And I am terribly sorry but to be honest.....I'm more pissed off as hell for you and everyone who has believed the lie....but mostly for people like you who now have to suffer for things you didn't do. It's horrific. I am so sorry.
I’m so sorry for your loss 😢 There has been such a huge cost to this whole debacle. I lost my brother because of the lockdowns (negligence at a long term care facility where he was in rehab for a broken leg—he was only 53 😞) and suspect my mom’s rare cancer was caused by the jab 😞 It’s really sickening.
Tremendously sorry for your loss. All hugs to you.
The medical professionals that are injecting this poison, all needs to be locked up.
I have fallen out with three of my best friends since plus 30 years due to this hoax. And others too.
Still standing, still refusing to participate in genocide/democide. The indoctrinated lot are hard to have communication with. Eventually most of them will change side, the ones that lives, that is.
I'm so sorry, I can sympathize. Lost all my family and two once-close friends. I feel like I'm walking further every day into a new, strange, frightening but oddly empowering reality. It seems to me that we and those that are like us are all entering a crucible, where our dross will be melted away. We must go through the fire, it's our destiny at this time. The old, comfortable life has ended. Did people feel this way at the start of the World Wars, I wonder? Or, more likely, the War Between the States?
At this moment in time, my feeling is empowerment. At first it was sadness, after a while realisation that we will get through this with all new alliances that has been forming and are on the rise everywhere in the world. We are just led to believe that we are alone because of the fierce censorship.
Have met and are still meeting wonderful people that are showing that the path forward is the way we took at that crossroad that came in our sight.
The things these evil genocidal maniac people have planned will never succeed as they lack the human trait of being spiritual and have compassion. That is what they are trying to take away, hence the ‘social distancing’, masking, imprisonments (even though they call it lockdowns), all tools to dehumanise and enslave people.
People are a huge force in numbers and that is what is the strength together with all you people here that have come to understand and also have comprehended and can communicate what the ‘other’ side wants. We are seen as useless eaters, CO2-exhalers that has to be terminated in any way possible by them that think they are above all others. The ones that wants to rule the world. They do not belong to our humankind as they have given away their traits long ago or never had them in the first place.
Take a look at Yuval Noah Harari to see a eugenicist in full bloom.
He is only one of many that wants extinction into oblivion to give way for transhumanism.
Great post, I will take your words into my day, Angel. Harari is a pitiless monster; ironic that though Jewish, how he would have shown like a gem serving the Third Reich! I received an email from sister #3 last night. She and her husband are nurses (he is in Public Health, called out of retirement to help with covid). They are all about the vaccines. She was never political, but in the past few years she has become a committed (read that, rabid) woke far leftie - her true nature has always been Karen, so it fits. No communication in over a year and then she sends me a petition to impeach Clarence Thomas, with no personal words. I blocked her. I have sisters everywhere, from different mothers. I will find them.
This is 100% accurate, HOWEVER, this fringe minority has ruled the world for all time and still does. Look at China? Look all over. This fringe controls it. Illusion or not, this is not new it's been the same for all time. Just wait until the fringe minority sends down 10k attack drones on the protesting population, then what? Just wait until the fringe minority gets hammered by a bunch of people paid to arrest or end them, then what? When this 1% stops the supply chain or stops the internet from working, starts are world war, then what? He who has the gold makes the rules. Sorry, but that's how it goes and unless you're ready to end these people by killing them, they aren't going anywhere.
I have TWO sweet friends that lost their hubbies this past 6 months to sudden dx of cancer. One, lung cancer, the other, brain. Just sudden onset, never had symptoms or telling blood work. nope, just 3 months and they were gone.
I didn't say I was doing anything because I'm not. Where would you suggest one would talk about it of they didn't want people listening? A barn with no electronics in the middle of nowhere??? I think that's exactly the problem today. If anyone wanted to push back on the tryanny and they did anymore than think about it theyd be done before thry stepped out the house. I am worried about mine now and theyre fine. God forbid that changes. .
We're here for each other; some of us, myself included, have almost no one in our daily lives to whom we can vent. This thread feels like a safe place to let out our anguish, rage, worry and frustration to sympathetic ears, and offer support in turn. As for admitting to fantasies of violence, I'm sure what's published here is just the smallest drop in the ocean.
Veterans are too trusting and think that they have been shot up with so much while serving that another one wasn't going to do anything. My husband too is a vet and says similar things but got sick from the anthrax shot so I was able to keep him from this one. My friend's Vietnam vet dad, she wasn't so lucky sadly and now he has horrible health problems.
Oh right.... there was a huge assumption in my comment. Way too soon to jump on the "they're on the run" bandwagon of the last few days - after just the Dr Brix jaw-dropper.
Or doctors. I feel so betrayed by these people who were supposed to be advocates for children, and all they could do was keep their heads down and protect their own sorry hides at the children’s expense 😡
Frankly, back in fall '20, that Fauci, going on about how we had to protect all mucus membranes, and maybe we'd need eye protection, I feared how far he would go, as we females have another area of mucus membrane. He was going to put a cap on that?
The latest research is that the plexiglass actually directs potential viruses into the confined space created by the plexiglass. Much better to have freely circulating air. That, is actual science.
Yes. So agree. Also that masks concentrate and make particles hover in the air for longer. Thanks for the smile. Every day last year in every classroom, teachers and students masked up but windows CLOSED. I cannot tell you how many times I opened the windows 1st thing. Sigh.
As a parent to a hight school child, I can feel it in the voices and behavior of parents that there is a growing opposition and anger among them of what masks and shutting down schools did to our children. There will be a point when we are all out for blood.....I can't tell you how many stories I have heard of attempted suicides and suicides in my area. Personally, I can barely contain myself when I see young children wearing masks. I want to scream, "child abuse" at the parents. They are facilitating this charade or house of cards!
Yes. I pulled my son from his private school because I couldn’t get an exemption from the mandates last year, and I was done with that BS. Homeschooling now.
Thank you. It’s been tough and painful, because we really loved the school, and had given a lot to it over the years. But they wouldn’t risk refusing to follow the mandates and although they offered the possibility of an exemption, I couldn’t get our ex pediatrician to give one. So here we are. It is for the best but hasn’t been easy.
Yes, legitimate question. I wish it was a simple matter of my choice. I home-schooled him till grade 8, but at high school level he really wanted to go to regular school and be part of that scene, and I was happy to support his decision. It coincided with the first year of covid craziness, not as much was known about the horrific implications of mask wearing, and as much as it twisted my guts in a knot, I felt powerless to change the mask mandate at his school. I don’t know any other parents who agree with me on this issue, and it would have embarrassed the heck out of my son if I made a big deal, and he was the only kid not wearing one. I kept thinking they’re gonna drop the mandate soon, eventually they did, but I’m worried they might bring it back if there are a huge rise in cases (which is a huge potential with vaxxed folks immunity being suppressed)
He has flourished in regular school, he does not want to be a home-schooler again and miss out on the social scene and all the new friends he’s made. I don’t want to force him; it’s a tough call. It’s not the school’s choice alone either, it’s provincially mandated (or at least, by the school board) and even if I did go to the school they can’t change the rules. They would say “take your kid home if you don’t like the rules”.
I’m sure it’s no revelation, ALL the mandates have been f’d up, we’ve all put up with a lot, and none of us have single handedly had a simple choice to just not go along. I do my best to not, but there’s only so much I can do. I can’t fly to the US (not my choice) I can’t see my Mom in her LTC home (not my choice), and if they bring mask mandates back for shopping, I won’t be able to enter without a mask, so my other option there would be to not buy groceries.
Sorry for the long answer to a not so simple (but certainly legitimate) question.
Ask yourself if your child would be harmed more by wearing a mask (knowing how dumb it is) or being at home with you when he really doesn’t want to be?
I know we are all against the mandates but your son is the one who will suffer one or the other. Let him decide. I am sure he is mature enough. Make peace with it and move on. It is causing you more stress than you need. ❤️
"We failed to establish a relationship between school masking and pediatric cases using the same methods but a larger, more nationally diverse population over a longer interval."
Thank you! Not If, but When they try to reinstitute mask mandates, please drop these links often here( and there) so that those who didn't catch this side bar might use them!
