A couple of years later and I still don't logically understand what all of that was about. If the shot worked and prevented you from getting sick, then why did you care whether I got it or not?

Yes, I know it mostly wasn't about logic.

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What's even more ironic is how many of those same people were very much against "Big Pharma" not too long before they jumped on the "shame the people not getting an experimental shot" bandwagon. I wasn't necessarily against the shots when they came out, but I definitely had a "wait and see" attitude. Then the insanely heavy push started and I knew something had to be up. If the shots worked, people would line up for them. If they didn't then I knew I didn't want it.

I wanted to know about long term effects and had friends saying "It's been six months - we know about long term effects". They completely forgot about previous drugs released where long-term effects didn't pop up for years. Add in the number of people crying out that something wasn't right, only to be silenced ... and I'm definitely in the "not getting any more shots" camp now.

I feel for the families with members who bought so heavily into this narrative that they shut other family members out of their lives or insist on them wearing masks to get together - even today. :(

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Yes, I wasn't against it at first but a) I wasn't that scared of Covid and b) I wasn't about to take a drug that was rushed to market like that one was. So, I too was "wait and see". "Long term" means YEARS, not six months.

And then the pressure got more and more insane and reports about "breakthroughs" (remember that, as if it was rare... that term went away quickly) and side effects started trickling in and I was like, "No way."

Then I actually got Covid and ended up in the hospital for a week and everyone there was shaming me for not having had the shot. OK, fine. But then I got out and they were still shaming me for not getting it. I was like, I ALREADY HAVE ANTIBODIES! It was crazy ridiculous.

At some point the whole covid scam went from, "You need to do this because it works and it's what's best for you" to, "We don't care if it doesn't work, you need to do this because we told you to do it." They doubled down on the coercion for its own sake, just to prove the point.

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Almost my same story except I got Covid right before the jabs. A runny nose and slight fever. I got an antibody test some months later and had the antibodies. If we can even believe that. I’m 75. My wait and see turned into absolutely NOT quite quickly. I WILL GET NO INJECTIONS. I had some pushback and shunning that was hurtful. Watching people deal with health problems all around me.

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Yes, it's amazing how the past 4 years have progressed me from vaccines are good to anti-vax to NEVER-vax! Not going in this body. See Turtles All the Way Down.

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I have it but I haven’t read it yet. I have to space out that kind of information in books. 😱😱😱😱😱🤪. So I can get out of bed in the morning.

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Me too, on all counts! I'm still struggling through long covid so reading is difficult especially on a screen. But that book is heavy stuff.

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Nov 15, 2023
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Are you doing anything to detox, RR? I'm thinking McCullough's protocol of nattokinase/bromelain/curcumin, but not necessarily The Wellness Company's Spike Formula which has only nattokinase. I think he's promoting that more too, but the paper he cited earlier on his Substack only reviews the first protocol. I've done TWC's Spike Formula which worked for awhile for my long-covid (un-jabbed) but after many months, I've realized it's not going to be solved by supplements since it's limbic system impairment. Lots of research and lots of throwing things at the wall hoping for improvement. So I'm doing brain retraining with DNRS (Dynamic Neural Retraining System) and long-haulers are having a lot of success with it. You're in a different situation though, although the McCullough protocol is useful for protection against shedding. Pierre Kory has a long series about this on his Substack. I haven't looked carefully at what FLCCC recommends for shedding, but they have protocols for long-covid and vax injuries.

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Nov 15, 2023
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Birdwatching is such a positive hobby and it gets you out into the Creation where there is lots of God! And as of a few years ago, it was the fastest growing hobby in the US, not just for little old ladies in tennis shoes, of which I am one after more than 30 years birding!

I understand about the information overload as well as feeling like your house is a supplements store. TWC is overpriced and they recently let go 2-3 of their Board members. What is going on there?! My provider at TWC pulled the ripcord after that, but we are now friends so keep in touch about all kinds of stuff including spiritual things.

I take NAC, but not daily, kind of on and off and a friend (who I met through this Substack!) swears by colloidal silver and makes his own. Not something I've tried. We get our IVM from India. If you're not having reactions to what you are trying, go for it. Since the virus and shots are lab created bioweapons, it really is trial and error trying to detox from either one. Grace and peace.

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Colloidal silver is very cheap and easy to make… I bought an simple CL generator and I make the CL when needed for family and friends… God bless 🙏🏽

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Similar for me. I received the first two shots in April and May 2021 so I could attend live music. Had a brief flu-like reaction to the second, and then got a mild case of Covid in May 2022.

I will never take another mRNA injection and the only vaccines that I would even consider would be something for travel with a long record of safety and effectiveness.

