“The Sentinel of the Revolution narrowed its eyes with even greater vigilance—and wherever it directed its narrowed gaze it immediately discovered a nest of wreckers.

“This therapy continued full speed from 1927 on, and immediately exposed to the proletariat all the causes of our economic failures and shortages.… The GPU puffed and panted in its efforts to grab off and drag off the ‘wreckers.’…

“Every industry, every factory, and every handicraft artel had to find wreckers in its ranks, and no sooner had they begun to look than they found them (with the help of the GPU). If any prerevolutionary engineer was not yet exposed as a traitor, then he could certainly be suspected of being one.

“And what accomplished villains these old engineers were! What diabolical ways to sabotage they found! Nikolai Karlovich von Meck, of the People’s Commissariat of Railroads, pretended to be terribly devoted to the development of the new economy, and would hold forth for hours on end about the economic problems involved in the construction of socialism, and he loved to give advice. One such pernicious piece of advice was to increase the size of freight trains and not worry about heavier than average loads. The GPU exposed von Meck, and he was shot: his objective had been to wear out rails and roadbeds, freight cars and locomotives, so as to leave the Republic without railroads in case of foreign military intervention! When, not long afterward, the new People’s Commissar of Railroads, Comrade Kaganovich, ordered that average loads should be increased, and even doubled and tripled them (and for this discovery received the Order of Lenin along with others of our leaders)—the malicious engineers who protested became known as limiters. They raised the outcry that this was too much, and would result in the breakdown of the rolling stock, and they were rightly shot for their lack of faith in the possibilities of socialist transport.”

—Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, “The Gulag Archipelago,” Volume 1

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I just read where Barnes and Noble won’t stock either Alex Berenson’s “Pandemia” nor RFK’s Real Tony Fauci books yet the oldie but baddie Mein Kampf is available in stock. Meanwhile the two books are sold out on Amazon yet nary a Lamestream peep huh?

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Abebooks.com has most books

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Alibris.com has best price usually and i think its independent

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They're owned by Amazon.

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Ugh seriously, just ruined my day 🤮

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Lol, felt the same way when I found out. Alibris is good, tho. A lot like half.com used to be before eBay killed it.

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Alibris.com a bit better

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Comment deleted
Dec 2, 2021
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try powells books based in portland OR. amazing selection, still carries wrongthink titles online: https://www.powells.com/

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Kindle version of RFK book is 2.99.

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that amazon has not hidden rfk and berensen is hopeful...

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FYI - you can (usually) remove all the stuff after the "?" in links like that (including the ? itself). So for example that link could just be:


It makes the links simpler and less scary. :- ) Note: you should test it first to make sure it works - some sites (like YouTube) *do* use the stuff after the ?.

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Just saw that on his update. Another person I know bought book online from Walmart and she said it disappeared the next day from the website.

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never sped any $$ there.

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I ordered my copy from B & N. You can also order it online from Amazon.

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Gato, Substack comments section on various pages, including yours, has been very buggy today. Some of us have been unable to reply, like, or expand comments unless we get lucky, even then, only one action before having to refresh the page. I'm contacting the authors to see if y'all have a good link to get help from Substack. I certainly hope this is not only on pages posting covid wrongthink. 🤨Thank you.

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What I kinda discovered is, you can "Like" or "Reply" but then those buttons no longer work, and you have to refresh your browser. Then, the Like and Reply buttons work again, but only once, and then another refresh. Just anecdotal observations.

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Same re buggy since yesterday. I hurried up and purchased Berenson's book before it's banned.

I see everything through my paranoia now, aka " be prepared".

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you can like and reply comment on one comment like this and then one has to refresh, yes

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So is that an unintentional bug or an intentional feature, do you know?

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Unintentional, it's working as normal now.

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looks to me like they pushed a software update.

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I thought that it was just me. I noticed this yesterday and it seems to be on several Substacks such as Berenson, Kirsch, Eugyppius.