* edited because: more typos than is even my usual 🙄
I have read so many studies and have so many links! But when I tried to get people to read them, they weren’t interested, for the most part. They just wanted to blindly follow the government bureaucrats’ rules. It makes me furious that so-called health officials mandated mask wearing with unapproved, untested masks (which are classified as medical devices and are not clothing, I am so sick of mask proponents likening the mandates to a dress code). No one had any studies proving they didn’t cause harm or that they worked to prevent infection. It was all based on hope and possibility. I think those people should all be held responsible for the damage they’ve done.
I feel ya. It really baffled me, how I worked with all these so-called critical thinkers (I was at a university) and they just unquestioningly, blindly, obediently surrendered their thinking and questions. I would get responses like, "Really, Michele, you think you are going to make more sense of science in *gasp!! a pandemic!* than the "experts"?" I got responses like "Really Michele, you expect the government to make sense? How cutely naive of you." Never any hard facts--they were none of them the DYOR crowd.
I agree they should be held responsible, but I bet the jabs will get them before any justice does.
Either that or, karmic payback, the ones I know, all professors, will have zero kids to teach, because all the oxygen deprivation will have put those kids on the 'non-college' track.
Here is the video that I think they should all watch, but again--will they see?
The monsters responsible for this mass child abuse must be held to account. They must be removed from office; jailed for a few years; and banned for life from ever holding any position of even moderate authority, public or private.
This is why the second time around is potentially an existential threat.
They'll do it again; because they're afraid of losing something.
This is a disease of FEAR itself AND the fear of losing something. In other words, using scarcity itself to control behavior. Whether that be the scarcity of health or the scarcity of comfort, etc.
Especially the scarcity of TIME & SPACE in society.
From what I've seen, the vast majority are not willing to pay a price because they are gripped by their fear of one shape or another.
I don't know about other fathers, but I certainly made great efforts to protect my young teen daughter from the mass-hysteria. We simply did not participate. First, I explained early on that covid was no threat to her and she should just ignore it and enjoy her life. We do not have cable TV, and we do not watch mass media news programs. I did not expose her to that psychological terror campaign. We continued to have holiday gatherings as usual. We went out when and where we wanted to. We ignored all covid "mandates". She continued to meet socially and spend time with her friends whose families were also not participating in the mass-hysteria (of which there were a few). Sometimes when we went out together I would mock people wearing masks and visors. Of course, jabs were always out of the question. After a while she began to grasp how ridiculous it all was. And because after two years she sees that everything I said turned-out to be true, I have managed to establish a certain amount of credibility with my teenage child. That is no easy thing to do. Hey maybe dad's not so dumb after all ..
Good for you Corey! The most important thing that everyone can do is turn off local/ national news and social media. FYI, I worked in local news for 15 years, and when I left, I stopped watching, which is one of the best things I've ever done!
I have two adult stepsons; they both independently rejected ALL of the COVID hype, and we were able to have holidays with them as usual. We have also been welcomed by our vaxxed relatives through all of this, although some are confused as to why we won't go along with the program.
It's just all so stupid, and people are STILL caught up in it.
I know a young married couple in their mid-20s. Neither are vaxxed. They have a four year old son. The husband doesn't believe in masks, yet the wife uses a mask intermittently on her and on their son when he's not around. Anecdotally, the son has a learning disorder and is in speech therapy.
Also... most women are susceptible to peer pressure, aka "shaming." So they mask up and mask up their children because if they don't, other people will think badly of them.
Good points. A lot of people don’t want to make waves and consider themselves rule followers. I am one of them. I hate getting in trouble. So I get this. But some things are too important to just go along to get along and some rules should not be obeyed. (Funny that some of the same people who praise Rosa Parks for not following the rules are the people telling us to just shut up and do what we’re told 🙄 Bunch of fakes).
Last spring I had finally learned enough and had had enough of all the stupidity and pushed back. I went places with signs to wear a mask and refused to wear one. Was asked to leave in a few places. Each time I felt very stressed about it but did it anyway. I wish more people realized how not pushing back now or before is dragging this whole thing out and hurting our children and ourselves more than anything else. But a lot of people want to be seen as “nice” and don’t have the necessary moral courage, seemingly 😕
I got fed up as well, and did the same thing you did. There were a few places that offered me a mask or asked me to wear one; I simply left. I simply don't want to patronize businesses like that.
BTW.... I think everyone should get ready for Mask Resistance, Round II. The health director in the adjoining county has now "recommended" masking up again, and my guess is that sometime in the near future, they will become mandatory again.
Hah!! They really are in a quandary with that one, aren't they?? Remember all the tut tutting that when on, regarding "bad" covid behavior? How all the Karens lectured us day and night? How are they going to do that with (gasp) GAY MEN, and still be woke?? They can't say anything, what are they going to say, "Okay boys, no jiggy jiggy for two weeks, to stop the spread! Close the gay bars, close the discos, close the bath houses. Close the YMCA!!" I don't see it happening, do you?
Here's something to think about: does the medical industrial complex/ Big Pharma WANT gay men to stop having rampant indiscriminate sex?
I think that answer is a BIG no.
As long as men keep getting weird sexually transmitted diseases, Big Pharma/ big medical makes Big $$$$$$$$$.
You know, just like they keep making big $$$$ off leaky vaxxes that are killing people. It's in their best interest to keep pumping out the vaxx, so they can make $$$ on vaxx injury treatments.
Oh yes. My oh-so-pro-mask county here in Mask Central - California - just reinstated the "recommended" rule. It won't be long now. The cashiers in our grocery store have never stopped wearing them, not for two years. I daresay the P.O. and certainly the Library will gleefully demand masks again. Just in time for the mid terms, and mail-in ballots.
This idea that your mask protects me and mine protects you is bogus on the face simply because if masks work then everyone wearing one would be protected without regard to anyone else's mask. The purpose of requiring masks is simply for social control. Does anyone remember that in the early days Fauci claimed that washing your hands 15 times per day would stop Covid? He did not recommend wearing masks. Problem here was how would anyone else know you washed your hands. So, masks were required simply to show fealty - you became a supporter of the narritive. If you wear a mask going forward you are simply a player in this 30 month fraud. Stop being complicit.
and for those who maybe believed that masks actually worked remember Timothy the Mouse giving Dumbo the magic feather? That's how masks worked- made you believe manifest idiocy.
It was just an observation, that's all. I do think women of all types are more apt to comply. It's not saying that men are non-compliant; in the past, I know men who have worn masks more than I have. It was just an observation on human behavior, that's all.
I disagree. Some of the most vocal fighters were mothers. I would walk around airports without a mask...and well...everywhere else and I saw very few people who didn't comply.
The ones who didn't were usually women. But, that's just my experience. I was watching real close. Hard not to when your usually the only one not wearing a mask.
I'm actually GLAD that you saw women not complying. I saw the opposite, and am still seeing the opposite, now that masks are making a comeback in my area. From my casual observation, the most likely NOT to comply in my area are men over 60 and men who are minorities.
Yeah, lotta single moms. Partly why I think the moms are much greater influences. I see that with the "trans kids", where a six year old is supposed to understand that they're born into the wrong body. It's not the dad that's pushing it, or rarely. Leftie Mom is gung-ho for it, so she can get those all-important atta-girls on social media - "Declan is now called Mallory. I have a beautiful daughter, and I'm just so proud!!
Bingo. And in general, men are more logic driven and women more emotion driven, there's nothing wrong with it but it's just the way we are. It makes perfect sense when one looks at the annals of human history when men were historically the protectors and women were the nurturers.
It does not mean that every man is more logical than every woman, but *in general* that's the case, there are always exceptions. There's a reason the top one hundred chess players in the world are all men and it isn't discrimination.
That's not an argument for inequality, but a recognition that men and women are different. We have different strengths and weaknesses.
Instead of acknowledging this simple reality, we will watch society go down the tubes and pretend men and women are interchangeable and people can switch between them at will. It's a delusion on a grand scale that won't end well.
I think that is a fair generalization. I tend to be more logic-driven, personally, and get exasperated with overly emotion-driven policies and opinions. I am far from being a robot though, and sometimes can react too emotionally when I don’t have time to reflect and analyze. But I am not impulsive so I wait until I can reason things through before I make decisions. One of my clients once told me (and he was not one to give compliments easily) that I was one of the most logical women he’d ever met. This was when I was in my mid-twenties and I took it as a huge compliment.