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I’m just getting over my 4th round with Covid. (It’s like a head cold now, only it doesn’t last as long.). I’m 72. No jabs for me! My doctor said, “If the CDC and doctors were going by the ‘science,’ they would tell everyone to go out and get this one so we could finally get herd immunity.” It’s so mild my 94 year old mom had only 1 bad day with it. She has high BP and is diabetic.

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Unfortunately, I don't think herd immunity is ever achievable with a rapidly mutating coronavirus. If contracting the virus gave you sterilizing immunity, then you wouldn't have gotten it times 2, 3, and 4. Sure, those 4 times you had Covid may have been different variants, but there's always many variants in circulation at any given time around the globe, so I think we're stuck with it, even if everyone in the world were infected with a single specific variant at the same time. We're in the endemic phase. Luckily it's mild.

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TBH, and while I'm not a virologist--nor did I stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night--the rush to jab everyone, with a "vaccine" that would drive mutations, likely caused all the breakthroughs we see, not only in the jabbed, but the un-jabbed. On the plus side, at least Pfizer made a ton of money!

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And yet, there is at least one who wanted to further lay the guilt on me; for not only was I (figuratively) clogging up hospital beds and depriving the dearly vaxxed life saving treatments, but I and all other IVM users were causing said mutations!

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That's yet another rabbit hole we don't need to explore, but the attacks on IVM--not so much from "them," but our side--remain strange to me. I mean, sure, Pfizer wants cheap, off-patent stuff to be vilified, but damn!

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Perhaps get your D levels checked and look into Dr Lee Merritt’s protocol for strengthening your immune system. Zinc, quercitin Vit C and D. That’s what saved me from getting covid. And btw, I don’t trust the tests. The home tests were made in China, and the PCR tests were spun too many cycles. Both give false positives. Perhaps you’ve just had a bad run of colds and flu.

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100. The tests are highly questionable / worthless to begin with. Vit D and C and zinc also important. I also swear by NAC and Xclear nasal wash.

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Do you take NAC all the time or just when feeling unwell?

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“Saved me from getting Covid” ? Probably you had it. It’s a coronavirus. You’ve had tons of them

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Good point. What really saved me from getting covid was the little plastic tester from China! For sure I would have tested positive 🤣

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What I meant is that it was not something to be scared of getting

I do agree that the tests need to be avoided especially now

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Yes, I knew what you meant. Just a huge scare to justify the shots.

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I’m very happy that you’re healthy and you took the critical thinking path. We need more of you and less of them

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I’m on all of those supplements as well as Tumeric and NAC. I tested positive both on home test and doctor’s. And while this feels like a head cold it hasn’t “behaved” like one. I haven’t had a cold in quite a while, and definitely no flu. It’s been like my first dance with Omicron last year.

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I had totally normal cold this last January, hadn’t had anything for years. But about 3 weeks ago I had a weird sore throat (mainly dry) that wouldn’t go away. Ironically, or not, it was right after my nephew visited, I know he went to the doctor the day before, wonder if she gave him a vax? He lives in Washington, I wouldn’t be surprised if docs there have vaccines!

I took ivermectin and it finally went away. Nothing is normal anymore.

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not alone.

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I’m glad you got out alive. I just remember Brandon and Harris ominously yelling/cackling during their campaign against Trump “who’s gonna take the shot? Who’s gonna take the shot??” I found that so telling when they flipped 180 after the election- truly not in charge on any level.

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Indeed. Who is more hypocritical, Joe & the 'Ho for the flip-flop or the mindless sheep who simply follow orders without question?

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I wasn't against it at first either, but I WASN'T thrilled about some new delivery system we knew nothing about. Was pretty sure i was going to get Novovax - but it got delayed, delayed, delayed. Started considering J&J, but then it got pulled (Even though it's side effects were no worse than Pfraudulent Pfizer and Moderna) - at which point I could see there was some reason they wanted to jam you with mRNA.. I just didn't know why at the time.

I am forever grateful that sh** isn't cascading thru my body!!

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Same here. And the longer I waited, the more things didn’t make sense, weren’t adding up. Why couldn’t more people see this I wondered?

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they kept people inside and watching their tvs

they called people names if they did not abide.

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Yes, they were perfect at ramping up people's fear response. It's not that I was never afraid. It was more like - I knew we couldn't all sit inside forever, so I just got on with my life and tried to stay healthy.

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I think they pulled J&J because it was considered 'one and done' which was not the kind of mindset they were promoting. What they wanted was the response to 'Get a Shot' to be 'How many, Sir?'.

J&J was still bad enough. My unvaxxed friend's husband had to get one for his job and she experienced all kinds of weird symptoms including disrupted cycles from the shedding.

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That's a good insight. I originally wondered if J&J didn't pay the pfraudulent pFDA enough in bribes. Your thought is as reasonable though.

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You could well be right too.

