This gives me goosebumps I am so happy. I was just about to head down to do Christmas shopping with my daughter. My wife told me that I as of today we are banned from shops because we are not vaccinated. I live in Germany. In the end we will win. I know it.

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Bring the government to its knees. WE THE PEOPLE IN ANY COUNTRY, NOW YOU LISTEN TO US.

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But that is so easy: if people would have stayed at home immediately upon the first measure (masks ?) and did not get out at all (including for working) except to buy anything except the strict necessary, this circus would have stopped within a week.

We The People still have this power.

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I don't know how this works in Germany, but in the US you can start criminal charges against enforcers, and tyranny just doesn't work without enforcers on the ground level. I don't think we were signers to the Nuremberg Code, but you definitely were!! That's one of many violations that you can cite.

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Oh there are plenty of willing enforcers. Every person must decide the line they will not cross against their fellow citizen AHEAD of time because when the SHTF, or money and their own safety is on the line the brain clicks off and character (or lack of it) becomes the director. Witness how people act now with the vax. Some beg for it, some resist until you threaten a little, some when you threaten a lot and some have decided to erect a perma middle finger. That is how it goes.

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Oh, there are willing enforcers for sure! It's been distressing to watch. But willing to be sued, to go to jail? Not too many of those actually.

Citizens are starting to file complaints directly, and it's often working to get people to back off.

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There are people right now doing that. Let me tell ya, if Ginsberg and other judges around the country had been replaced with lib judges, you could complain all you want - to no avail. The deplorables would be socked away in the roach motel.

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wasn't Ginsberg liberal?

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Yes. If a leftist like Hillary or Sanders got in, there would be another her or worse. All the judges appointed would have been Leftists. Everyone who laments Trump should at least allow that his judge appointments keep them walking freeish Free ER. Haha.

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hee hee hee, perma middle finger, love it!

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The US did sign the Nuremberg Code and it can be used in civil and criminal cases.

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It could. How is it working for the people in solitary for Jan 6 protest?

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The Nuremberg Code outlines informed consent requirements for medical procedures specifically medical experiments. What does that have to do with Jan 6 protesters?

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It has been reported that the J6 political prisoners have been told they can only have more time out of solitary confinement if they get the jab.

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I didn't know that. Who are we?

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Because Nuremberg Code most likely will be dismissed as a reason to not force vaccination like... it is not in their new definition an experiment. There are other international codes laid out to protect human rights of individuals that are (like the Nuremberg Code) being ignored or set aside because the rules no longer apply to those running the US - that Jan 6 ppl who are currently being held are not being afforded. A little poorly put structure wise, but I hope you will see my point.

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Great! I've seen several claims that we didn't but this is good to know. Thanks -

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They're trying to claim the same here in NZ but our law system, in many places, previously assumed our adherence to it.

What is the traditional penalty for coup plotters btw?

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That is why I replied that it COULD be used. IMO it won't. There are also plenty of agreed upon rules and standards (international and domestic) on the treatment of political prisoners and rules against the torture and inhumane treatment of political prisoners. Yet: J6. No rules apply to those people. The ones they declare worse than the 9-11 terrorists. They being the people running the country minus a handful of lukewarm patriots.

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We probably won’t. You’re just being way too hopeful.

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Try locations with 3g if they still exist. I hear Schmalkalden isn’t fond of any G measure 😂. Poland?

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There is hope. People are beginning to wake up. And the Nuremberg protocol should be used against the criminals doing this to the world.

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When the police and armed forces begin to refuse orders from their leadership, things will rapidly turn around. Ask Czar Nikolas how it worked out with him after the military refused his orders to “control” the population

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or Marie Antoinette....

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But who is enforcing the Nurmberg protocol? Lawyers? Court?

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WE can enforce it. My daughter is sending a tort letter to her school to fight their testing mandate, and people are suing employers over the vaccine. A school board in Ohio overturned its masking requirement - on the spot - when someone threatened to sue every board member and had the paperwork to back it up. There are some great lawyers doing this work (look up Jeff Childers) but we as citizens need to step up and learn how to defend our rights. Lawyers are beholden to the system and need to stay in good standing with the courts; we don't.