Yes, and this has become their rallying cry, hasn't it. "I'm looking into my heart and I'm feeeeeeling that she'd be the best person to vote for." Sorry twaddle. Makes me think of that great quote, falsely attributed to Winston Churchill - "If you're not a liberal at 25 you have no heart. If you're not a conservative by the time you are 35, you have no brain."
I think some didn’t really know how harmful they really were. There was not a lot of data or information readily available to laypeople. I know I had to do a lot of digging to find anything. And people assumed it would be temporary. People were struggling to keep their livelihoods and may not have had the time or energy to research or to fight. And so many trusted “experts” (doctors come to mind) were happy to support the narrative unquestioningly, based on zero knowledge or expertise, just their beliefs and what they were told by the CDC. They were eager to pretend they knew all about masking just because they work in the medical field, even though that is not their area of expertise. So I can give a lot of people a pass on not fighting all this at first. But by now, if you don’t know and are not fighting against it, there is no excuse. The information is out there. The effects are clear to see. The people who are still pushing for masks now with everything that is known and has been exposed in the last two years are evil imo.
Well common sense would tell you that covering the faces of children would be detrimental to their development. Yet, in many cases, they did it for years.
This is no excuse. And if it's allowed to be an excuse, it will happen again.
Maybe fathers should think about that. Maybe think of their children first?
This is the #1 reason for the heavy handed censorship of anything COVID-related, along with shrieks of "Disinformation!". They know that if the proles were to understand the truth (as opposed to 'The Science') they would cease to comply and eventually revolt. Their bullshit cannot withstand even cursory scrutiny.
And to condition a new generation from kittengarden forward to follow the orders of The State without question. Never mind the psychological and physiological damage to children this whole theater of the absurd has wrought, I fear we're going to start seeing a whole new level of docility amongst the young.
The revelation of that study to find out how to best counter “vaccine hesitancy” that found out shaming people and making them feel stupid worked they best, made me just furious. I despise manipulators and condescending attitudes.
Yes common sense would. But like many, I naively assumed it was just a temporary measure for a week or two. Then our POS RINO governor kept extending the mandates and extending them and extending them. I got more and more angry. I am usually skeptical but I think I just wanted it to be over with so much, I kept hoping. Then finally realized it was going to go on forever if we didn’t start pushing back. And I have been one of the few people in my circle who has been skeptical and questioning almost since the beginning. So many other others just believed everything the “experts” told them, without questioning. And continue to do so 😕 Or at least go through the motions.
I... respectfully disagree in terms of "the information is out there."
A huge amount of the world gets their information form the MSM/ Facebook. Is the information covered there? I'm guessing... no. But maybe I'm wrong. I don't use either of these for news.
Also... there are a lot of intelligent people out there who simply believe what they're told. They feel that if Dr. Fauci tells them to do something, it's in their best interest to do so. Because they have not heard any other information, and if it's not from the MSM/ Facebook they simply discount it. "Misinformation." The government said do.
There is only one narrative to a democrat when a democrat is in office: the democrat narrative. They will follow it, even if it kills them.
I've seen this over and over. Their common sense, good judgement and autonomy just melt away. They will go all out to push that wrong piece into the puzzle, just because it's their party telling them to do it.
Was this a response to my post? I said the information was not easy to find and many didn’t know it in the beginning. So I agree with you about that. However, after all this time, the information IS more readily available, for people who care to look and ask questions. It’s just that some people, as you said, prefer to be spoon fed their information and not have to think for themselves, or take the responsibility of making decisions.
The information is absolutely out there, people just have to make the effort to find it, read it, and digest it. Anyone can pull up a study and read it in the comfort of their own home at any time. Forty years ago it would have required a trip to a big city university library. And even back then you would have needed to know what you were looking for, there were no computerized search engines.
It amazes me in this age of information at one's fingertips how many people still expect others to do their thinking for them.
Yes I agree, it is out there and easier to access than ever, but it still takes time and effort (and I am good at research because it’s part of my job and my training). Also a lot of the information was being suppressed or made difficult to find. But you are right, some people do not want to have to think for themselves or make decisions and prefer others to do it for them 😕
Outta the ballpark Ryan! I see it all the time at the school a few blocks away. I have to bite my tongue to keep my mouth shut! ALL PARENTS should be ashamed of themselves at this point in time. It’s been over two years! We now know the damage to children (that cannot speak for themselves). ENOUGH!
Our good friend and former coworker just moved to FL. I’m in very libtard area of Commifornia, unfortunately. I feel so sorry for these children! I look at their eyes…so sad. “Eyes are the windows to the soul”, as they say.
We’ll get out eventually. Bad timing right now. All our friends have left (for their children)…TX, WY, FL, ID. Don’t worry, they eat red pills for breakfast, lunch and dinner! Lol!
One father got so angry! He said, “Oh you’re one of those!” He didn’t have a mask on, but his kids did. I told him to let his children have fresh, salt air and breath! (at ocean, no one around). A grandmother was walking her kids home from school. She was nicer. I told her how much damage the masks do to children. She said, “What are we suppose to do?!” And she’s the “adult”. You’re suppose to take charge as an adult. I’ve had a few other run-ins as well. Sometimes doing what should be done doesn’t always feel warm and fuzzy. Tough…
OMG. HORRIBLE. I heard a mom tell her toddler in the shopping cart to keep the mask on so he wouldn’t hurt anyone. I walked by and caught his eye and told him to take it off. Mom was wearing one under her nose BTW.
If the parents turn on the school boards, the faculty will turn on the boards too. Seen that happen more than once in my years as teacher. And then the board runs to the politicians, and then the politicians turn to get out in front.
Stoke that anger! They will only subject your children to this if they think you aren't going to fight - look at them as schoolyard bullies. They always go for perceived weakness.
This makes me first sad for these poor kids being taken advantage of and then roll my eyes at every comment from all those critics so worried about my homeschool children’s socialization ability. Yep, I think we’re okay.
I can't even joke about this, it's so tragic. Children's early experiences with school set the tone for all the years that follow. The magnitude of this disaster can not be overstated. I may sound like a broken record blaming the teacher's unions but that's okay because it really is their fault. We must not allow them to turn this catastrophic failure of compassion, reason, and human decency into a victory. No additional funding, stop wasting tax dollars on useless masks, rubber gloves, and excessive quantities of hand sanitizer.
To paraphrase my mother-in-law who worked as a teacher for 40+ years:
"The ones that can't actually teach (she meant teachers who knows the subject but can't teach, my note) they always re-route to the Teacher's training college, the AV Central Storage department, school libraries or the unions." (There used to be two teacher's unions, one for compulsory school teachers and one for those of us who taught in voluntary secondary school.)
There is I think a universal truth to her opinion.
I've seen myself, both as student at all levels, at university and in all levels of school - knowing the subject, actually being able to teach, and being able to combine and sort out your professional and personal codes of ethics are compeltely unrelated matters.
For ten years now I've advised anyone I know who has children to homeschool in addition to the communal compulsory school system, and to form home-schooling groups. In Sweden, all homeschooling is illegal, even if just as a complement to compulsory school. Because of equity, they say.
I wouldn't assume that she has complete control over the matter either. The masks, and the plexiglass shields, are probably mandated by the administration of the school she works for.
Whom do you think sets policy in the administration? It's certainly not the parents or the taxpayers.
When administrations began trying to reopen the classrooms the unions practically revolted at the thought of actually going back to work. I'm not aware of a single public school teacher anywhere who attempted to oppose the union's demands or the various pandemic theatrics.
You may be right, and I can see that. I've generally assumed that the policies were being set by administrators who may be guided by dark money flows, and by the political hacks who lead the teachers unions. I'm not familiar with any grade school teachers at the moment, so I can't estimate the general teacher temperament on this.
Still, they're low-payed and easily purged, and dependent on the tolerance of either their administrators or their unions. I'm suspending judgement until I hear the private views of the teacher herself.
It's always risky making sweeping generalizations (as I am doing), but I know that here in Kalifornia teachers are very well compensated and the unions have made it so that, short of walking into the classroom with an AK and blowing away your students, it is impossible to be terminated.
