Create a problem, then offer a solution. Great business idea!

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Sounds like government too!

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You could show this to people and they would still demand you get vaccinated.

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"tHE siDe effEctS aRe rarE so jUst GeT THe dAmN jaB!"

"Rare" is now in the same class as "mostly peaceful".

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Meanwhile, covid death in healthy, no comorbidity having people under the age of around 84 is also rare.

But we're not allowed to use that as a counter argument to the jab. I've tried. I just get called a selfish anti vaxer.

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Have changed the approach: ASK... THEM for answers:

Does pharma profit bother you?

Does "exempt" status of your leaders inspire faith in product?

Are you, at this stage, protected by hanging out with vaxxed others?

Like that. Make your own list.

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Does your changed approach work? Have some books on Socratic thought to pursue this altered method of communication to see if it can get better results.

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Ideally you tailor the approach to the person. I suspect most people deflect most questions with, "I don't know, I trust the experts." But if a person actually has an opinion on something like rapacious profiteering by Pharma, you might be able to needle the point and plant seeds.

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One thing this last 18 months has taught me is to have a very healthy skepticism for what the "experts" say. Especially the politically motivated experts.

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The difficult hurdle is being in a position to posture. People want to defer to fluff.

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No, it doesnt work.

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I find it difficult to find my own questions like this. It is not in my makeup to respond that way. However, sure wish I was better at it. Great idea!

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anti vaxx is the branch covidian term for independent thinking, fact chasing, risk analyzer.

aka apostate in the religion of pfizer profits.

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Notice how they started the anti vax movement a few years in advance of the China virus release… quite the coinkidink

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I have a memo here from The Party. It reads, "Do not trust the evidence of your eyes and ears. This message will not repeat. This is your only warning." Hmmm.

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wHiCh Is mOrE raRe; siDe eFfEcT oR beNefIt Of the JAB?

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They’d say it’s not related. The big wigs say so so it’s true!

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Conspiracy theorist!

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Eliquis, too. For atrial fibrillation (can be caused by clotting). I have at least one friend now taking this for post vaccine "new diagnosis" a. fib

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My coworker got afib post vax this summer. I wonder.....

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Nothing to see here!

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Yes could not help but read the other gains, and there it is: more heart meds.

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Wondering if the item after that (oral anti-coagulation medication) is also related, given the number of clotting events we've seen after the vaccine.

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Hello other Susanna. Excellent comment - one I might have made myself if the other Susanna had not beaten me to it. ;-)

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Do either of you get a lot of people telling you they’ve come from Alabama with a banjo on their knee? Or at least a lot of grizzled old prospectors with long beards?

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As a child I had an inordinate number of people who sang that song to me when they met me. It still happens occasionally.

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Very clever 🤣

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Hi fellow Susanna! I don't meet too many of us.

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Oct 24, 2021
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I had to look prevnar up....so they're giving kids pneumonia vaccine now??...

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Since like 2004. And note the USA gives one more shot in the regimen than Europe.

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Perhaps the only data you need are drug sales. That should tell you everything we need to know about our state of health and the impact of the jab.

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What a business model! Create absolute panic around a relatively benign disease. Create vaccines to sell for that disease. Then make sure the vaccines don’t really work so you’ll also have to sell lifetime boosters. But, here’s the best part: the vaccine and boosters have adverse effects that you can sell your other drugs to treat. It’s the Big Pharma version of a perpetual motion machine!!!

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Arsonist/firefighter biz model was for pikers.

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Up 77%!!!!!

Nothing to see here.....

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Up against a wall or dangling from a rope.

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NO @#%&* WAY. Conflict of interest, anyone?

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Nowadays it's called synergies. All good!

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Pfizer knows "You can wake someone who is asleep; but you cannot wake someone who is pretending to be asleep." The media is pretending to be asleep.

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The Hegelian Dialectic is alive and well. Poison air, water & food; then provide the 'medicine' we need to 'cure' ourselves...