Here's what I've seen: we feel way more strongly about not complying than 99% of enforcers do about making us comply. We're willing to lose our jobs; they're not willing to be sued or go to jail.

No enforcers, no tyranny.

(We won't always win. In fact, we often won't. But a few victories go a long way, and even when we don't win we can be a huge pain in the ass. Between the victories and the pains in the ass, we can, maybe, just maybe, break the flow of this insanity.)

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I for one would be a GIANT HEMORRHOID!

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Jasmine, Can you provide some more info. on the Tort letter your daughter sent to her school. We would like to do the same. My son is tested 2x weekly at his jesuit high school. Thanks.

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I wish there were a way to do private messaging on here! Does anyone know if we can? (sorry... I'm relatively new to Substack)

Jessica, there are a few options:

1) you can do a conditional acceptance (something like "We'll consider having him do these tests as long as you -Mr/Ms Enforcer - guarantee that if he has any ill effects from them* you accept full responsibility, and also that you accept responsibility for any academic issues or emotional distress from missed school in case of false positives.

No one in their right mind would sign that, but it doesn't always make them back down

2) do your research to see what a civil suit would look like, and then put it in the form of a tort letter, which basically gives them a chance to change their position before you take them to court. We added to our tort letter that we reserve the right to later pursue criminal complaints.

If there's a way to PM me, send me a note and I can give you more ideas.

*there's a JAMA study about (rare) adverse events from the swabs

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A new generation of leaders willing to stand against these politicians.

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And who might that be? Mayor Pete?

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See my note above. We can't wait for someone to come in and save us from this nonsense. There's a lot we can do, and I'm starting to see that it's my obligation as a citizen. I've been asleep at the wheel assuming that someone, somewhere, would defend our rights. Nope. It's our turn.

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Another Beto. Democrats are becoming predictable in finding idiots to represent their ideology, much to the detriment of our country .

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yeah, beto, there is a real braintrust!

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lol, the guy is an imbecile, an utter and complete boob. he should stay home and be an at home dad.

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ooh! this is a nice way to start the day

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Even better..Epoch Times just reported that a known Conservative court was randomly chosen yesterday to handle ALL of the cases that are being brought aganist Brandon's vax related mandates. Conservative courts are 95% more likely to protect individual rights to liberty and autonomy. It was sone kind of random lottery type thing that this particular court was chosen. There is a God.

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Best news ever. Gosh I hope this isn't just a holding out for no liability thing and its an actual humanity, this is the right thing to do, kind of kitty-fest🤔😉

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I'm half Austrian and have been losing sleep over this. Imprisoning the unvaccinated en mass was always going to collapse but the madness of the times made me doubt how long it would take ... so good that some of the state personnel have not got sucked in.

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The document is here - https://www.bundesheergewerkschaft.at/

I don't think the "union" can initiate a mutiny by decree. Soldiers and police have to be willing to defy orders. A police union head, Hermann Greylinger, also issued an ambivalent statement, essentially declaring that the police aren't responsible for public health enforcement - good coverage of this and other Austria happenings at https://fackel.substack.com/p/the-covid-purge - though, ambivalent is still an important signal of non-support.

There still needs to be actual will among the people and the police to defy the lockdown/passports and refute the illegitimate media/state "emergency." Austria probably isn't there yet.

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Agreed. Typically you need the people at the top of the police and military to drop support for the president of country for policies to change. Police and army are hierarchical organizations. Controlled from the top down.

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It is not that they CAN refuse illegitimate orders, it is that they MUST do so.

For example in Belgium, the oath that all military do is "Je jure fidélité au Roi, obéissance à la Constitution et aux lois du Peuple belge".

Notice the order: first the King (alright, this one is funny, but who knows...), the Constitution and THEN the laws.

Note that in the absence of laws (only decree), then the Constitution prevails.

