There is no kool-aid left, she drank it all.

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LOL I saw this the other day. These people seriously have no idea that even in the first round of covid when the virus was deadlier and there was no vax, death was still a rare outcome.

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"not dying the first time"???

Okay that person cannot even do basic arithmetic much less math LMAO. With a survival rate of 99.7% I was NOT expecting them to die the first time they got it. Maybe it's just me or I'm channelling my inner kitten mischief mindset. Sigh.

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OMG. Did I die and no one told me??

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Gosh, I am unvaxxed, never got Covid, never died...must be working!!!

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We may not have a word for it. But here in Australia we have a fruity descriptor.

“Fucken Moron”

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Ok, is this real? Because I had a warm bowl of oatmeal this morning that was smarter than this.

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Its kind of like when you crap on oil and gas companies and restrict the supply, and then holler at them for not providing more oil and gas.

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Isn't it sort of when you're berated for not accepting the no-ticket-needed train ride? "See how full the cars are? And you idiots staying behind [chortle chortle] ain't smart enough to accept the free vacation!"

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All I can say is my favorite word over the last going on 3 years... WOW. 🙄

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Good God. What a moron.

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Good one. Now why do heterosexual men who only have sex with women never get the Monkeypox?

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Brilliant - thank you.

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I showed this to a provax friend of mine and he said “yeah, right on!”

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Infinidiocy? Just keeps going and going, never stops!

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