"People who criticize me are actually criticizing philosophy and truth."

-Fau Chi

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I saw reporter w his picture on the wall 😂

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Guys, this is starting to look like Stockholm Syndrome. Even my family and friends get upset if I use logic or research to point out concerns. 🙄

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that happened for me already like 20 months ago. when i used to post great info from ron paul or literally any uplifting stats most of my extended fam lost their minds and literally went loco on me. its the ultimate cancel culture event. it gives them a brief sense of authority but its all self imagined and self ordained. they are the most weak cowardly ill health mentally deranged psychotic and delusional humans to ever walk the face of the earth. ever notice who ill equipped these types will be for a real crisis? ever notice how they are not the mentally stable or physically fit ones? i enjoy this. its popcorn worthy.

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It's also cute how they think they will always be on the 'correct' side of the shitty rules.

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but on the wrong side of history. so fkng ironic.

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There is no right or wrong side of history. Only the winners side.

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They are so smug.

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Lucky for me it’s only my brothers family. And we have been respectfully avoiding the topic. I now realize it’s much more powerful to let my silence speak than to share any study.

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Not to mention it is like trying to teach a pig to sing- it is impossible and it just frustrates you and the pig.

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This is so true. I have a super logical mindset; I like consistency and parallels. I've determined that it's just a waste of time and energy to try to argue or explain things to the indoctrinated "social emotional" learners (including many members of my extended family). Simple correlations like "more vaccines, more infections" go right over their heads...

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Critical skills have not been taught for decades. Being a lawyer, and before that, college English instructor, I can attest. Frankly, my own legal colleagues fail there too. Most do not question the mainstream narrative. Sheep to the vax.

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It took a lot of study, effort, and special interest money to get to this point- www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0865718547

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Exactly! I can't stand when someone messing with my head n they messing with themselves. I've cut down my interaction w them, for the time being.

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This is happening with 2 of my sisters and my only niece (24 y.o.; mother of 2 and 3 year olds). All vaxxed. Got tired of me sharing data and info from the good docs (McCullough, Kory, Malone, Fleming, etc.). One of my sisters is an RN @ VA hospital. She's the one that called me "obsessed and fanatical" about all things vax-related. She just wants to "live in peace". Basicall in full denial. Never mind that these damn toxic jabs will soon target her two grandbabies. I'm livid and speechless at her indifference. How can they be so damn blind? Sadly, it is hard for me to carry on as if nothing matters. Thus, our conversations are less frequent and shallow, in order to keep the peace. I'm heartbroken.

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I have four adult children and six grandchildren. All have “drunk the KoolAid.” I have had to accept there is nothing I can do. They don’t want to hear it. One told me there is “no agree to disagree.” Two talk to me, albeit very little but the door is open. Two think they are the opposite sex. One talks to me. The other hates me because I know who she is. Excuse me, I chose the her sex in 1981 with baking soda, among other techniques. Don’t tell me now you are a boy!

We are now saving ourselves and those who will listen. We cannot save those who are brainwashed and don’t want to hear it. It is very hard. Extremely distressing but everyone has to choose and making someone denies their free will.

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"Excuse me, I chose the her sex in 1981 with baking soda, among other techniques."- I, um, what? Was that a joke?

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Same here. My daughter is an RN n they both took the shot n now thinking of giving it to 7-year old grandson ☹️They really can't handle cognitive dissonance, so they don't think about it n just go along n rationalize 😜

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I'm so sorry to hear. This is such a nightmare. I will never understand how people educated in the medical sciences or anyone who is capable of reading medical journals and grasping basic statistics would fall for such lies. The numbers do not add up. Period. Why in the world would they put their kiddos at risk from vax injury or unknowable long-term issues?

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now you know with whom your dealing

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hardly could say it better... weak cowardly ill health mentally deranged psychotic and delusional humans

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The truth hurts.

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Today a client of mine said, "may I ask you a personal question? Are you vaccinated?" I realized that ONLY vaccinated people are worried about whether or not someone is vaccinated. Isn't that an indication that the vaccinated don't trust these shots? No one who is unvaccinated has asked about my vaccination status.