Note that an order that would be contradictory to a law, to the Constitution or to the wish of the King (!) would be invalid.

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Interesting oath. Sort of deputizes the military as an armed supreme court... In reality militaries can only be provisionally loyal to "the sovereign," which in a republic is "defined" as the people but in practice is whoever their representatives are at a given moment. Defying those representatives is Praetorian Revolt / military coup by definition.

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Just a thought. If real history was still taught in government propaganda centers (schools) would we be dealing with any of this stuff? I've been shocked that so many European countries have fallen prey to this madness considering that they have relatively recent history with unprecedented tyranny. I know there aren't many left, but there are still people alive who have seen hard tyranny in their lifetime in those countries. I'm still dumbfounded by the last almost 2 years. I'll never get over it. But thank goodness that there are still people who are trying to stand firm.

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Primarily but not exclusively to many European nations, to a large extent the populace has been brainwashed in many ways. This dates back to WW II (even earlier, although mostly by different entities for different ends.) Many nations have "hate speech" and even laws relating to historical events, that to violate include penalties of fine and even prison. Rather odd for nations that on the whole had a tradition of critical inquiry, the scientific method, and so on. Rather than blow my political (actually, just an inveterate skeptical) horn, suffice it to say here that in nearly any epoch, what the average person learns in government-funded schools is (outside the natural sciences) at best a healthy serving of propaganda intended to support the existing culture or, in the modern case, ironically to undermine, replace or even overthrow that older culture.

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I can speak to history taught in Germany 30 years ago when I was in school. We did go in depth about the third Reich. Why and how. However we were taught that only far right ideologies can be like that and to fear those groups and not others. I never learned about the atrocities committed by Stalin, never about the war in the pacific and so on. It was good to learn a lot about the nazis abs how to spot this, but they failed to teach that ANY ideology can use the exact same methods to do horrible harms.

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I think this is more about compliance testing. How far do we (those in control) have to go to break the will of the people in each country. They'll collect data, analyze, and enhance for lockstep version 2. What is shown here is perhaps a step in the right direction but I still think it's a data analysis exercise to see what it takes and how they can improve for future implementations. They have us distracted by their covid rhetoric when we should be focused on tyranny and loss of freedom.

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And this is why global protests aren't being shown much (or at all) on US media. And this is why so many independent media (like Substack etc.) are springing up to ensure information gets out. Remember the people under Soviet control still managed to produce an extraordinary amount of samizdat. We gots ourselves some better tools than they had...

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we are in this group bc we have not been distracted, we see if exactly for what it all is and are on it like flies on shit.

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Well, now there is some good news! Hopefully, some of these wannabe, dictatorial overlords are losing some quality sleep these days. Heaven knows, we plebs have been.

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I've been repeatedly reminding a friend (here in the US) that the people she continues to deride as "Trumpers" are the people who also believe in our foundational freedoms. Americans aren't Europeans, though our "educated" class wish we were, and we are still considerably a stubborn and rebellious people. I've never been part of any political party and I voted for "none of the above" in 2016 and stayed home in 2020, but i am humbly grateful for the ignorant unwashed who are doing everything to protect their betters from tyranny.

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It would not have the bite they desire if they said "freedom loving Americans" or those who believe in a constitutional republic though I've heard a lot of people parrot that the constitution needs to be revised (to their liking of course) or abolished. They have no idea what they are saying. I think to myself some day you will regret this but will they? I still think in the US one way we the ruled can help to counter is at the local then the state level. Locally get rid of all those that are in with this tyranny and eventually their power will wane? Unfortunately voting for none of the above will keep us in this mess. Even the smallest win is a win.

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They're not ignorant or unwashed...and they are not doing what they're doing to protect "their betters"...who are their inferiors...from tyranny.

They're resisting to protect themselves and their families and this country.

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I think he was being “tongue in cheek” with his comments.

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These days one can never be sure...

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I dislike anonymity in honest discourse but we live in strange times.

