"Will anti-vaccine activism in the USA reverse global goals?"

I sure hope so.

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I saw some surveys suggesting 25% or so of parents are not interested in any vaccines for their kid anymore.

I suspect these parents are going to home / pod / alternative school as well.

All in all, whitepill view is that these 25% of American kids will be enough to sustain the republic. Especially as the indoctrinated mainstream kids are going to rarely reproduce.

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Wow, 25% of kids unvaxxed and home schooled sounds like a dream. Gives me some hope for humanity.

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At least hope for our beleaguered nation.

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I’ve told my 13-yo daughter that she and our 13-yo boy neighbor will have to repopulate the earth 😝 They’re the only kids their age I know who are unV.

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My just turned 11 yo daughter is already demanding to go to undergrad and med school further south so she has a chance to meet boys that “aren’t weaklings” and whose parents don’t treat them like “fashion accessories.” She already has an issue with parents “spineless” enough to jab and indoctrinated their own kids into the latest woke nonsense. “Mom, I could not handle in laws that turned their son into a little sheep so they could show off to their crazy friends.” 😂😂😂

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Wow! What are you asking for a dowry

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😂🤣😂. We only hope for someone who will be her friend and make her laugh and has the strength to be her partner. But if someone hurts her, well, watch out because h*ll has no fury like an angry momma bear.

She’s a nut, but the most self-motivated kid I’ve ever met. She reads 200-300 pages a day/ has read over 750 books. She is a straight A student at her large ACSI exemplary accredited private school, she won the character award for her grade last year, she’s one of the top 5 soccer players and swimmers her age in our urban county, and she helped lead her team to the battle of the books state championship. She’s sweet, strong, driven, a complete adrenalin junkie, and has a strength of character some adults never develop. It was fun watching her gain comfort in her own skin refusing to wear a mask and being able to articulate her reasons in her own words. All from a kid who turned 11 in July and won’t start 6th grade for another week. It is terrifying to be her mother.

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I can't figure out where she gets that intensity from.

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SMART GIRL!! She gives me hope for the future!

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You done good. Real good.

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Hopefully they'll wait a year or two!

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My 13 yo boy is unvaxxed and set to be quite the eligible bachelor if she wants to play the field. You know where to find me.

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😂😂 Not kidding, my neighbor, the boy’s father, thinks there will be some kind of arranged marriage/screening service in the future to make sure our purebloods aren’t mixing with you-know-who.

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I truly agree with that. My son is a family minded kid and if he wants a big family of his own, it would be a mistake to get serious with girls whose eggs might be scrambled from the mRNA. And when the time is right I'll tell him that.

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Two years ago I would have thought “funny conspiracy, who would buy that”........... now I think “where did I leave my tin foil hat.”

I’m not to the point I think there is any meaningful risk of that actually happening, but I’m no longer judging the conspiracy theorist. Their accuracy rate these days far exceeds the entirety of the tenured professors at Harvard combined.

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For sure! I'll add that to my list of questions when one of my sons brings a girl to dinner. Question 1) Soo, who did your father vote for...

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You mean like www.unjected.com?

/no financial interest

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Even though these ripostes are funny, it's a deadly serious subject. I hope there will be screening sites (are there now?) for all those who don't want to marry someone with a compromised immune system and bad eggs.

Unfortunately, our son (unV) is seriously dating a young woman who has been jabbed 3x. I've sent her some articles but so far she's not interested in engaging about it. 😔 One can only say so much...

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Maybe in the future health and life insurance rates will be cheaper for the unvaxxed. (Like they are for non-smokers, etc)

And it would be great to have a blood supply of unvaxxed in case you need a transfusion. Scary to think of getting mRNA blood products. Or organs if you needed one.

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It's scary that blood banks stopped asking the vaxxed question long ago. Having needed blood products to save my life after a surgery, I shudder to think about what that looks like now.

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/not affiliated

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Thank you. I'm familiar with this site and passed it along earlier. 😔

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Or bad sperm. Depends on who's vaxxed and who's not.

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I hope you feed her the essential minerals - lead and asbestos - so she can survive the coming nuclear blast ("don't ask me how and why") :P...

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Is it safe encouraging 13 year olds in this way? Especially boys?

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This is why breaking the monopoly on funding for public schools is SO important. The boy way to claim the future is to guide our children today.

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School choice is the real civil rights fight of our time

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My dog is overdue for her rabies jab. Can’t even bring myself to take her in.

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Same here. I'm not getting any more jabs for my furbies.