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I tried it on some other random substacks to check but had the same issue so it doesn't seem to be covid related.

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Yep, same here. Perhaps Substack has a case of the Omicron variant?

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...and the Deep State & School Boards manufactured ‘insurrections’... labeling patriots & parents ‘terrorists’... threatening and imprisoning them...but, then something the demons hadn’t planned on... parents loved their children so very much, patriots loved their country so very much... the Love was so powerful... it was God’s Love...and they were Not Afraid Anymore.

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Don't know if this link will work, but Elon Musk's tweet is on point. https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1466074646240014340

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OMG!!! This is hilarious! I full-on chortled out loud. 😆😆😆

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This is exactly what we said would happen 20 years ago when they rammed the USA PATRIOT Act through. Now WE are the 'terrorists'.

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Heard it had a lot to do with obama and Holder. They made the insider 'warfare' towards their enemies, republicans. Before, it was equally 'vigilant' on both sides, but obama 'fixed' that.

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The logical and predictable consequence of government having the power in the first place. Just like government deciding what is or isn't allowable speech will always treat dissidence as illegal.

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Molon Labe

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There are many parallels in psychology and language, and this is not about isms. This is a very important and emotionally significant topic for me since it has to do with the history of my people, something that impacted me personally, too.


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"‘It’s OK’ That Kids Don’t Know Math, ‘They Know The Words Insurrection and Coup’."

- Cecily Myart-Cruz, president of United Teachers Los Angeles

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Has Gato or Substack started some type of timer or limitation on posting yesterday (Dec. 1)? I'm getting odd glitches on his and also Eugyppius stacks. Can't post. I get prolific at times. But can, the next day, so not banned. Perhaps a problem with my PC or Firefox? Pardon putting a tech support question here, but I see no way to directly message Gato.

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nothing has changed on my end nor, as far as i know, substack.

sometimes it's browser cache related.

try hard closing it/rebooting.

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Hard closing and rebooting only helps once. Then you have to continually refresh the page with each like, each post, each reply. Something’s fishy and it smells like a well-used wharf on a hot summer day before a spray-down.

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possible it's growing pains.

ramping up scale rapidly can get a little bumpy.

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Let’s hope it’s that, kitty-cat. X, m

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Same here. Intermittently can't like or reply. Had to close & re-open the substack to post this!

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I was in software development. I know about bugs. They happen. I wouldn't just assume that any weird behavior from software (internet or otherwise) is "on purpose". In fact, I doubt that sort of thing could even be done cleanly (in other words it would fail with its own bugs).

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i have to refresh the page each time I want to comment or like, and even then sometimes it doesn't take; I think it must happen with extra traffic on the site, maybe slowing us all down keeps it from crashing? I am sure they are getting alot more business at Substack than ever.

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Problems posting replies on my iPad Mini 6, fixed by reloading the page. Haven’t cleared caches for awhile, so that’s next.

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Now expand full comment stopped working.

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had problems also... iPhone

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Obviously this is why the left hates small/ private business. Not as easy to control. Shut them down and put them out of business over a bad flu season.

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Just to say, I am a CJ Hopkins type of “left” and I’m right here with you guys, ready to fight. Let’s try and be united. That’s our only hope!

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History repeats itself often. The greatest arrogance is thinking that anyone is above making the mistakes of the past.

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Exactly! The bad thing is that the younger generations are not being taught the past any more. Some of them barely know what is going on in the present!

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And people here laughed when Khrushchev said back in the 1960's, "We will bury you." I was a kitten then and I remember. Everyone thought he was talking about the Soviet Union/Russia, but what if he were talking about Communism/Marxism in general?

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Love your work. My friends here in DC, not so much. Stay safe.

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I believe that if any of the so-called insurrectionists were found to have had a gun on them on January 6, we would be seeing the closure of armaments factories in the U.S.

BTW no one has been charged with insurrection in regard to the January 6 protest.

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That does not equate to a CHARGE of insurrection. Therefore, not an insurrection.