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No worries. I thought you were being sarcastic, but these are strange times. I'm just tired of the "elites" and their condescension towards working people. Many of the people who are pushing back (they're not all GOP, conservatives, or Trumpers) are the people who make this country and the world run. They keep the lights on, grow the food, keep the stores stocked, pick up the trash. We'd be lost without them. Many of those going along with this nightmare wouldn't know how to change a lightbulb or sew on a button. They're idiots.

BTW, I'm also a she and people assume I'm not. ;)

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When the sewage backs up you want a little toxic masculinity to come and sort it out for ya. Gender studies PhD's probably aren't on anyone's speed dial.

In my era NYC had plenty of trades high schools so smart kids with no interest in intellectual flummeries could get a good education in durably useful skills. Where's the DEI crowd on the death of valid choices for all kids?

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There was sarcasm but pointed in the opposite direction to what you thought...

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Not a member of a party either and share your sentiments about both elections, but, I live in a swing state and feel I must choose the lesser of two evils to me. Not voting feels good but doesn’t work.

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There is no lesser evil. There are only different evils. Right now here in the US we're in George W. Bush's fifth term. I voted for Obama twice and still feel shame to admit how badly I was rooked. But I wouldn't have voted for the other guys, so I was just seduced by "the historic moment."

I don't necessarily believe this will be my only turn on Earth but if I come back as, say. a lizard, I'll have other things to worry about. Here, in this time and in this place, I have only my integrity and no one is owed my vote. At least in my new home state we have, as I didn't have before, the option to affirmatively vote for "none of the above" and I appreciate the option.

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That’s unfortunate. I rejected O the moment he opened his mouth, nothing but flowery Utopian rhetoric from Day ONE. Many were seduced and did not recognize rhetoric whatsoever. Those of us that have been around the Sun 50 times or more saw it for what it was, BS. Say anything to get elected. And AROUND, We Go!

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Same. As a born and raised Chicagoan who is an independent voter, I instinctively distrust anyone supported by the Chicago Democratic Machine. As a "black" woman who was very vocally anti-Obama, I was absolutely considered a "race traitor".

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But haven’t you heard? That means “you ain’t black” 😆🙄

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I agree. He was a useless fraud.

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Appreciate your comments, just disagree. Granted you have your integrity at the ballot box, but, is that enough? Perhaps you do more to enlist better candidates at the local level. What makes you think lizards don’t have similar problems?

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Indeed. Is it that much different? Lizard people are everywhere as it is. Sometimes I feel like I'm living in the TV show "V".

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The old school show from the 80s used to terrify me. Well, the opening credits sequence. Vividly remember a part where I guess one of the skin suits is torn and the reptilian eye is exposed. Used to run from the room! I was like 3 or 4 years old.

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Better candidates don't survive the machine. And look--I voted for Bernie twice in the primaries, but I've since realized how truly naive he is. Some of his most ardent political supporters are the truly vile "Squad" and all these folks enjoy spending other people's money on schemes that do not, in fact, improve people's lives longterm. And when Bernie refused to sign on to the condemnation of the stunt filming Synema in the restroom, that was it for me. The true soul exposed...

I don't have any answers here--except perhaps it's the local level every concerned citizen should focus on. School boards and city councils because they put pressure on the higher-office candidates. If we cannot ensure the flourishing of a new generation of at least moderately informed and independent thinkers, we're doomed fer shure.

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Um Bernie is member #1 of the Squad. Trump was not of the machine. You think local does not have a machine?

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If Trump had had the least amount of personal mastery of his flaws, he might have been a remarkable transformative force. And he hired some of the worst advisors to ever work in politics.

And Trump just had a different machine. La Famiglia and distrust of anyone outside it, and if your kids are morons then no one of political value has your back.

And perhaps he wouldn't have won without Pence to give him those fundamentalist bona fides, but I don't want my gov't infused with Christian rhetoric. I was a child when we still had them moderate Northeastern Republican types--yeah, the old Episcopalian patrician types and a few Jews of similar temperament--and conservatives would be well-served to cultivate that sort again. That would have been truly iconoclastic of Trump and a force to be reckoned with.

