Looks like TulsaTeresa was indoctrinated in an unaccountable system that resulted in no discernible education.

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Could not agree more... it is a shame there as so many stupid people these days. Actually I think there is the same number of stupid people as there has always been, but social media was a means for them to prove their stupidity to everyone they could... and boy, they are doing so with a vengeance.

What's that old saying about opening your mouth and removing all doubt? Doubt removed...

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That quote is from Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens).

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"It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt."

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“Don’t let schooling get in the way of your education.”

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Public schools ARE my own fucking dime.

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Exactly. I’ve dumped so much money into public schools and have chosen to homeschool my kids. I don’t want the government to help fund my homeschool though, because I don’t want to be held accountable to them for any part of my childrens education.

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Through your (good) choices, you've essentially been put in a situation where you are now creating a redundant service while continuing to pay for a low-quality service you never use.

This reminds me of when I had an awful state marketplace health insurance policy for a while (I didn't want to pay the tax penalty). The network covered by my plan was SO terrible that when I needed actual healthcare I went where I could pay out of pocket just so I could have choice. But STILL paid however much a month for a plan I never used.

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You're smart imho. Health is priceless.

ACA insurance was so bad I had to do that too. I resented the F#ck out of it too.

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This was ACA ("state marketplace") for me as well.

I was still a left-identified Dem when ACA went into effect and my friends couldn't understand why I would fly into passionate rants about being forced by the government under penalty of law to purchase a private good.

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It made me crazy. I had a special needs child for whom I'd found a really good team of doctors and therapists and insurance.

ACA made my insurance illegal and we did lose our doctors. At least Obama did actually apologize for that part.

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Apologies are nice. Changing the thing you did wrong is nicer.

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If your child had an Emotional Disability wherein he'd strip his clothes off and fondly himself in front of everyone, he'd still be entitled to a public education.

We just want some justice for our cause.

If we have publicly funded education, then the public should be paying you.

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For the record, that was not the case but I agree with you.

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Hey, Boots!

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(singing) Yeeaah!

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Easy fix; take a one way flight to Juarez, walk 2 miles to El Paso, claim asylum and then go to the ER for all your health care needs - for the rest of your life on everyone else's dime.

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And get a cell phone and a plane ticket to the destination if your choice

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Ugh, no thanks. Too much dignity.

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My self-purchased PPO insurance was $250/ mo before the ACA. Same plan is now $1880/ mo. Deductible was $5k, now $5.8k. So much for “Affordable”!

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Oh, but it IS affordable. We just are not the ones it is affordable to. The ACA is actually health care for the rich subsidized by the poor.

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I see it as the rich subsidizing the poor and those in their 20’s still on parents’ plans. I’m a target because I buy my own health insurance so I’m seen as “.rich”. It’s redistribution of health/ wealth.

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The deductible is too high for the poor to pay which prevents them for using the ACA despite paying for it. Thus, the poor are subsidizing those who can afford the deductible.

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Same with mine but I can't get anything PPO in NYS. and the cost of decent insurance, as you illustrated is crazy. Are you self employed too?

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I am. My strategy pre-ACA was to just be uninsured or go on my husband's plan when he had jobs with coverage.

These days I just buy the cheapest Bronze plan I can get that includes my nearest hospital just for catastrophic care and don't consume any other Healthcare.

The branch covidians that want me to die in the street should be grateful. I consume virtually no Healthcare resources and haven't for years, but I'm still forced to pay into the system.

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I was thinking of the same thing but my husband panicked at the idea, because of the Lyme. Marriage has compromises.

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I’m retired and just started Medicare a couple weeks ago. So I’m paying a lot less starting this month.

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Just like public transportation, welfare, etc.

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Yep. It's a bottomless pit that isn't actually bottomless.

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Well, there’s a bottom, and it looks a lot like Auschwiz.

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I was in public school for my first three years; my parents then decided to move me to a parochial school. For the next decade, my Dad complained about paying school taxes for a school he didn't use and for paying for private school.

Also... I don't have kids, and a CHUNK of my taxes are going to service I don't use.

Perhaps schools should shift their focus away from social justice and sexuality and teach things like reading and math.

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Your comments are music to my ears.

