i am anti vax, altho i have had the vax...... mildly regretting.

i will not carry my vax card, if a place asks i will decline and not use it.

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To those of us who have not had the vaccine and are not allowed in such places, it means a lot to us when the SARS-vaccinated refuse to patronize such places. Thank you.

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We’ll try...we’re few but I have kids...they're watching. Principals matter.

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Thank you, Ed. In the coming months, vaccinated individuals that fight for the rights of the unvaccinated are going to be a crucial factor to how this battle ends.

Like Sophia also commented, I appreciate you! I have come to believe that two very sincere people can honestly disagree on whether or not the vaccine is in the best interest of society; however, it becomes a matter of good and evil to support discrimination based on sincerely made healthcare choices.

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i believe vaccines are risky, they have not been tested enough, the efficacy is obvious failing.

the idea of forcing a vaccine, if it worked it would not benefit society to force it, reminds me of tuskegee syphilis tests and naxzi and japanese forced medicine......

i am free, i am not giving up freedom for some frightened person thinking i should be forced to save them.

i am >70 my initial view on vaxxes, remains i am not going to endure the long term effects for that long. that idae is not so for someone under 50!!!

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If we win this war it will be because of people like you.

Thank you!

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If everyone did that, the nazi passports would wither and die and we'd remain a free people. Thanks for standing up.

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Me too. Sadly I am living in the totalitarian state of the UK (it's slowly improving but could be plunged back into the abyss at the flick of a minister's pen) instead of somewhere free like Florida or Texas. I have incredibly reluctantly had to have the second (AZ) jab (I was coerced into the first one with a complete absence of informed consent) because after holding out for months I can no longer avoid international travel & most of Europe (and the US for that matter) demand vaccination. I am beyond furious. I won't be having any boosters (especially not with the mRNA vaccines which my idiot government will offer me as a 50 year old) so my ability to travel internationally may yet cease.

I appear to have been able to help myself protect against the vaccine spike protein side effects by taking a plethora of supplements - vitamin D, Zinc, Quercetin, Lycine, pine needle tincture, dandelion root tincture, zeolite. No side effects whatsoever I just hope that continues.

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what do you mean "demand vaccination"? To fly? I don't think so. Not to US. Negative PCR test, yes. Fly....no. Let alone the fact that vaccinated people can still carry the virus and spread it and get sick and die.... Ho hum...

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We've (UK residents) have not been able to travel to the US since March 2020, they've just changed it & now we can - but we have to be fully vaccinated!

This has hugely harmed UK residents with US based family members (especially old/frail ones) & it's been bad for businesses needing face to face meetings.




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wow. That sucks! How do you prove your vaccinated? In US, there has to be tons of fraud out there for vaccine cards. WHo made this decision on must be vaccinated if flying from UK? Is that the US decision or UK decision? Why would US single out UK and nowhere else? Like China?

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You have to prove it through an NHS (UK health system) app (which you can only use by providing multiple official identity documents + a video which the UK government are merrily providing to a private company harvesting facial recognition - huge privacy issues) an encrypted OCR code or a watermarked NHS official letter - if the US federal government will accept the latter and that remains to be seen. Both app & letter hugely difficult to forge. And you still have to get tested & provide contact tracing info.

The last 18 months US travel ban also applied to lot of European countries (29 or so) China, India, Iran, Brazil, South Africa.

Why did the US do this to all these countries but not immigrants coming over the border from Mexico, or from Afghanistan? God knows.

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Canada is one rung below Australia. I live here ( BC) and sadly the general population loves this. Im with Ed here. Vaccinated but refuse to patron any place that requires my med papers. My vaxed husband already tearing strips off anyone who asks ( ie private clubs) for his medical info to keep “on file”.

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I think I'll start asking them for their HIV status and mental illness history since we're sharing personal medical info and all....

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Don't forget to ask if they've had their pap smear, or prostate exam this year !

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Yes! Those tests are crucial and save lives! Very important to make sure everyone is in compliance.

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Why do they love it? Let me guess....white, upper income, at least a bachelors degree, some masters.

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Fear. They truly believe this will keep them safe, and punish the disease spreaders. If media had done their job, we wouldn't be where we are now.

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But the media has done their job. Fact is, the media aren't on your side or mine and never were and that never has been so obvious as it is right now.

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Precisely, the media HAVE done their job. In the basic sense, the media's entire business model is based on promotion of fear, outrage and virtue signalling in order to drive up readership, viewership. Online, this drives up ad rates by Google AdSense. the more fear. the more outrage, the more virtue you can signal out (my team better than your team, see?) the more clicks. Google says your page is worth more money. Voila, your ad revenue goes up.