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Is it more evil or equally evil to force people to vaccinate or allow them to decide for themselves whether to vaccinate? Kill 60M babies or let them live? God may see all evil equally, but we are not God.

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I had a boyfriend who was a police officer in a red state and 0% chance any of them would enforce this vaccine passport lunacy. They were good freedom loving gun nuts, people you'd definitely want on your side.

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That's what they said in my country. Turns out they willingly enforce it. Knowing some who went into policing, I am not surprised at all. The rank and file lie falls apart when they have a pension on the line. Will some refuse to enforce it? Sure... But don't expect it to be more than 10% if their superiors (all the way up) do not refuse en masse. Unfortunately, the higher up in any organization, the more political things get. And those types tend to be yes men.

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Yep. Much as we were taught by well-meaning parents and perhaps what we wished were true, boys and girls, the police are not your friend. At best, they may not be your enemy, but don't confuse that with being a friendly. Yet another social commentary the movie "A Clockwork Orange" got right, half a century ago! 🤡

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Based Austrian cops. Pray for similar.

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Yes!! This is what I said needed to happen in “Letter to a Colluder” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-colluder-stop-enabling) for tyranny to stop! VIVA LA RÉSISTANCE!!

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Tyranny is only possible if it has the support of the enforcers: police and military, yes, but also the businesses and citizens who go along with it. Cut off enforcement and the threat retreats (for a while at least).

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It’s all the over as soon as enough folks figure out it’s not D vs R, elite vs the rest of us.

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AMEN! That’s partly what my poem, “You Can’t Cancel Me” (at the end of this post: https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/with-thanks-to-you-you-magnificent) is about.

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Yes! Down With The Tyrants...

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I have really struggled watching police take part in enforcing these mandates

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They are "just following orders."

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Well at some point you have to know that you are being misused as a police officer to enforce this stuff and say “No!”

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Fire them all and bring in the Brownshirts. This disobedience will not stand!

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bring in the brownshirts? err no we want the opposite of brownshirts.. we want freedom loving patriots.. who want everyone to be free under the law.

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I guess sarcasm is lost in simple text...

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Is there no sarcasm emoji? I use the wink emoji to indicate sarcasm. Apparently, I use it quite a bit.

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I always type “(sarcasm font)”so it’s clear. Texting is worse than masking in reading non-verbal cues! Lol

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oh dear.. sorry was too focused :)

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Yep, we can get focused, can't we!

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In nyc there are enough citizens doing the enforcement. Kicking people out of coffee shops, pizza places. Barring teenagers from playing sports. All public workers fired if they don't cave and get vacc'd. All done with no armed force.

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Here in FL, although there are no local mandates, a social organization I belong to moved to a new location where for some unfathomable reason the landlord required masking. I told the club hell no, but to please contact me if the inane requirement were ever dropped. For whatever reason, it was, and after a sabbatical of about two months, I'm back in my group. 😁 I wish that all such victories were as easy. The point is to "just say no" to idiocy. Whether you're willing to run the risk of disapproval, banishment, unemployment, arrest or worse, I must leave to your own judgment.

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I have been surprised by people going along with this that I believed to be intelligent and independent, but I have also been surprised by people that struck me as quiet that I never knew very well who have been very steadfast and resistant throughout. I think I was hanging out with the wrong people. That’s good information to have IMO

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Me too. I always considered myself to be a moderate in most. This whole experience has radicalized me in ways I wouldn’t have believed 20 months ago.

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Pandemic a la Karen

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"Government can only exercise power if the police, military and other key power centers support it." - The Dictator's Handbook: Why Bad Behavior is Almost Always Good Politics.

This is a great book to understand how government really work (both dictatorships and democracies. Well worth the read.

Video version of the main ideas in the book https://youtu.be/rStL7niR7gs

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That’s awesome!

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No politician will ever do anything that goes against his/her position. No one. And they have a two-way pressure these days, one that comes from above and one that comes from below.