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My son in college had a fellow classmate end up in the hospital from the J&J… EVERYONE WARNED HIM NOT to get it… he eventually had to drop out of college for poor health… he was only 21… 🤦🏽‍♀️

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That is horrible!

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and they will answer, "no it was not rushed to market, They were making it behind velvet curtains for many years to surprise us at how brilliant they are"

just clowns

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My brother, who has a Masters in nursing, was telling me "mRNA shots have been around for decades!" Me, who does NOT have an alphabet after my name ,retorted "But they've never been used on humans." I simply did not trust these shots since day 1.

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you are right.

The medical community is very pushy and gang oriented.

My sis worked at NIH and she loves Fauci and vaxxines.

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Our primary was obviously disappointed when I wouldn't take the shot (husband did because he was scheduled to go overseas for work but 3 weeks in started having life threatening issues). He had no sympathy for me when i got sick with it but was mildly bothered when jabbed husband got just as sick at the same time. I have since spoken to him about it. Turns out the health system he works for was forcing doctors to push the shots. He was against it and it worked him over emotionally. He hasn't recovered from that.

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Best come back, LOL. And the other part of that shoe "and most of the animals they tested it on died"

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And not centuries ! Also, the animal use has real problems

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Rosemary, definitely not clowns. At best, useful idiots / lemmings. Those directly involved in the horseshoe bat virus recombination “research” are likely culpable of crimes against humanity (as are those researching “counter-measures” against said pathogens rendered more infectious to humans.

This is analogous to arsonists by night and fire-fighters by day. Except in this case the fire-fighters are starting new hidden fires as they ostensibly extinguish existing ones. Yet the spectators in the bleachers continue to shower them with praise.

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Yes. Well said. After all- its "the science". Isn't that what the catholic church told Galileo? Reality is what we say it is. Disagree at your own peril.

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I knew it was a con when I saw that photo of the man in China lying on the street dead... I recall thinking .. if he was THAT sick... why was he wandering the streets...

Then when they announced Warp Speed... I did a little research and found this https://www.wired.com/2003/05/feds-race-to-make-sars-vaccine/

I sent it to quite a few people... they ignored it... took the Rat Juice.. many of them are injured

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Fast Eddy strikes again!

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JR ya know, it might've been "do it bc it works" and "do it bc we said so" from the very beginning, bc if you ever asked someone how they knew it worked, the answer was "bc we said so". all roads lead to Rome!

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Peter, I have been nothing short of astounded (not to mention whiplashed) at the about-face once the “vaccine became” Biden’s. Remember when the left (including many prominent politicians & celebs) did not trust it? I can just about guarantee that had Trump remained in office, almost NONE of them would have subjected themselves to the jab “because Orange Man bad”. Maybe there’s karmic justice after all....

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I agree, and always tell those people, I didn't take that warpspeed Trump vaccine. I know it kills them.

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Nurses I knew at a public health agency giving the shots, were not taking them. Good enough for me.

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So right! What's with that, anyway?

My personal opinion (worth twice what you paid for it) is this is another symptom of political party loyalty. Which is part of the conformance culture - the one in which "inclusive" and "liberal" means intolerant and narrow minded adherence to a single doctrine is the only thing that matters.

The conformity culture is not new. My theory is that 2020 was a test - just how much further beyond reason can we push absolute loyalty. We now know - there is no limit!

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You'd have thought that the free donuts and lottery tickets might have alerted the donkeys to the fact that something was not right.

But nope. They gleefully shot the Rat Juice and posted selfies on social media displaying their free coupons :)

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Sadly, too many bought into the "get this and it will all be over" narrative, even after it was pretty well-known that you didn't stop transmission or infection after getting it. I have family members who are still all-in on the "get the shots" bandwagon and just wait until they're eligible for the next round. :(

I can only hope that the current doses are more placebo than not, but still have concerns with those RSV/Covid mRNA combinations. :(

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Well, yeah, I always had the "wait and see" attitude, until EUA came along in early 2020.

Thenceforth, it was a hard NO, for me.

I'm approaching 70, and zero covid/flu.

All around me are multi vaxxed, with multiple bouts of Covid.

Go figure...

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It was mostly about control & hive-mind conformity, I guess. Not to mention depopulation

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Indeed, and the depopulation thing is working. Not only is the jab directly killing people, but we shall witness mass jab sterilization going forward.

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Not quite... the vax injuries are either an unintended side effect of injecting billions with the most diabolical substance ever created.... or they are aimed at decimation ... and demoralizing the species -- and making them more accepting of their fate.

The primary goal is to destroy the immune systems of every single person who has injected this Rat Juice.


Because when the global economy is set to collapse (we have been kicking that since 2008... and the end of the road approaches).... they will release another lab-made pathogen designed to exploit the damaged immune systems... and kill 6+ Billion.