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I had my furbabies titered after the 1st round of adult jabs. The titers show strong and likely life-long immunity. I'll not have them jabbed again.

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Agree with you, but my hound just got in a fight w/a raccoon. Rabies shot it is. She was a bit overdue.

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I was born (1952) before the childhood vaccines - except Polio (and TB in my teens) - were available, therefore I along with the rest of the kids at school and in the village got those ‘killer’ childhood diseases and thereby immunity.

I knew of nobody who died; I knew of nobody who wasn’t back at school or out playing within one to two weeks.

Child TB vaccination in the UK stopped in 2005, on the grounds of (lack of) effectiveness and cost. Cases had started dropping significantly before introduction in the 1950s, attributed to better living standards. Effectiveness was between 80% and 0% - nobody can explain why. There are over a third fewer cases now than before vaccination was stopped. They originate outside the UK. So they stopped a vaccine with ‘better’ effectiveness than the CoVid juju medicine.

My natural immunity - and non-mask wearing - has protected me from CoV 2 whereas I note millions of fit, healthy and much younger than me, double and triple jab-junkies have developed the disease, some serious, some fatal - others casualties of the ‘vaccines’ themselves.

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Aug 5, 2022·edited Aug 5, 2022

Per Kaiser Family Foundation: “As of July 20, approximately 544,000 children under the age of 5 had received at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose. This represents 2.8% of the approximately 19 million children in this age group. At a similar point in their vaccine roll-out, more than 5.3 million children ages 5-11 (18.5% of 5-11 year-olds) had received their first dose. (See Figure 1).”

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Reversal of "global goals" sounds like a dream I dare not foster hope for. Totally here for it!

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Do foster that hope, it will help the dream become a reality

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I don't see why everything has to be a "one sized fits all" solution. We certainly don't do that in terms of environmentalism.

For example: USA/EU has strict pollution controls, China/India do not. Why? It's all the same planet.

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china/india are more interested in energy/economic security than enriching the donors by subsidizing virtue signaling schemes that won't sustain a 19th century life style

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In fairness, the nations that now make "stuff" for the US/EU/related nations, were encouraged not only by the desire to industrialize, but also the West's desire for higher paying, safer jobs and a cleaner environment. While I'm a fan of those, it turns out that the capitalists did what was economically rational: basically exported the jobs and pollution to poorer countries where those are tolerated.

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They keep their pollution in their areas of the Earth, but we still have to pay for it, otherwise it's racist. 🙄

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me too!

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It's so nice to get glimmers of good news these days.

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Those were my thoughts exactly when I read that statement.

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Agreed. One of the good things to come from the madness. Truths have been revealed to many people. Many of us have had an aha moment - now I understand why my child has so many issues.

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I was thinking the same thing! Thanks for saving me time

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Pertinent question - whose goals?

I guarantee not the 7 billion people on Earth.

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It'd be nice to be 1st in something positive for a change, huh?

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If I had it to do over, my kids would’ve gotten maybe 5 vaccines once they were 3 or 4. Now they are all done. I was skeptical of Covid from the start, and was never going to take a new vaccine because even if they were safe and effective my family is low rush and the long term consequences unknowable. It was obvious by December they increased risk immensely from Covid in the first few days. By May/ June it was clear they didn’t work.

Watching so many blindly follow made me look in the mirror and re-access my position on childhood vaccines. I realized on others I didn’t know the true risk/ benefit calculation. No more shots for my kids, my husband, or myself. We’ll look at things like Shingles on an individual basis. My kids’ eyes have been open and they can make their own choices when they become adults.

I reflexively dismissed RFK Jr the way so many dismissed the GBD and FLCCC. I was wrong. I’d rather learn from my mistakes than repeat them.

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My dad is a dermatologist and told us never to get the shingles vaccine. Massive uptick in cases after they rolled it out.

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Aug 5, 2022·edited Aug 5, 2022

For 3 years my primary doctor, who is a nice guy, was pushing the Shingles vaccine, though I told him that I did not know if I had chickenpox. The last time, I finally asked if he could test for chickenpox. He said, yes and I tested negative. I did not take this vaccine ;)

Many doctors just follow the guidance and do not think critically. Shouldn't it be SOP to test for chickenpox before recommending a vaccine?

We really must remove the blanket protection for vaccines. The longer they are in place the greater the corruption that develops. Now, Pharma runs the CDC and FDA.

- Rich

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That’s awesome. I just turned 40 and was the last of the chicken pox party as kids generation. The shingles part is actually how I got my regular doctor off asking me to get these stupid Covid vaccines.