The one that comes from below is voters´ pressure. Let´s not forget that the percentage of people who agrees with the "new normal" is much, much bigger than us who don´t. If that protest in Vienna goes great and they are able to gather, say, 40 000 people, that´s a tiny percentage of Austria, and even of Vienna. If this or any other government said "fuck it, we´re done. No more stupid measures. Let´s live life", the protests against that laxity would be unprecedentedly huge. So it is a no brainer for them...from below.

And the one that comes from above is the biggest, most powerful, most relentless, most supported by citizenship dictatorial hammer in the History of Humankind. No way politicians are going to confront a power that could sweep them like ants if they don´t comply.

So yes, it´s good news. But more in the sense that it is not bad news (which is a relief in these days of tribulation) than in it representing any change. The media pressure is going to be so persistent during the winter, and the figure manipulation so immoral, that most of the ones opposing today will be begging in March for the unvaccinated to be segregated from society.

Sorry, this is a post that I did not want to write. But I´ve seen this kind of mevements before in Europe and it´s is better to know that they went nowhere.

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"Let´s not forget that the percentage of people who agrees with the "new normal" is much, much bigger than us who don´t."

I don't think this is true. And how many people who took the vaxx are going wake up when they realize the government wants them to take a 3rd, 4th, 5th dose to be "fully vaxxed"?

And how many of those who do take those injections will survive to have an opinion?

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Exactly. Citation fucking needed. This entire position is propaganda: that you are all alone in a vast sea of people actively disagreeing with you and explicitly opposing you, not just a vast sea of low-average potatoes who don't want to think very hard.

It's such a COMMON strategy of propaganda (convince them they are all alone, isolated, and in a vast minority) that I question the motive of the original comment.

Let me try a correction: "the percentage of people who follow authority without questioning it very much is much bigger than those who do, but will be as likely to follow a different authority presenting different commands tomorrow."

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At least until I'm sent to a camp or otherwise disappeared, I would much rather be a consistent pariah (the horrid unvaxxed) than the sheep that are soon to discover they are at risk of unwilling joining my group's ranks at perhaps six-month intervals, all for failing to take the latest booster that Big Brother says must be taken.

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Endless boosters is playing Russian roulette with a machine gun. Soon there will be no one left to hurt with them.

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BTW, you´ll love this comment on unending vaccination. I did:)) It comes from the Twitter account of a rapper, I think:

"Simultaneously trying to sell the 3rd and 4th shots to people who took the first 2 or 3, whilst trying to sell the 1st one as 'highly effective' to people who have taken zero, is a bold strategy." https://twitter.com/ZubyMusic/status/1459364647228911621

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Hello, Cmpalmer75. On your first argument, I´d love to agree with you, honestly. I live in the paradox of always wanting to be wrong regarding this topic, because being right means hell on Earth. But the truth is you could not name a single country in the whole world (!) where people took down hard measures via street protests. Not one. Wherever the "new normal" has been implanted, it remained like that. In Europe and Oceania, where measures have reached levels of sci-fi dystopia, protests meant such a small percentage of the continents´ population that it is totally anecdotal.

Regarding your first question, again, I am sorry to disagree. The arguments to have the first jab were so weak that the percentage of people who will see the light among the vaccinated will be tiny. For irrelevant reasons, I am obliged to hearing a daily Spanish program, and day by day I´ve seen the evolution of scientists from confirming there would only be one jab, to say there would be two, to deny totally the possibility of a third, to say the third will be needed. All this without the host saying, well, "what the fuck is wrong with you, guys?" No. Total acceptance.

On the third: how many of the vaccine-related deaths are going to be attributed to it in the media? Most people are empty heads that need to be filled up with opinions from the media. They will eat whatever they will be fed with, because they don´t tie knots, they don´t create personal reasonings.

If you are right and I am wrong, I will be the first one to celebrate.

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Many European countries have had massive protests for months. The reason they haven't succeeded is because the evil empire isn't backing down. In normal times, governments would respond to the will of their people. This just means our fight is going to be longer and harder than we want it to be.