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Who knew that all your rights were null and void as soon as the government declared a health emergency. That's why you should always read the small print. Was it even in small print or did they just make it up?

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Made up!! At this point I think of our politicians like "Stripe" the worst Gremlin of them all! Zooming around in that little red toy car in the store........

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they just made it up......

they get away with it in nyc bc restrictive gun ownership, and no one has to go to those restaurants....

as to schools, no one is going to rebel....

what will the line look like, and how harsh the response....?

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LOL, I love cats. Humour aside, our federal government appears to be beholden to others (hint, NOT Canadian citizens). I find it astounding that the same people who pontificated and preached, "My body, my choice," are gleefully throwing those of us who are abstaining from the injections, under the proverbial bus. Our PM campaigned with the message that the unvaxxed are putting "your" children at risk. How dare they, he pontificated from his pulpit (whilst wearing a college varsity jacket, in case some of us realized his cool factor was past its best before date). We are clearly living in a dangerous world (cue music). As my fellow Canucks appear to be largely asleep at the switch, I will hypothesize it is due to their naive trust in government. It is something to do with our lack of proximity to war and strife. The Europeans appear more in tune with the world-view that the government is not always/often/ever here "to help."

In Ontario, we are now second class. I don't need to go to a gym, eat at a restaurant, or go to a Blue Jays game (they traded away my favourites a few years ago). But, I fear if more do not speak up, there will be more restrictions. And come January, I might be out of a job and my daughter will be restricted with her practicum. My daughter works part-time at a business supply store. She spent two shifts copying vaccine receipts and laminating them. There was a line-up.

We are those people who wash our mayonnaise jars before we recycle and apologize to ugly spiders we must squash. I also accidentally tore a "do not remove this tag" from a blanket yesterday, and momentarily panicked. Yet here we are.

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As a fellow Canadian, you’re 🎯 on all accounts.

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it boggles the mind , doesn't it...here in Nova Scotia we are preparing for these same restrictions to come on line next week.

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The goal is to make the US the last holdout in the Anglosphere for common sense. The problem is Trudeau won, so Canadians love him and the opposition there apparently is weak. I know nothing about them. But Biden was elected to beat Covid and Trump said, yeah, with more lockdowns, and Biden said he would not do that. So the next best thing for him to do is vaccine mandates. Only, we have states rights, so more than half the states in the country says no. Worse for Biden, and the diversity fascists of Canada, Australia, NZ and brimming in the UK, is that Biden has an election next year in the House and Senate. Presidents always lose the House if their party controls it, and his controls it by a small margin. Mail in ballot bafoonery will not work. Too many people running. BUT, if Dems remain in control of House AND Senate, then the American people would have voted to be more like Australia and Caanda, even tho the majority of those who voted don't know what Australia and Canada are doing. Those of us who do, will suffer. The only way to end it, is for Canadians and Australians to keep going after their authorities. It seems, as one commenter posted here, that Canadians, at least, support these measures hoping to "save the world"f rom Covid. Wait til Covid is "gone". Theyll do the same to save the planet from climate change. When that gets old. Save it from the aliens that only the government and some blue check marks on Twitter can see through their telescopes while the rest of us plebs simply see the moon, and the stars and a few airplanes over head. You get the idea. Fight back, or lose.

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With all due respect, he didn't quite "win," and the majority of Canadians don't love him. Our electoral system is broken. We have too many parties, for starters. We need a ranked ballot or other alternative to the first-past-the-post systems we have. Trudeau did not win the popular vote and as far as I know, is still in minority status. I'm not sure the official tally has been made yet. The MSM seems strangely quiet on this front. That's when I can stomach venturing "over there" to see what is happening in MSM propaganda-land.

Trudeau promised this electoral reform in 2015. I had joined the "party" in 2014 to do what I could to promote this. By 2017, I'd quit. Too many scandals and broken promises.

The conservatives, the only real opposition in terms of forming government, are weak as you mention. But again, that goes back to the broken system. There are too many people in vote-rich areas who they try to "court," leaving Canadians who are unhappy with how far left the country's gone, orphaned.

You are right; there are many Canadians who have swallowed the Kool-aid of political correctness and virtue-signalling. Part of it is intellectual laziness and part of it is vested interests. I also blame the CBC - the propaganda arm for the Liberals, funded by the taxpayers. It is long past its best before date.

