Umm, the trials have already been underway for two years. I would be happy to point them to the safety data to save them the trouble of conducting sham trials in a last-ditch effort to exonerate themselves.

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Oh how I wish we could post memes directly


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Too bad they vaxxed the controls from the first trials, or they’d already have the results.

Will Maddie DeGaray finally get a phone call to follow up on her “abdominal pain”?

Sooner or later, someone is going to compare health outcomes between vaxxed and unvaxxed populations around the world. That data is leaking out.

Hence the importance for Moderna and Pfizer to hijack the narrative first.

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Doesn’t matter. They’re “investigating” themselves. You know... the same way chem companies do with the fertilizers that are killing off of the bees, same way they do with the chemicals giving all of us cancer, our children autism, our elderly Alzheimer’s.

We’re thoroughly assfucked. Oh and make sure you grab your ankles and smile during the entire ordeal.

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They can hire the Maricopa County election crew to crunch the numbers for them.

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I will bet what FTX was worth last month that Pfizer/Moderna won't find any issues.

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I can write the results for them now. Absolutely no negative long term health impacts, completely safe and effective. My invoice is in the mail.

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The Australian government will not allow people under 30 to get the 4th booster because the risk of myocarditis may be greater than Covid.

The 4th!!! Hahahhaha

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Pfizer: vaccinates their trial control group to ensure no long-term side effects data exists.

Pfizer two years later: “don’t worry about long term side effects, we’re ‘investigating’!”

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Ha! To quote HRC, “what difference does it make?”.

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Nov 15, 2022·edited Nov 15, 2022

It’s F&CKING absurd! Let’s show you how we screwed you in plain sight - make you pay for and watch us investigate your demise. We are looking out for you! Please sign up for our trials! Don’t worry we have meds/vaxs to cure what we caused. All not for free…

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Ha. Phizer and Moderna should be flagged by 'Facebook and YouTube FactCheckers' for misinformation. According those 'Factcheckers' ... 'launch trials' should be 'have already been conducted'. Or maybe one of the parties just needs to brush up on their grammar? 🤣 Will post a direct link to a few private FB groups and see what kind of flag pops up.

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Vaccines don’t cause long term side effects. Long Covid does. What do you mean you didn’t have Covid, you did but were asymptomatic so you didn’t realise. Anyway, nothing to do with vaccines, nothing to see here, move along.

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This is one of the reasons I trust none of the vaccine-believers-now-heretics trying to Substack their way to repentance and reliable-sourcedness.

Anyone not coerced/threatened who willingly took this miracle-of-warp-speed science and is trying to convince me of their dazzling intelligence and integrity--nah.

Just a handful of people have proven themselves the North Stars we need. You're top of the firmament.

[edited for clarity]

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The Science (TM) version of amnesty, I guess.

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If they are studying then it means they intend profiteering from the (ongoing and subscription-based) treatment, which probably won't work but have more nasty effects

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