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I've heard others say they're part of the control group. That might make them think for a millionth of a second before their script reboots.

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That's usually what I say. Then I ask, "what's your serum vitamin D assay?"


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:-) That's a good one. I'll remember that!

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people have actually asked me about my vax status... and I have said I am part of a study in the control group and I agreed to stay un vaxxed... I say it with dead seriousness and they usually believe. But in all seriousness. I am doc in NNJ. early on when these vaxes cameout in fed 2021, I was offered one of the first rounds of them by my local hospital which was reserved for "health care workers" I work in a private office and only really go to a out patient surg center to operate I offered my dose to another older and sick doc that I work with but is not officially on active staff at this hospital anymore; so I am not really around sick people. So I DEFERRED. I contacted the hospital admin and several people in the northern NJ / county/ state public health bureacracy about the possibility of creating a professional actual control group made up of health care providers, docs, nurses, ancillary personelle would would be interested in deferring the vax and being part of a real live control study group where were reported any illness and agreed to be tested regularly. I was serious and I got at least a dozen other people to agree to do this. But the various gov agencies had NO INTEREST and NO PLANS to do this. Even though , knowing the basline infection rate among people like me would be one of the most important stats you could have. Then I got covid in early august 2021. My local hospital is now about to kick me off the staff for refusing to take the vaccine

So while my colleague where all crawling over themselves to get this vax, I offered my dose to another b/c I was NOT afraid. When more doses became avail, I offered to organise and lead a control group of unvaxxed people. Because I was NOT afraid . Now I am being persecuted.

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You need to publish this on a billboard. Kudos for your bravery. You're immune to the Chyna virus now. THIS MADNESS HAS TO STOP!!! Only when the medical system (if you can call it that) has collapsed and patients can't get care on a critical level will they repent. Until then, use your free time to investigate Wyoming, FL or S Dakota to live. Northern NJ is a communist traphole. (I'm originally from Paramus and have friends and family there who are 50% sheep and 50% lion)

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This is valuable

information even though the response was negative. Thanks for sharing and for daring to be outspoken and honest!

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Love it!!

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Have you accepted Dr. Fauci as your personal savior?

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That's it! That's what the vaccinated have done - accept Fowchee as their savior. That explains the glazed look and inability to listen to reason and facts.

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Great point!! Nobody who hasn't taken shot goes around asking others... Might be buyer's remorse on those who took the shot 😂

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What did you tell them?

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I told her I wasn't. Then she proceeded to inform me that the other people we were meeting were also unvaccinated. I was annoyed with myself for answering her question and for her insensitivity for asking it. I also said, "I've done research and listened to doctors and scientists including the one who invented the mRNA methodology and based on that, I am comfortable with my decision." I wish I had said, "the status of my health is a private matter" but I was shocked by the question because I wouldn't have asked it.

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Hard to think of a good reply when you’re suddenly confronted with the question! As a healthcare professional I have been thinking to reply with “HIPAA explicitly forbids that sharing of personal health information and I take that very seriously” but of course it doesn’t prevent me from sharing about myself, so I’ve gone with “I have the I highest measurable level of antibodies” which is true.

I would be interested in hearing ideas from more people. My husband used to go with “I’m all set!” (until he got vaccinated… 🙁).

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That's good advice. I like that. I did tell her that I recently had a very thorough blood test to determine my vitamin D level among other things and that I was perfectly healthy. Is your husband okay after the vaccination?

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So far so good, thank you for asking (other than a herpes outbreak during the immuno-suppressive period two weeks following the injection) and fortunately not falling for the booster scheme.

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Try giving them an incredulous look and say "Aren't you?" You haven't answered the question, but they'll miss that and by turning the question back on them they'll assume your status is the same as theirs. Most people will think they heard the "Of course!" that usually precedes "Aren't you?" even though it wasn't actually said.

It's a technique used to great effect by politicians and others who want you to believe they're on your side, but also don't want anyone to be able to say they lied.

