Neil Ferguson's a professor, and he's killed millions and counting.

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Professors are the least essential workers.

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Jacinda Ardern will be giving the graduation address at Harvard while the Kiwis remain locked down proles. Tells you everything.

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There is a woman I know who insists that calling January 6th protestors "political prisoners" is "an insult to actual political prisoners." Her reasoning is that the January 6th protestors "actually committed crimes".

I'll ask her, "Nelson Mandela also actually committed actual crimes. So why didn't he deserve to stay in jail indefinitely?"

She cannot answer and keeps saying - in a different way every time - that the difference is that she agreed with Nelson Mandela's cause but she doesn't agree with the January 6 cause.

She absolutely cannot - she refuses to - admit that the analogies are exactly the same. She doesn't like me pointing out that the real reason is that she's a rich white liberal lady who cannot be seen to be sympathetic with evil Deplorable Trump supporters.

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"Political satire became obsolete when Henry Kissinger was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize."

~ Tom Lehrer

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Dr. Fauci wins. Stone Cold Killer.

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Saul Alinsky influenced Hillary, that body count keeps growing...

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The vast majority of professors are definitely useless. But let us not project the fault of what is happening on professors and other idiots, such as politicians and government bureaucrats. This prevents us from solving anything.

The people responsible for arresting, killing, and continued killing are the voters who put these people in charge. Unfortunately, I bet that you have at least one "friend" that supports this tyranny. I know I have. I would even guess that some of your relatives also support this massacre. Again, true in my case.

The *voters* are the real enemy. The *voters* are the ones who stole two years of your lives. And they want to steal even more. They declared war on everyone else, really.

Naturally, the only solution is sedition, hopefully without further violence.

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Who knew Pink Floyd was right? Or do they want their music pulled from Spotify too?

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Those who can't do, teach.

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well for a fact i dont. my kids and my money will not enter those institutions of absolute destruction.

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At one time these tweets would have been okay, because critical thinking was also taught, and this stuff would have been laughed at and gotten more absurd just for fun. Now it seems schools are teaching the antithesis, that is for people to be so fragile they cannot even listen to opposing views.

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Both of them, to jail

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Could these professors and our schools be responsible for the fact that we have way too many people who look at the world in the lazy-brained binary way-- evil or good; black or white; with no shades of gray. This, along with the desire to be spoon fed info at to who the totally wrong ones are, cannot bode well for us.

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Keep us updated. I will vote for you and them if possible

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I’ve only received ONE of your updates today…and usually you (& others I follow) seem to be more prolific daily posters. Makes me wonder if something’s going on. Anyone else?

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The old “Whose Madder” game with these scientists. They all win, they’re all monsters.

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How about professor Ralph baric, what's his body count?

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Professor here! (or just instructor, tbh...) I'm pretty sure I never killed anyone but I did have a Chesapeake Bay retriever named George Michael.

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Pikers. Woodrow Wilson was the president of Princeton.

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