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Agreed. The CBC is poison. I say this as a former , only CBC Radio listener.

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Trudeau, a high school drama teacher - who was fired from a tony private school in Vancouver ( i have info from the admin) - is running our country. He has had our flag at half mast for months. We are a nation of propaganda and furlough loving losers.

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Actor. That explains a lot. He seems himself as a store in a drama series. Id move out of there if I were you. I know its hard. Im waiting to see how bad things get in MA and am making contingency plans to move. My brother is here so he would be near aging parents, and Id have money to get back here and see them enough.

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The Left redefines every word eventually, and "human rights" is presently being redefined to mean "things that favor the common good" (as they understand it).... it has absolutely nothing to do, in their mind, with any sort of individual right to dissent from the state or majority. That ACLU "actually forced injections are pro-liberty" editorial is a perfect example of this.

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word soup form the media, i am often reminded of alice's encounter with humpty dumpty in through the looking glass.

then i see biden and his antics are beyond carroll's imaging!

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Orwell was a prophet.

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Hi Gato and Gato pals,

My country of Lithuania is - sadly - even more strict than this right now. I made a video (link at bottom) showing the sad reality.

Lithuania is the first European country to have a fully-encforced Covid Pass regime across all of society. Other countries are fast imposing their own regimes, though, so they will catch up soon - within 2-6 weeks in many EU countries - if it's not stopped *immediately*.

I've left two messages here on this Gato substack about it; from that, many people here have read an article I wrote about Lithuania's Covid Pass regime. Lots of you have mailed me or messaged me here with support. Thanks!

I now made a quick video of just over a minute which shows life here, where you have to scan your Covid Pass at the entrance of every shopping center, mall, big store, restaurant, and pretty much every other public place.

Please take a look; I think you'll find it eye-opening to see the future that faces other countries which continue down the path of the Covid Pass, like Ontario.... and the US, the UK, and Europe.

I also made a Twitter thread. Sadly, it was blocked after a few hours. But it was archived on a thread unroll before it was blocked.

The video, thread, and article have now been shared many times.

If you find the video, thread, or any of the tweets valuable, please share: quote tweet it, retweet, follow me, send the link to people, etc.

Feel free to link to the information here or use it in any way you want. I don't care about credit or recognition; I just want to spread the information.

Thanks for your help!

- Gluboco

Here are the links:





Politician quotes:

Many people who somehow managed to read the thread (it was online a few hours before it was banned) have written that the quotes from Lithuanian politicians are both chilling and foreshadow what they fear in their own countries. These tweets are still visible (I hope!):




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I’ve been sharing (and have a PDF saved of) your tweets through the ThreadReaderApp link. You obviously are reaching people or Twitter would not have jumped to delete a bunch of your tweets. Sadly, far too many people are living in their “it’ll never happen here” dream world.

I read your summary that you put online after Reddit deleted your post. How are you and your wife end up doing? Is there anything we can do to help you guys?

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Just retweeted your videos in several places. Hopefully they will be visible for a while.

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I live in this pseudo-socialist banana republic and have spent significant amounts of time in both the US and Canada. Did my post secondary education and a significant number of years working/living in US prior to returning to Canada. We are quite similar but different on many frontS. 1. The US fought for their freedom, Canada’s was granted by its colonists. 2. US have the most wonderful document ever created next to the Bible, called the US Constitution and Canada have The Canadian Charter of Rights & Freedoms or as my employment lawyer refers to it, “The Canadian Charter of Rights & Wrongs” 3. US have the 2nd Ammendment and Canada do not (current gov looking to round up many types of firearms deemed illegal while murder rates in cities skyrocket). 4. We have more of a collectivist & government reliant culture while US champions individual rights and freedoms. 5. US government has 3 defined branches of government with significant checks and balances while Canada is a parliamentary system. There are many other factors not the least of which is a corporate and state media complex that has been bailed out multiple times and are essentially government stenographers. Canada was once the most respected Country in the world when governed by Stephen Harper’s Conservative party. Harper was the antithesis of Prime Minister Blackface. A policy wonk and economist who led a conservative populist party born in Alberta essentially took over the Conservative party although it wasn’t presented that way to save face for conservatives. Harper was a serious leader and his leadership and commitment to less government red tape while unshackling entrepreneurs. In short, he was smart, professional, had strong foreign policy which means he understood Canada’s limitations on the world stage but also let his peers know Canada were not pushovers. Contrast this with our current dullard leader who was a trust fund kid, snowboard instructor, and substitute drama teacher and it is not hard to understand why Canada are at the bottom of every economic/ productivity category from OECD. We are the most heavily indebted nation in G7 when totalling all debt (fed/prov/Corp/personal)/GDP and on the verge of a recession after -1.3% contraction last qtr. and also experiencing a ramp in inflation & a way overheated housing market. We are ripe for the picking right now - A proletariat that is reliant on government handouts and even worse quite trusting of government. Sprinkle on extreme levels of fear and propaganda that bordered on stuff from a B horror movie and continued government handouts and you have a nation of zombies. There is a growing group of folks who got their shots because they were told their lives would get back to normal. Well now many of these folks understand that our lords pulled the rug out from under them, they are spitting mad. Many are withdrawing their discretionary dollars from the service economy to stand with their unvaxxed citizens. Going to be a really tough winter. I work in wealth management and my employer may put those of us unvaxxed on unpaid leave which is the strategy of choice by large employers. Not waiting for big brother to tell me what my future is. Looking at a few options. Also starting to think about how a parallel economy might start and how I would participate. We all need to think one move ahead of our rulers. I fully expect hospitals/clinics to refuse care to unvaxxed so I am hoping fired nurses and Mds offer healthcare services. Alas, Canada is on its way to a failed state. Feds here are all about WEF/UN initiatives and are doing whatever they can to strip away what little culture we have. They are handing us over to the WEF ghouls. I am afraid for my children’s future