I got a cold sore on my mouth as a baby. My parents didn’t get a correct diagnosis for 3 months. To this day I get them under any stress. Fortunately they have never spread anywhere else, so it doesn’t impact my marriage and I could have my kids naturally. But I still took Valtrex when they were newborns because if I kissed one of them as newborns, and had a sore, it could still literally kill them.

Having kids was my first wake up to the lunacy of today’s flow chart medicine. I was out of Valtrex when my second was born and requested Valtrex in the hospital. The nurses and doctors (I asked like 6), threw a fit saying they wouldn’t give me any because I didn’t have genital herpes.

There was simply no reasoning with them based on the reality that my babies were still at risk if I got a sore on my mouth. Fortunately I had a refill at the pharmacy and my mom picked it up brought it to me in the hospital.

My eyes were opened though. I know of no way to actually abuse Valtrex. Any Herpes virus can be lethal to a newborn. Why wouldn’t you want to prevent a predictable tragic event? Yet the “women’s hospital” could only follow their stupid flow charts which falsely claimed the only risk to newborns from Herpes would be vaginal delivery of a mom with genital Herpes. Since I’ve never had genital Herpes, their brains just turned off. It was shocking, and being hormonal as all get out from delivery, incredibly upsetting.

I was somewhat surprised when I told my doc I am sure my body was resistant to Valtrex, and also highly susceptible to shingles, so I wasn’t going to take the shot. He immediately backed off. I got the sense he’d seen younger adults get it after the shot, but he didn’t say that, he just backed off.

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You raise an other topic: To what extent are physicians, especially at the front line, compensated for recommending specific drugs etc? I suspect that happens but I'm not sure how often. I personally have been recommended "expensive" drugs when a cheaper (sometimes much cheaper) generic or even OTC was available. Seems to me an MD standing to profit from a specific recommendation risks a conflict of interest to what should be his prime duty: to provide the best health care to his patient.

Even with that said, I have less problem if such are disclosed in advance, even in general terms, simply that the MD receives compensation from certain products or services, owns the diagnostic lab, etc. Some "competing interests" are probably unavoidable. As perhaps an extreme example (hypothetically) imagine your doctor needs to prescribe a drug for your condition, and only one is available. You probably would still want it even if he gets a commission, wouldn't you?

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I do know that doctors are compensated for providing post-marketing data for new drugs.

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i think that shingles is now "epidemic" because no one has had natural chicken pox. is that a wacky idea? i never knew anyone to have shingles until Martha Graham, the great modern dance pioneer, and she was very old. aside from that i thought it was one of those mythical historical diseases that afflicted only characters in Dickens novels. Miss Graham said it was awful.

fast forward maybe 20 years, after the introduction of the shingles vaccine, and i met THREE people with shingles and all of them were in their early 20's! so how was a vaccine that you aren't supposed to get until you're 50 going to help them?

needless to say...

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I had chickenpox as a kid, and now into my 60's I had a case of shingles shortly following a case of Covid, for which I am NOT jabbed. I never received the shingles vax. I think the case of shingles was because Covid had weakened my immune system.

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I had chicken pox as a kid (no vaxx then) and then got a mild case of shingles during a really stressful time at age 40.

I’d hate a non mild case.

Would never take either of those vaxxes though.

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Same with me. Mild case of COVID (or something) and 30 days later had a "mild" case of shingles around my right flank.

Lymphocytes that keep resident virii in check were depleted, allowing the herpes zoster boys to come out and play...

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I'm 72 and had chickenpox as a kid, then maybe 15 years ago I got a couple of spots that my doctor claimed might be shingles. After they were gone, I got a shingles shot, sorry to say, but haven't had problems. My younger sister also had c-pox as a kid, and in her late 20's during a time of great stress she got mild shingles.

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I think you are exactly right.

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Shingles is one of the leading adverse events in VAERS likely due to the immunosuppression caused by the injections. I know two people who developed shingles shortly after boosting. And if you investigate the adult shingles vaccine, do you think there is an increased risk of getting shingles? I don't think natural immunity vs. childhood vaccine immunity plays a role. It is a live-attenuated childhood vaccine. The risk profile, while open to debate, is totally different than for mRNA injectables.

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I’ve had shingles twice now and Covid twice. Two for two as they say. These vaccines are the bomb

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Agreed, I was going to mention that as well

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Anyone who has had the chicken pox vaccine is susceptible to getting shingles. Wish I’d known that (it’s in the small print) when I authorized the chicken pox vax for our 3 year old. He broke out in shingles at age 16 after exposure to chicken pox on a mission trip to Africa.