If parents want to send their kids to Basketball Academies, I'm okay with it.

Honestly, like Public Schools have ANY room to dog on anyone else after what they've done!

Give more power to parents is a YUGE way to take power away tmfro. The Federal Leviathan.

Families have needs individuals don't. We foolish if we can't recognize that.

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Our local Catholic school in Twxas churns out a Shocking number of students who go on to higher education. Also, it’s very affordable and if you have more than three kids in school, all the rest of your children go to the school for free.

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Good for your Catholic School for its three tuition policy. One of the things that prevents us from going to a Cathic School is cost: it is totally unaffordable.

And, to be honest, another problem is the dearth of strong, orthodox formation. An example here is that we had a school tout its college attendance rates; how many were doctors and lawyers; and other such stuff...but they didn't mention how many vocations they had.

Back in the day, all Catholic children received a free education in Chicago.

I doubt that is the case anymore. Too bad.

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And yet, homelanders blame my “avoidance” of US taxes by living abroad as THE reason their schools are in such poor shape.

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My child is grown but while he was in the public school system, I was there... a lot. At one point one of the teachers who tried to tell me they knew better, admitted I'd been right all along.

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It's not the government's money - that's your money that they've taken by force.

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There is no such thing as "public funds." It all began as our wealth.

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Apr 16, 2022·edited Apr 16, 2022

Your mentality has to go! They're funding education. They should give you a stipend or complete tax break.

Or is it only billion dollar corporations that we offer gravy to?

Maybe you can easily afford home schooling, but my superior education should be paid for by the same gov't that does a crappy job in gov't schools!!

At least waive our taxes while we're doing it.

You pay for what you get.

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The problem is, as soon as they are paying for the education at home - THEN the legislature or the unelected bureaucrats can all start saying, well, we're paying for it, so we should be able to come to your home and observe any time we want, or get you to fill out more paperwork, or you submit your lesson plans to the school superintendant for review etc. etc. etc. That is the reason that MANY homeschoolers in every state - not all, but certainly many - do not want government money. If they pay homeschoolers in any way for education costs, they think that gives them right to control the education that goes on in the home. Many parents consider educating their child a natural right and responsibility of parents that should only be delegated to the state if there is no other option. But on the other hand, if our tax dollars are going to pay for the public education of all those other kids, that still gives us ownership and a voice even if our kids are not in that system - we are paying for it, and we have a right to say that we don't want the neighbor's children to be raised / educated in a way that they are actual a danger to us or a detriment to society. We want to see that we are getting some actual education for what we are paying for - even if it is not for our own kids. Pressure the system not to teach all the woke nonsense. A lot of people are taking training offered by the Leadership Institute to run for School Boards - homeschool parents can run for School Board just as well as any of the other people who run. And make some changes. In the county where I live, there are enough homeschool family, hundreds, that we have enough to have basketball teams for boys and girls in high school, middle school, varsity, JV, etc. and other sports, also, in a state homeschool league - we can offer the same sports as the public schools. Parents can arrange group field trips. There is nothing that the public schools offer that most of us want / need. We have our own debate teams and various speech competitions with regional and state-wide events. Parents volunteer to run things and then there is no worry about state interference and state regulations. I am in one of the less regulated states, but we have so many homeschooling now, that of course the state is looking at whether they need more regulation, right now. Taking their money or trying to participate in public school activities would just invite more state control, in my opinion. But I do hope the neighbor's kids learn to read and write so they are not a burden to society and that they are not being taught / inflamed to want to kill people of other racial / ethnic groups etc. or just to randomly hate and riot. So, I have an interest in what they are being taught since I pay for it as we all do. But - the idea of school choice would be that those tax dollars can follow a child to the school of the parents choice and they can get their reading, writing and arithmetic anywhere and have it paid with our tax dollars - while not necessarily funding the religious instruction of their choice or our choice, keeping that part unfunded by tax dollars. There are other countries that do that, and I can't see any reason it could not be done under our Constitution. If we are not funding the religious part of it, if they are religious schools.

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Funny. They think it's their money.

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Exactly. She said educate you kid on Your Dime. Hell lady, public schools ARE MY DIME!