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Yes, answering a question with a question sometimes works. I wish my question would have been: "What makes you ask that question?" Then I would've likely found out her intent behind asking me about my vaccination status. My hunch is she wanted to discuss the status of the other people who were joining us before they arrived. Sort of like the way mean girls in high school talk about other people behind their backs.

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Brilliant, thanks!!

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How about "I don't believe in idolatry"?

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Or I could have said, I have a major problem getting injected with something made from the body parts cut from live babies. Wonder what she would have said to that?

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She'd probably short-circuit and have a conniption. You could go into further detail with regard to the fact that they harvest these cells not from dead, aborted fetuses, but from live, viable babies, without anesthesia.

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Too real.... makes it 'comedy' Laughter, in my opinion, helps us to retain some semblance of sanity. Thank you for the share :)

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So, so helpful for the quarterlies! And that is all that matters. ~ Pfizer

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Also, privately - "I can't believe these idiots haven't figured it out!"

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Now, y'all come back, you hear🤣

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It works………..until it doesn’t.

Lithuania vaccinated ~75% of its adults and instituted a very strict vaccine pass program


Moderna, Fauci, Gates and our own Department of Defense, have been trying to make mRNA genetic modified spike protein injections work for years and all they did was kill a lot of lab rats. They were all well aware that they could harm our immune systems.

DNA vaccines, which were first created in 2005, have never been approved for human use in the United States and past studies have warned that they “possess significant unpredictability and a number of inherent harmful potential hazards” and that “there is inadequate knowledge to define either the probability of unintended events or the consequences of genetic modifications.” Another long-standing issue with such vaccines is mitigating “unwanted immune reactions” that result from natural immune response to the foreign genetic material they contain.

Since 2016, Moderna’s RNA vaccine program has received $100 million in funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The Gates Foundation has since poured millions directly into both Moderna’s and Inovio’s Covid-19 vaccine efforts.

Gates’ backing of DNA and RNA vaccines is significant, given that Gates – a billionaire with unparalleled influence and control over global healthcare policy – recently asserted that the best options for a Covid-19 vaccine are these same vaccines, despite the fact that they have never before been approved for use in humans. Yet, thanks to the emergency authorizations activated due to the current crisis, both Moderna’s and Inovio’s testing for these vaccines has skipped animal trials and gone straight to human testing. They are also set to be fast-tracked for widespread use in a matter of months. Moderna’s clinical trial in humans began in mid-March, followed by Inovio’s in the beginning of April. Thus, they are not only Gates’ favorites to be the new vaccine, but are also slated to be the first to complete clinical trials and garner emergency U.S. government approval, especially Moderna’s vaccine which is being jointly developed with the government’s NIH.

In the years since, our Department of Defense -backed DNA and RNA vaccine companies, includingModerna, Inovio as well as Germany’s CureVac, have been unable to get their products licensed for human use, largely due to the fact that their vaccines have failed to provide sufficient immunity in human trials. Examples of these ineffective vaccines include CureVac’s attempt at a rabies vaccine and Moderna’s efforts to create a vaccine for the Zika virus (which was funded by the U.S. government).

The two coronavirus vaccines for SARS that managed to pass phase 1 trials ended up, in subsequent studies, causing immune hypersensitivity in mice “resulting in severe immunopathology,” i.e. permanent defects or malfunctions in the immune system

I will repeat…..those that have trusted our Government, and have been injected, are little more than lab rats in the eyes of a number of very evil greedy players. They knew this could happen and pushed these mRNA injections on the World anyway.


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military tribunals need to be held. crimes against humanity. we all know this. we all know its beyond evil and entirely orchestrated. but so many will continue down the path until they just jump off the cliff. its up to us to hold that line and never waiver. "thrive in chaos"

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Thanks for this. We all need to remember that laughter is often the best medicine and not the mRNA version.

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Dark humor du jour!

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rand paul is a liar not me -fau chi , i dont know why it appears they get AIDS - fau chi, i dont know why people used to die from AIDS treatments - fau chi

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A laugh a day makes doctors go away

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Stand up for the kids by sending comments to the FDA before they approve this poison! https://standforhealthfreedom.com/action/no-to-covid-vaxs-for-kids/

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Done. Thank you for the link!