"25 percent of [California's] 6 million students are unable to perform basic reading skills"
The largest school system, Los Angeles Unified, has the highest paid teachers in the nation I believe. In return they are giving us some of the worst academic outcomes in the nation. The only way they were able to juice their graduation numbers was to lower the bar. Quite literally "D" is the new "C".
If the teachers really did care about educating their students and preparing them for life in the real world (at least academically) they should be raising holy hell over the status quo. Instead, barely a yawn.
Made me look it up, found page called salary(.)com, parenthesis added to avoid linking. (Linking is to be taxed here in the EUSSR, at a future date to be determined, and then taxed retroactively - they don't like us sharing information you see.)
Anyway, it gives the salary range as:
"How much does a Teacher make in Los Angeles, CA? The average Teacher salary in Los Angeles, CA is $63,210 as of , but the salary range typically falls between $52,865 and $77,053."
Full time employed worker for Burger King earns (according to The Internet) $25 000 annually, on average. The national average salary is given as $66 000.
If these numbers are correct, the teachers may well be overpaid judging by result and other such stuff, but not when compared to years spent studying, student debt, and other professions requiring the same time in higher education.
And let me tell you as a retired teacher, the only way to get fair grades is via anonymous exams and external grading.
Reading tip if you're interested in delving deeper into the issues of western school systems (recommending reading is a teacher's reflex): "Seven Myths About Education", by Daisy Christodoulou.
The handful of idiot women, oops, I'm sorry, idiot womxn who march around in the outside air at the Farmer's Market in my town, masked and double masked with their BLM signs, are all teachers. Every one of them.
I remember when Cuomo first talked about the “stay at home” stuff, I swear there were teachers on the news that said, “no, our students need us - especially the low income/underprivileged/homeless.”Then not too long after that, teachers were all scared and writing wills!
Hah! Actually, I'm in relatively-sane flyover country. Nobody's ever seemed shocked here. I think the clerks accept it as the natural thing for the customer to do with the plexiglass in the way.
Me too. And it is true. I think it is ironic that they kept saying how speaking loudly and yelling made the virus supposedly more likely to spread, but wearing a mask makes sound muffled so people have to speak more loudly 🙄🙄🙄
Oh Possum, I do that too - all day long! I couple the question with the blankest of stares radiating contempt, which I only wish they had the ability to perceive.
Happy to say, my library has been pretty much ghosted by the town since they showed what covid nazis they really are. Sad to say, other than concern about their funding, they're thrilled that people aren't entering their Temple of Purity. All that shit at the door - it's like going into a hospital.
I mean, ya gotta deflect those straight-line traveling bulletlike viruses which don't go through cloth masks and certainly don't diffuse into the air of a room like other aerosols...
The education field is so hypnotized... I know because I work in it .... teachers/admin are the most looks like the lower in the hierarchy, the less the psychosis..... I was always the one telling the kids to lower/take masks off....
Yes....and the unions don't help either...... they pushed/advocated for masks, kids masks, face shields, glass/plastic partitions, and to be first for vaccinations, you know.....$cience....
Yup!!!!! SO much corruption...... Here, in Canada, some of us are suing our unions for not representing us....our lawyer is amazing..... if you are interested, here he is.... lots of great info explaining your's worth a listen....I will post both short/long interview ...
This is hideous. Future generations will mock us.
Please join me in mocking us NOW.
Came here to say this!
Us is nuts!
On mocking Coronamania:
The challenge is knowing where to start...there is so much to mock!
I've got the official 3-ring binder from the tabletop game - don't see a tab for Future Generations.
It's a subtype under "zombie."
I think there was one under "gelatinous cube" in a world supplement as well.
Rikard, you do NOT play D&D. Shut up. :)
We should be so lucky as to have any.
And I am terribly sorry but to be honest.....I'm more pissed off as hell for you and everyone who has believed the lie....but mostly for people like you who now have to suffer for things you didn't do. It's horrific. I am so sorry.
I’m so sorry for your loss 😢 There has been such a huge cost to this whole debacle. I lost my brother because of the lockdowns (negligence at a long term care facility where he was in rehab for a broken leg—he was only 53 😞) and suspect my mom’s rare cancer was caused by the jab 😞 It’s really sickening.
Tremendously sorry for your loss. All hugs to you.
The medical professionals that are injecting this poison, all needs to be locked up.
I have fallen out with three of my best friends since plus 30 years due to this hoax. And others too.
Still standing, still refusing to participate in genocide/democide. The indoctrinated lot are hard to have communication with. Eventually most of them will change side, the ones that lives, that is.
I'm so sorry, I can sympathize. Lost all my family and two once-close friends. I feel like I'm walking further every day into a new, strange, frightening but oddly empowering reality. It seems to me that we and those that are like us are all entering a crucible, where our dross will be melted away. We must go through the fire, it's our destiny at this time. The old, comfortable life has ended. Did people feel this way at the start of the World Wars, I wonder? Or, more likely, the War Between the States?
At this moment in time, my feeling is empowerment. At first it was sadness, after a while realisation that we will get through this with all new alliances that has been forming and are on the rise everywhere in the world. We are just led to believe that we are alone because of the fierce censorship.
Have met and are still meeting wonderful people that are showing that the path forward is the way we took at that crossroad that came in our sight.
The things these evil genocidal maniac people have planned will never succeed as they lack the human trait of being spiritual and have compassion. That is what they are trying to take away, hence the ‘social distancing’, masking, imprisonments (even though they call it lockdowns), all tools to dehumanise and enslave people.
People are a huge force in numbers and that is what is the strength together with all you people here that have come to understand and also have comprehended and can communicate what the ‘other’ side wants. We are seen as useless eaters, CO2-exhalers that has to be terminated in any way possible by them that think they are above all others. The ones that wants to rule the world. They do not belong to our humankind as they have given away their traits long ago or never had them in the first place.
Take a look at Yuval Noah Harari to see a eugenicist in full bloom.
He is only one of many that wants extinction into oblivion to give way for transhumanism.
Great post, I will take your words into my day, Angel. Harari is a pitiless monster; ironic that though Jewish, how he would have shown like a gem serving the Third Reich! I received an email from sister #3 last night. She and her husband are nurses (he is in Public Health, called out of retirement to help with covid). They are all about the vaccines. She was never political, but in the past few years she has become a committed (read that, rabid) woke far leftie - her true nature has always been Karen, so it fits. No communication in over a year and then she sends me a petition to impeach Clarence Thomas, with no personal words. I blocked her. I have sisters everywhere, from different mothers. I will find them.
Many friendships have ended.
Me too. Not speaking to several friends/family. I’m the one who severed ties. I simply can not be around Covid zealots
Me neither, Jane. It feels so toxic. And I can't understand the stupid submission to such questionable authority.
They wants 'itten on 'ead wi' 'eavy 'ammer!
Thank God for people like you. Without you the human race would become 2 legged sheep's entirely.
This is 100% accurate, HOWEVER, this fringe minority has ruled the world for all time and still does. Look at China? Look all over. This fringe controls it. Illusion or not, this is not new it's been the same for all time. Just wait until the fringe minority sends down 10k attack drones on the protesting population, then what? Just wait until the fringe minority gets hammered by a bunch of people paid to arrest or end them, then what? When this 1% stops the supply chain or stops the internet from working, starts are world war, then what? He who has the gold makes the rules. Sorry, but that's how it goes and unless you're ready to end these people by killing them, they aren't going anywhere.
"The indoctrinated lot are hard to have communication with."
So true!!!!
I am so very sorry for your loss.
I have TWO sweet friends that lost their hubbies this past 6 months to sudden dx of cancer. One, lung cancer, the other, brain. Just sudden onset, never had symptoms or telling blood work. nope, just 3 months and they were gone.
My heart breaks for you.
Dear God. I always wonder why not one of you becomes a vigilante. If I lost one of mine I'd be off the rails and someone
Best, perhaps, not to discuss such things in plain view.
I didn't say I was doing anything because I'm not. Where would you suggest one would talk about it of they didn't want people listening? A barn with no electronics in the middle of nowhere??? I think that's exactly the problem today. If anyone wanted to push back on the tryanny and they did anymore than think about it theyd be done before thry stepped out the house. I am worried about mine now and theyre fine. God forbid that changes. .