So, far, 36.6% of those eligible for a booster in the US (age 65 and older) have taken one. That may explain the change in narrative from Fauci and Gates. Gotta do something to scare the plebes.


My last point is that these injections are not safe. If people continue to take them, they will either be too ill or they will die.

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You're right. There's nothing we can do and it will go nowhere.

We should all drink poison or blow our brains out or surrender completely and tell ourselves that we had absolutely no choice but our principles are still intact.

You first.

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Hi, Guttermouth. Well, I knew this kind of reply was coming, won´t be the only one, and rightfully so. Maybe I should not have posted my view in one of the few positive news in months. I apologize for this, and I mean it.

That said, I am neither blowing my brains nor surrendering. I will keep living according to my principles, but knowing that in the end the solution, the only one, is the division of Humanity in two sections, humans and transhumans. And they exist in a proportion of 999 to 1.

As I said in another post, we are not a brave resistence against a tyranny that oppresses the majority. The majority doesn´t feel oppressed, are OK with the tyrants and hate us. So I don´t think this is a matter of fighting, but one of understanding.

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By your logic, the same people that are going along to get along will go along to get along when we overthrow the tyrants. The majority will be okay with whatever is presented to them.

I think the notion that 99% of humanity is intensely invested in concepts of transhumanism is absolutely ridiculous and you must live in a bubble I can't even fathom if you believe the overwhelming majority of people are spending any time contemplating such concepts in making their life decisions.

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No, of course most people don´t have the slightest idea of what "transhumanism" is, and would totally reject it if they knew. That´s the key of its success.

It is suceeding in an unprecedented manner precisely because people don´t see an army, an enemy, a plan, a theory, a mode of understanding life, behind all those rules that totally changed their lives. They only see a catastrophic medical event that is being taken care of by authorities, that are fighting for us, and obliged to take tremendously strict measures that are temporary, that will last as long as the pandemic.

So they comply. With this and with whichever crazy measure elites will come out with. Your definitions are correct for you and for me, not for most. For most people, they are not tyrants, but the ones who get in the way of disease and chaos. And you and I are not "fighting against tyranny" We are a bunch of stupid, demented conspiracy theorists.

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Hello, EJSmith. Thanks for your words, which I totally share.

Considering that some of the main values the USA was built upon were colourful, strong individuality and the freedom to walk one´s own path (something that is mostly forgotten in Europe), at the beginning of 2020 I expected a totally global reaction from the USA. It has not been that way, but I look at those free spots you still have in your country with hope and (totally healthy) envy. I know that I don´t belong in Spain, and the existence of those sane asylums makes me so happy. Congratulation for it. I´d be very proud if those were my people. Just please, remember this, because I´ve seen the process: once you move one step back, you lose the battle. They are never satisfied.

Yours are very good examples, that may serve as mental guides. We are in serious need of remembrance of historic events where the implausible ended up happening. The main difference is that every tyranny that rises through blood ends up being defeated by blood. Now we don´t have that possibility (they got the power through thought manipulation and we can´just physically fight it).

But I´ll stay with those examples, will follow my own way and wait for an awakening. To me it will be enough if we become as large a number as to be able to organize with different values the millions we are.

Good luck to us!

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Hairy balls and all, mmmmm

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What will the US military do?

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You didn't think the great military purge was actually about white supremacy, did you?

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Of course. But I'm wondering about the post-purge competency.

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Hope this works as other European governments are watching deciding if they can get away with this too. Our glorious leader in Scotland has already said she's is going to try and extend the vax passport here beyond large events to bars and restaurants in time for the Christmas season. 🙄

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This news about Austria is very encouraging. I just read the article with English translation. I really hope this encourages the police and military in other countries to do the same. It's about time.

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That's very encouraging news from the home of Glock.