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"CDC struggles to expand pandemic response team as morale plummets" https://www.politico.com/news/2021/09/24/burnout-fatigue-cdc-pandemic-response-514067

A CDC whistleblower could really shake things up.

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They wouldn't have to struggle so much if they just told the truth. Masks are worse than useless. The vaccines don't work and might be dangerous. We don't recommend them. Take vitamin D, C, Zinc, Quercetin. Ivermectin or HCQ regimens should be implemented at first onset of symptoms. Stay positive. Laughter heals, worry kills. Go back to your lives, people.

There, I just did it for them. It's the lying that they're having such a hard time with.

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Catering to the teachers union and other political interests also seems to take up much of their time.

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Brilliant 👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻

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The CDC just published another pro-mask study. https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7039e1.htm

In examining correlations, the authors packed nearly all of the "case rate in school zip code" data into one range (>100) so I'm guessing that variable, rather than masks, explains the school outbreaks.

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I don't need a study to understand that wearing a mask all day is uncomfortable for a whole host of reasons. That it may cause bacterial infections. That it cuts down on verbal and non verbal communication. That all of that is especially true for children. That when our betters make these determinations for us and our kids, they give zero consideration to any of this or to the long-term effects it has on a child's development and on society as a whole. I'd say all of this is stupid, but really we're way beyond that. It's unconscionable. It's evil. And it needs to end.

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I'm with you, but people will take the CDC study at face value and say that intentionally spreading COVID is evil. Nobody remembers last year's stoked-by-the-CDC panic about transmission from playground surfaces or outdoor masking.

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Nowhere in this study do they report hospitalizations or CRF. If the analysis is true, these municipalities as now closer to herd immunity, and no one was harmed.

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I couldn't stop myself from laughing out loud. It's so absurd, you just have to laugh. What has become of the West?

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I don't know which HR dog is being so naughty. But peeing on human rights in places where they should be sacred political principles is the end of human rights (although it does render the Handmaid's Tale show hilarious given its designation of Canada as the last outpost of liberalism, when is reality it is Florida).

Every tinpot dictator is being given carte blanche to be as bad as they like because of this sort of thing. They will simply declare a “public health emergency” and then the sky is the limit … How can these organizations be so stunningly short sited. Now when the Taliban or the Saudi's stone women to death for accusations of adultery, they will just shrug and say … it protects the public health, HIV/AIDS is still a genuine concern and stoning adulterers discourages unsafe sex practices.

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Ahh, sort of like how the ACLU says "far from compromising civil liberties, vaccine mandates actually further civil liberties"

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I've fine-tuned my argument to the supporters of vax mandates:

me: "OK, so you believe society is better off with everyone vaccinated. You believe this so strongly that you think the unvaxxed should be punished in some way or have their freedoms restricted. Where do you draw the line? Is your belief that the threat to society is so great by unvaxxed that they deserve to lose their livelihood, and possibly the ability to feed their families?"

I haven't changed anyone's mind yet, alas, but my prayer is that they leave the conversation thinking more about where they actually WILL draw a line.

