up, because SURPRISE COCKBAGS!!! The lab is built on one of Elon Musks spaceships. Where we rocket them towards mars.
They can make all the diseases they want, and send us the data… we’ll make them famous for their sacrifice, we’ll give them a holiday in their name. And if they survive the mars landing, Elon a musk can have a coin or something for being the first to put men on mars.
Some time ago a journalist who looks into these lab leaks, found that there is a leak every 3rd day. That is over 100 leaks a year. It is a miracle that we are still alive with all these scientists having nothing better to do than create sicknesses.
We need to consider that either 1.) They are complete fumbling idiots (Mass Formation Psychosis) who continually create the very problems they are fascinated with and then lie to cover it up, or 2.) They are absolutely fine with being merchants of death and think that future generations will thank them for thinning the herd.
I would bet on nr. 2. Specially when you see the amount of money involved. On the other hand if you see the greedy eyes of gates when the needles go into the children's bodies, you wonder if they just LIKE to see people suffer. Eugenicists have no heart.
happened with one of the 'controlled burnings' in New Mexico ! You saw what a disaster that ended up to be. I hope people stop doing crazy stuff and get back to playing monopoly LOL
Yeah, where was Lyme disease when we were kids romping through the woods all day in our neighborhoods, playing in the creeks, climbing trees, and certainly not checking for ticks. -- and maybe NOT having to take a bath before bed if we could get away with it.
we were young when times were still good ! No cell phones, playing all day in the forest, getting real, real dirty. Poor nowadays kids ! At least I see my Mexican neighbor's kids still run around and play outside.
I am so grateful to have experienced those times. Not only as a little kid both in Europe and in US, always running free, playing rough, making mud pies, swinging really high, dare devil spinning on that merry go round equipment on the play ground.
As a young adult spending two years hitch hiking around Switzerland, France and Italy
Indeed ! We all thought they had eradicated sicknesses. Instead, they kill more children than they save. I hope this whole episode has woken up the parents. (read Dissolving Illusions a while ago and discovered that polio and other vaccines do not prevent sickness either. )
I am so sorry to hear about your brother, I had no idea that everything that was published about HIV was a lie until I read excerpts from Senator Kennedy's book and watched the documentary. It was such a great tragedy and I fear an even worse tragedy might be about to occur.
Seems to me the entire story of people enroaching on the environment is a bunch of crapola too. Most viruses do NOT jump to people nor are inclined to. SARS 1 and 2 were both lab escapes...its patently riduculous to think that pandemics come from animal human interfaces. We already know the ones that do - influenza And if enroaching on a bat cave in the back of beyond to collect viruses into people enroaching into unihabitable territory isn't a prime example of WHICH people donig the enroaching isn't enlightening. I don't know what is. END.
Plus, maybe I’m missing something but, I don’t know, didn’t most humans USED to be a lot more connected to animals in the wild anyway? Strange that now that much of us live in cities or suburbs and spend our time insulated from “nature” in our weird little bubble digitized lives, well that NOW we are being told that animals in the wild have-just and will-continue-to -- at a greater rate, even -- cause us deadly lockdown-able pandemics! Like, ?????
Controllers create crises, sell their planned solutions and then mandate their solutions. All With help from gov.& taxes. Climate change maufactured usinh geoengineering aka weather weapons, pandemic crisis, vx injuries, mandated insurances and mandated medicines.
Your impertinent questions have earned you 10 demerits and your shopping privilege has been rescinded until January. Fasting is good for correcting such disloyal thinking. Enjoy Christmas
Keep in mind they are NOT SMART DESPITE THE fancy pink sweater. Only high school does not equate to iq/intelligence...they think their dumb explanations will work. In some they do but generally not. And the ai transition wet dream is about the dumbest thing they could have forced their scientist TRYING to make work. The scientist lied to elites that it works cause they want to please their masters. But of course it doesn't work. They will not live in the computer forever....wet dream of an old man.
That is not quite true, bats are a well known reservoir of the Ebola virus as proven by the number of people who have fallen ill with that disease after visiting the caves on Mt Elgon. Also, please note that the original virus on which the WIV performed gain of function research had killed several Chinese miners who ingested bat dropping dust into their lungs.