The unvaxxed 2B will lock down hard because they will believe this a very deadly mutation is in circulation ... and we will starve.

Details here https://www.headsupster.com/forumthread?shortId=220

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The year is 2045:

Aliens arrive to find homosapien has successfully eliminated the host in waging a tireless WAR AGAINST VIRUSES!

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These individuals were brainwashed by the corporate-government alliance. Nothing they said made any sense. One thing that concerns me is the new inclusions in the shamer tweets, such as adults "catching up on" DTaP shots (in addition to getting half a dozen corona shots) in order to see their grandkids. Somebody (Chris Bray? I forget who it was) posted some current Twitter screenshots within the past month demanding several different shots of Grandma and Grandpa as conditions for seeing the baby, posted by multiple (supposedly real) mothers. Now that it's clear it works, why stop with just corona? It's partly scary, and partly mildly amusing to imagine folks in their 60s getting Jynneos out of grandchild desperation.

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Sadly, this is too true. Several friends were forced into both COVID and DtAP and other shots as a condition precursor to seeing their grandchildren. I was excluded from visiting an Austin family with a small baby because I was not properly vaccinated. It’s insane - these young mothers demanding this are scared ninnies.

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And you just wish you could fast-forward them a few years to when their kids have had a couple of colds, skinned their knees, etc. We live in a fallen world; illness exists. There's no getting around it. And catching things and recovering from them makes you stronger. If you are privileged enough to be screeding on Twitter and demanding catch-up shots from your parents, you are probably either insured or can afford antibiotics if your kid actually got a bad bacterial infection. I remember discussing DTaP with our family doctor ages ago; he told me about one family in his practice who caught pertussis, and he said, "It was a crappy week for them." Not near-death or terrifying. Crappy. He was an incredible doctor in the sense of respecting his patients and taking the time to discuss things. Of course he eventually moved on to greater glory, and we had to leave the practice (and then we moved and that is a whole other story).

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They were not forced. They made a decision.

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Ann: if you have grandchildren I suspect you would darn near do most anything to be with them. It’s a shame my friends’ neurotic daughters-in-law set conditions on their relationships with their grandbabies.

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It happens in that 8-9 month space when fear tends to stalk these young moms to be. I remember it.

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Our daughter made the hubs get the booster. I had one earlier for a mission trip. Now, she’s not allowing her baby to have many vaccines, and she’s spacing them far apart.

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JR Ewing,

Keep saying that please. Keep asking everyone.

It will help remind them of their insanity. And for those that don't understand the question, it will remind them how stupid they are and that they just have milliseconds to smarten up.

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The same illogic previously applied to masks. Everybody had to wear one in order for anyone’s to work.

Very bright people actually said that.

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Imho, it’s a clue as to their actual intelligence (not their ability to parrot talking points).

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I don't trust anybody who wears masks if they're not a firefighter or a guy trying to rob a stage coach.


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Its because the PHA's and people like Emily want you to believe that not saying/doing what you believe is the safer option - or worse to say/do what you don't believe.

In reality it was a binary decision.

Those two options are one and the same; to exhaust your critical thinking.

We choose between whether you're able to think when it's CRITICAL, or not.

That's the choice they prefer was not recognized

Well done JR!...you were able to withstand extraordinary social tyranny because you recognized the difference.

You were one of the very few who would've given us a chance before the gas chamber doors were opened.

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Common sense was in incredibly short supply. Applying common sense and critical thinking revealed the holes and gaps in the experts’ opinions rather quickly for those who were not quaking with fear, glued to their screen, and eager to virtue signal.

Also, for some of us....as El Gato pointed out in yesterday’s stack, we valued our real life experiences and worked from that knowledge in assessing the situation on the ground. I know that approach likely saved my life....AGAIN from big pharma and the medical “experts.”

As a lawyer (who does not practice, recognized long ago it would corrupt who I was and what I valued as a person) trained in the Socratic method and issue spotting, I could see the gaping holes in the propaganda. Often it is about asking the right questions in order to discern truth, not just accepting a biased view or narrative. A simple cross-examination on “conflicts of interest” for starters can reveal a great deal!

At this point, Caveat Emptor ought to be for most in everyone’s mind on more than just the vaccines....especially as we are being herded into a virtual existence on many fronts. Think of it as a brainstorm or parasite that the masses are infected with and it is by design....kind of like Fauci’s pursuit of “gain of function.”

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Virtue signalling.

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mentally ill people begging for attention= virtue signalling

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The line comes to mind “The vaccinated are a danger to others because they shed spike protein.” This position at least has logic to it, and a basis in science!

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What Cindi wrote.