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Ah, what would they have had to do to be charged with Insurrection, then?

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There is a distinction between rebellion/insurrection and protest. There isn't evidence of rebellion against the US government only evidence of protest against Congress.

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maybe be part of an insurrection?

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Ah, so the Capitol 'riots' were only really a protest. Do you think you will go yourself next time? Since the sentences were so lax?

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The MAGA folks were not looking to overthrow the US government but to protest the acceptance of the election results. I don't think 42 months (plus time served) behind bars is lax.

I understand that some people want what happened to be considered an insurrection so that sort of thinking can be crushed but, in the U.S., evidence needs to be used to prove the charge.

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I bet you just got a lot of new subscribers... not

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I am usually on board with what the author writes, but this is lacking context obviously. When I search 'Motovilikha strike' year 1918 shows up. Russian Civil War lasted from 1917 to 1922 (more or less). This is obviously war time and during war time war laws apply. It's literally Civil War as written in the tweet. It was a war where anti bolshevik forces committed atrocities no less than bolsheviks themselves and those forces have been supported by foreign powers who little remorse towards local population.

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More context: the war was started by the Bolsheviks, who took power in a coup in October 1917, after a more broad-based revolution against the Tsar in March. More context: the terror that Lenin introduced during the war was, according to historian Bruce Lincoln, unprecedented in the history of Russia, despite its 900 year history of absolutism. More context: the terroristic system of Lenin persisted after the war, and was responsible for more repression and murder than any regime in history (until Mao, inspired by Lenin and Stalin, came along). More context: the whites were, despite their war atrocities, mere Russian patriots with no particular ideology. Had they defeated the Reds, they would have instituted a more normal (if, likely, undemocratic) system of rule, which would not have spawned the greatest threat to humanity ever: Soviet- backed or -inspired international communism.

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I am sure it's all written in the history books that you've read and all history books are written by honest people, right? Have you ever wondered why whites have been supported by many European powers and sent troops in large quantities to assist whites? Do you think European powers were interested in independent government or wanted to install puppets dependable on them? What was their motivation? There are no "friends" in the international politics, just interests.

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I certainly concur with your last sentence. Perhaps one of their interests, though, was in preventing a messianic ideological regime from coming to power? In any event, I still agree with one of my old Russian buddies from my USSR days, who always told me "too bad the Whites didn't win."

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Europe, where people have been slaughtered by tens of thousands for ideological and religious reasons on the regular basis? I find it unlikely. If whites won they would have to do what they are told. It can't be otherwise since they were propelled by soldiers from European countries. The one who holds the gun issues orders. There are also Russians who regret that Hitler hasn't won. With limited access to information people come to conclusions which are illogical in the wider context.

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Nobody comes close to the Bolsheviks in murders and other atrocities, not even close. All over the world, too.

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This sounds like what Nazi apologist would say.

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Thanks for your nice comment. I also enjoy reading the now famous NYT's cat, but I think he could have a better example of "terrifying things that could never happen here" in the fate, under Stalin, of the geneticist Nikolai Vavilov imprisoned in the Gulag for his defense of Mendelian genetics https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikolai_Vavilov

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Some examples are indeed tragic. My understanding is that Vavilov was victim of the plot of his former protégé.

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I am very wary of google.

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I don't use google :)

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I just found a document on telegram from Pfizer. I think it may be the actual authorization data that is being hidden.

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Well, I'm sure we'd like to see it. Could you post it somewhere? Is it big? What bona fides do you have for it (is it true?)

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I am trying to figure out how to post it. I would like folks to weigh in on it.

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1984 is a technical instruction, mao's red bookis a guide and stallin their paradigm giver....

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ok, manual read. hmhmmm, boot, dumb people, bad bois room, got it.

hold my beer, brb.....

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Can anybody tell me where the above quote came from? I like to read the original sources before I place too much trust in such things. I've learned this from hard experience as there is so much fake stuff out there.....

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It's our Living History Theme Park. What a franchise! There's one within a three-hour drive of everyone...