I am not saying these viruses don't exist. But that they jump so easily to humans and then cause human to human transfer that is gain of function and that was created. I dont believe that animal viruses jump so easily and readily to humans and then cause severe disease in humans. We evolved side by side with all the other creatures and have defenses against this but these defenses are being purposely breached and/or we are weakened so these viruses can breach over to us. So again when I say it is a biowespon you all assume its created I ut if thin air in the lab? Of course is there a good precursor with potential this is what they looking for digging around in remote bat caves and the bat droppings...why else you think they are in the very remote caves digging literally in poopoo??
Exactly. We have been here for millions of years with this happening hardly ever, and now all of a sudden, in 30 or so years, one after another jumps to humans. Either humans have weakened to a point they get sick from the wind blowing, or, there has a human messed with the beasties.
But they are trying to blame it on ordinary for trying to grow food to eat, people looking for clean water....
It is these damn scientists and the intel communities going into the bat caves and other places and then playing with these viruses that cause all the trouble.
That's my point. If you stay out of the bat caves (bats in your attic aren't good for you, neither are birds (lice) nesting in your dryer vent) then no probem. Not sure about Ebola.
But if you just leave mother nature alone, she won't try to kill you.
Bats have been known for a long time as carriers of diseases. Medieval people avoided them. Think of the 'scare' bats at halloween. If you leave them alone they are harmless. But in seldom occasions like you mention, they indeed can kill. Well, you can trip over your cat, hit your head an die too. So I think we should not blame the animals for the mishaps.
We have plenty here on Big Turtle Island, from many backgrounds, with many disciplines, no need to import. And it's never too late to learn yourself. I predict a parallel medical world, non-allopathic, its own form of insurance, etc., operating outside of the industry. Of course this can only prevail if the gubment is not being run by commie bastards. Fingers crossed.
Do what I did years ago, get a pile of books on herbs, some of them are oldies but goodies and found cheap, Like Grieves' Herbal, John Lust, and the perennial Jethro Kloss, who has some good herbal recipes mixed in with all the clysters. If nothing else, you will identify the weeds in your garden with ease.
Don't get me started! One of my greatest passions, for going on fifty years. You can be like me and collect a couple hundred books on the subject or provide yourself with one or two. Could I possibly name just one? For the BOB? What a decision! But I am very fond of Juliette di Bairacli Levy's "Common Herbs for Natural Health". One of my idols, and I had the good fortune to meet her when she was in her 90s. All of her books are truly wonderful, fun to read and very instructive, my favorite being, "Traveler's Joy". She can be considered the first holistic veterinarian.
either that or repeal ALL state mandates for every single vaccine on the CDC schedule. NEVER AGAIN should a medical therapy/treatment be mandated (or coerced) on anyone.
Or live and be healthy and realize that we don't need them as much as they need us. They are magnificent with trauma, good for surgery (sometimes) and helpful for diagnoses (also sometimes). Beyond that, I think of most of them as arrogant pill pushers.
Sounds like my family doctor, a Korean-American Adventist who was the force behind a much-needed new hospital in our area. He was an amazing man - he actually bought homes for all of his nursing staff. He had delivered three out of the four of us kids and saved everyone in my family from certain death at least once. He did marital counseling with my parents, and gave my mother the courage to end a miserable marriage in 1966, when divorce in Hawai'i was almost unheard-of. When he died too young at 47 flying his private plane, it was as if we had lost a family member. How blessed we were to have had him.
To be fair they're all scared shitless now. Every one of them has dirty hands in one way or another, directly or indirectly, and the credibility of the institutions they represent is on the line.
Perhaps a kindness would be to provide the hara kiri chambers now and let them select the music and aromatherapy accompaniments that they'd most prefer.
I often thought that his choice of the Malmsy was not so much " I'll die within something I enjoy!" But rather in spite..." Malmsy is quite the commodity, and if *I* cannot have it...well...l shall take a shit ton of it with me! Perhaps even ruin the thought of imbibing it for some few others! Yes!, thst will do nicely".
You sound like my sister. We both have black senses of humor, but she had the deadpan thing down. She could say absolutely the most outrageously sarcastic things with a straight face and people would cave...
And Biden again makes it political by saying Republicans are calling COVID a hoax. No, Joe, it’s very real and the government is responsible. And he says it with a grin.
Not too long ago, historically speaking, the science was settled that people in mr Hotez' profession didn't have to wash their hands after performing autopsies or dissections before delivering babies.
The good doctor needs a slice of humble pie maybe.