Trust me, I feel your concern, and your deep dissatisfaction.
We're here for each other; some of us, myself included, have almost no one in our daily lives to whom we can vent. This thread feels like a safe place to let out our anguish, rage, worry and frustration to sympathetic ears, and offer support in turn. As for admitting to fantasies of violence, I'm sure what's published here is just the smallest drop in the ocean.
Veterans are too trusting and think that they have been shot up with so much while serving that another one wasn't going to do anything. My husband too is a vet and says similar things but got sick from the anthrax shot so I was able to keep him from this one. My friend's Vietnam vet dad, she wasn't so lucky sadly and now he has horrible health problems.
Again, I am so sorry for your loss.
So sorry to hear that. I worry about all my family and friends that have been injected.
Spend time with your injected family and friends if you are still on speaking terms.
One never knows what will happen. Unfortunately I see a lot of devastation due to these experimental injections in my work, and I see it every day.
Stay sound and hopeful and live, laugh, love all what you can.
I'm so sorry you lost your husband. God bless you! 🙏
I am so saddened to hear this.
Oh my dear, that is tragic. I am so very sorry.
I'm so sorry you've gone through such a loss.
I am pretty sure my email goes straight into their junk folder.
Just like shitty fakebook and shittygram that cancelled my sewing instagram because ??? I said a mean thing.
right into the junk folder
I'm so sorry.
Future generation (such as there are) will revile us!
They won’t know what the term “revile” means.
Public schools are North Korean prison camps.
I mock them now.
I'm ahead of the curve...
😂 Same
Future generations are precisely what this grand deception was designed to eliminate.
Or curse us. 😟
I think future generations will HATE us. I kid you not, this plexiglass has been in use up until Spring 2022 in some classrooms. Seen it myself.
can only hope they do
If we're not lucky, future generations will kill us.
What "future generations"?
If we have future generations. Not to mention, they control the details of history now.
By the way this has been going, past generations will rise from the grave to mock us.
I'm already ashamed on that score.
If there are any future generations.
Not if the covid cult controls the future.
Oh right.... there was a huge assumption in my comment. Way too soon to jump on the "they're on the run" bandwagon of the last few days - after just the Dr Brix jaw-dropper.
🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️because of course “the science” dictates that there is no air flow around or underneath the plexiglass.
Anyone who believes this is "duh SCIENCE!!1!" is a dimwit. They have no business working as teachers.
Or doctors. I feel so betrayed by these people who were supposed to be advocates for children, and all they could do was keep their heads down and protect their own sorry hides at the children’s expense 😡
makes me sick.
Yes, we've been betrayed by many who we used to trust. It's very distressing.
Or the mask.
There you are...I was looking for your comment! Made me smile! And I wanted to add "there is no airflow over or under a mask, either"...
There's Definitively no airflow into the mucus membranes of the eyes.
Frankly, back in fall '20, that Fauci, going on about how we had to protect all mucus membranes, and maybe we'd need eye protection, I feared how far he would go, as we females have another area of mucus membrane. He was going to put a cap on that?
Omg...those menstrual cups they now have give me the creeps enough 😵💫
Daughter uses.
*shudder* I'm a woman of stout constitution....hard pass.
The latest research is that the plexiglass actually directs potential viruses into the confined space created by the plexiglass. Much better to have freely circulating air. That, is actual science.
Yes. So agree. Also that masks concentrate and make particles hover in the air for longer. Thanks for the smile. Every day last year in every classroom, teachers and students masked up but windows CLOSED. I cannot tell you how many times I opened the windows 1st thing. Sigh.
As a parent to a hight school child, I can feel it in the voices and behavior of parents that there is a growing opposition and anger among them of what masks and shutting down schools did to our children. There will be a point when we are all out for blood.....I can't tell you how many stories I have heard of attempted suicides and suicides in my area. Personally, I can barely contain myself when I see young children wearing masks. I want to scream, "child abuse" at the parents. They are facilitating this charade or house of cards!
100% agree! I don’t want to subject my 15 year old to another year of masks at school! 😷
Well don't. That's your choice right?
That's a legitimate question, right?
Yes. I pulled my son from his private school because I couldn’t get an exemption from the mandates last year, and I was done with that BS. Homeschooling now.
Hurrah for you, RunningLogic!!!
Thank you. It’s been tough and painful, because we really loved the school, and had given a lot to it over the years. But they wouldn’t risk refusing to follow the mandates and although they offered the possibility of an exemption, I couldn’t get our ex pediatrician to give one. So here we are. It is for the best but hasn’t been easy.
Yes, legitimate question. I wish it was a simple matter of my choice. I home-schooled him till grade 8, but at high school level he really wanted to go to regular school and be part of that scene, and I was happy to support his decision. It coincided with the first year of covid craziness, not as much was known about the horrific implications of mask wearing, and as much as it twisted my guts in a knot, I felt powerless to change the mask mandate at his school. I don’t know any other parents who agree with me on this issue, and it would have embarrassed the heck out of my son if I made a big deal, and he was the only kid not wearing one. I kept thinking they’re gonna drop the mandate soon, eventually they did, but I’m worried they might bring it back if there are a huge rise in cases (which is a huge potential with vaxxed folks immunity being suppressed)
He has flourished in regular school, he does not want to be a home-schooler again and miss out on the social scene and all the new friends he’s made. I don’t want to force him; it’s a tough call. It’s not the school’s choice alone either, it’s provincially mandated (or at least, by the school board) and even if I did go to the school they can’t change the rules. They would say “take your kid home if you don’t like the rules”.
I’m sure it’s no revelation, ALL the mandates have been f’d up, we’ve all put up with a lot, and none of us have single handedly had a simple choice to just not go along. I do my best to not, but there’s only so much I can do. I can’t fly to the US (not my choice) I can’t see my Mom in her LTC home (not my choice), and if they bring mask mandates back for shopping, I won’t be able to enter without a mask, so my other option there would be to not buy groceries.
Sorry for the long answer to a not so simple (but certainly legitimate) question.
Ask yourself if your child would be harmed more by wearing a mask (knowing how dumb it is) or being at home with you when he really doesn’t want to be?
I know we are all against the mandates but your son is the one who will suffer one or the other. Let him decide. I am sure he is mature enough. Make peace with it and move on. It is causing you more stress than you need. ❤️
The are not just ineffective and a hassle and a mark of enslavement: THEY ARE HARMFUL. Do not comply, do not allow your kid to comply.
Thank you for the link Michelle
Oh, I've got links!
Here is an updated study on ineffectiveness.
"We failed to establish a relationship between school masking and pediatric cases using the same methods but a larger, more nationally diverse population over a longer interval."
And one on harm:
Thank you! Not If, but When they try to reinstitute mask mandates, please drop these links often here( and there) so that those who didn't catch this side bar might use them!
* edited because: more typos than is even my usual 🙄
LOL I was trying to figure out if Not Id was some new acronym I wasn't hip to!
Cheers and yes, I will.
I have read so many studies and have so many links! But when I tried to get people to read them, they weren’t interested, for the most part. They just wanted to blindly follow the government bureaucrats’ rules. It makes me furious that so-called health officials mandated mask wearing with unapproved, untested masks (which are classified as medical devices and are not clothing, I am so sick of mask proponents likening the mandates to a dress code). No one had any studies proving they didn’t cause harm or that they worked to prevent infection. It was all based on hope and possibility. I think those people should all be held responsible for the damage they’ve done.
I feel ya. It really baffled me, how I worked with all these so-called critical thinkers (I was at a university) and they just unquestioningly, blindly, obediently surrendered their thinking and questions. I would get responses like, "Really, Michele, you think you are going to make more sense of science in *gasp!! a pandemic!* than the "experts"?" I got responses like "Really Michele, you expect the government to make sense? How cutely naive of you." Never any hard facts--they were none of them the DYOR crowd.
I agree they should be held responsible, but I bet the jabs will get them before any justice does.
Either that or, karmic payback, the ones I know, all professors, will have zero kids to teach, because all the oxygen deprivation will have put those kids on the 'non-college' track.
Here is the video that I think they should all watch, but again--will they see?