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The Rockefeller family always knew what was best for us useless eaters


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James Corbett has distinguished himself as a rock star in truth telling and deep research in the post 9-11 era.. can't say enough good things about his work.

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You bet.

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And the entire media is bought and paid for:


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... by Pfizer

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Profits based on human disease/illness/acute/chronic. I have no problem with profit bc you have to stay in business but how much profit is enough before it becomes obscene? And all those %'s are humans lives they are talking about. :{

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Oh but the USA Today "Fact Check" (proudly supported by Facebook) reports from Pfizer itself that "There is no evidence to conclude that arterial or venous thromboembolic events, with or without thrombocytopenia, are a risk associated with the use of our COVID-19 vaccine."

And Dr Moss from Johns Hopkins says "The VAERS system has its challenges as well but it does serve as an early warning system," Moss said. "If mRNA vaccines caused thrombosis, I would think there would be a signal in VAERS."


So there you go - the experimental gene therapy is totally safe and effective and it's just that Pfizer is saving the world that they had a $19B quarter. They may have been serial felons in the past but I'm sure they have reformed themselves because of this current global catastrophe and granted us their protection - I've got a photo of the head bloke here... https://escapingmasspsychosis.substack.com/p/slaves-to-pfizer/comments

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Regardless of etiology it is a condition that most cardiologists rarely see or treat. The drugs are relatively new and Pharma has recently begun an educational campaign to doctors in order to recruit more patients for treatment. In my practice viral related autoimmune mediated acute myocarditis and pericarditis are far more common.

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Transthyretin Amyloid Cardiomyopathy is a restrictive (non dilated) cardiomyopathy associated with a normal ejection fraction. It is mainly a genetic disease that is unrelated to acute myo or pericarditis which in the cases related to the vaccines are autoimmune related.

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Thank you for the specific summary. Very enlightening.

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I know this is the right place when comments pointing out that this might not be correct are voted up and not shouted down or removed.

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Oct 24, 2021
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In the olden days, there was a concept that the people had the right to revoke a corporation’s charter when it misbehaved. I have been wanting to resurrect that idea, and while searching for details on the topic just now, I discovered AdBusters had the same idea: https://www.adbusters.org/full-articles/rise-of-the-corporate-charter-revocation-movement

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That would be very olden days like late 1800's that revokation of charters was viable.. In the semi-olden days before the Internet there was a book list that circulated in DC and was rumored to be CIA's burn book list. I've never found confirmation of an official list by FOIA or archives, but among my most insightful reading ever, was a title on the "burn list" right around 2000.

What piqued my interest most was seeing a book copyrighted 1904 and wondering how anything that old could be subversive generations later. Of course I rushed out to find copies no easy feat at the time. The History of Standard Oil - Ida Tarbell ~ among other things she explains in detail how Rockefeller changed the policy of Business Charters with limited scope and term to the corporate structure we have now. Fun to note Bill Gates is the heir to the Rockefeller "philanthropy" empire.

Original Edition with images many removed from the second & subsequent printings. https://www.gutenberg.org/files/60692/60692-h/60692-h.htm

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Fascinating, Pamela, and thanks for the link! You’ve definitely piqued my interest.

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It's an easy read, if somewhat horrifying in its detail of the ruthless business tactics. It was originally written as a magazine series and it moves along as a story, super helpful in laying out the foundation for the intertwined and corrupted corp-gov-media troika we have now. :~)

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Can the list be found anywhere online?

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Not that I know of.. even if one had existed there's no chance with official censorship it would survive to be found in any modern search.

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Must be some old school common law stuff. Interesting..

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Given the Holocaust history one could assume the Israelis have antennas up to detect early this kind of mass delusion bullshit but they are like Yes, Boost me some more, daddy! Boost mich! Hitler must be laughing his ass off in Hell and Himmler is putting on his dancing shoes.

Then Australian, New Zealand and Canadian governments trying to outcompete each other on who is the most beautiful totalitarian with the excuse of these vaccinations. Oh mirror, mirror, please tell us who is the chosen one?! Who gets to wear the coveted Black Dress and drink baby blood!