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Each discussion on vaccines (any vaccine) today should be preceded by this public service warning:

WARNING! Attempts to apply logic to this discussion will lead to brain aches, frustration, ostracization, and may also lead to isolation, depression, involuntary social distancing, estrangement from family and friends and labeling as a 'denier'. DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE ATTEMPT TO APPLY LOGIC!

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A societal Milgram experiment.

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And they could never explain why without the implicit admission that not everyone can be vaccinated safely. Zero curiosity about why that is. 🙄

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It was about a need to print money and bailout the largest corporations again. 2008 on steroids, how would you have reacted if they just straight up told you they needed to print money vs. everyone is going to die from some new virus?

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Why were student loans put on pause for three years? Why did people not have to pay rent or their mortgage when you could collect 50k on unemployment? Why did the FED need to double the size of its balance sheet to almost 9 trillion dollars? Follow the money people

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Less than a year after this tweet: "Let's declare a pandemic amnesty."

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The Covid-19 military operation enabled the Surveillance State to inject billions of people with nanotechnology biosensors for surveillance under the skin via the Internet of Nano Things and the WBAN (Wireless Body Area Network IEEE802.15.6 in the Terahertz Band.) Welcome to the Internet of Bodies. You are a node on the network.


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Genius! Isn’t she the one who wanted amnesty from that kind of nastiness?

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Yeah. Amnesty, forgiveness.

"We did the best we could"

Naaah, no forgiveness.

You own it, and you'll wear it...

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She never asked for forgiveness. Just "amnesty."

"I won't apologize for the horrid way I treated you. Because I wasn't responsible for my behavior. But let's pretend it never happened because I'd rather you not bring it up." Spoken like a domestic abuser.

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"He who is not angry when there is just cause for anger is immoral. Why? Because anger looks to the good of justice. And if you can live amid injustice without anger, you are immoral as well as unjust.”

- Thomas Aquinas

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"you are immoral as well as unjust"

Or simply a Leftist. Their ability so selectively align and express their outrage, along with the ability to turn it on a dime, is as transparent as it is shameless.

"I'm mad as hell at The Latest Thing!" Ask me again tomorrow.

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I am right therefore I'm angry; I am angry therefore I'm right

heads I win:tails you lose epistemology

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Thanks Ryan. I have trying to explain anger to my Son. Someone else’s words sometimes go deeper that a parent’s words.

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Here. You could try out my words. Maybe the light bulb will go off:

No amnesty until they understand they need to apologize. But more importantly what they should apologize for:

1. Issuing the equivalent of death sentences to their fellow-citizens by excluding them from society. In other words, a sentence of DESPAIR.

2. They took my fucking freedoms. I will never forget that. Next time I will shed blood.

3. They did not give a shit that my business is the way I feed my family. We are not non-essential. How fucking dare they.

4. They stole the gift of childhood from children for two years!

Do you think they know what they should really be seeking amnesty for?

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#4 add... they stole proper development and education and taught them submission. (And are now teaching about sex and perversion).

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Uggh. Visceral disgust

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RG, your #1 point is the #1 point. If one does not understand or accept that then what else matters? Yes- they absolutely issued death sentences, it is now war. The Geneva Convention will not help or save you. Its loin girding time-eh?

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*scribbles notes on napkin* Good stuff

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Succinctly said. It annoys me that my Son (26) might just hear someone else’s words rather than mine but if it helps him, I am in.

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Dr Linda, don’t despair or be annoyed; if it sinks in from someone else, that’s what matters. You know that we parental units are chopped liver until our kids reach that certain age of development….

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Thanks! I am not really annoyed. I am patting myself on the back fir being open enough to realize the situation and send backup materials. I do wish it was a little easier sometimes though. : )

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Hardest but most fulfilling & loving job we’ll ever do!

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I think he needs to understand. Or his children could very well repeat the same hideous mistakes

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Will never admit it because they enjoyed the power and want it again. Sociopathy is more common than we realize

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Yes, DARVO: deny, attack, reverse victim and offender. And these Covidians are good at it.

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OK, but by definition, forgiveness is a synonym for amnesty.

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Push for reconciliation. Tell them to explain so you can understand. Drag them through the mud over and over, forever. Then, maybe/maybe not.

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All of that.

But the answer is still,


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First, Justice

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She wanted you injected against your will Cindi with a solution containing SV40 (simian virus) fragments and DNA plasmids capable of being reverse transcribed into your DNA. Are you cool with an amnesty for that? I'm forgiving but not that forgiving. There are limits.

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“Genius” was sarc. And yeah, I know she wanted a whole lot more than just banishing we, the unclean. I just couldn’t remember if she was the one who then bleated about amnesty later. Brett confirmed for me that she was

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Yup. Amnesty is just a word. I prefer phrases. No quarter comes to mind.


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I think this was posted before that lame, half-baked non-apology.

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ProfEmilyOster in Germany 1933:

Shaming people for being jews won't get us rid of them.