Also, as a kid, I knew people who had shingles when they were older. My doc dad explained it usually happened in times of stress, especially in older people & if immune system was weakened. But one of my friends got it in her 30’s when pregnant. We all had chicken pox as kids.

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yes, i had real chicken pox and very few vaccines (i'm 69). my feeling was that you got chicken pox as a child and then your immune system got topped up with occasional exposures to your younger siblings, your cousins, then your children and your grandchildren. eventually you were old and in a nursing home and not exposed to any chicken pox and suddenly you got shingles.

then i heard a lecture given by some russian immunologist who said pretty much the same thing. so i think my common sense hypothesis might have some merit.

it just seems odd to me that in the first 40 years of my life, i met only one person who had shingles and she was in her 90's at the time and then 20 years later, i meet 3 people in one year with shingles and they are all under 25. i think it's an observation that means something.

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My in-laws both contracted shingles as a result of my niece/nephew (their grandkids) getting the chicken pox vaccine.

Me personally, I like my chances better without any modern immune system tampering for things I have no meaningful risk for. We've long since passed the point where one could honestly argue that an arbitrary vaccine had personal benefit vs solely benefiting the ledger of Pharma.

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i had the zoster and the 2 jab shingrix, no issues yet.

my pcp is in a large medical hospital/clinic which pushes injections by age (71 yoa).

i've also had both pneumo-vaxes.

early on in the scamdemic i was quite willing to help in trials, did the azn, luckily got the real deal, which i hypothesize is better safer than the genetic experiments. i also got the genetic experioment. no boosters

i got a 3 day fever w/ c19 positive test in hun 2022.

i am over most usa medicine!

except for one qol prescription i need renewed each year!

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I have thought this too, but without a $2 million secret underground test lab it would be very difficult to "prove."

Injectable acyclovir was available from the early 1980's, valacyclovir (better oral drug) from the late 1980's, and Varivax licensed in the US from 1995. [Note that this was developed in 1981 and tested for 14 years before approval!]

From time to time I have had patients with complaints of recurrent "shingles." If possible, timely viral cultures returned confirmation of HSV from the lesions.

Accurate honest diagnosis is a keystone of treatment.

Compare this with the fraudulent PCR "testing" for Covid.

CK makes the point that there was increased diagnosis of shingles from the early 2000's, when Zostavax became available in 2006. I thought I was just getting better at diagnosis after 25 years!

I had thought over the past ten years that reduced contact with children with chickenpox had allowed the unchallenged immune system to allow its response to decay. Now I will have to consider the possibility that the vaccines are blunting the reactivity.

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I had shingles a few years ago. I was 35. I care for an elderly woman and she had just received her shingles vaccine.

I do know it was a live vaccine and that live vaccines can shed... but maybe it was just a coincidence?

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My understanding about shingles immunity and the reason for a lot more cases is that nobody gets chicken pox anymore. When everybody used to get it, older people who'd had it before, would be around kids with chicken pox and it would boost their immunity each time because it wanes as time goes. Now older people aren't exposed and it increases the chance of getting shingles. The vax probably contributes as well but I don't much about this specific one.

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I made that decision all on my own and glad to have done so. When there are anti-viral treatments available which readily reduce severity of symptoms, why is a “vaccine” necessary—especially when one can still develop shingles after having the jab?!

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My elderly neighbor getting over shingles. She got the shots last year.

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Do you or anyone else have input re the pneumonia vaccine (the one that's pushed on 65-year-olds)?

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Which one? The first or the 2-shot version?

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Aug 5, 2022·edited Aug 5, 2022

I was always pro-vaccine. The covid shots have made me take a closer look. I'll put any future shots under intense scrutiny and won't get any more flu shots.

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Aug 5, 2022·edited Aug 5, 2022

I was pro-vaccine for the usual lifelong or extended duration ones, but never for the flu shot. I'd gotten it maybe twice over the past 40 years. And of course I had and have no intention of getting the clot shots. #PureBlood

I'm now anti-vaccine UNLESS a particular vaccine can be proved to be a risk/reward benefit overall. I have lost ALL trust in the medical community, from the top all the way down to the local doc.

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Me too! Got a great internist though so I found a diamond in the rough.

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My buddy told his dad not to get the vaccine so he went and got double jabbed with Pfizer and had a bad reaction. Then he got shingles. Then he got the shingles vaccine. Then he got shingles again. Then he told my buddy he should get the shingles vaccine so he doesn’t get shingles. I swear, some people…the brainwashing is DEEP.