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Apr 16, 2022·edited Apr 16, 2022

People need to protest by means of non-payment of taxes. "Taxation without representation" - where did I hear that before? They can't arrest us all.

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Unfortunately, not paying school taxes gets your house repo’d by the state. In Texas we just overwhelmingly voted on a referendum to eliminate property taxes within 10 years without adding an income tax. Now the legislature has to debate the plan. We shall see. Fingers crossed

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Well, they think the kids are their kids...

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Even religious colleges that accept students on federal, student aid must follow the DoE’s regulations. The school does not receive federal money but some of the students do, so the feds control the school. You are right to refuse their money.

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That is an excellent point. Thinking about it now, Hillsdale College in MIchigan is one of only a very few colleges, maybe the only one, that refuses federal money and relies entirely on private donations, so that they are not hindered by federal laws. Hillsdale provides and excellent quality education, and still meet accreditation standards, without having to comply with all the woke nonsense that comes from Washington these days. They don't take the money because they have seen the strings.

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You mean the same way they're constantly intervening in the homes of people they gave huge solar panel crony giveaways?

One doesn't necessitate the other.

Just look at the child tax credit on your taxes. Have the Feds shown up at your home recently demanding an accounting of your spending?

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In my state, there is very little regulation of homeschooling, but I know that some states are highly regulated. Harvard University has faculty who have organized conferences to advocate for why homeschoolers throughout the U.S. should be totally, highly regulated becuase we're dangerous and probably our kids are being indoctrinated or getting the wrong indoctrination and no one is being educated etc. (The research shows homeschooled kids are being educated to a much higher standard than public schools, on average - very high test scores, and excellent socialization). There have been books written about why homeschooling should be way more regulated. If you get the solar panels, you are doing what government wants, and there is not any union opposing the buying of solar panels, so that gets done and and no problem. But - the teachers unions are opposed to homeschooling, and many people are hostile to homeschoolers - I have encountered this, hostility. Just like people who want to beat you up for no mask or something. Hateful for no reason to people who homeschool. And the school teachers see homeschoolers as a threat to public education - in reality, if we stay home with our kids, they can have a smaller class size, it ought to help the schools - we are not taking money out of their budget. But from Harvard Law to the public school down the street, there are a lot of people right now advocating against homeschoolers. So, in my opinion, and in the opinoin of many homeschoolers and homeschool leaders, it is unwise for homeschoolers to beg for state money - as if the state would give it - the state doesn't want to give us money, but if we got it, yes, I do think it gives fuel to this regulatory fervor. This came up recently in our state legislature, some discussion of this matter, though no bills in progress at the moment. But, yes, it's real. And it's a little different than just child tax credit, because this is perceived as an existential threat to the teachers union, and the woke Ivy League faculty who are concerned there will not be enough woke people in the world since most homeschoolers do not have classes in "wokeness." How will they learn Critical Race Theory if they are not in public school. What if they grow up in the wrong political environment with no one to tell them their parents' politics are wrong? There is so much more than that, but think for a sec along those lines. That fear is real. They fear losing control of the indoctrination process, and fear loss of funds, and if you figure there is a finite budget for education, and we get part of it - will any of those public school teachers lose their jobs? They're thinking about that, plus the loss of voters of a certain party, and loss of ability to influence the thinking of our children.

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We homeschool our son, and Martha is 100% correct including the part regarding Harvard. "Jam Beau" is being nonsensical. There is no fight over solar panels which was likely a crony deal, but there is a huge fight over the rights of parents to educate their children. The education system MUST get your child when he/she is young because that's when they are the most malleable. These people DO NOT care about your child and his or her future - they DO care about what type of population they want for the future.

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They do intervene. Constantly on everything solar. We have so many regulations that it’s pathetic.

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Good to know, we were considering the solar panels and decided instead on just a small solar generator in case of emergency but not the panels on the roof and the contracts etc. etc. We got information, and we decided against a big system - I wondered if it would be a lot more difficult than what we were being told - we decided against it, and good from what you say. If my husband and I were much younger, we might have thought differently, but we're not young any more and there were reasons it seemed like not a good plan for us. Interesting about all the regulations etc. I think we are fine as we are. Thank you.

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My mentality? I made them educate my child. I was not there teaching. I was there putting their feet to the fire.