What will?

Societal pressure: maybe.

Gas chambers: YES!

We can have these without shame.

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It’s so ironic that so many of the jewish people pushed all the vaccine madness. Weird, huh?

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I don't think I will ever understand how the majority of Jewish people in the US are so left-aligned.

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Because the majority of jewish people support/push all the leftist issues. Abortion, lgbtq+, transgenderism, non binary, the destruction of the home, feminism, etc.

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I hate to say it but I can see a time coming when Hitler and the Nazis will be praised for being progressive, far-sighted folks instead of the villains they are now seen as. This has nothing to do with what is going on in Israel/Palestine, BTW. They will be praised for their courage in dealing with a societal problem. What many people may not be aware of or even want to think about is that the Nazis drew a lot of inspiration from the American eugenics movement, which is still very much with us although under different names. And that there was quite a bit of support for Hitler within the United States. Charles Lindbergh and Henry Ford were just two of the more well-known Hitler supporters. Where Hitler went "wrong" in my opinion was invading other countries. Had he not done so, the rest of Europe and the United States would have left him to carry out his social cleansing in peace. They would have wrung their hands over it, but in the end it would have been an internal German issue.

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I hate to say it, but I can see a time coming when Hitler and the Nazis will be seen as comparatively compassionate

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TAM: Anybody who reads the completely *uncensored* internet already understands that Hitler was the last force of Good in the world.

Hitler didn't 'invade other countries' as such -- he sought to liberate German-speaking people in Poland/Czech. He also sought to protect Germany from (((Bolshevism))). This because the Bolsheviks -- who were overwhelmingly, well, (((something))) -- had had a semi-successful coup in Bavaria, and had perpetrated the Holodomor in the Ukraine. His utterances of '*Lebensraum*' were his desire to control enough food-growing land in order to prevent the (((communists))) from killing everybody. Hitler didn't want to dominate the world, largely because he understood that the world... isn't worth dominating!

There are vast African swathes where you can simply send in engineers to extract the needful. Lest this seems cynical, remember the Saudis, Qataris etc who are all doing quite well, despite never having had an inkling of what lay under their feet...

Lindbergh and Ford were people who actually did something with their lives. The Hitler haters are... academics, politicians, journalist, financiers... These are people who do nothing but destroy life.

Anyway, any rational person, willing to read the actual story of Hitler, including *listening* to his speeches -- which, by the way, effectively sound like a more eloquent BoriquaGato -- will, of course, understand that he was right.

His major insight was simply that: Morality and Family are the bedrocks of society. But Family cannot cross Ethnicity (except *sigh* in highly well-(((paid))) situations) because it then means nothing. There are (((other))) people who fight mightily against this idea, largely using *sex* to destroy rationality. They're winning.

But Hitler was right. About everything.


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My book club met last night and were discussing Erik Larsen's "The Splendid and the Vile" about Churchill and England during WWII. Hitler seems to have been ambivalent about attacking England but when he did, he came very close to defeating them. I believe he would have had he not turned his attention east to Russia. It also appears that the United States was manipulated into entering the war because there was a huge and powerful isolationist movement at the time opposing the war. It doesn't go into much detail regarding the events leading up to Pearl Harbor, but I have read other books that claim Roosevelt knew what the Japanese were up to and even provoked them, so that now the United States could enter the war. By the way, I have read Mein Kampf and it is not the work of a madman. I can very well see why Hitler had such a following.

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TAM: If you watch the Godfather, there's a scene where a family is openly discussing the fact that the then-'neutral' USA was blocking Japanese access to oil from the south -- this is an act of war.

Also: The US had decoded the Japanese cipher, largely because of Japanese laziness, it seems. So yes, they did know what was going to happen. You can confirm this by looking at ship movement from Pearl Harbour in the build-up to the event.

This mirrors the Lusitania from WW1, which has been absolutely, 100% confirmed as a false-flag -- recently divers uncovered the wreckage and proved that it was full of munitions, and that the Americans were unwittingly used as human shields.

The US citizens wanted neither WW1 or 2, and thus needed a 9-11-type event to inflame their passions. The government was happy to kill us to provide it. And it worked -- all three times!!! (four if you include the Gulf of Tonkin).

Now: people like me, that talk about (((them))) are often considered, well, insalubrious, say. But here: do a Google N-gram on the term 'Judeo-Christian', and you'll find that it started in....1933, when Hitler rose to power. The big launching point was an article in 'Readers digest' which, at the time, was the most popular magazine in the USA. Why did the jews need to lie? There was *never* a Judeo-Christianism... The New Testament is literally telling us -- don't act like jews!!! Jews have almost literally contributed nothing to any society except discord and financial catastrophe -- which is where we are now.

WW1&2 were jewish wars against morality/Christianity.