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Thank you Maria!

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I have bravely started posting things to my LinkedIn account. I worked in public health most my career and started seeing things run amuck in the field when Obama was elected. Most my LinkedIn contact s are in public health...I feel so betrayed by my own field...

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I feel the same way about my legal profession. Those who feel the same as my law partner/spouse and talk in sotto voce and back channel. We have state legal defense contracts. Our state just fired thousands of state employees last week. We wonder how long we can continue. Making exit plans now. The destruction of the Rule of Law is astounding and unbelievable.

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Brilliant in the darkness this points out.

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lol. one of my fave chinese quotes is "a man who cannot smile should not operate a store" or something to that measure. which is now hilarious bc you can see no smiles as they are hidden behind the muzzle. so the inverse of that is, if muzzles are required do not enter that location nor give you money. and to your post, that lifetime will be short as the poison works quickly.

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Eyes without a face...

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Billy Idol?

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gatito - I wish to deny this dark humor made me laugh ... but it did. Thanks!

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the only hypothesis that can be accepted is: "the vaxxes have not been proven deadly".

course, some of the really lousy effects of mrna destruction on immune and neuro systems takes years to cook.

the consumer risk of the cdc/fda claim "the vaxxes are safe" is nearly 90% that the hypothesis is false. with a ban of 100% to 80%.

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Still waiting to see how many people have been killed by the 'vaccine'. I guess nobody. Well, except for my friend from FL.

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last i heard, months ago, the figure was 12000.

myocardtitis rates are 6 to 10 times normal among vaxxed, and that is higher in young males.

the bad press about hcq was nothing like what we see w/vaxxes!

and they do not work, in northeast the claimed efficacy was spring seasonal decline!

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I just saw the myocarditis rate spike in 30-40 year old males. If I had a child 5-12 years old I would kill before I let them put that garbage in my kid.

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I know two personally who died since August. WA.

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Somewhat off topic for this post - Alex Berenson posted about severe restriction, high vaccination, and failure of correlation to test results. I wondered why he showed test data, so I looked up deaths in Lithuania and found deaths at about 2/3 the level of previous peak. So 75% inoculation rate only maps to 33% reduction? 25% of the population can't account for the death rate unless fatality rate more than doubled but this has not been shown elsewhere. 33% is an interesting level - it occurs to me that what if most "efficacy" is not the shot itself but previous exposure? Lithuania reports 385k positive tests out of 2.7M population - 14%. Some positive cases were surely missed, but assuming normal distribution due to strict mandates forcing previously exposed to get the shot - wouldn't this suggest efficacy is a bit lower and due in part to previous exposure being attributed to the shot? I doubt any country is collecting the necessary data, or really wants to know at this point.

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Bill Gates Is evil

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Brought to you by Pfizer.

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Dave, you seem to find the most despair-inducing images ;-)

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Read the first 6 months of 1933 in this if you want real despair ;-)


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Dave, oh man, thanks for the rec! That goes perfectly with “They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933–45” and “Ordinary Men,” both of which I reference extensively in my “Letter to a Colluder: Stop Enabling Tyranny” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-colluder-stop-enabling). I also feature a novella’s worth of excerpts from “They Thought They Were Free” in my first Recommendations Roundup (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/recommendations-roundup-1-predicting) if you want to read some harrowingly relevant quotes.

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I just went to order this book and found I'd already gotten it 😆 Now just to find time to read it along with the 5,000 other books on my list!

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Oh, and Sebastian Haffner’s memoir, “Defying Hitler,” is also hair-raisingly familiar.

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Imagine what the people who are willing to get an experimental shot will do if the powers that be tell them they should do it. Will American families once again literally fight against each other? Over a so called vaccine? If enough of the people who won't get the shot are put out of work, not allowed to go to the grocery store, etc. life will become hard and at some point desperate. Desperate people are very dangerous.

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I'm smilin'--thanks gatito!!!

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I need this on a t-shirt.

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Thanks you! Best laugh I've had for a while. Still laughing.

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