It was used as the go-to warning-example of how not to do any kind of science, medical or otherwise, when I was still in compulsory school.
We call it (the problems Semmelweis faced getting his hypothesis looked at) "homeblind" here, meaning things too close and normal/routine for you to consciously notice or consider.
A good expression. We always say "the Greeks had a word for it" or "the Germans..." but the Swedes have some good ones, too. And no one is a prophet in their own land.
My favorite is how he complains that we'll never learn how coronaviruses jump from bats to humans. Duh, of course we know how that happens. From a lab in China affiliated with NIH criminals.
Seems to me...we never had an issue with bat viruses jumping to humans until people started experimenting with how to get bat viruses to jump to humans.
Just read an article how Ebola also did not jump from a bat to a little boy ! He was 18 months old when he died and could never have been climbing trees to play with bats ! so where did Ebola come from ? And why did Lyme all of a sudden become a deadly disease after humans messed with the virus and the carrier ?
Yes Ebola is another bioweapon. Just like so many others like swine flu, like the flu too and lyme and hiv and so many more....
I've come to the conclusion that virologists are cunts.
It would seem so. Honestly, killing soldiers on the field of battle is one thing. Contriving ways to make entire populations suffer is in another echelon of evil. The little elf in charge of this mess has GOT to go.
To jail. I don’t care if he is 85.
I have a great soliton that will make everyone happy. We build these scientists the greatest lab ever made, with e wry germ, tool microscope they could ever ask for. Then in the middle of the night we round them all up, because SURPRISE COCKBAGS!!! The lab is built on one of Elon Musks spaceships. Where we rocket them towards mars.
They can make all the diseases they want, and send us the data… we’ll make them famous for their sacrifice, we’ll give them a holiday in their name. And if they survive the mars landing, Elon a musk can have a coin or something for being the first to put men on mars.
Not enough. Brazen bull.
I would be happier with the gallows, but jail will do, so long as it's a really bad one.
Yep, cunny funts.
Best comment 💟
What's sad?
Morgellons, Zika
Some time ago a journalist who looks into these lab leaks, found that there is a leak every 3rd day. That is over 100 leaks a year. It is a miracle that we are still alive with all these scientists having nothing better to do than create sicknesses.
We need to consider that either 1.) They are complete fumbling idiots (Mass Formation Psychosis) who continually create the very problems they are fascinated with and then lie to cover it up, or 2.) They are absolutely fine with being merchants of death and think that future generations will thank them for thinning the herd.
I would bet on nr. 2. Specially when you see the amount of money involved. On the other hand if you see the greedy eyes of gates when the needles go into the children's bodies, you wonder if they just LIKE to see people suffer. Eugenicists have no heart.
I call a
moratorium on little
experiments until
they figure out how to keep things contained. If firefighters set entire cities on fire while doing those drills
where they put out the fire on the “practice house”, we’d shut that down.
happened with one of the 'controlled burnings' in New Mexico ! You saw what a disaster that ended up to be. I hope people stop doing crazy stuff and get back to playing monopoly LOL
WEF Flu. Jumped from Satan to humans.
Well that is about right. We found the origin!
Janet you summarised everything
Lyme came from Plum Island bioweapons research.
Great podcast interview on that aired recently -Health Ranger/Mike Adams and ...I can’t recall the man’s name!!!
I just bought the book, it is lying ready to start reading ! But that is not a bedtime read !
Nelson DeMille wrote a highly entertaining novel with a Plum Island theme a few years ago. Loved that detective's very un-PC side comments...
What book?
Plum Island lol
And now we have the Lone Star tick, which causes an infection whereby people get sick eating beef. I’m sure that was totally not engineered.
Yes. Forgot about that tick.
Really ! haven't heard of that yet. You mean a real one don't you ?
Yes. I know of two people now who have gotten this.
thanks for the warning. I already avoid red meat for years, after that mad cow disease showed up. Now I won't eat any at all !
Yes they are making us allergic to red meat.
Excellent read! Many commonalities between 2014 Ebola and 2019 COVID:
Did West Africa’s Ebola Outbreak of 2014 Have a Lab Origin?
Dr.Bergdorffer admitted as much shortly before he died. Plum Island
interesting thought Ingrid.