Brazil's Bolsonaro is like well, the virus is killing those poor malnourished meddlesome people so what is exactly the problem here!? :-) It is not like we are going to run out of poor people!

Finally, The Dementia Joe and the Giggling Kamala are a whole new level of black true comedy bordering on insanity with all the woke zealots fuckups running amok as good little foot soldiers for them. Except they know jackshit about managing things and people. The vaccine mandate is just a sideshow on this massive runaway train.

Even Putin is saying you never go full woke Bolshevik, what the fuck are you guys doing there in the West?! You guys are batshit insane!

What a clown world!

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Go make some more inpatients, Mr. Klaus! Der Profits are sinking.

Boost the Jews and the kids again! What are you waiting for, Mr. Klaus?!

Go hurry up! Schnell!

World Pfizered! Glorious Future awaits for the Vaccinated!

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Oh yeah, do they ever! Hey bad cat, have you seen this info that a commenter posted in a reply to me on AB's Substack? https://brandnewtube.com/watch/a-manufactured-illusion-dr-david-martin-with-reiner-fuellmich-9-7-21_hPChWe1no7nxGDM.html It would be interesting for you to dig into this and confirm its veracity.

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You missed the third bullet -Eliquis, up 13% (for atrial fibrilation)!

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I want to vomit. What a travesty. I’m all for free enterprise, and seeing a business succeed, but this is downright gluttony and greed. At our expense.

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They just spent the profis on buying trilliam therapeutics, who focus on blood cancers. Which is an interesting purchase given that the bio distribtion studies on spike showed concentrations in lymphs and spleen. Brindles concern was what that would mean for bone marrow cancers.

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This is disgusting. There are also some cancer meds listed as well. Some of the banned doctors/pathologists have seen a sharp uptick in aggressive cancers. Looks like they plan to profit off of problems they created. They must have some idea how sick some of the people taking the jab may end up being.

I cannot imagine being so deranged that I am willing to harm my fellow man/woman (and then offer him/her medicine) to make money. Is there no accountability? It seems more and more these days those in favor can do just about whatever they want and there are no/minimal repercussions.

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They've learnt from the Pet food industry. Feed your kitten on veterinary recommended Hills/Royal Canine until she's overweight, diabetic, allergic and arthritic. Then make a prescription diet to alleviate the problem caused by feeding a species inappropriate diet.

Fund Veterinary schools, write the nutrition modules, sponsor CPD and advertise far and wide.

Perfect business model.

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It’s called Selling Sickness. Healthcare is a business and the public customers (aka patients). The gift that keeps on giving.

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at this point i just shake my head! WTF!?!?!?!? all of this crap just has me constantly in a state of disbelief--i mean i believe it's happening, but WTF!?!?!?!?

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Oh, good grief! Their marketing is just incredible.

Over the top!

I wonder why their stock is not doing better? I would think they would be doing way better even though it's not a "Pure play" covid scam. The synergy play is FANTASTIC!

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That saying about how the witch doctor knows how to cure you and how to poison you.

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PFE is up bigly since the announcement of Operation Warp Speed. Cognitively, I'm conflicted. Their grift hurts my conscience, but the gain is palliative. Such is the moral hazard in healthcare.

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Funny, given the global windfall I'm not liking the action in their stock price. Sum Ting Wong?

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Can I Hijack for a second to ask you to take a look at this? https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7043e2.htm#T2_down

This is the Vaunted CDC report on a test showing "Lower Non-COVID mortality among the vaccinated". Literally every test/report/paper they have used during COVID has been either super sketchy, not saying what they say it was saying, or just paper thin.

I was trying to understand if this was somehow actually good - their write-up seemed really airtight... but then I looked at table 2 and it looks to me like they are calculating each dose individually? Like the Myocarditis chart you showed the day before. I don't know that I understand what they are doing well enough to really say, but I can add both columns together and get a number that looks a LOT like the Unvaccinated number - why isn't the right thing to do? Is this somehow showing lower mortality because they diced up the deaths by doses?