The kid knows what is wrong and what is right.
The monsters responsible for this mass child abuse must be held to account. They must be removed from office; jailed for a few years; and banned for life from ever holding any position of even moderate authority, public or private.
Why didn't the Father's man up?
Isn't their first duty to protect their kids?
They did nothing.
This is why the second time around is potentially an existential threat.
They'll do it again; because they're afraid of losing something.
This is a disease of FEAR itself AND the fear of losing something. In other words, using scarcity itself to control behavior. Whether that be the scarcity of health or the scarcity of comfort, etc.
Especially the scarcity of TIME & SPACE in society.
From what I've seen, the vast majority are not willing to pay a price because they are gripped by their fear of one shape or another.
I don't know about other fathers, but I certainly made great efforts to protect my young teen daughter from the mass-hysteria. We simply did not participate. First, I explained early on that covid was no threat to her and she should just ignore it and enjoy her life. We do not have cable TV, and we do not watch mass media news programs. I did not expose her to that psychological terror campaign. We continued to have holiday gatherings as usual. We went out when and where we wanted to. We ignored all covid "mandates". She continued to meet socially and spend time with her friends whose families were also not participating in the mass-hysteria (of which there were a few). Sometimes when we went out together I would mock people wearing masks and visors. Of course, jabs were always out of the question. After a while she began to grasp how ridiculous it all was. And because after two years she sees that everything I said turned-out to be true, I have managed to establish a certain amount of credibility with my teenage child. That is no easy thing to do. Hey maybe dad's not so dumb after all ..
Good for you Corey! The most important thing that everyone can do is turn off local/ national news and social media. FYI, I worked in local news for 15 years, and when I left, I stopped watching, which is one of the best things I've ever done!
I have two adult stepsons; they both independently rejected ALL of the COVID hype, and we were able to have holidays with them as usual. We have also been welcomed by our vaxxed relatives through all of this, although some are confused as to why we won't go along with the program.
It's just all so stupid, and people are STILL caught up in it.
You are an exceptional Father. I wish there were more. You and I are of like mind.
Well done Corey. I looked at it as an opportunity to not only protect my children, but to teach them a lesson.
You have done the right thing, when so many didn't.
I think a lot of it has to do with the wife.
I know a young married couple in their mid-20s. Neither are vaxxed. They have a four year old son. The husband doesn't believe in masks, yet the wife uses a mask intermittently on her and on their son when he's not around. Anecdotally, the son has a learning disorder and is in speech therapy.
Also... most women are susceptible to peer pressure, aka "shaming." So they mask up and mask up their children because if they don't, other people will think badly of them.
Finally, a lot of families don't have fathers.
Good points. A lot of people don’t want to make waves and consider themselves rule followers. I am one of them. I hate getting in trouble. So I get this. But some things are too important to just go along to get along and some rules should not be obeyed. (Funny that some of the same people who praise Rosa Parks for not following the rules are the people telling us to just shut up and do what we’re told 🙄 Bunch of fakes).
Last spring I had finally learned enough and had had enough of all the stupidity and pushed back. I went places with signs to wear a mask and refused to wear one. Was asked to leave in a few places. Each time I felt very stressed about it but did it anyway. I wish more people realized how not pushing back now or before is dragging this whole thing out and hurting our children and ourselves more than anything else. But a lot of people want to be seen as “nice” and don’t have the necessary moral courage, seemingly 😕
I got fed up as well, and did the same thing you did. There were a few places that offered me a mask or asked me to wear one; I simply left. I simply don't want to patronize businesses like that.
BTW.... I think everyone should get ready for Mask Resistance, Round II. The health director in the adjoining county has now "recommended" masking up again, and my guess is that sometime in the near future, they will become mandatory again.
Now that monkeypox has been declared a global pandemic, will we all have to wear condoms too?
Hah!! They really are in a quandary with that one, aren't they?? Remember all the tut tutting that when on, regarding "bad" covid behavior? How all the Karens lectured us day and night? How are they going to do that with (gasp) GAY MEN, and still be woke?? They can't say anything, what are they going to say, "Okay boys, no jiggy jiggy for two weeks, to stop the spread! Close the gay bars, close the discos, close the bath houses. Close the YMCA!!" I don't see it happening, do you?
How will they check compliance though 🤔 Wait, forget I asked!
Here's something to think about: does the medical industrial complex/ Big Pharma WANT gay men to stop having rampant indiscriminate sex?
I think that answer is a BIG no.
As long as men keep getting weird sexually transmitted diseases, Big Pharma/ big medical makes Big $$$$$$$$$.
You know, just like they keep making big $$$$ off leaky vaxxes that are killing people. It's in their best interest to keep pumping out the vaxx, so they can make $$$ on vaxx injury treatments.
Oh yes. My oh-so-pro-mask county here in Mask Central - California - just reinstated the "recommended" rule. It won't be long now. The cashiers in our grocery store have never stopped wearing them, not for two years. I daresay the P.O. and certainly the Library will gleefully demand masks again. Just in time for the mid terms, and mail-in ballots.
FYI, I'm outside of Columbus Ohio; Franklin county has brought back the recommendation. A supposedly "red" state.
Thankfully my county is more non-compliant.
Ugh 😖
I agree and I am ready. Not doing this BS anymore!!
This idea that your mask protects me and mine protects you is bogus on the face simply because if masks work then everyone wearing one would be protected without regard to anyone else's mask. The purpose of requiring masks is simply for social control. Does anyone remember that in the early days Fauci claimed that washing your hands 15 times per day would stop Covid? He did not recommend wearing masks. Problem here was how would anyone else know you washed your hands. So, masks were required simply to show fealty - you became a supporter of the narritive. If you wear a mask going forward you are simply a player in this 30 month fraud. Stop being complicit.
and for those who maybe believed that masks actually worked remember Timothy the Mouse giving Dumbo the magic feather? That's how masks worked- made you believe manifest idiocy.
I always say it’s the equivalent of a lucky rabbit’s foot.
Yup exactly. The pee meme that supposedly explained how masks work was one of the most idiotic justifications I’ve ever seen 🙄🙄🙄
Well said!
Divide and conquer? This is a woke/nonwoke thing, not a female/male thing.
It was just an observation, that's all. I do think women of all types are more apt to comply. It's not saying that men are non-compliant; in the past, I know men who have worn masks more than I have. It was just an observation on human behavior, that's all.
I disagree. Some of the most vocal fighters were mothers. I would walk around airports without a mask...and well...everywhere else and I saw very few people who didn't comply.
The ones who didn't were usually women. But, that's just my experience. I was watching real close. Hard not to when your usually the only one not wearing a mask.
Mask have to go. You and I agree on that.
I'm actually GLAD that you saw women not complying. I saw the opposite, and am still seeing the opposite, now that masks are making a comeback in my area. From my casual observation, the most likely NOT to comply in my area are men over 60 and men who are minorities.
Sigh. It's all just so stupid.
Bucking peer pressure has always been difficult for most humans ~ male or female. Add in social media, and you have peer pressure on steroids!
Yeah, lotta single moms. Partly why I think the moms are much greater influences. I see that with the "trans kids", where a six year old is supposed to understand that they're born into the wrong body. It's not the dad that's pushing it, or rarely. Leftie Mom is gung-ho for it, so she can get those all-important atta-girls on social media - "Declan is now called Mallory. I have a beautiful daughter, and I'm just so proud!!
I think it’s emotion based. Basing decisions on feeling rather than thinking.
Bingo. And in general, men are more logic driven and women more emotion driven, there's nothing wrong with it but it's just the way we are. It makes perfect sense when one looks at the annals of human history when men were historically the protectors and women were the nurturers.
It does not mean that every man is more logical than every woman, but *in general* that's the case, there are always exceptions. There's a reason the top one hundred chess players in the world are all men and it isn't discrimination.
That's not an argument for inequality, but a recognition that men and women are different. We have different strengths and weaknesses.
Instead of acknowledging this simple reality, we will watch society go down the tubes and pretend men and women are interchangeable and people can switch between them at will. It's a delusion on a grand scale that won't end well.