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Well, I'll believe the refusal to enforce when I see it. Not too hopeful,though. If this house arrest system fades away (it probably will at some point) it will likely be because:

a) the virus recedes seasonally on schedule, and

b) govt can joyfully claim their 'strategy' worked, and

c) enforcement (like customer service) costs plenty of money, while lots of in-person shops & businesses suffer cash-flow problems because house arrested people represent a nice percentage of their revenue.

The last point is not understood by the govt. Someone should whisper to them, "It's the economy, stupid."

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The other thing bureaucrats don’t understand, is when they ORDER people to get jabbed, who have no reason to do so, and, have alternative therapies that shall not be named, and banished from reality. It’s a standoff.

Coercion and extortion. Still, using game theory, we wait it out patiently, as the toxic jabs slowly deteriorate the immune systems of those who have been jabbed, we shall see who outlasts who.

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In America, the excuse for this stuff is always "well, police are right-wing, so they're Trump-supporting science deniers that probably married their cousin."

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They can warm their cockles telling themselves such shite but know there are many very well educated people who support President Trump and believe the election was stolen. The first thing people without rational argument do is hurl ad hominem attacks against their opponents. A clue that truth is not on their side. I realize your comment was “tongue in cheek,” but this kind of pejorative speak, when said without jest, really makes me mad.

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Finally. A sigh of relief. Wake up people

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Between this and the federal judge's comments my defeated little shred of hope is gathering new life. I wish i could send them flowers or cookies or something.

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I live in the Czech Republic where the government just approved new rules against the uninjected they are calling "the Bavarian model". Starting Sunday night, this means that a negative test is no longer valid to enter mass events and some stores. Only proof of vaccination or previous infection is valid. As others have commented, it seems like this step may be a "compliance test" to see how far they can push the population. Czechia is only about 58% vaxxed.

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This gives me hope. Australia, New Zealand, Canada...are you watching?

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Without the police and military, they are declawed and defanged.

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I hope so, but those are unthinking, rule-following countries. Austria and - I hope - Germany learned the lesson a few generations ago. I know from growing up there that 'following orders' is not considered a bad thing in Canada.

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We Yanks had a much different impression of the Canadians and the Aussies. It's been eye opening.

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Police can be replaced with literally anyone to fit the end goal needed.

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Nah, the police have always been that way.... perfectly fine as long as you do everything they tell you, no tolerance at all if you don't. (It comes in handy when climate crazies are trying to block traffic - but not so nice when they get orders from on high to stop people from protesting against tyranny.)

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It's been such a long time since I've heard hopeful news, I had forgotten what hopeful news feels like. Well done, Austria. I apologise for the insults I have been hurling your way since the segregation plans were unveiled.

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I wonder if this move by the police and military ultimately leads to a coup. Seems like we might see a dictatorship there, one way or the other.

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they know which way the wind is blowing

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The idea that a government would engage in the mass incarceration of its citizens based on their personal medical decisions is shocking and utterly revolting. To make matters worse, the purported rationale of the government is patently fraudulent. If vaccination is effective, then the vaccinated have absolutely nothing to fear from the alleged lepers in their midst. I am sorry to say it, but if the Austrians do not rise up against this abuse, they deserve their enslavement.

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This is fabulous and how it should be, solidarity of the citizens and screw the minister of the interior and his cronies. I hope the police and armed forces would do the same here in the US if push came to shove and they refused to enforce this crap against any of us. If I were a cop or in the armed forces, I would stand down and not obey.

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I'll believe it when I see it.

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This is an encouraging sign.

Those who participate in bullying tactics which pitch citizens against one and other, will eventually find that "I was just following orders" will not be an acceptable mitigation.

Post WW2 trials have established this in law.

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Bless up righteous humans 🙏

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Austria fondly recalling The Anschluss .

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If the police joined in that would be awesome!

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Awesome! ❤️

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Great news!

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I heard somewhere that authoritarianism fall when the police force finally join the resistance.

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If only we could get rid of that chap 'AL' and turn Australia into Austria.

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Yes and please our dictator Jabcinda Ardent as well. She is just plain evil

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wow, generally they can be bought. As the Chinese dissentent explained you can't be a dictator without toadies.

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