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Correct!! The Tulsa Queen obviously doesn't understand where public money comes from. Go ahead and display your total ignorance on Twitter.

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Well said!

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No way they’re free money from the government!

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"Public money shouldn't be used to indoctrinate children in unaccountable systems that may result in no education."

This is the best argument I've heard for the abolition of the public school system!

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Well, yeah. That's what makes this post so horrifyingly hilarious: the complete lack of self-awareness.

The one thing Twitter has reliably done for the public discourse is turn everything into soundbites. This is the age of the cliché. At best, we get aphorisms. Mostly we get... this.

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I do believe we need to add a new entry to the DSM-5 for Covidius projectionitis, a.k.a. “accuse the other side of that which you are guilty.”

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While it's not an entry, it already exists. It's called "projection." 😻

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Right, I just felt it deserved a special twist for Covidians, hence Covidius projectionitis :-)

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Gonna use that one - with attribution of course!

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The more people who help inject this concept into the public consciousness, the better!

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Covidious Projectionitis! Hell or high water, I'm gonna find a way to use that today! Lol

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Awesome! I'm looking forward to using it in my next Covidian battle royale (coming soon to a Twitter feed near you).

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I love it!!

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I think there’s a vaccine 💉 for that.

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Complete lack of self awareness seems to be the thing for the Covid Karen’s / woke / you name it crowd. Accuse others of being mean but being horrifically vile yourself to all people you deem not conformist.

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What about the unconstitutionality argument?

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Apr 16, 2022·edited Apr 16, 2022

I was just thinking the highlighted lines sounded exactly like something I’d say.

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Best argument also for the abolition of the DoE.

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In the past you could tell who was a crazy person by how many cats they had!

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Right, the fewer the cats, the crazier the person 😹

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purrfect! thank you!

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Speaking as the mama of 11 😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸

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Cats are like Martinis - One is not enough, Two is too many, and Three is just right.

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Apr 16, 2022·edited Apr 16, 2022

Talk about chasing a laser dot on thin ice! ;-D

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I know, how to get myself banned! The cat knows I'm just playing. Don't you cat!?

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if the cat replies then we can be certain of madness

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Apr 16, 2022·edited Apr 16, 2022

Meeeeeeo-o-o-o-ow! Better watch your beautiful naked butt there, naked-e! (Love you, though.)

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😂🤣😂🤣 Bingo!

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It's even easier now--the people still wearing masks are the real nutjobs!

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or shoplifters

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It's true. Masking has been the biggest boost to criminal activity since the invention of the cellphone. The latter, however, works both ways.

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Went down town today with the family. Besides myself, only two other maskless people were seen. HELP.

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I'm seeing a glimmer of hope. People at concerts not wearing them and not putting them on to leave (make that make sense) now seeing people who have the sniffles wearing them. Good progress! When the sniffles people just wash their hands often and practice good hygeine instead of disgusting masks, I will feel actual hope.

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I’m convinced people have always been this unhinged and the main effect of social media has just been to make this almost impossible to ignore. You used to have to invite people over for Thanksgiving dinner and open a few too many bottles of wine to get this kind of insight. Now I can read the loony bin common room without getting out of bed.

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Very insightful, thinking of the times when we had someone who seemed normal over to the house and after too much alcohol something like, "Some of my best friends are Jews (or Blacks, Asians or whatever), but you know...." would be blurted out. The offenders usually weren't too much of a surprise with some 20/20 hindsight.

I think it's the echo chamber these Twitter blue checkmarks live in that that leads them to think this type of stuff is normal (e.g. pedo grooming, reverse racism, hook-up culture, etc.). Those of us not on the left are constantly exposed to leftist culture whether we like it or not. It's everywhere. Not so for the left with regards to traditional culture, how many know someone who attends church or served in the military?

It's a hoot when leftists blurt out stuff that they freely say in their bubble, and are completely shocked and surprised by the blowback from normal people. Tweets are frantically deleted and they didn't really mean it once the horrible polling rolls in. They don't actually support the latest perversion or indecency but "were taken out of content". Haha.