I think that is a fair generalization. I tend to be more logic-driven, personally, and get exasperated with overly emotion-driven policies and opinions. I am far from being a robot though, and sometimes can react too emotionally when I don’t have time to reflect and analyze. But I am not impulsive so I wait until I can reason things through before I make decisions. One of my clients once told me (and he was not one to give compliments easily) that I was one of the most logical women he’d ever met. This was when I was in my mid-twenties and I took it as a huge compliment.
I remember well the day that I read that Russian feminists drove tractors and loved men. I thought about emigrating.
Yes, and this has become their rallying cry, hasn't it. "I'm looking into my heart and I'm feeeeeeling that she'd be the best person to vote for." Sorry twaddle. Makes me think of that great quote, falsely attributed to Winston Churchill - "If you're not a liberal at 25 you have no heart. If you're not a conservative by the time you are 35, you have no brain."
Yes, it is all about how everyone feels and not about facts and reason.
I have always liked that quote 😁 Although since I have been a conservative all my life, I guess I must not have a heart 😬
There's a reason why the shamers are called Karen and not Kevin.
I think some didn’t really know how harmful they really were. There was not a lot of data or information readily available to laypeople. I know I had to do a lot of digging to find anything. And people assumed it would be temporary. People were struggling to keep their livelihoods and may not have had the time or energy to research or to fight. And so many trusted “experts” (doctors come to mind) were happy to support the narrative unquestioningly, based on zero knowledge or expertise, just their beliefs and what they were told by the CDC. They were eager to pretend they knew all about masking just because they work in the medical field, even though that is not their area of expertise. So I can give a lot of people a pass on not fighting all this at first. But by now, if you don’t know and are not fighting against it, there is no excuse. The information is out there. The effects are clear to see. The people who are still pushing for masks now with everything that is known and has been exposed in the last two years are evil imo.
Well common sense would tell you that covering the faces of children would be detrimental to their development. Yet, in many cases, they did it for years.
This is no excuse. And if it's allowed to be an excuse, it will happen again.
Maybe fathers should think about that. Maybe think of their children first?
This is the #1 reason for the heavy handed censorship of anything COVID-related, along with shrieks of "Disinformation!". They know that if the proles were to understand the truth (as opposed to 'The Science') they would cease to comply and eventually revolt. Their bullshit cannot withstand even cursory scrutiny.
And to condition a new generation from kittengarden forward to follow the orders of The State without question. Never mind the psychological and physiological damage to children this whole theater of the absurd has wrought, I fear we're going to start seeing a whole new level of docility amongst the young.
The revelation of that study to find out how to best counter “vaccine hesitancy” that found out shaming people and making them feel stupid worked they best, made me just furious. I despise manipulators and condescending attitudes.
Yes common sense would. But like many, I naively assumed it was just a temporary measure for a week or two. Then our POS RINO governor kept extending the mandates and extending them and extending them. I got more and more angry. I am usually skeptical but I think I just wanted it to be over with so much, I kept hoping. Then finally realized it was going to go on forever if we didn’t start pushing back. And I have been one of the few people in my circle who has been skeptical and questioning almost since the beginning. So many other others just believed everything the “experts” told them, without questioning. And continue to do so 😕 Or at least go through the motions.
You did more that 99% of folks. Keep going. Stay STRONG.
And fight this shit! It's a real threat to the children and to our liberties.
Thank you. I regret not starting sooner but at least I am fighting.
I... respectfully disagree in terms of "the information is out there."
A huge amount of the world gets their information form the MSM/ Facebook. Is the information covered there? I'm guessing... no. But maybe I'm wrong. I don't use either of these for news.
Also... there are a lot of intelligent people out there who simply believe what they're told. They feel that if Dr. Fauci tells them to do something, it's in their best interest to do so. Because they have not heard any other information, and if it's not from the MSM/ Facebook they simply discount it. "Misinformation." The government said do.
There is only one narrative to a democrat when a democrat is in office: the democrat narrative. They will follow it, even if it kills them.
I've seen this over and over. Their common sense, good judgement and autonomy just melt away. They will go all out to push that wrong piece into the puzzle, just because it's their party telling them to do it.
Was this a response to my post? I said the information was not easy to find and many didn’t know it in the beginning. So I agree with you about that. However, after all this time, the information IS more readily available, for people who care to look and ask questions. It’s just that some people, as you said, prefer to be spoon fed their information and not have to think for themselves, or take the responsibility of making decisions.
The information is absolutely out there, people just have to make the effort to find it, read it, and digest it. Anyone can pull up a study and read it in the comfort of their own home at any time. Forty years ago it would have required a trip to a big city university library. And even back then you would have needed to know what you were looking for, there were no computerized search engines.
It amazes me in this age of information at one's fingertips how many people still expect others to do their thinking for them.
Yes I agree, it is out there and easier to access than ever, but it still takes time and effort (and I am good at research because it’s part of my job and my training). Also a lot of the information was being suppressed or made difficult to find. But you are right, some people do not want to have to think for themselves or make decisions and prefer others to do it for them 😕
Outta the ballpark Ryan! I see it all the time at the school a few blocks away. I have to bite my tongue to keep my mouth shut! ALL PARENTS should be ashamed of themselves at this point in time. It’s been over two years! We now know the damage to children (that cannot speak for themselves). ENOUGH!
Exactly!!!!! They had no voice and they've carried the lions share of the burden with virtually no risk of the disease.
Many are damaged goods. I hate saying that, but I see it, even down here in FL.
It's just heartbreaking, isn't it?
Totally. I can't stand it. I could never be friends with someone who was masking their children.
My patience with that ran out about 1.5 years ago
Our good friend and former coworker just moved to FL. I’m in very libtard area of Commifornia, unfortunately. I feel so sorry for these children! I look at their eyes…so sad. “Eyes are the windows to the soul”, as they say.
Sad eyes and impaired speech.
For no reason.
I grew up in San Diego. We left in 2009. It has been very difficult to watch what has happened to CA while we were there and from a far.
Speaking of San Diego; the school district notified parents that the mask will be mandated in the fall - 30 days before the kids go back to school!
We’ll get out eventually. Bad timing right now. All our friends have left (for their children)…TX, WY, FL, ID. Don’t worry, they eat red pills for breakfast, lunch and dinner! Lol!
Ryan, I remember when Commifornia was RED! I was in HS in SF. Believe it or not, it was pretty conservative!
Time to yell or sidle up and call them out. If not now soon. Or hand them a small card.
I’ve said something to parents. The reactions are amazing to see!
One father got so angry! He said, “Oh you’re one of those!” He didn’t have a mask on, but his kids did. I told him to let his children have fresh, salt air and breath! (at ocean, no one around). A grandmother was walking her kids home from school. She was nicer. I told her how much damage the masks do to children. She said, “What are we suppose to do?!” And she’s the “adult”. You’re suppose to take charge as an adult. I’ve had a few other run-ins as well. Sometimes doing what should be done doesn’t always feel warm and fuzzy. Tough…
Renee, I do admire you for speaking up.
I am in airport right now and the maskers aren’t the majority, but way too many.
I just saw a Mother slap a kid’s hand for pulling his mask down
I literally want to scream at her. 😡
OMG. HORRIBLE. I heard a mom tell her toddler in the shopping cart to keep the mask on so he wouldn’t hurt anyone. I walked by and caught his eye and told him to take it off. Mom was wearing one under her nose BTW.
It fills me with rage...
Any other world that would be considered child abuse.
Ya think? 🥲.
If the parents turn on the school boards, the faculty will turn on the boards too. Seen that happen more than once in my years as teacher. And then the board runs to the politicians, and then the politicians turn to get out in front.
Stoke that anger! They will only subject your children to this if they think you aren't going to fight - look at them as schoolyard bullies. They always go for perceived weakness.
This makes me first sad for these poor kids being taken advantage of and then roll my eyes at every comment from all those critics so worried about my homeschool children’s socialization ability. Yep, I think we’re okay.
Recently I found myself looking at real estate near Amish communities. If I had kids, that would be a possible maybe.
I can't even joke about this, it's so tragic. Children's early experiences with school set the tone for all the years that follow. The magnitude of this disaster can not be overstated. I may sound like a broken record blaming the teacher's unions but that's okay because it really is their fault. We must not allow them to turn this catastrophic failure of compassion, reason, and human decency into a victory. No additional funding, stop wasting tax dollars on useless masks, rubber gloves, and excessive quantities of hand sanitizer.