Yeah, where was Lyme disease when we were kids romping through the woods all day in our neighborhoods, playing in the creeks, climbing trees, and certainly not checking for ticks. -- and maybe NOT having to take a bath before bed if we could get away with it.
we were young when times were still good ! No cell phones, playing all day in the forest, getting real, real dirty. Poor nowadays kids ! At least I see my Mexican neighbor's kids still run around and play outside.
I am so grateful to have experienced those times. Not only as a little kid both in Europe and in US, always running free, playing rough, making mud pies, swinging really high, dare devil spinning on that merry go round equipment on the play ground.
As a young adult spending two years hitch hiking around Switzerland, France and Italy
Great questions, look into the first vaccines too, that will blow your mind!
Indeed ! We all thought they had eradicated sicknesses. Instead, they kill more children than they save. I hope this whole episode has woken up the parents. (read Dissolving Illusions a while ago and discovered that polio and other vaccines do not prevent sickness either. )
There is a difference between "not knowing" and "not happening".
Maybe it happened all the time in the past.
Maybe past flu viruses originated in other species (seem to recall reading about that 20 years ago with that "bird flu" thing).
Maybe we don't understand how it works.
For sure if we don't ask questions, we won't learn anything useful.
Dr. Peter MD PhD is calling the call for inquiry "unscientific crap".
Let that sink in.
Don't ask, don't tell.
I am so sorry to hear about your brother, I had no idea that everything that was published about HIV was a lie until I read excerpts from Senator Kennedy's book and watched the documentary. It was such a great tragedy and I fear an even worse tragedy might be about to occur.
Seems to me we never had so many troubles since they started saying we gonna to have some...
And voila its there just months later. Wooow. It must be their supercomputers or is it?
If Michael Crichton were still around, he'd already have the outline of a story about this.
He was a brilliant writer, the best - I miss his contributions!
He had a keen mind. I had to read Terminal Man for intro to psychology. Very telling
Seems to me the entire story of people enroaching on the environment is a bunch of crapola too. Most viruses do NOT jump to people nor are inclined to. SARS 1 and 2 were both lab escapes...its patently riduculous to think that pandemics come from animal human interfaces. We already know the ones that do - influenza And if enroaching on a bat cave in the back of beyond to collect viruses into people enroaching into unihabitable territory isn't a prime example of WHICH people donig the enroaching isn't enlightening. I don't know what is. END.
Plus, maybe I’m missing something but, I don’t know, didn’t most humans USED to be a lot more connected to animals in the wild anyway? Strange that now that much of us live in cities or suburbs and spend our time insulated from “nature” in our weird little bubble digitized lives, well that NOW we are being told that animals in the wild have-just and will-continue-to -- at a greater rate, even -- cause us deadly lockdown-able pandemics! Like, ?????
your social credit score just tanked.
paypal has fined you $2500 pay up or the wef will get your name....
EXACTLY. Well put.
Great point, Smoke!
Will positive reinforcement on substack help grow my social credit score?
And thank you.
Not if the positive reinforcement comes from this group of proud dissidents!
See you in the breadlines, my friend!
Great thought
Controllers create crises, sell their planned solutions and then mandate their solutions. All With help from gov.& taxes. Climate change maufactured usinh geoengineering aka weather weapons, pandemic crisis, vx injuries, mandated insurances and mandated medicines.
💯 you get it!
You must "Follow the Science" as ordered!
Your impertinent questions have earned you 10 demerits and your shopping privilege has been rescinded until January. Fasting is good for correcting such disloyal thinking. Enjoy Christmas
I might have to check my undeletable paypal account. I might have earned several thousands negative dollars already
It’s like Hotel California, you can check out but you can never leave.
Keep in mind they are NOT SMART DESPITE THE fancy pink sweater. Only high school does not equate to iq/intelligence...they think their dumb explanations will work. In some they do but generally not. And the ai transition wet dream is about the dumbest thing they could have forced their scientist TRYING to make work. The scientist lied to elites that it works cause they want to please their masters. But of course it doesn't work. They will not live in the computer forever....wet dream of an old man.
That is not quite true, bats are a well known reservoir of the Ebola virus as proven by the number of people who have fallen ill with that disease after visiting the caves on Mt Elgon. Also, please note that the original virus on which the WIV performed gain of function research had killed several Chinese miners who ingested bat dropping dust into their lungs.