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In this case, it sounds more like idiocy than brainwashing.

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Good comment!

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this sounds like some of my family members.

Sheep deep in the wash

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There's a Twitter account called "Clown Basket" and I think the pinned tweet reads: "Just want to say sorry to all the OG anti-vaxxers out there - I thought you were all weirdos."

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Please forgive me..."OG"?

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I BELIEVE it is shorthand for "original" (and my kids would be laughing at me right now for not knowing for certain).

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I believe it to be "Original Gangster".

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Ah. Thanks!

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That’s real ownership right there!!! I have thanked my most vocal OG antivaxxer friend repeatedly. She helped save us! I never thought she was a weirdo, frankly the opposite, but I just considered her unlucky and figured the odds would continue to favor us, which inevitably they didn’t. 😕

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I too regret getting vaccinated along with my two teenage sons. My husband forced through his occupation. Only two doses among me and sons.....once Omicron broke onto scene in Nov 2021 I was like no effin booster for us thank you very much. My husband is not so lucky being an aviator. The data was clearly pointing to no vaxx in <50 was ever necessary. the cost benefit never made sense and then transmission prevention failed and they should have been incinerated and only distribute in older and compromised

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Hey...I'm 74 and I'm not looking to die anytime soon so leave us oldsters alone LOL!

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I'm 79 and in very good health. I am always infuriated when I hear all the talk about how at risk I'm supposed to be and how I need the jab. In 2020 I would go for walks and wonder if any of my friends around my age were sick or had died, and then I would run into them, hale and hearty, and like me, they knew no one among us who even got the "plague" (although they, unlike me, were still terrified and eventually most got jabbed). I think unless Cuomo or some other psychopath governor got them into a nursing home or into a hospital on a ventilator, the odds for people my age were just about as good as for younger (healthy) people.

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I agree Martha...the way they talk about older adults is that we have one foot in the grave....F them....leave me alone! I'll make up my own mind thank you!

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In the beginning I thought, "MAYBE for seniors these shots are a good idea" but my mind quickly changed as the evidence began to mount. Now I would say no one should get these shots. I know that's how Dr. McCullough now feels too.

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Could have written this word for word myself!

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Aug 8, 2022·edited Aug 8, 2022

I have a scientific background and research absolutely everything. I recently moved and didn’t know who to trust with respect to medical information, but after several quizzes/conversations, I landed on my local pharmacist (my “doctor” is another story however, I use him only when I need a prescription refill.) He did recommend the shingles vaccine. My mother had shingles and it was very painful for her for months, so I took the vaccine almost a year ago and have had no problems.

The covid “vaccines” were a “NO” from the start, no matter what anyone said - they were rolled out FAR too soon. Now that masses of worldwide information are in, only intent I can see for these now is depopulation. We have been “had”. Both my adult sons took them (we tried to talk them out of it, but they live in California now…), and it took a DVT (deep vein thrombosis) in my youngest’s calf to convince them to not take boosters.

My message is: everyone, do your homework. The information is out there. It may be difficult to find and nearly impossible to read/decipher, but you can get enough of the “gist” of it to make decent decisions.

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Upon reflection, you might make it maybe one or two...when they are over the age of 6....

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Probably right...........

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From the article:

“ At present, many conservative elected leaders in the US House of Representatives actively promote this health freedom anti-vaccine agenda, as do several US senators, sitting governors and federal judges.”

Lol, if only. Please name the states these anti-vax Congresscritters represent so I know where to move.

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Amen. Because even in most of these so-called "red free states" the tyrants can't wait to mandate the next lockdown and whatever "vaccine du jour" is popular

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Seriously and since when is health freedom a bad thing? Did the fascists take over while I was sleeping?

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Yes, are you seriously asking? 🤣

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But like are they saying it openly? You cannot choose what happens to your body? If they are not saying that openly yet, I wouldn’t move away from the anti vax label so soon.

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You know, they're complaining about a health freedom agenda but they probably mean that 'right wingers' have made "health freedom" into a battle cry when they're actually trying to hurt public health or something. At least that's the sort of rhetoric they have on the left these days. Like during the trucker protests in Canada when they said that right wingers have "weaponised freedom". Yes, they did actually say that.

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I just do not understand how people fall for this crap. I was raised thinking words, concepts and principles mean something. I do not recognize almost anyone I know who I thought grew up with the same social conditioning I received. Apparently it’s all just meaningless to them.

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Florida? Well the governor and general surgeon there are OK, don't know about the congresscritters.