Remember: all Civilizations succeed via two principles: Imposing Chastity on women, and Honour on men. We're now ruled by (((jews))). Can you see either Chastity or Honour anywhere? Chastity -- obviously not! Honour... well, it's only in 'anti-racism'... but, growing up as a 'sand-nigger' in small-town white Canada, I can assure you that racism *does not exist*. Not even one drop.


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You talk about growing up as a 'sand-n*****r' in small-town white Canada, well then YOU know full well what it is like to be ostracized because of your ethnicity. So why do you do it to others? Especially when Jesus HIMSELF in the New Testament says NOT TO. And that whatever you do to the least of these, that you do unto Me. The Jews were Jesus' people, He Himself was widely regarded as one of them, He never said that he was not one of them. So knock it off with the anti-Jewish racism! And yes, I am calling it racism. You of all people ought to know better. I could say the same things about Muslims, about Arabs, about Iranians, about anyone from the Middle East. Which is the definition of a 'sand n*****r', at least where I live. Oh, yes, I've heard those slurs. Especially after 9/11. And if being called a 'sand n*****r' is offensive to you, then why is it ok to turn around and demonize a whole group of people? Why is it wrong for someone to discriminate against you but all right for you to do the same thing to someone else? Aren't we supposed to be getting beyond all that? Why does it matter what ethnic, racial, national, or religious group a person belongs to? Can't we just approach people as individuals? I will say this, when you say that the Jews have literally never contributed anything to any society except discord and financial catastrophe, you are including Jesus among them. What would HE say to you about this? What would you say to HIM? You see, the New Testament has a whole lot more to say about how people should act than don't act like Jews--which only refers to Gentiles adopting Jewish rituals. But you don't want to read those parts, do you? Only the parts that reinforce your hate and bigotry. Well, this is where we part company. I do not want to hear any more from you.

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TAM: I'm deeply saddened by your comment.

I am a 'darkie' of a much-reviled genetic heritage, but I have *never* *ever* experienced 'racism'. I'm unfailing courteous with people, and I rarely stray from the sir/ma'am schema, so all of my interactions are wonderful.

Jews: I'm an pretty high-end engineer/physicist, so I know more jews than most people. I've *never* had a problem with a jew, and a few of them were immensely helpful to me in times of need (this was usually reciprocated). At least 90% of jews that I meet become friends, because we share a love of 'high culture' -- think Schumann or Joyce or Riemann -- which is somewhat rare. And I very do appreciate jews for their part in preserving that history.

Jesus: This is a complicated topic. I view Christianity as a muscular religion, and as it recedes, it's because people have forgotten that *creation* requires *energy*. Maintenance of a civilization requires constant vigilance of morality. And (per Spengler) civilizations decay because we literally run out of things to create/venerate. This is where we are now: what monument could we possibly build to GloboHomo?

The problem with the Jews: ... is exactly what Hitler said. Modern jews have never, ever, built a society from ground up, and thus have no idea of the kinds of things you need to do in order to construct one. Thus, they come in like Marx or Pinker, looking at how to 'improve' things, via *Tikkun Olam*, which can only, and inevitably, lead to misery and failure.

Furthermore: since they come into already constructed societies (with immense financial backing due to the restrictions on usury in the Bible and the Koran), it's easy for them to say... Look, cool, you've got your nice society, but... what if men started fucking men as well -- you know... *same* society... but more orgasms = better, right? Well... no! And this isn't because the *idea* is stupid... but simply because it doesn't work. Wait 20 years to see what happens to the childless recluses orgasming to porn in their basements...

Theoretical Physics: But didn't the jews bring us out of the darkness??? Um... no. Max Planck, who collated the Maxwell-Boltzmann equations with Fourier Analysis is, legitimately, a very bright light, and acknowledged for his 'Quantum Theory'. But Quantum Mechanics was invented by Aryans (Heisenberg), and Quantum Field theory by dirac. The only problem was that dirac created his theory too early -- there was no data!!! dirac came in the 30s, but it wasn't until the sixties that there was enough data to support QFT -- at which point the jews had already infiltrated the system. Hey -- give them their due! Feynmann, Gell-Mann, Susskind are, obviously, geniuses!

Hey, if you want to bow out from interaction with me, then okay -- YOLO and all that. But please understand that no 'jew-haters' hate *all jews*. That's insane. And you should really think about why you believe that that's in any remote way possible.


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Remember the Emily Oster's. You might ask yourself, "Do I want this toxic, shallow narcissist back in my life again? Do I want to invite her to my parties and family gatherings, even if she is no longer giving me the cootie treatment (for now)?"

Remember those who have remained faithful to you when "unclean" even if they were jabbed. Invite them instead.

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Ah yes work is “just something you want to do” like eating or breathing air. It’s really just strategic starvation which is totes more empathetic than shaming.