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The blue bubble cluelessness and lack of self awareness is really quite breathtaking. I'm in a difficult position because both my work and one of my main hobbies puts me in the constant company of urbanized woke-folk who assume, because I have advanced degrees, have taught at the university level and worked in high-tech fields, and at least appear to be literate and have 'evolved tastes,' that I am one of them. So they say insulting stuff in front of me, assume I share their contempt for "People of WalMart" and "Florida Man" and Christian cake-bakers and J.K. Rowling. When in fact my roots and my continuing predispositions are rural and blue collar and the targets of their mockery and snotty superiority are *my* family, *my* friends, and *their* betters.

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*their* betters

Indeed. 😒

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Apr 16, 2022·edited Apr 16, 2022

In my tiny town, an erroneous post on the community FB page back last year announced that only those who had been vaxxed would be allowed into our only bank, beginning in a few days (of course, this might happen fr in the future). The post was discovered to be a mistake based on hearsay (no!) and was deleted, but not before several people had weighed in on it. The shocker was the number of "thumbs-up" votes and comments like "Very Good!" and "Works for me!", etc.. We know who they are now. Frightening.

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There's a fair amount of cognitive dissonance as well. I had a rather heated argument with a very 'progressive' acquaintance who thought I was if not an outright Nazi, at least Hitler-adjacent, because I was horrified at the idea of vaccine passports. He was simultaneously calling people Nazis for supporting an ID requirement to vote. When I finally asked him how on earth he thought people who would be prevented from voting by having to produce an ID card that is freely available from any motor vehicle branch were going to be affected by having to show proof that they had gotten at least two doses of vaccine that were -- at least at that time -- only available by making appointments online and driving to sometimes far distant medical facilities, he metaphorically waved his hands and declared that "the authorities will have to make sure that doesn't happen." Just. Plain. Clueless.

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when I was growing up we actually learned to read and write, add and subtract, there was none of this foolishness. Having started a charter school. I am well aware of the alternatives available to parents. What this fool has forgotten is that the public pays taxes to fund the education of our children. Funding students frightens the teachers union because they will have a diminishing amount of taxpayer money. Which will in turn fund more charter schools.

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thank you for starting a charter school. Competition is wonderful

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It was an experience, the single largest obstacle was the Scool Board. Several schools followed us.

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Apr 16, 2022·edited Apr 16, 2022

I watched a local public school teacher I knew, who led the Gifted and Talented Enrichment program and who I had thought better of, have a complete meltdown when our charter school was starting up. Oh boy. That harpy worked like the devil to stop the charter school altogether, for good reason. Our public school here is a worthless hellhole and she knew she'd lose all of her GATE students, and with it her fat little salary boost. She didn't succeed, and yes, those students walked. But I was disgusted by her not-very-private agenda; how she attacked the charter school as meritless, calling it by all the pejoratives that actually applied to the public school. Students who are virtually illiterate are allowed to graduate. It is appalling.

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I started my quest when as the foreperson of a Grand Jury I looked at a middle school where the budgeted funds (GAT-gifted and talented) were not serving the needs of the student population. The principal’s response was that at that age they were just bags of hormones. I was incensed…

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How did we get so many principals that hate kids?

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Maybe she can up her skills and join the Charter School

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Apr 17, 2022·edited Apr 17, 2022

I suggested at the time that she just go ahead and apply. She would have been hired, no question, they were struggling to find teachers. She demurred, with a lot of phony-baloney excuses. I later realized it was because she wasn't about to give up her nice PS salary and perks. She's retired now, quite comfortably - she's golden, spends her days protesting for BLM and polishing her Alinsky skills, after indoctrinating kids for decades. Those people, they really do flourish like the green bay tree, sometimes.

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btw, had to look up Alinsky and The Green Bay Tree. ugh!

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she actually sounds awful!

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you changed kids lives then, a lot of them.

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For the better!

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I believe Finding Students is the bright light upon the cockroaches that are the Public Schools and Teachers Unions. When there's no viable competition, how is one supposed to know how much there young Could Be progressing?

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My Mom was a teacher, many moons ago. She hated the union and resented the fact that she HAD to be a member. There was no choice. --- She was one of those tough teachers kids hated. You know, the ones that expected you to learn. 😏

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I really wish someone could figure out a way to bring Milton Friedman back. We need him.