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When you re-define 'anti-vax' to include 'anti-mandate', you can portray medical freedom as a bad thing.

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Montana's governor (who I loathe for other reasons) did a great job stepping up against vax-mandate nonsense. Very grateful to live in this state!

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Aug 5, 2022·edited Aug 5, 2022

Peter Hotez. The same scumbag that questioned the safety of the jabs, then sung their praises two months later, just before his department won a $75 million grant from Fauci and the NIAID.

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Hotez is a ridiculous shill, a tub of mashed potatoes with a nominal endoskeleton. I nominate him for the Brian Stelter Award in Medicine 2022, nobody deserves it more.

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Brian Stelter Award in Medicine…Brilliant!!!

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Why, thank you sir! What can I say, el gato malo brings out the malign creativity in me 😈😇🤣

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Dude. Seriously. This needs to be a thing. Maybe a segment on The Highwire.

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yes, the virologists on TWIV said the same thing- that it wasn't possible to have a safe vaccine in under 10 years. once the vaccines came out, they reversed course and proclaimed them "miracles" which should be taken by everyone.

of course, hotez is working on his own vaccine. but really, why bother? everyone who wanted a vaccine (and many who didn't) have gotten them already, the crisis stage of the disease has passed and the gold mine has been plundered.

time to move on, peter

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That's spelled

w-h-o-r-e-t-e-z... 😜

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You're right, my bad.

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Every day you learn a little kernel and every day you feel a little worse.....ffs

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Oh I'm sure PetehoTez disclosed all the $ he's made off vaccine research in the article's 'ethical disclosure'. :P

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Well funded!? - what planet is he living on? Anyone know of a substack "brought to you by Pfizer" ?

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Yeah, if there's any funding in being an anti vaxxer, they must have lost my bank account details...

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in this paper Christine Grady the head of bioethics at the NIH and the "Bonnnie" to Dr Fauci's "clyde" explains that it is ethically acceptable for employers to "encourage" their employees to get vaccinated. Dr Grady is in fact Dr Fauci's WIFE since 1985 , yet she lists no conflicts of interests. THis whole paper reads like a Soviet era psychiatric article explaining why people who disagree with Stalin and the Soviet Zeitgeist are in fact crazy and should be relegated to a mental institution. Nothing about this paper is even remotely factually correct or moral and yet... here it is published in a supposed scholarly journal. They even deny that there are any conflicts of interest


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Thanks for sharing! Judicial Watch is using FOIA to try get her emails related to COVID-19 and Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE):


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the virologists on TWIV also encouraged people to shun their unvaccinated family members around the holidays. can you imagine??!!

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they were completely wrong. Totally wrong. The entire medical establishment was and largely still is in a mass formation.. a mass delusional psychosis.

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Thank you very much for this. Downloaded. I "love" this from the Abstract, "...our analysis

suggests ethically acceptable ways to inform, encourage, strongly encourage, incentivize, and even subtly pressure employees to get vaccinated."

Uh, "Dr." Grady, define "subtle". As in "Your job or no job."? Does that meet your standard of "subtle", doc?

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These people are monsters

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They truly are. Yet even that feels insufficient to me to describe their degradation and depravity.

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I know ... and you read these peoples resumes... their lists of publications and so called 'honors' and grants and credentials and you think wow these supposedly are accomplished people and yet this woman is out in public in a top government job advocating for the most vicious authoritarian coercive measures against innocent people all dressed up as scholarship.

Noone should ever have any trust in any US fed gov institution ever again.

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They are pure evil.

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they may not even realize how corrupted and compromised they are. They think they are doing good work and serving the public. When a dictator says things I love my my country and everything I do I do for my people, he might really mean and believe that.

When you read Grady's resume and the list of publications, you think: here she was faced with the greatest moral and ethical test in 100 years and she and all these institutions failed utterly . Her whole career has been a lie.

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well funded? it's a bunch of mothers who have been gas lit and ostracized after their kids were damaged.

if hotez honestly wants to quell vaccine skepticism, he should advocate for ending the liability shield. the vaccine program would then collapse under a tsunami of litigation, but at least the remaining vaccines would be safe and the people harmed would be compensated.

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He harps on the well-funded bit so much. It's infuriating.

I love how he also (as most vax pushers) talks about Africa. Poor health, low vax uptake. But otherwise it's JUST like western Europe, or North America. Of course it is.

Howsabout we express our care for the poor in the world by FEEDING them, or helping them with clean water? Then we can see just how much help the vaccines are!