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Of course, they also tried to get rid of breathing air w/ face diapers, trying to make a comeback as we speak & still in evidence w/ a minority of mental midgets who seem to relish them.

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I flew last weekend--a holiday weekend with crowded airports and tourist locations. A mask here and there only. Hardly noticeable to even like me who looked around. No TSA masked gestapo either. . I was in Florida and Georgia but even Chicago was mask free where I was. It was somewhat comforting. I’m back and not even a sniffle appearing yet.

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We flew to Italy, Barcelona and Istanbul in September. Saw only a handful of masks.

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Yes, I said a minority for now but there are “institutions” & others trying to make it a thing again

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And if we call it "individual family pressure" then the shame is really localized to the family unit, so again, "totes more empathetic than shaming." (best phrase of the day)

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Ah, these little wannebe mini-dictators... Being old, coming from Europe and remembering well all the stories my parents and grandparents told me I would like to quote Berthold Brecht regarding fascism: "Der Schoß ist fruchtbar noch aus dem das kroch..." "The womb is fertile still which gave birth to this..."

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At this point, there is NOTHING that would compel me to take the shots. Travel, sporting events, with a side of myocarditis? Meh, I’ll pass, thanks.

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Exactly. Nothing. Ever. Nope.

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I even like the dreaded term “NEVER VAXXER!” It’s just so hip… 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽😁 Maybe we all need a T-shirt to wear that says it 🤔😁👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

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Thanks for dividing families, Emily Oster. What a legacy.

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I got attacked by a PA in a Drs waiting room... refusing to see me because I would expose her to something that would KIlL her child at home

This was a medically educated professional

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Around me a a couple with a new baby wouldn’t let a grandpa who has financed some of their lives to see the baby because he smoked. Although he always smoked outdoors and would refrain from even that to visit. Nope--he’s a dirty smoker not deserving to see his only grandchild. I bet they will still take his checks--checks that would somehow never arrive in their house again.

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That is dreadful

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Medically indoctrinated, but we catch your drift

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The real question, is do you really want this person treating you? I’d consider it a godsend that they let you know that they are stupid.

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At least she told you she was “muy stupido.” 🤦🏽‍♀️🙄

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That & Fauci statement about uninviting the unvaccinated for Christmas 🎄 blew apart so many families 👿

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The relationship with one of my best friends from college, (that’s a 45 year friendship) will never be the same, after she bragged last year (year before?) about her all-vaxxed Thanksgiving and then wouldn’t join us camping outdoors cuz we were unvaxxed.

I haven’t seen her, she lives 3 hours away in my old hometown. I usually stay at her house when I’m up visiting family and friends, it’s really sad. The relationship is just not the same.

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Nov 16, 2023
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Thank you

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"just exclude people like emily from family gatherings and public events"

^^^ this ^^^

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I have one--a sister who looks like she is self-excluding herself this thanksgiving as well. Last one she attended was 2019. But then she is a CNN damaged, trump hating nutter who didn’t speak to me for 9 months because I was a vax sinner. This year it is because she hurt and insulted our brother very badly this summer and doesn’t want to face him. I’ll bring the baked beans again. No problem.

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Substitute the words “gas chamber” for “vaccine uptake”. Makes as much sense.

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In this case they gassed themselves too.

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While being gas lighted

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...except 'vaccine uptake' existed, while 'gas chambers' did not...

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Instead of excluding her, maybe Em's fam could have her at Thanksgiving and everyone could laugh and point at her and talk about what an idiot she is the entire time! Too mean? I don't know...haha

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Mass family shaming. Lol. We need more of that. Have you watched the Italian comedian (Brain fart). ..

He talks about the people with weird service animals, birds 🦅 & snakes 🐍..

he asks where’s their family saying “WTF are you thinking” 🤣🤣.

It’s hysterical

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Semi-related, there were some blurbs about Dan Andrews in Australia trying to put out feelers to see if he'd be accepted at some golf club after he'd had them shut down during the insane years. The general attitude was "when pigs fly". Then his friend started saying what a great guy he was. The citizens remember the stupid mandates he passed and aren't forgetting how much damage he did for no good reason. He and his ilk deserve that sort of treatment now. No amount of "we were doing the best we could" excuses are going to fly.

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Oster didn't want people vaccinated. She wanted them injected with a modRNA gene product that's since been confirmed to contain SV40 fragments plus large quantities of DNA plasmids that are capable of reverse transcribing to the nucleus. That's not a vaccine. Oster denied people informed consent. She wanted it mandated that people be injected with this. Is Oster calling for mandatory autopsies of dead jabtards and a ban on cremations until autopsies are carried out? If not, why not?

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She deserves all the juicy Karma coming her way. It inevitable and always gets its man.

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