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Milton Friedman was right in theory, wrong in practice....his mantra led to the Big Money mess we are in....we need to acknowledge "The Human Condition" is such that people will game the system to their benefit and many others won't call foul and most will go along with it ......I am a Republican but recognize we need some level of governance and oversight to try to keep an even playing field and opportunity for all....simple, swift and actionable laws that keep those who will game the system at bay ..... a great example of this is the Glass -Stegal Act which was finally repealed in 1999 . A 34 page law clearly separating investment banks from retail/commercial banking.....a law that worked for 70 years and in the 7 years following its repeal we had 2008.....and from this Dodd-Frank, a 2000+ page act of loopholes by the lobbyists ........we need good governance rather than binary politics and we citizens need to act responsibly for our own good as well as the greater good.

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The binary political system is a false front. They work hand in hand, play good cop/bad cop to the respective parties for their own good. Otherwise, I agree with you totally.

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I really wish someone could figure out a way to bring Montaigne back. We need him.

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His son David is also an economist and publishes some interesting stuff. He’s actually more libertarian than his dad.

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My approach is that everybody's f'n crazy....I don't need any directory......it's the sane ones that are hard to find :)!! We need a directory for those!!

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What would you do with the back of the sheet of paper?

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Or with the bottom of the first sheet!

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Oh you mean like homeschooling my son, which resulted in him getting into an honors program at a private university? Got it.

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But but but everyone can't do that so it's unfair that you could, so it must be forbidden for all, because otherwise there's no equality!

Or to actually quote myself from a board meeting 10 years ago or so:

"If we place the bar so low that everyone can just ooze across it, even more pupils/students will fail than today (cue long harangue about the many wrongs and errors of the swedish school system and the origins of same, followed by a hectoring diatribe about how to create an actually functioning school, meaning more or less go back to pre 1960s style schooling)!"

Female colleague: "That sounds like fascism to me. Grading and sorting and ranking is just wrong when it comes to children, everyone is of equal worth and dignity!"

I'll leave you to guess what the board decided was the politic and profitable way to go... (Hint: Sweden is down to around 50th place in international comparisons, from 5th 25years ago. Oh, and homeschooling is illegal, can get your children taken by the social servies and anonymised and put in fosterhomes, and you in prison for up to two years.)

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The fact that this has been going one around the globe for years is disconcerting. It is beyond being a national problem.

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applauding and cheering both of you!

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My wife deserves most of the credit. Thanks!

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All three of you then 👏

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Good job!!! take a bow!!! I am sure it came at a cost, but so well worth it!

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TulsaTeresa is a KovidKaren. Beware of overweight single women with sanpaku eyes.

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wisdom. and I just learned about sanpaku

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It was a big deal when it first came out. These days...knowing about it usually dates you!

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always a danger lately

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Please, clue me in on sanpaku eyes. All I can see is she needs to pluck them eyebrows!

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Ahhhhhh. I have seen this before, but forgot the term. Thank-you, for the refresher. I'm sorry to have been a bother. Namaste. 🙏

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It has a name! My husband picks upon thos more than i do, but i am not sure he knew it was a "thing".. just that it made him uncomfortable

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It was a lot less obvious. I am thankful that we have Twitter and paper facemasks so that today we can instantly spot those who are wasting oxygen.

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Iron Law of Woke Projection? 😬

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That tweet is the best argument for vouchers. Public education under the thumb of the institutional left is apparently inviolate. Diversity and inclusion is a facet of public education unless you are conservative, libertarian, Christian, Jewish, non-guilty prostrating white, critically thinking, climate hysteria skeptic, Covid educated, etc.

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No matter how often they do this, somehow their total lack of self-awareness never ceases to amaze me.

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The public schools are edumacating people?

Who knew?

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The lost art of self-awareness.

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Twitter is where those who lack Critical Thinking Skills gather to receive their Overlord marching orders...

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Apr 16, 2022·edited Apr 16, 2022

Oh gatito pequeño... in the past, people like this were visible from a mile away because of their big red clown noses. 🤡 Twitter just makes them visible from across the continent.