I am not saying these viruses don't exist. But that they jump so easily to humans and then cause human to human transfer that is gain of function and that was created. I dont believe that animal viruses jump so easily and readily to humans and then cause severe disease in humans. We evolved side by side with all the other creatures and have defenses against this but these defenses are being purposely breached and/or we are weakened so these viruses can breach over to us. So again when I say it is a biowespon you all assume its created I ut if thin air in the lab? Of course is there a good precursor with potential this is what they looking for digging around in remote bat caves and the bat droppings...why else you think they are in the very remote caves digging literally in poopoo??
Exactly. We have been here for millions of years with this happening hardly ever, and now all of a sudden, in 30 or so years, one after another jumps to humans. Either humans have weakened to a point they get sick from the wind blowing, or, there has a human messed with the beasties.
But they are trying to blame it on ordinary for trying to grow food to eat, people looking for clean water....
It is these damn scientists and the intel communities going into the bat caves and other places and then playing with these viruses that cause all the trouble.
That's my point. If you stay out of the bat caves (bats in your attic aren't good for you, neither are birds (lice) nesting in your dryer vent) then no probem. Not sure about Ebola.
But if you just leave mother nature alone, she won't try to kill you.
Bats have been known for a long time as carriers of diseases. Medieval people avoided them. Think of the 'scare' bats at halloween. If you leave them alone they are harmless. But in seldom occasions like you mention, they indeed can kill. Well, you can trip over your cat, hit your head an die too. So I think we should not blame the animals for the mishaps.
Funny dat.
This isn't happening, and it's a good thing that it is!
The Law of Salutary Contradiction
Michael Anton is the shisnit.
I'll have to check him out! I picked that phrase up off the Reason comment boards. (Probably from somebody who reads him)
Oh, right up my alley! Thanks! :)
You're very welcome.
Very interesting, even to a Brit, thanks for sharing 👍
I'm a Brit too.
Same doublespeak applies to the maniacs and fools in Whitehall and beyond.
Another Michael Anton reader, I see!
This was a comment on Eugyppius' post from a few days back on the same theme starting with a famous Sherlock Holmes bit.
My view? We need to import some "medicine men" because I have no interest in seeing another "doctor" again.
We have plenty here on Big Turtle Island, from many backgrounds, with many disciplines, no need to import. And it's never too late to learn yourself. I predict a parallel medical world, non-allopathic, its own form of insurance, etc., operating outside of the industry. Of course this can only prevail if the gubment is not being run by commie bastards. Fingers crossed.
My body, my choice.
Do what I did years ago, get a pile of books on herbs, some of them are oldies but goodies and found cheap, Like Grieves' Herbal, John Lust, and the perennial Jethro Kloss, who has some good herbal recipes mixed in with all the clysters. If nothing else, you will identify the weeds in your garden with ease.
Don't get me started! One of my greatest passions, for going on fifty years. You can be like me and collect a couple hundred books on the subject or provide yourself with one or two. Could I possibly name just one? For the BOB? What a decision! But I am very fond of Juliette di Bairacli Levy's "Common Herbs for Natural Health". One of my idols, and I had the good fortune to meet her when she was in her 90s. All of her books are truly wonderful, fun to read and very instructive, my favorite being, "Traveler's Joy". She can be considered the first holistic veterinarian.
Jethro Kloss, Back to Eden, 1939, passed down to me from my mom, is a treasure.
How wonderful to have a first edition! I was raised on it, and I love it, too. The advice on home nursing is timeless.
either that or repeal ALL state mandates for every single vaccine on the CDC schedule. NEVER AGAIN should a medical therapy/treatment be mandated (or coerced) on anyone.
From your mouth to God's ears.
Or live and be healthy and realize that we don't need them as much as they need us. They are magnificent with trauma, good for surgery (sometimes) and helpful for diagnoses (also sometimes). Beyond that, I think of most of them as arrogant pill pushers.
Sounds like my family doctor, a Korean-American Adventist who was the force behind a much-needed new hospital in our area. He was an amazing man - he actually bought homes for all of his nursing staff. He had delivered three out of the four of us kids and saved everyone in my family from certain death at least once. He did marital counseling with my parents, and gave my mother the courage to end a miserable marriage in 1966, when divorce in Hawai'i was almost unheard-of. When he died too young at 47 flying his private plane, it was as if we had lost a family member. How blessed we were to have had him.
To be fair they're all scared shitless now. Every one of them has dirty hands in one way or another, directly or indirectly, and the credibility of the institutions they represent is on the line.