I weekly ask a friend "how did we get here?" But at least I understand now (for those who read ancient history) how all those ordinary Germans felt. It's like cartoon steamrollers flattening you before you see them coming. I live in a highly-"educated" blue area of a red/swing state, and all the good folks in the letters section of our regional newspaper are ready to line us up against the wall and shoot us fer real. Only I and one other wrote to resist the tide...

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A kind of Counterinsurgency

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Agree, that would be awful. Thank Brandon we have a kind and just leader.

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Of course, the Soviets (and Maoists) were also big on politicizing science. Mr. Lysenko, and all that work developing nuclear and other weapons rather than trying to improve the well-being of the proletariat.

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Yes, I have a pretty good feeling that this is Jack's newest diversion. wrecking and crashing substack blogs he does not like

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Unrelated question to readers as some of you have spreadsheets or databases of links: do you have any articles linking the shot to high blood pressure?

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1) It has been shown by multiple biodistribution studies that the “vaccines” do not stay at the injection site, but cross into the bloodstream and even pass through the blood brain barrier. [1],[2],[3].

2) It has also been shown that the spike protein, also in isolation from the whole virus, causes blood clots to form through several mechanisms. [4], [5], [6], [7], [8]. This is further confirmed by evidence from autopsies [9], [10], as well as from the exploding numbers in vaccine injury reporting systems (such as VAERS) all over the world.

Therefore, I conclude that the vaccines are unacceptably dangerous.

3) Natural immunity is better, broader, longer lasting, and has better cross reactivity against other strains. By contrast, the antibodies induced by the vaccines are oligoclonal and tend to be non-neutralizing for different strains, raising concerns for ADE. [11], [12], [13], [14]

Therefore, I conclude that the vaccines are ineffective in the long term. possibly even detrimental.

Considering that, at this point, there are many highly effective treatments available, especially if started early on, I see no point in investing in these questionable “vaccines” as opposed to therapeutics.

[1] A. Ogata et al: “Circulating SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Antigen Detected in the Plasma of mRNA-1273 Vaccine Recipients”.

[2] European Medicines Agency (EMA): “Assessment report – COVID-19 Vaccine Moderna”, Procedure No. EMEA/H/C/005791/0000; page 47/169, last paragraph.

[3] K. Bahl et al: “Preclinical and Clinical Demonstration of Immunogenicity by mRNA Vaccines against H10N8 and H7N9 Influenza Viruses”; page 1319, Table 1; and page 1325, “Biodistribution Studies”.

[4] S. Theuerkauf et al: “Quantitative assays reveal cell fusion at minimal levels of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and fusion from without”.

[5] Y. Lei et al: “SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Impai0.rs Endothelial Function via Downregulation of ACE 2”.

[6] S. Zhang et al: “SARS-CoV-2 binds platelet ACE2 to enhance thrombosis in COVID-19”.

[7] E. Avolio et al: “The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein disrupts the cooperative function of human cardiac pericytes – endothelial cells through CD147 receptor-mediated signalling: a potential non-infective mechanism of COVID-19 microvascular disease”. [8] P. Solopov: “SARS-CoV-2 spike protein alone may cause lung damage”.

[9] D. Wichmann et al: “Autopsy Findings and Venous Thromboembolism in Patients With COVID-19 – A Prospective Cohort Study”

[10] T. Hansen et al: “First case of postmortem study in a patient vaccinated against


[11] S. Nielsen et al. “SARS-CoV-2 elicits robust adaptive immune responses regardless ofdisease severity”

[12] L. Wang et al: “Ultrapotent antibodies against diverse and highly transmissible SARS-CoV-2 variants”

[13] A. Israel et al: “Large-scale study of antibody titer decay following BNT162b2

mRNA vaccine or SARS-CoV-2 infection”

[14] S. Gazit et al: “Comparing SARS-CoV-2 natural immunity to vaccine-induced immunity: reinfections versus breakthrough infections”

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