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the point of the paper was to show that VAERS is likely unreliable since the cohort they followed didn't die as much as the unvax group.

the surprising finding is that the unvax group died from non-covid at a higher rate than the vax group (including 1 dose vax) which CNN ran as vax protects against heart attacks and cancer

the paper didn't adjust for any confounding factors which they reported as a limitation

the truth is that VAERS is unreliable for vax deaths and that people who get the vax are likely people who make healthier choices, have access to good healthcare previously, among many other factors

i wonder if gato thinks VARES is accurate since this paper suggests it is not

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The impression I get from nurses I know is that people are too busy and sometimes too lazy to spend the time reporting things to VAERS. It involves time and some degree of paperwork (online). Most aren't motivated to waste their time this way, and no one is asking them to do it for the most part.

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Okay, but I don't get how 6000k deaths out of 2.5m is less that 6600 out of 3.5m deaths. I'm not understanding the math that gives lower rates

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Oct 25, 2021
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not really, they don't need to market the vaccine as if it saves you from falling from a tree or makes you see docs more to get your bp under control.

the main point is that people are not dying from just the vax, clots, MIs, random PE etc, at least not in the group they followed for a few months

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Oct 25, 2021
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take 2 groups: vax and unvax

take out: anybody that died from covid

hypothesis: NO difference in death between vax and unvax

if vax die more in a random + large group then the vax is causing death which is what VAERS is suggesting, that people are dying from the vax due to multiple things

this study showed that people are not dying, it also found that less people are dying in the vax group

there are several reasons why the vax group might die less than the unvax group but that needs to be investigated

likewise, CDC continues to investigate deaths reported by VAERS, this study they did is to quickly see if people are dying from the vax

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interesting question.

I do not know if they are additive, however it does leap out at me as germane that the data is from a 6 month period (dec-july). We now know that the protection afforded by the vaccines as it were, in the form of a narrow, but high titer of antigens for the spike protein, wanes over about that very period. So, I suspect that the percentages being presented are the best they can ever be for vaccinated, and that they would not be the same for reinfection among the same study sample if looked at for, say, the subsequent 6 months.

Furthermore, if they were going to be fair, the unvaccinated should be parsed as "COVID-naive" and "COVID-recovered". I suspect the COVID-recovered segment of the unvaccinated population would have the same, or better numbers as the "2 dose" group.

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Looks the UK wasn't a fan.

"Pfizer’s Vyndaqel has been rejected by the UK National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) as a treatment for the rare heart condition transthyretin amyloidosis with cardiomyopathy (ATTR-CM)."


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Normally I'm down with what you post, but cardiomyopathy that is caused by transthyretin-derived amyloid deposits does not appear to be associated with S-protein from SARS-CoV2. Other types of cardiomyopathy, sure, but not specifically that caused by transthyretin amyloid deposits. Isn't that hereditary?

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No oxford comma -- now I know they're evil.

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Running a racket.

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Here’s a look at the junk s hence Pfizer is about to employ to doom our children https://tobyrogers.substack.com/p/ten-red-flags-in-the-fdas-risk-benefit

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"yes, we have lower year-over-year birth rate, but... the death rate is not high enough. We need their $$$ savings so globalists can do what they want NOW"

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Is this saying what I think it's saying?

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Notice that Prevnar is on the list. If you recall, they initially launched Prevnar 7, but the serotypes not covered by the vaccine increased in prevalence and were more problematic. Soooo...in on a white horse rides Prevnar 13. Then 20... And so on...

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Pfizer - we will make you our boost bitch and you will like it!

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Get'cha one way or t'other!

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You are sharp!

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Brought to you by Boriquagato

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oh goodness no, mr phil!

just by me, the good kitten.

had the other kitty sent this i'm sure he would have said something mean like "this like buying an umbrella from the guy who's pissing on your head and telling you it's rain..."

he really is a bad cat!

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