Perhaps a kindness would be to provide the hara kiri chambers now and let them select the music and aromatherapy accompaniments that they'd most prefer.
[edited for spelling]
Just as kind as they are to us at least. "Died while doing what he loved"....
I believe everyone should be allowed their tastes within reason.
Like being drowned in a barrel if Malmsy wine? Ahhh...those Elizabethans !
I kind of feel inheritance quibbles ought not to be handled that way, but if he had the maidservant executed unjustly then it's a different category.
But think of all the zabaglione they could've made from the contents of that barrel. Pity, really.
Hey...the rulz of the day!
I often thought that his choice of the Malmsy was not so much " I'll die within something I enjoy!" But rather in spite..." Malmsy is quite the commodity, and if *I* cannot have it...well...l shall take a shit ton of it with me! Perhaps even ruin the thought of imbibing it for some few others! Yes!, thst will do nicely".
Malmsy made gorgeous dye also.
Getting back at Edward, who was quite the drinker.
The credibility of the institutions they represent is already in the crapper. I say time to flush now.
May I suggested ether or chloroform for the aroma therapy?
Or the brine from fermented herring.
Well, we want them to remain awake, surely?
I'm trying to enhance the sensory experience and not diminish it...
(PS: I once worked for a Japanese trading company in NY and those guys *hated* the hara kiri jokes I made...)
You sound like my sister. We both have black senses of humor, but she had the deadpan thing down. She could say absolutely the most outrageously sarcastic things with a straight face and people would cave...
I would finally have a job that I loved doing every day.
We'll need to take turns until the franchise takes off.
And Biden again makes it political by saying Republicans are calling COVID a hoax. No, Joe, it’s very real and the government is responsible. And he says it with a grin.
I like the way u think!
Well, there are so many dirty hands already we ought to keep our own as clean as possible.
Death by drowning was a great way to avoid the shedding of blood, hence the tradition coming down to Clarence. No damn'd spot to deal with! Tidy.
My'd think they were trying to cover up the Bilbonic Plague.
ooh, that's a keeper.
Someone made a strategic placement of the cats post this afternoon on Berensons latest post just now.
I protest the dispersions cast at Hobbits. Also at Humans.
Sadly , as it casts doubt upon my character, I do not care if Orc or Trolls are besmirched.
Love it!
Oh those trolls! They are to be besmirched every day.
if we dont kill the world first someone else might beat us to it!
"I claim First Authorship on this Massacre" -- them
sure have at it, but im pretty sure no one will read it
What's the world after you've beat Cornpop?
Not too long ago, historically speaking, the science was settled that people in mr Hotez' profession didn't have to wash their hands after performing autopsies or dissections before delivering babies.
The good doctor needs a slice of humble pie maybe.
Ah, the sad story of Dr. Semmelweis. It's horrible when you know what's killing people and They don't believe you.
It was used as the go-to warning-example of how not to do any kind of science, medical or otherwise, when I was still in compulsory school.
We call it (the problems Semmelweis faced getting his hypothesis looked at) "homeblind" here, meaning things too close and normal/routine for you to consciously notice or consider.
A good expression. We always say "the Greeks had a word for it" or "the Germans..." but the Swedes have some good ones, too. And no one is a prophet in their own land.
This guy is a raving lunatic.
Peter Daszak keeps tweeting similar comments too - thou doth protest too much guys
Would be fun to see those if you can screenshot them.
My favorite is how he complains that we'll never learn how coronaviruses jump from bats to humans. Duh, of course we know how that happens. From a lab in China affiliated with NIH criminals.
I'm convinced China got it from Ft. Detrick.
Could be.
There's certainly enough evidence to back that.
Peter Hotez is not a scientist. He is a propagandist for Pharmaceutical corporations.
That's the same tool who was one of the leading proponents for extended school closures!
But...but...Peter's a DOCTOR! He says it in his bio. MUST...TRUST...SCIENTISTS.
they may as well go back to leaches for all the science™ they do now
Hotez would say anything to get another big research grant from Fauci. He is a toadie.
I never cheated on you, and she didn't mean anything to me, anyway.
"Honey, when I die, I want you to remarry."
"Ok, dear."
"And I want your new wife to have my golf clubs."
"Oh, that won't work; she's left-handed."
"Who you gonna believe - me, or your lyin' eyes?
We didn't do it, but if we did, it was a good thing and you should be glad we did.