It's so disgusting I can hardly look at that picture.
Every time I see something like this I am overcome by visceral sorrow.
The heaviest of heart.
For me it's nausea -- and I don't even have kids.
Nausea and heavy heart both, here. And I don't have kids either. For which, I must confess, I am feeling profoundly grateful these days.
Thank you for understanding, even though you're not a parent.
It means a lot to me.
To paraphrase my mother-in-law who worked as a teacher for 40+ years:
"The ones that can't actually teach (she meant teachers who knows the subject but can't teach, my note) they always re-route to the Teacher's training college, the AV Central Storage department, school libraries or the unions." (There used to be two teacher's unions, one for compulsory school teachers and one for those of us who taught in voluntary secondary school.)
There is I think a universal truth to her opinion.
I've seen myself, both as student at all levels, at university and in all levels of school - knowing the subject, actually being able to teach, and being able to combine and sort out your professional and personal codes of ethics are compeltely unrelated matters.
For ten years now I've advised anyone I know who has children to homeschool in addition to the communal compulsory school system, and to form home-schooling groups. In Sweden, all homeschooling is illegal, even if just as a complement to compulsory school. Because of equity, they say.
The one on the right definitely needs to be behind a plastic shield. Preferably one with four walls and some padding.
She *is* shielded, metaphorically, by a robust teacher's union. Completely impervious to external accountability.
I wouldn't assume that she has complete control over the matter either. The masks, and the plexiglass shields, are probably mandated by the administration of the school she works for.
Whom do you think sets policy in the administration? It's certainly not the parents or the taxpayers.
When administrations began trying to reopen the classrooms the unions practically revolted at the thought of actually going back to work. I'm not aware of a single public school teacher anywhere who attempted to oppose the union's demands or the various pandemic theatrics.
You may be right, and I can see that. I've generally assumed that the policies were being set by administrators who may be guided by dark money flows, and by the political hacks who lead the teachers unions. I'm not familiar with any grade school teachers at the moment, so I can't estimate the general teacher temperament on this.
Still, they're low-payed and easily purged, and dependent on the tolerance of either their administrators or their unions. I'm suspending judgement until I hear the private views of the teacher herself.
It's always risky making sweeping generalizations (as I am doing), but I know that here in Kalifornia teachers are very well compensated and the unions have made it so that, short of walking into the classroom with an AK and blowing away your students, it is impossible to be terminated.
"25 percent of [California's] 6 million students are unable to perform basic reading skills"
The largest school system, Los Angeles Unified, has the highest paid teachers in the nation I believe. In return they are giving us some of the worst academic outcomes in the nation. The only way they were able to juice their graduation numbers was to lower the bar. Quite literally "D" is the new "C".
If the teachers really did care about educating their students and preparing them for life in the real world (at least academically) they should be raising holy hell over the status quo. Instead, barely a yawn.
Made me look it up, found page called salary(.)com, parenthesis added to avoid linking. (Linking is to be taxed here in the EUSSR, at a future date to be determined, and then taxed retroactively - they don't like us sharing information you see.)
Anyway, it gives the salary range as:
"How much does a Teacher make in Los Angeles, CA? The average Teacher salary in Los Angeles, CA is $63,210 as of , but the salary range typically falls between $52,865 and $77,053."
Full time employed worker for Burger King earns (according to The Internet) $25 000 annually, on average. The national average salary is given as $66 000.
If these numbers are correct, the teachers may well be overpaid judging by result and other such stuff, but not when compared to years spent studying, student debt, and other professions requiring the same time in higher education.
And let me tell you as a retired teacher, the only way to get fair grades is via anonymous exams and external grading.
Reading tip if you're interested in delving deeper into the issues of western school systems (recommending reading is a teacher's reflex): "Seven Myths About Education", by Daisy Christodoulou.
Seems like with every online video highlighting the shrieking meltdown of some libtard woman, we always find out she's in academia.
She’s complicit in the charade. Her and MANY like her. There’s your problem.
The handful of idiot women, oops, I'm sorry, idiot womxn who march around in the outside air at the Farmer's Market in my town, masked and double masked with their BLM signs, are all teachers. Every one of them.
She always has the power to say "No, this is wrong. I will not subject my children to this!". Not using that power is her choice.
This cannot be an acceptable excuse for neurotic behavior any longer. She is an adult. She must say no and protect the innocent child.
You must have read my mind!
Hahaha. Funny
😂😂😂😂😂😂okay, I know it really isn’t funny but ffs, how are people participating in this theatre so willingly?
Because they are conditioned to.
It's absurd to those with the capacity for independent thought, and the new normal for those without.
Because we are really stupid now. Devolution on full display.
It's SHOCKING!!!!!
My God, they're not wearing surgical gloves! What if their hands...touch?!?! Cooooooties! Destruction! Death!
Everyone knows masks & plexiglass don't work if you're not also wearing a tinfoil hat and a codpiece.
Dental dams?
And spats..
If you can’t fuck them up via a shot, why not mess with their minds , emotions and spirit?
Beyond pathetic…
A plexiglass shield and the masks on both parties. That rings of successful transmission of Information and 100% comprehension, that I’ve ever seen! 😾
it's actually there to keep her from eating the little boy.
She looks like she's eaten a few youngins' in her day.
Yup, plenty of adults eating their own calves. Or eating the calves of other people.
Like so many tilapia...eating their own.
"Plastics, Ben"
Omg..I was just thinking that! 😂 “The Graduate”! Awesome movie!
Oops. We're old, Renee ;-)
I’m 59 years YOUNG Lawrence! 😘
I remember when Cuomo first talked about the “stay at home” stuff, I swear there were teachers on the news that said, “no, our students need us - especially the low income/underprivileged/homeless.”Then not too long after that, teachers were all scared and writing wills!
My library has those noxious screens plus masked employees. I won’t talk to them unless they move to the open areas.
I like to look right at masked people who have asked me a question and say, "I'm sorry I can't understand you with that mask on."
Every time. I just cup my ears and move in real close
In stores, I just lean around the plexiglass to talk.
hahaha. we do the same shit. They are either mortified and/or shocked that you would actually consider doing that.
I think young men, who still wear mask, need to be ridiculed by other men. Maybe it would be even better if it were women ridiculing them?
I think the key is, to get the beta-boys to feel ashamed that they're pussy ass bitches.
Just an opinion.
It’s bad enough seeing a woman wear a mask. But, seeing a man wear a mask, he instantly loses his man card (he probably never had one). What a pussy!
Hah! Actually, I'm in relatively-sane flyover country. Nobody's ever seemed shocked here. I think the clerks accept it as the natural thing for the customer to do with the plexiglass in the way.
Me too. And it is true. I think it is ironic that they kept saying how speaking loudly and yelling made the virus supposedly more likely to spread, but wearing a mask makes sound muffled so people have to speak more loudly 🙄🙄🙄
Oh Possum, I do that too - all day long! I couple the question with the blankest of stares radiating contempt, which I only wish they had the ability to perceive.
It's really hard not to judge people who wear masks and really believe they are part of the solution......more like part of the problem!
Agree. And they'll do it again...with the same casualness
Happy to say, my library has been pretty much ghosted by the town since they showed what covid nazis they really are. Sad to say, other than concern about their funding, they're thrilled that people aren't entering their Temple of Purity. All that shit at the door - it's like going into a hospital.
I mean, ya gotta deflect those straight-line traveling bulletlike viruses which don't go through cloth masks and certainly don't diffuse into the air of a room like other aerosols...
The education field is so hypnotized... I know because I work in it .... teachers/admin are the most looks like the lower in the hierarchy, the less the psychosis..... I was always the one telling the kids to lower/take masks off....
They are completely unable to think for themselves, by and large 🙄
Yes....and the unions don't help either...... they pushed/advocated for masks, kids masks, face shields, glass/plastic partitions, and to be first for vaccinations, you know.....$cience....
More like 💰💵💰💵…who gets the kick backs?
Yup!!!!! SO much corruption...... Here, in Canada, some of us are suing our unions for not representing us....our lawyer is amazing..... if you are interested, here he is.... lots of great info explaining your's worth a listen....I will post both short/long interview ...