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that's the thing- guys like hotez and gates are always rushing into africa to save the heathen savages like the great white colonialists they are with their super techno "solutions" that don't really work because they don't respect "the genius of the place."

they test vaccines over there and when they kill a bunch of people, they don't market them over here.

this time seems to be an exception to the rule- africa is not getting vaccines and americans and europeans are the guinea pigs.

i saw the first episode of a multi part documentary on gates, the hero. he wanted to save some poor part of india from dysentery by endowing the world's greatest techno masters to invent a composting toilet that generated energy and cleaned itself. after years of development (including all expense paid confabs at exotic locales) the toilet they came up with would cost so much that they had to have a chinese company make them ($50,000 each)! then the great rich white benefactors could donate them to the poor village. i mean, seriously, wouldn't it have been better to let the villagers be involved and have a say? what happens when these things need repair? do they fly in the supersonic plumber? i couldn't watch another episode!

as an antidote, there's the film about the african boy who made water pumps for his village out of old bike parts and stuff from the garbage dump. it didn't take him years, didn't cost millions in R&D, could be made by a 16 year old without help and the technology was simple enough to be easily replicated by people without college degrees in other villages. the benefits were immediate and the local people could take pride that they had built these windmills. they have their own individual beauty and look like they belong there, rather than having been imposed from without.

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oh wow there IS hope for America ! people are finally waking up to the bigharma fraud

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I would hold Hotez responsible for this unfortunate renewed push against *safe and effective* childhood vaccinations. Because he and others pushed and pushed and crammed their rightness on *ineffective and questionably safe* COVID vaccines down everyone's throats, normal blokes are now turning against *all* vaccines. Hotez et al. are to be blamed for that.

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Exactly. They now reap what they sow

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The law of unintended consequences.

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Great comment. Hope you don't mind that I cribbed portions of it for a twitter joust! I hate for Peter Hotez to not have the opportunity to witness your sage wisdom first-hand.

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Haha thanks! I used to respect Hotez years ago but not anymore. He and Gorski have become rather rabid branch covidians and it has left a rather foul taste in my mouth.

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The government bred the distrust in themselves with their chronic dishonesty and now they think they can shift the blame to those of us that did not take "that particular shot" and to those that did and were damaged by it. Do they really think we will believe them now?

The government by their gaslighting bs has made people go back and look at the whole issue of vaccines, their safety and their failing and the profit motives of the pHarma industrial complex through the whole current and last century. They are reaping the whirlwind.

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I don't know about you all, but the past two years have made me questions everything I ever thought I "knew" and everything I ever beleived in.

IT is NOT limited to vaccines or just medicine.

EVERYTHING. including this country becuase we are the numer one bio weapons treaty ignoring one in the world....

We are not run by polticians Politicians are run by the Deep State. Everyone needs to be questioning everything.

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This! Exactly!

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I totally agree, Swabbie Robbie! I also wonder if big pharma is changing the previously accepted vaxxes. My husband got a shingles vax just before covid. That was one shot. The ones NZ are putting out now are 2 shots. My brother-in-law (in the US) got a flu shot incorporated into his covid booster, one injection. He is now in a care home, and after multiple tests, bloods and scans, they can't find anything wrong with him. Could the jabs have anything to do with that?

There are many reasons people may want to rethink previously unquestioned vaxxes, but people like Dr. Stea just want to criticize and don't bother to ask why people may now be all vaxx hesitant. I know I don't trust anything coming out of the NZ government right now.

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Indeed, they are changing them. pHarma is seeing their new $$$ path forward as putting mRNA into all the vaccines.

I had a friend who would get shingles off and on, so started getting the shingles shot around 2015. Each year after that he got shingles every year. Works great, hey?

On Steve Kirsch's Vaccine safety Research Foundation (Steve Kirsch's newsletter <stevekirsch@substack.com> ) Thursday stream last night, he had 4 people telling their stories of being disabled by the jab. One a Pediatrician, one A nurse and one a med student with her mother with her. All had the same story about: "Its all in your head, we can't find anything wrong, MRI shows normal". The hospitals they work for will do nothing for them and insurance won't cover many tests. Steve mentioned that the spikes are facilitated to cross the blood brain barrier and what happens is micro cellular inflammations that attack one spot then another (much like MS). The foundation has information of front-line doctors treating vax injured with varying success. For example, In Wisconsin where I am there is Dr. Pierre Kory an his clinic. Check: https://www.vacsafety.org/

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Oh that is awful...they have already said they intend to do MNRA from here on out...ugh.

