I'm gonna be honest, she's a woke psycho who needs a rubber room, but she did this to a reporter and my level of contempt for journalists is par with woke psychos, so I'm a bit torn here.

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"It's a pity they can't both lose."

- Henry Kissinger regarding the Iran-Iraq War

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"Alien" vs. "Predator"

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Lol 😝

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Yeah, I'm like that when Man United play Liverpool...

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so many reporters are only robots repeating the narrative these days but we can't let ones who aren't to be threatened at machete-point.

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NY Post is pretty good. They lean right, so they actually stand against the propaganda storm.

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The Post is one of the few "mainstream" newspapers that does some contrarian journalism. For example, they've run more skeptical Covid stories than most American newspapers.

Still, this paper didn't cover many of the Top 10 Covid scandals as they should have.


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Lol! I agree reporters have scraped out the bottoms of the barrels, grabbed pick-axes, and dug themselves through the upper crust and are hitting the mantle!

Now, finally they may be feeling the heat, a bit, but honestly I wonder if we shouldn't bulldoze over the holes they dug instead of allowing them to crawl back up to the surface with singed attire and masquerade as journalists once again!

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Oh no. How can we trust them? They care nothing about the people they hurt. No way. Nuremberg hung them all.

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Colleges and universities truly are places of cutting-edge learning.

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Well it certainly gives a whole new meaning to grading on a curve

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You forgot the "ba-dum-bump" at the end.

And the "I'm here til Thursday. Try the veal!"

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Remember to tip your server...

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💥 yikes!

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that comment was a cut above

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I get your point.

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You're a sharp one!

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That prof is a real hack.

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Not sure what they are learning at this point. : )

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I just said; they are learning about cutting edges!

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I’m not disagreeing. Cutting edges and cutting corners.

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Sharp practices.

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They're learning to be a$$hole$.

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I thought they were born that way and it was a prerequisite. Silly me : )

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Everybody's got an axe to grind.

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I see what you did there !🤣🤣🤣

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Professors these days are none too sharp.

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Don't be silly, good kitten. We all know words are more dangerous than machetes.

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they're sWords more dangerous than paper mache-te haha

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I would say we need more plowshares, but then I would run afoul of Climate Czar Kerry.

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How? Wouldn't he turn over like the rest of the dirt?

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Well he's full of shit and old as dirt.

He might be the perfect nutrient source for ze bugs ye will eat

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Yum! Maggots....the new rice!!

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Sell your cloak

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Never. Invisibility is not optional.

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*Ignotus Peverll has entered the chat*

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Nice. I see what you did there.

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Oh, muy Bueno!

Had me actually snorting with laughter!

Mrs. "the Knife"

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Nicely done

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Yet if we passed a law against machete wielding professors, the media would go crazy: “professors would never wield machetes!”

More on creating true safe spaces for your kids to not get their genitals mutilated, and on how we defeated The Law of Merited Impossibility, in my federalist article this morning, I hope y’all like it:


“ Don’t wait for the Law of Merited Impossibility to strike near and dear to home. Take action now, work to get your legislators to enact a Law Against Imaginary Dangers, and watch the thing that is not happening finally, at long last, stop actually happening.”

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We just need more Common Sense Machete Control.

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I should have known you'd beat me to this.

Truly among the sharper tools in the shed, you are.

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That journalists final "headline":

"Pi Guys words of hate, yield machetes for justice"

Even journalists can be "selfless" when fighting for a worthy cause

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May 26, 2023
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Especially the ones with the black chain saw bayonet attachment thing that goes up.

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Is it just a coincidence, or is there more harm than good actually done every time they set up a safe, inclusive, or equitable arrangement? For our own good, of course. “The urge to save humanity is almost always a false face for the urge to rule it.”
― H.L. Mencken

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Priceless! Check out that link and you will be happy you did.

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It's fun to highlight the carnival kooks that make up the front lines of the Woke army, but episodes like this aren't unusual, and they highlight the need to look at a deeper problem. Most of the lunacy we've seen emerge in our mainstream culture over the past decade is exactly that - lunacy. Insanity. Many happy meals coming up a few fries short. Widespread mental illness. Unfortunately, our current Thought Police culture won't allow an honest discussion to take place, because we've collectively decided that (a) all Truth is Relative (so standards are meaningless) and (b) there is no greater crime than to hurt somebody's feelings.

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Mental illness, bad education AND the elevation of useful idiots.

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In all seriousness, I think there is an environmental component. When penguins in the antarctic have industrial chemicals and (probably) nano-plastics in their bodies, you know that we do, too. This cannot be good for the human body. Add indoctrination into insane ideologies on top of that and you get hell on earth.

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I suspect the percentage of nut jobs has remained steady. What has changed is the total number of people on the planet so the total number of nut jobs is up even if the percentage is the same. Also thanks to social media such insanity is easily spread. Some nut job teacher in Canada makes a Tik-tok and parents in rural Mississippi think their child’s teacher is a trans-supporting groomer. Previous generations hid their crazies, we give them microphones.

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You have to wonder if it's also a function of how many meds kids are being prescribed these days.

Virtually no children were on meds when I was growing up. Now it seems like half of the kids are taken pills for this...or that.

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That's it! I'm no longer going to eat penguins imported from Antarctica! NO MORE FOR ME PERIOD!!!

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print the money print the drugs print more money to cleanup the mess capture the flows and keep the plebs at the end of the stick

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The fact that she is so familiar with and even has a machete, makes me wonder how much f*ckery she's actually done without being filmed or reported.

I take heart in the hope that her menacing videos prove she has not suffered so much damage in use of her hands--the claim she has against the NYPD from being cuffed.

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Good catch. Someone should alert the legal staff defending the NYPD about this. It is grounds for dismissal.

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I hope so.

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Where she went “wrong” was the earlier vid lecturing the pro-life “boy” that HE can’t even have a baby. Tsk Tsk sounds like her whole “victim” argument just slid back a few virtue signals. Just saying 🤷‍♀️ Can’t have it both ways.

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Every time I was told I was in "a safe space", the next sentence I heard was "that's bS, you're f*cked up" after I said what I deemed to be said in "safety."

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That professor really teaches their students some sharp skills.

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Universities are indoctrination centers. My sister went to one and is now a lib loon.

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“Lib loon” <-- lol! 🤣😂

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We need more psychiatric hospitals in this country. A lot more. And we need physicians, law enforcement and judges who can direct (force?) these psychopaths into them, for their own safety and for ours.

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I'm sure NYC will deal with her harshly. Yeah, right.

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What? Hell froze over?

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According to Wikipedia, which would never tell a lie, Hunter College President Jennifer Raab is a product of Princeton's Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, and of Harvard Law School. She is also a member of the completely harmless Council on Foreign Relations. During her tenure at Hunter the college accepted a $15 million donation from saint Larry Silverstein of all people. The Princeton Review also ranked Hunter College as #1 in the category "Lots of Race/Class Interaction", whatever that means. (I think we know what it means.) Just sayin'.

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I wonder if they are going to cut her classes?

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Rwanda in NYC. Now that's progressive!

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c’mon man machetes not a weapon. New lessons in agriculture.

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I think she was just on her way to the sugar cane plantation! A little side job.

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Ooph, not what I was thinking. She’s on her way to the nut farm!

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