That doctor lady might not smack her kids around physically, but what she's done to their minds is just as much child abuse, only perhaps more insidious in that not everyone will recognize it as such.

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At this stage, I have to reflect on the old Latin saying: mundus vult decipi, decipiatur ergo - the world wants to be fooled, therefore she will be. I have never seen, or even imagined such collective madness as this rona-episode. Nor the shocking panic response of so many people I always assumed to be cool and rational, but who lost it and often seem to feel threatened by my determination to treat the matter rationally and analytically.

I recognize that there is always a psychological need to see the cause for my situation outside. That's why politicians like wars, including apparently this unwinnable war on Covid. And then they have to do all in their power to make us believe their actions actually made things better, when it is so blatantly obvious they only made it infinitely worse. And they charge us for their mishandling too.

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Ooooo, i like you already, keep talking, !!!!👏👏👏👏👏

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Well let's see:

-Monomaniacal focus on the most immediately visible issue

-Manipulation of emotion to make gratification a matter of urgency

-Unapologetic, blind dependence on the authority figure

-Employment of brute force due to either unwillingness or inability to present a convincing argument

Sounds exactly like a pre-schooler to me. The only difference is that a pre-schooler is unable to effectively fulfill that last bullet, while authoritarianism is able to fulfill it WITH bullets.

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From experience, pre-schoolers are absolutely able to effectively fulfill that last bullet against other pre-schoolers. It's why adult tyranny pretty clearly resembles child bullying.

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Good point. Maybe it's just that the consequences are (usually) less severe and far-reaching. And for the pre-schooler there yet remains hope of development out of the authoritarian mindset.

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Breeding a generation of paranoid psychopaths

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we are well and truly past "really in trouble" and deep into the Cultural Revolution, baby. Oh, and remember, today is Klaus's Cyberpolygon rehearsal--woops--"table-top exercise" on large scale hacking attack on vital international supply chains with all the key eugenicists--woops, did I say eugenicists?--stakeholders, key stakeholders. Hey, kittens, time to stock up on kibble, you know, in case supplies just happen to...what's the word?...disrupt.

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And then the two kids crossed their arms across their chests and muffled through their three masks, "Maskanda Forever."

BTW, doesn't the good Dr. Julia own a mask company?

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The last sixteen months or so have brought all of the intellectually shallow prigs out of the woodwork. There are many more of them than I might have suspected.

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perhaps worse are those with good minds and poor emotional calibration.

they get subsumed by atavistic terror and then turn their powerful computing engines to the task of generating ever more frightening hobgoblins and ever more potent rationalizations for fearing them and demand for mitigations against them.

they wind up hallucinating an entire soup to nuts analytical and moral fabric into existence to mollify their internal instability that screams for authority and "doing something" until it becomes a performative tyranny mistaken for a wubbie.

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That’s a good point. It’s really more emotional self-discipline and independent thinking than (what is commonly thought of as) high intelligence that enables people to resist irrational mass manias and panics.

To borrow from Socrates, in the last 16 months “I found that the men most in repute were all but the most foolish; and that others less esteemed were really wiser and better.”

It’s remarkable though that the panic merchants, many with Ivy League degrees, telling us endlessly how much they “believe in the science”, are unwilling or unable to update their priors even now. They predicted an apocalypse in Sweden and Florida. When that didn’t happen, they persisted in predicting doom without lockdowns, school closures and mask mandates. Contrary evidence doesn’t seem to matter.

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I know a couple of those. PhDs in computer science who spend their days conjuring up hobglobins and then spread the panic.

Of course, our local Public Harm official takes the crown for malevolent ignorance.

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I think you just described mental illness.

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It's just Lord Of The Flies on a planetary scale, the third island around the Sun, with MSM for the "conch" and COVID as the "Beast".

Therefore it'll only end when the island burns down and adults stand again at our shores.

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5 year olds have run our panic with a covidian gospel.

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And I thought pre-schoolers were in charge all along. Silly me!

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we need to reduce the .00005 chance of covid hurting a preschooler to zero.... at all costs, including hurting .001 of them

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Exactly 😉

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> just thinking about that makes me want to hide in the laundry basket.

I am experiencing a very different kind of reaction.

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cut him some slack. he's just a kitten.

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We need at least a few innocent kittens around at all times to keep us bad cats from losing all perspective.

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I’m thinking at least spray the silk draperies in the dining room for attention, then shred them after I’ve been lectured. That’ll show ‘em. 😼

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I suspect the pre-schoolers have been in charge.

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I think she means only the pre-schoolers who have been brainwashed by people like her.

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We used to sing with pre-schoolers, "The more we get together, together---the happier we'll be." Has that song (along happiness) been banned in schools?

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pretty sure that's now considered hate speech.

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bad parents equal bad leadership equal what we've experienced regarding this pseudo pandemic.

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I find myself wanting to apologize to young people when I see what we old folks have allowed to happen.

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Well there are two more messed up kids. But being a Dr. I guess she will have $ for therapy for them as they grow up.

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Only she won’t have sense enough to get them therapy because they’ll be just like her. She’ll be so proud.

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