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Lol, that's some nuclear weapons grade projection right there. Also note the word "public", no you simpleton it is not "public" money nor is it "public" education, it is taxes which are confiscated at the point of a gun and it is government education, but the truth is the government schools are not educating they are indoctrinating/grooming our children to be good little perverted marxist soldiers. And if I am paying for it I damn sure should have a say in how it's spent.

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Exactly. An Ayn Rand quote comes to mind.

"Do not hide behind such superficialities as whether you should or should not give a dime to a beggar. That is not the issue. The issue is whether you do or do not have the right to exist without giving him that dime. The issue is whether you must keep buying your life, dime by dime, from any beggar who might choose to approach you."

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I have to pay for all of the material for my children's homeschooling and I do it gladly. I think about Marcus Aurelius' advice that you should keep your children out of public schools and pay generously for their tutoring. I can't afford a tutor but I just do it myself. It is worth it to avoid people like the originator of that tweet.

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Wow, did M.A. say that?? Wait 'til I tell the Sig Oth. He and I both love M.A. He, the S.O., spent his entire fortune putting his daughter and then his three grandchildren through the finest of private schools (the grandkids are in Scotland). The eldest boy just got into Exeter, full scholarship. He wants to go into Engineering, then Space Law. We are bursting with pride in him. Those kids were learning Latin before the age of ten. And even the Headmaster could not have a cellphone on campus. It is a remarkable contrast to what we see around us.

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Apr 18, 2022·edited Apr 18, 2022

"From my great-grandfather, not to have frequented public schools, and to have had good teachers at home, and to know that on such things a man should spend liberally."

Fourth sentence, Book One, Meditations.

So I guess it is technically advice from the great-grandfather of Marcus Aurelius.

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Thank you.

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That tweet is an amazingly accurate unconscious self-own. What a clown

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Sounds like Tulsa Teresa is encouraging everyone to vote no on any school levies

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Every village had an idiot...

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"AN" idiot? I think they bred (like rabbits!), 'cause we seem to be overloaded.

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Uh, hey TulsaTeresa....you must also believe in unicorns, fairies and leprechauns...they are about as real as the PUBLIC's MONEY!

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Bwahahahahaha!! Oh Gatito Bueno! 🤭

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Groomers gonna groom...

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The vast majority of urban public school kids can't read even remotely near grade level.

How about giving them a lifeline from more of the same?!

It's not fair that we make many of these children of immigrants travel thousands of dangerous miles to give them such an inferior education!!

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I'll argue that PART of the reading problem, is parents don't read enough to their children. Of course, my Aunt was a librarian, so you can only begin to imagine how many books I was around from birth. --- Don't just read them baby books either. Once they can talk read a little higher level books to them, explain what you're reading if needed. --- Don't use the TV or cell phone as a babysitter.

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I remember once when I was in college and my daughter was 6, and we went to a big used book store where I bought a lot of books for her. The sales person commented to me that it was quite rare to find parents (mothers mostly) buying books for their children. Rather, apparently women came in there to buy romance novels for themselves but they bought nothing for their kids.

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And you got a shopping bag full for $5!

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Honestly, that doesn't surprise me. 😔

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Tragic that so many kids don't know about their nearby public library. Roaming the stacks is like an adventure for their natural curiosity. Recent books might give some of us pause.

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True to all. Parents could go along and look at what they want before ok-ing check outside. Or buy books about things they talk about as gifts. Or "just 'cause."

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Ah, reading! My daughter was born in 1970. Even then I was worried about how they were teaching reading in the schools, so I read to her constantly and taught her to read myself before she even went to kindergarten. Same with my son, born 16 years later! The result is that they have always been heavy readers (little interest in TV) and intellectually curious, and have demonstrated to me that with a solid, early foundation in reading you become a lifelong learner. The kids who struggle with reading or don't learn to read well go on to be people who just don't read or learn much, with the expected results.

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Common sense is now uncommon. The experts are having a horrible time trying to teach AI common sense.

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You mean taking people’s money and spending it on whatever you want isn’t “unaccountable”?

That like saying men are women.

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I wish I had a more articulate and clever response! But .. my gut reaction is..what an Asshole this person is!

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So where, exactly, does she think "public money" comes from, anyway?