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I would be tempted to add, "and are you willing to have their lives terminated?" Might as well get it all out in the open. I'd leave out the bit about gas chambers though. Wouldn't want to do that anyway because of the impact on climate change. /sarc off

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Yes, I think the leaders of the "free" world should be asked outright:

Are you going to kill the unvaxed, or are you going to let them live?

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Unfortunately, some would say, "Yeah, kill them all." Some have done so already. There was even a comment on another post in this forum that said "Let them starve and die."

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Alas, some would say yes. See my other comment here, in response to Daphne. Maybe a better -- or accompanying -- question would be "would you say the same about smokers [or people who do unprotected sex or bar owners or whatever health-endangering practice you know your opponent likes] as well?"

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If you live under a government that's formed an entity to regulate your human rights, you don't really have those rights.

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Evil is all around us.

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bad dog, DOWN

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why dont they just divide up the territory and make a nice "anti-max" province?

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They've already begun talking about building quarantine centers, aka concentration camps.

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thank you gatito bueno! i just wonder what the next experimental injection is going to follow this shot. Once "they've" set the precedent...

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I am not that kind of dog. It amazes me how the main stream media can change the definitions of words 🤦🏻‍♂️

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Peak 2021 headline. This is some Soviet level semantics going on.

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Now say gay men dont have a right to subsidized HIV drugs or AIDS treatment...go on.

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As we say " apaga y vámonos" Really despicable and disgusting people.

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lets state tenworst case scenario. intentional or not.. this vacc will protect the ones that keep getting it and will eventually kill off the unvaxxed. why am i saying worst case? due to philosophical. spiritual reasons.. as the culture war rages this would lead to a default victory on another dimension.

i dont think theres a way to know what is best for you.. other than optimizing your lifestyle as much as possible.. which is very christianlike.

zerocarb or at least a reduction diet. extended fasting. sunlight\natural light. movement. cold therapy. and nonviolent communication to keep intimacies functional during this war

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Check age adjusted all-cause mortality for UK vax vs unvaxed. You may be in for a surprise as to who is going to die. Over 40s it's the vaxed who are suffering the most.


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dos bichos en el mismo camino, uno de los dos tiene que morir

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We are long past the time where we simply need to exterminate the unclean. No vax = no life. You willfully carry a deadly disease therefore you deserve to die. No excuses! Take the very safe vax, wear your mask, or you and your children die. Period!!! I’m over it!!!!

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was this a joke? because if not, you're in danger of being the first ever person blocked on bad cattitude

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At least when I used similar words in another comment, I added /sarc

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While we're at it, Herr Amagnono, why not exterminate all of the overweight, the hypertensive, the diabetic, the asthmatics, the chronic lungers, the lazy, the ugly, and finally, anyone who disagrees with you on ay subject?

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/sarc? I assume and hope

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No vax and no mask in public should mean an immediate execution. No different than holding a gun to the head of millions. Anti-Vax/maskers are mass-murderers. We need to rid the earth of them before they kill us all. Men women and children. They are killing us all!!!

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Perhaps you should tell the CDC Director...because she admitted...in early August...that the jabs don't stop infection with or transmission of the Delta variant and that the fully vaxxed and unvaxxed carry similar viral loads. You can still be infected or transmit. You can still become very ill, be hospitalized, and die.

They aren't rolling our a 3rd dose because the 1st and 2nd worked too well.

And, fyi, the Delta variant arose in India in December of 2020. And, oddly, it didn't started spreading like wildfire around the globe until they started mass vaccinations. Hmmmm.

It's stupid people like you, Amagnono, who are a threat.


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try exterminating me....

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Hate to break it to you but the world does not revolve around you. More and more vaccinated people including doctors and nurses are waking up to the lies from the pharmaceutical and government institutions. If this thing was “safe” as you put it then why haven’t life returned to normal for you? If the jab works then what are you so afraid of? We all will sit here and wait for a sensible response and not deflection.

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And why would thousands of medical people be willing to lose their livelihoods? Remember that lots of them have witnessed covid and covid-vaccine side effects first-hand. And which scared them more?

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Working on the front lines we lost 5% of the work force last year due to covid where I am. Most retired or just quit rather than work with wishy washy guidance that changed every 12 hours. Now with the feds trying to push through mandatory jabs we are looking at another group that may decide to bounce. One can never truly know until they are backed into that corner of deciding though.

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Wait til you figure out that it’s the vaxed who are the super spreaders. What an unintelligent take you have.

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why are you not dead then? Do us all the favour

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