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Haha, well that's familiar. First they call you delusional, then they call you criminal, then they call you "well-funded and organized" (by BAD people is the subtext). Sigh.

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“Well-funded.” 🙄

When I read the NYT about this very thing a month or two ago it listed Ican network as having 6 or 8 million dollars? If people think that is well funded I would love to see them compare to actual Pfizer funding. Speaking of innumeracy.

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and all that money comes from volunteer donors in little $100 here and there chunks. this is the same tired old arguement that conventional medicine has used for eons to dismiss alternative medicine. "oh that quack acupuncturist is just stealing your money" while the surgery they advised would have bilked the system for $25 Gs.

or "those vitamin C IVs won't help you with cancer and just cost you a fortune" ($50 bucks?) but a dose of chemo is $10,000 and makes you feel like shit.

a conventional doctor will tell you that your Crohn's disease or something is incurable and you need a lifetime of medication while an alternative doctor will tell you to change your diet and you will feel 1000% better with no medication. then the conventional doctor will tell you that your alternative doctor is a quack and a thief and that the prescribed diet will kill you and you should continue to eat the junk food that made you sick in the first place.

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All of this! I’ve had lots of practice defending myself against personal attacks for my affinity for chiropractic care. People would even send me studies and shit! I always responded with, well there’s that kind of “proof” and there’s what works for me personally. Doctors have never done anything but prescribe me pills. Going to the chiropractor makes me feel instantly better most times. I’m sorry but you can argue with that until you’re blue in the face and I still won’t listen to you.

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i had a friend, Abe, who died of cancer maybe 15 years ago. i knew an oncologist at a NJ hospital who was very full of himself, wore $1000 boots, all name brands, very wealthy, art collector, etc. he was a friend of one of my employees and visited my work space occasionally.

sometime after Abe died, he was over one night and before he left, asked me "oh by the way, how's Abe doing?"

i replied that Abe had died a few months previously and he said "i figured" and left. can you imagine? he didn't even feign some kind of sympathy or surprise that his "miracle" treatments might have worked (he was not Abe's doctor but they all get their drugs from the chemo store).

it takes a special kind of hard person to get up every day and go to work, knowing that you are taking great sums of money from people and doing absolutely nothing to help them but you can go out and buy a pair of Gucci boots.

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Holy cow

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Hehe…my dr. literally almost shrieked when I told her my chiro had screwed my head on straight after dislocating my jaw with a rather vigourous yawn…have been doing chiro for about 36 years, and consider it part of my holistic health program which includes monthly deep massage, and at times in past, regular acupuncture and Reiki. My dr. thinks I’m nuts, but I know what works for me. mRNA…no, thank you!

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Quote: "In terms of COVID-19 vaccinations, African nations exhibit the lowest rates globally. Only 8% of the population of Nigeria, 18% of Kenya and 24% of Uganda are fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Although access accounts for most of the vaccine inequality, vaccine refusal has become a considerable problem, according to some reports."

Funny how those African countries have handled covid better than heavily "vaxxed" countries such as Israel, Canada, etc.

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Seems some people really don't like it when the public becomes self aware and starts asking questions of questionable drugs. "Seek and ye shall find". In my opinion, an informed population that questions things is the right way for a democratic society to function. If that makes these medical fascists and psychopaths nervous, even better. "What's done in the dark will be brought to the light" (Johnny Cash and God ;)

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I agree with you, but I've also been the thorn in the side of doctors asking the questions that they don't want to have to answer. I can see it in their eyes when they start spinning up the mouth, trying to decide what to say to make that evil bad question go away.

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Love this

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Anti-vaccine activism for the WIN!

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I’d say most people were apathetic towards vaccines until 2020. I know I never gave them much thought, just gave both my kids the regular schedule of them as prescribed. Now if I could do it all over I’m not sure I would have given them hardly any of them. My eyes have been opened to the sheer fraud and corruption of pharma companies and government health agencies. And is it just me or is every other commercial on tv(I only watch baseball games on tv) for some pharmaceutical??? For every affliction known to man or woman??? Depression, blood pressure, hiv, erectile dis function, arthritis, I mean it’s endless. I have to mute the tv..what the fuck is going on???

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Aug 5, 2022·edited Aug 5, 2022

We have woken up in a nightmare! Last time I watched TV every single commercial was about shingles or HIV meds/vaxs and they were 60-90sec long! I miss those Toys r Us ads.

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The *commercials* were 10 seconds long; the warnings were 50/80 seconds long. ;-)

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I have my 12 year old trained to listen for the near inevitable "May cause... including death."

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