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Actual quote from an LA Times editorial yesterday: "Where have all the children gone? California’s public school enrollment is down by 110,000 students this year, continuing a five-year decline, and no one is sure why or what to do about it." Sure, no one knows why. Stay in that information bubble LA Times.

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One of the Koch brothers goals, as stated on their website, is to get rid of public education. First there were lucrative standardized tests, so teachers didn't get to teach or foster resilence; in America they got rid of recess as it took time away from standardized test prep, so all of the brain body development was interrupted, then they threw wokeism into it, so kids have to read Anti-Racist baby. And that's not to mention 72 vaccines on the schedule for which companies have zero liability. Now masks and screens. Some force is trying to turn the kids into zombies or mindless robots. We need parallel education systems. If I weren't too old to live in the far north, I'd get the free land they are offering in the mountains of the Yukon and start a republic.

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I'd love the free land way up North, just NOT in Canadastan.

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My proposals: 1) defund all public education; 2) raise voting age to 25; 3) verifiable paper ballots only (no electronic voting machines)

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Addendums (or is it addenda?) to your very good proposals:

1) Require teachers to take phd-level exams, from pre-1960s in their relevant fields. No electronic aides allowed, only pens, paper and slide rulers as required. If the requirements to be a teacher are set to a level requiring such dedication o disciplined larning, the ones who pass muster will be persons who does not suffer indoctrination, CRT, and other foolishness but professionals with integrity.

2) Tie sufferage and the privilege of running for any public office from president to head of sanitation to voluntary civil service: minimum of two years unpaid manual labour in the service of the community, no criminal record, and not on welfare. And if you commit a crime (a real crime)? You lose your right to vote forever.

3) All voting to be done in public in the town square. No parties, only voting for individuals runnig for office and on separate concrete issues. Can't be arsed to participate? Then don't gripe.

How about those principles? Everyone is allowed to step up to bat, but you got to bat at least /this/ much to be allowed to participate, so to speak.

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"Public money" = money the government took from people under the threat of force.

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Wow. lol. And where is this "far right" that these monsters talk about? I've been looking for them for years and most of the time I find that most people just want to live their lives in a sane world and be left the hell alone. If that's "far right" then sign me up.

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They don’t wear name tags, Gatito, they wear masks.

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NEWSFLASH: public money IS my dime!

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Priceless. Does this person know where "public money" comes from?

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We need separation of school and state.

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It would not be unreasonable to posit that Twitter helped create many of the crazy people that now exist. In fact, social media created the need for a whole new lexicon, because this kind of crazy “seems sane” to an entire group of people. Yesteryear’s “crazy” folks were rightly seen and heard by everyone else as out of their minds insane, and that kind of crazy was usually accompanied by an inability to function as a normal member of society. From where I sit, this new “social media crazy” is much more dangerous. Sure, you can pass someone like this in the street, or even have a casual conversation with them, and never know they think this way, but they spend their time, energy, and resources trying to destroy everything decent and remove the actually sane people from society.

We need to return to the days where it was not just a right, but an obligation, to refuse to suffer fools.

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Exactly. Truly miserable people.

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Tulsa Teresa has no idea that's she's actually right: public money shouldn't be used to indoctrinate children in unaccountable systems that may result in no education.

This is a message that resonates with loads of parents and other taxpayers. She should let all the blue districts know that she's unhappy with how they're running things!

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You should see my school district’s marketing ploy trying to get their failed levy to pass on attempt #2. Signs, mail and texts galore! They put on info nights showing what a levy increase could buy for the students— after wasting how much on incessant woke indoctrination, I wonder?

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Our locals are funded based on head count. The state has a declining population of young people as a result of anti-business laws, so declining birth rate. That coupled with many making do with home schooling reduces the head count, and thus budget. Screams arrive.

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public money should not be paid to teachers talking sex and perversion, by any standard, to children whose parents are responsible for the development of the moral strength of the united states!

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Apr 16, 2022·edited Apr 16, 2022

Upside down cake: who funds who who Indoctrinates who and who fails to educate.who—can’t make it up.

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Like Wile E. Coyote falling off a cliff

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with the same look of surprise

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I look for obvious signs of head wounds, but then again long hair & wigs can cover those...

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The alternative to funding students is fu**ing up students.

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Or without the "up" depending on your predilection.

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